Mcom Project 2

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It is certified that the work contained in the project report titled “Impact Of Communication On
Employees Performance,” by “ Tosheen Khan ,” has been carried out under my supervision and
that this work has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree*

Signature of Supervisor: …………….

Name: Dr Geetanjali Shrivastava Assistant Professor

Department: Commerce

Bhopal School of Social Sciences

April, 2021
Title of the Research Project

Impact Of Communication On Employees Performance

Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

BCOM Honours
Tosheen Khan
to the


April, 2021
Submitted by Guided by
Tosheen Khan Dr Geetanjali Shrivastava
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce

I hereby declare that this project report entitled “Impact of communication on employees
performance “ was carried out by me for the degree of BCOM Honours under the guidance and
supervision of Dr Geetanjali Shrivastava , Assistant Professor of Department of Commerce,
BSSS College. The interpretations put forth are based on my reading and understanding of the
original texts and they are not published anywhere in any form. The other books, articles and
websites, which I have made use of are acknowledged at the respective place in the text. This
research report is not submitted for any other degree or diploma in any other University.

Place: Bhopal

Name of the Student: Tosheen Khan

Class & Section: B.COM (HON.) 3 YEAR

Date: 15 April 2021


I would like to thank our Principal Dr. Fr. John P.J. and Vice Principal Dr Sr Sonia Kurien for
their immense support and blessings. I thank our HOD Dr Amit Kumar Nag for his support. I
would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my research guide Dr.Geetanjali
Shrivastava, Assistant Professor of Department of Commerce for her valuable suggestions and
guidance and for giving me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful research project on the
topic: Impact of communication on employees performance , Without her help it would have
been difficult for me to have reached this state of completion of my project report. Also, I would
like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in the preparation of this project.

I wish to acknowledge the help of all those who have provided me information, guidance and
other help during my research period.




“In team work , silence isn’t golden , its deadly “ . – Mark Sanborn

Humans use communication as a channel to exchange information on a regular basis to express

their ideas , feelings , beliefs etc. If ideas are exchanged collectively rather than keeping it solo ,
more comes to the table .Communication is crucial in an organization among the employess as it
ensures proper flow of information , policies , resources etc.

Employees performance is the outcome of employee’s behavior while performing a particular

task . Employee performance involves achievement of each employee in accordance with
organization’s regulations , requirements and expectations . It is the result of employees efforts ,
capability ,innovation , ideas etc. and if all these elements are used together it will help in
enhancing organization’s productivity . In an organization , effective communication is a tool to
achieve quality of performance and build strong working relations .

In contemporary times business organizations are witnessing instability in terms of survival and
profits because of economic slowdown due to various factors like covid 19 being one of the
greatest. (Dukrin, 2007) Human resource is an asset to the organization . so , management
should engage with activities like communication which will make them feel obliged to work
and add value to their performance .

, its positive and negative impact on employess performance , how it pillars organization ‘s
functioning and barriers that disturbs healthy communication .

The purpose of the study is to find out the significane of communication .Communication
process involves activity of sending and receiving of messages among various level of authority ,
through numerous channels and conducting discussions on topic of work’s interest . This is a
significant process as when effectively task is communicated without any barrier , employee
promptly understands the requirement and responsibility of work . Flexible communication
allows employees to respond by providing persuasive argument and recommendations which are
readily accepted by the employer . This forms healthy relationship and results in quality of work
by the employee . Several researches emphasize on the impact of communication on employees
performance as it leads to effectiveness , increase in production , job satisfaction , organizations
profit etc.

For instance , a study conducted at Karmasangsthan Bank Limited , Bangladesh came up with
the finding that 75% of the respondents strongled agreed with the fact that effective
communication within the work place positively impacts the performance of the employees and
thus productivity of the organization is increased .The graph below depicts the result :

(Nabi NM, 2017)

We intend to conduct the research to find out how communication pillars the functioning of the
organization . It is an inevitable fact that planning , organizing , leading , staffing and controlling
functions are carried to reach the goal by the organization . Communication is the major element
that provides foundation for them to become successful .Organization communication allows
relationships and work to remain coordinated within the organization which makes employee to
excel in its work . Hence , productivity is increased .
Communication has a huge relevance in business word and ignorance to it leads to failure. Some
examples that justifies the statement :

 In 2003 , Blackout in North America emerged as one power plant failed to transmit the
information about the status of power grid leading to hundreds of powerplant go off .
This cause a loss of $ 6 billion .
 In late 1970s 2 jets in Tenerife collided because of miscommunication between pilot and
control tower , 600 people lost their lives .

This clearly suggests that miscommunication or not paying heed to communication offers failure
and negatively effects the workers work . It is a challenge that needs to be overcome by the
business as several researches conducted on this issue stand up but the solo opinion that
miscommunication disturbs work . whereas , effective communication influences employees
opinion , trust factor , persuades them , change their perception for good , improves their morale
and capability . Thereby increasing their performance level and making them way more
productive .


About IT Industry in India | Information Technology

The Information Technology & Information Technology Enabled Services (IT-ITeS) sector
is a field which is changing the shape of Indian business standards andundergoing rapid
evolution. This sector includes, consultancies, software development , software management,
business process outsourcing (BPO) and online services .

According to an article in the Times of India, India's liberalization was possible due to its IT
industry. In the 1990s, with 5,000 employees the industry started off along with an export of
nearly $100 million.India's IT exports now , are around $70 billion with 2.8 million workers
working in this sector. Now it is an industry that thrives internationally . The article states that
the IT sector is one of the top two industries in the country today.

India's IT industry was expected to grow at a rate of 12 - 14% during 2016 - 2017 as per a report
by India's software industry body National Association of Software and Services Companies
(NASSCOM.) This obviously shows that information technology is a sector which will likely be
one of the evolving markets in the upcoming days as India's economical structure requires
moresoftware, hardware, and other IT services. In a NASSCOM-McKinsey report, India's
position in the global offshore IT industry is based on five factors -, creation of urban
infrastructure, abundant talent ,operational excellence, , continued growth in the domestic IT
sectorand finally,conducive business environment
IT Industry in India :
 IT BPM industry revenues (excluding hardware) for the Financial Year 2016-17 is
estimated to be at US$ 154 billion.

 In India's GDP IT sector contributed by 7.7% in the year 2016.

 In the Financial Year 2016, to India's ITeS and IT sector revenue , TCS stood as the
market leader with about 10.4% contribution.

 The IT market is quite competitive with the top 5 IT firms contributing over 25% to the
total IT revenue.

 For the Financial Year 2017,export revenue is estimated to be at US$ 117 billion while
the domestic revenue was estimated to be at US$ 38 billion.

The IT industry is greatly influenced by factors likesustenance of its rate of growth and the
global market . The recession in the United States impacted the IT sector in India negatively.
This segment is promising and has vast potential, but the concerns regarding the demand and
supply gap are there and which are widening. Some major or primary challenges which the
industry is facing are tax issues , inadequate infrastructure, and limited preferential access for
domestic firms. China and Taiwan are examples of low cost destinations, and thus India should
also change its current tax structure so that it can stand in competition with other countries.

One of the biggest perk or can say benefits that the computer and IT industry provides in India is
the employment that it generates. Other benefits are Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and
export . New markets have been opened in the Middle East, Eastern Europe ,Africa, , and
South East Asia. India is now becoming a major destination for IT outsourcing. There is no
dearth of IT job opportunities in India. In fact, it is expected that India might overtake the US
to have the most number of software developers in the year 2018 (52 lakh developers in India
against America’s 42 lakhs).

Once Bill Gates said that he outsources software engineers from India because he dosen’t want
another Microsoft to be opened in India . India is a gaint in producing IT professionals . There
is a huge scope in it . If the educated IT scholars dosent leave India and go outside the country to
work Indian economy can witness hile in the GDP immensely .
Microsoft Corp. Ind Pvt. Ltd.

In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen, two childhood friends from Seattle, converted a BASIC, a
popular mainframe computer programming language, for use on an early personal computer
(PC), the Altair. After that , Shortly , Gates and Allen popped up with Microsoft, which
derived it’s name from the words microcomputer and software. In the next few years, they
refined BASIC and developed other programming languages. In 1980 Microsoft was asked to
produce the essential software, or operating system by ,International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM) , for its first personal computer, the IBM PC. Microsoft purchased the
operating system from another company, modified it, and then renamed it as MS-
DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). In 1981, MS-DOS was released with the IBM PC.
Thereafter, many computer manufacturers of personal computers licensed MS-DOS as their
operating system, generating huge amount of revenues for Microsoft. By the early 1990s ,more
than 100 million copies of their program Microsoft had sold and defeatedCP/M their rival
operating systems , which it displaced in the early 1980s, and then later IBM OS/2. Microsoft
deepened its roots in operating systems witha graphical user interface, Windows, whose third
version, released in 1990, gained a wide popularity. By 1993, various versions of Windows 3.0
and they too were sold at a rate of one million copies per month. Nearly 90 % of the world’s
PCs were runningon Microsoft operating system. In 1995, a new window ,the company released
i.e Windows 95, which for the first time ever was fully integrated MS-DOS with Windows
efficiently and effectively matched in ease of use Apple Computer’s Mac OS. Microsoft also
became the leader in productivity software such asword-processingspreadsheet programs, and
outdistancing their longterm rivals Lotus and WordPerfect in the happening process.

Microsoft spectacularly expanded its electronic publishing department which wascreated in 1985
and was already recognized for the success of its multimedia encyclopaedia, Encarta. It also
stepped into theentertainment industries and information services with a wide range of
products and services, most preferably the Microsoft Network and MSNBC (a joint venture with
the National Broadcasting Company, a major American television network, which began in 1995
and ended in 2012).

Entry Into The Gaming And Mobile Phone Markets

In 2001, Microsoft released Xbox, an electronic game console that immediately captured 2nd
place in the video gaming market. In 2002 Microsoft launched Xbox Live, a broadband gaming
network for its consoles. In 2005 the Xbox 360 a more strong gaming console, , was released. In
an intensely and deeply competitive market,Microsoft struggled for various years to make
consistent profits from its console where the Xbox faced strong pressure from the Nintendo
Wii and Sony PlayStation,.For instance, in 2009 the company cut the price of the Xbox 360 Elite
by approximately 25 %in order to pick up market share ,. This move was a successful one. By
2010 the Xbox 360 was the most popular and used game console in the American house . But
eventually, the price cuts also led to a 6 % drop in revenue of Microsoft’s Entertainment and
Devices Division (EDD). In 2013,the Xbox 360 was succeeded by the Xbox One, which in turn
took the place of Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S in 2020.

Competition With Google

Microsoft’s continuedits dominance in Operating System and its immediate recovery in the
“browser wars”in the search-engine market did not repeated itself, where Microsoft’s search
engine, Live Search, worked well behind those of Google Inc., the new industry giant,
and Yahoo! Inc., the durable Internet portal site. Microsoft wished to change the
market dynamics in 2009 with the release of Bing, a “decision engine” which was designed to
display more retrieved information in search pages than was typical, thus enabling better-
informed decisions concerning what links to follow or, in some of the cases, showcasing enough
information to satisfy the original query.

In 2008 , Microsoft had also offered to buy Yahoo! for $44.6 billion, but this proposal was not
accepted by Yahoo! However, negotiations and talks between the companies continued, and in
2009the agreement was reached to a place in which Yahoo! would use Bing for its Web site and
would handle premium advertisements for Microsoft’s Web site. The deal was accepted and
continued with some modifications (giving more liberty and flexibility to Yahoo!) in 2015.
Microsoft followed up the agreement that it made with Yahoo! by licensing search content from
Wolfram Research, makers of the Mathematica-powered WolframAlpha scientific search engine.

Microsoft After Bill Gates

In 2000 company cofounder Gates relinquished his role as CEO of Microsoft to Steve Ballmer,
whom Gates had met during his brief tenure at Harvard University in the 1970s. In 2006 He
granted the title of chief software architect to Ray Ozzie, a chief developer of the computer
networking package Lotus Notes in the 1990s. In 2008 Ballmer ,Ozzie, and other managers was
assigned the day-to-day running of the company by Gates , , though he remained as chairman of
the board.In 2010 Ozzie stepped down , andBallmer longtime Microsoft executive was replaced
by Satya Nadella as CEO in 2014.

Communication is a systematic and perennial process of listening telling and standing it is

a bridge of meaning -- louis Allen
(Kristina, 2020)Business communication is a tool for employees to interact among one
another . Especially organization having various heriachy usually struggle to manage. In
such a case communication between the subordinates and superior can help achieve goal
and work can be more aligned with core company values . Business communication is
always oriented towards a particular goal as it improves organization function, eliminate
silos , reduce errors and updates employees .
(Gaetano, 2019) communication importance lies in :
1. Present innovative ideas and plans .
2. Discussion suggestion opinion are exchange for developing a plan for a program .
3. Reaches to a conclusion or agreement .
4. Effective and fruitful meeting.

Employees engagement is vital for business growth . Communication among them is a area
where organization needs to Pan their camera and work upon . Communication can be online
through web, telephone, videoconferencing , face to face, written reports and documents,
board meetings etc. Priority methods are required to be looked upon, this makes employees
feel motivated and engaged . This improves employees performance as they feel
acknowledged for what they are doing.

(Valene, 2020)Business communication that too internal i.e among the employee is very
important in this changing world there are several statistics provided about internal
communication which are required to the address at it is the justification of the research
conducted :
1 60% of companies do not have a strategy for internal communication .
2 Intranet is used by only 13% employees on a daily basis .
3 74% of employees feel that they are far from the company's news .
4 72% of employees do not have a complete knowledge about their company's strategy.
5 20 to 25% of employees productivity increases if they remain connected with one another .
6 Eexecutive feel that only 23 % employees goals are aligned with corporate purpose other
needed to be made enthusiastic by communicating them the Vision and Mission of the
company .
7 62% emails by employees are considered irrelevant by the top management this gives birth to
the chance of missing out important information by the manager .
8 75% of employee prefer visual learning i.e not reading but watching videos .
9 Effective communication program and change can outperform the company's peers
performance 3.5 times .
Several works on communication has emphasized on role of effective communication that it
plays in boosting employees moral, improving that performance in the organization.The gap
in the literature is that studies did not survey about the organization structure and the
influence of it on communication process of the company and then employees performance.
This study is intended to come up with the data that organization with a centralized or
decentralized structure and authoritarian or democratic leader facilitates or hampers effective
communication among the employees and it impact on their performance .
Organizations vary their work environment differ , their functions are diverse and different so
communication policies of them cannot be generalized . There have been ample amount of
researches about communication among employees in the organization but those studies
never specified which type of organization with what kind of leaders . These 2 factors were
never addressed in any study . Thus this study is conducted to find the nature of
communication practices in centralized or decentralized organization with may be a
democratic or authoritarian leader . As they have a huge role in influencing effective
communication among employees . They have control over the flow of messages pr
information in the organization which can negatively or positively effect employees
performance .



(ong choon hee, 2019) The manner an organization operates with its communication process is
reflected in its employees performance as effective and healthy communication allows
employees to become more productive and efficient . Communication boosts morale and energy
of employees whereby resulting in excellent performance which lead to higher quality of work
and higher productivity . Effective communication among employees binds them and team them
up leading to positive outcomes . This also reduces employee turnover of an organization .

However ,weak communication promotes loss of confidence , relations and ineffective

operations . Organizations holding deficiency in communication usually witness low employee
performance .

Outlined by Zaremba (2003), “Communication is a central and not a peripheral component of

organizational effectiveness. It is not a frill. It is vital; Communication is a pervasive activity in
organizations. It is not something that only some people in organizations must do or something
that occurs infrequently; internal communication is multifaceted and deceptively simple matter”.

(Titang)Communication allows to more appropriately understand one another’s feelings ,

beliefs , principles , ideas etc. This is not a secret that contemporary researches has illustrated
that well organized and effectual communication positively relates to job satisfaction , positive
attitude of employees towards work and quality performance. Healthy communication among
employees and ,management forms a clear vision whereby employees rendering services in
organizational benefit and doing the job up to the mark. If employees are not kept well informed
about organization’s strategies and responsibilities their will be less accuracy and efficiency in
the work. So , implementing a sound internal communication policy will be instrumental in
speeding up the work along with accuracy , coupled with forming improved structures that will
facilitate ease of access and flow of information , thereby receiving focused employee disposed
to carry out their job well .

Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989) referred communication and information flow as lifeblood of the
organization which can reveal and eliminate problems in an organization . Workers productivity
is bound to increase with stable communication among them and management also .More often
in large organizations there is more possibility of an obstacle to occur in communication process
due to heriachy ,misinformation , rumors etc and thus , negatively impacting employees
psychology and hence performance.
Herion (1942) is credited to give an outline of two way information sharing where
communication between sender and receiver demands the freedom and opportunity to ask
questions , get answers and exchange the ideas .

The research conducted in self Reliance NGO on impact of internal communication among
employees revealed that there is asignificant positive impact of internal communication on
employees performance which organization can get as a tool to improve productive levels . It
drives towards enhancing employees performance .

(Rukmana Haris Dwi, 2018)Each individual employee working in an organization has got
different nature , character ,will power and competencies . Here the manager has to come up with
the role of channalising all there elements through a appropriate medium for improved
performance. One way can be increase motivation of employee so that they give their best .
Motivation can be influenced by a number of things , one of them is effective communication .
Communicating employees about their work , giving them good examples , appreciation ,
suggestions by colleagues and employer, all these contribute for building their morale and hence
improved performance .

According to Rajhans (2012) , internal communication plays a significant role in ideal

motivational acts . Where in the support of the statement , Muchals (2014) explained
communication raised employees motivation by conveying employees about what and how they
need to do , feedbacks , ideas etc.

Tomkins and cheney in Littlejohn an Foss (2009) explained organizational control Theory . In
the theory it is stated that employer uses communication to control employee performance , so
that organization can run well and successfully . The statement is supported by Bovee and
Thill(2007) , stated that if among the teamwork members there is communication attention it will
deliver fast and on point message , less misunderstanding leading to receive optimum output by
the employee .

The research conducted at P T Putripandi Unit II Tulungagung, Indonesia revealed that the
information passed by the employer was encoded by most of the employee. But according to few
employees short and unclear messages were uttered by the employer .Also harsh attitude while
communicating by employer was displayed .So these employees are unwilling to confirm to the
work communicated by the employer. This worsened the relationship between them and resulted
in no adherence to the work assigned . Hence , lower performance and productivity . Thus , it is
revealed that organizations communication has direct impact on employees performance . So ,
some recommendations were delivered by the researcher to improve employee performance , one
of them being improvement in communication of both the employer and employee by ways like
feedbacks , suggestions , discussions etc.
(florence, 2015)Communication among employees is the internal communication that occurs
between managers, employees, peer to peer ,fellows etc. Connecting of employees is geared up
by effective communication among them in order to simplify the realization of collective
interest and undefined cooperation. It ensures groundbreaking results as employees performance
is improved by coordination and collaboration . Professionals encompasses variant opinions
about communication competency which is used as a predictor of employee success.
Organisations having effective communication systems builds a collaborative team showcasing
coordination . such teams come out with shining colors and achieve the target .But lack of a
appropriate communication system reflects disappointing performance by employees and hence
critically damage individual morale for work . IN all such cases managers can can up with
healing measures like timely disposal of correct information , feedbacks, conveying work
strategy and progress, providing space of discussions with fellows and updating with all the
activities occurring .As a result , good quality result by employees can be witnessed . As a
response managers can initiate the appraisal practice through communication process which will
inturn boost employee morale to again work more hard .

Several studies show that openness of communication and supportive communication by fellows
has direct relation with employess performance . Practices where employee can share its need
and frustration makes employee feel peaceful and grievance is reduced whereby becomes
resource of the organization . And Employee feels satisfied and psychological need is fulfilled
as he can freely share his / her opinion without hesitation . This increases the production level of
the employee .

The research done by Otto Florence in Ghana Revenue Authority (2015) investigated the role of
communication in influencing employee performance. It examined the communication
system , identified barriers and measured employees performance .The study then came up with
the result that communication channels like telephone , memos , e mail , face to face interactions
and grapevine ‘s were used . Through theses flexible methods of communication employees
performed quite well as they met their targets and provided the required outcomes . But the
correlation between measure of effective communication and employees performance in the
study found that some loopholes like selective listening , distractions , flexibility has to be filled
. The study provided some recommendations for the same like feedbacks , notice boards ,
internet channels and reduction of bottleneck communication . All these measures can be
adopted by Ghana Revenue Authority to reduce pressure on employees and improve their
performance .

(Shonubi, 2016)Now a days , the business world demands effective communication because
human resource being one of the factors of production neededto be handled in terms of their
thoughts , feelings and emotions to secure productivity . All human endavours require
communication skills , be it business. Communication influences employee perception and
opinions . Therefore it is a managerial tool which allows employees to coordinate activities and
reduce burden . This lifehood of an organization allows making plans , reach agreements etc.
Communication skills occupy a strong place because when employees find that there is a limit of
their communication and hence their work progress stumbles. This makes them difficult to raise
beyond their limits and realize their full potential.

(Akankwasa)The research conducted at the Ministry of lands , Housing and Urban

Development (MLHUD) found that effective communication has a positive effect on employee
performance . Their regression coefficient showed that 1% increase in effective communication
increases employees performance keeping other factors constant . But some flaws like not paying
heed to upward communication , internet means etc. So , recommendations like reducing
bottlenecks , increased candid communication , giving feedbacks were made by the researcher to
fulfill the gap .

(Kalogiannidis, 2020)A study was conducted in order to explore impact of business

communication on employees performance by collecting data from 110 respondents from
different banking institutions in Greece . Upward , downward , horizontal , vertical
conceptualization of communication was done and results indicates that all of them have a
positive and significant relationship with employee performance . Dependence of business on
communication mechanism for getting best performance from employees is always fruitful for
any organization . General trust , commitment to work , healthy relations and cooperation among
employees can be build by maintaining a smooth and flexible flow of information across the

(Catherine Njeri Chege, 2014)A study conducted at a NGO named Save the Children revealed
that inappropriate form of communication , language , lack og feedback acted as barrier in
effective performance of employees as they get confused and demotivated lack of trust can be
seen as confidentiality of information is missing . Informal and unofficial communication
among staff was effective enough to enhance employees performance.

(Udu Ama Aka, 2018)A study was conducted at Bayelsa State of Nigeria . The findings
revealed that messages sent , correct medium of exchange and feedback were significant
predictors of employee performance. The study mentioned that communication allows manager
to choose and tailor plans , policies , procedures according to employee needs which improves
activity of employee at workplace . sending , receving , encoding of messages prompted action
and good performance by employees without contradiction . Communication process ensures
harmonization of work followed by increase in productivity .

(Lang, 2019)Success and failure of employees can be impacted by communication . A healthy

communication creates a collaborative environment that allows an organization to carry out its
functions effectively . Negatively talked words demotivate and disengages the employee from
work leaving them with self doubt . On the contrary acknowledgement , support , encouragement
increases motivation manifolds leaving the worker with higher productivity .


(youtube, 2019)Effective communication among employees in workplace encourages team work
where individuality shifts to collectivity . It empowers morale of employee as employee feel free
to voice their opinion which make them feel valued and appreciated in turn boosting their energy
to act their best . It also contributes in reducing cost as open communication channels allows
dispread of knowledge and ideas whereby improving work procedure and optimum utilization of
resources .

(Kriti, 2009)The study conducted at a manufacturing company Vanaz Engineers Ltd. , Pune
finds that effective communication has a long lasting effect on employee motivation ,
satisfaction, commitment to work and trust in workplace . The company has lowest staff turnover
ratio as they do proper disposal of information , readily accept suggestions and decisions by
subordinates if communicated by them , innovative means of communication are followed . They
understand importance of motivated employees and avoid basic communication errors as it may
lead to dissatisfaction .

(Krishnan, 2013)The study with 163 respondents of different hotels in Coimbatore which
revealed through its statistical data that there is a significant and positive correlation between
employee communication and employee engagement to work . Thus their study hold the view
that organizations are required to pay attention on tactics and strategies of communication which
makes employee more engaged to work .

(Srivastava Dr, 2016)The review is of the opinion that communication boosts workplace
outcomes and business growth gets a drive . Employee retention is ensured if organization
communicates about strategies of career hike and makes them reach to the peak of their ability
.One to one discussions allows employees to sparkle creative ideas and build connections . This
further improves employee engagement and their performance graph moves in upward direction .
(Bhatia Dr Kanchan, 2015)A study was conducted in order to scrutinize the relation between
employee performance and internal communication in public sector institutions of Bangalore
with 40 sample population . the study concluded that communication is crucial for employees
performance and thus organizations must articulate policies on upward and downward
communication , constructive feedback , openness to suggstionsand clarity in orders . This
makes employee alert of what organization expects from them and they provide the same . All
this should be based by powerful channels of communication .

(Darshana, 2021) Engaged workforce is outcome of cornerstone communication . Employee

engagement , productivity , morale is boosted by communication which is effective at workplace
. It’ s heart and soul of work . In its absence, no motivation of intrinsic work , no relations and no
path breaking results .

(Peter, 2019)Corporate communication both internal and external enables entire workforce to
come up with unified and spectacular contribution to business success. The article also reads
that the organisation that hold hi rate at employee energy all supposed to be good at internal
communication. As their communication goals encourage advocacy employees knowledge
sharing, problem issues resolving, referrals from engaged employee

(agriculture extension management) Downward communication helps employees to

understand their work and make them realise how poor/ excellent performance effect them.
Whereas upward communication helps grievance, counselling , questionnaire, interviews.
Interactive communication like networks and graphene and results in task coordination,
information, sharing, problem solving and conflict resolution.thus Good communication makes
employee more involved, get precise information. Communication failure layers employee
performance and threatens organisational performance. Hence communication can be said as a
nervous system of the business.

(Strenghtspace) Effective communication skills are of use significance especially for managers
as they through this Skill can improve productivity model of employee with Unity. Managers
can do so by providing feedbacks employees so that they can Realize their ups and down and
perform better according to organizations setup. Also conflicts can be resolved As employees
can share their problems freely. Managers exercising Candid communication practices with
employees are rewarded with higher performance level and success of their business.

(Chanana Nisha, 2020)Covid-19 lead to complete shutdown and force employees to work from
home. In such critical situation, employee engagement was to be insured by the organisations.
Thus, for this purpose technological communication practices were adopted like virtual meetups,
online sessions for hygiene, safety, brainstorming, feedback to employees,online entire team
conferences etc. These practices boosted employees morale and motivated their spirits for
performance in this pandemic also.



1. To determine that decentralized/ centralized organization with authoritative/ democratic
leaders are flexible with communication or not.

2. To find that employees performance is positively affected when organization focuses on

effective communication at all the levels.

3. Find the communication barriers .

4. To provide remedial actions for extracting about communication barriers.


Null Hypothesis (H0) : When organization is decentralized and has democratic leader
communication process becomes more effective and flexible.

Alternative hypothesis : when organization is centralized and has democratic leader

communication process is more effective and flexible .


This study is conducted in a multinational company in Microsoft Bengaluru india. It is a US
based MNC. The estimate sample size of of the study is 200 respondents drawn from all the
levels ; junior , senior, manager of the company. The research was carried out within 2 months
and all the information was gathered from the employee of the organisation for the study.

The interest of the study is to determine whether decentralized or centralised organisation is a

factor effective communication in the organisation or not. additional factors are authoritative
and democratic leaders which impacts the communication process, its flexibility and ease in the
organisation. The leaders accept ideas and suggestions from employees and them with feedback.
This will find the effectiveness of communication culture in the company.

This study is also intended to prove the productiveness of communication at all the levels in the
organisation. Elements like healthy with mutual understanding that does not involve top
management among employees, updated employees and their impact on employees performance
is studied.
Study will also attempt to highlight the area where the company lags its effectiveness in
communication. These barriers pull down the uprising communication culture of the company.
The interest of the study regarding employee performance will determine the impact of these

The study also attempts to provide remedies for the communication gap in order to redress them
and bring the communication culture of the company to 100% best rank as effective
communication as a a position impact on employee performance and results are always


Population is a comprehensive group of organizations , people , individuals , objects
which have homogenous features and characters that are of the researchers interest .
The population which is studied for the research is the employees working in the MNC
Microsoft , India . The employees are of all the level i.e top , middle and bottom level are
used for conducting the research.

It represents the group og individual / elements from the specific population .
From the entire population samples of employees has been taken from top , middle and
bottom level . The sample population consist of manager , senior and juniors from all the
levels respectively .

The total of all the samples that have been selected from the particular population for the
study .
The sample size which is studied for the research is 200 respondents .

Samples can be selected through various methods . In this study Random Sampling
method is used which makes sure that there is equal probability of each element of the
population of being selected . Samples here are not selected at the researcher discretion .
It is also called Probability Sampling. It is free from bias .
In Random Sampling also the method used among different methods is Simple Random
Sampling where among the entire population each element has equal chance of being
selected .

Data is analyzed by analyzing the questionnaire through Inferential statistics.


The research conducted is however subjected to several limitations :

1. The problem addressed in the research is restricted to only internal communication among
employees within the organization and it's impact is only analyzed on employees performance.
This narrow scope prohibits the study of external communication impacts on employees
performance. This gap can be filled by future researches working on this problem by widening
their scope of study to both internal and external communication of the organization.

2. The findings of the research has to be seen in the light of some limitation. The total
population in the organization which is relevant for this study but the sample selection was
limited to only 200 individuals stop if the sample size would have been larger, the results would
come out more precisely. Small sample size does not allowed the central tendency of the entire
population to be displayed.

3. Time constraint stands as one of the prominent limitation. Smaller time period does not
facilitated depth study of the problem and data collection procedure cannot be carried out more



The primary study conducted and data has been collected through questionnaire .

Q1 . Employee Name :


The questioned asked from the respondents was to tell their names . All 150 respondents
disclosed their names while filling the questionnaire.

Q2. Employee Designation


All 150 respondents provided their designation . The respondents comprises of all thr levels
whether junior , senior , manager ,intern which widens the scope of the study from diverse
Q3. Company Type :

a) Centralized b) Decentralized


Centralized 150

Decentralized 0


The above graph reads that all the respondents surveyed describe the company as centralized
organization which indicates that the decision making authority lies with the top level of the
hierarchy. The commands are flowed from the head office to the subordinates which are to be
strictly followed by them .

Standard Deviation, s: 106.06601717798

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s : 11250
Q4. Leaders in the company are :

a) Authoritarian b) Democratic


Authoritarian 150

Democratic 0


The graph clearly displays that all of the respondents holds the view that the leaders are
Authoritarian in the company . Thus , the leaders in the company keep entire control over all
the activities and decision making authority lies with them . The regulation process of all the
tasks is done based on their ideas , judgments and interpretation . This restricts the
involvement of lower management in decision making procedure .

Standard Deviation, s: 106.06601717798

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s : 11250
Q5.Are you kept well informed about work group's all plans and progress ?

a) Yes b) no c) sometimes d) never


yes 150
no 0
sometimes 0
never 0


The graph shows that all 150 respondents are in favour of the statement that they are informed
and kept updated about all the upcoming tasks , plans ,events and program .All the information is
already communicated to them on time and they have knowledge of all events .

Standard Deviation, s: 75
Count, N: 4
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 37.5
Variance, s2: 5625

Q6. Are you offered with enough opportunities to express your ideas to upper management ?
a) Yes b) no c) sometimes d) never

yes 149
No 0
sometimes 1
never 0


The people surveyed are 150 out of them 1 respondent feels that sometimes only he gets a
chance to express his ideas to the upper management. All 149 individuals finds that
opportunities are provided to them where they can communicate the management with their
ideas . They can speak up what is running in their minds with the top managers .

Standard Deviation, s: 74.334828086615

Count, N: 4
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 37.5
Variance, s2: 5525.6666666667
Q7.Are Town hall meetings conducted to share information ?

a) Frequently b) rarely c) never

Frequently 2
rarely 25
never 123


Town hall meetings are also known as all hand meeting where all the employees gather together
and the top management provide them with latest information . The employees can also provide
feedback to their leaders can speak up their unfiltered opinion , ask questions and provide
suggestions . Employees feel engaged . The graph shows that 82 % respondents feels that town
hall meetings are never conducted , while 16.7% feels that it is rarely conducted whereas only
1.3 % ( i.e 2 ) respondents feel that it is frequently conducted .

Standard Deviation, s: 64.257295305669

Count, N: 3
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 50
Variance, s2: 4129
Q8.Does effective communication essential for work with your colleagues take place without
the involvement of top management ?

a) Yes b) No

yes 149
no 1


149 respondents believe that top management involvement is there in work related
communication for carrying out the communication more effectively as decision making
authority lies with the top executive being a centralized organization . This ensures fast and
accurate decisions which creates better understanding among employees.

Standard Deviation, s: 104.65180361561

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s2: 10952
Q9.Does any unhealthy communication occurs among you and your colleagues related to work
assigned together to both of you ?

a) Usually b) Rarely c) Never

Usually 2
rarely 24
never 124


The above graphs represents that 82.7% people thinks that unhealthy communication never
occurs between them while 16% holds the opinion that it rarely occurs . Only 1.3 % feels that it
usually occurs . Maximum of them feels that communication is healthy among them which is a
positive indication for their performance improvement .

Standard Deviation, s: 65.023072828035

Count, N: 3
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 50
Variance, s2: 4228
Q10 .The interaction with your colleagues in office is usually:

a)productive for work b)unproductive for work

Productive for work 150
unproductive for work 0


All 150 respondents holds the view that the communication in the organization is productive for
work. The graph also Shows that the communication is beneficial for employees performance as it is
usually productive .

Standard Deviation, s: 106.06601717798

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s2: 11250
Q11.Does your company support open door communication policy ?

a) Yes b) no

yes 149
no 1


The graph shows that out of 150 respondents 149 respondents are of the view that the
company supports open door communication policy with always ready to accept Idea,
suggestion and provide the employees all the information and feedback .This benefits the
employee and supports them for their work as open communication eases employees work .

Standard Deviation, s: 104.65180361561

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s : 10952

Q12.Do you agree that your company's communication culture is effective enough to enhance
your performance ?

a) Agree b) disagree c) neutral

agree 147
disagree 0
neutral 3


The above graph clearly shows that 98% of the respondents (147) holds the view that company’s
communication culture is effective enough to improve the performance .This means that
communication is flexible and easy for employee so that they can carry out that jobs without any
hazard or difficulty. The company's communication culture is supported for employees work.

Standard Deviation, s: 101.82337649086

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s : 10368

Q13.Are you provided with frequent feedbacks about your performance ?

a) Yes b) no c) sometimes d) never

yes 149
no 0
sometimes 1
never 0


The graph shows that 99.3% of the respondents i.e 149 believed that company provides them
with frequent feedback and talks with employees about their work which help them to identify
their drawbacks ,deficiency in their work and work upon the same so that the performance is

Standard Deviation, s: 74.334828086615

Count, N: 4
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 37.5
Variance, s : 5525.6666666667

Q14.How does your company's communication policy affects your work ?

a) Positively b) negatively


positively 150
negatively 0

The graph represents the viewpoint that 100% of the employees feel that communication culture
is so positive that it affect their performance positively and is employees performance is
enhanced by this supporting communication culture.

Standard Deviation, s: 106.06601717798

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s2: 11250

Q15.Does your company require any improvements in its communication structure ?

a) Yes b) No


yes 2

no 148

98.7 % of the respondents feel that the company does not require any change in its
communication structure as they are in favor of the communication that their company because it
always helps in improving the work because it provides them with motivation , clarity ,
acknowledgement etc. This means that the communication culture of the company is already
constructed according to the Will of the employees which help them to carry out their work
effectively and efficiently resulting in their improved performance.

Standard Deviation, s: 103.23759005324

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s : 10658

Q16.State reason for the above questions choice whether chosen Yes or No .

Long answer type text :


Out of 150 individuals only 22 of them desired to give this answer . This question was directly
related to the previous question and demanded the respondents to state the reason for their yes or
no of the previous question. Majority of them chose NO but then 22 of them who attempted the
question wrote that there is no reason , not applicable, nothing in their answer. This shows that
not even a single respondent was willing to state the reason .
Q17Are you satisfied with the communication process that happens in your company ?

a) Yes b) no

yes 150
no 0


All 150 employees are satisfied with the communication process of their company as it never
hampers their work progress neither creates any hurdle in their growth . They find it effective
enough to improve their performance .

Standard Deviation, s: 106.06601717798

Count, N: 2
Sum, Σx: 150
Mean, x̄: 75
Variance, s2: 11250

Q18.State the loophoole in communication process or where the company lags in

communication .

The respondents mentioned various loopholes like :

Emotional and cultural noise ,Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the
receiver ,Lack of accountability ,Conflicts in the Workplace, Insensitivity , Not Speaking With
Confidence , Inability to Listen to Others , Information overload and lack of focus , Not listening to
others, Lack of Managerial Involvement , Talking too much, Language ,Misalignment with the
company’s strategy ,Not Paying Attention,Dissatisfaction or Disinterest With One's Job ,lack of
credibility ,Differences in perception and viewpoint, Not being prepared,Inability to Listen to
Others , Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties ,communication lag
is something most remote workers experience ,Confusion and misunderstanding ,Poor
collaboration between team ,poor employee engagement, high turnover, and lower revenue
growth ,Lower employee productivity Poor company culture ,Frustration and poor employee
engagement ,Poor collaboration between team ,
Poor company culture Bad reputation , Cultural diversity in the workplace ,Silos across the
organization , Frustration and poor employee engagement Lack of accountability ,Not
Communicating the Right Information to the Right Employees , Don’t Let Your Employees
Personalize Their Newsfeed ,Lower employee productivity , Frustration and poor employee
engagement , Reputation among employees, lack of knowledge , misunderstanding among
employee , Deadline for important projects ,Being a good listener ,Lack of eye contact
Friendliness. Confidence. ,Not Behaving With Confidence, People's attitudes and emotional state,
Distractions and other priorities , Time zone and geography ,Unclear Goals Distorts Job Duties,
Lack of interest , Distractions and other priorities ,Cultures and languages , Lack of interest ,
Cultural Differences & Language , Not listening to others , Individual Perceptions / Attitudes /
Personalities , nCommunication Styles when they differ , Lack of knowledge , dissatisfaction ,
Not Behaving With Confidence , Lack of focus on work , Allegiances , Not Paying Attention ,
Interest , Work harder , Think before you speak , Differences in perception and viewpoint ,
Length of communication , Choice of communication channel , Not Speaking With Confidence. ...
Not Behaving With Confidence , Not Paying Attention. ... Not Speaking With Confidence. ... Not
Behaving With Confidence , Unclear Goals Distorts Job Duties , Not Speaking With Confidence.
Nothing or little in common , Physical disabilities , Obstinance. ... Allegiances , Lack of
Transparency & Trust , Unclear Goals Distorts Job Duties. ... Lack of Managerial Involvement
Poor Communication , Lack of attention, interest , distractions, or irrelevance to the receive ,
lack of credibility. ... Talking too much., Physical disabilities and credibility .

Q19.State atleast one suggestion to fill the communication gap in order to make communication
more effective.

Out of 150 respondents only 99 0f them attempted the question and provided the following
suggestion for improvement in communication :

Participate in group communication exercises , Respond appropriately ,Communicate face to face

on the important issues , Use Simple Words , Understand the Need , You can't share a message
or piece of information effectively until it is clearly defined , Manage Passive Communication
Listen more, talk less , Understand the Need , Know Your Audience , Pay attention to nonverbal
communication , you need to avoid distractions and stay focused , Pay attention. Give the
speaker your undivided attention , Take care of your body language and tone ,Build up your
confidence by asking for feedback and observing others , Be brief, yet specific , Listen to others
Create a Receptive Atmosphere , Somehow, when we think of communication, it's almost
instinctive to focus on the way we share our thoughts with others., Communication of Clarification
of the idea. Communication should be according to the needs of the receiver , Consulting others
before communication , Pay attention to nonverbal communication , Be sensitive to differences in
technical knowledge , Use analogies to explain technical concepts , less about talking and more
about listening , Visual Communication , Simplify your messages , Clarity and Completeness,
Keep an open mind. Try not to interrupt , Respond appropriately. Active listening encourages
respect , Ask questions , Try not to interrupt , Show that you're listening. It is important that you
are 'seen' to be , Open-Mindedness , Respond as per seniors ,Knowledge of projects ,
Listen more about projects , Know Your Audience , Participate in group communication
Listen more , Work harder , Communicate face to face ,Give feedback. Our life experiences and
beliefs can distort , Try not to interrupt , Make eye contact to.others , Being a good listener
Friendliness. ... Confidence. ... Empathy , Being prepared for everything , AlwaysListen to seniors
, when we think of communication, it's almost instinctive to focus on the way we share our
thoughts with others , Take care of your body language and tone , Build up your confidence by
asking , Communicate face to face , Simplify and stay on message , Somehow, when we think of
communication, it's almost instinctive to focus on the way we share our thoughts with others.
Listen more talk less , You can't share a message or piece of information effectively until it is
clearly defined , you need to avoid distractions and stay focused , Open Meeting. It is easier to
communicate your passion and how you feel to your team via open meetings , Communication
via Training , Display Confidence and Seriousness , Communication via Training.
Listen more , Use Simple Words. ... Use Visuals , Open Meeting. It is easier to communicate your
passion and how you feel to your team via open meetings, Nonverbal communication should
reinforce what is being said, not contradict it , Display Confidence , You can't share a message or
piece of information effectively until it is clearly defined , Talk each other , Understand the
NeedOne on OneCommunication , Listen everything .
Q20.Rank the company's communication policy .

1 2 3 4 5

Average Best

1 Average 0
2 0
3 8
4 58
5 Best 82


The respondents very asked to rate the communication structure of their company where out of
150 , 82 individuals ranked it with 5 stars that means best in communication . 58 of them gave 4
stars that means less than best while others (8) provided with 3 stars means above average .

Standard Deviation, s: 37.753587026047

Count, N: 3
Sum, Σx: 148
Mean, x̄: 49.333333333333
Variance, s2: 1425.3333333333

Chi-square test for variance, using χ² distribution (DF=149.0000) (two-tailed)

Question 3 :

1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected.
The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is considered to be not
equal to the expected standard deviation (σ).
In other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group-
1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%).
The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.

3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0132444, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range:
[117.0980 : 184.6870].
S=106.07, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9973.1900 : 12524.9930].

Question 4 :

1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected.
The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is considered to be not
equal to the expected standard deviation (σ).
In other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group-
1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%).
The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.

3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0132444, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range:
[117.0980 : 184.6870].
S=106.07, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9973.1900 : 12524.9930].

Question 5 :
1 .H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is
considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In other words, the difference
between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is
big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.

3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0264889, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range: [117.0980 :
184.6870]. S=75.00, is not in the 95% accepted range: [4986.5950 : 6262.4970].

Question 6 :
1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is
considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In other words, the difference
between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is
big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.
3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0269651, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range: [117.0980 :
184.6870]. S=74.33, is not in the 95% accepted range: [4898.5350 : 6151.9050].

Question 7 :

1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected.
The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is considered to be not
equal to the expected standard deviation (σ).
In other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group-
1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%).
The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.

3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0360862, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range:
[117.0980 : 184.6870].
S=64.26, is not in the 95% accepted range: [3660.3820 : 4596.9510].

Question 8 :

1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected.
The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is considered to be not
equal to the expected standard deviation (σ).
In other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group-
1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%).
The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.
3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0136048, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range:
[117.0980 : 184.6870].
S=104.65, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9709.0110 : 12193.2200].

Question 9 :

1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected.
The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is considered to be not
equal to the expected standard deviation (σ).
In other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group-
1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%).
The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.

3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0352412, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range:
[117.0980 : 184.6870].
S=65.02, is not in the 95% accepted range: [3748.1460 : 4707.1710].

Question 10 :

1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected.
The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is considered to be not
equal to the expected standard deviation (σ).
In other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group-
1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.
2. P-value
p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1 error
(rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%).
The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.

3. The statistics
The test statistic χ² equals 0.0132444, is not in the 95% critical value accepted range:
[117.0980 : 184.6870].
S=106.07, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9973.1900 : 12524.9930].

Question 11 :

1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-1's population is
considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In other words, the difference
between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and expected standard deviation (σ) is
big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1
error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports

3. The statisticsThe test statistic χ² equals 0.0136048, is not in the 95% critical value accepted
range: [117.0980 : 184.6870]. S=104.65, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9709.0110 :

Question 12 :
1. H0 hypothesis Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-
1's population is considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In other
words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and expected
standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1
error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports
3. The statistics The test statistic χ² equals 0.0143711, is not in the 95% critical value accepted
range: [117.0980 : 184.6870]. S=101.82, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9191.2920 :

Question 13 :
1 . H0 hypothesis Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of
Group-1's population is considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In
other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and
expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-valuep-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1
error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports

3. The statistics The test statistic χ² equals 0.0269651, is not in the 95% critical value accepted
range: [117.0980 : 184.6870]. S=74.33, is not in the 95% accepted range: [4898.5350 :

Question 14 :
1. H0 hypothesisSince p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-
1's population is considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In other
words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and expected
standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1
error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports

3. The statistics The test statistic χ² equals 0.0132444, is not in the 95% critical value accepted
range: [117.0980 : 184.6870]. S=106.07, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9973.1900 :

Question 15 :
1 . H0 hypothesis Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of
Group-1's population is considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In
other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and
expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1
error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports

3. The statisticsThe test statistic χ² equals 0.0139801, is not in the 95% critical value accepted
range: [117.0980 : 184.6870]. S=103.24, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9448.3790 :

Question 17 :
1. H0 hypothesis Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of Group-
1's population is considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In other
words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and expected
standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-valuep-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1
error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports

3. The statisticsThe test statistic χ² equals 0.0132444, is not in the 95% critical value accepted
range: [117.0980 : 184.6870]. S=106.07, is not in the 95% accepted range: [9973.1900 :

Question 20 :
1 . H0 hypothesis Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected. The sample standard deviation (S) of
Group-1's population is considered to be not equal to the expected standard deviation (σ). In
other words, the difference between the sample standard deviation (S) of the Group- 1 and
expected standard deviation (σ) is big enough to be statistically significant.

2. P-value p-value equals 0.00000, ( p(x≤χ²) = 0.00000 ). This means that the chance of type1
error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.000 (0.0%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports
3. The statisticsThe test statistic χ² equals 0.104537, is not in the 95% critical value accepted
range: [117.0980 : 184.6870]. S=37.75, is not in the 95% accepted range: [1263.5660 :



 The top level management ensures that employees are updated about all work related
plans , programs , policies and strategies .This increases employees clarity of work and
reduce misunderstandings and delay .
 The company even after having authoritarian leaders provides equal opportunity to
employees at lower level to come up and speak out their ideas , thoughts etc. This
improves employees morale and sense of value is added within them .
 The management understands the importance of communication with relation to
employees performance and hence provide the employees with frequent feedbacks so that
they can understand what position they stand and what rectification they require .This
helps employees to identify their area of defecit and improve the same .
 The communication policy is flexible enough for employees that they can readily
exchange information with their collegues without any top executive interference . This
makes employee feel respected and secure of their work .
 The communication between employees in the company is always positive and healthy .
Only few of them sometimes find it not so effective .
 The employees utilize the facility of communication with mutual understanding and
productively utilize it not wasting time in gossips or chit chatting . This increases
productivity of the employees .
 Irespective of being a centralized company , it supports open door communication policy
and thus employees are satisfied with it . They feel that the communication sturucture of
the company is effective in effecting their performance positively .
 The employees feel that their communication culture pillars their work and requires no
rectification .


After conducting the research the employees themselves fetched some barriers :

 Emotional and cultural noise

 Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver
 Lack of accountability
 Conflicts in the Workplace
 Insensitivity
 Not Speaking With Confidence
 Inability to Listen to Others
 Information overload and lack of focus
 Lack of Managerial Involvement
 Talking too much
 Language
 Misalignment with the company’s strategy
 Dissatisfaction or Disinterest With One's Job
 lack of credibility
 Differences in perception and viewpoint
 Not being prepared
 Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
 communication lag is something most remote workers experience.
 Confusion and misunderstanding ,Poor collaboration between team
 poor employee engagement, high turnover, and lower revenue growth.
 Lower employee productivity Poor company culture
 Frustration and poor employee engagement
 Poor collaboration between team
 Poor company culture Bad reputation
 Silos across the organization
 Frustration and poor employee engagement Lack of accountability
 Not Communicating the Right Information to the Right Employees
 Don’t Let Your Employees Personalize Their Newsfeed
 misunderstanding among employee
 Deadline for important projects
 Lack of Friendliness. Confidence
 People's attitudes and emotional state
 Distractions and other priorities.
 Time zone and geography
 Unclear Goals Distorts Job
 Individual Perceptions / Attitudes / Personalities
 Communication Styles when they differ
 Allegiances
 Think before you speak
 Length of communication
 Choice of communication channel
 Irrelevance of information to the receiver
These above barriers were addressed by the respondents which they feel that does not allow
effective communication and inturn effects their performance .
Based on analysis and interpretation of data it is a clear fact that communication process in
Microsoft , Bangalore receives due attention of the management as they know that it has a direct
impact on their employees work performance . The interaction between the employees is worth
for the work , employees are satisfied the way they are able to send and receive information with
managers and colleagues . This directly helps them enchance their productivity as they feel
acknowledged , valued and importance in the company as they are heard and well informed .
This all these aspects highlight that this centralized company promotes effective communication
which positively effects employees performance .

Not forgetting the fact that there is nothing that can be 100 % perfect . Likewise , here also there
are some loopholes in the communication structure of the company which the employees
addressed like lack of interest and confidence in speech , different perspective and culture ,
irrelevant information transferred etc . These barriers in communication sometimes affects
quality of work . Thus , some suggestions are provided by the respondents themselves to
overcome the barriers as they know the problem better hence can provide the best solution .

1 .Communicate face to face on the important issues.
2 .Use Simple Words
3.Understand the Need. You can't share a message or piece of information effectively until it is
4.clearly defined
5.Manage Passive Communication
6.Know Your Audience
7.Pay attention to nonverbal communication. need to avoid distractions and stay focused.
9.Pay attention. Give the speaker your undivided attention
10.Take care of your body language and tone
11.Build up your confidence by asking for feedback and observing others
12 .Be brief, yet specific
13.Listen to others
14.Create a Receptive Atmosphere
15. Somehow, when we think of communication, it's almost instinctive to focus on the way we
share our thoughts with others. ...
16. Communication of Clarification of the idea. Communication should be according to the needs
of the receiver.
17. Consulting others before communication.
18 . Be sensitive to differences in technical knowledge
19. Use analogies to explain technical concepts
20. Clarity and Completeness
21. Keep an open mind. Try not to interrupt
22. Respond appropriately. Active listening encourages respect
23. Ask question
24 . Respond as per seniors
25. Listen more about projects.
26. Know Your Audience.
27. Give feedback. Our life experiences and beliefs can distort
28. Make eye contact to.others
29. Friendliness. ... Confidence. ... Empathy. ..
30. AlwaysListen to seniors
31.when we think of communication, it's almost instinctive to focus on the way we share our
thoughts with others
32. Take care of your body language and tone.
33. Communicate face to face
34. Somehow, when we think of communication, it's almost instinctive to focus on the way we
share our thoughts with others.
35.You can't share a message or piece of information effectively until it is clearly defined.
36. you need to avoid distractions and stay focused
37. Open Meeting. It is easier to communicate your passion and how you feel to your team via
open meetings.
38. Communication via Trainings
39. Use Simple Words. ... Use Visuals
40. Nonverbal communication should reinforce what is being said, not contradict it
41.Participate in group exercises
42. You can't share a message or piece of information effectively until it is clearly defined
43Respond appropriately

The above suggestions from the respondents provide the way how communication constraints
can be eliminated.

The study reveals that Microsoft , India , a centralized company with authoritarian leaders
evidently focuses on communication culture of the company as employees are highly satisfied
with it and holds the view that the company doesnot require any change in the communication
structure . Some constraints were addressed which can be easily tackled by the suggestions
provided . The communication is effective enough to increase productivity and positively impact
employees performance . The company seems to be wise enough to understand that effective
communication with employees will make employees feel valued , respected and important
which will directly boost their morale . The employees will thus work even more hard and their
work will reflect increase production . This helps company gain more profit and accomplish their
goal .
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Q1 . Employee Name

Short answer

Q2. Employee Designation

Short answer

Q3. Company Type :

a) Centralized b) Decentralized

Q4. Leaders in the company are :

a) Authoritarian b) Democratic

Q5.Are you kept well informed about work group's all plans and progress ?

a) Yes b) no c) sometimes d) never

Q6. Are you offered with enough opportunities to express your ideas to upper management ?

a) Yes b) no c) sometimes d) never

Q7.Are Town hall meetings conducted to share information ?

b) a) Frequently b) rarely c) never

Q8.Does effective communication essential for work with your colleagues take place without
the involvement of top management ?

a) Yes b) No

Q9.Does any unhealthy communication occurs among you and your colleagues related to work
assigned together to both of you ?

a) Usually b) Rarely c) Never

Q10 .The interaction with your colleagues in office is usually:

b) a)productive for work b)unproductive for work

Q11.Does your company support open door communication policy ?

a) Yes b) no
Q12.Do you agree that your company's communication culture is effective enough to enhance
your performance ?

b) Agree b) disagree c) neutral

Q13.Are you provided with frequent feedbacks about your performance ?

a) Yes b) no c) sometimes d) never

Q14.How does your company's communication policy affects your work ?

a) Positively b) negatively

Q15.Does your company require any improvements in its communication structure ?

a) Yes b) No

Q16.State reason for the above questions choice whether chosen Yes or No .

Answer : Long answer type text :

Q17Are you satisfied with the communication process that happens in your company ?

a) Yes b) no

Q18.State the loophoole in communication process or where the company lags in


Answer : Long answer type text :

Q19.State atleast one suggestion to fill the communication gap in order to make communication
more effective.

Answer : Long answer type text :

Q20.Rank the company's communication policy .

1 2 3 4 5

Average Best

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