Diagnostic Utility of Clinical Laboratory Data Determinations For Patients With The Severe COVID-19
Diagnostic Utility of Clinical Laboratory Data Determinations For Patients With The Severe COVID-19
Diagnostic Utility of Clinical Laboratory Data Determinations For Patients With The Severe COVID-19
Yong Gao1, TuantuanLi1, Mingfeng Han1, Xiuyong Li1, Dong Wu3, Yuanhong
Accepted Article
Xu4, Yulin Zhu5, Yan Liu2, Xiaowu Wang1*, Linding Wang2*
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Fuyang Second People’s Hospital, Fuyang,
Anhui, China.
Department of Microbiology, Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Anhui, China
Department of pharmacy, Fuyang people's hospital, Fuyang, China.
Department of Clinical Laboratory, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical
University, Hefei, China.
Department of Pediatrics, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical
University, Hefei, China
Corresponding author
Email: [email protected]
Anhui, China.
Email: [email protected]
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but
has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading
process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of
Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/jmv.25770.
The role of clinical laboratory data in the differential diagnosis of the severe forms
of COVID-19 has not been definitely established. The aim of this study was to
look for the warning index in severe COVID-19 patients. We investigated forty-
three adult patients with COVID-19. The patients were classified into mild group
(28 patients) and severe group (15 patients). Comparison of the haematological
parameters between the mild and severe groups showed significant differences in
IL-6, D-Dimer, GLU, TT, FIB and CRP (P <0.05). The optimal threshold and area
under the ROC curve of IL-6 were 24.3 pg/mL and 0.795 respectively, while those
of D-Dimer were 0.28 µg/L and 0.750, respectively. The area under the ROC
curve (AUC) of IL-6 combined with D-Dimer was 0.840. The specificity of
predicting the severity of COVID-19 during IL-6 and D-Dimer tandem testing
was up to 93.3%, while the sensitivity of IL-6 and D-Dimer by parallel test in the
severe COVID-19 was 96.4%. IL-6 and D-Dimer were closely related to the
detection had the highest specificity and sensitivity for early prediction of the
been reported in Wuhan, a city within the Hubei province of China. The disease
respectively. In January 2020, the outbreak spread to multiple cities in China, with
human to human contacts are the main routes of transmission of the virus4. In the
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early stages of this disease, symptoms of severe acute respiratory infection occur,
multiple organ failure5. Therefore, early diagnosis and timely treatment of critical
prognosis and immune status of patients with COVID-19 are still unclear. In this
have determined the correlation between clinical laboratory data and the severity
Study Subjects
to February 2, 2020 in the Fuyang Second people's hospital. The Patients were
patients, aged 19–70 years (43.74±12.12 years), were recruited for the study.
They comprised 17 females and 26 males. Blood samples were collected from
each participant, and then used for haematological investigations. The patients
were then put into two groups in terms of the severity of the disease. Hence, there
was the mild group (consisting of 28 patients) and the severe group (consisting of
Routine blood tests [White blood cell count (WBC), Lymphocyte count (LYM),
Cystatin (Cys-c), Uric acid (UA) and C-reactive protein (CRP)] were measured
Coagulation functions [the D-Dimer, thrombin time (TT), Prothrombin time (PT),
used data from their first laboratory test on admission, while severe patients had
their most recent laboratory test before their clinical diagnosis. All the operations
Statistical Analysis
Data on AST, Urea, Cr, Cys-c, UA, CRP, WBC, LYM, MONO, NEU, TT, FIB,
in the levels of these parameters between the mild and severe patients of the
distributed. Gender was compared using χ2 test, and ages were shown as means ±
SD. Since the data regarding ALT, GLU, PCT, IL-6 and D-Dimer levels were not
normally distributed, they were compared between the two groups using Mann
Whitney U tests. The results were presented in terms of median (IQR). The AUC
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and the 95% confidence interval of the receiver operator characteristic (ROC)
curve and logistic regression analysis were computed using the predicted
probability of the severe COVID-19. The optimal cut-off points to predict the
<0.05 was considered significant. The results of the analysis were obtained using
Baseline data
The study involved forty-three patients. The mean age of the 15 patients (9 males
and 6 females) who presented with the severe form of the disease was 45.2 years
(SD: 7.68 years). The mean age of the 28 patients (17 males and 11 females) who
presented with the mild form of the disease was 42.96 years. P-values of gender in
the severe group and the mild group were 0.194 and 0.503. There were no
significant differences between the severe group and the mild group in gender and
The difference between the two groups was significant in Diabetes and COPD
levels of WBC, LYM, MONO, NEU, AST, ALT, UR, CR, CysC, UA, APTT, PT
GLU in the severe group (Median: 7.73 mmol/L; IQR:5.32 mmol/L,9.91 mmol/L)
was significantly higher than in the mild group (Median: 6.00 mmol/L; IQR: 5.45
mmol/L,7.07 mmol/L) (z= -2.293, P = 0.022). The level of CRP was significantly
higher in the severe group (39.37 ± 27.68 mg/L) than in the mild group (18.76
Accepted Article
± 22.20 mg/L)( t = 2.660, P = 0.011). The level of IL-6 was significantly higher
3.160, P = 0.002). TT level was significantly higher in the severe group (15.87 ±
2.11 s) than in the mild group (14.50 ± 1.71 s)(t = 2.319, P = 0.025). FIB level
was significantly higher in the severe group (3.84 ± 1.00 g/L) than in the mild
group (3.11 ± 0.83 g/L) (t = 2.553, P = 0.014). D-Dimer level was significantly
The ROC curve was used to analyze the early-warning efficiency and the optimal
used to predict the severity of COVID-19 was 0.795 (P < 0.0001), which could
optimum critical point of IL-6 in the group was 24.3 pg/ml, which was the upper
limit of no severe pneumonia. Similarly, the AUC used by D-Dimer to predict the
severity of pneumonia was 0.750 (P = 0.0053). The optimum critical point was
0.28 ng/L, which was the upper limit of no severe pneumonia. When IL-6 and D-
Dimer were used for combined detection, the AUC for predicting the severity was
0.840 (P <0.0001), while the AUC of other indicators (GLU, TT, FIB, CRP) were
The severe COVID-19 was as the dependent variable (yes = 1, no = 0), and IL-6
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(> 24.3 pg/mL =1, ≤ 24.3 pg/mL= 0), D-Dimer (>0.28 µg/L = 1, ≤0.28 µg/L = 0)
were as independent variables for Logistic regression analysis. IL-6 [OR =17.304
85.862), P = 0.012] were independent risk factors for the severity of COVID-19.
The regression equation used was: Logit (P) = -3.106+ 2.851 (IL-6) +2.496 (D-
Dimer), which was statistically significant (χ2 = 27.387, P = 0.000), and the
When IL-6 was over 24.3 pg/mL, the severity of COVID-19 could be predicted,
with sensitivity and the specificity of 73.3% and 89.3% respectively, The severity
of COVID-19 was predicted when D-Dimer was over 0.28 µg/L, with the
sensitivity and the specificity of 86.7% and 82.1%, respectively. When IL-6 was
beyond 24.3 pg/mL or D-Dimer was beyond 0.28 µg/L, the sensitivity and the
specificity were 93.3% and 75.0%, respectively. And the corresponding AUC was
0.872. When combined IL-6 with D-Dimer by parallel testing, the sensitivity and
the specificity were 66.7% and 96.4%, respectively. The corresponding AUC was
0.815. The specificity reached the highest point at 96.4% when IL-6 and D-Dimer
were combined by tandem testing. The sensitivity was 93.3% when IL-6 and D-
Patients had serious pneumonia and were admitted to the designated hospital in
Fuyang, China. All are imported cases. The clinical presentations are very similar
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to SARS-CoV. Coronaviruses (CoVs), a large family of single-stranded RNA
of the main pathogens of respiratory infection5. Most patients have mild symptoms
and good prognosis. So far, a few patients with SARS-CoV-2 have developed
severe pneumonia, pulmonary oedema, ARDS, or multiple organ failure and have
died. Patients with severe illness developed ARDS and required ICU admission
and oxygen therapy7. So far, no specific treatment has been recommended for
coronavirus infection except for meticulous supportive care8. Currently, the source
of the infection has not yet been identified. The approach to this disease is the use
COVID-19. We found that WBC, LYM, NEU, MONO counts were not
significantly different between the severe group and the mild group. However,
Huang C, et al found low lymphocytes and WBC counts in most patients 6. WBC
(the severe group: 4.26±1.64×109/L and the mild group 4.96±1.85×109/L) and
LYM (the severe group: 1.20±0.42×109/L and the mild group: 1.07±0.40×
109/L) were close to the bottom line of the normal range in many patients in our
study results. This result suggests that SARS-CoV-2 might mainly act on
storm in the body, generate a series of immune responses, and cause changes in
peripheral white blood cells and immune cells such as lymphocytes. Some studies
that coronavirus consumes many immune cells and inhibits the body’s cellular
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were not different between the two groups. The median and IQR of Glu in severe
COVID-19 patients were 7.73 mmol/L and 4.59 mmol/L in the severe patients.
Chen et al. reported the Glu was 7.4 (3.4) mmol/L (median and IQR)5. It might be
because most severe patients have underlying diseases that caused high Glu level.
This study found that coagulation function was significantly different between the
severe group [0.49(0.29,0.91) µg/L)] and the mild group [0.21(0.19,0.27) µg/L].
the ICU [414(191,1324) mg/L] and those not admitted to the ICU [166(101,285)
mg/L], including higher levels of D-Dimer 9. The results showed that patients with
biomarkers appeared to differ between the two groups (IL-6). However, the
group, which was significantly higher than that in the mild group
Engineering. Among these risk factors, ROC curve was used to analyze the
The AUC of IL-6 and D-Dimer were 0.795 and 0.750, respectively, while those of
When IL-6 and D-D were jointly predicted, the ROC curve integral of severe
COVID-19 was 0.840 (p< 0.01) as good predictors of severe COVID-19 under the
ROC curve, and the combined detection effect was better. Combined detection
showed that IL-6 and D-Dimer could predict severe COVID-19. The combined
IL-6 was over 24.3 pg/mL and D-Dimer was over 0.28 µg/L by series test and
parallel test, the AUC of the COVID-19 with or without the severe was over
In conclusion, our findings suggest that IL-6 and D-Dimer level can be used to
estimate the severity of COVID-19. If necessary, the levels of IL-6 and D-Dimer
should be measured, as they can help diagnose the severity of adult COVID-19
This study has several limitations. Firstly, the sample size was relatively small
compared with Wuhan, where the disease originated, which may have some
impact on the statistical results. Secondly, due to the large-scale outbreak of the
epidemic restricting the flow of people, data on healthy patients are lacking as
blank controls. Since this study was a retrospective study, not every patient was
continuously monitored for all indicators in the blood including IL-6 and d-dimer
levels. In future studies, data will be collected from healthy patients as blank
controls to further explore the predictive value of IL-6 and D-dimer for patients
This study was supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of
All authors participated in the research design. Yong Gao, Xiaowu Wang and
Linding Wang performed the data management and statistical analyses after
discussion with all authors. All authors participated in data interpretation and in
writing the manuscript. All authors took responsibility for the decision to submit
for publication.
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the severe COVID-19. (a) The prediction of the severe COVID-19 variables for
Individual indicators. (b) The prediction of the severe COVID-19 variables for IL-
IL-6 and D-Dimer both took the best critical values. D-Dimer or IL-6 represented
No. (%)
P value
Total (N = 43) Severe Mild
group(15) group(28)
Sex 0.194
Female 6 11
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Diabetes 7(16.28) 6(40.00) 1(3.57) 0.005
3(69.77) 1(6.67) 2(8.00) 0.725
Data are mean ± SD; P values indicate differences between severe group and
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FIB(g/L) 3.84±1.00 3.11±0.83 2.553
Data are mean ± SD and median (IQR); P values for differences between two
groups were obtained by a Student’s t-test or Mann Whitney U test. is