SFC Enforcement Actions Tracker

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SFC Enforcement

Actions Tracker
Showing SFC enforcement actions which resulted in fines of HKD1m or more as at 31 August 2021


03-Aug-21 UBS AG and UBS Failure to HKD9.8 million fine The SFC has reprimanded and fined UBS AG Click here
Securities Asia disclose. for USB AG and and UBS Securities Asia Limited (UBSSAL)
Limited (UBSSAL) Internal HKD1.75 million (collectively, UBS) HKD9.8 million and HKD1.75
control failure. fine for UBSSAL; million respectively over various regulatory
Regulatory reprimand breaches. Between May 2004 and May 2018,
breach UBS failed to make proper disclosure of its
financial interests in some Hong Kong listed
companies covered in its research reports. The
failure was caused by multiple data feed logic
errors in a legacy data source used by UBS for
tracking its shareholding positions.
The SFC also found that UBS AG failed to: (i)
obtain valid standing authorities from 91 clients
who were not qualified as professional investors
and issue contract notes to them between
November 2012 and February 2019 in respect
of 913 securities pooled lending transactions
entered into with these clients; (ii) record client
order instructions received through 35 telephone
lines between August 2017 and June 2019,
involving over 2,000 transactions executed for
more than 400 clients; (iii) follow applicable
regulatory guidelines relating to the assessment
of clients’ derivatives knowledge between
January 2018 and June 2020 by failing to obtain
trading evidence from clients who declared
that they had conducted five or more derivative
trades in the three years before declaration; and
(iv) disclose to 15 clients the “stop loss event”
feature of a structured note issued by an issuer,
and assure itself that the clients understood the
risks associated with that feature before selling
them the note between October 2017 and
February 2020.
The SFC considers that UBS failed to act with
due skill and care and put in place adequate
systems and controls to ensure compliance with
the applicable regulatory requirements.

29-Jun-21 Mr David Wong Wai Failure to act HKD622 million The SFC has obtained compensation orders Click here
Kwong, Mr Peter Lee in the best compensation under the Securities and Futures Ordinance from
Ka Yue and Mr Chik Ho interest of orders the Court of Appeal against three former directors
Yin (former directors company. of EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Ltd (EHL) following
of EganaGoldpfeil Misconduct. an appeal against the lower court’s decision.
(Holdings) Ltd) The three former EHL directors were ordered
to pay, jointly and severally, HKD622m as
compensation to EHL for the company’s loss of
funds as a result of their misconduct and their
failure to act in the best interest of EHL. They
were found to have failed to carry out proper
enquiries and perform appropriate due diligence
before causing or permitting various subsidiaries
of EHL to enter into transactions that were not
genuine commercial transactions.
The concerned subsidiaries were found by the
Court to be mere conduits for the transfer of
HKD622m from EHL to Peninsula International
Ltd, a company owned by the family of EHL’s
then chairman, to purchase some of the
company’s shares, instead of the purported
transactions as recorded in EHL’s internal
accounting records.
24-Jun-21 Deutsche Securities Breach of Code HKD2.45m fine; The SFC has reprimanded Deutsche Securities Click here
Asia Limited of Conduct. reprimand Asia Limited (DSAL) and fined it HKD2.45m
for issuing incorrect statements to its prime
brokerage (PB) clients and delaying reporting its
failures to the SFC.
The SFC found that between 2006 and October
2018, due to a design defect of its front
office system, DSAL issued incorrect periodic
statements to its PB clients when they were
holding positions regarding their entitlements to
bonus shares of listed companies that had not
yet become tradable by the clients. It appears
that one of DSAL’s PB clients relied on the
incorrect statements and oversold bonus shares
issued by three Hong Kong-listed companies in
July 2018. Although DSAL discovered within the
same month that incorrect statements had been
issued to this client and became aware in the
following month that the errors were caused by a
system design defect, it did not report the failures
to the SFC until February 2019 when its internal
investigation was complete.
The SFC is of the view that DSAL’s above-
mentioned failures constitute breaches of the
Code of Conduct.

11-Jun-21 Mr Cheng Chak Ngok Insider dealing. (1) Banned The MMT has banned Mr Cheng Chak Ngok, Click here
Market from dealing former executive director, chief financial officer
misconduct. in securities in and company secretary of ENN Energy Holdings
Hong Kong for 54 Limited, from dealing in securities in Hong
months Kong for 54 months after finding him culpable
(2) Disqualification of engaging in insider dealing in the shares
from being a of China Gas Holdings Limited (China Gas) in
director, or be 2011 following a retrial. Cheng has also been
concerned or disqualified for a period of 54 months from being
take part in the a director, or be concerned or take part in the
management of a management of a listed corporation.
listed corporation
for 54 months
(3) Ordered not to
engage in insider
dealing again in
the future
(4) Disgorgement
of profit of
gained from insider
dealing in China
Gas shares
(5) Payment
of costs and
expenses of the
Government and
the SFC for retrial
(6) Order that MMT
reports be referred
to the Hong
Kong Institute of
Certified Public
Accountants with
a recommendation
to take disciplinary
action against
27-May-21 Ewarton Securities Breach of Code HKD1.5m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined Ewarton Click here
Limited of Conduct. reprimand Securities Limited (Ewarton) HKD1.5m for internal
Internal control control failings and breaches of the SFC’s Code
failure. of Conduct.
The disciplinary action follows the SFC’s
sanctions (announced on 21 September
2020) against Mr Mung Wai Sun, a former
licensed representative of Ewarton, for
effecting transactions in a client’s account on a
discretionary basis without obtaining the client’s
prior written authorisation and failing to ensure
transactions undertaken on behalf of the client
were given priority over orders for his own
account between May 2017 and March 2018.
The SFC’s investigation found that Ewarton’s
failure to diligently supervise Mung and to put in
place adequate and effective internal controls
during the material time resulted in its failure to
detect and prevent his unauthorised or improper
activities and to ensure that orders of clients were
given priorities over orders of its employees.

12-May-21 China Medical & Failure to (1) Total fine of The MMT has fined China Medical & HealthCare Click here
HealthCare Group disclose. HKD4.2m Group Limited, formerly known as COL Capital
Limited (formerly known Market (2) Disqualification Limited (COL), and six of its former and current
as COL Capital Limited), misconduct. of Wong and Kong directors a total of HKD4.2m for failing to
Mr Wong Peng Chong, from being a listed disclose inside information as soon as reasonably
Mr Kong Muk Yin, Ms company director practicable following proceedings brought by
Chong Sok Un, Mr for 8 and 6 months the SFC.
Zhang Jian, Mr Ma Wah respectively COL and the six sanctioned directors admitted
Yan and Mr Lau Siu that the information relating to the profits made
(3) SFC's
Ki (former and current from COL’s position in ChinaVision Media Group
directors) Limited (ChinaVision), now known as Alibaba
and legal costs,
costs of MMT Pictures Group Limited, the overall profit figures
proceedings for March 2014 and the profit for the nine months
ended March 2014, as well as significant gains
(4) Attendance
from COL’s investment trading in the shares of
of an SFC-
ChinaVision, came to their knowledge in April
approved training
2014. However, the information was not made
public until 10 September 2014 when a positive
on corporate
profit alert was published in relation to the
disclosure regime,
company’s financial performance for the year
directors' duties
ended 30 June 2014. The six former and current
and corporate
directors also admitted that their negligent
conduct had resulted in COL’s breach of the
requirements of the corporate disclosure regime.
15-Apr-21 Optimas Capital Limited Failure to report. HKD1.05m fine; The SFC has reprimanded Optimas Capital Limited Click here
Regulatory reprimand (Optimas) and fined it HKD1.05m over failures to
breach. ensure short position reports (SPRs) for a collective
investment scheme (CIS) under its management
were accurate and compliant with the requirements
under the Securities and Futures (Short Position
Reporting) Rules.
The SFC found that a total of 350 reportable short
positions held by the CIS had been omitted in
56 SPRs prepared and submitted by Optimas to
the SFC between 23 June 2017 and 9 July 2018
due to a programming mistake. Optimas failed to
detect the mistake promptly due to inadequate
supervision and review over the work of its then
operations manager.
07-Apr-21 Mr Charles Yiu Hoi Ying Insider dealing. (1) Banned from The MMT has sanctioned Yiu and Wong (two Click here
and Ms Marian Wong Market dealing in former executives of Asia Telemedia Limited
Nam (former executives misconduct. securities (ATML) (now known as Yunfeng Financial Group
of Asia Telemedia Limited (2) Disqualification Limited)) following legal proceedings brought by
(now known as Yunfeng order the SFC.
Financial Group Limited)) The MMT’s orders came after the Court of Final
(3) Disgorgement of
losses avoided Appeal (CFA) allowed an appeal brought by
by insider dealing the SFC which argued that the defence under
amounting to section 271(3) of the Securities and Futures
HKD3.1m and Ordinance should not be applicable to Yiu and
HKD1m Wong and found them culpable of insider dealing
in the shares of ATML. The CFA remitted the
(4) Costs
matter to the MMT to deal with sanctions.
(5) Recommendation
to the Hong Kong
Institute of
Secretaries for
disciplinary action

31-Mar-21 Black Marble Breach of Code HKD1.8m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined Black Marble Click here
Securities Limited of Conduct. reprimand Securities Limited (Black Marble Securities)
Internal control HKD1.8m for internal control failings and breaches
failure. of the SFC’s Code of Conduct, following an
SFC investigation after receiving Black Marble
Securities’ report of a client complaint against
one of its licensed representatives for allegedly
conducting unauthorised trading activities in the
client’s account from August 2016 to July 2017.
The SFC found deficiencies in the internal controls,
including: (i) inadequate internal controls for
monitoring trading activities in client accounts;
(ii) no procedures to characterise and identify
client accounts without derivatives knowledge
(further enquiries were not made with the client to
ensure he understood the risks associated with
exchange-traded derivatives); (iii) no procedures
to ensure that its compliance manual and other
internal policies and procedures were adequately
and properly communicated to all staff members;
and (iv) no written policy on employee dealings
particularly specifying the conditions under which
employees may deal for their own accounts nor
requiring employees to identify all related accounts
and reporting them to the senior management.
23-Mar-21 GEO Securities Limited Internal HKD6.3m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined GEO Click here
control failure. reprimand Securities Limited (GEO) HKD6.3m for breaching its
Regulatory licensing conditions and failures related to the sale
breach. of unlisted bonds. The disciplinary action followed
Unlicensed an SFC investigation which found that GEO
activity. had provided services to clients in breach of the
conditions of its Type 1 licence.
The SFC also found serious deficiencies in GEO’s
systems and control, specifically, failure to: (i)
conduct adequate product due diligence on the
unlisted bonds before recommending them to
clients; (ii) put in place an effective system to
assess its clients’ risk tolerance and ensure the
recommendations and/or solicitations made
to its clients in relation to the unlisted bonds
were suitable for and reasonable for the clients;
(iii) maintain any documentary records of the
investment advice or recommendations given
to its clients nor provide them with a copy of
the written advice; and (iv) make disclosures
to clients of the commission it received for the
successful placement of the unlisted bonds.

17-Mar-21 Yardley Securities Limited AML. Breach HKD5m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined Yardley Click here
of Code of reprimand Securities Limited (YSL) HKD5m for failures
Conduct. in complying with anti-money laundering and
Internal counter-financing of terrorism (AML/CFT)
control failure. regulatory requirements when handling third party
Regulatory fund transfers. The SFC investigation found that,
breach. between February and October 2016, YSL failed
to take all reasonable measures to ensure that
proper safeguards exist to mitigate the risks of
money laundering and terrorist financing.
Despite red flags suggesting that some of the
third party fund transfers in two client accounts
were unusual or suspicious, YSL processed and
approved these transfers without conducting
proper enquiries and sufficient scrutiny. In addition,
YSL did not properly record enquiries it claimed
to have made in relation to these transfers. YSL
also failed to have adequate policies, procedures,
controls and provide adequate training to its
staff to ensure compliance with the AML/CFT
regulatory requirements.
The SFC is of the view that YSL’s conduct was
in breach of the Anti-Money Laundering and
Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance, the
Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-
Terrorist Financing and the Code of Conduct.
15-Mar-21 Sino-Rich Securities & AML. Breach HKD7.2m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined Sino- Click here
Futures Limited of Code of reprimand Rich Securities & Futures Limited (Sino-Rich)
Conduct. HKD7.2m for failures in complying with anti-
Internal money laundering and counter-terrorist financing
control failure. regulatory requirements when handling cash
Regulatory deposits and third party fund transfers.
breach. For cash deposits, there is no record of any
enquires made by Sino-Rich’s staff with the clients
and approvals by its responsible officers prior to
January 2017. With respect to third party transfers,
Sino-Rich’s staff were required to fill in the relevant
third party transfer forms but important information
such as the client’s relationship with the third
party, the reason for the transfer and/or the client’s
signature was not provided in around 40% of the
forms. The SFC found that a substantial number
of cash deposits and third party transfers raised a
number of red flags that warranted further inquiries
or report to the JFIU.
The SFC is of the view that Sino-Rich’s conduct
was in breach of the Anti-Money Laundering
and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance,
the Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and
Counter-Terrorist Financing, the Code of Conduct
and the Internal Control Guidelines.

11-Mar-21 Magic Holdings Failure to Total of HKD4m fine The Market Misconduct Tribunal (MMT) has fined Click here
International Limited, its disclose. (Magic and directors Magic Holdings International Limited (Magic) and
chairman Mr Stephen Market fined in the range five of its directors a total of HKD4m after they
Tang Siu Kun, executive misconduct. of HKD750,000 to were found to be culpable of late disclosure of
directors Mr She Yu HKD1.5m each); inside information on L’Oréal S.A.’s proposed
Yuan, Mr Luo Yao Wen disqualification acquisition of Magic in 2013. The five directors
and Mr Cheng Wing of directors; were also disqualified from being a director or
Hong (also company Hong Kong Institute being involved in the management of a listed
secretary at the material of Certified Public corporation or any other specified corporation,
time) and non-executive Accountants for eight to 24 months.
director Mr Sun Yan disciplinary actions The MMT found that Magic’s disclosure of
against; attendance L’Oréal’s proposed acquisition, which would have
of an SFC-approved a positive impact on Magic’s share price, had
training programme. been delayed for around three months. Investors
who sold their Magic shares during that time
were hence ignorant of the information that they
should be entitled to.
The MMT considered that Magic’s breach of the
disclosure requirement was all the more serious
because it had not taken all reasonable measures
to monitor the confidentiality of the proposed
acquisition and it had not disclosed it to the
public as soon as reasonably practicable after
becoming aware that the confidentiality of the
proposed acquisition had not been preserved.
22-Feb-21 Brilliance Asset Failure to HKD3.15m fine; The SFC has reprimanded Brilliance Asset Click here
Management Limited report. reprimand Management Limited and fined it HKD3.15m
Regulatory over failures to ensure short position reports for
breach. four collective investment schemes (CISs) under
its management were accurate and compliant
with the requirements under the Securities
and Futures (Short Position Reporting) Rules.
The SFC's investigation found that a total of
7,814 short positions held respectively by these
CISs were either misstated or omitted in the
reports to the SFC between 8 July 2016 and 30
August 2019.
23-Dec-20 Fulbright Securities Breach of Code HKD3.6m fine The SFC has reprimanded Fulbright Securities Click here
Limited of Conduct. Limited (Fulbright) and fined it HKD3.6m for
Internal control internal control failures relating to short selling
failure. and for failing to report related short selling
incidents to the SFC in a timely manner as
required by the SFC’s Code of Conduct.
The SFC’s investigation found that between
October 2015 and March 2016, there were at
least 93 instances of short sales executed by
Fulbright which resulted from its failure to put
in place effective internal control procedures to
detect and prevent illegal short selling.
09-Nov-20 Credit Suisse Securities Breach of Code HKD2.1m fine; The SFC has reprimanded Credit Suisse Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited of Conduct. reprimand Securities (Hong Kong) Limited (CSSHK) and
Internal control fined it HKD2.1m for regulatory breaches related
failure. to failures in its electronic trading systems.
The SFC found that CSSHK submitted erroneous
market making quotes to the market, resulting in
the execution of stock options trades at prices
that deviated from the then prevailing market
prices. This was caused by a logic error in the
symbol mapping programme used by CSSHK, in
its capacity as a stock options market maker, in
generating market making quotes.
The SFC is of the view that CSSHK’s internal
controls and regular tests in place at the time
failed to prevent or promptly detect the incident,
and these failures constitute breaches of
electronic trading requirements under the Code
of Conduct.

22-Oct-20 Goldman Sachs AML. Internal USD350m The SFC has reprimanded and fined Goldman Click here
(Asia) L.L.C. control failure. (HKD2.71bn) fine; Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. (Goldman Sachs Asia)
reprimand USD350m (HKD2.71bn) for serious lapses and
deficiencies in its management supervisory,
risk, compliance and anti-money laundering
controls that contributed to the misappropriation
of USD2.6bn from USD6.5bn that 1Malaysia
Development Berhad (1MDB) raised in three bond
offerings in 2012 and 2013.
The SFC considers that Goldman Sachs Asia
lacked adequate controls in place to monitor staff
and detect misconduct in its day-to-day operation,
and allowed the 1MDB bond offerings to proceed
when numerous red flags surrounding the offerings
had not been properly scrutinised and satisfactory
answers to such red flags had not been obtained.
In particular, the SFC considers that Goldman
Sachs Asia had failed to:
(1) supervise diligently its senior personnel who
were involved in the execution of the bond
offerings and to ensure that they maintained
appropriate standards of conduct;
(2) identify and adequately address money
laundering and bribery concerns when there
were numerous red flags;
(3) exercise due skill, care and diligence, and act in
the best interest of its clients and the integrity of
the market when vetting and approving the bond
offerings; and
(4) put in place adequate and effective internal
control procedures to protect its clients from
financial losses arising from frauds and other
dishonest acts or professional misconduct.
16-Oct-20 CMBC Capital Holdings Failure to HKD2.1m fine in The Market Misconduct Tribunal (MMT) has Click here
Limited - former Chief disclose. total (HKD1.2m found that CMBC Capital Holdings Limited
Executive Officer and for Philip Suen; (CMBC Capital) and six of its former directors
Company Secretary, Mr HKD900k for failed to disclose inside information as soon as
Philip Suen Yick Lun, Paul Suen); reasonably practicable under the Securities and
and former chairman, Mr 15-month Futures Ordinance and imposed a 15-month
Paul Suen Cho Hung disqualification disqualification order against CMBC Capital’s
order for former Chief Executive Officer and Company
Philip Suen Secretary Mr Philip Suen Yick Lun. Philip Suen
and CMBC Capital’s former chairman Mr Paul
Suen Cho Hung were also fined HKD1.2m and
HKD900,000, respectively by the MMT.
Philip Suen and Paul Suen also admitted that
their negligent conduct had resulted in CMBC
Capital’s breach of the requirements of the
corporate disclosure regime.
29-Sep-20 China Everbright Breach of Code HKD2.5m fine; The SFC has reprimanded China Everbright Click here
Securities (HK) Limited of Conduct. reprimand Securities (HK) Limited (CESHK) and fined it
Regulatory HKD2.5m for pledging its clients’ securities
breaches. with banks for financial accommodation without
valid authorisation. The SFC found that between
1 April 2018 and 19 August 2018, CESHK
relied on expired standing authority given by
around 6,841 clients to pledge their securities as
collateral in obtaining credit line from three banks
in Hong Kong.
17-Sep-20 The Bank of East Asia, Client HKD4.2m fine; The SFC has reprimanded The Bank of East Click here
Limited securities. reprimand Asia, Limited and fined it HKD4.2m for regulatory
Breach of Code breaches related to its failure to segregate client
of Conduct. securities from proprietary securities in accounts
Regulatory maintained by at two external custodians.

22-Jun-20 Guotai Junan Securities AML. Internal HKD25.2m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined Guotai Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited control failure. reprimand Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited HKD25.2m
for multiple internal control failures and regulatory
breaches in connection with anti-money
laundering, handling of third party fund transfers
and placing activities, as well as detection of
wash trades and late reporting.
19-May-20 Convoy Asset Internal HKD6.4m fine; The SFC reprimanded and fined Convoy Click here
Management Limited control failure. reprimand Asset Management Limited (CAML)
Mis-selling. HKD6.4m for control failures in solicitation and
recommendation of bonds to clients. The SFC
found that CAML referred clients to a third party
platform between March 2015 and January
2017 to execute 30 transactions of bonds listed
under Chapter 37 of the Main Board Listing
Rules (Chapter 37 Bonds), some of which
involved solicitation or recommendation made
to clients. In recommending Chapter 37 Bonds
to clients, the SFC found that CAML had failed
to implement adequate and effective internal
controls and systems in place.
18-May-20 Southwest Securities AML. Internal HKD5m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined Southwest Click here
(HK) Brokerage Limited control failure. reprimand Securities (HK) Brokerage Limited (SSBL)
HKD5m for failures in complying with anti-money
laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/
CFT) regulatory requirements in 2016.
Specifically, the SFC found that SSBL failed to:
(i) implement adequate and effective policies
and procedures to mitigate the risk of money
laundering and terrorist financing associated
with third party deposits; and (ii) establish
proper internal systems and controls to monitor
its clients’ activities, and detect and report
suspicious transactions to the Joint Financial
Intelligence Unit (JFIU) in a timely manner.
07-May-20 Mega International Internal control HKD7m fine; Following a referral from the HKMA, the SFC Click here
Commercial Bank failure. reprimand conducted an investigation which found that,
Co., Ltd. in the course of selling collective investment
schemes (CISs) to clients between August 2014
and July 2015, Mega International Commercial
Bank Co., Ltd. had failed to implement adequate
and effective systems and controls.
20-Apr-20 BOCOM International AML. Breach HKD19.6m fine; The SFC has reprimanded and fined BOCOM Click here
Securities Limited of Code of reprimand International Securities Limited (BISL) a total of
Conduct. HKD19.6m for a range of regulatory breaches,
Breach of including failures concerning: (i) the handling
Internal Control of third party fund deposits where third party
Guidelines. deposits made into client accounts in 2009,
Internal 2011 and 2015 by way of cheques and bank
control failure. transfers were not identified until 2016 and (ii)
Regulatory the maintenance and implementation of a margin
breaches. lending and margin call policy.
BISL also failed to put in place adequate and
effective controls to identify deposits made into
client accounts by third parties, hence failing
to ensure compliance with the Guideline on
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist
Financing and various provisions in the Internal
Control Guidelines and the Code of Conduct.

07-Apr-20 HSBC Investment Funds Regulatory HKD3.5m fine; The SFC’s investigation found that some of the Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited breaches. reprimand 53 funds managed and/or advised by HSBC
and HSBC Global Asset Investment Funds (Hong Kong) Limited (HIFL)
Management (Hong and HSBC Global Asset Management (Hong
Kong) Limited Kong) Limited (HGAML) between 2010 and
2016 maintained cash deposits with connected
entities, namely, The Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation Limited and/or its affiliates.
The funds’ cash deposits were placed in interest-
bearing accounts of the connected entities but
mostly did not receive any interest.
An independent review revealed that, prior
to January 2015, HIFL and HGAML had no
procedures in place to ensure that the funds’
cash deposited with their connected entities
received interest at a rate not lower than the
prevailing commercial rate. The review also found
that whilst HIFL and HGAML had an established
process to monitor the funds’ cash balances on a
daily basis, such process was not documented in
any policies and procedures and was performed
for only 10 of the 53 funds.
14-Feb-20 Capital Global Failure to HKD1.5m fine; In August 2015, the Prosecution Office of the Click here
Management Limited ensure reprimand Taipei District Court fined the former owners of
compliance Capital Global Management Limited (CGML) for
with applicable the distribution of offshore investment funds and
laws and the offer of investment advice in Taiwan from
regulations in 2005 to 2014 without obtaining prior approval, in
Taiwan. contravention of Taiwan’s Securities Investment
Trust and Consulting Act. Subsequently, SFC’s
investigation found that licensed representatives
operated and performed sales functions and
distributed investment products to clients in
Taiwan between July 2014 and April 2015.
CGML’s failures to ensure compliance with
applicable laws and regulations in Taiwan and
to adequately supervise its representatives have
raised the SFC’s concern over its fitness and
properness as a licensed corporation.
11-Feb-20 BMI Securities Limited AML. Internal HKD3.7m fine; SFC found that BMI Securities Limited failed Click here
control failure. reprimand to: (i) implement adequate internal controls
to mitigate the risk of money laundering and
terrorist financing associated with suspicious
transactions conducted; (ii) identify, and conduct
proper enquiries and sufficient scrutiny on,
suspicious transactions and consider reporting
them to the Joint Financial Intelligence Unit where
appropriate; (iii) perform appropriate customer
due diligence and keep information up-to-date;
and (iv) put in place adequate and effective
procedures for the identification of PEPs and the
screening of terrorist and sanction designations.

14-Jan-20 UBS Securities Hong Sponsor N/A SFC lifted the suspension of UBS Securities Click here
Kong Limited failures. Hong Kong Limited to act as a sponsor for listing
applications on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
UBS’s licence was suspended on 14 March
2019 for one year for their failures to discharge
their obligations as one of the joint sponsors
of three listing applications. UBS has engaged
and cooperated with an independent reviewer
to review its policies, procedures and practices
in relation to the conduct of its sponsorship
business. The reviewer conducted a ten-
month review of UBS’s enhanced governance
processes from the acceptance of a sponsorship
mandate to the listing of a listing applicant. The
reviewer also looked at UBS’s sponsor work in
its two most recent listing applications which
were completed in 2017 and 2018 respectively.
UBS was found to have implemented the
abovementioned controls in the two listing
applications and performed adequate and
effective due diligence in discharging its sponsor
responsibilities as required by the relevant legal
and regulatory requirements.
02-Jan-20 RHB Securities Hong Conflicts of HKD6.4m fine; SFC found that RHB Securities Hong Kong Click here
Kong Limited interest. Internal reprimand Limited failed to effectively implement its policy
control failure. for avoiding actual and potential conflicts of
interest between its research reports and
investment banking relationships; adequately
disclose its investment banking relationship with
the listed company covered in a research report;
and effectively monitor the trading activities of its
research analysts.
30-Dec-19 FIL Investment Failure to HKD3.5m fine; SFC found that between August 2007 and Click here
Management (Hong report. Internal reprimand July 2018, FIMHK executed 6,738 trades in
Kong) Limited control failure. futures contracts for its overseas affiliates with
Unlicenced an approximate value of USD40bn without the
activities. required licence. FIMHK identified the suspected
breach in a review conducted between May
and June 2018 but only reported the incident to
the SFC in August 2018, after it had obtained
external legal advice.
SFC also found that FIMHK, when applying to the
SFC for a new fund authorisation in March 2017,
submitted an incorrect information checklist
based on an outdated template.
The internal investigation conducted by FIMHK
and the reviews performed by an independent
reviewer engaged by FIMHK identified certain
deficiencies and weaknesses in FIMHK’s internal
controls and systems.
23-Dec-19 Adamas Asset Breach of Code Fine HKD2.5m; SFC found that between February 2013 and Click here
Management of Conduct. reprimand March 2016, Adamas had failed to disclose
Failure to to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
disclose. (SEHK) and the relevant listed companies all
Internal control notifiable interests in the shares of these Hong
failure. Kong-listed companies in the client portfolios
it managed by filing 339 disclosure notices
incorrectly or late.
Adamas applied to the Securities and Futures
Appeals Tribunal for review of the SFC’s sanction.
Its application was discontinued and an order for
costs was granted in favour of the SFC.

11-Nov-19 UBS AG Internal control HKD400m fine; UBS was found to have overcharged its clients Click here
failure. reprimand over a ten-year period in addition to related serious
systemic internal control failures. SFC found that
UBS had failed to observe the fundamental and
overarching duty to act in its clients’ best interests.
UBS was also found to have abused the trust of
unsuspecting clients by failing to disclose conflicts
of interest and overcharging them in opaque
trades. SFC considers that these malpractices
involved a combination of serious systemic
failures for a prolonged period of time including
inadequate policies, procedures and system
controls, lack of staff training and supervision, and
failures of the first and second lines of defence
functions of UBS.
31-Oct-19 China Rise Securities Internal HKD6.3m fine; SFC found that China Rise’s then chief executive Click here
Asset Management control failure. reprimand officer and responsible officer, Mr Sammy Shiu
Company Limited Regulatory Kin Keung, placed 199 illegal short selling orders
(China Rise) breaches. on listed securities for his personal account and
a client’s discretionary account from January to
May 2014 unbeknown to China Rise.
China Rise was not aware of the short selling
orders placed by Shiu until the Hong Kong
Exchange and Clearing Limited made enquiries
about some of the transactions. Nevertheless,
even after receiving the enquiries, China Rise still
failed to detect and prevent further short selling
activities in Shiu’s account.
03-Oct-19 SEAVI Advent Ocean Breach of Code HKD1m fine; At least 61 instances of regulatory breaches Click here
Private Equity Limited of Conduct. reprimand involving short sales executed by 11 traders.
(SAOPEL) Internal
control failure.
Short selling.
10-Sep-19 The Hongkong and Breach of Code HKD2.1m fine; HSBC has failed to put in place effective Click here
Shanghai Banking of Conduct. reprimand internal control procedures to ensure proper
Corporation Limited Internal control implementation of the telephone recording
failure. function and timely detection of any telephone
recording failures in non-compliance with
telephone recording requirements under the
Code of Conduct.
The case was referred to SFC following an
investigation by HKMA.
15-Aug-19 Sincere Securities Internal HKD5m fine; Investor complained about the conduct of a Click here
Limited control failure. reprimand former account executive of Sincere Securities
Regulatory Limited (SSL). SFC investigation found that SSL
breach. did not require its account executives to obtain
a client’s written consent before transferring
funds maintained at SSL to their gold trading
accounts opened with an associated company.
SFC requested SSL to engage an independent
reviewer to conduct a review of its internal control
system and procedures which, together with a
separate review by the SFC, found deficiencies
across 14 areas of SSL’s operations and
internal controls.
15-Jul-19 Glory Sun Securities Breach of Code HKD1.2m fine; Glory Sun account executive convicted by HK Click here
Limited of Conduct. reprimand; Court for illegal short selling shares on multiple
Internal control suspension of occasions. Glory Sun’s Speed Station trading
failure. Responsible system did not have checks on a client’s stock
Officer for 6 balance and hence could not prevent illegal
months short selling. Found to be in breach of Code
of Conduct.
10-Jul-19 Celestial Commodities Client money. Fines of HKD4.9m Regulatory breach by transferring money from Click here
Limited (CCL); Celestial Internal and HKD1.4m client accounts to pay monthly commission
Securities Limited (CSL) control failure. respectively; rebates to its account executives and making
Regulatory reprimand payments in an intra-day fund swap arrangement
breach. in order to make various margin calls. Failure to
implement proper controls to safeguard client
money and supervise staff in handling it.

25-Jun-19 Health and Happiness Failure to HKD1.6m fine MMT decision. Failure to disclose inside Click here
International Holdings disclose. respectively information as soon as reasonably practicable
Ltd, Luo Fei arising from a four week delay in the company’s
disclosure of its financial deterioration compared
with the same period in the previous year.
24-Jun-19 FT Securities Limited Internal HKD3.5m fine; SFAT affirmed SFC decision to reprimand and Click here
control failure. reprimand fine FTSL for regulatory breaches and internal
Regulatory control failures.
breach. FTSL research reports were prepared and written
by two unidentified individuals. FTSL falsely
disclosed that it did not provide any investment
banking services to a company covered by a
research report. FTSL had no formal policies
or procedures governing the preparation of
research reports. FTSL did not segregate its
research and corporate finance functions to
avoid conflict. FTSL failed to demonstrate there
was a reasonable basis for the analyses and
recommendations in the research reports.
19-Jun-19 Credit Suisse (Hong Failure to HKD2.8m fine; Failure to disclose their investment banking Click here
Kong) Limited (CSHK) disclose. reprimand relationships with subject companies in certain
and Credit Suisse AG Internal control research reports. Failure to put in place effective
failure. systems and controls to ensure compliance with
the disclosure requirements and timely detection
of the disclosure failures.
30-May-19 China Merchant Client money. HKD5m fine; Regulatory breaches and internal control failings Click here
Securities Internal control reprimand related to the mishandling of client money under
failure. the Client Money Rules. Transferred funds from
client trust accounts for purposes other than
those specifically allowed. Failure to employ fit
and proper staff to conduct its business and have
proper internal controls and procedures in place
to ensure compliance with the Client Money
Rules and safeguard client assets.
27-May-19 China Merchants Sponsor HKD27m fine; SFC’s investigation revealed that CMS and UBS Click here
Securities (HK) Co., failures. reprimand (which was previously sanctioned on 14 March
Limited 2019) had respectively failed in their due diligence
as joint sponsors to address a number of unusual
facts and findings on China Metal Recycling
(Holdings) Limited and its customers during
the listing process, including: (i) inadequate
due diligence on a de-registered customer;
(ii) inadequate due diligence on third party
payments; and (iii) inadequate due diligence on
China Metal’s suppliers and customers.
18-Apr-19 Nine Masts Capital Internal control HKD1.2m fine; Failure to act with due skill, care and diligence Click here
Limited failure. reprimand in dealing in the placing of shares. Failure to
implement adequate and effective systems and
controls to ensure compliance with the short
selling requirements.
12-Apr-19 Fujikon Industrial Failure to HKD1.5m fine MMT has found that Fujikon, the company’s Click here
Holdings Limited disclose. total (HKD1m for chairman and chief executive officer, Mr
(Fujikon), its CEO Mr Fujikon, HKD300k Yeung Chi Hung, and its chief financial officer
Yeung Chi Hung, and for Yeung and and company secretary, Ms Chow Lai Fung,
its CFO and company HKD200k for had failed to make timely disclosure of inside
secretary Ms Chow Chow) information following proceedings brought
Lai Fung by SFC.
18-Mar-19 BOCI Securities Limited Internal control HKD10m fine; Failure to comply with regulatory requirements Click here
failure. Mis- reprimand concerning client profiling, product due
selling. diligence and suitability assessment in its
sale and distribution of investment products.
Failure to implement and maintain adequate
and effective internal controls and systems to
diligently supervise its sale and distribution of
investment products to ensure compliance
with regulatory requirements.

14-Mar-19 Morgan Stanley Asia Sponsor HKD224m fine; SFC’s investigation revealed Morgan Stanley Asia Click here
Limited failures. reprimand Limited had failed to discharge its obligations as
one of the joint sponsors in relation to the listing
application of Tianhe Chemicals Group Limited
in 2014. Morgan Stanley had failed to follow the
specific guidelines on due diligence interviews
under paragraph 17.6 of the Code of Conduct.
Failures include: (i) involvement of Tianhe at
customers’ due diligence interview, six out of ten
interviews were conducted at Tianhe’s premises,
as opposed to the customer’s premises;
Merrill Lynch did not have direct contact with
Tianhe’s customers for the purpose of setting
up these interviews; (ii) failure to address red
flag at customers’ due diligence interview when
Tianhe’s largest customer refused to give identity
information and business cards; and (iii) unclear
interview questions.
14-Mar-19 Merrill Lynch Far East Sponsor HKD128m fine; SFC’s investigation revealed that Merrill Lynch Click here
Limited failures reprimand Far East Limited had failed to discharge its
obligations as one of the joint sponsors in relation
to the listing application of Tianhe Chemicals
Group Limited in 2014. Merrill Lynch had failed
to follow the specific guidelines on due diligence
interviews under paragraph 17.6 of the Code
of Conduct. Failures include (i) involvement of
Tianhe at customers due diligence interview,
six out of ten interviews were conducted at
Tianhe’s premises, as opposed to the customers’
premises; Merrill Lynch did not have direct
contact with Tianhe’s customers for the purpose
of setting up these interviews; (ii) failure to
address red flag at customers due diligence
interview when Tianhe’s largest customer refused
to give identity information and business cards;
and (iii) unclear interview questions.
14-Mar-19 Standard Chartered Sponsor HKD59.7m fine; SFC investigation revealed that Standard Click here
Securities (Hong Kong) failures. reprimand Chartered Securities (Hong Kong) Limited had
Limited failed to discharge its obligations as one of the
joint sponsors in relation to the listing application
of China Forestry Holdings Company Limited
in 2009. In particular, it had failed to make
reasonable due diligence enquiries in relation
to several core aspects of China Forestry’s
business, including: (i) failure to verify the
existence of China Forestry’s forestry assets; (ii)
failure to verify the Group’s forestry rights; (iii)
failure to verify China Forestry’s compliance with
relevant laws and regulations; (iv) inadequate due
diligence on insurance coverage for the Group’s
forestry assets; and (v) inadequate due diligence
on China Forestry’s customers.

14-Mar-19 UBS AG and UBS Sponsor HKD375m; Failing to discharge their obligations as one of Click here
Securities Hong Kong failures. reprimand the joint sponsors of three listing applications,
Limited namely, China Forestry Holdings Company
Limited, Tianhe Chemicals Group Limited and
another listing application. For China Forestry,
in particular, SFC found that UBS had failed
to make reasonable due diligence enquiries
in relation to several core aspects of China
Forestry’s business, including: (i) failure to verify
the existence of China Forestry’s forestry assets;
(ii) failure to verify the Group’s forestry rights; (iii)
failure to verify China Forestry’s compliance with
relevant laws and regulations; (iv) inadequate
due diligence on insurance coverage for the
Group’s forestry assets; and (v) inadequate due
diligence on China Forestry’s customers. In
relation to Tianhe, failures include: (i) involvement
of Tianhe at customers due diligence interview,
six out of ten interviews were conducted at
Tianhe’s premises, as opposed to the customers’
premises; Merrill Lynch did not have direct
contact with Tianhe’s customers for the purpose
of setting up these interviews; (ii) failure to
address red flag at customers’ due diligence
interview when Tianhe’s largest customer refused
to give identity information and business cards;
and (iii) unclear interview questions.
18-Feb-19 Guosen Securities (HK) AML. Internal HKD15.2m fine; Failure to comply with AML and CFT regulatory Click here
Brokerage Company, control failure. reprimand requirements when handling party fund deposits.
Limited Failure to put in place any system or controls to
identify and monitor third party deposits into the
bank sub-accounts for its clients.
08-Jan-19 FWD Life Insurance Failure to HKD2.4m fine; Failure to maintain the minimum five-year Click here
Company (Bermuda) comply with reprimand investment experience requirement in managing
Limited key personnel retirement funds or public funds under the MPG
requirements Code at all times. Failure to implement policies and
under SFC procedures for the designation and monitoring of
Code on MPF key personnel and communicate to relevant staff
Products members their designation as key personnel.
and Fund
Manager Code
of Conduct.
Internal control
06-Dec-18 SFM HK Management Internal control HKD1.5m fine; Failure to act with due skill, care and diligence Click here
Limited failure. reprimand in dealing in bonus shares. Failure to
diligently supervise its staff members and
implement adequate and effective systems
and controls to ensure compliance with short
selling requirements.
22-Aug-18 HPI Forex Limited Client money. HKD2m fine; Failure to maintain client money in a segregated Click here
Breach of Code reprimand client account in Hong Kong; failure to ensure
of Conduct. that client assets were promptly and properly
accounted for and adequately safeguarded.
19-Jul-18 HSBC Broking Securities Mis-selling. HKD9.6m fine; Failure to conduct adequate product due Click here
(Asia) Limited reprimand diligence before making recommendations to
clients; failure to properly assess client’s risk
profile; failure to provide adequate information
regarding features and risk to staff; failure to
maintain proper documentary records of the
investment advice and recommendations given.
10-Jul-18 Citigroup Global Markets Breach of Code HKD4m fine; Failure to provide ALP Guidelines to users and to Click here
Asia Limited of Conduct. reprimand ensure that only qualified investors are permitted
Operations. to be users of the ALP.
09-Jul-18 CCB International Capital Sponsor HKD24m fine; Failure to conduct reasonable due diligence; Click here
Limited failures. reprimand proper customer due diligence; and provide
a proper audit trail or written record of
due diligence.

31-May-18 Hang Seng Investment Cash HKD3m fine; Failure to comply with regulatory requirements Click here
Management Limited management. reprimand on cash management involving SFC-authorised
Internal control funds.
29-May-18 Noah Holdings (Hong KYC. Mis- HKD5m fine; Failure to comply with various regulatory Click here
Kong) Limited selling. reprimand requirements on know-your-client, product due
diligence, suitability assessment, information for
clients, and sales supervision and controls.
17-May-18 Citigroup Global Markets Sponsor HKD57m fine; Failure to conduct adequate and reasonable Click here
Asia Limited failures. reprimand due diligence on the customers of the company
it was sponsoring for listing – failure to properly
supervise its staff when carrying out the sponsor
work on the listing application
24-Apr-18 CN Capital Management Internal control HKD1.2m fine; Failure to maintain effective compliance function. Click here
Limited failure. reprimand Failure to maintain satisfactory internal controls
regarding employee account dealing.
13-Apr-18 Instinet Pacific Limited Breach of Code HKD17.3m fine; Failure to put in place reasonable controls to Click here
of Conduct. reprimand prevent its algorithmic trading system from
Internal control generating and passing disorderly orders to the
failure. market. Failure to ensure non-proprietary orders
received execution priority over proprietary
orders. Failure to company with obligations under
the Code of Conduct.
21-Mar-18 UBS Securities Asia Internal control HKD4.5m fine; Failure to put in place effective controls to record Click here
Limited failure. reprimand transactions and client consents in relation
to its facilitation trading activities – unable to
locate client consent records for half the client
facilitation trades conducted.
13-Mar-18 Deutsche Bank Client money. HKD8.3m fine; Failure to comply with short position reporting Click here
AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Failure to reprimand requirements. Publishing research reports on
and Deutsche Securities report. futures contracts without a licence. Failure to
Asia Limited Unlicensed segregate client money and rectification after the
activity. prescribed timeline.
13-Mar-18 CLSA Limited Failure to HKD9m fine; Internal control failures in relation to client Click here
report. Internal reprimand facilitation services. No controls to prevent
control failure co-mingling of agency execution and client
facilitation trading between 1986 and March
2016. Failure in relation to reporting obligation
under Code of Conduct
14-Feb-18 Interactive Brokers Hong Breach of Code HKD4.5m fine; Execution of market orders – electronic and Click here
Kong Limited of Conduct. reprimand algorithmic trading systems – ineffective price
Internal control and volume controls to prevent its execution of
failure. market orders from disrupting the market.
08-Feb-18 Credit Suisse (Hong Internal HKD39.3m fine; Sanctions covering multiple CS entities and Click here
Kong) Limited, Credit control failure. reprimand multiple failures. Internal control failures
Suisse Securities (Hong Regulatory related to electronic trading; multiple failures
Kong) Limited and Credit breach. segregating client securities, reporting direct
Suisse AG business transactions, short selling requirements,
electronic trading requirements and contract
notes rules, suitability controls.
11-Jan-18 EFG Bank AG Breach of Code HKD2m fine; Between 1 April 2003 and 22 November 2016, Click here
of Conduct. reprimand EFG Bank executed 139 transactions in offshore
listed index options for 11 clients without the
required registration to deal in futures contracts.
18-Dec-17 Standard Chartered Internal HKD2.6m fine; At least 61 instances of regulatory breaches Click here
Securities (Hong Kong) control failure. reprimand involving short sales executed by 11 traders.
Limited Regulatory
breach. Short
13-Dec-17 FXCM Asia Limited Client money. HKD2m fine; Under-segregation of client monies, client Click here
Regulatory reprimand assets not properly accounted for or adequately
breach. safeguarded.
21-Nov-17 HSBC Private Bank Material HKD400m fine; Material systemic failures in relation to the Click here
(Suisse) SA systemic suspension of marking and sale of derivative products
failures. licence (Lehman Brothers-related Notes and
Leveraged Forward Accumulators) for years,
since 2003 until Lehman’s collapse in 2008.

10-May-17 Promising Securities Breach of Code HKD3.5m fine; Employing unlicensed settlement staff to perform Click here
Company Limited of Conduct. reprimand regulated functions for its business in regulated
Breach of activities and failing to implement adequate
Management, internal control procedures that ensure effective
Supervision segregation of its operational functions.
and Internal
control failure.
12-Apr-17 iSTAR International AML HKD3m fine; Inadequate AML/CTF safeguards associated with Click here
Futures Co. Limited (now reprimand third party fund transfers including inadequate
known as Rifa Futures Responsible officer enquiries to ensure third party fund transfers were
Limited) suspended for six consistent with the customers’ known legitimate
months activities, maintaining records of such enquiries,
and effective implementation of internal policies
for the prevention of money laundering and
terrorist financing and communication of such
policies to staff members.
05-Apr-17 Guoyuan Securities AML HKD4.5m fine; Breach of the Prevention of Money Laundering Click here
Brokerage (Hong Kong) reprimand and Terrorist Financing Guidance Note, the
Limited Guideline on AML and CTF by failing to conduct
proper enquiries and scrutiny to mitigate the risks
of money laundering and terrorist financing when
processing third party fund transfers for clients
between September 2010 and July 2012.
24-Mar-17 Merrill Lynch Far East Breach of Code HKD15m fine; Failure to ensure compliance with requirements Click here
Limited; Merrill Lynch of Conduct. reprimand for LOP; failure to place formal governance,
(Asia Pacific) Limited Breach of effectively manage and ensure integrity and
Internal Control reliability of the electronic trading system.
Internal control
16-Mar-17 DBS Vickers (Hong Client money. HKD2m fine; Under-segregation of client money and failure Click here
Kong) Limited Regulatory reprimand to ensure that client assets were appropriately
breach. safeguarded.
14-Mar-17 Zhongtai International AML. Internal HKD2.6m fine; Failure to monitor and/or conduct sufficient Click here
Securities Limited control failure. reprimand and timely enquiries and scrutiny on numerous
deposits made by third parties to its clients’
sub-accounts; failure to establish adequate and
implement appropriate internal procedures and
controls to detect and report suspicious third
party fund deposits in a timely manner, and to
ensure that there was clear delineation of duties
among its senior management and staff in
handling third party deposits.
06-Mar-17 Guangdong Securities AML HKD3m fine; Failure to comply with and failure to demonstrate Click here
Limited (now Sinolink reprimand that it had conducted appropriate AML enquiries
Securities (HK) Company Managing Director before processing third party payments.
Limited) (Mr. Huang Qiang) For Managing Director - failure to ensure
banned from maintenance of appropriate standards of Click here
industry for nine conduct and failure to diligently supervise staff
months members to conduct business.
09-Feb-17 GMO-Z.com Forex HK Internal control HKD1.6m fine; Deficiencies in its order execution and slippage Click here
Limited failure. reprimand handling procedures, and failures in its electronic
trading system for leveraged foreign exchange
25-Jan-17 Value Partners Limited; Failure to HKD4m in Failure to comply with the regulatory Click here
Value Partners Hong report. total (HKD2m requirements in managing two SFC-authorised
Kong Limited Regulatory respectively); funds, issued shares in excess of their authorised
breach. reprimand share capital as provided in their Memorandum
and Articles of Association.

03-Jan-17 MIS services Failure to HKD3m fine; Failure to ensure there were at least two key Click here
comply with reprimand personnel who met the minimum investment
SFC Code on experience of five years in managing retirement
MPF Products funds or public funds.
and Fund
Manager Code
of Conduct.
Internal control
30-Nov-16 AcrossAsia Limited Failure to Total HKD2m fine MMT decision. MMT found that AcrossAsia, Click here
(AcrossAsia); Mr disclose. (HKD600,000 Cheok and Ang had breached the disclosure
Albert Saychuan Cheok Market for AcrossAsia; requirement under the SFO after they admitted to
(Cheok); Mr Vicente misconduct. HKD800,000 having been late in disclosing inside information
Binalhay Ang (Ang); for Cheok; and about a petition filed against AcrossAsia in
HKD600,000 Indonesia and a related court summons. The
for Ang) MMT accepted the basis of their admissions
that the negligence of Cheok and Ang caused
the misconduct and found that AcrossAsia’s
disclosure on the inside information to the public
was about a week late.
20-Oct-16 J.P. Morgan Securities Failure to HKD5.6m fine Disclosure failures in research reports and Click here
(Asia Pacific) Limited and disclose. Failure (HKD3m and offering offshore listed index options without the
JPMorgan Chase Bank, to report. HKD2.6m required licence. Failure to timely self-report to
National Association Regulatory respectively); the SFC.
breaches. reprimand
19-Oct-16 FXCM Asia Limited Internal control HKD4m fine; Failure to maintain proper internal policies and Click here
failure. reprimand controls in place to ensure its order execution
practice effectively.
14-Sep-16 The Hongkong and Internal HKD2.5m fine; Inadequate internal controls to monitor its Click here
Shanghai Banking control failure. reprimand positions in Hong Kong Futures Exchange’s
Corporation Limited Regulatory futures and options contracts to ensure
breach. compliance with the prescribed position limit.
31-Aug-16 BNP Paribas Wealth Breach of Code HKD4m; The monetary benefits received by BNP Paribas Click here
Management of Conduct. reprimand Wealth Management from around 2,300 client
transactions exceeded the charging levels it
represented in its documentation provided to
the clients. The total overcharged amount was
around USD9.5m.
Breach of the Code of Conduct by failing to
exercise due skill, care and diligence to ensure
the monetary benefits it received from client
transactions were fair and reasonable, and in
accordance with its representations to the clients.
24-Aug-16 Morgan Stanley Hong Internal control HKD18.5m fine; Multiple breaches. Internal control failures in Click here
Kong Securities Limited failure. reprimand managing conflicts of interest and other breaches
(e.g. obtaining client consent for a facilitation
execution, documentation of electronic trading
systems, disclosure of short selling orders
compliance with contract limits, reporting of
large open positions, failure to effect client
instructions etc.)
15-Jun-16 State Street Global Internal HKD4m fine; Failure to manage and minimise the conflict Click here
Advisors Asia Limited control failure. reprimand between the interests of the Fund’s investors
(State Street) Regulatory and the interests of State Street. Inadequate
breaches. internal procedures on managing the Fund’s
cash balances; breach of UT Code.
03-Jun-16 Kingsway Financial Insider dealing. Restriction notice; Suspected insider dealing – ongoing investigation Click here
Services Group Limited prior written by SFC.
consent required
for dealing
with shares
31-May-16 SynerWealth Internal control HKD2.7m fine; Ineffective internal control procedures to detect Click here
Financial Limited failure. reprimand and prevent short selling.
30-May-16 Guotai Junan Securities KYC. HKD1.3m; Failure to comply with the regulatory requirements Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited Regulatory reprimand in relation to ascertaining client identity.

19-May-16 Tiger Asia Insider dealing. Restoration Payments under restoration orders were made Click here
Management LLC Market payments following SFC’s admissions of insider dealing and
manipulation. distributed manipulation by Tiger Asia and its senior officers,
Mr Bill Hwang and Mr Raymond Park. Please
also refer to 88 and 99 for more information.
05-Apr-16 Moody’s Investors Breach of Code HKD11m; Failures relating to Moody’s preparation and Click here
Service Hong Kong of Conduct. reprimand publication of the special comment report “Red
Limited Failures relating Flags for Emerging-Market Companies: A Focus
to publication on China” published on 11 July 2011.
of report.
14-Mar-16 Unicorn Securities Client money. HKD3m fine SFC found that between March 2011 and Click here
Company Limited against Unicorn December 2013, Unicorn Securities mishandled
(Unicorn Securities) Securities; and its clients’ dividend entitlements of shares of
HKD200,000 HSBC Holdings PLC (HSBC) by going against
against responsible clients’ instructions in their choices between
officer Mr Chan cash or scrip dividends (i.e. HSBC shares) when
Hoi Shu submitting their instructions to Hong Kong
Securities Clearing Company Limited, and giving
the clients’ dividends to others.
29-Feb-16 Yuanta Securities (Hong Conflicts of HKD4m fine; Failure to avoid and disclose conflicts of interest Click here
Kong) Company Limited interest. Failure reprimand and treat its clients fairly or act in their best
to disclose. interests. Failure to provide accurate information
Failure to to the clients regarding the actual execution price
provide and the full extent of the fees or charges it made
accurate in respect of the transactions. Failure to set out
information to the actual execution price and the commission
clients. and charges in the daily statements sent to
clients as required under the law.
15-Dec-15 J.P. Morgan Broking Internal HKD30m fine in Multiple breaches. Inadequate systems and Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited control failure. total (HKD15m controls in institutional equities business in
(JPMBHK), Regulatory for JPMBHK, Hong Kong regarding: (i) short selling; (ii) client
J.P. Morgan Securities breach. HKD12m facilitation; (iii) segregation of facilitation/principal
(Asia Pacific) Limited for JPMSAP trading business from agency business; and (iv)
(JPMSAP) and J.P. and HKD3m dark pool trading services.
Morgan Securities (Far for JPMSFE
East) Limited (JPMSFE) respectively);
10-Nov-15 Maxim Capital Limited Unlicensed HKD23.5m fine; Solicitation of over 30 investors to invest more Click here
activities. freezing order than HKD111m in a number of investment
schemes since 2013 that claimed to pay monthly
returns from 3% to 8%.
02-Nov-15 Okasan International Failure to HKD4m fine; Inadequate systems and controls in selling Click here
(Asia) Limited disclose. reprimand unlisted investment products to clients, product
Internal control due diligence, suitability, recording investment
failure. advice and client disclosure of trading profits.
03-Aug-15 BNP Paribas Securities Failure to HKD15m fine Failure to ensure dark pool operated as intended Click here
(Asia) Limited report. Internal and represented to clients; failure to seek client
control failure. consent to using dark pool order matching;
failure to report change to its dark pool business
plan; failure to document dark pool logic and
30-Jul-15 Nomura International Failure to HKD4.5m fine; Failure to report significant misconduct by a Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited report. reprimand former trader in a timely manner.
02-Jul-15 Pride Fund Management Breach of Code HKD400,000 fine; Failure to enter into mediation with an eligible Click here
Limited of Conduct. reprimand claimant under the Financial Dispute Resolution
Scheme (FDRS) administered by the Financial
Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) – the first
time SFC has enforced the Code of Conduct
obligations of intermediaries to comply with the

16-Jun-15 Phillip Securities (Hong Mis-selling. HKD1m fine Failure to: (i) implement sufficient measures to Click here
Kong) Limited (Phillip ensure sales staff assessed suitability of fund
Securities) in sales process; (ii) monitor and review sales
process; (iii) conduct adequate due diligence
on fund before sales; and (iv) provide sufficient
product information to sales staff.
01-Jun-15 BNPP Securities Breach of Code HKD11m fine; Failure to report late cross trades to SEHK for Click here
of Conduct. reprimand over ten years – HKD6.5m.
Failure to Ineffective resources and procedures for cross
report. trade business, and inadequate supervision of
dealing function – HKD4.5m.
06-May-15 Descartes Athena Fraud. HKD190m in Investors defrauded by Athena Fund and Click here
Fund SPC; Descartes restoration managers by: (i) issuing false documents
Investment Management purportedly from a major accounting firm;
Limited, Descartes Global (ii) sending false statements of account and
Asset Management subscription contracts; and (iii) dissipating the
Limited and Descartes assets of the Athena Fund.
Finance Limited
01-Apr-15 Merrill Lynch Far East Internal HKD2m fine; SFC conducted an investigation into the holding Click here
Limited (Merrill Lynch control failure. reprimand of Merrill Lynch International (MLI) in 14,181
Far East) Regulatory contracts in Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
breach. (HSCEI) on 30 May 2013 in breach of the
prescribed position limit of 12,000 contracts.
Merrill Lynch Far East controlled the trading or
part of the trading for MLI and had discretion
to make trading decisions for MLI for hedging
at the material time. SFC found that Merrill
Lynch Far East failed to implement adequate
internal controls to monitor MLI’s positions in
HSCEI futures and options contracts to ensure
compliance with the prescribed position limit.
26-Mar-15 JS Cresvale Securities Internal control HKD2.5m fine; Deficient systems and controls for ensuring Click here
failure. reprimand product suitability, product due diligence,
Mis-selling. assessing client risk profiles and documenting
investment advice.
19-Jan-15 Mr Wang Wenming; Mr Breach of CFI ordered Breach of directors’ duties owed to First China Click here
Lee Yiu Sun; and Mr directors’ payment of a by agreeing to pay a special dividend to Fame
Richard Yin Yingneng duties. total sum of Treasure Ltd as part of an alleged mutual
(current/ former directors RMB18,692,000 understanding and agreement which actually
of First China Financial with interest as did not exist.
Network Holdings Ltd compensation
(First China)) to First China
following findings
of misconduct
18-Jul-14 Hisense Kelon Electrical Market Interim freezing SFC earlier initiated proceedings under section Click here
Holdings Limited misconduct. order over a total 213 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance in
(Hisense Kelon) of 107,290,000 the CFI against Gu and in the Market Misconduct
shares in Hisense Tribunal (MMT) against both Gu and other
Kelon, up to a sum Greencool senior executives alleging market
of HKD1.2bn misconduct. The interim order is to preserve
assets allegedly held for the benefit of Gu
pending trial in the section 213 proceedings in
which the SFC is seeking remedial orders for
more than 1,300 minority shareholders who
purchased Greencool shares during the period
the SFC alleges Greencool’s disclosed financial
position was grossly overstated.
09-Jul-14 Ping An of China AML/KYC. HKD6m fine, Multiple breaches. Failure to: (i) establish AML Click here
Securities (Hong Kong) Internal control reprimand control procedures; (ii) enforce account opening
Company Limited failure. procedures; and (iii) establish and follow effective
payment procedures to protect client assets.
23-Jun-14 Greencool Technology Market HKD1.59bn Grossly overstating Greencool’s financial Click here
Holdings Limited, Mr misconduct. freezing order; accounts for the years ended 31 December 2000
Gu Chujun and other proceedings to 2004.
executives of Greencool against director
and others

04-Jun-14 Delta Asia Securities Internal HKD4m fine; Inadequate controls to safeguard client Click here
Limited control failure. reprimand securities and to supervise settlement function;
Unauthorised unauthorised transfers of client securities from
transfer. CCASS segregated client accounts to CCASS
clearing account.
22-May-14 Deutsche Bank AG Internal HKD1.6m fine; Inadequate monitoring of positions in Hong Kong Click here
control failure. reprimand equities; failure in disclosure of interests to SEHK.
21-May-14 ICBC International Sponsor HKD25m fine; Multiple failures in practice and procedures in their Click here
Capital Limited; ICBC failures. reprimand role in the IPO of Powerlong Real Estate Holdings
International Securities Limited, e.g. failure to conduct customer due
Limited diligence, turned blind eye to lack of independence
of Placees for the subscription of Powerlong’s
shares allotted through its listing, etc.
07-May-14 Kaiser Securities Limited Unauthorised HKD1.7m fine; SFC found that between 2004 and 2011, Kaiser Click here
(Kaiser Securities) and financial reprimand conducted securities business in Macau at the
Kaiser Futures Limited activities in premises of Unified Securities (Macau) Limited
(Kaiser Futures) Macau. (Unified) and provided services to clients in
respect of their trading in securities, futures
and options in the Hong Kong market in Macau
through Unified contrary to Macanese law.
Contravention of the laws of Macau has called
into question the reputation, character and
reliability of Kaiser Securities and Kaiser Futures.
07-May-14 Mr Wong Kwong Yu and Breach of HKD420m fine; Breached directors’ duties in certain share Click here
Ms Du Juan directors’ compensation repurchases GOME Electrical Appliances Holding
duties. Limited (the company in which Wong was the
Chairman and Du a director) conducted between
22 January and 5 February 2008.
22-Apr-14 The Royal Bank of Internal control HKD6m fine; “Seriously inadequate” systems and controls Click here
Scotland PLC failure. reprimand on different levels to guard against employee
misconduct; staff mismarking firm’s principal
fixed income positions undetected for years.
09-Jan-14 Cheong Lee Securities Breach of Code HKD2m fine; Inadequate controls to detect and prevent Click here
Limited of Conduct. reprimand self-matching transactions between the sub-
Internal control accounts, affecting market integrity.
20-Dec-13 Tiger Asia Market HKD45m fine paid Contravened Hong Kong’s laws prohibiting Click here
Management LLC misconduct. to investors insider dealing when dealing in the shares of Click here
Bank of China Limited (BOC) and of China
Click here
Construction Bank Corporation (CCB) in
December 2008 and January 2009 and Click here
manipulated the price of CCB shares in Click here
January 2009.
Please also refer to 63 and 88 for
more information.
19-Dec-13 HSBC Securities Brokers Provided HKD5m fine; HSBC Securities submitted a licence application Click here
(Asia) Limited (HSBC inaccurate reprimand to carry on business in Type 7 (providing
Securities information to automated trading services) regulated activity for
SFC during its provision of matching and crossing services
licence in Hong Kong (Crossing Service) in May 2010.
application During the licence application process, HSBC
process. Securities represented to the SFC that existing
clients would be given the option of “opting
in”, by signing “opt in letters”, if they wished to
participate in the Crossing Service (the “opt in”
approach). The SFC granted HSBC Securities a
Type 7 licence in March 2011. In July 2011, the
media reported that HSBC proposed to launch
the Crossing Service to its retail clients, and
that an “opt out” approach would be adopted,
whereby clients would effectively be assumed
to consent to their trades being matched and
crossed on the Crossing Service unless they
took the initiative to notify HSBC otherwise. This
is contrary to the representations that HSBC
Securities had made to the SFC during the
licence application process.

05-Sep-13 Sun On Tat Securities Internal HKD1.m fine total Inadequate segregation of client securities; Click here
Company Limited and control failure. (HKD1.6m for Sun inadequate segregation between front and back
its responsible officer Ms Operational On Tat Securities offices; other operational defects.
Kwong Suk Yee defects. and HKD200,000
for Ms Kwong Suk
Kee); reprimand
05-Sep-13 Premium Stars Criminal HKD3,000 fine and On 3 May 2011, Premium Stars sold over Click here
Investments Limited conviction of SFC’s investigation 68,000,000 excess rights shares to be issued
short selling. costs by China Properties after it had applied for them.
At the time of selling, Premium Stars did not
have reasonable grounds to believe that it had a
presently exercisable and unconditional right to
sell the shares.
15-Aug-13 China Securities Internal HKD1.3m fine; Deficient record keeping and unlicensed dealing. Click here
Holdings Limited control failure. reprimand
29-Jul-13 A One Investment Internal control HKD1.2m fine; Unauthorised sales of client securities; Click here
Company Limited failure. reprimand unauthorized transfers of client funds to third
party accounts.
11-Jun-13 Credit Suisse Securities Internal HKD1.6m; Failure to put in place effective internal controls Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited control failure. reprimand to ensure that all open positions in stock options
Regulatory contracts in which extensions were granted were
breach. in compliance with the prescribed position limits.
21-May-13 UBS Securities Hong Internal HKD1.6m; fine; Inadequate controls to comply with prescribed Click here
Kong Limited control failure. reprimand stock option position limits.
22-Apr-13 Sun Hung Kai Investment Internal control HKD1.5m fine; Weak controls in trade execution function; lack of Click here
Services Limited failure. reprimand segregation between “maker” and “checker” of
credit rules/policies.
11-Apr-13 China Everbright Internal control HKD1.2m; fine; Failure to supervise staff and failure to have Click here
Securities (HK) Limited failure. reprimand controls in place to ensure compliance with
proper account opening and know-your-client
procedures resulting in staff misconduct.
04-Mar-13 Manulife Asset Internal control HKD24m fine; Serious deficiencies in suitability systems Click here
Management failure. reprimand and processes, affecting a majority (73%) of
(HongKong) Limited customers for specific funds.
18-Dec-12 Deutsche Securities Asia Internal HKD2.5m fine; SFC found that Deutsche Securities Asia Limited Click here
Limited control failure. reprimand failed to enforce its internal control procedures
Regulatory to ensure that all open positions in stock options
breaches. contracts it held or controlled were in compliance
with the prescribed position limits. SFC found
that: (i) there was failure to appoint replacement
gatekeepers from March 2011 to September 2011
to replace its primary and secondary gatekeepers
who were on administrative leave even though
the two gatekeepers were the only people who
were granted access to the real-time monitoring
system of Deutsche Securities Asia Limited for
the purpose of monitoring position limits; and (ii)
there was a failure to enforce a “zero tolerance”
policy communicated to its trading staff in March
2006 and April 2007 requiring them to execute
Hong Kong futures and options contracts via
itself only. SFC considers the failings of Deutsche
Securities Asia Limited more serious because it
had already been told by an independent reviewer
in 2007 that its real-time monitoring system for
position limits could not capture proprietary trades
executed via external brokers. Although Deutsche
Securities Asia Limited was aware of the limitation
to its monitoring system and had put in place a
policy and procedures to address this, it failed to
implement and enforce the policy and procedures.

04-Dec-12 President Securities Failure to act in HKD2m fine; Failure to act in the best interests of its clients Click here
(Hong Kong) Limited best interests reprimand when accepting subscriptions for a number of
of clients. Lehman Brothers related structured products by
21 Taiwanese clients in 2008.
14-Nov-12 CIC Investor Services Regulatory HKD4m fine; SFC found that CIC had failed to comply with Click here
Limited (CIC) breaches. reprimand regulatory requirements in treating clients as
professional investors and to keep adequate
records of its investment advice to clients.
22-Aug-12 Merrill Lynch Internal control HKD3.5m; SFC found that Merrill Lynch had failed to Click here
(Asia Pacific) Ltd failures. reprimand take adequate steps to properly handle the
(Merrill Lynch) Regulatory complaints of 11 clients in 2008 before rejecting
breaches. their complaints in breach of the Code of
Conduct. The clients were the subject of a
fraud perpetrated by Ms Joyce Hsu Ming Mei, a
former licensed representative of Merrill Lynch.
They made various complaints to Merrill Lynch.
Hsu was subsequently convicted of 20 counts
of theft and other dishonesty offences. While
Merrill Lynch made enquiries into each complaint,
they failed to fully investigate all the relevant
circumstances leading to some complaints being
incorrectly rejected.
16-Aug-12 RBC Investment Internal control HKD4m fine; Failure to provide adequate guidance to its Click here
Management (Asia) failure. reprimand staff on conducting due diligence on funds
Limited Mis-selling. before making investment recommendations or
solicitations to clients. Relied on its Singapore
office to conduct due diligence on investment
products but saw no record of any due
diligence conducted by its Singapore office.
Did not provide adequate practical guidance to
relationship managers in providing investment
advice or recommendations. No adequate
procedures in place requiring the relationship
managers to document their investment advice
or recommendations and the underlying rationale
and to provide a copy of the same to the clients.
03-Jul-12 IMC Asia Pacific Limited Internal control HKD1.5m fine. SFC conducted an investigation into IMC’s use of Click here
(IMC) failures. short selling indicators for sales orders conducted
Regulatory for its options and proprietary trading. SFC found
breaches. that between May 2007 and July 2010 IMC:
(i) inputted the wrong short selling indicator to
298,228 sale orders out of a total of 1,088,692
sales orders which comprised about 34% of sale
orders executed by IMC for its options trading
and almost 10% of sale orders executed for
its proprietary trading; (ii) failed to report short
selling input errors to Hong Kong Exchange and
Clearing Limited until June 2010; and (iii) failed to
implement adequate internal control procedures
to detect and prevent the misuse of short selling
indicators by traders.
22-Apr-12 Mega Capital (Asia) Sponsor Fine of HKD42m; SFC revoked Mega Capital’s licence to advise Click here
Company Limited failures revocation of on corporate finance and fined it HKD42m for
(Mega Capital) licence. failing to discharge its sponsor’s duties in relation
to the listing application of Hontex International
Holdings Company Limited (Hontex) in
2009. SFC’s investigation revealed that Mega
Capital failed to discharge its sponsor’s duties,
including: (i) inadequate and sub-standard due
diligence work; (ii) failure to act independently
and impartially; (iii) inadequate audit trail of due
diligence work; (iv) inadequate supervision of its
staff; and (v) breach of sponsor’s undertaking
and filing untrue declaration with The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

13-Oct-11 Solomon Independent Facilitating HKD1.5m fine; SFC conducted an investigation which found Click here
Financial Advisors unlicensed reprimand; that Solomon entered into an arrangement in
Limited (Solomon) activities. suspended the which Black Swan referred clients to Solomon in
approval granted exchange for Black Swan receiving commissions
to Ms Connie for trades executed by Solomon on behalf of the
Leung Wing referred clients.
Kam to act as a The Black Swan employees who made the client
responsible officer referrals to Solomon also performed services in
for Solomon and regulated activities to the referred clients.
suspended her
Solomon knew that the arrangement with Black
licence for seven
Swan required participants to be properly licensed
months from 13
by the SFC and that none of the Black Swan
October 2011 to
employees had been granted a SFC license.
12 May 2012.
As Leung was primarily responsible for devising
the arrangement with Black Swan, she bore
direct responsibility for Solomon’s conduct.
03-Oct-11 Citigroup Global Markets Failure to HKD6m; SFC conducted investigation into suspected Click here
Asia Limited (Citi Asia) report. reprimand; misconduct of a former licensed representative
suspended the of Citi Asia, Mr X, who was responsible for
approval granted operating what appears to have been a
to Ms Lisa Chan fraudulent scheme involving 13 Citi Asia wealth
Sin Man, to act management clients who invested through Mr
as a responsible X on the basis their money would be pooled
officer, her and used to purchase US Treasuries and other
licence was also products. Mr X’s scheme operated from 2004
suspended for until February 2009 when Citi Asia suspended Mr
eight months from X while investigating the suspected misconduct.
3 October 2011 to Shortly thereafter, Citi Asia dismissed Mr X for
2 June 2012 gross misconduct.
However, Citi Asia failed to report Mr X’s activities
to the SFC in a timely manner as required by the
Code of Conduct. By the time the report was
produced, Mr X had fled Hong Kong. While this
was not Citi Asia’s intention, the consequence
of the delay in reporting details of the fraudulent
scheme to the SFC meant the SFC and other
law enforcement agencies had no opportunity
to interview Mr X or to secure his whereabouts
pending the completion of the investigation.
The SFC also found that Mr X was insufficiently
supervised by Citi Asia with the result that his
fraudulent scheme was undetected despite a
number of “red flags” which should have caused
those supervising Mr X to instigate enquiries.
21-Jun-11 Sun Hung Kai Investment Failure to HKD4.5m fine; SFC found that SHKIS had failed to: (i) perform Click here
Services Ltd (SHKIS) disclose. reprimand adequate due diligence on the ELNs before selling
Internal control them to clients; (ii) provide adequate training and
failure. Mis- guidance for its sales staff, which would enable
selling. them to fully understand the nature of ELNs, the
risks involved in ELNs, and the suitability criteria;
and (iii) disclose material information, including
the product terms and conditions and the risks
associated with ELNs, to its clients.
11-May-11 Merrill Lynch (Asia Internal control HKD3m; SFC raised concerns that Merrill Lynch had Click here
Pacific) Ltd (Merrill failure. reprimand. failed to properly assess the financial situation
Lynch) and investment objectives of over 40 of the 72
customers who invested in the index-linked notes
during 2007. The SFC was also concerned that
key product information was only provided to
clients after they had agreed to invest in the index-
linked notes and that Merrill Lynch kept inadequate
documentation to explain the rationale behind the
advice they had given to their customers.

Key contacts

Matt Bower Charlotte Robins Fai Hung Cheung

Partner, Hong Kong Partner, Hong Kong Partner, Hong Kong
Tel +852 2974 7131 Tel +852 2974 6986 Tel +852 2974 7207
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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