Pubmed Bonerecons Set
Pubmed Bonerecons Set
Pubmed Bonerecons Set
DCOM- 20220930
LR - 20221011
IS - 1529-4242 (Electronic)
IS - 0032-1052 (Linking)
VI - 150
IP - 4
DP - 2022 Oct 1
TI - Dental Implant Outcomes in Fibula Mandible Reconstruction with or without
Vertical Distraction for Symphysis Cross-Arch Segmental Defects.
PG - 863e-868e
LID - 10.1097/PRS.0000000000009540 [doi]
AB - Dental implant complications in patients with a symphysis cross-arch defect
following fibula mandible reconstruction due to mechanical stress. The
compared implant outcomes after single-barrel fibula mandible reconstruction
immediate implant placement or after completion of vertical distraction
CI - Copyright © 2022 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
FAU - Chen, Jyh Kwei
AU - Chen JK
AD - From the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dentistry,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Taipei; and College of Medicine, Chang Gung
FAU - Chang, Yang Ming
AU - Chang YM
AD - From the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dentistry,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Taipei; and College of Medicine, Chang Gung
LA - eng
PT - Journal Article
DEP - 20220804
PL - United States
TA - Plast Reconstr Surg
JT - Plastic and reconstructive surgery
JID - 1306050
RN - 0 (Dental Implants)
MH - Bone Transplantation
MH - Dental Implantation, Endosseous
MH - *Dental Implants
MH - Fibula/surgery
MH - Humans
MH - Mandible/surgery
MH - *Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery
MH - *Osteogenesis, Distraction
EDAT- 2022/08/09 06:00
MHDA- 2022/10/01 06:00
CRDT- 2022/08/08 14:54
PHST- 2022/08/09 06:00 [pubmed]
PHST- 2022/10/01 06:00 [medline]
PHST- 2022/08/08 14:54 [entrez]
AID - 00006534-202210000-00033 [pii]
AID - 10.1097/PRS.0000000000009540 [doi]
PST - ppublish
SO - Plast Reconstr Surg. 2022 Oct 1;150(4):863e-868e. doi:
10.1097/PRS.0000000000009540. Epub 2022 Aug 4.
PMID- 36730469
DCOM- 20230505
LR - 20230505
IS - 1536-3732 (Electronic)
IS - 1049-2275 (Linking)
VI - 34
IP - 3
DP - 2023 May 1
TI - Anterior Dental Implant in Grafted Cleft Alveolus: A Clinical Comparison
Intramembranous and Endochondral Bone Graft.
PG - 916-921
LID - 10.1097/SCS.0000000000009127 [doi]
AB - BACKGROUND: Alveolar bone graft is usually performed during the early mixed
dentition phase, at the chronological age of 6 to 8 years old, to reconstruct
cleft alveolus. As the appropriate time for implant placement is after
of full growth, it can result in a likelihood of resorption. The aim of this
study is to compare the clinical outcomes of anterior dental implants with
delayed bone grafting using iliac crest (endochondral) and mandibular ramus
symphysis (intramembranous) bone in adolescents to adulthood patients with
alveolus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 10 patients with cleft
alveolus who underwent delayed bone grafting with autogenous block bone and
particulate cancellous bone and marrow (PCBM) from the mandibular ramus and
symphysis with dental implant placement, and iliac crest. The success of the
treatment was evaluated through clinical and radiographic examination
marginal bone loss measurement of the implants. RESULTS: All patients
delayed bone grafting between the ages of 11 and 21.1 years (mean age:
15.1±4.3 y). The implant diameters ranged from 3.8 to 4.5 mm and the lengths
ranged from 8.0 to 11.5 mm. All of the implants were integrated successfully
survived during the 3-year follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed bone
followed by implant placement showed long-term stability with satisfactory
esthetic and functional rehabilitation. One of the main advantages of delayed
bone grafting is to achieve adequate bone support for future dental implant
placements with less bone resorption compared with those of primary, early
secondary, and secondary bone grafting.
CI - Copyright © 2022 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.
FAU - Sodnom-Ish, Buyanbileg
AU - Sodnom-Ish B
AD - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental Research Institute,
of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
FAU - Eo, Mi Young
AU - Eo MY
FAU - Park, Min Woo
AU - Park MW
FAU - Lee, Ju Young
AU - Lee JY
FAU - Seo, Mi Hyun
AU - Seo MH
FAU - Yang, Hoon Joo
AU - Yang HJ
FAU - Kim, Soung Min
AU - Kim SM
LA - eng
PT - Journal Article
DEP - 20221121
PL - United States
TA - J Craniofac Surg
JT - The Journal of craniofacial surgery
JID - 9010410
RN - 0 (Dental Implants)
MH - Adolescent
MH - Humans
MH - Child
MH - Young Adult
MH - Adult
MH - *Dental Implants
MH - Dental Implantation, Endosseous
MH - Bone Transplantation
MH - Esthetics, Dental
MH - Alveolar Process/surgery
MH - *Alveolar Ridge Augmentation
MH - Follow-Up Studies
MH - Maxilla/surgery
COIS- The authors report no conflicts of interest.
EDAT- 2023/02/03 06:00
MHDA- 2023/05/05 06:42
CRDT- 2023/02/02 14:09
PHST- 2022/07/25 00:00 [received]
PHST- 2022/09/12 00:00 [accepted]
PHST- 2023/05/05 06:42 [medline]
PHST- 2023/02/03 06:00 [pubmed]
PHST- 2023/02/02 14:09 [entrez]
AID - 00001665-990000000-00488 [pii]
AID - 10.1097/SCS.0000000000009127 [doi]
PST - ppublish
SO - J Craniofac Surg. 2023 May 1;34(3):916-921. doi:
Epub 2022 Nov 21.