Indirect Lesson Plan

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Indirect lesson plan

Grade 8
Lesson: algorithm
Duration: 45 min
Sessions: 3
Teacher: Ms Nora ghannam

the general goal of the lesson:

1. Design algorithms
2. Implement the algorithm in real life examples.
3. Solve problems through algorithmic thinking.
3. apply algorithmic concepts to various scenarios

The lesson instructional objectives

Behavioral Components:
articulate the logic behind their solutions.
1-Identify the components of an algorithm, including inputs, processes, and outputs.
2. De ne key algorithmic term, sequence
3. Analyze simple algorithms to identify patterns and logic structures.
4. Create their own algorithms to solve basic problems, using sequencing, iteration, and
selection as appropriate.

-essential understandings of the algorithm lesson:

understand that algorithms are step-by-step procedures used to solve problems or perform tasks,
involving a sequence of instructions that must be followed in a speci c order.
Algorithmic thinking is essential for problem-solving

Any objects from class.
White board
Black and red pencil

-di erentiated instruction

Di erentiated Instruction Activity: Algorithmic Project-Based Learning

-O er support and extension opportunities tailored to individual students' readiness levels and
learning styles.
- Allow students to select projects based on their interests and strengths, catering to diverse
learning styles and preferences, through group work.
- Provide support materials and resources tailored to each project option, including tutorials,
sample code, or reference materials.
- Facilitate regular check-ins and progress assessments to ensure students are on track with their
projects and o er assistance or adjustments as needed, through following their conclusions,
making sure they are thinking right.
- Encourage students to showcase their projects through real life example and assessment
- group students with varying levels of understanding or expertise in algorithmic concepts,
matching more pro cient students with those who may need additional support.
- Assign roles within each group, such as "tutor" and "learner," and provide guidelines for how
tutoring sessions should be conducted.
- Encourage tutors to explain algorithmic concepts in di erent ways, use examples and analogies,
and provide hands-on demonstrations to support their peers' learning.
- Facilitate regular re ection and feedback sessions, where both tutors and learners can discuss
their experiences, identify areas of improvement, and celebrate successes.
- Rotate roles periodically to ensure all students have opportunities to both tutor and be tutored,
promoting a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

Classroom management :

Sharing objectives. Foster a collaborative learning environment where students feel comfortable
working together, sharing ideas, and o ering peer support.
communicate behavioral expectations, accessing materials, and seeking assistance. Maintain an
organized classroom layout that facilitates collaboration and minimizes distractions during
algorithmic tasks.

Encourage collaborative problem-solving activities and group discussions to enhance algorithmic


Monitor group interactions and intervene proactively to address con icts, misunderstandings, or
o -task behaviors. Use positive reinforcement to recognize and encourage productive
collaboration while addressing disruptive behavior promptly and respectfully.

Gagne’s Events of Instruction

Introduction and review (10 min)

—Gain attention : Warm-up Part (10 min) game as a warm up.
The rs step, upon coming to the class. We will be having a 10 min game before we dig into own
lesson today about Algorithm, as a warm up exercise.

Development:(30 min)

Group work, design a groups of mixed-ability students, which we can come up with group work,
to conclude the lesson, and interact.

- Closure: Summary, Extension (15 min)

Summarize the lesson, by manifesting what we understand, and the extension, is a homework, to
nd a problem, of a real life situation, and try to solve it through algorithm.
Introduction warm up part (10 min)
Lets start, I need one of you to trace a door way using several objects that will create a leading
road by signs. Now I will choose a number of di erent abilities, student to choose any object of
their own (pencil, eraser, paper. Etc) to put on the oor, so he can start tracing the line in which his
friend will be able to nd the steps outdoor.

After they are done, now I will ask each one of these student and their friend to memorize, or keep
in mind, each object belongs to whom, and which one of their friends, had put it rst.

Now I will share the objectives of the lesson :

The lesson instructional objectives

1-Identify the components of an algorithm, including inputs, processes, and outputs.

2. De ne key algorithmic term, sequence
3. Analyze simple algorithms to identify patterns and logic structures.
4. Create their own algorithms to solve basic problems, using sequencing, iteration, and selection
as appropriate.

Development:(30 min)

Investigate: the problem-based inquiry, and how to reaching the goal as solution.

Lets start! So If we want to summarize, the process in which this student had to walk through until
he get out of the class, what can we say about these steps?

Self directed learning: Student may answer, they are after each other, here I will intreduce the new
word for them like continuous, consecutive, sequential, etc..

Now I will start questioning them , lets say Fred is the second student who put his object on the
ground, the question is can your friend, Strat this process, by attending rst Freds steps?

The answer is de nitely no, he has to go rst through the other friend object, in order to reach the
second step of fred, and so on, here I want them to grasp the value, and importance of the
numbering of the step after each other, that any wrong step, can ruin the whole, plan and lead not
to the aimed target.

So how many steps does he took to get into his goal.. lets say 4 steps.

I will now start explaining further, by using the self-directed learning, by combining them into
groups of mixed ability student, were every one has to design, a con ict about a certain topic, and
then share it with the whole class.

Through group work, I will start introducing the new concept, of input, processing and output.
The student will design each group a speci c goal, and each group will be labeling its inputs for
example the number of steps, processes , how can we calculate these steps in a mathematical
way, and the output, which is the goal reached, after calculating the inputs.

Content aquistion: Students will grasp the importance of algorithmic thinking in breaking down
complex problems into manageable steps, enabling them to develop e cient solutions.

Designing these activities, let them conclude into their own about the importance of steps,
thinking, and algorithm in our real life. Also they will be applying it.

Groups will be writing on a piece of paper, what they came up with solution, and we will all
discuss the accuracy of its result.

- Closure: Summary, Extension (independent practice) (15 min)

Finally I will wrap up the whole lesson, in a summarization words, were they participate in it, giving
more hypotheses, and topics, that they can research at home as an assignment.

Now the assessment will be during the participation in class, as a performance assessment, and
the project for the research will be counted too.


From your homework, problem. (5 points)

1- list out the steps of the algorithmic thinking as 1,2,3 (1point)

2- identify each component, and name it.(1/5 points)
3-solve through the previous answers the problem as an algorithm (1 point)
4-analyze the results of this algorithmic strategy (1 point)
5-what do you conclude (1 point)
6. Name the key algorithmic term. (1/5 points)

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