Lesson Plan 2 Limits at Infinity
Lesson Plan 2 Limits at Infinity
Lesson Plan 2 Limits at Infinity
School: Poudre High School Grade Level: 9th-12th Grade Content Area: AP Calculus
Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)
EK 1.1A2: The concept of a limit can be extended to include one-sided limits, limits at infinity, and infinite
EK 1.1C3: Limits of the indeterminate forms and may be evaluated using L’Hospital’s Rule.
Key Vocabulary:
● Derivative: slope
● Limit
● Indeterminate form
● Finite/ Infinite limits
● Horizontal asymptotes
● l’Hopitals rule
What is a limit?
Why can a limit determine the behavior of a function?
What is a function of indeterminate form?
I can:
● I can determine the limit of a function.
● I can deduce and interpret the behavior of a function using limits.
This means:
● I understand that the limit of a function may be found by using algebraic manipulation.
● Limits of the indeterminate forms 0/0 and infinity/infinity may be evaluated using L’Hospital’s Rule.
● I understand that asymptotic and unbounded behavior of functions can be explained and
described using limits.
Name and Purpose of Lesson Limits at infinity. The purpose of this lesson is to develop an
Should be a creative title for you and understanding of functions as they approach infinity. Students
the students to associate with the should be able to determine the behavior of a function that
activity. Think of the purpose as the
diverges or converges.
mini-rationale for what you are trying
to accomplish through this lesson.
How do you intend to engage your The strategy I intend to use is a pre-test.
students in thinking during the
Anticipatory Set?
I am using this because I want students to start questioning
Why are you using it at this point in and developing ideas before the solution is given to them.
your lesson?
How do you intend to engage your The strategy I intend to use is engaging students is an
students in thinking during the interactive lecture.
Why are you using it at this point in It is important that they do get the information by thorough
your lesson? explanation because “plugging” in infinity to an equation is not
an intuitive concept and cannot be solved how limits at
specific values may be solved.
Closure A few minutes before the end of the lesson, I will bring the
Those actions or statements by a students back together and ask them to solve the same
teacher that are designed to bring a questions they were given at the beginning of class. Based on
lesson presentation to an appropriate
the lecture they should be able to solve these problems and
conclusion. Used to help students bring
things together in their own minds, to
answer questions on their point of confusion.
make sense out of what has just been
taught. “Any Questions? No. OK, let’s
move on” is not closure. Closure is used:
● To cue students to the fact
that they have arrived at an
important point in the lesson
or the end of a lesson.
● To help organize student
To help form a coherent picture and to
How do you intend to engage your The strategy I intend to use is personal reflection.
students in thinking during CLOSURE?
I am using this strategy here because: it is a way to bring the
Why are you using it at this point in
your lesson? lesson to a close where students can reflect on their current
knowledge and address their own points of confusion.
Assessment Reflection: (data I will be able to tell if the learning targets are met by observing
analysis) students during the main lesson and addressing points of
How will you know if students met the confusion when students are working through the problems. I
learning targets? Write a description of will also be able to tell if each student has met the learning
what you were looking for in each target based on the pre/post test. This should give me an idea
of any misunderstandings and if students were able to work
through the problems.
Power Point images: (Powerpoint also attached in email).