What Is The Bible
What Is The Bible
What Is The Bible
The Bible is the sacred Book, or collection of books, accepted by the Christian Church as uniquely
inspired by God, and thus authoritative, providing guidelines for belief and behavior.1
Many verses throughout the Bible attest to its divine origin (Genesis 6:9-13, Exodus 20:1-17, 2 Timothy
3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Revelation 1:1-2, etc.) But the Bible was not simply dictated word-for-word by
God; it is also the work of its many different human authors. The different writing skills, writing styles,
personalities, world views, and cultural backgrounds of the human authors can be seen in their works.
Many of the New Testament books were originally written as letters rather than as Scripture. Some Bible
writings include the authors' own research and recollection of historical events (Luke 1:1-4) and their
own opinions (1 Corinthians 7:12).
The Old Testament is the first of the two major sections of the Christian Bible. The Old Testament
contains the sacred writings of the Jews. It was written over the period of roughly 1000 B.C. to 100 B.C.,
but it includes narration of events that occurred many centuries earlier and had been passed from
generation to generation in oral form. The Old Testament was originally written in the Hebrew language
with a few sections written in the Aramaic language.
There was no "official" list of accepted books of Jewish scripture until around 100 A.D. when Jewish
rabbis revised their Scripture and established an official canon of Judaism, rejecting some books not
found in Hebrew versions of the Scripture. This revision accounts for the fact that Protestant, Roman
Catholic and Orthodox Christians use slightly different versions of the Old Testament.
Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, was born a Jew and practiced Judaism all His earthly life.
Christianity began as a sect of Judaism and only emerged as a separate religion after large numbers of
Gentiles had been converted. The Jewish Scripture had predicted the coming of a savior, the Messiah,
and Jesus fulfilled that role. So it is natural that Christians would retain the Jewish Scripture as part of
their Bible.
For more details: What is the difference between Protestant and Catholic Bibles?
The Old Testament tells the story of God's chosen people, the Hebrews, who were later known as
Israelites or Jews. Sometime around 1800 B.C., God made a covenant with a man named Abraham to
make of his descendants a great nation. The first few of these descendants migrated to Egypt to escape a
famine in their own land. After many generations they had greatly increased their numbers but had
become enslaved to the Egyptians. God sent a great leader and prophet, Moses, to lead the Hebrews out
of captivity and into the Promised Land of Israel. During this time God gave Moses the Ten
Commandments which are still considered the basis for a moral life by both Jews and Christians.
In addition to the Ten Commandments, the Old Testament lists many other laws about circumcision,
dietary restrictions, blood sacrifices, Sabbath observance, tithing, social welfare, crimes, social behavior,
armies, qualifications of leaders, etc. These laws regulated almost every aspect of Hebrew life.
God intended for the Israelites to live according to His commandments and to show the truth of God to
all the world (Genesis 12:1-3). However, time and again, the Israelites lost sight of their mission and
lapsed into idolatry, sin or narrow-minded nationalism. On these occasions, God called prophets, such as
Elijah, Samuel, Jonah, Isaiah and many others, to lead them back to the right path. The Old Testament
writings make no attempt to hide the fact that the Israelites and their leaders had many failings and
flaws. Yet, through these flawed people, God was able to accomplish His purposes in the world.
The later Hebrew prophets foresaw the coming of a Messiah (meaning "anointed one"), a king who
would usher in a golden era of peace and prosperity. More than any other nation, the Israelites looked to
the future, to the coming of the Messiah, and to the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham to make of
his descendants a great nation.
The New Testament contains the sacred books that are unique to Christianity. All the New Testament
books were written in the Greek language over the period of about 50 to 120 A.D. None of the New
Testament books were originally written as part of a Christian Bible, but they were read at church
services for instruction in the faith.
The collection of books we know as the New Testament emerged in the late second century, A.D. The
church leaders accepted books they believed were based on eyewitness accounts of the events narrated,
while rejecting many other early Christian writings. Eventually, the 27 books which form the present New
Testament, along with the Old Testament books, became the Christian Bible as we know it today. The
New Testament canon was formally adopted by the Synod of Carthage in 397 A.D.
The New Testament tells of Jesus' birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection, the growth of the early
Christian Church, and predictions of the second coming of Jesus. Jesus was born sometime between 6
and 4 B.C. in the city of Bethlehem, and He was destined from birth to fulfill the role of Messiah or Christ
(the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word "messiah"). He lived an ordinary life for 30 years, and then He
began His ministry among the Jews.
Jesus traveled from town to town, healing the sick and preaching about the coming kingdom of God. He
taught that God's kingdom is a spiritual kingdom that is now growing among the faithful, and it will find
its fulfillment in the eventual sovereign rule of God and defeat of all evil. Jesus said He will come again
someday to bring God's kingdom to fulfillment. He promised a wonderful eternal life after death for
those who put their trust in God and obey His commandments.
Many of the Jews had expected the Messiah to be a great political and military leader who would defeat
Israel's enemies, but Jesus saw His kingdom as spiritual rather than worldly. He taught the way to victory
is not through force and violence, but through love, humility, and service to mankind. Jesus was not the
type of "Messiah" the Jews had expected, and many of them rejected Jesus and His teachings.
The religious establishment of Israel saw Jesus as a threat. His claims of divine authority and His refusal
to follow some of their religious rules were usurping their authority over the people. This conflict
ultimately led to Jesus' execution by crucifixion only three years after He had begun His ministry.
Three days after His death, Jesus' body was discovered missing from the tomb, and over the next 40 days
Many people saw Him alive again, and He talked with His disciples. At the end of 40 days, He ascended
to heaven, returning to God, His Father.
Jesus' miraculous resurrection convinced many people that He truly was the Christ and their personal
savior as well. Christianity was born, and Jesus' former disciples became its leaders. Throughout the New
Testament, Jesus is portrayed as the Son of God, the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the
Messiah, and as the means of our personal salvation from the power of sin and death.
Jesus taught that love of God and love of other people are the two "Greatest Commandments" that
should totally guide our lives. He taught obedience to God and love for all people, both Jews and
Gentiles, and even for enemies! Jesus did not abolish the moral and ethical laws that had been in effect
from the time of Moses. He affirmed and expanded upon those principles, but He said obedience must
be from the heart (attitudes and intentions) rather than just technical observance of the letter of the law.
Jesus and His apostles gave us a radically new understanding of the true intent of the Old Testament
Law; they brought a new era of the rule of love for all people and spiritual truth instead of rule by law.
The young Christian communities suffered much persecution from the Jewish religious establishment
and from the Roman Empire. Saul, a member of the Jewish religious establishment, was one of the
fiercest persecutors of Christians. One day, while on the road to Damascus, Saul saw a blinding light and
Jesus spoke to him saying, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" As a result of this overwhelming
experience, Saul had a complete change of heart. Now known as Paul, he became a zealous Christian
missionary and extended Christianity outside Judaism, founding many Christian communities in the
Gentile world.
Paul wrote many letters to the people of the churches he had founded. He explained his beliefs about
Jesus, instructed them in proper modes of worship, and sometimes chastised them for moral lapses. He
taught that the way to salvation and eternal life is through faith in Jesus Christ and high moral standards,
not through obedience to the Old Testament Law. Many of Paul's letters have become part of the New
Testament. Through these letters we know Paul as the most energetic and influential interpreter of Jesus'
life and teachings.
The Jews of that time believed that holiness could be achieved by obeying about 600 rules derived from
the Old Testament Law. But the Gentile Christians did not share that tradition and disputes arose about
whether or not it was necessary to follow those rules. Christian leaders, under the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, decided that the ceremonial and legal aspects of the Old Testament Law - circumcision, dietary
restrictions, blood sacrifices, Sabbath observance and many other rules - are not binding on Christians
(Acts 15:1-5, 22-29).
For more details: The Birth of Jesus, Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, The Greatest Commandment and the
Parable of the Good Samaritan, What Does the Bible Say About the Old Testament Law?, Good Friday -
The Crucifixion of Jesus, Easter - The Resurrection of Jesus, What does the Bible Say about Love?, What
Does the Bible Say about Eternal Life and the Resurrection of the Body?, What Does the Bible Say about
Despite the diversity of the Bible books and their separation in time, there are several unifying themes
that run through both the Old and New Testaments:
There is only one true God. He created all that is the universe and takes an active, ongoing and loving
role in its maintenance.
God loves His people of all races, nationalities and religions, and seeks their love in return.
God created men and women with the power to choose between good and evil. We are called to do
good by serving God and respecting our fellow human beings of the world. Evil is a constant temptation
that we must do our best to resist.
God seeks the salvation of all people, individually and collectively, from the power of sin and evil. God
has intervened directly in human affairs and has also sent the prophets and, finally, His Son Jesus, the
Messiah or Christ, to help us with that salvation.
Bible Interpretation
The Bible never tells the details of exactly how God inspired the human authors of the Bible, and this has
led to much debate and differences of opinion about interpretation.
Traditional Interpretation
Throughout most of the Christian era, Bible reading and Bible interpretation were confined to religious
professionals. Until the fifteenth century, the Bible was available only in Latin. Even when the Bible was
translated into other languages, the scarcity and high cost of Bibles kept them out of the hands of
ordinary people. During this era, the Bible was interpreted according to church beliefs and traditions.
There was little or no attempt made to determine the original meanings of the Scripture. Difficult
passages "were interpreted as having a figurative meaning, so that they convey, through a kind of code,
deeper truths about God, the spiritual life, or the church.2"
Scientific discoveries, beginning in the seventeenth century, seemed to contradict some parts of the
Bible. Galileo's study of the universe, Darwin's theories about evolution of species and fossil evidence of
the age of the earth were particularly troubling. At the same time, the Bible was often being studied and
critiqued as ordinary literature rather than as the Word of God. Some Christians felt their faith was
threatened by these apparent challenges to the authority of the Bible. In reaction, the fundamentalist
movement asserted the inerrancy of Scripture: Everything in the Bible must be absolutely, literally,
scientifically and historically true. Anything less would be unworthy of God. Any apparent conflict
between the Bible and another source (science, history, etc.) should be resolved in favor of the Bible
because of its divine origin.
Modern Interpretation
The mainstream of Bible interpretation today is based on hermeneutics [her meh NEWT icks], the
science and art of Bible interpretation. Hermeneutics attempts to determine what message the author
intended to convey and how it would have been understood in its original historical and cultural setting.
This involves a lot of specialized knowledge of the original Bible languages, literary styles and figures of
speech, as well as the history, culture, and current events and issues of the time and place where it was
written. Rather than forcing Bible interpretation to fit into a particular theological framework, such as
church doctrine or strict literalism, hermeneutics attempts to draw out the true meaning as it was
originally intended. Once we know what a Bible passage originally meant, we can prayerfully apply that
knowledge to our lives in the modern world.
For more details: How to Study the Bible, Should the Bible be interpreted literally?
Bible Translations
During the first centuries A.D., Latin replaced Greek as the language of the Roman Empire. In 405 a Latin
translation of the Old and New Testaments was completed. This version, known as the Vulgate, became
the standard Bible of Christianity for many centuries. The first English version of the full Bible was John
Wycliffe's translation of the Vulgate in 1384. Several other English versions followed, and the beloved
King James Version was published in 1611.
None of the original manuscripts of the Old Testament or New Testament are known to exist; the best
available sources are hand-made copies of copies. However, developments in archaeology and Biblical
scholarship have made possible a number of modern, more accurate English translations of the
scriptures. These newer versions are translated from the best available ancient Hebrew and Greek
manuscripts, rather than from the King James Version or the Latin Vulgate.