Pourya 2024
Pourya 2024
Pourya 2024
10, 2024
Abstract—The formulation of inverse problems in the regularization terms. There is extensive literature devoted to the
continuum eliminates discretization errors and allows for the solution of (1), especially with sparsity-promoting regularizers
exact incorporation of priors. In this paper, we formulate a supported by the theory of compressed sensing [3], [4], [5], [6],
continuous-domain inverse problem over a search space of
continuous and piecewise-linear functions parameterized by box [7], [8], [9].
splines. We present a numerical framework to solve those inverse
problems with total variation (TV) or its Hessian-based extension A. Continuous-Domain Inverse Problems
(HTV) as regularizers. We show that the box-spline basis allows for
exact and efficient convolution-based expressions for both TV and Although the discrete formulation (1) is widespread, a for-
HTV. Our optimization strategy relies on a multiresolution scheme mulation of the inverse problem in the continuum offers several
whereby we progressively refine the solution until its cost stabilizes.
We test our framework on linear inverse problems and demonstrate
advantages. The continuous formulation eliminates discretiza-
its ability to effectively reach a stage beyond which the refinement tion errors and allows for the direct employment of regularizers
of the search space no longer decreases the optimization cost. in the continuum. Moreover, it matches the underlying signal
better and allows for its evaluation at any resolution. These
Index Terms—Continuous and piecewise linear, discretization,
total variation, Hessian total variation, multiresolution. reasons have motivated many studies for the understanding of
continuous-domain inverse problems [10], [11], [12], [13], [14],
[15], [16], [17], [18].
I. INTRODUCTION To pose an inverse problem in the continuum, one denotes the
HE recovery of an unknown signal from a set of noisy unknown signal as the d-dimensional function f : Rd → R and
T measurements—an inverse problem—plays a central role
in the field of imaging [1], [2]. The classic solution of inverse
formulates the problem as
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The continuous-domain inverse problems over BTV and discretization [46], [47]. The authors of [48] deployed a finite-
BHTV have been studied theoretically. In essence, TV element discretization on a uniform triangulation to solve a
regularization promotes piecewise-constant solutions [22], TV-regularized inverse problem. The CPWL parameterization
[30], [31]. Likewise, HTV regularization promotes continuous of [48] is similar to that of our box-spline-based approach, which
and piecewise-linear (CPWL) solutions [32], [33]. Algorithms partitions the domain into the simplices of the Kuhn-Freudenthal
in the one-dimensional case (d = 1) exist [34], [35], [36]. triangulation. However, the method in [48] is specific to denois-
They rely on B-spline-based parameterizations of the signals on ing problems with a continuum of measurements. In contrast, we
uniform grids [37]. In this paper, we generalize such frameworks consider a more realistic imaging setup wherein a finite set of
to multiple dimensions. measurements is obtained through a forward operator ν. Our
spline-based formulation offers several advantages. It allows
B. Contributions for closed-form expressions of various forward operators, in
combination with TV and HTV regularization. Further, it results
We develop a framework to solve the continuous-domain
in an exact and convolutional upsampling scheme to refine the
problem (2) with TV and HTV regularizations in multiple di-
grid in any dimension.
mensions. We restrict the search space X to the set of CPWL
Works like [49], [50] view TV regularization from the per-
functions defined on uniform grids, and construct our framework
spective of partial differential equations. They find explicit forms
through three main contributions.
of the solution for denoising problems with a continuum of
(i) Development of a CPWL search space in arbitrary dimen-
sion: To generate a CPWL search space, we use first-order box
Gridless (or off-the-grid) algorithms provide another alterna-
splines on a Cartesian grid. Contrarily to their (more widespread)
tive to the continuous-domain solution of TV regularization [51].
tensor-product (of linear B-splines) cousins [38], box splines
Indeed, the solution of the off-the-grid algorithms is modeled
guarantee a CPWL mapping, regardless of the dimensionality
as a sum of indicator functions over simple sets. Although such
and without any compromise in approximation quality [39],
approaches are mathematically elegant and work well for images
[40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45]. In Section III, we present our
with simple structures, they do not seem to generalize well
CPWL basis and derive its properties.
to natural images [52]. They also rely on heavy optimization
(ii) Exact computations of continuous-domain TV and HTV:
techniques. By contrast, multiresolution schemes reduce the
We show that the use of first-order box splines allows for the ex-
artifacts caused by the approximation grid and benefit from the
act computation of TV and HTV through efficient convolutions
efficient solvers developed for discrete optimization.
(see Theorems 2 and 3). Our continuous-domain computations
eliminate the need for singular-value decomposition (SVD) in
HTV, which is the computational bottleneck of the pixel-based II. MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES
approaches. This efficiency carries on to proximal-based opti- A. Continuous and Piecewise-Linear Functions
A function f : Rd → R is continuous and piecewise-linear
(iii) Multiresolution scheme for optimization: We follow a
(CPWL) if
multiresolution scheme to find a proper grid size for the proposed
1) it forms a continuous map;
CPWL model. This scheme progressively adjusts the grid size
2) its domain Rd can be partitioned into aset {Pk } of non-
until the cost of optimization stabilizes. It relies on multiscale
overlapping polytopes such that Rd = Pk and
extensions of our CPWL search space with dyadic grid sizes. We
prove that the resulting multiscale search spaces are refinable f (x) = (ak x + bk )1Pk (x) (3)
(see Proposition 1). We present the details of the discretization k
at each scale and the numerical solvers in Sections IV and V,
respectively. for some ak ∈ R and bk ∈ R. The indicator function
We validate our framework in Section VI, where we present 1Pk : Rd → {0, 1} maps to 1 when evaluated inside the
numerical results for the reconstruction of continuous-domain polytope Pk , and to 0 elsewhere.
signals from Fourier measurements. We observe that the opti- By inspection of (3), the gradient of a CPWL function f is
mization cost stabilizes with the proper decay of the stepsize
∇f = ak 1Pk (x). (4)
of the grid, which indicates that further refinement of the search
space is not productive. Moreover, our proposed multiresolution
strategy accelerates the optimization of the problem on fine Note that the continuity of f at the boundaries of the polytopes
grids. We also discuss the reconstruction quality and computa- imposes some non-trivial constraints on {ak } and {bk } in (3)
tional complexity of our CPWL-based discretizations of TV and and (4). Therefore, arbitrary choices of such parameters are not
HTV, as compared to their fully discrete counterparts. Notably, allowed.
we observe that our approach accelerates the computations for
HTV regularization. B. Box Splines
A box spline BΞp : Rd → R of nonnegative integer or-
C. Related Works
der p in the space Rd is defined through vectors ξ r ∈ Rd ,
A classic approach to the solution of problems with a r ∈ [1, . . . , d + p]. They are gathered into a matrix Ξp =
functional model of the underlying signal is finite-element [ξ 1 · · · ξ d+p ] ∈ Rd×(d+p) [53]. The vectors in the set
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C. Freudenthal-Kuhn Triangulation
A simplex is the convex hull of d + 1 affinely independent
points in Rd . A triangulation of Rd is its partition into simplices
with disjoint interiors.
The Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation partitions Rd into the
T -cubes {[T k1 , T (k1 + 1)] × · · · × [T kd , T (kd + 1)]}k∈Zd ,
where k = (kr )dr=1 and T > 0 is the grid size. Each T −cube
is further subdivided into simplices Sπq ,k,T that are uniquely
determined by the set {v 0 , . . . , v d } of their vertices, where
v 0 = T k, (7)
v r = v r−1 + T eπq (r) , r ∈ 1, . . . , d. (8)
Here, πq is the qth member of Π—the set of all permutations
of {1, . . . , d}—and πq (r) denotes the rth element of this per-
mutation [54]. The elements of {e1 , . . . , ed } are the canonical
bases of Rd . An example of the Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation Fig. 1. (a) An example of the Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation in the two-
dimensional space: π1 = (1, 2), π2 = (2, 1), and the identified simplices il-
for d = 2 is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). lustrate the support of a first-order box spline on the Cartesian grid. (b) The
basis function ϕ(· − k) is a shifted box spline on the Cartesian grid that is
D. Total Variation positioned at point k ∈ R2 . Such functions are affine over each simplex of the
Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation.
The isotropic total variation (TV) of a differentiable function
f : Rd → R is defined as
of the singular values of a matrix denoted by σr (·). Definition
TV(f ) = ∇f (x)2 dx, (9) (10) does not encompass CPWL functions; however, one can
Rd generalize it to accommodate such functions as
where ∇f (x) denotes the gradient of f . The TV regularization
promotes piecewise-constant solutions whose gradient magni- HTV(f ) = Hf S1 ,M , (11)
tude ∇f 2 is zero almost everywhere. A more general defi-
nition of TV that accommodates non-differentiable functions is where Hf is the Hessian of f in the generalized sense of
provided in Appendix A. distribution. Here, ·S1 ,M denotes the Schatten-total-variation
mixed norm. Intuitively, HTV is the total-variation norm (M
E. Hessian Total Variation norm) of the mapping x → Hf (x)S1 while the M norm is a
The Hessian total variation (HTV) is a generalization of generalization of the L1 norm (see [26] for more details). The
TV that involves second-order differentials. For a twice- null space of the HTV seminorm consists of affine mappings,
differentiable function, we write and CPWL functions are dense in the ball of the HTV seminorm,
including its extremal points [32]. The HTV regularization
HTV(f ) = Hf (x)S1 dx favors CPWL functions with few affine pieces.
Rd r=1
In this section, we first define our multiscale CPWL search
where Hf (x) is the Hessian matrix of f at location x and ·S1 is spaces and investigate their properties in Section III-A. We then
the matrix Schatten-one norm. The latter is given by the 1 norm compute their TV and HTV in Section III-B.
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where δ[·] represents the Kronecker delta. Equations (29) This implies that
and (25) lead to (19), which completes the proof.
2) Definition of the Search Space: Equipped with the box cs+1 [k ] = cs [k]u[k − 2k] (35)
spline ϕ : Rd → R, we now define the CPWL function search k∈Zd
space and completes the proof.
· As a result of Theorem 1, we obtain the embedding · · · ⊂
XT = c[k]ϕ − k , c ∈ 2 (Z ) ,
(30) X(s−1) ⊂ X(s) ⊂ X(s+1) ⊂ · · · . This means that any function
at a coarse scale s1 ≤ s is exactly representable at any finer
d scale s.
where 2 (Z ) denotes the space of discrete signals with finite
energy. Each function f : Rd → R ∈ XT can be written as
· B. Exact and Efficient Computation of the Regularization
f (·) = c[k]ϕ −k , (31)
d k∈Z
T Here, we show that the TV and HTV seminorms of f ∈ XT
can be expressed exactly through efficient convolutions. Without
2 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acha.2023.101581 loss of generality, our results are applicable to fs ∈ X(s) .
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T Paπq ,k,T =
⎡ ⎤
c[k + eπq (1) ] − c[k]
⎢ .. ⎥
⎢ ⎥, (40)
⎣ . ⎦
d d−1
c[k + n=1 eπq (n) ] − c[k + n=1 eπq (n) ]
⎡ ⎤
πq (1)
⎢ . ⎥
P=⎢ . ⎥
⎣ . ⎦. (41)
πq (d)
Fig. 3. Discrete filters {gπq ,r |q, r ∈ {1, 2}} and the internal variable τ , as
used for the calculation of gradient and TV in d = 2. The filters are zero Since P is a permutation matrix, we have that P P = I. There-
everywhere except at the diamond and square points that correspond to the
values of +1 and (−1), respectively. At each plot, the black boundaries identify fore P−1 = P , and
the simplex over which the rth component of the gradient is computable through
the depicted finite difference. aπq ,k,T =
⎡ ⎤
c[k + eπq (1) ] − c[k]
1 ⎢ .. ⎥
1) Total Variation: We first calculate the gradient of f ∈ XT P ⎢
⎣ .
⎥ . (42)
in Lemma 1; we then compute its TV seminorm in Theorem 2. T d d−1
Lemma 1 (Gradient Calculation): The gradient of the func- c[k + n=1 eπq (n) ] − c[k + n=1 eπq (n) ]
tion f ∈ XT on the interior of simplices of its domain is
d! d
∇f (·) = c ∗ gπq ,r [k]1πq ,k,T (·)er , (36) τ −1
T 1
d q=1 r=1 aπq ,k,T [r] = c[k + eπq (n) + er ]
T n=1
where ∗ denotes the discrete convolution operator, and 1πq ,k,T :
τ −1
Rd → {0, 1} is the indicator function corresponding to the sim-
plex Sπq ,k,T of the Kuhn-Freudental triangulation. Moreover, −c[k + eπq (n) ] , (43)
we have that
τ −1
τ −1
where τ satisfies (38) and r ∈ {1, . . . , d}. Equation (43) allows
gπq ,r [·] = δ[· + eπq (n) + er ] − δ[· + eπq (n) ], (37) us to rewrite the gradient as
n=1 n=1
d τ −1
where the variable τ satisfies
∇f (·) = c[k + eπq (n) + er ]
eπq (τ ) = er . (38) k∈Z
d q=1 r=1 n=1
τ −1
This result tells us that each component of the gradient of
− c[k + eπq (n) ] er 1πq ,k,T (·). (44)
f ∈ XT is a piecewise-constant function. Over the simplices
whose orientation follows πq , one can obtain the value of the
rth component of the gradient by convolving the expansion After consideration of (37) and the convolution property, the
coefficients c and the finite-difference filter gπq ,r . To further proof of Proposition 1 is complete.
clarify, we illustrate the filters gπq ,r in the two-dimensional case Theorem 2 (Isotropic Total Variation): The isotropic total
in Fig. 3. Each filter gπq ,r has only two nonzero values (+1 and variation of the function f ∈ XT is
(−1)) regardless of the dimensionality. The number of filters
corresponding to each simplex orientation is d and the number d! d 1
T d−1 2
of orientations is d!. TV(f ) = ((c ∗ gπq ,r )[k])2 , (45)
Proof of Lemma 1: We combine Property iv of the search d!
d q=1 r=1
space and (4) to write
where the filter gπq ,r satisfies (37).
Theorem 2 hints that, in order to calculate the exact
∇f (·) = aπq ,k,T 1πq ,k,T (·). (39)
continuous-domain TV of f ∈ XT the following steps are
k∈Zd q=1
needed: (i) for every simplex orientation πq , convolve the ex-
To find aπq ,k,T , we use the hyperplane equation over the simplex pansion coefficients c and the finite-difference filters gπq ,r for
Sπq ,k,T . The result is r ∈ {1, · · · , d} to obtain d values at point k; (ii) compute the 2
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and let the functions μ1,p and μ2,p,q be defined as We compute Hf {ϕ} (the Hessian of the basis function) in
μ1,p (x) = δ(xp )ψp,p (x) Appendix C. It follows
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HTV(f ) = (56) where Hull returns the convex hull of a set of input points.
We assume that the signal f to be recovered satisfies the zero
1 · boundary conditions
(c ∗ κ1,p )[k]μ1,p − k Mp,p
T2 T S1 ,M
k∈Zd p=1 f (x) = 0 for x ∈
/ Ω or x ∈ ∂Ω, (63)
· where Ω = [0, b1 ] × · · · × [0, bd ] ⊂ Rd and ∂Ω denotes the
+ (c ∗ κ2,p,q )[k]μ2,p,q − k Cp,q .
boundary of Ω. With this assumption and from Lemma 3, fs
T S1 ,M
k∈Zd p=1 q=1
is (exactly) equal to
fs (·) = cs [k]ϕ (2s · − k) , (64)
We then invoke formula for the · S1 ,M a Dirac fence (see [26],
Theorem 3.5-2), and obtain
where Ks satisfies (61) and |Ks | = Nsd . Since Ks is a finite
set, one can define a bijective mapping idxs : Ks → N, with
HTV(f ) = 2 T |(c ∗ κ1,p )[k]| Leb(D) Mp,p S1
T preimage idx−1
s : N → Ks , to rewrite (31) as
d p=1 k∈Z
+ 2 T |(c ∗ κ2,p,q )[k]| Leb(E) Cp,q S1 , fs (·) = cs,n ϕs,n , (65)
d p=1 q=1 n=1
where cs,n = cs (idx−1 −1
s [n]) and ϕs,n = ϕ(2 · − idxs [n]). In
Nd d
where this way, one obtains that cs = Vec(cs ) = (cs,n )n=1s
∈ RNs .
x This is the vectorized representation of signal at resolution s,
D = {x ∈ Rd−1 : box = 1} which we refer to as the parameters of our model. As a result
of Theorem 1, the relation between the parameters at successive
x1 x − x1 1
E = {(x1 , x) ∈ Rd−1 : box box = 1}, scales is
(59) cs+1 = Us cs , (66)
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⎡ ⎤
Nd Ls,π1 ,1 · · · Ls,π1 ,d
where m ∈ {1, . . . , M }, and hs,m = (νm , ϕs,n )n=1
. By con- ⎢ . .. ⎥
structing Hs ∈ R M ×Nsd
as Ls,TV = ⎢
⎣ .
. ..
. . ⎦.
⎥ (77)
⎡ ⎤ Ls,πd! ,1 · · · Ls,πd! ,d
⎢ . ⎥
Hs = ⎢ . ⎥ Here Ls,πq ,r ∈ RNs ×Ns is a Toeplitz-like matrix associated to
d d
⎣ . ⎦, (68)
the vectorization of the convolution of the expansioncoefficients
cs with the kernel gπq ,r defined in (37). We present the definition
we have that of the linear operator (L ⊗ ·) and its adjoint in Appendix E. The
·2,1 is defined as the application of the 2 norm to the rows
v(fs ) = Hs cs . (69)
of the input matrix and then that of the 1 norm to the resulting
The matrix Hs is the exact discretization of the forward operator vector.
at scale s and depends on the response of the box splines to the Our result for the TV in (76) resembles the conventional pixel-
system. As a consequence of Theorem 1, we have that based discretization, except that the present finite-difference
filters are tailored to our model, which makes our computations
Hs = Hs+1 Us . (70)
Therefore, we only need to compute the discretization of the 2) Hessian Total Variation: Through Theorem 3, we have
forward operator at some fine scale sfine and use (70) to propagate that
it to coarser scales. The computation of Hs can be further
HTV(fs ) = 2−s(d−2) Ls,HTV cs 1 . (78)
simplified depending on the properties of the forward operator.
1) Example: If the forward operator corresponds to a sam- The matrix Ls,HTV ∈ R
2 Nsd ×Nsd
is defined as
pling in the Fourier domain, we can write that ⎡ ⎤
νm , ϕs,n = e−jωm · , ϕs,n = ϕ̂s,n (ω m ) ⎢ ⎥
⎢ .. ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
= 2−sd ϕ̂0,n (2−s ω m ) (71) ⎢ ⎥
⎢ Ls,d ⎥
Ls,HTV ⎢
=⎢ ⎥, (79)
= 2−sd ϕ̂(2−s ω m )e−j2
ω −1
m idxs [n] . (72) ⎥
⎢ 2Ls,2,1 ⎥
⎢ .. ⎥
The term ϕ̂(2−s ω m ) can be computed in accordance with (18). If ⎢ ⎥
⎣ . ⎦
−s −1 Nsd
one then defines ws,m = (e−j2 ωm idxs [n] )n=1 , it follows that 2Ls,d,d−1
hs,m = 2−sd ϕ̂(2−s wm )ws,m (73)
where Ls,p ∈ RNs ×Ns is a Toeplitz-like matrix that corresponds
d d
and, therefore, that to the vectorization of the convolution of cs with the filter κ1,p for
p ∈ {1, . . . , d}, and Ls,p,q ∈ RNs ×Ns is a Toeplitz-like matrix
d d
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where [A]k denotes the kth row of the matrix A ∈ RK×N . where fGT satisfies zero boundary conditions outside of the
Moreover, the constants ctH and ctR are equal to the square domain [0, 512] × [0, 512]. Consequently, the expansion coef-
of the spectral norm of the operators H and L, respectively. ficients cGT are zero on the boundaries. We choose a medical
The function Re returns the complex input’s real part, and ·F image from [70] as the basis for our ground truth.
denotes the Frobenius norm. We formulate an inverse problem in a regular imaging sce-
Note that the Chambolle-Pock algorithm [64] could offer an nario where the perfect reconstruction of the ground truth is
alternative to Algorithm 2 for C = RNs . One might also consider possible. To do so, we take advantage of (74) to calculate the
methods based on primal-dual splitting [65], [66], [67] in the Fourier transform of fGT at the frequencies
presence of constraints, with the caveat that they would involve
−π π 255π
additional hyperparameters. ω ∈ −π, . . . , 0, ,...,
256 256 256
A. Convergence to the Solution Over BR −π π 255π
× −π, . . . , 0, ,..., . (86)
In the one-dimensional case, which is equivalent to our frame- 256 256 256
work for (d = 1), the authors in [37] show that the B-spline- To reconstruct the signal from the measurements, we use
based model can approximate the solution of the problem over Algorithm 1 with s0 = (−3), and no regularization (λ = 0). Our
BTV and BHTV . conclusion from this experiment is that we can reconstruct the
For d ∈ {2, 3}, the proposed CPWL functions can approxi- ground truth with high precision (PSNR > 100) as soon as we
mate any integrable function and its TV [48], [68], [69]. This reach scale s = 0 with J(fˆ0 ) = 0.
approximation result serves as a strong indication that our 2) Compressed Sensing (CS): In this part, we focus on a
proposed framework could approximate the solution of (2) compressed-sensing setup where the problem is ill-posed due
over BTV . Moreover, CPWL functions can approximate any to the small number of measurements. Our aims are twofold: to
locally integrable function and its HTV [32]. The construction of compare the effect of the TV versus HTV regularizations; and
those CPWL functions depends on adaptive meshes. While our to compare our approach to the standard pixel-based approach
framework allows for the exact solution of (2) over a search to inverse problems, where an exact computation of TV is also
space of CPWL functions on uniform grids, a proof of the possible (See in Appendix F how we embed pixel-based TV
convergence over BTV and BHTV as the grid size goes to zero within a multiresolution scheme).
would require further rigorous analyses and remains an open Here, we use a ground truth built upon a two-dimensional
theoretical question. cubic-spline basis that is not representable by either the CPWL
or the pixel bases. Specifically, we use
In this section, we present our numerical experiments. Our fGT,CS = cGT [k]ψ(· − k) (87)
code is available on the GitHub repository.3 The reported times k1 =0 k2 =0
for CPU and GPU correspond to the execution of the code on with ψ(x) = β 3 (x1 )β 3 (x2 ), where β 3 is a one-dimensional
an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6240 @ 2.60 GHz and on a Tesla cubic spline [38].
V100-SXM2-32 GB, respectively. To generate the measurements, we sample the continuous-
domain Fourier transform of fGT,CS at frequencies
A. Multiresolution Reconstruction
π π π 127π
Here, we validate our multiresolution scheme to solve inverse ω ∈ − ,... − , 0, ,...,
2 256 256 256
problems in two setups: 1) a perfect reconstruction scenario
with no regularization; and 2) a compressed-sensing counter- π π π 127π
× − ,... − , 0, ,..., , (88)
part with continuous-domain sparsity constraints. We solve all 2 256 256 256
which forms a grid of size (256 × 256). We then apply a radial
3 https://github.com/mehrsapo/BoxDis/ mask and keep only 30 percent of the frequencies in (88) [71].
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Fig. 5. Ground-truth image [70] and measurements for the CS setup. TABLE III
Fig. 6. Solutions of several multiresolution schemes after convergence at the finest scale.
Fig. 7. Solutions at each scale. The region corresponds to the first row of Fig. 6.
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In this paper, we have provided a novel framework for the
solution of the inverse problem (2) with continuous-domain
Fig. 9. (a) Discrete ground-truth signal and its noisy version as the measure-
total variation (TV) and Hessian total variation (HTV) regu-
ments. (b) Solutions. larization. We presented an exact discretization scheme based
on box splines that takes into account the analog nature of the
signals and the physical measurement set. Our formulation is
at the cost of CPU time. The upwind TV outperforms the other exact numerically and yields discrete convolutional formulas
methods in the disk region but is not helpful in the cone region, for the continuously-defined TV and HTV. It also allows for
for which HTV is much better suited. straightforward evaluation of various forward operators in imag-
2) Hessian Total Variation: We now repeat the denoising ing. We also proposed a multiresolution scheme that speeds
experiment of Section VI.B.1, but with HTV regularization up computations and selects the optimal resolution for image
(Fig. 9(b)). On the one hand, we observe that the HTV reg- reconstruction. In all our experiments, we reached a scale beyond
ularization reproduces the smooth structures much better than which making the grid finer yields no further decrease in the
the TV-based solution, which shows staircase effects. On the optimization cost.
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Int. Conf. Image Process., 2007, pp. I-549–I-552. He is an EURASIP Fellow (2009) and a Member of the Swiss Academy of
[72] A. Chambolle, S. E. Levine, and B. J. Lucier, “An upwind finite-difference Engineering Sciences. He was the recipient of several international prizes in-
method for total variation–based image smoothing,” SIAM J. Imag. Sci., cluding five IEEE-SPS Best Paper Awards, two Technical Achievement Awards
vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 277–299, 2011. from the IEEE (2008 SPS and EMBS 2010), Technical Achievement Award
[73] L. Condat, “Discrete total variation: New definition and minimization,” from EURASIP (2018), and recently Career Achievement Award (IEEE EMBS
SIAM J. Imag. Sci., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1258–1290, 2017. 2020).
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