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About the Form (PHDEXT):

1. This Form (PHDEXT) is designed for PhD students admitted/registered in

Full-Time/Part-Time PhD program of the Institute.
2. This Form (PHDEXT) shall be used by PhD student to apply to Doctoral Scrutiny
Committee (DSC) for “Evaluation of Progress Report / Extension of Registration
(with/without fellowship) / Conversion to Part-Time PhD program, as may be
3. Any student (Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Senior Research Fellow (SRF)/ Research
scholar/Project Fellow/Project Assistant etc), who have taken admission in the PhD
program (Full-Time/Part-Time) of the Institute, is here-in-after referred to as PhD
4. This Form consists of five parts. All parts must be printed, filled and submitted by the
PhD student as far as possible (along with necessary enclosures/attachments) to the
PhD Guide. The PhD Guide shall send the completed form along with
recommendations of DSC (through HOD) to Deputy Registrar (Exam and Academic),
IIT(ISM) Dhanbad.
5. Student/Guide is requested to keep a scanned copy of all the documents submitted to
DR (E&A), for reference.
6. This form (PHDEXT) must be submitted by the end of every Semester (by 15 th
December at the end of Monsoon Semester and by 15 th June at the end of Winter
7. PhD Student/DSC may consider submission of this form (PHDEXT) at shorter intervals,
if required. For instance, if the progress of the PhD student needs to be evaluated
more frequently, PhD student may submit this form through Guide & DSC.
8. Incomplete form (form/checklist/enclosure(s)) may be sent back to the Guide (through
HOD) and may result in unnecessary delay in processing. Please submit duly filled-in
“all parts of this form” with necessary enclosures.

Parts of PHDEXT Form:

 Part 1: Cover letter
 Part 2: Checklist of Documents to be submitted along with PHDEXT Form
 Part 3: Application Form, to be submitted to DSC by PhD Student, for
Evaluation of Progress Report / Extension of Registration in PhD program
(with/without fellowship) / Conversion to Part-Time PhD program
 Part 4: Recommendation of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC)
 Part 5: For Office Use only (Academic Section)

(This form was last updated on: 12.03.2019)

(Space for Signature of DSC members present in the meeting)

[Form PHDEXT] Part-1: Cover Letter

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad

DR (E&A)
IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

Through HOD/DeptName

Minutes of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) and progress report of Mr./Ms. Name of

Student, Admission No. XXXXX, PhD Full-Time/Part-Time Registration is enclosed

herewith for your kind perusal.

(Name of Guide)

[Form PHDEXT] Part-2: Checklist of Documents to be submitted along with PHDEXT Form

Checklist of Documents to be submitted:

Assessment Period: From: To:

Details Enclosed Page No.

(mark as
1. Add page number to all pages (at the lower corner of each page). NA

2. Cover Letter (Part-1)

3. Application Form, to be submitted to DSC, for Evaluation of

Progress Report / Extension of Registration in PhD Program
(with/without fellowship) / Conversion to Part-Time PhD program
(signed by PhD student in all pages)

4. Recommendation of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) (Part-4)

(signed by DSC members, present in the meeting, in all pages)

5. Notice for DSC meeting (Part-4)

6. Part-5 is enclosed (For Office Use only (Academic Section))

7. Progress Report is enclosed (Annexure-I)

8. Details of Course work is enclosed (Annexure-II)

9. Any other particulars that you may like to report (Annexure-III, if


10. Copy of Fee receipt (current year) is enclosed

11. Copy of first page of published/accepted journal article

(signed by student in all pages)

12. Any other (please specify)

NA: Not Applicable

(Signature of Guide)

[Form PHDEXT] Part-3: Application Form, to be submitted to DSC, for Evaluation of Progress Report / Extension
of Registration in PhD Program (& Fellowship, if applicable) /Conversion to Part-Time PhD program: by Full-Time/Part-
Time PhD Students at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
Application Form, to be submitted to DSC, for (please tick, as may be applicable)
Evaluation of Progress Report /
Extension of Registration in PhD program (with/without fellowship) /
Conversion to Part-Time PhD program
(to be filled and signed by PhD student in all pages. To be submitted to DSC by PhD student)
Date of Application:
1. Assessment Period From:
(progress report) To:
2. Name of Ph.D. Student

3. Department

4. Admission No.

5. Current status of Ph.D Full-Time PhD Program

Registration Part-Time PhD Program
(Tick, as may be applicable)
6. Joined PhD Program Institute PhD fellowship (IIT(ISM) JRF/SRF)
(Source of Fellowship/ Project (JRF/SRF/Project Fellow/Assistant)
through Program) DST/Inspire Fellowship
(Tick, as may be applicable) CSIR Fellowship
UGC Fellowship
PMRF Fellowship
Under TEQIP Programme
Sponsored (please specify) ………………………
Other (please specify) ……………………….
7. Date of Admission as PhD
8. Date of Admission as Project Fellow/Other at the
Institute (if applicable)
9. Date of Registration in PhD program (if different from Date
of Admission as PhD student
10. Email Id of PhD student Institute ID:

Personal ID:
11. Mobile Number

12. Name of Guide & Dept. Name:

13. Name of Co-Guide (if any) Name:
& Dept. Dept:
14. Name of External Guide & Name:
Affiliation (if any) Affiliation:
15. Fee submitted for the YES
current year NO
(Yes/No/Exempted) Please enclose a signed copy of current year fee receipt.

(Signature of PhD Student)
[Form PHDEXT] Part-3: Application Form, to be submitted to DSC, for Evaluation of Progress Report / Extension
of Registration in PhD Program (& Fellowship, if applicable) /Conversion to Part-Time PhD program: by Full-Time/Part-
Time PhD Students at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
16. Progress report for the YES
assessment period is NO
enclosed (Enclose it as Annexure-I)
17. Journal/Conference YES
article(s) published during NO
assessment period Please enclose a copy of the first page of article.
18. Percentage of research ………..%
work completed (as per your assessment)
19. Whether writing of thesis YES
commenced NO
20. Total Leave taken during
the period (in days, for Full-Time PhD students only)
21. Field Work done, if any YES
(Please enclose details in Annexure-I)
22. Laboratory work done, if YES
any NO
(Please enclose details in Annexure-I)
23. Seminar/Conferences YES
attended/presented (if NO
any) (Please enclose details in Annexure-I)
24. Other Academic/TA Work YES
done, if any NO
(Please enclose details in Annexure-I)
25. Books/Journals consulted YES
(Please enclose details in Annexure-I)
26. Title/Broad Area of the
research thesis

(please write title of research thesis, as per PhD registration letter. Otherwise, mention broad area of research (prior to
Research Seminar and confirmation of registration in the PhD program).

27. Details of PhD Course ……… is/are the number of course(s)

Work completed (current recommended by DSC.
status, if any) ……… is/are the number of course(s) completed.
Please provide details in Annexure-II ……….is/are the number of course(s)
and enclose a copy of grade sheet
attended/registered (current status)
from MIS (if available).
28. Pending Course Work (after ……… is/are the number of course(s) that is/are
completion of one year since date pending.
of admission in PhD program), if
29. Any other particulars that (You may use additional sheets as Annexure-III.)
you may like to report
30. Date:
(Signature of PhD Student)

(Signature of PhD Student)
[Form PHDEXT] Part-3: Application Form, to be submitted to DSC, for Evaluation of Progress Report / Extension
of Registration in PhD Program (& Fellowship, if applicable) /Conversion to Part-Time PhD program: by Full-Time/Part-
Time PhD Students at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

The Progress of research of Shri/Ms …………………………………………………..during the
period under review has been
not satisfactory/

Signature of External Supervisor (if applicable)
The progress of research of Shri/Ms …………………………………………………..during the
period under review has been
not satisfactory/


(Signature of Internal Supervisor(s))

33. The progress of research of Shri/Ms …………………………………………………..during the
period under review has been
not satisfactory/

(Signature of Chairperson of DSC)

[Form PHDEXT] Part-4: Recommendation of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC)
Part-4: Recommendation of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC)
1. Venue of Meeting

2. Date of Meeting

3. Time of Meeting

4. Name of PhD student

5. Admission No. of PhD

6. Date of Admission/
Registration in PhD
7. Title/Broad Area of

8. Assessment Period From:

(Progress Report)

9. Presentation of Progress Presented by Student (In-person) before DSC.

Report by Research Progress Report Submission only (In-absentia) *
Scholar: *Prior special approval shall be taken from Dean (Academic) if the
progress report was submitted in-absentia.

10. Fee submitted for the YES

current year NO
(Yes/No/Exempted) Please enclose a signed copy of current year fee receipt.

11. Progress report for the YES

assessment period is NO
enclosed (Enclose it as Annexure-I)

12. Details of PhD Course ……… is the number of courses recommended by

Work completed, if any DSC.
(current status) ……… is the number of courses completed so far
(current status).

Please provide details in Annexure-II and enclose a copy of grade sheet

from MIS (if available).

13. Pending Course Work ……… is/are the number of course(s) that is/are
(after completion of one year pending.
since date of admission in PhD
program), if any.
14. Overall Excellent

(Space for Signature of members of DSC present in the meeting)

[Form PHDEXT] Part-4: Recommendation of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC)
about Progress of the Good
PhD student during the Satisfactory
assessment period Unsatisfactory (fellowship may be stopped until next evaluation of
progress in research by PhD student)

15. Overall From:

Recommendation for
Extension of
Registration in PhD Termination/Resignation from PhD program is
program for period** recommended by DSC.
(Assessment of progress/completion of course work may be carried
out at shorter 1/2/3 months interval before final recommendation
for termination with reasons).
Conversion from Full-Time to Part-Time PhD
registration is recommended#
Conversion from Part-Time to Full-time to PhD
registration is recommended

#Please enclose duly completed original copy of “No Dues Certificate”.

(**As assessment of the progress of PhD student is to be carried out twice a year,
recommendation for extension of registration in PhD program shall be limited to a maximum
of 6 months only; that is only up to 15th June or 15th December at a time, as may be applicable).

16. Source of Fellowship (if IIT(ISM) PhD Fellowship

Other(please specify)……………
17. Recommendation for From:
Fellowship for period$$
(if applicable)
18. Recommendation about During the period as mentioned above (fellowship for
Fellowship Amount to period$$), DSC recommends release of Fellowship at
PhD student (if applicable the rate of Rs. …………………………/month only.
for JRF/SRF/Project Fellow)

19. Comments to PhD student: (Space for comment(s) by DSC, if any, to be communicated
to the candidate by Exam and Academic*.

(Space for Signature of members of DSC present in the meeting)

[Form PHDEXT] Part-4: Recommendation of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC)

20. Other Observation(s), Comment(s) & Recommendation(s) (if any):

(Please use additional sheets, if required. All sheets should be signed by all DSC members present in the

Signature of Approved DSC members present in the meeting

Member Present Name & Dept. Designation Signature
(After taking print out)


Co- Guide(If any)

Member (Dept.)

Member (Dept.)

Member (sister Dept.)

Member (sister Dept.)

[Form PHDEXT] Part-4: Recommendation of Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC)

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad


No. XXX/??? Date:

A meeting of the Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) constituting of the following

approved members will be held at 01:00 PM at Name of Venue, in the
Department of ……………. for examining the progress of Name of Student,
Admission No. xxx???, in PhD Part-Time/Full-Time Program.

Signature of Approved DSC members invited for the meeting

Member Present Name & Dept. Designation Signature
(After taking print out)


Co- Guide(If any)

Member (Dept.)

Member (Dept.) On leave/out of

station, (as may be
Member (sister Dept.)

Member (sister Dept.)

(Name of Guide)
Guide & Member

[Form PHDEXT] Part-5: For Office Use only (Academic Section)
Part-5: For Office Use only (Academic Section)
Annual Progress Report attached Yes No
Details of Course work attached Yes No
Fee for the current session attached Yes No

Assessment Period (progress report) From: To:

Extension of Registration for Period From: To:
(, as per DSC
Fellowship for Period$$ From: To:
(, as per DSC
Amount of Fellowship (Rs/month), Rs.
as per DSC

Remarks (if any):…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Dealing Assistant Asst./Dy. Registrar (E & A)

Forwarded to Assoc. Dean ( Acad)PG

DSC recommendation: Approved / Not Approved

Remarks (If any): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Assoc. Dean (Acad) PG/Dean Acad)

Forwarded to Academic & Examination Section

Office Order for extension issued on (

Dealing Assistant Asst./Dy. Registrar (E & A)

[Form PHDEXT] Annexure-I: Progress Report

Annexure-I: Progress Report

(to be filled and signed by PhD student in all pages. To be submitted to DSC by PhD student)


Progress Report for Duration:


This Page is intended for submission of detailed progress report. Please use additional page, if

[Form PHDEXT] Annexure-II: Details of Course Work

Annexure-II: Details of Course Work

(to be filled and signed by PhD student in all pages. To be submitted to DSC by PhD student)

1. Name of the Student

2. Admission No
3. Details of PhD Course Work ……… is/are the number of course(s)
completed (current status, if recommended by DSC.
any) ……… is/are the number of course(s) completed.
Enclose a copy of grade sheet ……….is/are the number of course(s)
from MIS (if available). attended/registered (current status)
4. Pending Course Work (after ……… is/are the number of course(s) that is/are
completion of one year since pending.
date of admission in PhD
program), if any.

Please provide details of Course Work*, as recommended by Guide and DSC:

Sl.No Course Course L-T-P Status Grade

Code Name obtained

*Please attach copy of grade sheet from MIS, if available.


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