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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)

A. Content standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
Types of Rocks and their Properties
B. Learning competency: Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic. (S11/12ESIb-10)
C. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student should be
able to:
● identify the three types of rocks;
● classify rocks as to igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; and
● appreciate the importance of rocks in our daily life.


A. Topic: Types of Rocks
B. Reference:
C. Materials: Laptop, Powerpoint presentation
D. Values Integration: Unity and Teamwork
E. Strategies: 4A’s ( Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application )



A. Preliminary Activity


Before we enter the exciting world of Science, let

us seek the supervision of our dear Almighty
Father through an opening prayer.

May I invite here in front our prayer leader for this


What a lovely morning class! Rise and shine! Hi! Good morning Teacher!
Hello Good Morning Grade 7!

Checking of Attendance

Do we have any absences today?

B. Motivation

Before we proceed to our discussion for today,

lets have first -

Guess the Picture

I will post 2 picture and you will combine those
picture that serve as your clue and guess what
was the picture pertaining to.Raise a hand if you
know the answer. The one who get the most
answer will receive an award.
Are you ready? okay .Let’s begin-

(the teacher will flash the pictures on screen)

C. Activity

: Let’s test your knowledge of rocks and the rock cycle

with this interactive quiz. See how well you understand
the processes that shape and transform rocks on Earth.

The class will be divided into 3 groups.

There are multiple-choice questions with varying levels
of difficulty. Answer each question to the best of your
The faster you answer, the more points you earn!
Are you ready? Yes you are…
(the teacher will use QUIZIZZ app for the activity where
the questions will be flash on screen)

D. Analysis

: What is rocks?

: How did you classify rocks in your activity?

: How rocks do differ?

: How are they similar?

: Why rocks do looks different from one another?

E. Abstraction

: Does any of you know what petrology is? : I think teacher it’s about
: Precisely! Petrology is the scientific study of
rocks. Earth is a solid rock to a depth of 2,900
kilometers, where mantle meets the liquid outer
core. A rock is a naturally occurring solid
aggregate of one or more minerals The
aggregate minerals forming the rocks are held
together by chemical bonds.
Grains can be different in color, texture, and
sizes. Geologists then group rocks into three
categories based on how the rocks form: igneous
sedimentary and metamorphic rock. Petrologist
classified rocks based on how they were formed.
: ( Type their answer on the
: Question! It is a naturally occurring solid
aggregate of one or more minerals.

: It is the scientific study of rocks

: Do you have any idea what are those 3 : The 3 classifications of rocks
classifications of rocks? are igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary rocks
: Exactly! Geologists group rocks into three
categories based on how the rocks form: igneous
, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock.
Do you have any idea how these rocks form?

: Igneous formed from lava,

metaporphic is from other
rocks such as sedimentary
and igneous and also
sedimentary rocks formed
from accumulated fragments
over long period of time
: Brilliant!
1. Igneous- formed from hardening and
crystallization of magma or molten material that
originates deep within the earth.
There are two types of igneous rock:
-Extrusive/Volcanic rock - forms when magma
makes its way to Earth's surface as lava and then
cools. The crystals are very small (fine-grained)
since the cooling process is fast.
-Intrusive/Plutonic - It cools slowly beneath the
Earth surface and are created by magma. The
intrusive igneous rocks have very large crystals
(coarse grained)
Also, igneous rocks are classified according to
1. Composition- it refers to rock's mineral and
chemical make-up.
relsic - igneous rocks that are light in colors;
feldspar and silicates Manic - dark-colored
igneous rocks made up o magnesium, calcium
and iron Intermediate - refers to igneous rocks
between mafic and felsic
composition. Ultramaric - denotes igneous
rocks that composed chietly o matic minerals.
2. Texture - overall appearance o a rock based
on the size, shape, and arrangement of
interlocking mineral crystals. Aphanistic - tine-
grained rocks with crystals seen by aid o
microscope Phaneritic - coarse-grained
rocks Porphyritic - large crystals with small
crystals Glassy - a rock that looks like colored
glass with no visible mineral
crystal. Puroclastic- results from explosive
fragmentation of volcanic material. Some
examples of these rocks are Obsidian, pumice,
basalt, granite, diorite, gabbro

: Question! It is formed from hardening and : ( Typing their answers on the

crystallization of magma or molten material that site)
originates deep within the earth.

: What are the two types of igneous rocks?

: Typing their answers
: It is a result from explosive fragmentation of
volcanic material
: (Tap their answers )
: So I hope that you grasp all the information
anout igneous rocks. : How about the marble
teacher which is commonly
used in some elite family?
: Well, marbles form from what we called
metamorphism . In this case marble is classified
as metamorphic rock .
Metamorphic forms from pre-existing rocks:
either metamorphic, igneous. sedimentary or
other metamorphic rocks that have been altered
by agents of metamorphism.
Examples: quartzite, marble, slate, phyllite
Metamorphism - transformation of one rock type
into another.
2 types of metamorphism
1. Regional-due to changes in pressure and
temperature over large region of the crust. It may
happen when rock is buried deep below the
surface of the earth.
2. Contact-the rock minerals and textures are
changed mainly by heat due to contact with
I.Texture - refers to the size arrangement and
grains within the rock.
Folation - any planar arrangement of mineral
grains or structural features within the rock.
a. Poliated rocks - can be arranged in terms of
increasing metamorphism. and it appeared
layered or banded with compressed mineral
grains. Example: mica
b. Non-foliated rocks - usually made up of only
few minerals.

: So, Question! It is a rock that forms from pre-

existing rocks: either metamorphic, igneous.
sedimentary or other metamorphic rocks that
have been altered by agents of metamorphism. : (Tapping their answers)

: It is a type of metamorphism due to changes in

pressure and temperature over large region of
the crust. It may happen when rock is buried
deep below the surface of the earth.

: What is an example of Foliated rocks ? : ( Tapping their answers )

: (Typing their answers)
: Did you know class that the chalk is made of
: How about the coals teacher
that are used to provide
: So the rocks that you’re referring to which is the
coal and the chalk that I’ve mentioned earlier are
called Sedimentary rocks.

Sedimentary rocks provide information about

surface conditions that existed in the Earth's past.
Particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other
fragments of materials called sediments,
accumulate in layers and over long period of time
harden into rocks.
Compaction-due to increase of pressure of
layered sediments it bind together to form the
sedimentary rocks
There are three types or sedimentary rocks
* Clastic Sedimentary rock - formed from
accumulation o clasts: little pieces of broken
rocks and shells. Examples: conglomerate,
breccia, sandstone.
* Chemical - formed when dissolved minerals
precipitate from a solution. Example: Halite -
formed when a body o seawater becomes closed
oft and evaporates.
* Organic - rocks formed from the accumulation o
animal debris
Example: Coal - composed of organic matter in : Teacher, which among the 3
the form of plants fragments. are non-renewable?
So those are the 3 classification of rocks.

: Based on some research , the Sedimentary

rocks are mostly non renewable such as coal
because it requires hundreds or millions of years
to be formed again even though it is a natural
: ( Typing their answers)
: Question! provide information about surface
conditions that existed in the Earth's past.
: ( Tapping their answers on
: What are the 3 classifications of sedimentary the screen)

: That ends our dicussion about the three types of

rocks namely; igneous, metamorphic, and
sedimentary rocks.

F. Application

Now that we have already introduced and discussed

what are the three types of rocks we will now proceed to
the application part.

Direction: Students will be divided into groups, each

group must have at least 4-6 members. And will join the
nearpod website by the link or code provided by the
The students will then proceed to the activity titled “
Time to climb” the first 4 groups that will be placed will
get additional points for the assessment.
1st place: 5 additional points
2nd place: 4 additional points
3rd place: 3 additional points
4th place: 2 additional points
The rest: 1 additional point

Thank you for your active participation and

congratulations to the groups that got additional points.

G. Assessment
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best
answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Petrologist classifies rocks based on how they

were formed. What is the branch that deals with
the study of rocks?
A. Biology
B. Geology
C. Paleontology
D. Petrology

2. Halite is made when a body of seawater

becomes closed off and evaporates and salt
precipitates out and is deposited as crystallized
halite. What type of sedimentary rock is formed?
A. Clastic
B. Chemical
C. Organic
D. Pyroclastic

3. Igneous rock is divided into two groups,

extrusive and intrusive. Extrusive igneous rocks
form when magma makes its way to its surface
as lava and the cools forming rocks. Which of the
following will be the characteristics of the
A. Crystals are coarse-grained.
B. Crystals are fine-grained.
C. Crystals are very large.
D. Crystals are phaneritic

4. Regional metamorphism occurs due to

changes in pressure and temperature over a
large region of the crust. It may happen when
rock is buried deep below the surface or where
pieces of the Earth’s crust collide. Which is a
metamorphic rock?
A. Breccia
B. Conglomerate
C. Marble
D. Sandstone

5. Igneous and metamorphic rock can be buried

and undergo tremendous
heating and stress. What is the process of
transformation of one rock type into
A. Compaction
B. Lithification
C. Metamorphism
D. Weathering


Javier, Khate Jay
Panerio, Josephine
Flordeliza, Eldie


Juli Berame

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