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Kurt Andre S.

Miranda September 9, 2020

11-Asteroids Prof. Arrienda

“Types of Logic”

Based on my research, there are 20 types of logic. The purpose of Basic logic is to deduce

conclusions from what you know and to detect invalid logic. For example, Premises: There is no evidence

that penicillin is bad for you. I use penicillin without any problems. Inference is the logic of developing

true statements from lists of other true statements. There are many other examples of interference and its

effect on our memories: After changing your mobile phone number, you have a difficult time remembering

the new number, so you keep accidentally giving people your old number. The memory of your old

number interferes with your ability to recall your new number. Fallacies is the identification of flaws in

logic. One example of a fallacy is ad hominem. A theory is discarded not because of any evidence

against it or lack of evidence for it, but because of the person who argues for it. Directions of logic

equate to the directions of problem solving such as top-down and bottom-up approaches. An example of

this is Modus ponens. Inductive reasoning is a type of bottom-up logic that proposes theories on sets of

observations. An example of inductive reasoning is, "The coin I pulled from the bag is a penny. That coin

is a penny. A third coin from the bag is a penny. Therefore, all the coins in the bag are pennies."

Abductive reasoning is a type of bottom-up logic that allows for best guesses. Daily decision-making is

also an example of abductive reasoning. Backward induction is a process of reasoning backwards

starting with potential conclusions and evaluating the paths that lead to each conclusion. As an example,

assume Player A goes first and has to decide if he should “take” or “pass” the stash, which currently

amounts to $2. If he takes, then A and B get $1 each, but if A passes, the decision to take or pass now

has to be made by Player B. Certainty of logic are methods of logical problem solving differ in terms of

certainty. An example of this is Bibliography. Deductive reasoning is the process of proving a theory

using formal logic that guarantees logical certainty. Informal logic represents logical arguments in a

natural language such as English. For example, "All men are mortal. Harold is a man. Therefore, Harold

is mortal." For deductive reasoning to be sound, the hypothesis must be correct. It is assumed that the

premises, "All men are mortal" and "Harold is a man" are true. Therefore, the conclusion is logical and

true. In deductive reasoning, if something is true of a class of things in general, it is also true for all
members of that class. Formal logic is the practice of deriving logical conclusions form premises that are

known or assumed to be true. An example of this are Premises: Every person who lives in Quebec lives

in Canada. Partial truth is useful for modern applications such as artificial intelligence. "You should not

trust Peter with your children. I once saw him smack a child with his open hand." In this example the

statement could be true, but Peter may have slapped the child on the back because he was choking. "I'm

a really good driver. Law of excluded middle is a classical law of logic first established by Aristotle. For

example, if P is the proposition: Socrates is mortal. then the law of excluded middle holds that the logical

disjunction: Either Socrates is mortal, or it is not the case that Socrates is mortal. Propositional logic is a

branch of mathematics that formalizes logic. Examples are the following are propositions: – the reactor is

on; – the wing-flaps are up; – John Major is prime minister. Fuzzy logic allows partial truths. For

example, we can use the hedges rather and somewhat to construct the additional values rather old or

somewhat young. Artificial intelligence is the process of testing a large number of statistical models

against training data. Some examples of this are Manufacturing robots, Smart assistants, Proactive

healthcare management, and more. Critical thinking is a disciplined, systematic analysis of evidence

that arrives at an opinion, judgement or critique. For example, a triage nurse analyzes the cases at hand

and decides the order by which the patients should be treated. Abstraction looks at a problem in

general rather than specific terms by modeling it. An example of this is Physicality. Counterfactual

thinking usually means thinking back in time to evaluate decisions that you could have made but are now

impossible because the time has passed. For example, the thought “If I had not eaten so many potato

chips, I wouldn't feel ill right now” implies eating too many potato chips caused the person to feel sick.

First principles are a set of known facts, theories or assumptions in a particular domain that can be used

to solve problems. For example, in the syllogism, "All men are mortal; Socrates is a man; Socrates is

mortal" the last claim can be deduced from the first two. A first principle is an axiom that cannot be

deduced from any other within that system

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