Manegrial Economics en 001
Manegrial Economics en 001
Manegrial Economics en 001
Abdelhalim Mahmoud
abdelhalim saleh
• Economics is the science of making decisions in the presence of scarce
It is important that an economy make the best use of its limited resources.
That brings us to the critical notion of efficiency.
Efficiency denotes the most effective use of a society’s resources in satisfying
people’s wants and needs.
MacroEconomics MicroEconomics
company goals.
Managerial Economics therefore, is the study of how to direct
scarce resources in the way that most efficiently achieves a
managerial goal
Economic efficiency :
providing an item at the minimum possible cost. considers the
cost of inputs used in the production process.
2- Market characteristics:
• Market volume
• Types of products.
• Competition.
Factors Influencing management decision when
choosing production technique:
3- Economic Policies:
• Fiscal policy
• Monetary policy
• Trade policy.
Accounting profits are the total amount of money taken in from sales (total revenue, or
price times quantity sold) minus the dollar cost of producing goods or services.
Economic profits are the difference between the total revenue and the total
opportunity cost of producing the firm’s goods or services.
When economists speak of profit, they mean profit over and above what the owner’s
labor and capital employed in the business could earn elsewhere
Some one decided to quit his job, which paying him annual salary 60000 LE, and run his
own startup. He invested his savings which return was 25000 L.E.
At the end of year he achieved profits equal 100,000. L.E.
• Innovation
• Risk
A hallmark of managerial decision making is the need to make risky choices.
For managers this risk takes many forms.
• They are asked to make decisions whose future outcomes are
unknown (How successful will this product be in the market?),
• when they don’t know the reactions of rivals (If I raise my price, will
my rivals raise theirs?),
• and when they do not know the likelihood of a future event
• Risk
A hallmark of managerial decision making is the need to make risky choices.
• Market Power:
A firm’s ability to raise price without losing all sales.
Foreign Trade
State Budget
Public Public
Expenditure Revenue
Wages & Salaries
Other Revenues
• Sales Tax vs. VAT
• Minimum wage
• Tax brackets & tax rates
• Subsidized categories
• Fees of Governmental services
• Public Investment Plan
Monetary policy
• Monetary policy is a set of actions to