Manegrial Economics en 001

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Abdelhalim Mahmoud

‫عبدالحليم محمود صالح‬

[email protected]

abdelhalim saleh
• Economics is the science of making decisions in the presence of scarce

• Economics is the social science that examines how individuals,

institutions, and society make optimal choices under conditions
of scarcity

• Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to

produce valuable commodities and distribute them among
different people

• Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a

relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative
Economic Problem


It is important that an economy make the best use of its limited resources.
That brings us to the critical notion of efficiency.
Efficiency denotes the most effective use of a society’s resources in satisfying
people’s wants and needs.
MacroEconomics MicroEconomics

examines the performance is the part of economics

of the economy as a whole. It concerned with
focuses on economic growth, decision making by
the business cycle, inflation, individual customers,
and major economic workers, households,
aggregates and business firms.
Managerial Economics Managerial Micro Micro Economics

Prescriptive Economics Economics Descriptive

Management is how businesses

organize and direct workflow,

operations, and employees to meet

company goals.

The primary goal of management is

to create an environment that lets

employees work efficiently and

Managerial Economics therefore, is the study of how to direct
scarce resources in the way that most efficiently achieves a
managerial goal

Management Managerial Economics

Technical efficiency :
refers to producing output with the minimum
possible inputs.
Technical efficiency alone, however, does not imply
that scarce resources are being well used.

Economic efficiency :
providing an item at the minimum possible cost. considers the
cost of inputs used in the production process.

Technical efficiency is necessary for economic efficiency, but it does

not guarantee it.
Choosing production techniques:

Labor Intensive Capital Intensive

Factors Influencing management decision when
choosing production technique:

1- Institution goals & strategy:

• Capital intensive Vs. Labor intensive.
• Long term profitability Vs. short term.
• Environment friendly.
Factors Influencing management decision when
choosing production technique:

2- Market characteristics:

• Market volume

• Types of products.

• Competition.
Factors Influencing management decision when
choosing production technique:

3- Economic Policies:

• Fiscal policy

• Monetary policy

• Trade policy.

Encourage institutions to follow specific paths or activities

What is the goal of the Manager?
The general goal for the managers is to maximize
the Value of the Firm (profit maximization).

What is the profit ??!

Economic Profit Accounting Profit

Accounting profits are the total amount of money taken in from sales (total revenue, or
price times quantity sold) minus the dollar cost of producing goods or services.

Economic profits are the difference between the total revenue and the total
opportunity cost of producing the firm’s goods or services.
When economists speak of profit, they mean profit over and above what the owner’s
labor and capital employed in the business could earn elsewhere
Some one decided to quit his job, which paying him annual salary 60000 LE, and run his
own startup. He invested his savings which return was 25000 L.E.
At the end of year he achieved profits equal 100,000. L.E.

Economic Profit Accounting Profit

Revenues: Revenues:
Deduct: Deduct:
Explicit cost Explicit cost
Implicit Cost (opportunity cost)
Labor opportunity cost 60000
Savings opportunity cost 25000

15,000 L.E 100,000 L.E


• Innovation

IPhone considered pioneering product. It

pushes the frontier relative to existing products in

terms of functionality, technology, and style.

These managerial efforts generates high profits.

Future value depends on how each managerial

team executes its strategy.


• Risk
A hallmark of managerial decision making is the need to make risky choices.
For managers this risk takes many forms.
• They are asked to make decisions whose future outcomes are
unknown (How successful will this product be in the market?),
• when they don’t know the reactions of rivals (If I raise my price, will
my rivals raise theirs?),
• and when they do not know the likelihood of a future event

Profit is the reward to those who bear risk well.


• Risk
A hallmark of managerial decision making is the need to make risky choices.

Profit is the reward to those who bear risk well.


• Market Power:
A firm’s ability to raise price without losing all sales.

managers also earn profit by exploiting market inefficiencies.

Good managers understand how to create these
to give their firm a sustainable competitive advantage.
• Common tactics in this area include:
• building market entry barriers,
• sophisticated pricing strategies
• diversification efforts and output decisions.

Such tactics, if done well, can generate a long stream of profit.

Economic Policies
Fiscal Policy


Foreign Trade
State Budget

Public Public
Expenditure Revenue
Wages & Salaries
Other Revenues
• Sales Tax vs. VAT
• Minimum wage
• Tax brackets & tax rates
• Subsidized categories
• Fees of Governmental services
• Public Investment Plan
Monetary policy
• Monetary policy is a set of actions to

control a nation's overall money supply

and achieve economic growth.

• Monetary policy strategies include

revising interest rates and changing

bank reserve requirements.

• Monetary policy is commonly classified

as either expansionary or contractionary.

Trade Policy
A trade policy is a government policy that

affects the number of goods and services

a country exports and imports. Free trade

is when there are no government

restrictions on trade. Protectionism is

when governments set trade restrictions

to help domestic industries

Markets bring together buyers (“demanders”) and sellers (“suppliers”).

A market is a mechanism by which buyers and sellers interact to

determine the price and quantity of a good or service.

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