CA Foundation Economics - Notes
CA Foundation Economics - Notes
CA Foundation Economics - Notes
3 Demand Analysis
4 Supply Analysis
5 Production Concepts
Chapter 1:
Nature & Scope of Business
Unit 1: Introduction
1. Definition.
The word ‘Economics’ originates from the Greek work ‘'Oikonomia’ which can be divided
into two parts:
(a) ‘Oiko’, which means ‘House’, and
(b) ‘Nomia’, which means ‘Management’.
Thus, Economics means ‘House Management’.
Till 19th century, Economics was also known as ‘Political Economy’
2. Fundamentals of Economics.
The management of business unit generally needs to make strategic, tactical and operational
business decisions.
Business Economics may be defined as the use of economic analysis to make business
decisions involving the best use of an organization’s scarce resources. - Joel Dean
Business Economics, also referred to as Managerial Economics.
The theories of Economics provide the tools which explain various concepts such as
demand, supply, costs, price, competition etc., Business Economics applies these tools
in the process of business decision making and is also known as Applied Economics.
Business economics is not only valuable to business decision makers but also useful
for managers of “not-for-profit” organisations.
3. Micro Economics based- Since Business Economics is concerned more with the
decision-making problems of individual establishments, it relies heavily on the
techniques of Microeconomics. F
4. Macro Analysis based - Business unit is affected by its external environment such as,
the general price level, income and employment levels in the economy and government
policies with respect to taxation, wages and regulation of monopolies, interest rates,
exchange rates, industries, prices, distribution.
5. Use of Theory of markets and Private Enterprises-Business Economics uses the theory
of markets and private enterprise. It uses the theory of the firm and resource allocation
in the backdrop of a private enterprise economy.
The scope of Business Economics may be discussed under the two heads given below-
Microeconomics applied to operational or internal Issues
Macroeconomics applied to environmental or external issues
Operational issues include all those issues that arise within the organization and fall within the
purview and control of the management. These issues are internal in nature.
Example: Issues related to product decisions, technology and factor combinations, pricing and
sales promotion, financing and management of investments and inventory are a few examples of
operational issues. The following Microeconomic theories deal with most of these issues.
a) Demand Analysis.
b) Demand Forecasting.
c) Cost analysis.
d) Production analysis
e) Inventory Management
g) Resource Allocation
Business Economics-Basic Concepts
h) Profit analysis.
a) All countries, without exceptions, face the problem of scarcity because their resources are
limited and these resources have alternative uses.
b) The central economic problem is further divided into four basic economic problems.
i. What to produce?
ii. How to produce?
iii. For whom to produce?
iv. What provisions (if any) are to be made for economic growth?
a) What to produce?
1) Every Society has also to decide in what quantities each of these goods would be
b) How to Produce?
c) The society has to decide the method of production, i.e. whether to use labour-
intensive techniques or capital - intensive techniques. For whom to produce?
1) Society has to decide on how the goods (and services) should be distributed among the
members of the society.
i. Therefore, a society has to decide how much saving and investment (i.e. how much
sacrifice of current consumption) should be made for future progress.)
Business Economics-Basic Concepts
3. The Capitalist Economy.
Capitalist economy uses the impersonal forces of market demand and supply or the
price mechanism to solve its central problems.
Problem Solution
What To a) In a capitalist economy the question regarding what to produce is
produce? ultimately decided by consumers who show their preferences by
spending on the goods which they want.
What a) Consumption and savings are done by consumers and investments are
provisions done by entrepreneurs.
are to be
made for c) Whereas, Investment decisions depend upon the rate of return on
economic capital. The greater the profit expectation (i.e. the return on capital), the
growth? greater will be the investment in a capitalist economy.
a) Equitable distribution of wealth and income and provision of equal opportunities for
all help to maintain economic and social justice.
b) Rapid and balanced economic development since the central planning authority
coordinates all resources in an efficient manner according to set priorities.
c) Planned Economy.
d) Minimum Wastage and optimum utilisation of resource- Wastes of all kinds are
avoided through strict economic planning. Since competition is absent, there is no
wastage of resources on advertisement and sales promotion.
e) Unemployment is minimized, business fluctuations are eliminated and stability is
brought about and maintained.
f) The absence of profit motive helps the community to develop aco-operative
mentality and avoids class war. This, along with equality, ensures welfare of the
g) Socialism ensures right to work and minimum standard of living to all people.
h) Labourers and consumers are protected from exploitation by the employers and
monopolies respectively.
i) There is provision of comprehensive social security under socialism and this makes
citizens feel secure.
Business Economics-Basic Concepts
a) Inefficiency and delays, corruption, red-tapism, favoritism, etc. may exist due to
predominance of bureaucracy.
b) All material means of production and nearly all economic activity are under the control
and direction of state. This restricts freedom of individual.
c) Socialism takes away the basic rights such as the right of private property.
d) Consumers have no freedom of choice. Therefore, what the state produces has to be
accepted by the consumers.
e) No importance is given to personal efficiency and productivity. This acts as a
disincentive to work.
f) The extreme form of socialism is not at all practicable as it restricts personal
4 Mixed Economy
a) The mixed economic system depends on both
markets and governments for allocation of
b) In mixed economy there are three sectors of industries-
1) Private Sector.
2) Public Sector.
3) Joint Sector.
4.1 Merits Mixed Economy
a) Excessive controls by the state results in reduced incentives and constrained growth of
the private sector.
b) Poor implementation of planning, higher rates of taxation, lack of efficiency,
corruption, wastage of resources.
c) Undue delays in economic decisions and poor performance of the public sector.
Chapter 2:
Utility Analysis and Consumer
1. Utility.
3. Cardinal Approach
Total Utility- The sum total of utility derived from different units of commodity consumed
by a consumer is called as total utility.
Marginal Utility-It is the additional utility derived from additional unit of a commodity.
Marginal Utility can also be defined as change in the total utility resulting from one- unit
change (tun-tu(n-1)) in consumption of commodity, per unit of time.
a) The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility states that all else equal as consumption
increases the marginal utility derived from each additional unit declines.
Mr. Raj likes to eat Oranges. The first Orange he eats gives him lots of satisfaction.
The second Orange he eats gives him lesser satisfaction than the earlier one and so
on. If he eats 9 Oranges in a row continuously, he may lose interest in oranges. In
other words utility goes on reducing and reaches zero and further negative.
1. Total Utility increases at diminishing rate.
2. Marginal Utility is Downward Sloping curve, moving from left to right
3. Marginal utility is negatively sloped curve.
4. Where Marginal Utility is negative, Total utility decreases.
5. Marginal utility goes on decreasing and becomes negative beyond a certain point of
Following are the assumption to law of Diminishing Marginal utility and law will hold good
only if these Assumptions are met:
1. Standard Units- The law will hold good when units are of suitable size.
2. Homogeneous units- Different units consumed should be identical in all respect
3. Constant Taste/ fashion- The Fashion, habit or taste of the consumer must remain
constant. If the liking of the person increases on additional consumption the law will not
hold good.
4. Continuous consumption- There should be no time gap between consumption of one
unit and another unit. Therefore Consumption of one Orange per day for 9 days will not
have diminishing marginal utility, but 9 Oranges in one day will be covered by this law.
5. Cardinal approach- Law applies only if cardinal approach to measurement of utility is
Exceptions to Law-
1. Personal Aspects- law of Diminishing Marginal utility does not apply to music, hobbies,
etc where personal preference is dominant.
2. Money is excluded- law of Diminishing Marginal utility does not apply money and items
like gold, etc. where a greater quantity may increase the lust for it.
3. Other possessions- Utility may be affected by presence or absence of articles which are
substitute or complimentary. Example- utility of coffee may be affected by availability
e) The consumer will attain maximum satisfaction, and will be in equilibrium when MU of
money spent on various goods that he buys, are equal.
Consumer Surplus:
1. Consumer surplus means, what a consumer is ready to pay – what he actually
2. The consumer continues to buy a commodity till MU = Price of the commodity
3. For all the earlier units purchased, MU > price paid. This difference is called as
consumer’s surplus
Example: consider the schedule in 3.1.1
Quantity of Oranges Total Marginal Price Consumer’s
consumed per day utility Utility Surplus in rupees
0 0 0 0 0
1 60 60 40 20
2 110 50 40 10
3 150 40 40 0
4 180 30 40 -10
5 200 20 40 -20
6 210 10 40 -30
7 210 0 40 -40
8 200 -10 40 -50
9 180 -20 40 -60
a) Consumer is in equilibrium at 3 units, where price = MU.
b) Consumer surplus is INR 20 and INR 10 at consumption level of 1 Orange and 2
oranges respectively.
4. Ordinal Approach.
The Ordinal approach to utility analysis was given by Hicks and Allen and hence it is also
called as Hicks and Allen Approach.
1. An Indifference curve is a curve which represents all those combination of goods which
gives same satisfaction to the consumer.
General assumption in consumer behavior under Indifference curve analysis is that more
goods are preferred to less of them.
Combination Roses Lilies Marginal Rate of
substitution ( MRS)
A 15 1 -
B 11 2 5 Roses per lily
C 8 3 4 Roses per lily
D 6 4 3 Roses per lily
E 5 5 2 Roses per lily
4.3 Indifference Map
Page 2.10
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
Chapter 3:
Demand Analysis
Part A. - Basics
1. Meaning
Effective demand of any goods or services depends on the following factors
(a) Desire for a specific commodity,
(b) Resources/Means to purchase the desired commodity. Unless desire is backed by
purchasing power or ability to pay, and willingness to pay, it does not constitute demand,
(c) willingness to use those means for that purchase,
2. Price of related commodities-Related commodities are of two types: (a) complementary goods
and (ii) competing goods or substitutes.
(b) However, there are some commodities for which the quantity demanded decreases with an
increase in money income beyond this level. These goods are called inferior goods.
5. Population aspect-
(a) Size of the population
(b) Composition of population: If there are more old people in a
region, the demand for spectacles, walking sticks, etc. will be
(c) The level of National Income and its Distribution:
i. If the national income is unevenly distributed [few very rich
people while the majority are very poor], the propensity to
consume of the country will be relatively
less and consequently, the demand for consumer goods will be less.
ii. However, if the distribution of income is more equal, then the propensity to consume of
the country as a whole will be relatively high indicating higher demand for goods.
(d) Consumer-credit facility and interest rates: Availability of credit facilities induces people
to purchase more than what their current incomes permit them.
6. Apart from above, factors such as government policy in respect of taxes and subsidies, business
conditions, wealth, socioeconomic class, group, level of education, marital status, weather
conditions, salesmanship and advertisements, habits, customs and conventions also play an
important role in influencing demand.
Law of Demand:
(a) Other things being equal, if the price of a commodity falls, the quantity demanded of it will
rise and if the price of a commodity rises, its quantity demanded will decline.
(b) There is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded, other things being
Other Factors remaining constant-
The other things which are assumed to be equal or constant are:-
(a) Prices of related commodities (complementary goods or substitute goods)
(b) Income of consumers
(c) Tastes and preferences of consumers, and
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
(d) Such other factors which influence demand.
If these factors which determine demand also undergo a change, then the inverse price-demand
relationship may not hold good. Thus, the constancy of these other factors is an important assumption
of the law of demand.
Price Quantity demanded
5 10
4 15
3 20
2 35
1 60
Other things being equal, if the price of a commodity falls, its Demand quantity will rise, and Vice-
versa. This is due to the following reasons
1. Law of diminishing marginal utility
(a) Consumer will buy more quantity at lower price because they want to equalise the marginal
utility of the commodity and price.
(b) The Diminishing Marginal utility and equalising price is the cause of downward sloping of
demand curve
2. Substitution effect:
(a) When the price of a commodity falls, it becomes relatively cheaper than other commodities.
(b) So, consumers now substitute the commodity whose price has fallen for other commodities
which have now become relatively expensive.
(c) Therefore total demand for the commodity whose price has fallen increases
3. Income effect:
(a) When the price of a commodity falls, the consumer can buy the same quantity of the
commodity with lesser money.
(b) In other words, as a result of fall in the price of the commodity, consumer’s real income or
purchasing power increases.
(c) This increase in the real income induces him to buy more of that commodity. Thus, the
demand for that commodity (whose price has fallen) increases. This is called income effect.
5. Different uses:
(a) Certain commodities have multiple uses. If their prices fall, they will be used for varied
purposes and therefore their demand for such commodities will increase
(b) On the other hand, when the price of such commodities are high (or rises) they will be put to
limited uses only.
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
4. Exceptions to the Law of Demand
1. Conspicuous goods:
(a) Articles of prestige value or snob appeal or articles of
conspicuous consumption are demanded only by the rich
people and these articles become more attractive if their
prices go up.
(b) This was found out by Veblen in his doctrine of “Conspicuous
Consumption” and hence this effect is called Veblen effect or
prestige goods effect.
(c) Example- Higher the price of diamonds, higher is the prestige value attached to them and
hence higher is the demand for them.
2. Giffen goods:
(a) Those goods which are inferior, with no close substitutes easily
available and which occupy a substantial place in consumer’s
budget are called ‘Giffen goods’
(b) Such goods exhibit direct price-demand relationship.
(c) Sir Giffen found out that as the price of bread increased, it caused
a large decline in the purchasing power of the poor people that they
were forced to cut down the consumption of meat and other
more expensive foods. Since bread, even when its price was higher than before, was still the
cheapest food article, people consumed more of it and not less when its price went up.
(d) Examples of Giffen goods are- Bajra, low quality rice and wheat etc
3. Conspicuous necessities:
(a) The demand for certain goods is affected by the
demonstration effect of the consumption pattern of a social
group to which an individual belongs.
(b) Due to their constant usage these goods have become
necessities of life.
(c) For example, TVs, refrigerators, coolers, cooking gas etc.
5. Irrational consumer- It is assumed that consumers are rational and knowledgeable about
market-conditions. However, at times, consumers tend to be irrational and make impulsive
purchases without any rational calculations about the price and usefulness of the product.
7. Ignorant consumer: A household may demand larger quantity of a commodity even at a higher price
because it may be ignorant of the ruling price of the commodity.
8. Speculative goods: In the speculative market, more will be demanded when the prices are rising
and less will be demanded when prices decline. Example stocks and shares showing increasing
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
5. Expansion and contraction in Demand
(a) Expansion- When the price falls from P to P’ the quantity demanded increases from M to N, on
the same demand curve. Thus this downward movement along the same Demand curve is called
as Expansion of demand.
(b) Contraction- When the price rises from P to P’’ the quantity demanded decreases from M to L,
on the same demand curve. Thus this Upward movement along the same Demand curve is called
as Contraction of demand.
6. Increase in Demand
Meaning- Increase or decrease in demand as a result of changes in factors other than price, while
price remains constant.
Current level of demand is depicted by demand curve D0
Increase in Demand-When the curve shifts rightward from
D0 to D3, it is called as increase in demand. Increase in
Demand happens when more quantities are demanded at
each price.
Decrease in Demand- When the curve shifts leftward from
D0 to D2, it is called as decrease in demand. Decrease in
Demand happens when lesser quantities are demanded at each price.
(a) the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in one of the
variables on which demand depends
1. Meaning:
(a) Price elasticity of demand is measured as the percentage change in quantity demanded
divided by thepercentage change in price, other things remaining equal.
2. Formula:
Price Elasticity of Demand = (EP) = % change in quantity demanded
% change in Price
= (Δ q/ q) x (p/ Δ p)
= (Δ q / Δ p) x ( p/ q)
Here q= quantity, p= price, Δq = change in quantity, Δp=change in price
3. Negative sign -since price and quantity are inversely related (with a few exceptions), price
elasticity is negative. But, for the sake of convenience, we ignore the negative sign and consider
only the numerical value of the elasticity.
4. Example
Quantity Price % change in quantity demanded= (3500-5000) ÷ 500= 30%
5000 100 % change in price =(150-100) ÷ 50%
3500 150 Therefore EP= 30% ÷ 50%= 0.6
a) In point elasticity, we measure elasticity at a given point
on a demand curve.
b) The concept of point elasticity is used for measuringprice
elasticity where the change in price is infinitesimal
(very small)
c) Point elasticity makes use of derivative rather than
finite changes in price and quantity.
Ep = -dq p ÷ dp q
Where dq /dp is the derivative of quantity with respect to price at a point on the demand curve, and
p and q are the price and quantity at that point.
a) This method is applicable only for Straight- line Demand curve touching both the axes.
b) Under Graphical method Elasticity is calculate using
the following formula-
EP= Lower Segment
Upper segment
In Total Outlay method, Elasticity is calculated by analysing the change in Total expenditure or
Outlay of the household.
1. However by this method we can only say whether the demand for a good is elastic or inelastic;
we cannot find out the exact coefficient of price elasticity.
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
Elasticity Situation Effect Example
EP < 1 • Price and Expenditure moves in same direction. Demand is Situation E, F, G
• As the price of a commodity decreases, total said to be
expenditure on that commodity decreases. less
• As the price of a commodity increases, total elastic, or
expenditure on that commodity increases. inelastic
3. Unit Elastic
Numeric EP =1
Description Quantity demanded
changes exactly by
same percentage as
Nature of the 45 degree straight
curve line
Or rectangular
4. Elastic
Numeric Value 1<EP <∞
Description Quantity demanded
changes by larger
percentage than price
Nature of the curve Relatively flatter demand
Numeric Value EP =∞
Description Purchasers are
prepared to buy all they
can obtained at some
price and none at all at
an even slightly higher
Nature of the curve Parallel to X axis
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
8. Determinants of price Elasticity
1. Availability of substitutes:
4. Time period:
➢ The long run demand for a commodity is more elastic. This is because consumer has a longer
run to adjust his consumption pattern accordingly. E.g. the prices of petrol increases, the
consumer can do little in short run, whereas in long run, he can buy more fuel efficient car.
➢ The short run demand for a commodity is less elastic to change in price.
5. Consumer habits:
➢ If the consumer is not habitual to a commodity, demand for that particular commodity is more
elastic and vice-versa.
6. Tied demand:
➢ Goods which have autonomous demand on their own are more elastic
➢ Goods which have tied or joint demand are less elastic. Eg. Modular kitchen and oven.
8. Price range:
➢ Goods which are in medium range of price level are more elastic to price change.
➢ Goods which are in very high price range or in very low price range have inelastic demand.
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
Ei =Percentage change in quantity Demand change in quantity X 100
= Original quantity
Percentage change in income Change in income X 100
Original income
=∆q × i
q ∆i
Ei = Income elasticity of demand; ∆ q Change in demand; q = Original demand; i = Original
money income; ∆ i = Change in money income.
Note-Income effect is positive, so Income Elasticity of demand is also positive. However there
may be negative Income Elasticity in case of inferior goods.
Chapter 3- Demand Analysis
Zero Constant Necessaries E=0
Income (No goods
Elasticity change in
there is
change in
• Th
Ec = % Qx or Ec = Qx Py
% Py Py Qx
Theory Of Supply
Chapter 4:
Theory of Supply
Part A - Basics
Meaning of supply
1. Supply refers to amount of a commodity seller is able to sell and willing to sell.
2. Ability to sell of a seller depends upon stock of a commodity; willingness to sell depends
upon price of a commodity.
Definition of Supply
The supply is defined as amount of a commodity seller is ready to sell in the market at a
certain price per unit of time.
Stock Positive When seller has larger stock of goods he will supply more
but if he has smaller stock of goods he will supply less.
Time Positive Relation During short time period supply will be less but during
long time period supply will be more.
Cost of Inverse Relation With the increase in cost of production supply of the
Production commodity will decrease and if cost of production
decreases supply of the commodity will increases.
Improved Positive Relation With the improvement in technique of production supply
Techniques of of the commodity will increase.
Infrastructure Positive/Inverse It refers to basic facilities such as transportation,
Relation communication, power supply etc. If infrastructure is
improved in the country supply of various goods will
increase and vice –versa.
Weather Positive/Inverse If there are good weather conditions supply of certain goods
conditions Relation like agricultural products will increase and vice –versa.
Taxation policy Positive/Inverse If government reduces the taxes, business men will be
Relation encouraged to produce more and supply more but if
taxes increase business in the society will discouraged.
Hence, supply will decrease and vice –versa.
Monetary Policy Positive/Inverse If monetary policy is liberal in the country so that loans
Relation are available at low rate of interest supply of various
goods will increases in the country. This is because at a
low rate of interest business-men would borrow and
Theory Of Supply
Law of Supply
• The law of supply is explained by Dr. Alfred Marshall.
• Law of supply states that “other things being equal” there is a direct relationship between price
and supply.
1. Meaning: Increase or Decrease in the quantity supplied takes place as a result of changes in
price, while all other factors influencing Supply remain constant.
1. Meaning: Increase & Decrease in Supply take place as a result of changes in factors
other thanprice, while price remains constant.
A. Increase in Supply: When Supply Curve shifts rightward
from So to S2, it is called Increase in Supply. It means that
more quantities aresupplied at each price.
B. Decrease in Supply: When Supply Curve shifts leftward
from So toS1, it is called Decrease in Supply. It means that
lesser quantities are supplied at each price
Theory Of Supply
• From the table we notice that initially with the increase in wage rate labour supply increases but
when wages increase beyond a certain limit labour supply will decrease.
• This is represented by backward bending labour supply curve.
Theory Of Supply
• If a seller is going to supply his product because he needs certain amount of cash, then at lower
price he will supply more and at a higher price he will supply less.
3. Savings
• If a person wants a fixed amount of income in the form of interest then, he will save more at
a lower rate of interest and save less at a higher rate of interest.
4. Future Expectations
• With a small rise in price, if seller expects a further rise in future he will decrease the supply.
• Similarly, with little fall in price if seller expects a further fall in future he will increase the supply.
• Elasticity of Supply refers to the ratio between percentage or proportionate change in supply and
percentage or proportionate change in price.
2. Point Method:This method is used to find out elasticity at a point on supply curve. The elasticity
at a point on the supply curve can be measured with the help of following formula.
ES =dq p
dp q
dp is differentiation of supply function with respect to Price.
p = Price and q = quantity supplied
3. Arc Elasticity: when the price change is somewhat larger and we have to measure elasticity over
an arc rather than at a specific point on it, in such cases, the concept of arc elasticity is used. In arc
elasticity we use the average of the two prices and quantities (Original & new)
ES =
Theory Of Supply
1. Price Determination:
1) 'Demand' refers to the quantity of goods or services that Consumers are willing and able
to purchase / buy in a given market, at various prices, in a given period of time.
2) 'Supply'refers to the quantity of goods or services that Producers are willing and able to
offer in a given market, at various prices, in a given period of time.
3) The interaction between Demand and Supply leads to the determination of Price and
Quantity. It is the level at which both Buyers and Sellers are ready to buy / sell the product.
2. Equilibrium Price: The determination of Equilibrium Price using Demand and Supply
is explained in the following manner –
(a) Demand Curve slopes downwards
from left to right, while Supply Curve
slopes upwards from left to right.
(b) At the point E in the graph, Demand
and Supply curves meet each other.
(c) Point E constitutes the Stable
Equilibrium for the product, other
things remaining equal.
(d) The Equilibrium Price is OP, and the
Chapter 5:
PART A- Production Concept
1. According to James Bates and J.R. Parkinson “Production is the organized activity
of transforming resources in to finished products in the form of goods and services and
the objective of production is to satisfy the demand of such Transformed Resources".
2. In Economics, Production is any economic activity, which is directed at the
satisfaction of human wants.
3. Production = Creation of Utility and it also includes Creation or Addition of Value,
i.e. creation of want—satisfying goods and services.
Factors of production
1. Land refers to surface of the earth.
2. In economic land includes not only the surface of the
earth but it includes every free gift of nature found on
the surface of the earth, above the surface of the earth
and below the surface of the earth, i.e. natural
resources, water, air, lightning, heating, mines and fertility
of soil etc..
1. Natural Resources: Land is a gift of nature.
2. No Social Cost: Society has made no sacrifice in creation of land. Hence, Social cost of
land is zero.
3. Permanent factor: It is a permanent factor of production.
4. Passive factor: Land cannot produce anything of its own unless used by labour.
5. Heterogeneous factor: All land is not uniform. Fertility of land changes from plot to plot.
6. Mobility: Geographically land is immobile but occupationally it is mobile.
7. Site Value: Value of land depends upon location. A land which is located in developed
areas will have greater value.
8. Subject to diminishing returns: Land is subject to diminishing returns.
9. Supply: Supply of land is perfectly inelastic.
B. Labour
1. 'Labour' refers to mental or physical exertion directed to
produce goods or services, and with a view to gain an
economic reward.
2. To have an economic significance, Labour must be done with
the motive of some economic reward.
Features of labour
Aspect Explanation
• Labour involves human efforts, with a view to gain an economic reward.
Human Efforts
• Human and psychological considerations come up .
• Labour is 'perishable'.
• So, a Labourer cannot store his Labour, for use at a later time. Hence
Perishable Nature Labour is said to have no reserve price.
Weak bargaining • Since there is no reserve price, Labour has a weak bargaining power.
power • However, labour laws maintain Labour Welfare, to a certain extent.
Reverse Relationship at Lower Prices: Similarly, when wage rates fall below
a minimum level, some more members of the family, who were not working
before, may start working to supplement the family income. So,
Supply of Labour may also increase at very low wage rate levels.
C. Capital
2. Features of Capital:
Aspect Explanation
• Capital is a stock concept, which yields a periodical income which is a flow
Stock Concept
concept. Capital is not a flow concept by itself.
• Capital refers to only that part of wealth, that is used for further
production Resources lying idle will constitute wealth, but not
Capital Wealth • Capital.
3. Land vs Capital:
Land Capital
(a) Free gift of nature, i.e. original or primary. Man—made or produced means of production.
(b) Indestructible and Permanent. Perishable.
(c) Lacks mobility in geographical sense. Has mobility.
(d) Quantity of land is fixed and limited. Amount of Capital can be increased.
(e) Rent from Land varies from place to place. Return on Capital is comparatively fixed.
4. Types of Capital:
1) Fixed Capital: Those types of capital goods that are used again and again for
production such as machinery.
2) Working Capital: They refer to those types of capital that are used up at once. Such as
raw materials
3) Sunk Capital: Those types of capital that have specific use hence no occupational
mobility e.g. sewing machine.
4) Floating Capital: Capital goods which have various alternative uses and occupational
mobility. E.g. A computer.
5) Money Capital: Money funds used in production is known as money capital.
6) Real Capital: It refers to real productive asset, lime Plant &Machinery.
Mobilization of savings
D. Entrepreneur
1. Meaning: Entrepreneur is the person who combines the various
factors of production in the right proportions, initiates the process of
production and bears the risk involved in it.
2. Features of Entrepreneurship:
(a) Entrepreneur is also called as the Organiser, Manager or
the Risk—Taker. But
Entrepreneurship is a wider term than Organization and Management of a business.
(b) Without the Entrepreneur, the other factors of production would remain unutilized or
idle. Hence, he is the catalyst in the process of using the factors of production.
(c) Entrepreneur holds the final responsibility of the business.
(d) Enterprise function gives direction to the usage of other factors of production. Land,
Labour and Capital, by themselves, will not lead to production activity.
(e) Entrepreneurship gets its reward (i.e. Profit), only after all other factors of
productionhave been rewarded, i.e. after Rent, Wages and Interest.
Functions of an Entrepreneur:
1. Initiating and Running the business
2. Risk—Bearing:
3. Innovations:
Enterprise Objective
1. Organic Objectives
Aspects Explanation
Survival 1. To stay alive in competition and ensure the continuance of its business
2. Toproduceanddistributeproductsorservicesatapricewhichenablesitto recover its
3. To meet its obligations to its Creditors, Suppliers and Employees,
4. To avoid bankruptcy or insolvency,
5. To provide the basis or growth.
Growth 1. Growth as an objective has assumed importance with the rise of Professional
and Managers, and the structural division of ownership and management in Corporate
Expansion Firms.
2. The goal that Managers of a Corporate Firm set for themselves is to maximize the
Firm's balanced growth rate subject to managerial and financial constraints.
2. Economic Objectives: These relate to the Profit Maximizing Objective and Behavior of
Business Firms, which forms one of the basic assumptions of Micro Economic Theory.
3. Social Objectives: An Enterprise lives in a society, and can grow only if it meets the needs of the
Society. Some of the major Social Objectives of Business would include—
a) To avoid profiteering and anti—social practices,
b) To create opportunities for gainful employment for the people in the society,
4. HumanObjectives:
a) To ensure comprehensive development of its Human Resources or Employees',
b) To provide the Employees an opportunity to participate in decision—making in matters
affecting them,
c) To make the job contents interesting and challenging,
d) To develop new skills and abilities in Employees, and provide a work climate in which they
will grow as mature and productive individuals,
5. National Objectives:. Some of the National Objectives of Business would include —
a) To produce goods and services, according to national priorities,
b) To remove inequality of opportunities and provide fair opportunity to all to work and to
Constrains Description
Information Business Enterprises operate in an uncertain world with lack of accurate
Infrastructure Examples: Issues like frequent power cuts, irregular supply of Raw—
Materials or Non—Availability of proper transport, impact the ability of
enterprises to maximise profits.
Factors of Example: Trade Unions may place several restrictions on the mobility of
Production labour or specialised training may be required to enable workers to change
occupation. Such constraints may make attainment of maximum profits a
difficult task.
Economic Aspects such as Inflation, rising Interest Rates, unfavourable Exchange
Aspects Rate fluctuations cause increased Raw Material, Capital and Labour
Costs and affect the budgets and financial plans of Firms.
Size of The Firm has to decide whether it is to be a Small Scale Unit or Large Scale
Plant: Unit.
1. Output is manufacturing production and inputs used are Labour and Capital.
2. Cobb-Douglas Production Function is Q=KLaC(1-a), where Q is output, L is Quantity of Labour and
C the quantity of Capital. K and a are Positive Constants.
3. Labour contributed about 3/4w and Capital about1/4th of the increase in the Manufacturing
The production function is based on certain assumptions;
• It is related to a particular unit of time.
• The technical knowledge during that period of time remains constant.
• The output resulting from utilization of inputs is at maximum level.
Terms Involved:
Total TP is the total output resulting from the efforts of all the factors of
Production production combined together at any time.
Average Average product or average physical product (APP) may be defined as total
Production product per unit employment of the variable input. Thus
AP = TP/Units of variable input (labour)
Note: The above relationship is based on the Law of Variable Proportions in the same
sequence of stages as stated in that law, i.e. First Increasing, then Diminishing and then
Negative Returns.
Note: The point on the TP Curve when MP is maximum, is called Point of Inflexion
1. The Law of Variable Proportions analyses the production function with one factor as
variable, keeping quantities of other factors fixed. This Law is applicable in short run.
Explanation to Stage 1
Reason Explanation
Full Use of (a) Initially, the quantity of Fixed Factors is abundant (and also unutilized),
Fixed in relation to the quantity of the Variable Factor.
Indivisible (b) As more units of Variable Factors are added to the constant quantity of
Factors the fixed factors, the Fixed Factors are more intensively and
effectively utilized. This causes the production to increase at a rapid
Efficiency of (a) As more units of the Variable Factors are put to use, the efficiency of
Variable the Variable Factors itself increases.
Factors (b) This is attributed to reasons like specialization of functions,
division of labour, use of standardized tools and processes, etc.
This results in higher productivity.
No Scarcity (a) Returns may diminish only when Variable Factors are affected by scarcity,
of Variable e.g. additional workers are not available.
Reaching the (a) Production Efficiency (i.e. increased output) is possible, till the right
right combination between Fixed Factors and Variable Factors is achieved.
Explanation to Stage 2-
Note: Stage II is called Law of Diminishing Returns since MP and AP both show
decreasing trend. However, both MP and AP remain positive.
Reason Explanation
Inadequacy 1. Once the point of right combination is reached, further increase in the
of Fixed Variable Factor will cause MP and AP to decline. This is because the Fixed
Factor Factor then becomes inadequate, in relation to the quantity of the
Variable Factor.
Less 1. Once the Fixed Factor has reached its maximum capacity, there is
efficiency of no further scope/ possibility of efficiency of the Variable Factor.
The Law of Negative Returns operates when the quantity of Variable Factor becomes too
Reason excessive, in relation to the Fixed Factor, so that they get in each other's ways. Due to
this, the total output falls instead of rising.
Since the second stage is the most important, So stage II will be stage of operation
and because of that in practice we normally refer to the law of variable proportion
as the law of diminishing returns.
Use of greater degree of division of Labour and specialised machinery at higher levels of
output are generally termed as Internal Economies.
Aspect Economies Diseconomies
Advantages Disadvantage
Technical 1. More specialised and efficientFurther increase in the Plant size
Machinery/Equipments can be used towill lead to high long—run cost,
produce a large output yields a lower costbecause of difficulties of
per unit of output. management, co—ordination and
2. Introduction of a greater degree of Divisioncontrol,
of Labour or Specialization, leads to
reduction in cost per unit.
Managerial 1. Specialized functional areas like Production,Difficult for Managers to exercise
purchasing, marketing, Finance, etc. can becontrol and co—ordination among
created. Each Department can also bevarious departments.
further sub—divided.
Mass Production creates the need for bulk 1. Higher quantities of Raw
purchase of raw materials and Materials may have to be
components, and leads to lower prices purchased at higher prices,
being paid for such bulk purchase. since there is an increasing
(b) Selling Costs can be minimized with the demand for that Raw Material.
Commercial existing sales staff, lower advertising costs 2. Advertising Costs tend to
per unit, etc. increase disproportionately
beyond certain levels of output.
Risk— A large Firm with diverse and multiple However, the Firm's Risk may
bearing production capability will be in a better increase of diversification instead
position to withstand economic ups and of giving a cover to economic
downs. disturbances, increases risk.
Technological The use of improved and better machinery as per new techniques of production and
will enhance productivity of Firms in the industry and reduce their cost of
Production Optimisation
Isoquant Curve
1. Isoquant Curve:
1. "Iso" means equal and "quant" means quantity. Hence, an Isoquant represents a constant
quantity of output.
2. An Isoquant is a Curve that shows all the combinations of inputs that yield the same level of
2. Relationship with Consumer Indifference Curve:
1. An Isoquant represents all those combinations of inputs which are capable of producing the
same level of output.
2. Isoquants are also called Equal—Product Curves, Production Indifference Curves or Isoproduct
3. Illustration: Consider two Factor Inputs (Labour and Capital) required for producing 100 units of a
Product. Different combinations in which the same output of 100 units of Product can be achieved
are given below.
MRTS always shows diminishing trend.
MRTS=Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
MRTS= Change in units of capital/ change in units of labour
Combinatio Units of Labour (x) Units of Capital (y) Product Output MRTS (See Note)
A 5 9 100 units
B 10 6 100 units (9- 6)/(10-5) = 0.6
Isocost Lines:
1. Isocost Line shows the various alternative combinations of two Factor Inputs, which a Firm
can buywith given amount of money.
2. It is also called Equal—Cost Lines or Budget Line or the Budget Constraint Line.
3. All points on a Budget Line would cost the Firm the same amount.
Production Optimisation
1. A Firm may try to minimise its cost for producing a given level of output, or it may try to
maximise the output for a given cost or outlay.
2. A Profit Maximising Firm is interested to know what combination of factors of production (or
inputs) would minimise its Cost of Production for a given output, and also the optimum level of
3. This is obtained by combining the Firm's Production and Cost Functions, namely Isoquants and
Isocost Lines respectively.
Cost and Revenue Concept
Chapter 6:
Types of cost
Factors of Reward / The reward is Explicit Cost if — The reward is Implicit Cost if —
Production Costs
Land Rent Rent is paid to the LandlordLand is owned by the Entrepreneur.
Labour Salary/ Salary/ wages paid to employee/ Own people are employed in the firm
Wages workers
Capital Interest Capital is borrowed and used in Entrepreneur employs his own
funds as Capital.
Entrepreneur Profit Not Applicable Entrepreneur himself manages the
Cost and Revenue Concept
3. Opportunity cost:
1. Opportunity Cost refers to the value of sacrifice made, or benefit of opportunity foregone in
accepting a next best alternative course of action.
2. If a resource can be put only toa particular use, there are no Opportunity Costs.
3. Opportunity Cost is not recorded in books of accounts. It is considered only for decision—
making and analytical purposes.
4. Examples: A person quits his job and enters into business. Here, the Salary foregone from
employment constitutes Opportunity Cost.
4. Direct cost vs Indirect Cost
Example Cost of Raw Material used in Factory Rent, Electric Power, and other
manufacture, Wages paid to Worker Common Costs incurred for general
operation of business benefiting all
products jointly.
Relationship They can be generally quantified Though not quantifiable, they may bear
and expressed per unit of some functional relationship to
output, e.g. 5 kg of Raw production, may vary with the volume of
Materials per unit of product, etc. output in some definite way.
Accounting They are charged directly to Apportioned on suitable basis
When They are incurred even at zero level of They are incurred only when
incurred? output, i.e. even before output is produced. production commences.
Avoidable Some portion of Fixed Costs cannot be Variable Costs are avoidable costs, as it
Nature avoided even when operations are is incurred only when production takes
suspended. place.
Cost per Fixed Cost per unit of output Variable Cost per unit of output
unit decreaseswith increase in output, and generally remains constant, if Total
vice—versa, upto certain level of output. Variable Costs vary proportionately with
Example Rent, Insurance, Interest on Loans, Cost of Raw Materials and Wages are
Depreciation, etc. are Fixed Costs. Variable Costs.
Cost and Revenue Concept
6. Committed cost and Discretionary costs
Effect on Any reduction in Committed Fixed Costs Discretionary Fixed Costs can change from
long—term under normal activities of the Firm would year to year, without disturbing the long—
Objectives have adverse effects on the Firm's long—term term objectives of the Firm.
Control These costs cannot be controlled. These costs can be controlled.
Inference Also known as "Unavoidable" Fixed Costs. Also known as "Avoidable" Fixed Costs.
7. Marginal Costs
Meaning: Marginal Cost is the addition made to the total cost by production of an additional unit of output.
The behaviour of MC Curve is the reverse of the behaviour of the Marginal Product (MP)
Curve under the Law of Variable Proportions.
Marginal Product (MP) Curve rises first, reaches a maximum and then declines, as seen in
the Law of Variable Proportions.
So, Marginal Cost (MC) Curve of a Firm declines first, reaches its minimum and then rises.
Hence, Marginal Cost Curve of a Firm is U—shaped.
Cost and Revenue Concept
8. Other costs
Type Explanation
Historical cost Historical cost refers to the cost incurred in the past on the
and Replacement acquisition of a productive asset such as machinery, building etc.
cost Replacement cost is the money expenditure that has to be incurred
for replacing an old asset.
Incremental cost Incremental costs are related to the concept of marginal cost.
and Sunk Cost Incremental cost refers to the additional cost incurred by a firm as
result of a business decision.
For example, incremental costs will have to be incurred by a firm
when it makes a decision to change its product line, replace worn out
machinery, buy a new production facility or acquire a new set of
Sunk costs refer to those costs which are already incurred once and
for all and cannot be recovered. They are based on past commitments
and cannot be revised or reversed if the firm wishes to do so.
Examples of sunk costs are expenses incurred on advertising.
Cost Function
1. Meaning: Cost Function refers to the mathematical relationship between cost of a product and
the various determinants of cost.
2. Variables: The following are the dependent and independent variables in a Cost Function —
Short Run is a period in which some factors are fixed and some factors are variable.
So, law of variable proportion applies here. In short-run, only variable factors can be
varied and not fixed factor.
Semi- There are some costs which are neither perfectly variable, nor absolutely fixed
Variable in relation to the changes in the size of output. They are known as semi-
Cost variable costs.
Average Average variable cost is the total variable cost divided by the output.
Variable Cost (Per unit VC) or TVC/Q.
(AVC) It has 'U' shape. .
Average Total Average total cost is total cost divided by the output. (Per unit TC) or
Cost (ATC) TC/Q or AFC+AVC.
It is U shaped
Marginal Cost Marginal cost is the change in total cost due to change in the output.
(MC) MC= Change in Total Cost / Change in Qty. produced or MC =
Cost and Revenue Concept
Change Total Variable Cost / Change Qty. produced.
The MC curve is also 'U' shape.
▪ SAC (Short—Term Average Cost) Curves are called Plant Curves, and LAC (Long Run Average Cost)
Curve is called Planning Curve.
5. LAC derived from SAC: LAC Curve is derived as an envelop / tangent of all SAC Curves. Further, the
LAC Curve is a U—Shaped Curve, due to the operation of Law of Returns to Scale.
In the long—run, for any output level, the Firm will examine and decide which size of plants it should
operate, so as to minimize its Cost (i.e. AC). The firm will decide on which SAC Curve it should
operate to produce a given output, so that its AC is minimum.
Note: The Firm should select the SAC, not the lowest point of that SAC.
• The points of operation, i.e. B, D, F and G need not be the minimum points of the respective
SACs. However, it should be the SAC on which the lowest cost is obtained for that level of output.
• So, the Firm will choose the appropriate lowest cost SAC for an output level, and not the lowest
point on that SAC.
• The Smooth Curve connecting points B, D and G, constitutes the LAC Curve for the Firm.
Note: LAC Curve is tangent to each of the SAC Curves, not the minimum points of the SAC Curves. So
Total Revenue It is the total money received from the sale of all units of the product.
Total Revenue = Price x Quantity (P x Q)
50 Rs. = Rs. 5 x 10 Units
Revenue (AR) Average Revenue = Total Revenue/Quantity (TR/Q)
Average Revenue is always equal to Price
Marginal MR is the change in TR resulting from the sale of an additional unit of a commodity.
Revenue (MR)
Marginal Revenue = Change in TR/ Change in Qty. sold or
Marginal Revenue= TRn – TRn-1
MR, AR, TR and Marginal Revenue = Average Revenue (E – 1/E)
Elasticity of Where E = Price elasticity of demand
Demand If E = 1, Then MR = 0
If E > 1, Then MR will be Positive
If E < 1, Then MR will be Negative
Behaviour of A firm should produce at all if Total Revenue(TR) from its product is equal to or
TR, AR & MR exceeds its Total Variable Cost (TVC) or say TR > TVC (Price > AVC).
If TR = TVC, firm's maximum loss will be equal to its Fixed Cost. As we know P x Q =
TR and AVC x Q = TVC
The firm should continue production till MR = MC and MC curve should cut to MR
from below. It is equilibrium position of firm. Merely, being in equilibrium
position does not mean that firm is making profits. The actual position of profits
can be known from AR and AC curves.
Relationship between TR, AR, MR and Price Elasticity of Demand
Summary of Relationships:
1) Market is a place where Buyers and Sellers meet and bargain over a commodity for a price.
Classification of Market
Types of Market
The Market Structures analysed in Economics are --
1) Perfect Competition: Many Sellers selling identical products to many Buyers.
2) Monopoly: Single Seller producing differentiated products for many Buyers.
3) Monopolistic Competition: Many Sellers offering differentiated products to many Buyers.
4) Oligopoly: A Few Sellers selling competing products to many Buyers.
5) Duopoly: Duopoly is a market situation in which there are only two Firms in the market. It is
a sub—set of Oligopoly,
6) Monopsony: Monopsony is a market characterized by a Single Buyer of a product or service.
It is mostly applicable to Factor Markets in which a Single Firm is the only Buyer of a Factor.
7) Oligopsony: Oligopsony is a market characterized by a small number of large buyers. It is
also mostly relevant to Factor Markets.
8) Bilateral Monopoly: It is a market structure in which there is only a Single Buyer and a
Meaning and Types of Market
Perfect Monopolistic
Aspect Monopoly Oligopoly
Competition Competition
Number of
Many Only One Many A Few
Homogeneous / Highly Slightly Nature of
Nature of Identical differentiated / differentiated / Differentiation
Product Product. No specialized specialized varies.
differentiation. product. product.
Ease of Entry / Free Entry / Free Entry /
Only One Seller. Only Few Sellers.
Exit Exit. Exit.
Each Firm is a
Absolute. [Firm =
Control over Nil [Firm = Price Price Maker.]
Maker for its Reasonable.
Price Taker]
Price Elasticity Different Elasticity
of Infinity. Less Elastic. More Elastic. at
Demand Different Levels
Foodgrains, Railways, Cars, Soaps, Pharmaa, Cold
Examples Vegetables, etc. Electricity Toothpaste, etc. Drinks, etc.
Horizontal Negatively Negatively
Demand Curve Kinked Curve.
Line. Sloped Sloped.
Profit in Long— Normal Profits Super—Normal Normal Profits —
Run Only. Profits Only.
can also be
Optimality in Each Firm is an Can operate at Idle Capacity. —
Long— Optimal Firm. sub— Not an
Run optimal level Optimal Firm.
Meaning and Types of Market
Perfect Competition
Features of Perfect Competition
Aspect Explanation
Large No of ❖ There are a large number of Buyers & Sellers who compete among
Buyers & Sellers themselves.
Uniform Market ❖ All firms have uniform price and all Firms individually are Price
Price Takers. They have to accept the price determined by the market forces
of Demand and Supply.
❖ Buyers have no preference as between different Sellers (since product
Indifference /
is homogeneous).
Lack of
Mobility of
❖ There is perfect mobility of factors of production.
Factors of
In Perfect Competition, the short—run equilibrium of the Market and Firm is represented below
1. The firm is said to be in equilibrium when it maximises its profit or minimizes its loss. Merely
being in Equilibrium position does not mean that the Firm is making profits.
The actual position of profits can be known only on the basis of AR and AC Curves.
2. In the short run, a firm will attain equilibrium position and at the same time it will earn
supernormal profits, normal profits or losses depending upon its cost conditions.
Eg: In cases of losses, VC= Rs. 10 per unit, FC= Rs.5 per unit, SP= Rs. 13 per unit, we will
continue to sale in short run as atleast we are recovering Rs .3 per unit of fixed cost as
already fixed cost is sunk cost.
In the short run a competitive depending upon its average cost conditions firm may earn the
Meaning and Types of Market
Super profits: When a firm earn super normal
profits its average revenue are more than its average
total cost or say AR > ATC. Super profits also called
Economic Profits, abnormal profits and super
normal profits.
In the Long run the firms will be earning just NORMAL PROFITS, which are included in the AC,
due to -Free entry and exit of firms. To earn normal Profits, LAR should be equal to LAC or say
MC curve of the firm is the firm's supply curve. In perfect competition firm, MC curve above
AVC is considered the supply curve of the firm, because when P <AVC then firm will not
supply any output and actually shutdown.
Meaning and Types of Market
Aspect Explanation
Single Seller a) The word 'Monopoly' means "alone to sell". In a Monopoly, there is only
one Seller.
Firm =
Industry Since there is only one Seller, and he constitutes the entire Industry.
a) In a monopolistic market, there are strong barriers to entry of new Firms.
Entry b) Barriers to entry could be — (i) economic, (ii) institutional, (iii) legal, or
Restrictions (iv) artificial.
Elasticity of a) Price Elasticity of Demand for Monopolist's Product is less than one.
demand b) The Monopolist faces a downward—sloping Demand Curve.
Effects of Monopoly-
Some negative effects of Monopolies are as under —
1. Higher Prices for Consumers,
2. Loss of Consumer Surplus,
3. Inability of Consumers to substitute the goods or services, with a more reasonably priced
4. Transfer of Income from Consumers to Monopolists,
5. Restriction of Consumer Sovereignty consume goods they desire,
6. Payment of lower prices by Monopolies to their Suppliers (of goods and services), i.e. lower
Factor Payments,
7. Lower levels of Output, that what would be produced in a competitive environment,
8. Ability of Monopolist to influence political process and thereby obtain a favourable
9. Lack of Innovation,
10.Lack of Productive and Allocative Efficiency,
1. In Perfect Competition, Firms are Price—Takers, i.e. they take the price determined by market
forces, and determine only their optimum output.
2. However, a Monopolist has to determine Output and also the Price for his product.
3. Since Price and Demand Quantity are inversely related, the Monopolist has to carefully try to
attain the equilibrium level of output, at which his profits are maximum.
Meaning and Types of Market
Price Discrimination
1. Meaning:
a) Price Discrimination occurs when a Producer sells a commodity to different Buyers, at
different prices, for reasons not related to differences in cost.
2. Objectives:
a) To earn Maximum Profit
b) To Dispose of Surplus stock
c) To enjoy Economies of Scale
d) To capture foreign markets
e) To secure equity thorough pricing.
3. Examples:
a) Doctors may charge more from a rich patient than from a poor patient, for the same
b) Electricity Rates for home consumption in rural areas are less than that for industrial
c) Export Prices of Products are cheaper than the domestic market selling price.
d) Railways charge different rates from different type of passengers e.g. AC, Non—AC, Tatkal,
4. Conditions for Price discrimination
a) Full control over supply.
Meaning and Types of Market
b) Division of market into two or more sub-markets.
c) Different price elasticity under different markets: Monopolist charge higher price from
that market whose price elasticity is less than one and can charge lower price from that
market whose price elasticity is greater than one.
d) No possibility to resale: It should not be possible for the buyers of low-priced market to
resell the product to the buyers of the high priced market
1. MR at Same Price: Assume that a Monopolist charges a single price of 30 for his product, and
sells them in two markets A and B, with elasticities of demand 2 and 5 respectively.
Since MR = AR x e-1/e
MR for Market A will be 30 x (2-1)/2 = 15.
MR for Market B will be 30 x (5-1)/5 = 24.
2. Impact of different MR: From the above, the following observations can be made —
a) At the same price, MR in the two markets are different, due to difference in elasticities of
b) MR is more in Market B where elasticity is high.
3. Output transfer by Monopolist:
a) If MR is higher in Market B (with high elasticity), the Monopolist will earn more profit by
transferring some quantity of the product from Market A to Market B.
b) For every unit of product transferred so, the Monopolist will gain 24 — 15 = 9
4. Effect of Output Transfer: When output quantity is transferred from A to B, the price in Market
A will increase (due to lower supply) and price will decrease in Market B (due to highersupply).
This means that the Monopolist is now discriminating between Markets A and B.
5. Point of Equality: The Monopolist will reach a point, when the MR in both markets become equal
as a result of some transfer of output. Then, it will not be profitable anymore to shift more output
from Market A to Market B.
6. Differing Prices: When this point of equality is reached, the Monopolist will be charging
different prices in the two markets — a higher price in Market A with lower elasticity of
demand, and a lower price in Market B with higher elasticity of demand. This practice of
charging different prices to different segments is known as Price Discrimination.
Monopolistic Competition
Meaning Imperfect competition is found in the industry where there are a large numbers of
small sellers, selling differentiated but close substitutes products. E.g. LUX,
HAMAM, LIRIL etc. This market contains features of both competitive and
monopoly markets.
Features • Large number of sellers and buyers
• There is free entry and exit of firms. It implies that in the long run firm will earn
only normal profits.
• Product differentiation: Each firm produces a different brand or variety of
the same product. The varieties produced are very close substitutes of one
another. Products like toothpaste, soap.
Meaning and Types of Market
Meaning When there are few (two to ten) sellers in a market selling homogeneous or
differentiated but close substitutes products, oligopoly is said to exist. Consider
the example of cold drinks industry or automobile industry.
Thus in order to maintain their customers they will also lower their prices.
Meaning and Types of Market
On the other hand, if a firm increases the price of its product there will be
a substantial reduction in its sales because as a result of the rise in its price,
its customers will withdraw from it and go to its competitors, which will
welcome the customers and will gain in sales. These happy competitorswill
have, therefore, no motivation to match the price rise.
The oligopolist who raises price will lose a great deal and will, therefore,refrain
from increasing price. This behaviour of oligopolists explains the inelastic
lower portion of the demand curve.
Each oligopolist will, thus, adhere to the prevailing price seeing no gain in
changing it and a will be formed at the prevailing price i. e. OP = KQ.
• Substantial barriers to entry: In oligopoly there is no free entry and no
blocked entry, we can say that there is substantial barriers to the entry.
Business Cycle
a) Business cycles occur periodically although they do not exhibit the same regularity.
b) The duration of these cycles vary. The intensity of fluctuations also varies.
c) The length of each phase is also not definite.
d) Business cycles generally originate in free market economies.
e) It is difficult to make an accurate prediction of trade cycles before their occurrence.
f) Business cycles are contagious and are international in character. They begin in one country and
mostly spread to other countries through trade relations.
Business Cycle
4. Prices and costs also tend to rise faster. Good amounts of net investment occur.
5. Demand for all types of goods and services rises.
6. There is altogether increasing prosperity and people enjoy high standard of living due to high levels of
consumer spending, business confidence, production, factor incomes, profits and investment.
7. The growth rate eventually slows down and reaches its peak.
1. The term peak refers to the top or the highest point of the business cycle.
2. In the later stages of expansion, inputs are difficult to find as they are short of their demand and
therefore input prices increase.
3. Output prices also rise rapidly leading to increased cost of living and greater strain on fixed income
4. Consumers begin to review their consumption expenditure on housing, durable goods etc.
5. Actual demand stagnates.
6. This is the end of expansion and it occurs when economic growth has reached a point where it will
stabilize fora short time and then move in the reverse direction.
1. The economy cannot continue to grow endlessly.
2. Once peak is reached, increase in demand is halted and starts decreasing in certain sectors.
3. Decrease in input demand pulls input prices down; incomes of wage and interest earners
gradually decline resulting in decreased demand for goods and services.
4. Producers lower their prices in order to dispose off their inventories and for meeting their financial
5. Consumers, in their turn, expect further decreases in prices and postpone their purchases. With
reduced consumer spending, aggregate demand falls, generally causing fall in prices. The
discrepancy between demand and supply gets widened further. This process gathers speed and
recession becomes severe.
6. Investments start declining; production and employment decline resulting in further decline in
incomes, demand and consumption of both capital goods and consumer goods. Business firms
become pessimistic about the future state of the economy .
7. The process of recession is complete and the severe contraction inthe economic activities pushes the
economy intothephase of depression.
Business Cycle
Trough and Depression:
1. Depression is the severe form of recession and is characterized by extremely sluggish economic
2. During this phase of the business cycle, growth rate becomes negative and the level of national
income and expenditure declines rapidly.
3. Demand for products and services decreases, prices are at their lowest and decline rapidly forcing firms
to shutdown several production facilities.
4. A typical feature of depression is the fall in the interest rate. With lower rate of interest, people’s demand for
holding liquid money (i.e. in cash) increases.
5. Industries, especially capital and consumer durable goods industry, suffer from excess capacity.
6. Large number of bankruptcies and liquidation significantly reduce the magnitude of trade and
7. At the depth of depression, all economic activities touch the bottom and the phase of trough is
reached. It isa very agonizing period causing lots of distress forall.
Information Technology bubble burst of 2000: Information Technology (IT) bubble or Dot.Com
bubble roughly covered the period 1997-2000. During this period, many new Internet–based
companies (commonly referred as dot-com companies) were started. The low interest rates in 1998–
99 encouraged the start-up internet companies to borrow from the markets. Due to rapid growth of
internet and seeing vast scope in this area, venture capitalists invested huge amountin these
companies. Due to over- optimism in the market, investors were less cautious. There was a great
rise in their stock prices and in general, it was noticed, that companies could cause their stock
prices to increase by simply adding an "e-" prefix to their name or a ".com" to the end. These
Business Cycle
companies offered their services or end products for free with the expectation that they could
build enough brand awareness to charge profitable rates for their services later. As a result, these
companies saw high growth and a type of bubble developed. The "growth over profits" mentality
led some companies to engage in lavish internal spending, such as elaborate business facilities.
These companies could not sustain long. The collapse of the bubble took place during 1999–2001.
Many dot-com companies ran out of capital and were acquired or liquidated. Nearly half of the dot
–com companies were either shut down or were taken over by other companies. Stock markets
crashed and slowly the economies began feeling the downturn in their economic activities.
Global Economic Crisis (2008-09): The recent global economic crisis owes its origin to US financial
markets. Following Information Technology bubble burst of 2000, the US economy went into recession.
In order to take the economy out of recession, the US Federal Reserve (the Central Bank of US) reduced the rate
of interest. This led to large liquidity or money supply with the banks. With lower interest rates, credit became
cheaper and the households, even with low creditworthiness, began to buy houses in increasing
numbers. Increased demand for houses led to increased prices for them. The rising prices of housing
led bothhouseholds and banks to believe that prices would continue to rise. Excess liquidity with banks
and availability of new financial instruments led banks to lend without checking the creditworthiness
of borrowers. Loans were given even to sub-prime households and also to those persons who had no
income or assets. Houses were built in excess during the boom period and due totheir oversupply in the
market, house prices began to decline in 2006. Housing bubble got burst in the second half of 2007.
With fall in prices of houses which were held as mortgage, the sub - prime households started defaulting
on a large scale in paying off their instalments. This caused huge losses to the banks. Losses in banks
and other financial institutions
had a chain effect and soon the whole US economy and the world
economy at large felt its impact.
Leading Indicators:
It is a measurable economic factor that changes before the
economy starts to follow a particular pattern or trend.
❖ Changes in Stock Prices, Profit Margins and Profits, Indices like Housing, Interest Rates
and Prices, etc. are generally seen as precursors of upturns or downturns.
❖ Value of New Orders for Consumer Goods, Capital Goods, Building Permits for Private Houses,
fraction of Companies reporting slower deliveries, Index of Consumer Confidence and Money
Growth Rate are also used for tracking and forecasting changes in Business Cycles.
Lagging Indicators:
It reflects the economy's historical performance and changes in these indicators are
Business Cycle
observable only after an economic trend or pattern has already occurred.
Examples: Unemployment, Corporate Profits, Labour Cost per unit of Output, Interest Rates,
Consumer Price Index, Commercial Lending Activity, etc.
1. Demand Impact.
2. Expansion Decisions.
3. Policies: The period of prosperity creates more opportunities for investment, employment and
production and thereby promotes business. The period of recession or depression reduces
business opportunities and profits.
4. Production Aspects: Businesses have to properly respond to the need to alter production levels
relative to demand.
5. Market Entry / Product Launch
6. The phase of the Business Cycle is important for a new business to decide on entry into the
market, and determines the success of a new product launch.
7. Businesses are required to plan and set policies with respect to product, prices and
promotion, in tune with the stage of the Business Cycle.
Internal causes
Fluctuations in Effective Demand: In a free market economy, where maximization of profits is the aim
of businesses, a higher level of aggregate demand will induce businessmen to produce more. As a
result, there will be more output, income and employment.
Fluctuations in Investment: According to some economists, fluctuations in investments are the
prime cause of business cycles. Investment spending is considered to be the most volatile
component of the aggregate demand. Investments fluctuate quite often because of changes in the
profit expectations of entrepreneurs. Or investment may rise when the rate of interest is low in the
economy. Increases in investment shift the aggregate demand to the right, leading to an economic
expansion. Decreases in investment have the opposite effect.
Variations in government spending: Fluctuations in government spending with its impact on
aggregate economic activity result in business fluctuations. Government spending, especially during
and after wars, has destabilizing effects on the economy
Macroeconomic policies: Expansionary policies, such as increased government spending and/or tax
cuts, are the most common method of boosting aggregate demand. This results in booms. Similarly,
softening of interest rates, often motivated by political motives, leads to inflationary effects and decline
in unemployment rates. Anti- inflationary measures, such as reduction in government spending,
increase in taxes and interest rates cause a downward pressure on the aggregate demand and
theeconomy slows down. At times, such slowdowns may be drastic, showing negative growth rates
Business Cycle
and may ultimately end up in recession.
Money Supply: An increase in the supply of money causes expansion in aggregate demand and in
economic activities. However, excessive increase of credit and money also set off inflation in the
economy. Capital is easily available, and therefore consumers and businesses alike can borrow at
low rates. This stimulates more demand, creating a virtuous circle of prosperity.
Psychological factors: If entrepreneurs are optimistic about future market conditions, they make
investments, and as a result, the expansionary phase may begin. The opposite happens when
entrepreneurs are pessimistic about future market conditions. Investors tend to restrict their
investments. With reduced investments, employment, income and consumption also take a
downturn and the economy faces contraction in economic activities.
According to Schumpeter’s innovation theory, trade cycles occur as a result of innovations which
take place in the system from time to time. The cobweb theory propounded by Nicholas Kaldor
holds that business cycles result from the fact that present prices substantially influence the
production at some future date. The present fluctuations in prices may become responsible for
fluctuations in output and employment at some subsequent period.
External Causes: The External causes or exogenous factors which may lead to boom or bust:
Wars: During war times, production of war goods, like weapons and arms etc., increases and most
of the resources of the country are diverted for their production. This affects the production of
other goods - capital and consumer goods. Fall in production causes fall in income, profits and
employment. This creates contraction in economic activity and may trigger downturn in business
Post War Reconstruction: After war, the country begins to reconstruct itself. Houses, roads, bridges
etc. are built and economic activity begins to pick up. All these activities push up effective demand
due to which output, employment and income go up.
Technology shocks: Growing technology enables production of new and better products and
services. These products generally require huge investments for new technology adoption. This
leads to expansion of employment, income and profits etc. and give a boost to the economy.
Natural Factors: Weather cycles cause fluctuations in agricultural output which in turn cause
instability in the economies, especially those economies which are mainly agrarian. In the years
when there are draughts or excessive floods, agricultural output is badly affected. With reduced
agricultural output, incomes of farmers fall and therefore they reduce their demand for industrial
Population Growth: If the growth rate of population is higher than the rate of economic growth, there
will be lesser savings in the economy. Fewer saving will reduce investment and as a result, income and
employment will also be less. With lesser employment and income, the effective demand will be less,
and overall, there will be slowdown in economic activities.