Slamet Inggris Journal
Slamet Inggris Journal
Slamet Inggris Journal
Correspondence: p-ISSN 2085-4943
e-ISSN 2502-4469
Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur IV No.17, Bendan Duwur, Gajahmungkur,
Bendan Duwur, Gajahmungkur, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah
50235, Indonesia.
E-mail: [email protected]
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
Historical subjects are given to build the occurs in a plural, multicultural and diverse
character of the young generation as the country that is Indonesia.
successor of a democratic and responsible Multiculturalism is a diverse cultural
nation. Hugiono and Poerwanta (1992) suggest understanding. In the diversity of culture, it is
that there are at least three characters obtained the necessity of understanding, mutual
from the learning process of history. First, understanding, tolerance, etc., in order to create
ontologically, history learning concerns the a life of peace and prosperity and avoid the
process of awareness raising, empowerment, and prolonged conflict (Naim and Sauqi, 2011). As a
value culture to learners to become an indivdual new discourse, multicultural education is still
as well as citizens. Secondly, epistemologically, debated by educational experts, but that does not
learning history must prioritize multicultural and mean multicultural education is absent or
multiappraoach approaches, it is related to the unclear.
reality of diversity of the community and the Borrowing Andersen and Cusher's
potential diversity of learners. Thirdly, opinion in Parekh (2012); multicultural
axiologically, historical learning can increase the education can be interpreted as education about
learner's responsibility as an individual and as a cultural diversity. Furthermore, Banks defines
society member in a nation/country. multicultural education as education for people
On the one hand, the problem of learning of color. That is, multicultural education wants
history can not be disengaged from the historiy to explore differences as a necessity (God's
teachersthemselves, because in the series of grace). In line with that thought, Slamet (2016)
learning process, teachers have a big role. It is argues that in simple terms multicultural
that important that the government from year to education is an education about cultural
year seeks to improve the quality of teachers. diversity in responding to demographic changes
Although various efforts have been made, but and the pluralistic society such as Indonesian
the packaging has not yielded significant results. society. Thus history teachers who act as the
This is reflected in the number of highlights on front spearhead in the learning process need to
teachers, including history teachers. Complaints understand about the multicultural values that
also appear that the history learning seems exist in this country, to then be applied in the
boring, so it is natural that these subjects are learning process that is expected to unite the
underestimated and considered as a lesson that various backgrounds of learners from diversity,
the material is very easy, because it can be read plural, and multicultural backgrounds.
overnight for examination the next day (Surjo,
1989). METHODS
The other side, the process of learning as
an understanding and awareness can be a source This research used a qualitative design,
of inspiration and base for the growth of while the approach used is phenomenology that
nationalism and responsibility and obligations seeks to reveal the events according to actual
for learners. In this case the spirit of nationalism conditions and is highly dependent on: (1)
can be instilled among the younger generation perception; (2) comprehension; (3)
that starts from learners. This refers to the understanding; and (4) one's assumptions
understanding that without ideals and (Bungin, 2008). The research implementation
aspirations about the homeland and nation, the took place in Semarang City with several public
appreciation will be superficial and ultimately and private high schools as objects. The key
embedded only to materialistic and consumptive informants were stakeholders of the education
aspects (Gazalba, 1981), this condition also office of Semarang City, while additional
informants were high-schoolhistory teachers.
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
mastered by the teachers to be applied in the distance the concept of bi-cultural or dichotomy
learning process. between indigenous and non-native.
Multicultural Education Approach In the context of Indonesia and its
The design of multicultural education at diversity, these five approaches must be
the community level is full of problems between harmonized with the conditions of Indonesian
groups, religions, cultures, ethnicities, customs society, because society is a collection of
and so forth. Indonesia contains a mild humans or individuals embodied in social
challenge, so it is necessary to realize that groups with a specific cultural or tradition
multicultural education is not just "celebrating challenge. Thus it can be understood that the
diversity". Moreover, the existing society is still core of society is a large collection of individuals
full of discrimination and racism. In such who live and work together in relatively similar
conditions, multicultural education is more times, so that individuals can meet their needs
precisely directed at advocacy to create tolerant and absorb social character (Slamet, 2017).
learners. In line with that, Mahfud (2011) argued These conditions then make some of them into
that to achieve these goals a number of organized communities who think about
approaches are required, namely: (1) no longer themselves and differentiate their existence from
equate the view of education with schooling or community extensions. The other side is when
multicultural education with formal school life in society means the interaction between
programs. The broader view of education as a individual and social environment, then what
cultural transmission among learners is entirely makes up an individual is education or in other
in their hands, but more and more parties are terms the educator community.
responsible, because school programs should be Multicultural-based Education Discourse
related to informal learning outside of schools; Since its emergence as a discipline in the
(2) avoid the view that equates culture with 1960s and 1970s, multicultural-based Education
ethnic groups. It means that we no longer need (MBE)has been defined in many ways from
to associate cultures solely with ethnic groups as multiple perspectives. In educational science
they have been. Traditionally, educators terminology known as the terminology that is
associate cultures with relatively self-sufficient almost the same as the MBE, namely
social groups, rather than with a number of multicultural education as used in the context of
people continuously and repeatedly engaged in multicultural life of Western countries. A
one or more activities; (3) since the development number of definitions are bound in certain
of competence in a "new culture" usually disciplines, such as: anthropology, sociology,
requires the interaction of initiatives from people psychology, and so forth.
who already have competencies, it can be seen Hernandez in Naim and Sauqi (2011)
more clearly that efforts to support ethnically suggests; Two classical definitions to emphasize
separated schools are antithesis to the goals of the important conceptual dimensions of MBE
multicultural education. Maintaining and for educators. The first definition emphasizes the
extending group solidarity will inhibit essence of MBE as a perspective that recognizes
socialization into a new culture for cultural the political, social, and economic realities that
pluralism and multicultural education is not individuals experience in complex and culturally
logically equated; (4) multicultural education diverse (plural) human encounters. This
increases competence in some cultures. Which definition aims to reflect the importance of
culture will be adopted, determined by the culture, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, social
situation and conditions in proportion; (5) the status, economy, territoriality and exceptions in
possibility that education (formal and non- the educational process. Over the past decade,
formal) raises awareness of competence in some Hernandez has developed an operational
cultures. This kind of awareness will then definition of MBE. In its conceptualization,
MBE is an educational activity that is
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
the ability of schools to provide learning do not only become the foundation of the
experiences, and the ability of learners to developed curriculum but also become the target
process, learn and process information into of curriculum development results.
something that can be translated as learning The cultural position in a curriculum
outcomes. Diversity becomes a free variable that process is very important, but in the
has a very significant contribution to the success development process often the curriculum
of the curriculum, both as a process and as a developers pay little attention to it. In reality, the
result. Therefore, diversity must be a factor to be curriculum development process is often colored
taken into account in determining philosophy, by the influence of curriculum developers' views
theory, vision, document development, on the development of science and technology.
socialization, and curriculum implementation. Consideration of the students and the
Curriculum development using multicultural community needs is often responded with
development approach should be based on 4 answers to the development of science.
(four) principles: (1) cultural diversity becomes Therefore, the position of culture is abandoned
the basis for determining philosophy; (2) cultural as well as other grounds to be considered in
diversity serves as a basis for developing various curriculum development.
curriculum components, such as: objectives, Intrinsically, curriculum developers in
content, processes, and evaluations; (3) the formulating philosophy, vision, and educational
culture within the educational unit is the source goals, are strongly influenced by their
of learning and the object of study that should be educational background, life view, and life
part of the learners' learning activities; and (4) beliefs. The determinants of philosophy, vision,
the curriculum serves as a media in developing educational goals are the cultural and cultural
regional and national cultures. roots of the curriculum developers. This is what
The position of diversity as an Longstreet and Shane (1993) said: we are largely
independent variable is at the school and unaware of the numerous, culturally formed
community level, that is, a curriculum is qualities that characterize our behavior.
developed and is expected to be a powerful Therefore, both directly and indirectly, the
modifier according to perceived nations of a internal process of curriculum development is
society. In real terms, this influence lies in strongly influenced by the culture of the
teachers who are responsible for curriculum curriculum developers.
development, not on learners undergoing the Another cornerstone needed in
curriculum. Another important point is that curriculum development is the theory of
multicultural education can be used as the learning, about how learners learn. During this
cornerstone of curriculum development. time, people talk about learning theories
For a long time, educational experts and developed mainly from psychology (Slamet,
curricula have realized that culture is one of the 2017). The theory of learning as it is known in
cornerstones of curriculum development (Taba, the literature developed from various streams
1962), in addition to other foundations such as and theories in psychology, such as behaviorism
the development of society, science, technology, (stimulus response, conditioning, operant
politics, and economics. Ki conditioning, modeling, etc.), cognitive
HadjarDewantara(1936) stated that culture is an (schemata, accommodation, and assimilation of
important factor as the root of a nation's Piaget, meaningfull learning from Ausubel and
education. Another curriculum expert, Print so on ). Learning theory developed from this
(1993) in Supardan (2005) states the importance view is of course very useful, the theory is also
of culture as the foundation for a developed based on the results of in-depth study
curriculum.Thatcurriculum is a construct of that and in a long enough time. Unfortunately,
culture. Culture is the totality of the way people learning theories developed based on
live and develop the pattern of life so that they psychological views is often said that learners
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
learn in a situation that is value free or more recognized by an American Indian historian;
accurately said cultural and societal free. The Wolpert (1965) who says that the Indian
learning theories have not yet taken into account community is more pluralistic in every respect
that learners who learn are individuals who live than any other on earth except, perhaps,
and react to the stimulus, which can not be Indonesia. Therefore, if culture is one of the
separated from the social and cultural strong foundations in curriculum development,
environment he lives. In his book Socio Culture curriculum development process in Indonesia
Origins of Achievement, Maehr (1974) says that should also pay attention to the diversity of the
the linkage between culture and language, existing cultures. That is, the multicultural
culture and perception, culture and cognition, approach in curriculum development in
culture and achievement, and culture and Indonesia is a must andcan not be ignored
achievement motivation are all factors that affect anymore.
students. The enactment of Law Number 22 Year
Webb (1990) and Burnet (1994) studies in 1999 and Number 32 Year 2004 regarding
Maksum (2004) show that learners' learning Regional Autonomy will not directly make
processes developed through cultural multicultural education applicable in the
considerations show better results. This is development of curriculum in Indonesia. The
because, as Oliver and Howley (1992) have law provides the authority for management of
argued, culture is governing how people share education to local governments, may produce
information and knowledge, as well as how they curriculum according to the vision, mission, and
construct meaning. Why the strong role of perceptions of curriculum developers in the
culture in an individual's understanding of the region. But it is not impossible that the
environment and learning is expressed by Delpit developed curriculum is not developed based on
(Darling-Hammond, 1996: 12): we all interpret a multicultural approach, since curricula using a
behaviors, information, and situation through multicultural approach must be developed with
our own cultural lenses; these lenses operate a deep awareness and understanding of the
involuntarily, bellow the level of conscious multicultural approach as mentioned above.
awareness, making it seems that our own view is The literature on multicultural education
imply, the way it is. shows the diversity in terms of the term. Banks
The same opinion is expressed by (1993) stated that among many of these
Wloodkowski and Ginsberg (1995) that culture meanings, the dominant is the notion of
is the basis of intrinsic motivation and develops multicultural education as education for people
a learning model called a comprehensive model of color. This understanding is in line with
of culturally responsive teaching which they Burnet's (1994) definition, that multicultural
perceive as pedagogy while respecting cultural education is any set of processes by which
integrity. Therefore, now is the time to take into schools work with rather than oppressed groups.
account the cultural factors as an important This understanding is clearly incompatible with
foundation in determining the components of the context of education in Indonesia, because
objectives, materials, processes, evaluation of a Indonesia has a different cultural context with
curriculum and learning activities of learners. other countries, although both share the same
Consequently, curriculum developers at the nation and multi-cultural.
central, regional, and school levels should take Andersen and Cusher (1994) say;
advantage of culture as a cornerstone of Multicultural education is education about
curriculum development more seriously and cultural diversity. This definition is broader than
more systematically. the one above. Nevertheless, the cultural
It should be realized also that Indonesia is position is still the same as what the definition
a country rich in culture, as stated in the proposes, namely cultural diversity into
national motto 'Unity in Diversity'. This fact is something which is studied (as the object of
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413
Slamet / The Journal of Educational Development 5 (3) (2017) 404 - 413