Training Report

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A report submitted in partial fulfilment of rquirements for a MASTER

Submitted by : Supervised by :

Kenoune Naima
Kaced imene
Iouknane sihem Mrs. Zian Khadidja

Name of university:


Table of content

1. Acknowledgments ……………………………………………
2. Introduction……………………………………………………
3. Observation phase……………………………………………..
4. Initiative phase………………………………………………...
5. Demontration phase…………………………………………...
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………….

First, I thank the Almighty God ( Allah ) who granted me this chance to fulfill
my work, and guiding me to accomplish writing this training report. I would
like to thank my beloved parents they were such a an encouragement and
support for me since forever, I acknowledge their limitless love and limitless
sacrifices, I love you and I am gratefull for everything. A special thank to my
superviser M.s Meziani such a wonderful inspiration for me that you were, and
for everyone who crossed your way I am sure, I feel so lucky to have you been
put in my path, I hope you know the priceless impact you made in my life with
each word and you are making in so many lives. A great thank to my trainer
Mrs Ziane who helped us a lot in this work and who was our teacher one day,
you expected us to succed and this motivated us to keep trying until there we
are, I will remember that your class was my favourite all year. Foremost, I
would surely express my infinit gratitude for all my familly including my
friends. Sihem and Imene all these years with you I can’t be more happier and
this work with you guys was more fun.
Thank you all !
Education is a process of continous trensference of experience from the
previous generations to the followings it begins at birth and continues until
the end of life, it consists of receiving and transmiting knowledge, it has
been existed since longtime and has been developed through time to much
better; level, experience, materials, conditions...either for the teacher or the
learner in order to ensure the good learning and teaching process.
After all the background acquired at the university about English
language, students at the end of their path of education have to choose
between a disertation or a practical training.
Traning report is to explain in writing form all your period of practicing
training any work; busniness, nurse, doctor,… in our case it is to write all
the period of practicing teaching, since we are a master two students in our
last year we opted for practical training in our department of English, in
this training report we aim to provide the learners with differents aspects
and stratigtegies that exists in the teaching and learning process, and put in
practice all that they have learned about the language during their time at
university and live the real experience in the teaching profession.
Teaching is an important part in the process of education its special
function is to impart knowledge, undertanding, and skills to the learner.
After five years of studying and working hard at university, we had a
golden chance to integrate in the word of teaching.
In this training report, we are going to make a full explanantion about
the three phases we have passed through during the semester which
consists of; observation phase, initiation phase, demonstration phase.
Observation phase
Our training took place at the university of Abd Rahmane Mira Bejaia
department of English, with 2nd year students module of grammar, we
haven’t struggled in finding a trainer teacher because we had already in
mind a name, and she was in endless kindness and so welcoming, she took
us in charge and directly explained for us the three phases of he training
after giving us the planning of her classes including the name of the
lessons, she asked to prepare our selves to take notes each session and that
it important for us to pay attention of wherever that she is doing with the
students inside the classroom.
The observation phase is the initial phase in the practical training, the
trainee during the observation phase hase to observe the teaching process
and learn about the different strategies and methods used by the trainer in
the classroom, this includes; the warm up in addition to classroom
interaction, the lesson presentation and the evaluation. These steps enable
the trainee to enter into the world of teaching and accustomed to it.
Our first observation was March 05th, 2023. During this time a seat at the
back of the classroom in order for us to see everything from the teacher
and her techniques of teaching to the all the student’s performance.
Through the observation we have noticed that teacher arrives at the exact
hour without making any delay, she waites until everyone is gathered in
the classroom and closes the door in order to avoid disturbance from the
outside, she always takes few minutes to calm her students, there were 11
students in the classroom and the teacher memorized all their faces and
names, the teacher started by welcoming her students and asking them
about how their weekend or day went out which is known as warm up,
than she asks them wether they remember the last lesson they have
studied, she tries to revise it all together, after that the teacher a paper in
order to sign and mark the absenses, once she finished with all this which
is considered as few minutes of introduction, the teacher wrote on the
board an example about the new lesson and tries to lead them to discover
the title of the lesson « conditionals »
My trainer always motivates her larners to participate in the classroom
using different strategies, she uses different gestures and words that
influence positively the pupil’s motivation. For example, when the
students come out with a good answer she uses praising words like ( very
good, excellent, great, thank you.
When the lesson demands a lot of example the teacher makes sure each
one gives an example of his own in order to bring all of the students inside
the lesson and she tries to talk and call everyone to focus with her and each
time she asks them wether they got questions, and always she makes sure
they are taking notes.
The teacher do not let students make a lot of noise especially when they
are working on a task or when she makes the lesson, she manages in a
good way her class.
Classroom interaction makes the lesson much more easier for both the
students and the teacher, it is a crucial aspects to take into consideration,
we think that the class of the 2nd year have a very good interaction level,
there are not much of disturbing elements in the classroom just few ones,
and we have noticed that they are so inteligent in addition to that they are
interested. Moreover, the teacher encourrages a lot students who have
difficultives in expressing themselves and she helps them to talk by giving
them time they need, she make everyone feel like it is normal to give a
wrong answer and since they are adults they know exactly that it is okay to
talk and share their points of views wherver it is.
The teacher inside the classroom speaks only in English and it is the same
thing with all the students.
It is important for the teacher to use the board every time in order to
facilitate their understanding, especially when they have difficulties in
spelling complicated words.
The teacher take every time a quick look into the lesson plan she has
prepared, it is very important for her to not give the students any wrong
information, avoid any kind of mistakes and to make sure every rule that is
in the course is presented and eplained because when we say grammar we
mean there are a lot of rules and also she makes sure every detail is said.
Lesson presentation which comes directly after the warm up, it is an
important aspect which we have taken into consideration during our
observation phase, it includes the steps or the way that the teacher follows
to present the lesson, the first and the thing that our trainer emphasizes on
in the beginning of her lesson is writing an example, she support every
step with examples, and she goes from the simplest to the complicated
ones so that she build up the lesson step by step.
The teacher provides her course with different activities so that she tests
their understanding, she distributes handouts of tasks to all the students,
and the handouts generally contains the name of the university, which
department, name of the teacher maybe her email, and some other
informations, and than she tells them that they have some minutes to
correct, and while they are trying to solve the task she moves around to
check , after a short time the teacher asks them to correct the task and do
not let anyone get distructed by anything such as their phone. The students
raise their hands to answer and the teacher picks the student she wants and
even those who have not raised hands.
Time management is a very important element in teaching, because it
helps the teacher to complete her lesson as well as the whole program on
time. Our tutor devoted appropriate allocated time for each part of the
lesson. She started with a short warm up of 15min. Then, she moved to the
presentation of the lesson about 20min and time left she provides them
with activities.
The evaluation aspect is the last aspect in the observation phase, the
teacher asks some questions in order to check our the understanding of the
To conclude, we have learned and acquired many techniques and almost
the impotant aspects concerning the teaching process with our trainer. Wa
have learned how to manage the classroom and time, how to present a
lesson, how to organize activities and how to ensure interaction and good
All of this informations will help us to prepare the coming phases : the
initiative and the demonstration phase, during the next phases we are going
to put into practice all that we have seen and observed in the observation
Initiatiation phase

The initiation phase is the second step in the practical training. It

initiates the trainee to the different pedagogical tasks and to the teaching
and learning process. It gives him a chance to put into practise the
theoritical knowledge that he/she ecquired during his/her observation and
to have a direct contact with the teaching profession. During this stage, the
trainee is going to present lessons that had been presented by the trainer
before; it can also be a conection of a test, exam or any given activity.
Kenoune naime:
Aboout my practical work, I had three days to prepare my lesson plan,
which is « reported speech », it was time for me to put all that I have
observed before, and since I was going to make a lesson that my trainer
had done before , it was kind of easy for me .
It was March 19th, at 13:00, with the second year students, such a great
and motivated group indeed they were a bite helpful with me.
At the beginning, when I entered to the classroom as a teacher, I have
directly walked to the board and the teacher was left her place and took a
seat at the back , and while I was waiting for all the students to come, I
stressed a lot and so afraid to miss something since it was the first time to
exprience teaching , I had to manage time, manage the classroom and
above all, transmit well the message to the students.Some of them had
seen that but once I had started I acted like every thing was good.
I had my lesson plan, my lesson in a handout , a pen , some shalk , and
some other papers where I had prepared activities, everything was in in
front of me in order to not forget any detail.
I had started by greeting , and then gave them directly the title of the new
lesson, asked them wether they know something about the lesson and than
gave them a small example :
Lyna said : « I am happy. »
Lyna said that she was happy.
We had discussed and I had explained every detail and while teaching
my trainer helped me a bite with some explainations in order to avoid
mistakes because of the stress.
During the session, the students were a little bite distructed and talking to
each other but I have made my best to silence them. Also I have asked
them many times to take notes.
By the end of the lesson, I had dictated to them a task, it was ten
sentences to transforme them from direct speech to indirect speech, and
gave them enough time to correcte it . 15 min after, I had asked one of
them to answer the first and so on. At last minutes of the session, I had
asked them wether everything was clear in order to make sure I had been
The course was over and I felt very comfortable because I gave my best
and the students helped me to present in a good way, they participated and
gave their attention. Nevertheless, all of this did not prevent me to feel
stressed in a way or another until they totally left . The good thing was that
my trainer told me that I was very good and I managed the whole
classroom and this made me feel happy.

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