Elma Albo Master of Arts in Christian Education

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Elma Albo

Master of Arts in Christian Education

Internship Report


My Journey as College Instructor

at Asia-Pacific Christian College and Seminary

I. The School

Asia-Pacific Christian College and Seminary is a Bible college located at

Montalban, Rizal that trains and equips future pastors, Christian workers and
educators for church and school ministries. The school offers four-year programs in
Theology (Bachelor of Arts in Theology) and Christian Education (Bachelor of Arts
in Christian Education).

In this seminary, I took up Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education in 2008 and

graduated in 2012. After graduation, I decided to pursue my studies in masteral
degree to be able to minister to my alma mater in the future. It was in 2015 when I
finally got accepted in Asian Theological Seminary and took up Master’s in Christian
Education. My study in ATS is still ongoing when I got invited to teach in APCCS in
2017. I was offered to teach Educational Technology 2 to third-year students. There
were 18 CE students in my class.

II. The Learning Sessions

The subject “ Educational Technology II” is a three unit course designed to

introduce both traditional and innovative technologies to facilitate and foster
meaningful and effective learning. Students are expected to demonstrate a sound
understanding of the nature, application and production of the various types of
educational technologies.
This course will likewise focus on how educational technology can be utilized as
a tool for planning, designing, and evaluating technology-enriched teaching and
learning processes. It provides learning experiences through creating teaching/visual
aids that will help develop their teaching competence. It was basically designed to
guide the students in integrating technology in instruction and teaching. (see
Appendix 1 for complete details of the syllabus)

Our class was scheduled on Tuesdays at 1:00-4:00pm. We began our session with
a Gameplan. We assigned students to lead and share a 5-minute devotion. Then we
usually had icebreaker before the lesson. This icebreaker could be a game, an artwork,
brainstorming, role playing or group presentations. These activities were all related to
our lesson for the day. We also assigned reporters for every lesson. They were given
15-20 minutes time to report for their assigned topic. We encouraged every reporter to
be creative and engaging in doing their reports.

After reporting, we had a 10-minute break. When they’re back we had time to do
some activities to reinforce what we have learned. We sometimes had group
discussions, debate, artwork, dramatization and group presentations. There were times
when students spent their time in the media room to accomplish some class outputs.

We had 15 sessions in a semester. Two of these sessions were for their midterm
and final exam. Part of their requirements for this subject is to create an instructional
video and E-Portfolio which they have to present in class on a given date. The details
of the course requirements are in the syllabus.

III. My Learning Experiences

It was like a dream-come-true experience for me when I started teaching in

APCCS. I really have this desire of serving my alma mater since I graduated in 2012.
I tried several times to enter in a graduate seminary but failed in my first attempt. I
prayed to God consistently and got an answer after three years. Then finally accepted
in ATS (Asian Theological Seminary) in 2015.

I have been teaching in the church as a Sunday-school teacher since 2008, and I
have to say it was a completely different and a more challenging experience for me. I
have learned so many things in this experience but will just note several of them that
have impacted my life as an instructor.
I have learned that…

* My students are unique and gifted inviduals.

The students have their own identity that make them who they are. Each one has
his/her talents, gifts and potentials. I have observed how they brought their skills and
abilities in each learning session. I’ve witnessed how artistic, brilliant and creative
they were. I’m impressed by their presentations, outputs and performances. When
they were given freedom and an open space, they were not afraid to show to others
what they’ve got. And that’s part of what I want to happen in class, to bring out the
best in them.

* My students are valuable and they have feelings too.

They are human beings who also need to be encouraged, motivated and
appreciated. There were times that they might have felt down or discouraged. As their
instructor and guide, I have to be sensitive on how they are doing. That’s why I tried
to always ask their prayer concerns and prayed for them. I made sure that they know
that I care for them and that I can be trusted.

* I can also learn from my students.

I used to think that the teacher is the only source of information in the classroom.
I thought that teachers have to always speak in class and students just listen. But when
I started going to ATS and finally teach in a classroom setting, my perspectives
changed. Teachers can learn from their students too.

Even when I come prepared and have anticipated everything that could happen in
class, I would always feel surprised by what my students could share or present in
class. They were part of the learning process. They bring their ideas, concepts and
experiences in class and that always amazes me.

* I have a family and friends in class.

There is a special kind of relationship built in each and every class. It’s not just a
typical student-teacher relationship in classroom but family and frienships as well. We
shared our challenges and struggles in life. We hang out sometimes. We hear each
other’s stories. We laugh. We mourn. We pray for each other. We trust. Even outside
the classrooms, we keep in touch. I consider this kind of relationship as my treasure.
*I have my own style/way of teaching

As an instructor, I have my own way of making my class fun and engaging. I use
games, discussions and arts to bring out the best in my students. I enjoy seeing their
talents and potentials. I love to see them enjoying and at the same time learning. I
didn’t want to make learning hard and difficult for them. I also make sure that every
student will participate and that no one is left behind.

*I’m not a perfect teacher but I want to be a better one.

I have learned that it is okay not to be perfect or to be great. I keep in mind that
it’s okay to make mistakes. I also admit that I am not the best teacher in school or
neither the perfect one.I know that I am not the super expert person in this field. But, I
do something to improve and to be better. I learn from the experts. I ask help from the
people who have more experiences than me. I spend time reading articles and books
about my lesson. I don’t stop learning. I just keep going.

*I evaluated and assessed myself as a teacher each and every class.

It becomes a habit for me to evaluate and assess myself every class when I’m on
my way home. What have I done wrong? How were my students’ performances?
What can I do better next time? These questions always come to play after every class.
There were times when I felt like I didn’t do well or like I should have done better.
There were also times that I feel accomplished and fulfilled. That’s why it is
important for me to assess my performance once in while. It also helped that I was
evaluated by my students after the semester.

IV. Conclusion

My journey as an instructor has just started. Until now, I still couldn’t believe that
I am now part of the instructional staff in APCCS. I hope that I can help the institution
in achieving its goals and mission.

I thank the Lord for calling me, equipping me and entrusting me this kind of
ministry. I also thank ATS for preparing me, training me and equipping me for this. I
also want to thank APPCS for believing in me and giving me this opportunity to
develop my skills and talents in teaching. I know that I still have so much to learn and
I am so ready for it.
APPENDIX 1: Educational Technology 2 Syllabus

Course Name Educational Technology 2

Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours/ Week Tuesday, 1:00-4:00 pm
Instructor Ms. Elma G. Albo
Contact No. 09260847860
Email Address [email protected]

Course Description The subject “ Educational Technology II” is a three unit course
designed to introduce both traditional and innovative technologies
to facilitate and foster meaningful and effective learning. Students
are expected to demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature,
application and production of the various types of educational
Course Objectives At the end of the course, the students must have:
1. Identified ways on how educational technology can be utilized as
the media for the avenues teaching-learning process in the school.
2. Acquired skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the
technology-enriched teaching and learning process.
3. Integrated the use of technology in instruction and teaching
through group reports and class presenations.
4. Familiarized themselves on information technology or IT-related
learning theories with the computer as a tutor.
5. Valued the importance of technology in facilitating learning in

Course Outline and Time-frame

Course Content/ Subject Matter
August 15  Introduction
 Course Orientation
Lesson 1: A Review of Educational Technology1

* Assigning topics for individual reports.

August 22 Lesson 2: An Overview: Educational Technology 2
Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learner
August 29 Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

Lesson 5: Preferences of the Technology Generation

September 5 Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills in Learning

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning

September 12
Instructional Video Presentation

September 19 Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills

September 26 Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication


October 3 Lesson 10: Computer as Tutor

October 10 Lesson 11:The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool


October 24 Lesson 12: Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered
October 31 Lesson 13:Cooperative Learning with Computer

November 7 Sports Festival (No Class)

November 14
Lesson 14: The Software as Educational Resource
November 21 Lesson 15: Understanding Hypermedia

November 28 Lesson 16: The Internet and Education

December 5 Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum
December 12 FINAL EXAM

Course Requirements and Grading

Attendance and Participation Students are expected to promptly come to class and actively
15% engage in class discussions.
Individual and Group Reports Students are expected to report a topic in class (group or
20% individual).
Content and Clarity 40%
Use of MS Office Tools 30%
Creativity and Engagement 30%
Instructional Video (Group) Video yourself for maximum of 10 minute teaching stints of
25% “how-to’s” (anything under the sun---how to bake, how to fly a
kite, how to do origami, how to speak Japanese, etc.) This should
be a fun exercise.) Please be ready to present your video in class on
September 12, 2017.

E-Portfolio and Reflection Students are expected to list titles of articles or methodologies they
Papers 20% have mined from the web or from books or from friends. Have at
least 15 articles or methodologies. Students should hand-in one
page reflection paper about the new insights that they find helpful
and enriching as an educator. To be submitted on October 31, 2017.
Quizzes and Exams 20% Be ready for quizzes, midterm and final exams.


Paz, I. Lucido et. al., Educational Technology 1, Philippines, Q. C., 2008.

Paz I. Lucido, Educational Technology 2, Philippines, Manila 2007.

Brenda B. Corpuz et. Al., Principles of Teaching 1, Philippines, Quezon City, 2007.

Gloria G. Salandanan, Principles and Strtegies of Teaching, Phil., Q.C., 2007.

V. Pictures

Class Reports
Poster Making
Group Presentation
Instructional Video on
How to Play Basketball

(One of Students’ Output)

Educational Technology 2 Class

( 1st Semester: AY 2017-2018)

To God be the glory!

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