Holcimnz Sds Envirocore200
Holcimnz Sds Envirocore200
Holcimnz Sds Envirocore200
ENVIROCore 200
1. Identification
Product Name: ENVIROCore 200 Recommended Use: Raw ingredient
Other names: Ash by-product (coal), Boiler ash, By-product lignite ash, Coal fly Proper Shipping Name: Not applicable
Name: Holcim NZ Ltd
Phone: 0800 HOLCIM (465 246)
Address: Unit 1, Show Place,
Christchurch, 8024
Website: www.holcim.co.nz
2. Hazard Identification
Statement of Hazardous Nature:
This preparation is classified as a health or environmental hazard according to the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of
Hazard) Notice 2017.
Not classified as a Dangerous Good according to NZS 5433.
May cause respiratory irritation.
Causes skin irritation.
Causes serious eye irritation.
May cause damage to organs (lungs) through prolonged or
repeated exposure through inhalation.
Biological Exposure Indices (BEI): No biological exposure indices have been set for this product or its ingredients in the
Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Indices (11th Edition, Nov 2019, WorkSafe).
Engineering Controls
Ventilation: Use local mechanical ventilation or extraction where dust may be present. Closed pumping systems are
recommended for bulk transfer.
An exhaust fan ducted from near the point of generation can be used to control airborne dust levels. Dust levels and any other
discharge of dust should comply with Health and Safety rules, Resource Consents and any relevant District or Regional rules.
Toxicological Data
No toxicological data available for the product or its ingredients.
Persistence in environment: Product is persistent. Mobility: Low mobility expected in a landfill situation.
Biodegradability: Low degradability.
Ecotoxicological Data
No data available for this product or its ingredients.
Note: Crystalline Silica (quartz) in respirable form is a known or presumed human carcinogen, however the EPA classification
information includes the following statement:
EXPERT JUDGEMENT: This substance only triggers 6.7A if it is in the form of a fine respirable dust in an occupational
(chronic exposure) setting.
Total respirable silica was below reporting levels; however, it should be assumed that silica content is sufficient to create a
silica hazard in work conditions where fine dust becomes airborne.
This safety data sheet attempts to describe as accurately as possible the potential exposures associated with normal use of the
product described herein. Health and safety precautions in the data sheet may not be adequate for all individuals and/or situations.
Users have the responsibility to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Whilst the information contained in this document is based on data, which, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate and reliable
at the time of preparation, no warranty or responsibility can be accepted by us for errors and omissions. The provision of this
information should not be construed as a recommendation to use any of our products in violation of any patent rights or in breach of
any statute or regulation. Users are advised to make their own determination as to the suitability of this information in relation to
their particular purposes and specific circumstances. Since the information contained in this document may be applied under
conditions beyond our control, no responsibility can be accepted by us for any loss or damage caused by any person acting or
refraining from action as a result of this information.