Holcimnz Sds Envirocore200

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ENVIROCore 200
1. Identification
Product Name: ENVIROCore 200 Recommended Use: Raw ingredient

Other names: Ash by-product (coal), Boiler ash, By-product lignite ash, Coal fly Proper Shipping Name: Not applicable

Name: Holcim NZ Ltd
Phone: 0800 HOLCIM (465 246)
Address: Unit 1, Show Place,
Christchurch, 8024
Website: www.holcim.co.nz

Emergency Contacts: Emergency Services (Fire, Ambulance, Police) – Dial 111

National Poisons Information Centre – 0800 764 766 (0800 POISON)
Company Contact – 0800 HOLCIM (465 246)

2. Hazard Identification
Statement of Hazardous Nature:
This preparation is classified as a health or environmental hazard according to the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of
Hazard) Notice 2017.
Not classified as a Dangerous Good according to NZS 5433.

Hazard Classification: Prevention Statements:

6.1E (respiratory tract irritant), 6.3A, 6.4A, 6.9B Read safety data sheet before use.
Do not breathe dust.
Hazard Statements: Wash hands and exposed skin thoroughly after handling.
Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
Wear protective gloves and eye/face protection.

May cause respiratory irritation.
Causes skin irritation.
Causes serious eye irritation.
May cause damage to organs (lungs) through prolonged or
repeated exposure through inhalation.

3. Composition & Information on Ingredients

Ingredient CAS Number Concentration (%)
Fly Ash 68131-74-8 100%
Crystalline silica* 14808-60-7 0 – 10%

ENVIROCore 200, Safety Data Sheet, version 01: Revised 1/08/2022

Holcim NZ LTD, Unit 1, Show Place, Addington, Christchurch, 8024

4. First Aid Measures

New Zealand Poisons & Hazardous Chemicals National Eyes: IF IN EYES, rinse cautiously with water for several
Information Centre minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.
Continue rinsing. Do not rub eyes as this may cause
phone 0800 POISON – 0800 764 766
possible corneal damage by mechanical stress. If symptoms
Inhalation: IF INHALED, remove victim to fresh air and such as irritation or redness persist, seek medical attention.
keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a Ingestion: IF SWALLOWED, rinse mouth and lips with
POISON CENTRE or doctor/physician if you feel unwell or water. Do not induce vomiting. If symptoms persist, seek
experience breathing difficulties. medical attention.
Skin: IF ON SKIN, wash with plenty of soap and water. Advice to Doctor: Treat symptomatically.
Take off contaminated clothing and wash before re-use. If
skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice/attention.

5. Fire Fighting Measures

Flammability: Non-combustible, non-explosive. Hazardous Combustion products: Carbon and nitrogen
Extinguishing media: Use appropriate for surrounding oxides may be formed in any fire.
materials. Prevent contamination of drains or water ways. Fire Fighting Instructions: None specified.

6. Accidental Release Measures

Protect yourself and others from harm. Wear appropriate protective equipment (see Section 8)
Spills: Collect dust by wet sweeping or vacuuming to ensure minimal airborne dust generation. Wetting down before sweeping up
dust may be a useful control measure. Avoid inhalation of dust and contact with skin. Collect and place in sealable containers for
disposal. Prevent spill from entering storm water/ sewer drains and watercourses.
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Recommendations on exposure controls / personal
protection (see Section 8 below) should be followed during spill clean-up if conditions are dusty.

7. Handling & Storage

Safe Handling
Do not breathe dust. Certified Handler: Not required
Avoid eye and skin contact.
Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Storage
Prohibit eating, drinking and smoking in work areas. Store locked up.
Wear protective gloves and eye/face protection. Store in a well-ventilated area. Keep container / package
Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. tightly closed.
Work areas should be cleaned regularly by wet sweeping or

8. Exposure Controls & Personal Protection

Exposure Standards
Workplace Exposure Standards (WES):
Ingredient CAS Number TWA STEL
Particulates not otherwise classified - 10 mg/m3(inhalable) -
3 mg/m3 (respirable)
Silica, crystalline (all forms) 6.7A 14808-60-7 0.05 mg/m3 (respirable -
Data source: Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Indices (11th Edition, Nov 2019, WorkSafe)

Biological Exposure Indices (BEI): No biological exposure indices have been set for this product or its ingredients in the
Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Indices (11th Edition, Nov 2019, WorkSafe).

Engineering Controls
Ventilation: Use local mechanical ventilation or extraction where dust may be present. Closed pumping systems are
recommended for bulk transfer.

ENVIROCore 200, Safety Data Sheet, version 01: Revised 1/08/2022

Holcim NZ LTD, Unit 1, Show Place, Addington, Christchurch, 8024 HOLCIM LTD | 2

An exhaust fan ducted from near the point of generation can be used to control airborne dust levels. Dust levels and any other
discharge of dust should comply with Health and Safety rules, Resource Consents and any relevant District or Regional rules.

Personal Protection (PPE)

Wear protective gloves and eye/face protection. In case of inadequate ventilation, wear respiratory (particulate) protection.
Eyes/Face: Use tight fitting goggles or protective eyewear in accordance with AS/NZS 1337.
Skin: Use protective gloves when directly handling the product. Consult your glove supplier for additional information on glove
Respiratory protection: In dusty environments where engineering controls are inadequate to minimize dust exposure, the use of
an approved Class P1 or P2 particulate disposable respirator (not a nuisance dust mask) is recommended. At high dust levels greater
protection may be required. Respiratory protection must comply with AS/NZS 1716 and be maintained in accordance with AS/NZS

9. Physical & Chemical Properties

Appearance: Powder (grey/black or brown/tan) may contain Flash point: Not applicable
solidified masses. Autoignition Temp: Not applicable
Odour: None Lower Flammability Limit (LEL): Not applicable
pH: Slightly alkaline, approx. 8 - 10 Upper Flammability Limit (UEL): Not applicable
Boiling point: Not applicable Evaporation rate: Not applicable.
Melting point: >1,400ºC Vapour pressure: Not applicable
Relative density: 2.13 g/cm3 Viscosity (dynamic): Not applicable
Solubility (water): Insoluble Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): Not determined

10. Stability & Reactivity

Stability: Stable under normal conditions of use and dissolve in hydrofluoric acid and produce corrosive gases.
storage. Ash will react with water to form silicates and calcium
Conditions to avoid: Dust generation. hydroxide which can react further with oxidisers.
Incompatible / Materials to avoid: Ash is incompatible with Hazardous decomposition products: None specified.
acid, ammonium salts and aluminium metal. Ash will Hazardous polymerisation: Does not occur.

11. Toxicological Information

Health Effects / Symptoms of Exposure

Acute Exposure (short term)

Inhalation: May cause respiratory irritation. Inhalation of dust can cause irritation and inflammation of the upper respiratory
system, including nose and throat.
Eyes: Causes serious eye irritation. May cause formation of tears (lachrymation) and redness.
Skin: Causes skin irritation. Contact with ash may result in irritation or contact dermatitis.
Ingestion: Not an expected route of exposure under normal conditions of use. No adverse effects expected from ingestion of small
quantities, larger quantities may result in gastrointestinal discomfort.

Chronic Exposure (long term)

Respiratory or Skin sensitisation: Not classified.
Mutagenicity: Not expected to be a mutagen.
Carcinogenicity: Product is not classified as a carcinogen.
Note: This product contains crystalline silica which is classified as carcinogenic to humans (IARC Group 1). Repeated exposure to
dust may result in chronic inflammation of the respiratory system. Repeated exposure to crystalline silica may cause bronchitis,
silicosis, and other respiratory disorders.
Reproductive Toxicity: Not classified.
Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT): May cause damage to organs (lungs) through prolonged or repeated exposure through
Aspiration Hazard: This product is a solid and aspiration hazards are not expected to occur.

ENVIROCore 200, Safety Data Sheet, version 01: Revised 1/08/2022

Holcim NZ LTD, Unit 1, Show Place, Addington, Christchurch, 8024 HOLCIM LTD | 3

Toxicological Data
No toxicological data available for the product or its ingredients.

Biological Exposure Indices

No biological exposure indices allocated.

12. Ecological Information

Persistence in environment: Product is persistent. Mobility: Low mobility expected in a landfill situation.
Biodegradability: Low degradability.

Ecotoxicological Data
No data available for this product or its ingredients.

13. Disposal Considerations

Dust from product is hazardous. If practicable, spilled materials should be returned to the container for later use if it is not
contaminated. Small amounts of material can be disposed of as trade waste or landfill in accordance with local authority guidelines.
Large amounts may require special handling. Prevent material from entering storm water and sewer drains.
Any discharge during clean-up should comply with Resource Consent requirements and any relevant District or Regional Council
rules. Containers/packaging may only be recycled if clean and free of residue as to be non-hazardous.

14. Transport Information

Not classified as a Dangerous Good according to NZS 5433:2007

15. Regulatory Information

HSNO Approval
HSNO Group Standard: Additive, Process Chemicals and Raw Materials (Subsidiary Hazard) Group Standard 2017 -

Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations

IMPORTANT: Quantities of all hazardous substances present at a site contribute to Hazardous Substances Control thresholds.
Location Certification: Not required Refer to the following for full details:
Tracking: Not required - Construction Products Group Standard(s) (available at
Certified Handlers: Not Required www.epa.govt.nz)
Secondary containment: Not required (solid) - Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances)
Regulations (available at www.legislation.govt.nz)

16. Other Information

Hazard Classification under GHS7: (Previous HSNO classes for reference only)
6.1E (respiratory) – Substances that are a respiratory tract irritant.
6.3A - Substances that are irritating to the skin.
6.4A - Substances that are irritating to the eye.
6.9B - Substances that have specific systemic or target organ toxicity.

Note: Crystalline Silica (quartz) in respirable form is a known or presumed human carcinogen, however the EPA classification
information includes the following statement:
EXPERT JUDGEMENT: This substance only triggers 6.7A if it is in the form of a fine respirable dust in an occupational
(chronic exposure) setting.
Total respirable silica was below reporting levels; however, it should be assumed that silica content is sufficient to create a
silica hazard in work conditions where fine dust becomes airborne.

ENVIROCore 200, Safety Data Sheet, version 01: Revised 1/08/2022

Holcim NZ LTD, Unit 1, Show Place, Addington, Christchurch, 8024 HOLCIM LTD | 4

Prepared with reference to:

• Hazardous Substances (Safety Data Sheets) Notice 2017 published by Environmental Protection Authority, New Zealand.

Current Version: 1 August 2020

Revision Information:
SDS may be revised from time to time, please ensure you have a current copy.
This revision: Updated existing SDS to current NZ requirements and Workplace Exposure Standards.
Previous revision dated: 15 November 2017

This safety data sheet attempts to describe as accurately as possible the potential exposures associated with normal use of the
product described herein. Health and safety precautions in the data sheet may not be adequate for all individuals and/or situations.
Users have the responsibility to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Whilst the information contained in this document is based on data, which, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate and reliable
at the time of preparation, no warranty or responsibility can be accepted by us for errors and omissions. The provision of this
information should not be construed as a recommendation to use any of our products in violation of any patent rights or in breach of
any statute or regulation. Users are advised to make their own determination as to the suitability of this information in relation to
their particular purposes and specific circumstances. Since the information contained in this document may be applied under
conditions beyond our control, no responsibility can be accepted by us for any loss or damage caused by any person acting or
refraining from action as a result of this information.

ENVIROCore 200, Safety Data Sheet, version 01: Revised 1/08/2022

Holcim NZ LTD, Unit 1, Show Place, Addington, Christchurch, 8024 HOLCIM LTD | 5

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