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Bachelor of Arts Program in International Business: China
(International Program)
1. Degree Title
Full Name: Bachelor of Arts (International Business: China)
Abbreviated Name: B.A. (International Business: China)
2. Program Director
Name: Aj.Oraphan Leenanithikul
Contact Information: [email protected]
3. Duration of Study
__10__ semesters
4. Program Overview
a) Objectives
Graduates from IB program are expected to:
1. have ethics, the intercultural competencies, entrepreneurial skills, and life-long
learning abilities.
2. possess knowledge of business, economic systems, business models, organization
management, human resource management, marketing and communication technology used in
business operations.
3. possess knowledge and in depth understanding of a particular country or an area
related to their study program in terms of history, society, economy, politics, and culture.
4. have language skills on operational levels of both English and a third language of a
particular country related to their study program.
5. be able to apply knowledge, experience, skills and abilities learnt in professions in
private, government or self-employed sectors that lead to the development at local, regional,
and international levels.
b) Learning Outcomes
1. English communicative skills for professions
2. third language communicative skills for professions
3. knowledge on international studies for professions
4. intercultural communication skills
5. technological communication skills
6. moral and social responsibility for professions
7. leadership and team working skills
8. critical thinking skills and learning skills which facilitate life-long learning
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c) Career Opportunities
1. professions in government sectors and international organizations
2. professions in the Royal Thai Consulates in China
3. professions in private sectors, such as companies or industrial organizations in
China or those companies where Chinese and/or English are required
4. self-employed professions in which English and/or Chinese are required; for
instance, in SMEs business and the tourism industry
5. Tuition Fees
For exact tuition fees; please contact Program Director
Category Credits
1. General Education 30
2. Specific Courses 96
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7. Study Plan
1Non-Thai students can take 806-112 (Foundation Thai) instead of 806-111. This depends on their Thai proficiency and it must be approved by the
curriculum management committee
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First Year Semester 3 (Study in China)
Course Title Credits
806-133 Business Chinese Conversation I 3(2-2-5)
xxx-xxx Free Elective 3(x-y-z)
TOTAL 6(x-y-z)
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Second Year Semester 3 (Study in China)
Course Title Credits
806-237 Chinese for Sales 3(2-2-5)
806-xxx Elective 3(3-0-6)
TOTAL 6(x-y-z)
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806-372 Pre-Cooperative Education 30 hours
806-xxx Chinese or Thai* 3(2-2-5)
806-xxx Chinese 3(2-2-5)
TOTAL 15(16-2-33)
* Thai for students who use Chinese as a mother tongue
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8. Course Description
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production management; accounting financial analysis; financial
planning; business; investment funding sources; business
networking; public sector services and facilities; business ethics
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805-071 English for Fundamental Listening and Speaking 2((2)-0-4)
Semester Offered: Semester 1-2
Reinforcement of English listening and speaking skills for effective
communication in both daily life and academic settings;
consolidation of autonomous learning and language skills for
academic use
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805-075 English for Advanced Listening and Speaking 2((2)-0-4)
Semester Offered: Semester 1-2
Reinforcement of advanced listening and speaking skills;
development of effective communication in both daily-life and
academic settings; consolidation of autonomous learning and
language skills for academic use
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presentation; practice of academic and general discussion;
expressing viewpoints and responding to questions in
discussions and presentations
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mechanism of Localization, Internationalization, and
Globalization; Analysis of social dynamism, local/global
nexus, sustainable development, and challenges from global
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application of marketing frameworks in organizational
decision making
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806-322 Business Strategic Management 3(3-0-6)
Semester Offered: Semester 1
The components of business strategies; strategic analysis,
strategic formulation, strategic implementation, and
evaluation and control; management of international
strategies and trade alliances; levels of strategies; business
culture; ethics and social responsibility in strategic
management; formulating and planning business project to
support business strategies
Chinese Language
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Chinese alphabetical characters and writing systems;
pronunciation; grammar and fundamental vocabulary;
intermediate-level sentence structures; practicing all skills:
listening, speaking, reading and writing, mastery of at least
750 Chinese words
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A practice in business conversation; vocabulary and
expressions in business communication and negotiation;
business negotiation in various situations: shipping terms,
delivery, contract signing, auction, investment, insurance,
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Practice in reading Chinese Business documents and making
simple sentences with appropriate vocabulary for various
forms including short messages, memos, receipts, name cards,
menus, etc.
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from short listening and reading; writing short notes,
personal letter and longer paragraphs
Elective Course
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Particular characteristics of Thai language in the service
context, practicing listening and making courteous responses,
learning to take comprehensible notes from service
correspondences in an impressive manner, practicing verbal
and non-verbal intercultural communication
Professional Foundation
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806-251 Development of Chinese Society and Life 3(3-0-6)
Semester Offered: Semester 1-2
Basic knowledge about the development of Chinese society
and life from the past to the present, focusing on studies
about Chinese cultures, i.e., etiquette and customs,
recreational activities, transportation and living conditions,
China’s reform, and foreign policies
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806-352 Chinese E-commerce 3(3-0-6)
Semester Offered: Semester 1-2
The theories and concepts underlying e-commerce; business
model for e-commerce; the practice of e-commerce theories
and concepts to what e-marketers are doing in Chinese
market; the current challenges and issues in Chinese e-
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806-357 Tourism in the Andaman Sea Region 3(3-0-6)
Semester Offered: Semester 1-2
Knowledge of history, society, culture and tourism resources
in the Andaman coastal area; positive and negative impacts of
tourism on society, economics, culture and natural resources
in the Andaman coastal area; development of social
awareness and sustainable tourism
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806-371 Pre-Internship 15 hours
Semester Offered: Semester 2
Preparation on skills for working in the private sector; contact
and selection of suitable workplaces, preparation for job
recruitment, resume writing and job interview techniques,
personality development and good social manners training,
professional ethics, basic competency for psychological and
organizational culture; report writing and presentation
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nature and its application to daily life; creation and
inheritance of cultural heritage and wisdom
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