Amazing Edible Seeds

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Amazing Edible
Vicki Edgson and Heather Thomas
Photography by Yuki Sugiura

Amazing Edible

Health-boosting and delicious recipes using
nature’s nutritional powerhouse

First published in 2017 by
Jacqui Small LLP
74–77 White Lion Street
London N1 9PF

Text copyright
© 2017 Vicki Edgson and Heather Thomas ISBN: 978 1 84780 925 4
Design and layout copyright
© Jacqui Small 2017 A catalogue record for this book is
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Publisher: Jacqui Small

Managing Editor: Emma Heyworth-Dunn
Designer: Maggie Town
Food Stylist: Aya Nishimura
Quarto is the authority on a wide range
Production: Maeve Healy
of topics. Quarto educates, entertains
and enriches the lives of our readers –
enthusiasts and lovers of hands-on living.

Introduction 6

Uses & values Preparing your seeds

Fruits: Caraway, Coriander, Hemp, Mustard 12 Sowing & growing 38
Seeds within fruits: Alfalfa, Cardamom, Cumin, Fenugreek, Soaking & sprouting 40
Nigella, Pomegranate, Vanilla 16 Harvesting & collecting 42
Flower heads & kernels: Fennel, Poppy, Pumpkin, Sunflower 22 Drying, sourcing & storing 43
Pseudocereals: Buckwheat, Chia, Linseed, Quinoa, Sesame 26 Roasting & toasting 44

Uses & values: at a glance 30

Snacks, spreads, dips & drinks 46
Breakfasts & brunches 72
Salads & raw dishes 90
Seedy suppers 122
Baking & desserts 156

Index 174
Acknowledgements 176
Introduction: the seed of life

Seeds have played a central role in culinary traditions for thousands of years, and
are now becoming even more popular as more of us look for healthy and sustainable
– as well as delicious – alternatives in their diet. Many people are choosing to limit
their intake of saturated fats, and considering the benefits of vegetarian and vegan
approaches to nourishment.
But if you’re reducing the animal-based proteins in your diet, it’s important
to make sure that you replace them with other proteins, since the healthy growth and
development of all the organs in the body depend on them. Seeds, the life force of
every plant, flower, herb, fruit, vegetable and wholegrain we eat, are the building blocks
of all vegetable protein, and provide these nutrients in abundance. The nutritional
potency of many seeds can be maximized and made more accessible to the body if they
are ‘activated’, i.e. if the enzyme activity within the seeds themselves is triggered by
soaking or sprouting them before they are used.
In this introductory section there is information on how the different seeds yield
the proteins, essential fats and other nutrients that our bodies need, and there’s an easy
at-a-glance table to summarize this plus information on how to choose, use and prepare
all the seeds that are featured in the book. The recipe section illustrates the versatility
of seeds and how they can be incorporated into meals, snacks and even baking and
desserts in so many delicious ways.
It may surprise you to discover how much tastier and more nutritious carefully
sourced or home-grown seeds are than their mass-produced modern counterparts,
which have often been selected to suit industrial processes and farming timetables
rather than for their flavour or nutritional content. Many seed companies pride
themselves in sourcing seed from non-GM (genetically modified) plants, so you can
choose to grow organic material for you and your family’s health. Growing your own
seeds is not only intensely satisfying but it’s also a great way of sharing the fun of
planting, nurturing and harvesting produce as well as introducing the lifelong benefits of
a well-balanced diet to children in a practical way. Many types of seed can be grown in
your own home, on the windowsill, or the smallest of patios, allotments or gardens.
Whichever seeds you choose to grow and cook with, we hope you enjoy the
process. This book will give you a glimpse of the enormous benefits seeds contribute,
not only to your enjoyment of the food you eat but also to the health and well-being of
your body and mind.


Ancient wisdom to modern medicine

Most of the seeds we have selected in this book have Some seeds were literally considered worth their
been developing on the planet for hundreds if not weight in gold. The word ‘carat’, the unit of weight/
thousands of years. Many have sustained and been size of a diamond, derives from the word for ‘carob’.
instrumental in the survival of generations of peoples, It is believed that, because the weight of seeds in
and used as salves, medicines and tonics as well as the carob pod are so uniform, they were used as
for nourishment. units of measurement for diamonds and gold.
Modern pharmaceutical companies compete to
offer the kind of remedies which, in many instances,
Small packets of dense nutrition
have been associated with particular seeds or plant
The nutritional value of some seeds revealed
extracts for centuries: health-giving properties
themselves to new cultures in unexpected ways.
that have been understood and passed on from
During long voyages in the Age of Discovery from
generation to generation.
the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries, skin and bone
Current health problems that affect the developed
disorders, such as scurvy and rickets, were endemic
world – such as diabetes and obesity – are blamed
in European sailors, owing to the long periods spent
largely on modern-day eating habits and food
at sea without access to fresh food, especially fruit
choices. Profit and convenience have also too often
and vegetables. Sailors who resorted to eating
become the drivers in modern farming and food
some of their cargo of seeds, however, noticed that
production, prized above taste and genuine nutrition.
they became less susceptible to these common
In response to such trends, an increasing number
of people are turning to more traditional and holistic
Modern research has – through vastly more
ways of feeding their bodies and minds. Choosing to
sophisticated experiment and analysis – determined
eat organic foods is often a part of this response.
the exceptionally potent nutritional content of many
edible seeds. Most are packed with the full range of
Seed as currency B vitamins, which are vital for metabolic function and
In previous centuries, spices such as cinnamon, energy production at a cellular level.
cardamom, ginger, pepper and turmeric were carried As the global population continues to rise,
long distances to be traded, and foods indigenous to we need to establish the best way forward in
one country became familiar to other cultures. From farming and food production. Seeds – sustainable,
the Amazon came quinoa, linseed and chia seeds, for transportable miniature powerhouses of dense
example; from Egypt, pomegranate, fennel, sesame nutrition and potent fuel – would seem to offer an
and coriander seeds; from India and Pakistan, cumin, immensely valuable, readily available resource. Since
poppy and mustard seeds; from Morocco, caraway they’re utterly delicious, too, surely nothing should
and hemp seeds, and from Russia, buckwheat. be holding us back!


Seedy yoghurt dressing (see page 107)
What are seeds?
Seeds are plant embryos: their fertilized ovules. There are many different ways to categorize seeds,
Think of them as the plant kingdom’s equivalent some of which overlap and appear to contradict
of animal stem cells: miniatures containing all each other. The confusion stems from the fact that
the information that is needed to form and sustain many so-called seeds are, in the botanical sense at
the next generation. least, not seeds at all but fruits, dried fruits or grains.
Different plants are designed to disperse seeds Some, such as sunflower ‘seeds’, are technically
in different ways. Some seeds are transported by not seeds until their outer shell (pericarp) is
wind whereas others are designed to float, glide removed, and yet commercial sunflower seeds
or spin through the air. Plants growing near water are sold as such whether they are enclosed within
may use currents to transport their seeds. Some the hard wall of the fruit or ‘shelled’, with the inner
pods literally explode, scattering their seeds some edible part exposed.
distance away from the parent plant and in many
We have divided our seeds into four simple groups
different directions. Many plants use animals to carry
according to their position on the parent plant:
off their seeds, having evolved seeds with ‘hooks’
that attach to passing traffic. Some seeds are First come fruits (pages 12–15): caraway, coriander,
enclosed in colourful or fragrant fruit, which attracts hemp and mustard seeds.
animals and birds to eat them. The undigested
Second are seeds that are contained within the
seeds are then eventually deposited as waste, to
fruit itself (pages 16–21). Pods are included here,
grow perhaps many miles from the parent plant.
being the fruits of a specific orchid plant. This group
comprises alfalfa, cardamom, cumin, fenugreek,
Seed groups nigella, pomegranate and vanilla.
From the scores of delicious and nutrition-rich
The third group is flower heads & kernels (pages
edible seeds we might have chosen, we have
22–25): fennel, poppy, pumpkin and sunflower.
identified our top twenty. In the following pages,
we set out their powerful health-giving properties, And the fourth is the group known as pseudocereals
touching also on their historical origins and the (pages 26–29). These are termed pseudo because
different forms in which they are found, before the stem on which they are held is not harvested
illustrating their delicious versatility in the kitchen. for the grain at the tip, but for the seeds, which are
Seeds bring colour and flavour as well as used whole rather than being ground into germ and
essential nutrients to an enormous variety of healthy flour, as with wheat and barley. The group comprises
dishes ranging from irresistible snacks, drinks, buckwheat, chia, linseed (also known as flaxseed),
breakfasts and salads to suppers and desserts. quinoa and sesame.


Uses & values: fruits
Caraway Carum carvi
Sometimes known as ‘Persian cumin’, caraway is a potentially harmful oxidizing agents), including
member of the parsley or Umbelliferae family, which beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin which, in
also includes dill, fennel and anise, and is native to research trials, have been found to help lower the
Europe and Asia Minor. Like the rest of the family, risk of intestinal cancers.
the 40–60cm (16–24in) tall plant has feathery leaves, They are also an excellent source of many
and the small creamy white or pink-tinged flowers minerals, including iron and copper, that help
grow on short stalks in clusters, spreading out like red blood cell formation, and potassium, which
ribs from a central point on the stem. helps to regulate blood pressure and support the
The pointed ‘seeds’, which are similar to cumin cardiovascular system.
in appearance, are actually the split halves of Like most seeds, caraway are rich in selenium,
tiny, ridged, crescent-shaped fruits. Their name is an important mineral for maintaining a healthy
derived from the ancient Arab word karawya, immune system, along with zinc, which is involved
and they were mentioned by the Roman writer in most enzyme processes in the body, including
Pliny as a seasoning for food and for sprinkling on digesting protein, healing and repairing body
bread. Caraway seeds appear over the centuries tissues, and male fertility.
in many works of literature – even Shakespeare Calcium, magnesium and manganese are also
writes of Falstaff being offered ‘a pippin and a found in caraway, and they are collectively important
dish of caraways’. for the health of bones, ligaments and tendons.
The little seeds are packed with nutritional Vitamins A, B-complex, C and E are also present.
goodness. They are a rich source of soluble and Caraway seeds contain essential oils and have
insoluble dietary fibre and speed up the transit a distinctive, slightly bitter taste and a pungent
of digested food through the large intestine, aroma. Their warm and aromatic tones add a
thereby preventing constipation. Their fibre binds peppery fragrance to a variety of dishes, ranging
to toxins in the gut, which not only helps to remove from Hungarian goulash to traditional seed cakes
them more effectively but is also thought to and baked cheesecakes. Their taste works especially
protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. well with the brassica family of vegetables (cabbage,
They are used medicinally by some people to help cauliflower and broccoli). Add just a teaspoon or
prevent flatulence, heartburn and bloating and two to some lightly steamed or stir-fried cabbage
to improve digestion. with a little butter or crème fraîche and a grinding of
Because they have a very low glycemic index spicy black pepper to elevate this humble vegetable
(GI), the seeds help to regulate blood-sugar levels, into something special. Caraway seeds have long
while delivering the vital nutrients our bodies been popular in Eastern Europe, Germany and
need for energy production. The seeds possess Scandinavia, where they are an important ingredient
numerous antioxidants (capable of removing in soups and dark rye bread as well as local cheeses.



Coriander Coriandrum sativum

The dried fruit of the coriander (cilantro) plant
– also known as Chinese parsley – are used as
culinary seeds throughout China, India, Mexico,
Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa.
Like caraway, coriander (cilantro) is a member of
the Umbelliferae family of plants. Its name evolved
from the Greek word for a bed bug, koris, perhaps
due to the distinctive scent of the flat-leaf-parsley-
shaped leaves. The spicy seeds are available whole
or ground into powder.
Coriander is among the world’s oldest spices – it
is even mentioned in the Bible. When some dried
remains of the plant were found in Tutankhamun’s
tomb, archaeologists speculated that it was grown
for food in ancient Egypt (it is not native to the
region). It was also used by the ancient Greeks and
Romans as a preservative as well as a flavouring.
Even Hippocrates, widely regarded as the founder
of medicine, recognized its properties and Coriander
recommended it as a tonic for blood circulation.
Coriander seeds can make a valuable
contribution to maintaining a healthy immune
system. They contain anti-bacterial and anti-
microbial compounds, which help keep the
digestive tract healthy and fight salmonella, listeria,
e.coli and other food-borne illnesses. They are also
a good source of vitamin K, which is necessary for
clotting blood in the body’s healing processes, and
antioxidant carotenoids, including alpha- and beta-
carotene, essential for healthy retinal cells.
The dried seeds have a warm, spicy, citrus
flavour and can be used whole, crushed, lightly
toasted or dry-fried to release their aroma and
enhance their pungent spiciness, or ground to a fine
powder. They are often added ground or whole include plastics, paper production and pet foods.
to curries, chutneys and pickles, especially in In the United States all varieties of the plant are classed
Indian cookery. The whole seeds are used for as illegal, even those grown for their seeds or for
flavouring vinegar for pickled vegetables, and are industrial purposes, so hemp seeds are imported from
sometimes added to sausages in some Central other countries such as China and Canada.
European countries. High in protein and omega fatty acids (they
Ground coriander is an essential component in have a perfect balance of omega-3 and -6), and
garam masala as well as the North African fiery red with all 9 essential amino acids, hemp seeds are
harissa paste. You can also add the crushed seeds to nutritional powerhouses. As little as two heaped
Mexican salsa and guacamole. tablespoons contain a staggering 10 grams of
It’s always best to buy the whole seeds and protein, making them an important food for
grind them yourself rather than buy the ready- vegetarians. They can help to promote a healthy
ground powder, which soon loses its colour and immune system and good bowel function, to
flavour. Better still, grow some coriander (cilantro) prevent constipation and expel toxins from the
plants in your herb bed, patio pots or even a body, to reduce inflammation and the risk of
window box and harvest the seeds yourself. Their heart disease, and to lower cholesterol and blood
potency, flavour and aroma will be much more pressure. They also contain several essential
intense than those of bought seeds. minerals, notably iron, zinc, magnesium and
phosphorus. Because they are so easily digestible,
Hemp Cannabis sativa they are also ideal for people who may be allergic
Although the plant from which hemp seeds are to some other seeds. What they won’t do is
gathered is called Cannabis, it is not the same plant make you high as, unlike marijuana, they don’t
as marijuana, which is another member of the same contain the psychoactive substance THC (delta-9-
species. With their mild, nutty flavour, the little tetrahydrocannabinol). Research is being carried
greenish-white seeds are nutrient-dense and a great out into whether the seeds, due to their high
source of healthy plant protein. The seeds you buy concentrations of healthy fatty acids, may help
in the health-food store are actually the soft inner protect against dementia and degenerative brain
kernels that are removed from the fruits’ hard outer diseases and be useful in treating them.
casing. The plant is hardy and will grow in a variety Hemp seeds can be cold-pressed to extract
of locations, soils and weather conditions. their oil, which can be used in salad dressings and
Hemp plants have been grown for thousands for drizzling over griddled vegetables and pasta.
of years in China as a food staple, but throughout The seeds can be eaten raw, scattered on muesli,
the world they were traditionally cultivated for their yoghurt or salad, or made into hemp seed milk
fibre, used especially in rope-making, rather than as (similar to nut milks) or added to baked savoury
a food source. Nowadays their industrial uses also dishes, seed cakes and breads.


When buying and eating hemp seeds, check the Mustard seeds are a rich source of nutrients,
sell-by dates carefully, as the oil they contain can contributing to a healthy gut and gastrointestinal
go rancid quite quickly. Always store them sealed lining. Their high levels of selenium support the
in a cool place. immune system and can improve thyroid function,
and, together with magnesium, they have an anti-
Mustard Brassica nigra (black), inflammatory effect, which can be useful to people
Brassica juncea (brown), Brassica hirta (white) who suffer from asthma or rheumatoid arthritis. The
These little round seeds vary in colour from pale seeds contain calcium, copper, iron, manganese and
yellow (the ‘white’ seeds) through brown to black. zinc as well as being particularly high in B-complex
As well as being widely used for the production vitamins, especially thiamine, or vitamin B1, which is
of mustard and also in pickling, these seeds are essential for cellular energy production.
a traditional ingredient in many Indian and South Mustard seeds can be dry-roasted or pan-fried in
Asian curries, chutneys and garnishes, providing a little oil until they pop to release their spicy flavour
heat and a distinctive spicy flavour. and aroma. They can be added to salad dressings,
The black seeds are the most pungent and fiery stirred through steamed or boiled rice, or folded
of all, followed by the brown (used in making Dijon through natural yoghurt with some chilli flakes and
mustard), while the white ones (used in American curry leaves for a soothing raita to serve with curries.
mustard or blended with brown for English mustard) You can add them to fruity raw vegetable slaws and
are relatively mild. even homemade popcorn.
To make mustard, the ground seeds are mixed And don’t forget that it’s so easy to sprout
with water or vinegar and can be flavoured with the seeds (see page 40) by soaking, draining and
other spices, herbs, honey and seasonings. As well spreading them between some damp kitchen paper
as their uses as a condiment, the seeds can be (towel) or cloths. You’ll have your own peppery
pressed for their oil, and the green leaves of the mustard cress for mixing into salads.
plant are edible, too.
Mustard seeds can be traced back almost
5,000 years in Sanskrit and Sumerian texts, and
feature in stories about the Buddha as well as the
New Testament parable when Jesus compares the
Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed. The plants
were cultivated by the ancient Indus civilization as
well as the Greeks and Romans. Most of the mustard
seed produced today comes from Nepal and
Canada, but it is also grown commercially in India,
Europe, the United States and South America.


Uses & values: seeds within fruits
Alfalfa Medicago sativa Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum,
The tiny alfalfa seeds are harvested from the fruits of Amomum subulatum
a perennial flowering plant in the Fabaceae legume These delicately flavoured small black seeds are
family. These drought-resistant plants are grown obtained from the light-green pods of the elettaria
in temperate climates all over the world especially plant and the brown pods of the amomum species,
for hay-making, silage and grazing for livestock. In which are both native to southern Asia, especially
some countries alfalfa is better known as lucerne. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia. The
The plant looks similar to clover with purple flowers Greek botanist Theophrastus recognized the two
that die off to leave the fruits containing the seeds. plant species and their Indian origins back in the
The earliest signs of alfalfa have been found fourth century BC. The name is derived from the
in Persia (now Iran), grown there by the Medes, Greek word kardamomon and the earliest record of
and from there it spread to ancient Greece and this spice appears on ancient Mycenaean tablets.
throughout the Roman Empire. The Spanish The seeds contain protein, vitamins A, B-6,
conquistadors took the seeds across the Atlantic to B-12, C and D plus an array of minerals including
North and South America to feed their horses, and iron, potassium, calcium, copper and magnesium.
alfalfa is still grown on the West Coast. Cardamom has a warming effect on the body –
Alfalfa is so rich in nutrients that its Arabic name invigorating and therapeutic. Ayurvedic medical
means ‘father of all foods’. Like other seeds, it practitioners use the seeds and their oil to calm
contains plant protein plus a jackpot of vitamins: the mind, relieve tension, and improve memory
A, B, C, D, E and K, and minerals including calcium, and concentration. They are anti-spasmodic, anti-
magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc inflammatory and good for your gut: settling your
and iron. The sprouts are anti-inflammatory, good stomach, stimulating appetite and helping to create
for cardiovascular health, and contain an enzyme an acidic/alkaline balance in the digestive tract.
called betaine that plays a role in breaking down They can be used as a natural remedy for many
proteins and fats in your body. It’s beneficial for common health complaints. Add them to milky
women, especially during menopause, as it contains drinks, desserts and rice pudding to act as an
plant oestrogens and aids hormonal balance. expectorant, reducing phlegm and clearing sinuses.
The raw, nutty-tasting sprouts taste fabulous Use them as a ‘pick-me-up’ when you’re feeling
in crunchy salads, with hummus, dark-green leafy run down or fatigued, or to help treat urinary tract
vegetables such as raw kale and spinach, or with infections. They can even be chewed after a meal to
buttery avocado. Use them as an attractive garnish aid digestion and sweeten the breath.
or add them to salad fillings in pitta bread or wraps. Cardamom is among the world’s most expensive
They can be stir-fried for a few seconds, but most and prized spices. Aromatic and fragrant, the seeds
cooking methods cause them to shrivel and soften have a highly distinctive taste. Ground into powder,
unappetizingly, so they’re best enjoyed raw. they are often combined with other spices in garam


Vanilla seed

Vanilla pod (bean)


Fenugreek Pomegranate Nigella Cardamom Alfalfa

masala, curry mixes and Thai curry paste. They can
also be used whole in lentil dishes and stews or to
flavour plain boiled rice and pilaf. They are equally
good in sweet dishes and desserts, ranging from
traditional Indian sweetmeats, especially kulfi, to
Scandinavian sweet breads and even chocolate
cake, mousse and ice cream. In India the seeds are
used for making tea, while in Israel and some Arab
countries they are ground with coffee to make a
fragrant hot drink.
Always buy the pods if you can, and avoid any
that are discoloured or spotted. To extract the
seeds, split open the pods with a small knife, then
crush the seeds with a pestle and mortar.

Cumin Cuminum cyminum

Ridged, yellowish-brown cumin seeds are encased
in the ovoid dried fruits of a slender-stemmed plant
in the parsley family. This flowering herb is native to
a large swathe of land extending from the eastern
Mediterranean through the Middle East to India.
The seed’s name is derived from a Greek word,
kyminon. The earliest mention is in Mycenaean
script. From this came the Arabic kammun and
the Latin cuminum. Cumin is grown in countries as
diverse as China, Mexico, Chile, Egypt, Morocco,
Iran, Uzbekistan and India (the world’s biggest
producer). It is beloved in Morocco where the
seeds are sprinkled on a wide range of foods as a
condiment. In India it is often blended with other
spices to make curry powder and garam masala.
Cumin seeds add fibre to the diet and
encourage a healthy gut and good digestion.
They contain phytochemicals – natural plant
compounds – carotenes and lutein, which are

antioxidant and relieve flatulence. They are a good or vegetable and the golden amber-coloured seeds
source of vitamins A, B-complex and C as well as as a spice or for sprouts. They are most common in
minerals including copper and iron for red blood Indian dishes but also widely eaten in Iran, Turkey,
cells and immune function, zinc for healthy growth Egypt and Ethiopia.
and healing wounds, and selenium for protecting Fenugreek seeds are found inside long
cells from damage. The seeds may also have anti- yellowish-brown pods and resemble small gritty
carcinogenic properties; research is ongoing into stones. They are high in protein and a good source
this possibility. of A, B and C vitamins, iron, copper, selenium,
The warm flavour of cumin with its peppery zinc, manganese, magnesium and calcium. They
tones enhances many classic Middle Eastern, can help alleviate digestive problems, relieve
Moroccan, Indian and Mexican dishes. You can constipation, increase the production of breast milk
make the seeds into a soothing tea, sprinkle them in nursing mothers and contribute to lower blood-
on rice, quinoa and grilled (broiled) vegetables, or sugar levels, which makes them attractive to people
add them to stews and spicy tagines with chicken with diabetes.
or lamb and dried fruits. They are essential in many With their pungent, bitter flavour, which is
Indian curries, dhals and masalas. In Mexico, they reminiscent of maple syrup, the seeds need to be
are often mixed with chilli powder or flakes as a dry-roasted before being used sparingly. Ground
coating for chicken. fenugreek is often present in Indian curry powders.
The earthy flavour of cumin seeds complements Add the seeds to curries, spicy pickles and chutneys,
the sweetness of carrots and root vegetables. You or sprout them and mix into salads with a sweet
can also toast them and add them to a fragrant dressing to counteract their slightly bitter flavour.
mustardy vinaigrette for dressing salads. Ground
cumin is great in spice mixes, such as za’atar with Nigella Nigella sativa
sumac and sesame seeds. These little black seeds, which are also known
It is better to buy the seeds than the powder as kalonji, black caraway, black cumin, Roman
and to grind them yourself. Unlike the powder, the coriander and black onion seeds, are enclosed
seeds will stay fresh for up to a year. in the fruit of the nigella plant, which is native to
southern Asia. They have been eaten since ancient
Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum times and are used widely throughout India and the
The fenugreek plant, a leguminous herb, is grown Middle East as a flavouring for curries, chicken, lentil
across India and southern Asia, the Middle East, and vegetable dishes and even bread.
North Africa, France, Spain and Argentina. Similar Nigella seeds have long been prized for their
to clover, it thrives in semi-arid conditions and is healing properties and are now being hailed as the
used to feed livestock as well as people. Every part new wonder seeds. They contain essential omega-3
of the plant is edible: the leaves are used as a herb fats, minerals and dietary fibre and help promote


healthy digestion. Recent research has shown that
the seeds are also the repository of a unique plant
chemical called thymoquinone, which is anti-
inflammatory, anti-parasitic and can help reduce
the proliferation of mutant cells in the body.
Studies suggest that these seeds can also help
reduce blood pressure and type 2 diabetes-
associated cholesterol.
The seeds impart a peppery, onion-like flavour,
which is pungent and slightly bitter, and they are
best dry-fried before they’re used. Crushing them
releases their mild peppery aroma. If you want to
grind them yourself, use a spice mill or coffee mill
– it’s hard work with a pestle and mortar. You can
add them to dhal, vegetables, chutneys, pickles and
naan bread. In North Africa, bakers add them to a
variety of white breads. Sprinkle them over steamed
rice, scrambled eggs, roasted carrots and parsnips,
and raw tomatoes, or stir them into a salad dressing.

Pomegranate Punica granatum

For many years we have enjoyed pomegranates
as a rather unusual fruit, but it’s only recently that
we have started to recognize their myriad health
and nutritional benefits. The hundreds of edible
seeds, or arils, are immediately visible when you cut
open the ripe fruits, which grow on small trees and
shrubs around the Mediterranean, Asia, the Indian
subcontinent and tropical Africa.
With its origins in ancient Persia, the
pomegranate’s name is derived from the Latin for a
seeded apple. The seeds can be eaten raw, juiced
or made into a syrup or pomegranate molasses.
They are a good source of dietary fibre and help
digestion and a healthy bowel. In addition to

minerals, B-complex vitamins and vitamins C and in the sixteenth century. Vanilla is expensive partly
K, the seeds contain compounds that could help because the plants have to be pollinated by hand,
reduce heart disease, improve circulation and and growing it is labour intensive.
help protect cells from some cancers. Eating them Vanilla contains small amounts of vitamin B and
regularly can also boost your immune system. traces of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium
Pomegranates are a staple of Middle Eastern and manganese. Because it is eaten in such small
food, especially traditional Persian dishes quantities, the nutritional and health benefits are
such as fesenjan (stewed chicken and walnuts probably minimal.
in pomegranate juice) and saffron pilaf with The whole dried vanilla pods (beans) can be
pomegranate seeds. They are also used extensively used to flavour milk and other liquids by heating
in North African desserts, where they are often them together. Or they can be tucked into a jar of
teamed with rose water. sugar to add their distinctive aroma and flavour – it
To extract the seeds: cut a pomegranate in half will take about three weeks to permeate it.
horizontally and hold each half, cut-side down, To extract the seeds, slit a pod (bean) open from
over a large bowl. Hit the skin hard with a rolling top to bottom and scrape them out with the point
pin to release the seeds into the bowl. Add them of a sharp knife. Use them in smoothies, cakes,
to tagines and stews – they go well with pork, duck muffins and baking, pancakes, ice cream, custards,
and chicken – or mix them with salty feta or creamy sauces and creamy desserts – they will fleck them
mozzarella, sliced oranges and pistachios or pine attractively. Vanilla is often added to savoury dishes,
nuts as an appetizer. Sprinkle them over salads, too, and it goes surprisingly well with chicken, duck
cooked grains or thick vegetable soups, stir into a and seafood. Some people even add a few seeds to
fresh tomato salsa with coriander (cilantro) and chilli, chilli con carne.
or simply scatter some over a bowl of thick Greek
yoghurt with a drizzle of honey, some toasted nuts
and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Delicious!

Vanilla Vanilla planifolia

Vanilla is one of the world’s most popular flavourings
and aromas and is added to everything from ice
cream and cakes to perfume and shower gel. The
tiny seeds are like black specks and are enclosed
in the long, slender pods (beans) of the tropical
climbing vanilla orchid, which has been cultivated in
Mexico since pre-Columbian times. Beloved of the
Aztecs, it was introduced to Europe by the Spanish


Uses & values: flower heads & kernels
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare dressings, especially drizzled over raw sliced fennel
The dried green or light-brown grooved seeds bulb or combined with fresh orange. And they can
of the perennial fennel herb (a member of the scent a simple pork or lamb joint roasted in the
Umbelliferae family) have a distinctive aniseed oven with potatoes, fresh herbs, olive oil and lemon.
flavour and sweet aroma. The plant is a native of Fennel seeds are the principal ingredients
the Mediterranean region and flourishes in dry soils in many fragrant tisanes as well as the Indian
in coastal areas. Its seeds and feathery leaves were masala tea, and are especially good in winter
well known to the ancient Greeks who used them when they may be helpful in relieving coughs and
for medicinal and culinary purposes. Fennel is now congested sinuses. Drinking a cup of soothing
grown all over the world, especially in India and the fennel tea can also aid digestion and reduce
Middle East, where it is a widely used spice. bloating and flatulence.
The seeds are a good source of dietary fibre, Fennel seeds stay fresh for longer than most
and help promote a healthy digestive system. other seeds and will keep for up to two years if
In some countries, such as India, they are often stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
chewed as a natural digestive and breath freshener
after meals, and in traditional medicine they are Poppy Papaver somniferum
used as a remedy for indigestion and flatulence. These tiny black or slate-blue seeds, which are less
The oil extracted from the seeds is used in gripe than a millimetre long, are harvested from the dried
water to relieve colic in babies. Fennel seeds seed pods of opium poppies. They are safe to eat
contain vitamins A, B-complex, C and E as well as and have a very low opiate content with no narcotic
some important minerals, notably iron, manganese, effects. They are beloved of classic Eastern and
copper, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Central European cooking where they are added
Used whole or ground in cooking, the seeds are whole or as a paste to seed cakes, pies, bread and
one of the ingredients in the traditional Chinese cheesecake. The seeds can be pressed for their oil,
five-spice powder mix. In Italy, they are mixed with or ground to an oily paste.
aromatic herbs and ground spices into pork sausage Poppies have been cultivated since ancient
meat or spicy pork meatballs served in a tomato times for their seeds, which were thought to have
sauce. The whole or ground seeds are used widely supernatural powers and used as natural remedies.
in Indian cookery, too, especially in curry powder The Minoans and the Egyptians employed them as
mixes, potato and vegetable curries, pickles, a sedative and to combat insomnia.
chutneys, condiments and as a flavouring for naan Although they are usually eaten in very small
bread. The seeds can also be used to flavour bread quantities, poppy seeds pack quite a nutritional
and pizza dough, pastry (pie crust), cakes, muffins, punch and are vitamin and mineral rich, especially in
cookies and biscotti. You can even add them to ice B-complex vitamins, manganese, copper, iron and
cream and nutty pralines. They taste great in salad calcium. They contain fatty oleic acid, which helps to





increase ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) and lower ‘bad’ spiced pumpkin pie is the traditional dessert.
cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body. Each ripe pumpkin contains hundreds of seeds
Poppy seeds are traditionally used for enclosed in pale yellowish husks, which you can
sprinkling over crackers, bagels, hamburger buns scoop out of the centre and dry. They have a high
and white bread, or mixing into muffin and cake fat content and their intensely nutty-flavoured oil
batters. They can also be added to pastry (pie- can be extracted by pressing the hulled roasted
crust) dough and cheesecake crumb bases. Mix seeds. It is used in Eastern Europe for dressing
them into poached or stewed fruit for strudels and salads and for drizzling over cooked vegetables and
pies. In India, they are sometimes used in sweets pumpkin soup.
or as a garnish for desserts, or they are dry-fried Pumpkin seeds are nutrient dense and a good
with spices and coconut and added to kormas source of protein and dietary fibre. They contain
or mixed into cooked rice, potato and vegetable vitamins B, C, E and K plus an array of minerals –
dishes. You can stir them into salad dressings or calcium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium,
sprinkle them over roast chicken, griddled prawns phosphorus, potassium and especially zinc,
(shrimp) and roasted vegetables to add a slightly which plays an important role in breaking down
gritty texture and earthy flavour. Like other seeds, carbohydrates in the body, cell growth and a healthy
they can be roasted on a baking (cookie) sheet immune system.
in the oven or quickly dry-fried in a shallow frying The seeds have a sweet nutty taste and crunchy
pan (skillet) to intensify their slightly nutty taste texture. They are often roasted (sometimes with
and aroma. spices or salt added) and served as snacks and
Poppy seeds can turn rancid relatively quickly street food, particularly in Mexico, the United States
so always check the sell-by date on packets before and Greece. Add them to pasta bakes, stir-fries and
you buy, and store them carefully. They should stay salads, or sprinkle them over cereal, fruit or yoghurt
fresh for up to six months. for a healthy breakfast. Mix them into homemade
muesli, granola and breakfast bars, bread or cookie
Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo dough, flapjacks, sweet and savoury muffins and
Often known by their Spanish name ‘pepitas’, pancake batters. Grind and add them to citrusy
especially in Mexico and the United States, salad dressings or even veggie-burgers. The whole
pumpkin seeds are oval, flat and dark-green. seeds, raw or roasted, also make a colourful garnish
Pumpkins are native to the Americas and for thick puréed vegetable soups. Add them to
have been grown there as domestic crops for homemade trail mixes with dried fruit, toasted nuts
thousands of years. In the United States, piles and banana chips.
of freshly harvested pumpkins are stacked for The Aztecs ground their pumpkin seeds with
sale along country roads in the autumn (fall) in fresh chillies and other spices to create savoury
readiness for Halloween and Thanksgiving, when sauces. You can make a fiery version of pesto in


the same way to serve with fish, chicken, pasta and is important for women during pregnancy. The
grilled (broiled) vegetables. Blitz some roasted seeds are also a good source of several minerals
seeds in a food processor or blender with garlic, including iron, zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium,
fresh coriander (cilantro), spring onions (scallions), magnesium and manganese, which play a role in
tomatoes, lime juice, olive oil and grated Parmesan producing hormones, red blood cells, strong bones
cheese. Or just grind the seeds and add them to and healthy muscles.
a spicy tomato salsa to serve with Mexican dishes The nutty-tasting seeds, salted and roasted in
such as fajitas, nachos, wraps and tacos. their shells, are sometimes sold as snacks. Or you
Roasting or dry-frying the seeds will bring out can dry-fry them or toast them with ground spices
their natural flavour and aroma. For spicy seeds, to enhance their aroma. Use the shelled ones in
try adding a little chilli powder, paprika or cumin dukka and other crunchy sprinkles for salads, cereal
to them before roasting; or drizzle with honey for a and yoghurt, or bake with them – they add flavour
sweet flavour. Alternatively, you can toast them and and texture to seedy bread, cakes, cookies, power
serve them warm as a snack with drinks, sprinkled bars, pancakes and cheesecake bases. Add them to
with some soy sauce. muesli and granola or even to a crumble topping
Pumpkin seeds can be sprouted, and impart for baked fruit.
a wonderful taste and texture to dark-green leafy
salads made with spinach and shredded kale.

Sunflower Helianthus annuus

Sunflower seeds are the edible kernels in the black
or grey-and-white striped husks that form in the
sunflower head as it starts to dry out after flowering.
Sunflowers are grown commercially mostly for their
oil, which is extracted by pressing the seeds. They
originated in Central America (Peru and Mexico) and
have been cultivated for over 2,000 years by Native
Americans. The seeds were brought to Europe by
the Spanish and now these beautiful plants are
grown all over the world.
Nutritionally, the seeds are a rich source of
protein and dietary fibre. They are quite high in
energy, as their fat content (polyunsaturated) is
over 50 per cent. They also contain vitamins E and
B-complex and are a rich source of folic acid, which


Uses & values: pseudocereals
Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Unroasted buckwheat has a more subtle flavour
This plant’s name is misleading as it is not a member than the roasted variety which tends to be more
of the wheat family nor a grass or cereal, but actually nutty and smoky tasting. Buckwheat is versatile and
a member of the rhubarb family. However, it is grown can be made into a delicious ‘porridge’, flavoured
commercially as a grain and can be ground into with ground cinnamon and served with fresh fruit,
a dark-coloured flour or made into noodles. Each honey and yoghurt, or added to soups, stews and
triangular greenish-brown seed or ‘groat’ is enclosed casseroles. Because of its earthy flavour, mushrooms,
within a dark outer hull. root vegetables and cabbage all go well with
Buckwheat originated in southeast Asia about buckwheat. A popular way of eating the roasted
8,000 years ago. Cultivation spread from China and variety is to make a pilaf with it, which can be
Tibet to central Asia and the Balkans. It is popular eaten hot as a side dish or cooled and mixed
in Russia where it has been consumed as a staple with vegetables, nuts, herbs and vinaigrette for a
for hundreds of years and forms the basis of many healthy salad. Or try stir-frying the cooked groats
national dishes, notably kasha. with ginger, shredded vegetables, chilli and sesame
One of the reasons for the recent surge in seeds and oil. The raw groats can be sprouted
buckwheat’s popularity in Western countries – where and added to salads.
it was not eaten traditionally – is that it is gluten-free, The flour may be light- or dark-coloured and
making it a healthy alternative to wheat for people is used in baking cakes, muffins, bread, crackers,
with gluten intolerance and coeliac disease. It is a pancakes, blinis and galettes as well as for making
good source of protein and dietary fibre as well as noodles. In India, pakoras are often made with
vitamins B and C, and has a high mineral content, buckwheat flour and it is used for coating vegetables
including magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, before frying them. In some parts of Italy the flour
iron and potassium. Buckwheat is rich in flavonoids, substitutes for potato or semolina in gnocchi.
which enable vitamin C to help protect against Buckwheat can be eaten Japanese-style with soba
infections and disease. Ongoing research is studying noodles, served cold with a dipping sauce, added to
whether it can be used as a tool to manage diabetes soup, or tossed warm in a salad with a spicy Thai or
by lowering blood glucose levels. sesame dressing.
Although buckwheat is filling, it is very low in
fat (only 3.5 per cent) and reduces food cravings, Chia Salvia hispanica
which makes it a good choice for people on These tiny oval mottled seeds, which may be black
weight-reduction and -maintenance regimes. It also or white, come from a herb in the mint family. What
contains rutin, a nutrient that helps strengthen the makes them special is their hydrophilicity – their
walls of the micro-capillaries, thereby improving ability to absorb water: they swell up to 15 times
circulation and helping to protect against cardio- their original size when soaked, acquiring an unusual
vascular and brain diseases. gel-like consistency. The distinctive round gelatinous


Black sesame
Red quinoa White quinoa White sesame

Buckwheat Linseed Chia

globules resemble tapioca. They have a rather plant protein, having all the essential amino acids,
bland but slightly nutty flavour, and can be pressed and dietary fibre, and contain omega-3 fatty acids.
to extract their oil. The raw seeds can be sprinkled on cereals,
Chia is native to Mexico where it has been yoghurt and salads or added to bread, cakes, energy
cultivated for thousands of years as a staple food bars, granola, oatmeal and dips. Use them whole or
crop and was regarded as sacred by the Aztecs, ground in smoothies and juices, or make them into
who are known to have used it in medicines and a delicious gelatinous porridge.
religious ceremonies. It is now grown throughout
South America and Australia. Linseed Linum usitatissimum
The seeds are regarded as a superfood since Linseed is flaxseed: different names for the same
they can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk seed, which is derived from the flax plant. Flax is
of heart disease. They are rich in vitamin B-complex, better known for producing textiles (linen) and
especially niacin and thiamine, which release energy linseed oil, which is used for finishing and treating
from carbohydrates and help maintain cellular and wood as well as a nutritional supplement. Flax has
organ function. They also contain vitamins A, C and been grown for thousands of years in the Middle
E plus minerals, including manganese, magnesium, East and Egypt where linen was used by the
calcium, iron and zinc. They are a good source of Romans for sailmaking.


The reddish-brown or golden yellow seeds are food in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Chile,
a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, it is now eaten all over the world and grown in North
vitamins B and C, and minerals, especially America and Europe, too.
magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and calcium. The seeds are cooked and eaten whole or can
Due to their high fibre content, they have long be ground into flour for gluten-free baking and
been recognized as a natural remedy for relieving pasta-making. Most of the quinoa we buy is white.
constipation. The seeds can be pressed to extract a Black and red varieties are available, too, but they
rich, buttery-tasting oil that can be used as a laxative. have a slightly more crunchy texture and take a little
Ground or roasted linseed can be soaked in water longer to cook.
to release a gum (similar to xanthan gum), which Quinoa is a good source of protein and contains
can be used in gluten-free baking. all the essential amino acids. It is gluten free and
You can add the mild, nutty-flavoured seeds to easy to digest, very low in fat and contains vitamins
bread, cakes, muffins, pancakes, waffles, power bars, A, B, C and E as well as potassium, phosphorus,
crackers, muesli and porridge. They are best freshly manganese, iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium.
ground rather than left whole as this makes them Cooked quinoa has a slightly bitter, nutty flavour,
easier to digest – use a small spice or coffee mill. a fluffy texture with a little crunch and translucent
Alternatively, you can soak linseed in water overnight appearance, and it bulks up to four times its original
and add the swollen seeds to breakfast fruit juices or volume. It is prepared in a similar way to rice and
smoothies. In India, the seeds are sometimes added should be rinsed thoroughly before being cooked.
to curries, chutneys and raita or ground and mixed Bring to the boil, then simmer for about 20 minutes.
with chapati flour to make roti. It’s ready to eat when the seed separates from the
The oil can be whisked with other ingredients in germ and appears to sprout a ‘tail’, and is still slightly
salad dressings, stirred into cooked rice or drizzled firm to the bite (al dente). Cover the pan and stand
over griddled and roasted vegetables. It should not for 8–10 minutes before stirring and serving.
be used for cooking as it can be rendered unstable It can be mixed with vegetables, herbs, spices,
and burn at relatively low temperatures. nuts and fruit, such as pomegranate seeds, and
dressed to make a filling salad or used in a stuffing
Quinoa Chenopodium quinoa for vegetables, meat and poultry. You can add it to
Pronounced ‘keen-wah’, this pseudocereal veggie-burger mixes, serve it with stews or roast
originated in the Andes in South America where it chicken, grilled (broiled) fish and prawns (shrimp),
was grown by the Incas for food. It’s not a true grass or make it into a Middle Eastern pilaf, tabbouleh or
or cereal and it is cultivated primarily for its seeds, Indian-style pilau. It tastes delicious just served hot
which are housed within the dried seed heads on and dressed simply with some olive oil and lemon or
the stalks. It thrives in a cool climate at high altitude lime juice with a grinding of black pepper and sea
and can withstand low temperatures. Once a staple salt. Stir in a few chopped herbs for extra flavour.


Try simmering quinoa in coconut milk for an unusual sushi and salads. They can be used to coat chicken,
alternative to breakfast cereal, or add it to oatmeal salmon and tuna before baking (try mixing them
and serve with cinnamon and fruit. You can even bake with soy sauce, garlic, honey and sesame oil),
bread and cookies with it, or sprout it (see page 40) added with miso to soba noodle dishes, or stirred
and mix the sprouts into salads. into cooked rice with chilli and spices, or added
to stir-fries. They are used to flavour Indian spicy
Sesame Sesamum indicum vegetable dishes, condiments, chutneys, pickles and
The sesame plant, which originated in India, will sweetmeats. In Greece and the Caribbean, they are
tolerate drought conditions and intense heat, and made into brittle sweet bars and added to desserts,
has been grown in tropical regions for thousands while in Mexico they give a nutty taste to savoury
of years for its edible seeds and the oil they yield. moles and flatbreads. Throughout the Middle East,
The small seeds, which are usually white or black, North Africa, Central and Eastern Europe they are
grow in fruit capsules called pods. Most of the mixed with honey or sugar to make halva, a dense
world’s sesame crop today is grown in India, China sweet tablet that is served in thin slices.
and Nigeria. Probably the best-known food made from
Sesame seeds are high in healthy mono- toasted ground sesame seeds is tahini. This thick
unsaturated fat (50 per cent), which helps to lower paste, which is a staple of Levantine and eastern
blood cholesterol. They are good sources of protein Mediterranean cooking, is used for flavouring
and dietary fibre, vitamins A, B-complex, C and E as hummus and grilled (broiled) aubergine (eggplant)
well as copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc dishes as well as a base for sauces, dressings and
and calcium. They are particularly rich in selenium, dips. You can buy it in jars in most supermarkets and
an important mineral that helps support the immune delis or make it yourself by blitzing toasted sesame
system, sex glands and optimal functioning of the seeds and oil in a food processor to a smooth, thick
thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism, and heat pouring consistency. It will keep in a sealed jar in the
and weight levels in the body. Many health claims are refrigerator for several months.
made for these remarkable little seeds, and they are Sesame oil is used in many Chinese, Japanese,
used to help treat and relieve a range of conditions Korean, Vietnamese and Indian dishes. Fragrant and
from diabetes and high blood pressure to gingivitis. aromatic, it is usually sprinkled over food just before
The distinctive rich, nutty flavour of sesame is serving or used in dressings for cooked vegetables
prized throughout a wide range of cuisines from and salads but you can cook with it, too. You can
India, South Asia, Japan, China, Vietnam, the Levant also buy toasted sesame oil, which is darker and
and Eastern Mediterranean to the Caribbean, Mexico more intensely flavoured. It has a longer shelf life
and the United States. The seeds are versatile and than the regular sesame oil.
can be used in sprinkles, toppings, garnishes and In Ayurvedic medicine, sesame oil is used for
decorations for bread, burger buns, cakes, crackers, massage, especially for babies and infants.


Uses & values: at a glance
This chart of seeds and their properties sets out the
particular benefits that each seed type offers, so it will
help you identify which of them could be especially useful
to you in addressing any specific susceptibilities, as well
as supporting your general health and well-being.
At a glance: fruits

CARAWAY Dark-brown seeds found Roasted or toasted lightly Antioxidant vitamins Anti-spasmodic,
in umbels (umbrella-like to release their aroma, A, C, E, zinc and used to help relieve
fruits emanating from they are most frequently manganese, and flatulence and
a central stem) in the used in flatbreads, cakes, nutrients lutein, carotene indigestion, infantile
creamy white flowers of cheeses and some meat and zeoxanthin; as well colic, and can help
the biennial plant. dishes for their spicy as calcium, magnesium, protect the colon from
aromas. potassium and the B potential cancers.
vitamins, plus various
essential oils.

CORIANDER The mature plant bears Crushed and lightly Iron, copper, calcium, Bone and ligament
small light-pink flowers roasted or toasted, they magnesium, manganese, health, powerful
that turn into oval fruits. are used in curries and zinc, oleic and palmitic antioxidants helping to
When dried in the sun for other Asian-style dishes, essential fats, as well as lower LDL cholesterol
a few days, these become and to flavour meats omega-6. High in vitamin (low-density lipo-
the seeds. and fish for BBQ, salads, C and vitamin K. protein). Fibre helps
dressings, sauces and to keep colon clean.
marinades. Also used in Zinc for sperm health.
grain-based dishes (barley, Essential fats for skin.
wild and black rices).

HEMP The small, greenish-white Used for its oil in All 20 known amino Can help blood sugar
seed is the fruit of the dressings and marinades, acids, which help break control, reducing
male plant, found in spiky also as sprouted seeds down elements of inflammation, lowering
clusters at the centre of for salads, and sprinkles protein. Seeds contain blood pressure,
small green flowers. for soups. Now also used cannabinoids (or CBD), hormone-regulating,
in grain-based dishes the nutrient that’s also high protein assimilation
such as barley, wild contained in cannabis; for growth, healing
and black rices. B vitamins, niacin, and repair. Potent
thiamine and riboflavin. anti-inflammatory, anti-
Essential fatty acids, convulsive and pain-
omega-3 and -6. relieving effects; can
help with the production
of cell energy.

MUSTARD Found in the fruit pods that Roasted, or dry-toasted Especially rich in Boosts immunity, helps
develop on the flowers of and ground finely to a selenium, a mineral balance hormones,
the mustard greens as they powder, added to other known for its immune- relieves symptoms of
ripen. They may be ‘white’ spices to create sprinkles supporting properties; menopause, improves
(pale yellow), brown or and flavourings for meat, magnesium, manganese, sleep, anti-asthmatic
black, and have differing fish, some grain dishes phosphorus, copper, and helps relieve
levels of spice according to and vegetables. Powder vitamin B1 thiamine inflammation relating
colour. may also be added to and fibre. to rheumatoid arthritis.
dressings and marinades
for poultry, meat and fish.

At a glance: seeds within fruits

ALFALFA The smallest of all the Mainly sprouted for use All the antioxidants that Energy, healing and
seeds in this group, they in salads, to adorn soups other larger seeds contain, repair; regeneration of
are found in the perennial and dress fish and meat and in particular the full all vital organs.
crop of a purple-flowering dishes. range of B vitamins that
plant that comes from the are essential for energy
pea family. production, as well as
abundant minerals, calcium,
magnesium, manganese,
zinc and copper. These are
found most abundantly
when the seeds are
sprouted (see pages 40–41).

CARDAMOM The tiny seeds are The fruit and its seeds Calcium, magnesium, Immune-supportive,
arranged in vertical rows are often eaten whole potassium, antioxidants, they reduce phlegm
(sometimes known as in India, but in Western vitamins B and C. in the bronchial tract
arils) found in the cooking added to dishes (nose, throat, chest),
cardamom fruit. for their pungent flavour, helping to clear chest
and then removed once infections, and calm
cooked. Used in warm digestion. Anti-
milk and milk puddings, inflammatory.
rice dishes both sweet
and savoury.

CUMIN Grey-yellow oblong- As seeds or ground into Packed with antioxidants, Bone health, eye
shaped seeds, they come fine powder, cumin is vitamins A, C and E, all health, cardiovascular-
from the dried fruit pod of used in many Indian and of which work together; supporting, lowering
the cumin plant, which is Persian dishes, both zinc and selenium, blood pressure, aiding
part of the parsley family. vegetarian and animal- as well as potassium, digestion, reducing
Often confused with based, as well as rice, calcium, magnesium and flatulence, anti-microbial,
fennel seeds, cumin seeds beverages and sweet manganese. anti-fungal.
are far more spicy. condiments.

FENUGREEK Ochre-coloured, tiny di- Used as spice in Fibre, copper, iron, Helps balance
cotyledons (two-sided, vegetables, salads, grain selenium and zinc, blood-sugar level
as in a broad bean), dishes, marinades, poultry vitamins A and C, by supporting the
the seeds are found in and fish dishes. B-complex, and folate. production of insulin;
the dried fruit of the supports digestion, and
fenugreek herb. heart/cardiovascular



NIGELLA Small angular black seeds Used with fruits, The seed oils contain Weight management/
found in the annual pale- vegetables, salads, a type of essential fat loss, heart and brain
blue or white flower of poultry and curries. known as conjugated health, cellular energy
the plant as the dried linoleic acid (CLA), which production, hormone
fruit capsule releases can be helpful for weight balance.
the seeds. loss, and helps neutralize
potentially damaging
saturated fats.

POMEGRANATE Pink, juicy seeds found Adds sweet, juicy flavour Protein, fibre, essential Weight loss, anti-
within the fruits of the and crunchy texture fats, beta-carotene, inflammatory, potent
same name, protected by to breakfast bowls flavanols and polyphenols, antioxidant for the
pithy white flesh. and pancakes, juices, vitamin C and punicalagins immune system, can help
smoothies and salads, (all of which are potent provide protection against
and decoration for many antioxidants, essential Alzheimer’s and other
main dishes. for mopping up debris brain-related diseases, as
in the body caused by well as prostate and breast
natural metabolic cancers. Can help lower
functions), vitamin K for blood pressure, balance
blood clotting. good:bad HDL:LDL
cholesterol ratios. Anti-
bacterial and anti-fungal.

VANILLA Black seeds found in a Can be infused in milks, Calcium, magnesium, Bone and ligament
pod (bean); the fruit of creams, yoghurts and ice potassium and health, hair and nails.
the only known fruit- creams, as well as oils and manganese.
bearing orchid. baked dishes.


At a glance: flower heads & kernels

FENNEL Harvested from the To enhance their Rich source of dietary A remedy for flatulence
herbaceous fennel plant fragrance and flavour, fibre and abundant and indigestion in
when their seed heads fennel seeds are generally antioxidants. Minerals traditional medicines. Is
turn light brown. The ground just before use, include: copper, iron, thought to help increase
seeds are oblong, 3–4mm or whole seeds gently calcium, potassium, breast milk production in
long, light-brown in colour toasted. Can be used manganese, selenium, nursing mothers. Powerful
with fine vertical stripes as a savoury spice, as a zinc and magnesium. antioxidant, with anti-
over their surface. condiment or flavouring Vitamins A, C and E inflammatory and digestive
. base. Used widely in fish along with B vitamins properties. Helps lower
and vegetable dishes, and 1, 2, 3 and 6. LDL cholesterol levels.
in cheese spreads, also to
flavour breads and cakes.

POPPY Blue-black in colour, and Can enhance salads, Rich in antioxidants, Lowers LDL (low-density
originating from the pods baked dishes, dressings oleic and essential fatty lipo-protein, which is
of the brightly coloured and dips. Often used in acids, fibre, iron, copper, considered damaging)
flower. Persian/Middle Eastern calcium, manganese, cholesterol. Skin-
cooking. B vitamins. enhancing, can help
ease constipation.

PUMPKIN Flat, dark-green seeds Toasted pumpkin seeds Manganese, phosphorus, Antioxidant support, anti-
found inside the gourd can be used to garnish copper, iron, magnesium, microbial and supports gut
(fruit) of the same name. porridge, yoghurt, soups, zinc, vitamin K and health, prostate health,
Some are encased in a stir-fries and salads. They B-complex. High in kidney function and the
yellow-white husk/kernel. can also be used in energy protein. regulation of insulin
bars and granola. Ground production.
pumpkin seeds make a
great coating for meats
and poultry.

SUNFLOWER Found in the bright Can be sprouted to add One of the highest Helps to release energy
yellow, seed-studded protein and enzymes to vegetarian sources from food by contributing
centre of the sunflower salads, soups and juices/ of protein, fibre and to metabolism function.
itself. They are grey-green smoothies, or roasted/ polyunsaturated fats, Anti-inflammatory and
in colour and turn black toasted for an increased making the oil second in beneficial to cardiovascular
when exposed to intense nutty flavour to add to popularity only to olive oil. system, by helping to lower
sunlight. granola, breakfast cereals, Thiamine (B1), niacin (B3), damaging LDL cholesterol.
or vegan bites and bars; pyridoxine (B6), folate, Calms nerves, supports liver
or blended into dips iron, zinc, phosphorus, detoxification.
and spreads. copper, potassium,
selenium, vitamin
E, magnesium and


At a glance: pseudocereals

BUCKWHEAT From the rhubarb family, Often served as an Manganese, Cardiovascular, linked
with a beechnut-like alternative to rice or copper, magnesium, to lowering cholesterol
shape and wheat-like porridge, and as a gluten- phosphorus, B-complex and high blood
characteristics (but without free alternative to flour in vitamins, soluble and pressure. Fibre helps
the allergens). The seed recipes such as pancakes, insoluble fibre. lower risk of diabetes
has a unique triangular muffins and breads. and contributes to
shape and is found at the blood sugar control.
top of the stem, similar May help prevent
to cereals. gallstones.

CHIA The seed head grows with An alternative to oat- One of the highest Digestion, bone health,
the appearance of wheat based porridge, to wheat, vegetable sources cognitive function and
or barley at the top of the rice or barley in savoury of protein, fibre, brain health, energy
chia stalk, hence the term or sweet dishes, as a omega-3, -6, -9, calcium, and vitality.
‘pseudocereal’. high-protein ingredient in magnesium, iron, zinc
vegan smoothies and other and folic acid.
healthy drinks. Suitable for
high-protein diets.

LINSEED Linseed comes from the Stir into warm cereals One of the highest Antioxidant protection,
flax plant. In raw form, or blend into smoothies. beneficial omega-3:6 cardiovascular and anti-
linseeds range from Ground linseed can also essential fatty acid ratios inflammatory benefits,
yellow to reddish-brown in be used in pancakes or of all seeds. Also contain supports digestive
colour. Avoid raw linseeds waffles where it can be copper, manganese, health; eases PMS
that are white, green or substituted for a quarter magnesium, phosphorus, and post-menopausal
black in colour as these of the flour. Can be added selenium, B-complex symptoms, and helps to
have been harvested to salad dressings for a vitamins and fibre. balance hormonal health
before or after their ideal slight nutty flavour. generally.

QUINOA From the same family as Excellent in a gluten-free Manganese, copper, Anti-inflammatory,
spinach, Swiss chard and diet. Can be used in baked phosphorus, magnesium, antioxidant and
beetroot (beets). The whole goods and as a pasta zinc, a rich source of energy producing; low
plant can be eaten. Seeds substitute, chilled in salads, folate and fibre. High in allergen risk.
can be white, red or black, served as a breakfast protein.
and may have a translucent porridge alternative, added
appearance when cooked. to soups and stews, and is
great in tabbouleh.

SESAME A flowering plant Add to bread, muffin or Copper, manganese, Supports bone,
cultivated for its tiny, flat, biscuit mixes. Add to calcium, magnesium, vascular and respiratory
oval seeds with a nutty steamed broccoli or other phosphorus, iron, zinc, health and lowers LDL
taste and delicate crunch. green vegetables. Essential molybdenum, selenium, cholesterol. Can help
May be found in a variety for making tahini (see page B-complex vitamins prevent osteoporosis,
of colours including white, 51), salad dressings and and fibre. and reduce migraine
yellow, black and red. many Asian-inspired dishes. and PMS symptoms.

Preparing your seeds
Sowing & growing

You don’t have to have elaborate equipment or Coriander and fennel seed, for example, tend to
acres of space to grow your own seeds. A few grow very quickly, and will flower rapidly
pots on the kitchen windowsill – and a little bit of if their leaves are not regularly harvested. If they
patience – are all you need to get started. are planted in their own individual pots from the
The first step is to allocate a space in your start they can mature without taking over the whole
home, or outside on a balcony (preferably away herb garden or kitchen.
from any environmental pollution such as exhaust I usually sow straight into the containers I will
fumes), in a conservatory or cold-frame, or in a harvest from, but have also sown many new types
greenhouse if you have one. of seeds in empty egg-boxes, since they provide
Seeds need to be nurtured daily until they convenient individual zones as well as the larger flat
are sturdy enough to withstand the elements. section of the lid. This works well for the first few
Excessive cold, rain and wind can all damage weeks, until the seeds have grown their first shoot,
tender plants in the early stages of growth, at which point they can be moved into the larger
so make sure you choose a sheltered place containers outside if the weather is mild enough.
with a relatively constant temperature for this Pots and containers can be moved around to shield
initial phase. the growing plants from too much sun, rain or wind,
and eventually to somewhere convenient when they
are mature and ready for cutting/harvesting.
The right container
Terracotta pots are ideal for cultivating plants
Don’t forget the labels
because they absorb and hold moisture, which
helps prevent the soil from drying out completely Too many times I have planted seeds and waited
between watering sessions. However you can patiently for the first sprouts to appear – only to
use any vessel for your seeds provided there are realize I don’t know what kind of plant is emerging.
drainage holes in the base to allow excess water to It’s so tempting to think you will remember which
escape. Waterlogged roots will damage or kill your seedling is which, but my advice is not to chance it:
plant just as surely as dried-out compost will. label each different type from the start.
Garden centres and nurseries can provide There are dozens of kinds of labels available
seed trays made of compostable material that from garden centres and hardware stores, or you
will allow you to move your tender seedlings can make your own using a permanent marker or
undisturbed into larger containers, so protecting non-toxic paint and lolly (popsicle) sticks, clothes
their roots. This is especially important for the pegs (clothes pins), slivers of timber, pebbles, china
more delicate seeds such as alfalfa, poppy and fragments or even upturned terracotta pots.
sesame. Alternatively, sow seed directly into the
pots from which you plan to harvest your crop.


In the bigger picture, no system of farming does
more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from
If you are growing seeds indoors, put them where agriculture, or protect natural resources such as
they are exposed to daylight, and keep them fresh water and healthy soils. Organic farms are
separate from detergents and other household havens for wildlife and provide homes for bees,
sprays. Make sure there is plenty of fresh air birds and butterflies, and – most importantly
moving through the area where your seeds here – published research points to significant
are growing – as there would be in an outdoor differences between organic and non-organic
environment – but don’t leave them in a draught, products. Organically produced cereals, fruit and
as this will stunt their growth. vegetables can contain more than 60 per cent more
antioxidants than their non-organic counterparts, as
well as lower concentrations of pesticides and toxins
Growing organically such as cadmium. Which would you rather cultivate,
We encourage you to grow your seeds in the most harvest – and eat?
natural way, so be sure to use organic compost
and to avoid synthetic or chemically-enhanced
feeds or sprays. Any foodstuffs, including seeds,
benefit from being grown in organic compost, not
only because of its carefully balanced nutritional
content but also because it is free of pesticides,
herbicides, added hormones or potentially harmful
chemicals. It’s as much about what is left out as
what is put in. Remember that your seeds are the
very start of life, and whatever medium you grow
them in will become part of them.
There are increasing numbers of seed
companies that pride themselves in supplying
original, non-genetically-modified seeds that will
grow well given the water, sunlight and seasonal
variations they have evolved to flourish in. It may
be that because your seeds are not artificially
enhanced, some may succumb to adverse weather
conditions, pests or diseases, but weigh against
these few losses the fact that organic means
working with nature, not against it.


Soaking & sprouting

When any dried seed is soaked in water, the and other recipes that require thicker consistencies
enzymes it contains are triggered to ‘come alive’ (see for example page 84: Chia seed porridge).
and start the growth process. In nature, this
activation may occur almost immediately the seed
Sprouting your seeds
is expelled from the parent plant, or it may not
happen for many years. Seeds from antiquity Choose glass jars, ceramic or china pots either with
have been found on archaeological sites that lids you can pierce, or with a ridge at the rim around
have been successfully activated after an interval which you can tie a muslin cloth (cheesecloth). This
of hundreds, if not thousands, of years, allowing enables you to rinse the seeds with fresh water, and
scientists to determine the exact nature of the then tip out the excess water without losing any of
contemporary vegetation. the germinating seeds.
Seeds have evolved protective compounds Fill your jar about one third full of seeds. Add
to ensure that they remain intact and retain filtered water to the brim and leave the seeds to
their potency however they are broadcast, and soak overnight or for at least 12 hours to activate
whatever conditions they are subject to while they their enzymes. Drain fully, then refill and drain
wait to start growing. Some seeds are spread by several more times with fresh water to rinse the
being consumed by birds and then deposited after seeds thoroughly. They will then be ready to start
travelling through their gut, whereas others have the sprouting process. I continue to rinse and drain
to survive extremes of heat or cold, or drought or my seeds every 12 hours, especially once they
flood. The protective compounds that preserve have started to sprout, which helps keep them as
the seeds are known as phytates or phytic acid. fresh as possible.
Untreated, these can cause digestive problems After several hours or days (depending on the
for some people, but soaking your seeds will size of seed and eventual plant), a tiny root starts
help to break down or remove the phytic acid to grow downwards, and a shoot reaches upwards
in most seeds. towards the light and warmth. This is the first part of
Once your seeds have rehydrated (remember germination, and a process that occurs naturally in
chia can absorb up to 15 times its own weight in the presence of water, light and air. The ‘sprouts’ are
liquid), their nutrients will be far more bio-available the high-protein shoots. Having already absorbed
in the gut. This means that your body will more the water they need, they are reaching for the
easily be able to separate out and absorb specific sunlight to activate their chlorophyll.
nutrients including proteins, soluble and insoluble Chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green
fibre, and the full array of vitamins and minerals. pigmentation in plants, absorbs energy from the sun
Some seeds – linseeds and chia, for example – to facilitate photosynthesis. Chlorophyll to plants
break down to create a gelatinous texture when they is like blood to humans, and has been shown to
are soaked, which can help create mousses, jellies have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and healing


properties when digested. It helps to alkalize the developing sprouts thoroughly prevents bitterness,
body and maintain homeostasis (cellular balance), rancidity and mildew or mould spores from forming.
particularly in the liver and kidneys – both organs Some sample soaking and sprouting times
of natural detoxification. Every sprouted seed, are shown below, illustrating what a satisfyingly
along with all green fruits and vegetables, is rich in quick process it can be to produce your own living
alkalizing chlorophyll. superfoods. The times and yields are guidelines
Don’t forget to label your growing food. Include only, since the exact figures will depend on the
information such as the type of seed, when it was conditions you provide, and even then will vary with
soaked, and when it started to sprout. Rinsing the the prevailing temperature or available light.


Sunflower 1 cup 4 hours 12–24 hours 2 cups
Pumpkin 1 cup 4 hours 12–24 hours 1¾ cups
Sesame 1 cup 4 hours 6–12 hours 1½ cups
Buckwheat 1 cup 1–4 hours 12–24 hours 2 cups
Quinoa 1 cup 3–6 hours 24 hours 3 cups


Harvesting & collecting

A plant’s seeds are generally fully developed when head from the stalk when the seeds have changed
the plant has flowered, and the flower is over, or from black to a paler green, allowing them to dry under
starting to dry out. In the drying process, the seeds cover wherever is convenient, then tapping the flower
will fall or be blown from the plant, or released in head over a large bowl to collect the seeds.
some other way to start a new plant of their own. Pumpkin seeds, being part of the gourd family,
Sunflowers illustrate the cycle spectacularly. have to be scooped out of the pumpkin when it is fully
Once they have flowered, they turn their heads grown and ripe for cooking; then soaked in water to
to follow the sun throughout the daylight hours help release the seeds from the surrounding pithy flesh.
until, as the sun sets, their heads droop towards They can then be dried gently in the oven before
the ground, to protect the valuable seeds from any being ready to eat.
overnight chill or rain. As the sun rises the following The much smaller coriander seeds are contained
morning, the process begins again and the sun in the ovum (seed casing) that forms once the plant
gradually matures and dries the seed until it bursts. has flowered. This can happen more than once in a
Sounds like distant gunshot echo around a field season when the seeds are grown at home, because
of mature sunflowers as the dried seeds’ coating coriander (cilantro) tends to bolt and grow too quickly
(outer skin) splits and they are released from the if contained. To capture the fine seeds, cut the flowers
centre of the flower. as they are drying, and sit them on kitchen paper
Commercial seed collectors use machinery to (towel) on a plate to dry completely. You can then
cut off the flower heads and dry them in sheds, and collect the seeds by gently shaking them out of the
then to shake them on conveyor belts to remove the drying fruits/flowers.
skins. At home, you can do this by cutting the flower
Don’t let your seed run away from you
Whatever your seed, you will need to watch the plant
or flowers carefully, as they can mature in a very short
time, suddenly spilling their seed into the surrounding
earth rather than waiting for a convenient moment
for you to harvest them. Be especially vigilant in the
summer when warm weather can ripen and mature the
seeds during the course of a single day.
Once collected, tip a proportion of your seeds into
an envelope to save for replanting next year, and the
rest into airtight jars for the kitchen. There’s nothing like
growing seed from your own original plants for taste
and nutritional value!
Drying, sourcing & storing

Drying your seed The store cupboard

To preserve your seeds in optimum condition, it is There are many items that a good store cupboard
important to dry them before packing them away should never be without, and a collection of well
in envelopes. Ideally, they should be left out in the labelled and dated seeds is high on the list. However,
sun to dry, but if this is not possible or practical put since even dried seed can be susceptible to mould
them in small bowls and leave them overnight in a or mildew if left too long, if you are buying in large
warm place such as near a radiator. Otherwise you quantities they may be better stored in the freezer.
could put them in a cooling oven for 10–20 minutes Remember to label all bought seeds with the
to dry out completely, but make sure the oven is date they were purchased so that you can easily
turned off before the seeds go in, since you need rotate your stock. Bring frozen seeds back to room
only to get rid of excess moisture, not to cook temperature before attempting to soak and sprout,
them in any way. or sow and grow.
Choose your containers with care. The key is to
find something that will protect your seeds from heat,
Sourcing your seed
light, and air. A collection of ceramic or china pots
If you can’t gather seeds that you’ve grown yourself with different-coloured lids or stickers could help
and you need to buy them, it’s important to do your distinguish your seeds at a glance or, if you keep your
research carefully to ensure that you find the most seeds in the refrigerator, you may want a collection of
nutritionally-rich seeds available. Buy good-quality, stacking tubs that take up minimum space and that
original strains of organically produced seeds that you can label and access easily.
have not been genetically modified. Always choose Avoid keeping seeds in hessian or jute bags or
reputable companies that guarantee the source of open containers which, although they look attractive,
all their seeds. will not preserve the seeds in peak condition, and
It’s a good idea to check out your local organic may attract rodents and other pests.
food stores to look for really healthy, high-quality
seeds. Horticultural centres such as Kew Gardens
in the UK will also supply names of pure seed
suppliers. The key point is not to buy mass-
produced, grown-for-the-supermarkets varieties,
since these could have been tainted with fertilizers
and herbicides.


Roasting & toasting

I like to have my seeds available to use in fairly a warmed baking (cookie) sheet can cause the more
large quantities so that if I need only a few to delicate varieties to burn and become bitter-tasting.
sprinkle or to add to a meal for one, I don’t have
to think about cooking a batch specifically for the
Toasting or dry-frying
purpose. Remember that being prepared is the
most efficient tool you can have in your kitchen: This method involves using a heavy-bottomed
if you cook ahead, then store or chill the surplus frying pan (skillet), rather than toasting in, or under,
seeds in the refrigerator, you can be ready at a any grill (broiler). This allows you to agitate/shake
moment’s notice. the seeds in the pan to ensure an even toasting,
However, as with nuts, the essential fatty acids while carefully watching the colour of your seeds.
(omega nutrition) in all seeds are sensitive to heat This, I have found, requires one’s full attention and
so it is important to ensure that you don’t overheat is not something to attempt whilst multi-tasking:
your seeds when you cook them. Different seeds something will suffer, and it’s most likely to be
should be cooked in separate batches, since some the seeds!
toast or roast far more quickly than others. Small Most seeds will toast fairly quickly and release
seeds such as sesame can burn more easily than their aroma as they start to heat. Using a low to
pumpkin or quinoa, for example. medium heat allows you to preserve the essential
Once you have cooked and cooled them, store fats. Caraway and fennel, cumin, coriander and
them in sealed containers in the refrigerator for nigella all respond well to this method. Sunflower,
ultimate freshness. You can store most seeds for sesame, poppy and pumpkin seeds can also be
up to a month if chilled, so it is worth keeping a toasted, and are then delicious added to salads,
separate storage box in your refrigerator for them. but still need to be watched carefully as they also
burn easily. It is better to use chia, hemp and linseed
Dry-roasting without toasting them, however, because with very
little heat these seeds can become bitter and their
Dry-roasting, that is heating without adding oil, protein content can be damaged. These are better
keeps your seeds fresh, pungent and brittle, soaked and sprouted.
and thus – once cooled – suitable for being Avoid grilling (broiling) seeds, because the heat
ground in a pestle and mortar to elicit the best under a grill (broiler) is simply too much for the
possible flavours and aromas. All the spicy seeds seeds and will burn them almost immediately. If you
– coriander, cumin, fennel, caraway, nigella and are going to add seeds to foods on a barbecue,
mustard – are best cooked this way. It is best if use them (especially white and black sesame seeds)
you scatter them onto baking parchment on a as part of a marinade where the olive oil, lemon/
baking (cookie) sheet and place the tray in the orange juice and other condiments partially protect
oven as it cools. Putting your seeds directly onto the seeds from burning.


Snacks, spreads, dips & drinks
Seedy sprinkles Dukka sprinkle
One of the best ways to use your seeds – especially Originating from Egypt, this heady mixture of seed-based spices
those you have grown and harvested yourself – is combined with your choice of nuts yields one of the most delicious
to create your own sprinkles. Attractively packaged, culinary accompaniments. Once you have made your first batch, it
these also make great gifts for family and friends. will become a regular favourite. A word of warning: don’t get carried
away – it’s so moreish you may have to restrain yourself from adding
Sprinkles are a wonderful way of flavouring foods, it to everything.
providing a great nutrition store. Remember to label
and date them, and don’t leave them next to your 1 tbsp almonds, skins on or off
stove or other heated areas, where the essential oils 1 tbsp pistachios, shelled
in the seeds can become damaged. 1 tbsp sesame seeds (white and/or black)
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
a pinch of rock salt or Himalayan pink salt

1  sing a heavy-based or non-stick frying pan (skillet), lightly toast

each of the nuts and seeds separately for a few minutes until
they are golden, and releasing their aromas. Shake continuously
to avoid burning the seeds or damaging the delicate omega-rich
oils they contain.
2  our the seeds and nuts into a pestle and mortar or food
processor. Allow them to cool completely before adding
seasoning and gently blending the ingredients. Be careful not
to reduce them to powder – you still want a little crunch left in
the sprinkle.
3 Store in an airtight container, or reusable jars with screw-top lids.

From left: Dukka sprinkle; Ras el hanout;

Toasty-roasty omega-seed sprinkle
Ras el hanout Toasty-roasty omega-seed sprinkle
Every family has its own version of this North African mixture, I always have a version of this at the ready to add to cereals,
which is passed down through the generations. The distinctive yoghurt, porridge, eggs, cakes, flatbreads and all manner of fish,
flavour of turmeric is due to the high levels of the chemical to enhance the flavour, texture and nutritional value. Make in
compound curcumin it contains. Studies have suggested larger batches and freeze to prolong the life of the essential fats,
that curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory properties and whilst ensuring that you always have a ready-made stock.
may be particularly useful in the context of disorders such as
rheumatoid arthritis. 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
1½ tsp coriander seeds 2 tbsp linseed
¾ tsp cumin seeds 2 tbsp sesame seeds
½ tsp chilli seeds a generous pinch of sea salt
1¼ tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp paprika powder
1 Preheat the oven to the lowest setting.
½ tsp ground turmeric
½ tsp ground cardamom seeds 2  lace a sheet of baking parchment on a baking (cookie) sheet
½ tsp ground ginger and spread all the seeds evenly over the parchment.
3 Bake for no more than 10–12 minutes, shaking the tray
1  ombine all the ingredients in a pestle and mortar and
C halfway through the baking time to ensure that all the seeds
grind until the aromas are released. Add more of any of are evenly cooked.
the spices you particularly favour.
4  urn off the oven, and leave the seeds for a further 5 minutes,
2  ack into a tightly sealed container, and date and label
P before removing and pouring into a dish to cool.
before storing in a cool, dark place.
5  hen they’re completely cooled, add seasoning to taste and
Or you can try this… transfer the sprinkle to an airtight container to store.

 ix with extra virgin olive oil to create a marinade or a dressing
to rub on meat, fish and poultry.
Seed oils & butters Seed butters are a great source of omega-3 and omega-6
essential fatty acids, the essential fats that the body cannot
There are now many ways to extract oils, some of manufacture by itself. Rich in vegetarian protein and B
which are used more usually with nuts, and others with vitamins, and containing virtually no saturated fats (such as
seeds. With seeds, cold-pressing is the best method, you would find in peanut butter), they are perfect spread
as this does not damage the essential oils, or render on breads, crackers and/or with raw vegetable dippers
them rancid, which other heat-based methods can. such as carrots, celery and endive or chicory.
Cold-pressing does not use a centrifugal system, which You may wish to toast the seeds lightly before making
tends to heat the seeds. Extra-virgin refers to the ‘first them into a butter or spread but again, remember to do
pressing’ of the seeds, as with olive oil, and is usually the so over a low heat, whilst constantly shaking the pan to
most costly. It yields a rich, pure oil that is dense prevent the seeds from overheating or burning. Toasting
in flavour and nutrients. them will yield a nutty flavour. Using activated (pre-soaked)
seeds (see pages 40–41) will produce a fresher, richer taste.

Pumpkin seed butter

300g/11oz/generous 2½ cups fresh pumpkin seeds,
preferably pre-soaked for 4–6 hours
150ml/¼ pint/generous ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of fennel seed
2–3 sprigs fresh thyme
juice of ½ lemon
a pinch of rock salt

1  ombine all the ingredients in a blender or food

processor and blend on the lowest setting until the
desired consistency is achieved.
2  emove from blender immediately and store in an
airtight container in the refrigerator.
Tahini (Sesame seed spread) Sunflower seed butter
Classic tahini is usually made with toasted sesame seeds, of This fresh, light and nourishing butter is similar to a
either the pale or white varieties. If you prefer to use toasted smooth peanut butter in texture.
seeds, take care not to over-toast them, otherwise they will
impart a bitter taste to the spread. 300g/11oz /2½ cups pre-soaked/activated sunflower
300g/11oz/2½ cups sesame seeds 100ml/3½fl oz/scant ½ cup organic sunflower or
125ml/4fl oz/½ cup filtered lukewarm water sesame oil
3 garlic cloves, peeled 2 tbsp finely chopped chives
juice and zest of 1 whole unwaxed lemon salt and black pepper to taste
a generous pinch of sea salt
1  lace the seeds and oil in a blender/food processor,
a small bunch of parsley or coriander (cilantro) leaves
and blend until smooth. Add the chives a little at a
olive or sesame oil to seal
time, reserving a few as a garnish. Season to taste.

1  lace all the ingredients except the herbs into a blender

and blend at low speed until smooth. Serve topped with
the chopped parsley or coriander (cilantro).
2  ransfer any tahini you are not going to use immediately
into a screw-top jar. Pour a thin layer of olive or
sesame oil over the surface to prevent the spread from
oxidizing, and store in the refrigerator.

From left: Pumpkin seed butter; Sunflower seed butter;

Tahini (Sesame seed spread)
Serve these golden seed-studded crackers with cheese, pickles, chutneys and dips, or top them with hummus.
The assorted seeds contain a plethora of nutrients and, due to the short cooking time, they are delivered with
minimal damage and maximum nutrition.

Five-seed crackers
250g/9oz/generous 2½ cups plain 1  reheat the oven to 190°C, 375°F, gas mark 5. Line 2 baking (cookie)
(all-purpose) flour sheets with parchment paper.
1 tsp baking powder 2 S ift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Mix in the salt and
½ tsp sea salt rub in the butter with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine
75g/3oz/6 tbsp unsalted butter, diced breadcrumbs.
1 tsp nigella seeds 3 Stir in all the seeds and the chilli flakes, and add a grinding of black pepper.
1 tsp caraway seeds 4  dd the water and oil and stir with a palette knife until you have a soft
2 tbsp poppy seeds dough that leaves the side of the bowl clean. Shape the dough into a ball,
1 tbsp sesame seeds wrap in cling film (plastic wrap) and chill in the refrigerator for
15 minutes.
1 tbsp hemp seeds
a pinch of dried chilli flakes 5  ut the dough into 2 portions and roll one portion out as thinly as possible
into a large rectangle on a lightly floured work surface. Cut into small
freshly ground black pepper
neat rectangles and place on one of the lined baking (cookie) sheets.
100ml/3½fl oz/scant ½ cup iced water Repeat with the other portion of dough, laying out the rectangles on the
1 tbsp olive oil second sheet.

Makes: about 30 crackers 6  op back into the refrigerator to chill for 15 minutes, then bake in the
Prep: 20 minutes preheated oven for about 15 minutes until the crackers are browned
Chill: 30 minutes and crisp.
Cook: 15 minutes 7  ool them on a wire rack and store in an airtight container. They will stay
fresh for 4–5 days.
TIP: For extra crispness, when the
crackers are cooked turn off the oven and
open the door, leaving the crackers inside
Or you can try this…
for 10 minutes to cool down gradually. v Vary the seeds – why not try cumin, chia or pumpkin seeds, linseed or
some crushed coriander seeds?
v Add a little finely grated Parmesan cheese or sprinkle a little over the
rolled-out crackers before baking.


Serve these homemade crisp crackers with a dip or some tangy cheese and chutney. Who needs commercially
produced crispbreads when these far more delicious alternatives add the nutritional benefits of several different
seeds – and are so easy to make?

Seedy rye crispbreads

150g/5oz/1½ cups rye flour 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6.
100g/3½oz/1 cup wholemeal (whole- 2  ut the flours, baking powder and salt in a large mixing bowl. Make a well
wheat) flour plus extra for dusting in the middle and pour in 4 tablespoons olive oil and the water, then mix
½ tsp baking powder to a soft dough with a palette knife, drawing the flour in from the sides. If
1 tsp fine sea salt it’s too sticky, add a little more flour; too dry, add a little more water.
5 tbsp olive oil 3 Heat some non-stick baking (cookie) sheets in the preheated oven.
150ml/¼ pint/generous ½ cup water 4  nead the dough with your hands on a lightly floured board. When it’s
80g/3oz/generous ½ cup caraway, smooth, roll it out with a rolling pin, brush with the remaining olive oil
fennel, nigella or poppy seeds and sprinkle with the seeds. Fold over and roll the seeds into the dough.
(or a mixture) Knead lightly. Divide into 10–12 pieces and roll each one to about
5mm/1/8 in thick.
Makes: 10–12
Prep: 15 minutes 5  ake the hot trays out of the oven and slide the seeded dough discs onto
Cook: 10–12 minutes them. Bake in batches for 10–12 minutes until crisp.
6  ool thoroughly on a wire rack. Store in a tin or other airtight container
for up to 5 days.

Or you can try this…

v Add some pumpkin, chia or black or white sesame seeds to the dough.
v Scatter the rolled-out dough with a pinch of sea salt crystals before baking,
and press them in lightly with the back of a metal spoon.


This page: Seedy fruit and nut bars (see page 58);
opposite, above and far right: Peanut butter, sesame
and chia seed squares (see page 59)
These crunchy bars, packed with protein and other vital nutrients, are a tasty way to sustain you
when you don’t have time for a sit-down meal. The relatively low oven temperature helps to preserve
the essential oils in the seeds.

Seedy fruit and nut bars

1 tbsp pumpkin seeds 1  reheat the oven to 170°C, 325°F, gas mark 3. Lightly butter a shallow
1 tbsp sunflower seeds rectangular 30 x 20cm (12 x 8in) baking tin (pan) and line with baking
1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp linseeds 2 Mix together the seeds in a small bowl.
300g/11oz/3¼ cups rolled oats 3 Put the oats, walnuts and dried fruits in a large mixing bowl.
80g/3oz/scant ¾ cup chopped walnuts 4  ut the butter and honey in a small frying pan (skillet) and heat gently
100g/3½oz/scant ¾ cup dried apricots, over a low heat, stirring until the butter melts and blends with the honey.
chopped Pour over the oat mixture and stir well. Stir in the seeds until everything is
100g/3½oz/generous ½ cup stoned thoroughly combined. If it’s too dry, add a little more melted butter; too
(pitted) Medjool dates, chopped sticky, add some more oats.
50g/2oz/generous ½ cup dried 5  ip the mixture into the prepared baking tin (pan) and smooth the top,
cranberries pressing down firmly with the back of a metal spoon. Bake for 30–35
50g/2oz/generous ½ cup raisins minutes in the preheated oven until golden brown.
150g/5oz/generous ½ cup butter, plus 6  emove and allow to cool slightly before cutting into squares. Leave until
extra for greasing completely cold, then remove and store in an airtight container.
6 tbsp runny honey
Or you can try this…
Makes: 12 squares
Prep: 15 minutes v Almost any nuts can be used to make these crunchy bars – chopped
Cook: 30–35 minutes pecans, hazelnuts, cashews or flaked almonds all work well.


These crunchy squares make a tasty power snack at any time of day. Packed with antioxidants, zinc, selenium, and
vitamins A, C and E, they are perfect for a nutritional boost on the run, or even a meal alternative. Be sure to use
organic peanut butter with no added sugar.

Peanut butter, sesame and chia seed squares

125g/4oz/½ cup butter 1  reheat the oven to 170°C, 325°F, gas mark 3. Lightly butter a 20 x 20cm
125g/4oz/½ cup crunchy peanut butter (8 x 8in) baking tin (pan) and line with baking parchment.
1 tbsp runny honey or agave syrup 2  eat the butter, peanut butter and honey or agave syrup over a low heat
2 ripe bananas, mashed until the butter melts.
350g/12oz/3 cups porridge oats 3  emove from the heat, stir in the mashed bananas, oats, dried fruit and
100g/3½oz/scant ¼ cup dried apricots, seeds until you have a sticky mixture.
chopped 4 S poon the mixture into the prepared tin, pressing it down well with the
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup dried cranberries back of a metal spoon and smoothing the top.
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup chia seeds 5  ake in the preheated oven for 25–30 minutes until crisp and golden
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup sesame seeds brown. Remove and leave to cool in the tin before cutting into squares.
Store in an airtight container.
Makes: 8 bars
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 25–30 minutes
Or you can try this…
v Experiment with seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, linseed and poppy.
v If you’re feeling indulgent, add some plain (semisweet) chocolate chips, or
half-dip the finished squares in melted chocolate and leave them to set.


These crisp sesame-crusted filo (phyllo) rolls with a spinach and feta filling are a variation on the traditional
Greek spinach pie. Eat them as snacks, party canapés or dippers, or serve them for lunch with a salad. The sesame
boosts the nutritional content, providing a hit of selenium to support the immune system.

Spanakopita rolls
2 tsp olive oil 1  reheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4. Line 2 baking (cookie)
a bunch of spring onions (scallions), sheets with baking parchment.
thinly sliced 2  eat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over a low heat and gently cook the
2 garlic cloves, crushed spring onions (scallions) and garlic for 4–5 minutes until tender.
350g/12oz spinach 3  ash the spinach and remove any thick stalks. Shake off the water and put
100g/3½oz/scant ½ cup feta cheese, the leaves in a large saucepan. Place over a low to medium heat, cover the
crumbled pan and cook for a few minutes, shaking occasionally, until the spinach
a handful of dill, finely chopped wilts and turns bright green. Drain in a colander and use a saucer or plate
to press down and squeeze out any water.
125g/4oz/15–20 sheets filo (phyllo)
pastry 4  hop the spinach and place in a bowl with the spring onion mixture, feta
50g/2oz/¼ cup butter and dill. Mix together and season to taste with salt and pepper.
3 tbsp white sesame seeds 5  lace the sheets of filo (phyllo) pastry on a clean work surface and cut each
salt and freshly ground black pepper one in half lengthways into 2 rectangles.
6  elt the butter in a small pan over a low heat and brush lightly over a filo
Makes: about 32
(phyllo) pastry rectangle. Smear a little of the spinach filling along the long
Prep: 35 minutes
side of the rectangle, leaving a small edge, and then roll up tightly. Place
Cook: 20–25 minutes
seam-side down on the lined baking (cookie) sheet. Repeat with the other
filo (phyllo) rectangles in the same way.
7  rush lightly with the remaining melted butter and sprinkle with sesame
seeds. Bake in the preheated oven for 12–15 minutes until golden brown.
The fingers are best eaten warm.


Pumpkin seed pesto
This fragrant pesto is delicious served as a dip with raw vegetables or stirred into pasta or steamed rice.
Rich in omega nutrition, pumpkin seeds help to protect brain cells and support male and female hormone health.

25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup pumpkin seeds 1  lace a dry frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat. When it’s hot, add the
2 tbsp pine nuts pumpkin seeds and pine nuts. Toss gently for 2 minutes until they darken
slightly. Remove from the pan.
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup plain cashews
2 garlic cloves, crushed 2  ut the pumpkin seeds in a food processor or blender with the pine nuts,
cashews, garlic, basil, lemon juice and most of the olive oil. Blitz to a paste.
80g/3oz basil, leaves and stalks
Gradually add more olive oil until you achieve the consistency you prefer:
juice of 1 small lemon thicker for a dip; thinner for tossing with cooked pasta.
125ml/4fl oz/½ cup fruity green olive oil
3 S tir in the chilli shreds. The pesto will keep for at least a week in an airtight
1 red chilli, seeded and shredded container in the refrigerator.

Serves: 4
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 2 minutes

Spiced avocado and tahini dip

Tahini is widely used for making hummus and as a flavouring or sauce in the Middle East. This delicious dip is best
made by hand in a pestle and mortar to give it a chunky, coarse texture.

1 tsp cumin seeds 1  eat a small frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat. Add the cumin seeds
2 garlic cloves, chopped to the hot pan and toast, tossing gently for 1–2 minutes until they release
their aroma and have darkened slightly. Remove from the pan.
a large pinch of sea salt crystals
2 ripe avocados 2  rush together the garlic, sea salt and toasted cumin seeds, preferably in a
large pestle and mortar.
3 tbsp tahini
juice of 1 small lemon 3  eel and stone the avocados and scoop out the flesh. Add to the pestle and
mortar and mash everything together.
2 tbsp fruity green olive oil, plus extra
for drizzling 4  dd the tahini, lemon juice and olive oil and stir well. Stir in the coriander
a few sprigs of coriander (cilantro), (cilantro).
chopped 5  ransfer to a serving bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and serve, or cover with
cling film (plastic wrap) and refrigerate for an hour or two until you are
Serves: 4–6
ready to eat.
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 2 minutes


Top: Spiced avocado and tahini dip; centre left: Pumpkin seed
pesto; right: Five-seed crackers (see page 53)
Chia and poached pear spread
Chia and poached pear spread
This is a quick and easy way to make a tasty and nutritious spread. Chia seeds’ generous capacity to absorb fluid
ensures that your blood-sugar levels are not adversely affected by the glucose and fructose from the poached fruit.

500g/1lb 2oz/generous 2 cups peeled, 1  ut the pears, lemon juice, spices and honey or agave in a saucepan and
cored and chopped pears cook gently over a low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes until
2 tbsp lemon juice the fruit is tender and pulpy.
a good pinch of ground cinnamon 2  emove from the heat and stir in the chia seeds. Mix well and set aside for
a good pinch of ground nutmeg 1 hour, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens.
2 tbsp runny honey or agave syrup 3  our the cold mixture into a sterilized jar and store in the refrigerator. Use
2 tbsp chia seeds within 1 week. Alternatively, you can freeze the mixture for up to 3 months.

Makes: 1 x 350g/12oz jar

Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes
Stand: 1 hour

Raw chia and strawberry spread

In the summer when strawberries are cheap and plentiful, how about making them into a ‘raw jam’? It’s much easier
and quicker than making the real thing with sugar and preserving pans. And it’s healthier, too. Use as a spread or as
a topping for porridge or yoghurt.

450g/1lb/generous 2½ cups 1  riefly blitz all but a handful of the strawberries in a blender and pour into a
strawberries, hulled bowl. Chop the remaining strawberries into small pieces.
juice of 1 small lemon 2 S tir the lemon juice and maple syrup into the strawberry purée and then
2 tbsp maple syrup mix in the chia seeds and chopped fruit.
2 tbsp chia seeds 3 S et aside in a cool place for 1 hour, stirring every 10–15 minutes, until the
mixture thickens.
Makes: 1 x 350g/12oz jar
Prep: 5 minutes 4  our into a sterilized jar and store in the refrigerator. Use within 5 days.
Cook: 10 minutes Alternatively, you can freeze the mixture for up to 2 months.
Stand: 1 hour


Above: Blueberry buckwheat bliss;
left: Nectarine and cardamom smoothie
From left: Nectarine and cardamom smoothie;
Mango and chia seed breakfast smoothie;
Blueberry buckwheat bliss (see pages 68–69)
Seedy smoothies
The protein and essential fats that seeds contribute to smoothies can help to balance
blood-sugar levels and provide an additional energy source as well as a delicious taste
and texture. You can simply add seeds directly to your smoothies, but if you have time
it’s far better to soak them for at least an hour first (or even overnight, in the case of
chia seeds), to activate the enzymes in the seeds. This hugely increases the accessibility
of their nutrients. We recommend soaking chia seeds in batches, and storing them in
the refrigerator till you need them. Seal the container or cover with cling film (plastic
wrap) to prevent the seeds from absorbing scents and flavours from other foods.

Nectarine and cardamom smoothie Mango and chia seed breakfast smoothie
2 dsp sunflower seeds 1 ripe mango, peeled and stoned (pitted)
2 cardamom pods leaves from a small sprig of fresh mint
200ml/7fl oz/generous ¾ cup filtered water juice of 1 lemon or lime
80g/3oz/¾ cup ground organic almonds /3 tsp powdered turmeric, or 1 tsp grated root turmeric

2 ripe nectarines, halved and stoned (pitted) 1 tbsp soaked chia seeds
a sprinkle of ground cinnamon (optional) 150ml/¼ pint/generous ½ cup coconut milk

Serves: 1 Serves: 1
Prep: 2 minutes Prep: 2 minutes
Stand: overnight Stand: 1 hour–overnight

1  lace the sunflower seeds and cardamom pods in half the

P 1  ut all the ingredients in a blender and blend at a low
water. Place the ground almonds in the remaining water speed so as not to damage the delicate essential fats in the
and stir. Leave both solutions to infuse/swell overnight. chia seeds.
2 S train the sunflower seeds. Remove the cardamom seeds 2  our over ice, if desired, and serve straight away, or store in
from the pods. an airtight container.
3  lace the sunflower and cardamom seeds, nectarines
and almonds in a blender, and mix on a low setting until
completely smooth.
4  our into a glass and sprinkle with ground cinnamon

NOTE: These smoothies are all fairly thick; if you prefer

a thinner consistency, increase the proportion of liquid.


If you have cooked buckwheat left over from supper,
try mixing it into a breakfast omelette, or adding it to
a smoothie to make the most of its potent proteins and
minerals. To make 150g/5oz/1 cup of buckwheat, simmer
75g/2½oz/½ cup of groats in 300ml/½pint/1 cup
of water with a pinch of ground nutmeg for 15 minutes,
remove from the heat and allow to cool overnight. This
smoothie also makes a great dessert.

Blueberry buckwheat bliss

200g/7oz/1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
150g/5oz/1 cup cooked buckwheat
150ml/¼ pint/½ cup filtered water
juice of ½ lemon or lime
a pinch of Himalayan or sea salt or cracked black pepper to
bring out the flavour of the blueberries

Serves: 1
Prep: 2 minutes
Stand: overnight

1  lace all the ingredients in a blender and blend at low speed,

adding more filtered water if required – both the buckwheat
and the blueberries have a gelatinous texture once blended.

Right: Nectarine and cardamom smoothie

Seedy tisanes
Any of these tisane recipes can be cooled, sieved and refrigerated for serving over crushed ice as a refreshing summer
cocktail. Decorate with fresh sprigs of mint or ruby-red pomegranate seeds.

Fennel seed, lemon and ginger tisane Toasted poppy seed tisane
Fennel is one of the liquorice-tasting seeds and can act as a The poppy seeds impart a wonderful toasted nut flavour and
natural diuretic. This is excellent for relieving fluid retention. aroma, whilst the white tea is delicate and contains immune-
boosting antioxidants and polyphenols.
1 tsp fennel seeds
½ medium unwaxed lemon, with grated zest 2–3 tsp poppy seeds
1cm/½in piece fresh root ginger, sliced or grated 1 dsp white tea leaves
with skin on 500ml/16fl oz/2 cups boiling alkaline or filtered water
500ml/16fl oz/2 cups boiling alkaline or filtered water
Makes: 500ml/16fl oz/2 cups
Makes: 500ml/16fl oz/2 cups
1  ut the poppy seeds in a small dry frying pan (skillet) and
1  lace all the fennel seeds, lemon and ginger in a large
P toast until they start to pop, stirring occasionally.
porcelain or china teapot. Pour over the boiling water and
cover with a lid. 2  ut the toasted seeds in a large china or earthenware teapot
with the white tea leaves and pour over the boiling water.
2  llow to infuse for at least 20 minutes before serving
A Cover with a lid.
through a tea strainer.
3  llow to infuse for at least 20 minutes before serving
CAUTION! You should not drink more than three cups per through a tea strainer.
day if you are taking diuretic medication.
Cardamom and star anise tisane
Cardamom seeds and star anise complement each other but
are both quite strongly flavoured. Adjust the numbers and/or
proportions to taste. This tisane is excellent for supporting
the immune system.
6 cardamom seeds extracted from the pods
2 whole star anise
500ml/16fl oz/2 cups boiling alkaline or filtered water

Makes: 500ml/16fl oz/2 cups

1  lace the cardamom seeds and star anise in a large

teapot. Pour over the boiling water and cover with the lid.
2  llow to infuse for at least 20 minutes before serving
through a tea strainer.

CAUTION! This is a stimulating tisane, and should not be

drunk before going to bed.

From left: Fennel seed, lemon and ginger tisane; Toasted poppy
seed tisane; Cardamom and star anise tisane
& brunches
The beauty of these oat and fruit pots is that you can prepare them in minutes the night before and then enjoy
them the following morning at home or ‘on the go’ en route to work or college. Soaking the oats overnight makes
them easier to digest, breaking down the phytates that can irritate a sensitive gut – maximum nutrition with
minimum effort. Nothing could be easier.

Overnight oat and fruit pots

100g/3½oz/1 cup rolled or porridge oats 1  ivide the oats equally between 2 glass screw-top jars and pour the milk
250ml/8fl oz/1 cup milk over them. Add the yoghurt and chia seeds and stir.
250g/8oz/1 cup low-fat plain yoghurt 2  ix together the sunflower seeds, pine nuts and walnuts and sprinkle over
1 tbsp chia seeds the top. Drizzle with honey.
1 tbsp sunflower seeds 3  op with the mixed berries and cover each jar with a lid. Or, if you wish, add
1 tbsp pine nuts the berry topping just before eating.
2 tbsp chopped walnuts 4  hill overnight in the refrigerator – preferably for 8 hours so that the oats
2 tsp runny honey for drizzling absorb all the liquid.
175g/6oz/1½ cups mixed raspberries
and sliced strawberries Or you can try this…
Serves: 2 v  you don’t have any fresh fruit, you can cheat and top the oats, yoghurt,
Prep:10 minutes seeds and nuts with frozen fruit. They will thaw in the refrigerator
Chill: overnight overnight and the juices will percolate down into the oats.

v Instead of plain yoghurt, use a low-sugar fruit, vanilla or coconut variety.

CAUTION! Do not be tempted to use
instant oats. They will break down too v Flax and pumpkin seeds, and chopped pistachios can add extra crunch.
much and too quickly, and you will have v  extra flavour, add a little grated lemon or orange zest or a drop or two
a gooey mess with no texture. of vanilla extract to the yoghurt and oat mixture. A pinch of salt helps, too.


Homemade granola tastes so much better than the commercial varieties, and it’s healthier, too. We’ve served
ours with tender pink rhubarb but anything goes – fresh or stewed fruit, yoghurt or plain milk. The combination
of sunflower and pumpkin seeds adds substantial protein to an otherwise carbohydrate-rich breakfast cereal,
providing longer-lasting energy without any spikes in blood-sugar levels.

Seedy granola bowls with pink rhubarb

450g/1lb young pink rhubarb stems, 1 Preheat the oven to 170°C, 325°F, gas mark 3.
2  eat the coconut oil and honey or maple syrup in a saucepan over a low
grated zest and juice of 1 large orange heat until the coconut oil melts.
3 tbsp soft brown or Demerara sugar
3  dd the oats, nuts, seeds and cinnamon and mix well until everything is
1 vanilla pod (bean) coated. Remove from the heat.
4 tbsp Greek yoghurt
4  our the granola mixture over a large baking (cookie) sheet and spread it
milk to taste out evenly.
Seedy granola: 5  ake in the preheated oven for 25–30 minutes, stirring once or twice, until
2 tbsp coconut oil the granola is golden brown, crisp and toasted. Remove and leave to cool.
2 tbsp honey or maple syrup 6  hile the granola is cooking, prepare the rhubarb. Cut the stems into
125g/4oz/1¼ cups rolled or porridge 2.5cm/1in pieces and arrange them in a single layer in a roasting pan.
oats Sprinkle evenly with the grated orange zest and juice plus the brown sugar.
2 tbsp roughly chopped hazelnuts 7 S lice the vanilla pod (bean) lengthways into halves and scrape out the seeds.
2 tbsp flaked almonds Add both the empty vanilla pod (bean) and the seeds to the rhubarb.
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup sunflower seeds 8  over the rhubarb with a sheet of kitchen foil and bake in the preheated
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup pumpkin seeds oven for about 20 minutes until tender but not mushy – it should hold its
1 tbsp hemp seeds shape. Remove and set aside to cool. Discard the vanilla pod (bean).
a pinch of ground cinnamon 9 S poon the granola into 4 glass bowls or jars, add a spoonful of yoghurt and
top with the cool rhubarb. Add milk if you wish.
Serves: 4
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 35 minutes Or you can try this…
v S weeten the granola by adding dried cranberries, cherries, blueberries,
NOTE: You can make the granola in sultanas (golden raisins) or diced soft ready-to-eat dried apricots.
advance and store it for up to a month
in an airtight container.
v  ary the nuts in the mix, depending on what you have in the cupboard
– chopped pecans and walnuts or almonds. Pine nuts also make a good
addition as do coconut flakes.


These light breakfast pancakes are an American classic with a healthy seedy twist. They don’t take long to
prepare and cook and are perfect for a lazy weekend brunch. The seeds provide beneficial essential fatty acids
as well as blood-sugar-regulating protein and fibre that will keep you going for hours!

Four-seed pancakes with avocado and roasted tomatoes

400g/14oz/2 cups cherry tomatoes, 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6.
halved 2  lace the tomatoes, cut-side up, in a roasting pan. Dot with the garlic and
1 garlic clove, crushed drizzle with the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven
2 tbsp olive oil for 10–15 minutes.
30g/1oz/½ cup sunflower seeds 3  eat a dry frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat. Add the sunflower seeds
225g/8oz/2¼ cups plain (all-purpose) in a single layer and toast for 1–2 minutes, tossing them a few times, until they
flour are golden brown. Watch carefully that they don’t catch and burn. Tip them
immediately into a bowl and set aside to cool.
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) 4  ake the pancake batter: mix the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda
(baking soda), sugar and a pinch of salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the
1 tsp caster (superfine) sugar
2 large free-range eggs
5  eat the eggs and buttermilk together in a small bowl or jug and stir in the
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups buttermilk
melted butter. Pour into the flour mixture and stir well. Add all the seeds,
2 tbsp melted butter including the toasted sunflower seeds, to the pancake batter and stir lightly
2 tbsp chia seeds again. Don’t over-mix.
1 tbsp flax seeds 6  lace a large heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat and melt
1 tbsp poppy seeds a little butter in the pan. When the pan is hot, start adding the batter in
a small knob of unsalted butter for frying tablespoons, a tablespoon at a time with space around each one, so you end up
with several small pancakes per serving. Cook for about 3 minutes until they
2 medium avocados, halved, peeled and
start to look dry on top and are golden brown underneath. Turn them over
stoned (pitted)
and cook the other side. Remove from the pan and keep warm in a low oven
maple syrup for drizzling (optional) while you cook the remaining pancakes in the same way.
salt and freshly ground black pepper
7  ash the avocados very roughly with a fork. The flesh should still be
Serves: 4 quite lumpy.
Prep: 15 minutes 8 S erve the hot pancakes with the smashed avocado and roasted tomatoes.
Cook: 30 minutes Drizzle with some maple syrup if you wish.

Or you can try this…

v I nstead of maple syrup, drizzle with a little honey and serve with some crispy
bacon rashers (slices).
v  or a more distinctive flavour and heavier texture, use half plain (all-purpose)
flour and half cornmeal in the pancake batter.


Surprise seedy lemon muffins and
Seedy carrot breakfast muffins (see pages 82–83)
When you bite into these muffins, the surprise is the lemon curd that oozes out of the centre. They are
delicious eaten with some fresh berries and a dollop of thick Greek yoghurt. The poppy seeds provide a burst
of oleic essential fatty acid that contributes to healthy hair and skin.

Surprise seedy lemon muffins

225g/8oz/1 cup butter, softened 1  reheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4. Line a 12-hole (12-cup)
muffin pan with paper cases.
225g/8oz/1 cup golden caster
(superfine) sugar 2  eat the butter and sugar in a food mixer or with an electric hand-held
3 large free-range eggs whisk until light and fluffy. You may need to beat for 5 minutes or so.
grated zest and juice of 2 lemons 3  eat in the eggs, one at a time – don’t worry if the mixture curdles – and the
250g/9oz/2½ cups plain (all-purpose) lemon zest.
flour 4 S ift in the flour, baking powder and salt, a little at a time, beating between
3 tsp baking powder each addition. Fold in the seeds and then stir in the milk and lemon juice.
¼ tsp salt You should end up with a mixture that is the consistency of double (heavy)
cream. If it’s too stiff, add a little more milk; too runny, sift in an extra
2 tbsp chia seeds
tablespoon or two of flour.
3 tbsp poppy seeds
5  ivide half the mixture among the 12 paper cases, and then add a teaspoon
3 tbsp milk
of lemon curd to each one. Cover with the remaining mixture.
12 tsp lemon curd
6  ake in the preheated oven for about 20–25 minutes until well risen and
Makes: 12 muffins golden brown. To test whether the muffins are done, insert a fine skewer
Prep: 15 minutes into one of them – it should come out clean. Leave the muffins in the pan
Cook: 20–25 minutes for a few minutes before putting them on a wire rack to cool.
7 S tore the muffins in a cake tin or sealed airtight container. They will keep
for 2–3 days. They also freeze well.

Or you can try this…

v Use grated orange zest and juice instead of lemon, and fill with orange curd.
v  ake lemon drizzle muffins by dissolving some sugar in warm lemon juice
and then brushing it over the warm cooked muffins, having pierced each
one several times with a thin skewer.
v Dust the cooked muffins with a little icing (confectioner’s) sugar.
v I nstead of adding all the poppy seeds to the mixture, keep 1–2 teaspoons for
sprinkling over the muffins before baking.


If you’ve never considered eating savoury muffins, now is the time to try them. The zinc and iron in
the pumpkin seeds ensure enhanced energy and a healthy boost for the immune system.

Seedy carrot breakfast muffins

2 tbsp olive oil 1  reheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6. Line a 12-hole (12-cup)
muffin pan with paper cases.
1 red onion, diced
1 tsp ground cinnamon 2  eat the olive oil in a frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat and cook
the red onion for 6–8 minutes until softened. Stir in the ground spices and
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
spinach and cook for 1 minute until the leaves turn bright green and wilt.
100g/3½oz baby spinach leaves, Add the dill and set aside to cool.
roughly torn
3 S ift the flour, bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and salt into a large
2 tbsp chopped dill
mixing bowl.
250g/9oz/2½ cups self-raising
(self-rising) flour 4  eat the eggs and yoghurt together and stir into the flour with the cooled
onion and spinach mixture. Fold in the grated cheese, carrots, pumpkin
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
seeds and pine nuts.
(baking soda)
a good pinch of salt 5  ivide the mixture between the paper cases and sprinkle lightly with the
remaining grated cheese. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes
2 medium free-range eggs, beaten
until risen and golden brown. You can test whether the muffins are cooked
225g/8oz/1 cup Greek yoghurt by inserting a thin skewer into the centre – it should come out clean.
100g/3½oz/scant 1 cup grated strong
6  eave the muffins to cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring
Cheddar cheese, plus extra
them to a wire rack. They are best eaten warm on the day they are made,
for sprinkling
but they will keep for a couple of days and can be reheated.
2 large carrots, grated
4 tbsp pumpkin seeds
Or you can try this…
2 tbsp pine nuts
v  mit the spinach and add 2 coarsely grated courgettes (zucchini) with the
Makes: 12 muffins carrots.
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes
v Instead of Cheddar cheese, add some diced feta or creamy goat’s cheese.
v  hopped walnuts, pecans, or even some thin strips of roasted red or yellow
TIP: These muffins freeze well so make (bell) peppers make a delicious addition. For sweetness, add some grated
up a batch and leave them to cool apple. Be adventurous!
thoroughly before placing in freezer  or grill (broil) some thin-cut bacon rashers (slices) until golden and
bags. They will freeze for up to a month.
crisp. Break into small pieces and add to the muffin mixture.


This is another really easy and healthy breakfast that can be prepared in minutes the previous evening. Overnight
the chia seeds swell to thicken the almond milk, so in the morning you’ll have a delicious ‘porridge’. The popularity
of this type of recipe has evolved through its ‘quick and easy’ preparation – plus chia seeds have a higher protein
content than traditional oats.

Chia seed porridge

1 large banana, mashed 1  ut the mashed banana and chia seeds in a bowl and add the almond milk.
Whisk well until everything is well combined, the chia seeds are distributed
4 tbsp chia seeds
evenly throughout and there are no big lumps of banana.
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups unsweetened
almond milk 2  et it rest for 2–3 minutes, then whisk in the orange zest. The porridge
should be starting to thicken already. Cover the bowl and leave to chill
grated zest of 1 orange
overnight in the refrigerator.
2 tbsp coconut yoghurt
3  eat a small dry frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat. Add the chopped
runny honey for drizzling (optional)
nuts and seeds to the hot pan and heat, tossing them gently once or twice,
Toasted nut and seed topping: for 1–2 minutes until fragrant and golden. Watch them carefully to make
2 tbsp chopped almonds or pecans sure they don’t burn. Remove from the pan immediately.
2 tbsp flax, hemp or pumpkin seeds 4  ix the toasted nuts and seeds with the cranberries, goji berries and
2 tbsp dried cranberries coconut. Set aside to cool, then transfer to a sealed container.
2 tbsp dried goji berries 5  he following morning, the porridge mixture should have thickened to
1 tbsp coconut flakes a tapioca-like consistency. Divide it between 2 bowls and add a spoonful
of coconut yoghurt to each one. Sprinkle with the toasted nut and seed
Serves: 2 mixture. If you wish, drizzle with honey.
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 1–2 minutes
Chill: Overnight
Or you can try this…
v  ou can use almost any combination of nuts and seeds (raw or toasted) for
a topping. Try mixing with dried cherries or blueberries, raisins or diced
ready-to-eat dried apricots. 
Fresh or poached fruit makes a good topping or accompaniment. Add some
seasonal berries or fresh peaches, apricots, figs or mango. Or gently stew
some sliced apple, plums or greengages with a little sugar or stevia (a natural
sweetener and sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the stevia plant).


In Mexico, seeds are added to many traditional dishes. Chia seeds have long been revered in Central and
South America for their energy-enhancing nutrients.

Mexican chia seed scrambled egg wraps

2 tbsp olive oil 1  ake the wraps: combine the flour, seeds and salt in a large bowl. Mix the
warm water and oil together and add to the flour. Stir together until all the
1 small red onion, diced
ingredients are well combined and form a dough.
1 red chilli, diced
2  n a floured surface, knead the dough for 2–3 minutes. Divide it into 4 balls
2 tomatoes, roughly chopped
and roll out each one individually. Aim for each tortilla to be a similar size
6 free-range eggs to a dinner plate. The dough will shrink a little while it is resting.
2 tbsp chia seeds
3 I n a large frying pan (skillet), warm a teaspoon of oil and cook the tortillas
a few sprigs of fresh coriander (cilantro), for 1 minute each side over a medium heat until they just start to brown on
chopped any raised areas. Keep them warm in a low oven.
a handful of baby spinach leaves
4  ake the guacamole: crush the red onion, chilli and garlic in a pestle and
salt and freshly ground black pepper mortar. Mash the avocado flesh roughly with a fork and stir in the lime juice.
Wraps: Add the coriander (cilantro), crushed onion mixture and tomato and mix
well. Season with salt and pepper.
200g/7oz/generous 1½ cups self-raising
(self-rising) flour 5  eat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan (skillet) and cook the red onion
2 tbsp mixed seeds, e.g. chia, poppy, and chilli over a medium heat for 8–10 minutes until tender. Add the
caraway, cumin tomatoes and cook for 2–3 minutes.
¼ tsp salt 6  eanwhile, beat the eggs with the chia seeds and coriander (cilantro).
150ml/¼ pint/generous ½ cup warm water Season lightly with salt and pepper.
1½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil 7  our the egg mixture into the pan and stir with a wooden spoon until the
eggs start to scramble and set.
½ red onion, diced 8 S pread each warm tortilla with guacamole and scatter with spinach. Pile
the scrambled egg mixture on top and roll up tightly or fold over to make a
1 fresh green chilli, diced
parcel. Serve immediately.
½ tsp sea salt crystals
1 garlic clove, crushed
Or you can try this…
2 ripe avocados, halved, peeled and
stoned (pitted) v I f you love hot spicy flavours, drizzle some fiery hot chilli sauce
over the filling before rolling up the wraps, or add more chilli to the
juice of 1 lime
guacamole or red onion mixture. Jalapeños will yield moderate heat
a small bunch of coriander (cilantro), but Scotch bonnets will turn it up to an intense level!
1 ripe tomato, seeded and diced

Serves: 2
Prep: 25 minutes
Cook: 20 minutes


You can eat this versatile dish warm for breakfast, brunch or supper, or cold as a packed lunch. To make it
more economical, choose smoked salmon trimmings instead of buying whole slices to cut up. The fennel seeds
add a delicious aniseed flavour.

Smoked salmon tortilla with fennel seed and sofrito

2 tbsp olive oil 1  ake the sofrito: heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan (skillet) over
a low to medium heat. Cook the onion, garlic, carrot and celery, stirring
1 red onion, finely chopped
occasionally, for about 5 minutes until tender. Stir in the fennel seeds.
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 I n a clean bowl, beat the eggs until foamy and stir in the dill, smoked salmon
1 medium carrot, diced
and some salt and pepper.
2 celery sticks, diced
3  our the egg mixture into the pan and stir into the sofrito. Reduce the
2 tbsp fennel seeds
heat as low as it can go and cook gently for 10–15 minutes until it is set and
8 organic medium eggs golden underneath, and the top is beginning to set.
a small bunch of dill, chopped
4  eanwhile, preheat a grill (broiler) until it’s really hot. Put the pan under
200g/7oz smoked salmon, cut into the grill for a few minutes until the top is set, puffy and appetizingly golden.
thin strips
5 S lide the tortilla out of the pan onto a plate or board. Leave to cool for
salt and freshly ground black pepper
5 minutes, then cut into wedges. Serve lukewarm with salad.
Serves: 4
Prep: 10 minutes Or you can try this…
Cook: 20–25 minutes
Stand: 5 minutes v For a vegetarian option, use 400g/14oz cooked, diced potatoes with
the sofrito instead of the salmon.

v For a richer, creamier flavour, add a couple of spoonfuls of

mascarpone with the egg mixture.


Salads & raw dishes
Tabbouleh is traditionally made with bulghur wheat, but quinoa works well, too. Cooking it in vegetable
stock instead of water adds depth of flavour. Known as the ‘king of seeds’ in the superfood world, pomegranate
seeds provide abundant vitamin C for boosting immunity and contributing to the collagen matrix of the skin –
a nourishing face pack on a plate!

Green quinoa tabbouleh with pomegranate seeds

150g/5oz/scant 1 cup quinoa 1  inse the quinoa in a sieve under a cold running tap. Bring the vegetable
stock to the boil in a large saucepan and add the quinoa. Reduce the heat,
400ml/14fl oz/1¾ cups vegetable stock
cover the pan and simmer for 12–15 minutes until just tender. Turn off the
60g/2oz/scant ½ cup shelled pistachios heat and leave to steam in the pan for 5 minutes. Drain well, fluff up with a
100g/3½oz curly kale, roughly chopped fork and set aside to cool.
100g/3½oz baby spinach leaves, 2  eat a non-stick frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat. Add the pistachios
shredded to the hot pan and toast, tossing gently, for 1–2 minutes until fragrant and
60g/2oz wild rocket (arugula), roughly golden. Watch them carefully to ensure they don’t burn. Tip them out of
chopped the pan and cool a little before chopping roughly.
a bunch of spring onions (scallions), 3  ake the dressing: in a pestle and mortar crush the chilli, garlic, sesame
chopped seeds and sea salt crystals. Gradually add the oil, stirring it into the garlicky
¼ cucumber, diced paste, and then stir in the lemon juice. You should end up with a well
a small bunch of mint, chopped amalgamated dressing.
1 avocado, peeled, stoned (pitted) and 4  ut the kale, spinach, rocket (arugula), spring onions (scallions), cucumber
cubed and mint in a large bowl. Mix well. Add the avocado and pine nuts, and
2 tbsp pine nuts sprinkle over the allspice. Gently stir in the cooled pistachios and quinoa.
1 tsp ground allspice 5  oss everything lightly together in the dressing and then divide the
seeds of 1 pomegranate tabbouleh between 4 serving plates. Scatter the pomegranate seeds over the
top and serve.
Lemony sesame dressing:
1 green bird’s eye chilli, finely chopped
Or you can try this…
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tsp white sesame seeds v I nstead of rocket (arugula) or spinach, add some peppery watercress to the
¼ tsp sea salt crystals
4 tbsp fruity olive oil v  or a different aromatic flavour and fragrance, leave out the mint and use
the same quantity of fresh coriander (cilantro).
juice of 1 lemon
v  ou can make this delicious dish even more seedy by adding a teaspoon of
Serves: 4 nigella seeds to the cooked quinoa.
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 15 minutes


Turn a traditional Lebanese salad into something special by making the flatbreads yourself – it’s easier than you
think. Warm flatbreads make a great snack spread with hummus or a seed butter. Both cumin and coriander seeds
provide the palmitic and oleic essential fatty acids that are so important for hormone balance and brain function, as
well as antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Fattoush with seedy flatbreads

300g/11oz/1½ cups baby plum 1  ake the flatbreads: mix together the flour, salt and seeds in a large bowl and
tomatoes, halved make a well in the centre. In another smaller bowl, whisk the water, sugar
6 spring onions (scallions), finely sliced and yeast. Set aside for 10–15 minutes until the mixture starts to froth.
½ cucumber, diced 2  dd the yeast mixture and olive oil to the flour and mix with your hands
a bunch of radishes, trimmed and until you have a soft, sticky mixture. Turn out the dough onto a lightly
thinly sliced floured clean surface and knead until it’s elastic, smooth and firm. Place in a
clean oiled bowl and cover with a cloth. Set aside in a warm place for about
2 baby gem lettuces, shredded
90 minutes until the dough doubles in size.
a bunch of mint, chopped
3  nock down the dough – put it on a lightly floured surface and fold it
a bunch of flat-leaf parsley, chopped
repeatedly in on itself using the heels of your hands until it is smooth and
seeds of ½ pomegranate (optional) all the air is ‘knocked’ out of it – and then knead briefly on a lightly floured
Sumac dressing: surface before dividing it into 8 equal-sized pieces. Roll each one out into an
oval about 3mm/1/8 in thick. Brush them lightly with olive oil.
grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
5 tbsp fruity olive oil 4  lace a large griddle pan over a medium heat and cook the flatbreads, in
batches, for 3–4 minutes until golden brown underneath, then flip them over
1 garlic clove, crushed and cook the other side. Remove from the pan and cool on a wire rack.
1 tbsp sumac
5  ake the dressing: whisk all the ingredients together in a small bowl or shake
salt and freshly ground black pepper well in a screw-top jar until well amalgamated.
Seedy flatbreads: 6  lace all the salad vegetables and herbs in a large serving bowl and mix
200g/7oz/scant 2 cups strong bread together.
flour plus extra for dusting
7  oast 4 flatbreads until crisp, then break them into small bite-sized pieces.
½ tsp coarse sea salt crystals Add them to the salad and toss everything lightly in the dressing. Check the
1 tbsp cumin seeds, crushed seasoning, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds (if using) and serve with the
1 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed remaining flatbreads.
125ml/4fl oz/generous ½ cup
lukewarm water Or you can try this…
1 tsp caster (superfine) sugar
5g sachet/scant ½ oz fast-action yeast
v  dd some diced green, or even some grilled (broiled) red or yellow (bell)
pepper strips to the salad.
1 tbsp olive oil plus extra for brushing
v  ry adding some fennel seeds to the flatbread dough or some dried
Serves: 4 chilli flakes.
Prep 45 minutes
Rise: 90 minutes
Cook: 12–16 minutes


It doesn’t take long to make a delicious hummus if you cheat and use canned chickpeas. This dish is a great
way of increasing your fibre intake to help transport food through the digestive tract.

Beetroot and coriander seed hummus salad

400g/14oz pumpkin, seeded, rind 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6.
removed, and cut into wedges
2  rrange the pumpkin and beetroot (beets) on a baking (cookie) sheet and
400g/14oz golden or red beetroot drizzle with olive oil. Dust with the cinnamon and sprinkle the coriander
(beets), washed and cut into wedges seeds over the top. Season with salt and pepper. Roast in the preheated
3 tbsp olive oil plus extra for drizzling oven for 25–30 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
a good pinch of ground cinnamon 3  eanwhile, make the hummus: drain the chickpeas, reserving some of the
1 tsp crushed coriander seeds liquid. Put them in a food processor with the tahini, garlic, coriander seeds,
80g/3oz mixed baby spinach leaves, lemon juice and coriander (cilantro). Pulse to a thick purée. It shouldn’t
rocket (arugula) and watercress be too smooth or creamy. If it’s too thick, thin with a little of the reserved
chickpea liquid. Transfer to a bowl and set aside.
125g/4oz/1 cup diced feta cheese
1 tbsp red wine vinegar 4  eat a large frying pan (skillet) and place over a medium heat. Add the
pumpkin and sunflower seeds, spreading them out well, and toast for 1–2
juice of 1 orange
minutes, turning and tossing them gently until golden brown. Take care
a pinch of paprika or za’atar that they do not burn. Remove immediately and mix with the sesame seeds.
salt and freshly ground black pepper
5  ut the salad leaves, roasted vegetables and feta in a large dish. Whisk the
Mixed seeds sprinkle: olive oil, vinegar and orange juice together and use to dress the salad.
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds 6 S erve with the hummus, dusted with paprika or za’atar and sprinkled with
2 tbsp sunflower seeds toasted seeds all over the top.
1 tsp black sesame seeds
Coriander seed hummus:
Or you can try this…
1 x 400g/14oz can chickpeas v  se butternut squash or sweet potato instead of pumpkin. Roast some red
onion wedges or aubergine (eggplant) at the same time.
100g/3½oz/scant ½ cup tahini
2 garlic cloves, crushed v  ake the hummus more creamy by folding in some 0% fat Greek yoghurt
to the desired consistency.
2 tsp crushed coriander seeds
juice of 1 lemon
a few sprigs of coriander (cilantro)

Serves: 4
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes


This versatile salad can be easily transformed from an appetizer or light lunch into a main meal. Make good
use of the attractive feathery tops from the fennel bulbs: snip them over the salad just before serving.

Fennel and hummus salad with pomegranate seeds

2 fennel bulbs, trimmed and thinly sliced 1  rizzle the fennel slices with the olive oil and cook on a hot griddle pan
1 tbsp fruity green olive oil over a high heat or a barbecue for about 3 minutes each side until they are
slightly tender and lightly charred.
400g/14oz cooked small golden
beetroot (beets), sliced 2  ut the fennel in a bowl with the beetroot (beets), spring onions (scallions),
a bunch of spring onions (scallions), sprouted seeds, herbs and feta. Season with a little salt and pepper, add the
thinly sliced dressing, and toss.
125g/4oz/2 cups mixed sprouted seeds, 3  ake 4 serving plates and smear the hummus generously in a circle
e.g. alfalfa, broccoli on each one.
1 handful of mint, chopped 4  op with the fennel and feta mixture. Sprinkle with za’atar and
1 handful of flat-leaf parsley, chopped pomegranate seeds and serve while the fennel is still warm.
225g/8oz/2 cups diced feta
3–4 tbsp orange and lemon poppy seed Or you can try this…
dressing (see page 121)
v  se griddled sliced halloumi cheese instead of feta or, for a more substantial
1 quantity coriander seed hummus dish, mix with some quinoa or sprouted buckwheat.
(see page 97)
½ tsp za’atar v Mix in some sliced oranges or peaches for a sweeter, more refreshing salad.

seeds of 1 pomegranate
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Serves: 4
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 6 minutes


You can use any sprouted seeds in this nutritious salad. Red amaranth sprouts look sensational: the tiny seeds
are fast to germinate and easy to sprout at home. Rich in vegetarian protein, this salad makes a great packed lunch
to take to work or college, as the sprouting continues until the seeds are refrigerated or frozen, providing you
with abundant energy.

Superfood mixed sprouts and seedy salad

225g/8oz kale, trimmed and cut 1  lanch the kale by adding it to a saucepan of boiling salted water. Cook for
into pieces 30 seconds and then drain well in a colander.
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds 2  oast the pumpkin seeds and hazelnuts in a dry frying pan (skillet) set over
80g/3oz/generous ½ cup hazelnuts a medium heat for 1–2 minutes, tossing gently, until golden brown. Remove
1 courgette (zucchini), cut into from the heat and set aside to cool.
matchsticks 3  ut the courgette (zucchini), carrots, spring onions (scallions), edamame
2 carrots, coarsely grated or cut into thin beans, sprouts and warm kale in a large bowl. Add the parsley and
strips with a potato peeler toasted seeds.
2 spring onions (scallions), sliced 4  hisk together all the ingredients for the dressing until thoroughly
150g/5oz/2 cups edamame beans, combined, and pour over the salad. Add the crumbled blue cheese and toss
cooked or frozen and defrosted everything gently together. Serve immediately.
150g/5oz/2¼ cups mixed sprouted
seeds, e.g. amaranth, bean, alfalfa, Or you can try this…
broccoli, radish, peas
v I nstead of kale you can use raw rocket (arugula), spinach, watercress
a small bunch of flat-leaf parsley,
or pea shoots. For a crunchier texture, add some thinly sliced fennel bulb.
100g/3½oz/1 cup diced blue cheese, v  alnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios or flaked almonds can be substituted
e.g. Roquefort or Gorgonzola for the hazelnuts.

Seedy orange dressing: v  o make the salad more substantial, mix in some cooked quinoa
or buckwheat.
4 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp cider vinegar 
1 tbsp grated ginger
1 garlic clove, crushed
grated zest and juice of 1 orange
1 tsp runny honey or pomegranate
2 tbsp white sesame seeds
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Serves: 4
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 2 minutes


An excellent source of vitamins and minerals, cauliflower is also a good choice if you want to reduce your intake of
carbs. Cauliflower ‘rice’ is so easy to make: just blitz in a food processor and then warm through in a little flavoured
oil. Make this a filling supper dish by adding beans or chickpeas, griddled halloumi, tofu or chicken. The tiny black
mustard seeds provide abundant selenium, which helps to regulate the metabolism and support immunity.

Seedy cauliflower ‘rice’ salad with roasted pumpkin

450g/1lb peeled pumpkin, seeded and 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4.
cut into large cubes
2  rrange the pumpkin and red onions on a large baking (cookie) sheet and
2 red onions, cut into wedges drizzle with 3 tablespoons olive oil. Grind some salt and pepper over them
4 tbsp olive oil and roast in the preheated oven for 25–30 minutes until tender.
3 tbsp pumpkin seeds 3  eat a dry frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat and add the pumpkin
1 large cauliflower seeds to the hot pan. Toast for 1–2 minutes, tossing them gently, until
2 garlic cloves, crushed golden. Remove immediately and set aside.
1 tbsp black mustard seeds 4  ut the cauliflower in half and discard the central core. Chop into small
a pinch of hot dried chilli flakes pieces. Put the pieces in a food processor and pulse them several times until
they have the consistency of grains of rice.
60g/2oz wild rocket (arugula)
60g/2oz sun-blush tomatoes, chopped 5  eat the remaining oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over a low to medium
heat and cook the garlic and mustard seeds for 2 minutes. Add the chilli
a handful of coriander (cilantro),
flakes and cauliflower and cook for 3–5 minutes, stirring well, until the
cauliflower is warm and crunchy.
juice of 1 lemon
6  ip into a large serving bowl with the rocket (arugula), sunblush tomatoes
salt and freshly ground black pepper
and coriander (cilantro). Add the roasted vegetables and toasted pumpkin
Serves: 4 seeds and toss gently. Drizzle with lemon juice and season to taste.
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 35 minutes Or you can try this…
v I nstead of coriander (cilantro), which has a very distinctive flavour, use mint
or flat-leaf parsley.
v  adding some sultanas (golden raisins), pine nuts, preserved lemon,
sumac, cumin seeds and thick yoghurt for a Middle Eastern twist.


Make the most of new seasonal spring vegetables by eating them raw in a healthy, refreshing coleslaw.
This will spring-clean your body. The essential fats in nigella, mustard and fennel seeds are beneficial for
weight management, heart and brain health.

Spring coleslaw with grapefruit and mixed seeds

½ small white cabbage, cored and 1  ut the cabbage, spring greens, spring onions (scallions) and fennel in a
shredded large bowl.
a head of spring greens, shredded 2  oast the seeds and pine nuts, tossing them gently in a frying pan (skillet)
a bunch of spring onions (scallions), for 1–2 minutes over a medium heat until they release their aroma. Do not
finely chopped allow them to burn. Remove from the pan and set aside to cool.
1 fennel bulb, trimmed and thinly 3  ut the peel and white pith off 1 grapefruit. Cut between the membranes
sliced to release the juicy segments and add them to the vegetables.
1 tbsp fennel seeds
4 S queeze the juice of the remaining grapefruit into a small bowl and whisk
1 tbsp black mustard seeds in the olive oil and cider vinegar. Pour over the salad and toss gently with
1 tbsp nigella seeds the toasted seeds, mint and basil.
1 tbsp pine nuts
2 ruby red grapefruit Or you can try this…
3 tbsp fruity green olive oil v I nstead of a fresh citrusy dressing, mix together some good mayonnaise
1 tbsp cider vinegar with a little creamed horseradish. Thin it down with some low-fat
natural yoghurt.
a handful of mint, chopped
a few basil leaves, torn v If the dressing is too sharp for your taste, add a teaspoon of runny honey.

Serves: 4
v S have some tender raw asparagus stems into the coleslaw or add thinly
sliced sugar-snap peas, some pea shoots or rocket (arugula).
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 2 minutes


This spicy coleslaw in a creamy dressing is very versatile. Serve it with cold ham or grilled (broiled) chicken,
sausages or even leftover turkey. It also makes a great topping for baked jacket potatoes. Fenugreek seeds are a
rich source of the entire group of B vitamins, needed for energy production and folate, which is essential in pregnancy.
In conjunction with black mustard and cumin, fenugreek supports the immune system.

Winter coleslaw with fenugreek, mustard and cumin seeds

60g/2oz/scant ½ cup shelled 1  lace a small frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat and toast the pistachios
pistachio nuts for 1–2 minutes, tossing gently, until golden brown. Remove from the pan
immediately and set aside to cool.
1 small red cabbage, cored and finely
shredded 2  ut the red cabbage, red onion, carrots, dates and herbs in a large serving
1 red onion, thinly sliced bowl. Sprinkle with the orange juice and cinnamon.
2 carrots, coarsely grated 3  ake the dressing: gently cook the chillies and ginger for 2–3 minutes in
6 Medjool dates, chopped the oil over a low heat. Add the seeds and cook for 1–2 minutes until they
release their aroma. Remove from the heat and stir in the yoghurt. Season to
a handful of flat-leaf parsley, chopped
taste with salt and pepper.
a handful of coriander (cilantro),
chopped 4  our the dressing over the salad and toss gently until everything is lightly
coated. Sprinkle with the toasted pistachios and serve.
juice of 1 orange
a large pinch of ground cinnamon
Seedy yoghurt dressing:
Or you can try this…
2 tbsp olive oil v  dd the chopped segments of a peeled juicy orange or some seasonal
clementines, or even some diced mango. As a colourful finishing touch,
2 red chillies, seeded and diced
sprinkle the coleslaw with ruby-red pomegranate seeds.
2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger,
peeled and diced v Use lemon instead of orange juice for a sharper flavour.
1 tsp cumin seeds 
1 tsp black mustard seeds
¼ tsp fenugreek seeds
150g/5oz/generous ½ cup 0% fat
Greek yoghurt
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Serves: 4–6
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 5 minutes


The distinctive nutty and earthy flavour of buckwheat adds intensity to this colourful salad. And the B vitamins it
contains contribute to energy production at a cellular level, giving you all-day energy.

Buckwheat, broccoli and sprouted seed salad

100g/3½oz/scant ¾ cup roasted 1  ook the buckwheat: put 150ml/¼ pint/generous ½ cup cold water in a
buckwheat (kasha) small saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to a bare simmer
400g/14oz tenderstem broccoli, and add the buckwheat. Stir, then cover the pan and cook gently for about
trimmed and each stalk cut in half 6–8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the buckwheat is just tender, not
mushy. Take care that you do not overcook it. Leave to stand, covered, for
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
2–3 minutes, then spread it out on a large plate or baking (cookie) sheet
2 tbsp sesame seeds and set aside to cool.
80g/3oz sun-blush tomatoes in olive oil
2 S team the broccoli in a steamer or a colander placed over a saucepan of
125g/4oz/2 cups mixed sprouted simmering water for about 5 minutes until it is just tender but still a little
seeds, e.g. alfalfa, broccoli, radish crisp with some ‘bite’.
1 avocado, peeled, stoned (pitted) and
3  oast the sunflower and sesame seeds in a frying pan (skillet) set over a
thinly sliced
medium heat for 1–2 minutes, tossing them gently, until golden brown.
1 quantity toasted sesame honey Remove and cool.
vinaigrette (see page 121)
4  rain the sun-blush tomatoes and cut them into small pieces. Mix with the
150g/5oz soft creamy goat’s cheese,
sprouted seeds, avocado, buckwheat and warm broccoli in a large bowl.
cut into pieces
Toss gently in the dressing and season to taste with salt and pepper.
a pinch of dried chilli flakes
5  ivide the salad between 4 serving plates and dot with the goat’s cheese.
a small bunch of chives, snipped
Sprinkle with the chilli flakes, chives and toasted seeds and serve.
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Serves: 4 Or you can try this…

Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes v Add some baby spinach leaves or rocket (arugula) to the salad.

v  se toasted pumpkin or fennel seeds and try a different dressing – the

chilli, lemon and coriander seed dressing works well (see page 120),
especially if you add some chopped fresh coriander (cilantro) to the salad.


There’s a seed jackpot in this jewelled couscous, even the prawns (shrimp) being coated with crushed seeds. It’s a
perfect example of how adding seeds to a grain dish can go a long way towards balancing its protein/carbohydrate
content. The fibre helps to balance blood-sugar levels in the body, reducing the need for snacking throughout the day.

Jewelled couscous with spicy shrimp

175g/6oz/1 cup couscous 1  ut the couscous in a large bowl and pour over the vegetable stock. Add the
olive oil and then cover the bowl and set aside for about 12–15 minutes until
350ml/12fl oz/1½ cups hot vegetable
the couscous grains swell and absorb the liquid.
3 tbsp olive oil 2  eanwhile, toast the cashew nuts lightly by tossing them in a dry frying
pan (skillet) over a medium heat for 2 minutes until they are golden brown.
80g/3oz/½ cup cashews
Remove from the pan.
60g/2oz/scant ½ cup sultanas
(golden raisins) 3  ut the sultanas (golden raisins) in a bowl and pour some boiling water over
them. Leave to soak for 5–10 minutes until plump and softened. Drain well.
400g/14oz raw peeled tiger prawns
(shrimp) 4  ake the spicy paste: grind the coriander and cumin seeds with a pestle
3 tbsp pumpkin seeds and mortar. Add the garlic and chilli and keep grinding and crushing until
you have a paste. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the yoghurt. Add the prawns
a handful of parsley, chopped
(shrimp) and coat them lightly with the mixture. If you wish, you can do this
a bunch of mint, chopped in advance and leave them to marinate for a few hours in the refrigerator.
juice of 2 limes
5  ently mix the cashews, sultanas (golden raisins), pumpkin seeds and most
seeds of 1 pomegranate of the herbs (reserving some for the garnish) into the couscous to distribute
harissa to serve (optional) them evenly throughout. Stir in the lime juice and pomegranate seeds and
labneh to serve (optional) season to taste with salt and pepper.
salt and freshly ground black pepper 6  eat a non-stick griddle pan over a medium heat, and when it’s really hot
add the prawns (shrimp). Cook quickly for 2 minutes each side until they
Spicy paste:
turn pink and are cooked through. Don’t overcook them or they will lose
1 tsp coriander seeds their juicy succulence.
1 tsp cumin seeds
7  ivide the couscous between 4 serving plates and pile the griddled prawns
2 garlic cloves (shrimp) on top. Sprinkle with the remaining chopped parsley and mint and
1 red chilli, chopped serve immediately with a dash of fiery harissa, if wished. Labneh also makes
2–3 tbsp Greek yoghurt a good accompaniment.

Serves: 4
Prep: 20 minutes
Or you can try this…
Soak: 15 minutes v  egetarians can top the couscous with grilled (broiled) halloumi or tofu, or
Cook: 5 minutes scatter over some crumbled cheese.

v I nstead of prawns (shrimp), serve with griddled sliced chicken or lean lamb
fillet. You can coat it in the same spicy paste.


Fresh-looking green sprouted seeds and black sesame seeds look best in this salad, which balances protein, carbs,
vitamins and minerals in a delicious and unusual way. You can buy toasted sesame oil in most supermarkets – it is
darker, more intensely flavoured and more aromatic than regular sesame oil.

Japanese-style brown rice salad with griddled tuna

225g/8oz/1 cup brown rice 1 
Cook the brown rice according to the instructions on the packet. Remove
from the pan and leave to cool in a large bowl.
125g/4oz/generous 1½ cups frozen
edamame beans 2  dd the beans to a pan of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Drain and
150g/5oz/2¼ cups sprouted seeds, refresh under running cold water. Drain and set aside.
e.g. mizuna, mung, radish 3  ake the dressing: whisk all the ingredients together until well blended.
4 spring onions (scallions), sliced Alternatively, place them in a screw-top jar and shake vigorously.
4  ently stir the rice with a fork to break up any clumps and separate the
olive oil for brushing or spraying grains. Mix in the edamame beans, sprouted seeds and spring onions
4 x 100g/3½oz tuna steaks (scallions). Pour most of the dressing over the top and toss gently together.
1 sheet ready-toasted sushi nori, cut 5  ightly brush or spray a non-stick griddle pan with oil and place over a
into thin shreds medium to high heat. Add the tuna steaks to the hot pan and cook for
2 tbsp toasted black or white sesame 2–3 minutes on each side, depending on how well cooked you like them.
seeds Cut each steak into slices.
Dressing: 6  ivide the rice salad between 4 serving plates. Top each one with the sliced
2 tbsp sunflower oil tuna and drizzle with the remaining dressing. Sprinkle with the shredded
nori and sesame seeds and serve immediately. Steamed tenderstem broccoli
2 tbsp toasted sesame oil
or fine green beans go well with this dish.
1 tbsp miso paste
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp mirin
Or you can try this…
juice of ½ lime v  oat the tuna steaks in sesame seeds before frying them in a little mixed
sesame and sunflower oil.
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tsp grated fresh root ginger v Instead of tuna, top the brown rice with sliced griddled chicken or tofu.
1 tsp runny honey v  o vary the rice salad, add some sliced avocado, radishes, red or yellow
(bell) peppers, cooked soya beans or chopped coriander (cilantro).
Serves: 4
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 20 minutes


There’s a seed bonanza in this warm vibrant salad, which is especially good when you want to eat something
refreshing and light on cold winter days. The dark-green leafy kale is loaded with nutrients, especially antioxidants
that counter free radical damage.

Roasted kale and carrot salad with crispy prosciutto

3 carrots, peeled and cut into chunky 1 Preheat the oven to 190°C, 375°F, gas mark 5.
2  ut the carrots in a large roasting pan and sprinkle over the oil and
3 tbsp olive oil coriander seeds. Season lightly with salt and pepper.
1 tsp crushed coriander seeds
3  ake in the preheated oven for 6–8 minutes and then sprinkle the mixed
60g/2oz/scant ½ cup mixed sunflower seeds over the top and roast in the oven for 4 minutes.
and flax seeds
4  dd the kale and stir everything well to turn the vegetables in the seedy
300g/11oz kale, stalks removed and
oil. Return to the oven for 10 minutes until the carrots are tender and
roughly shredded
the kale is crisp.
8 wafer-thin slices Parma ham
5  eanwhile, heat a large frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat. When it’s
100g/3½oz Taleggio, rind removed
really hot, add the Parma ham to the dry pan and cook for 1–2 minutes
and cut into pieces
until crisp and golden brown. Remove immediately and drain on kitchen
2 pears, peeled, cored and sliced paper (towel).
4 tsp balsamic vinegar
6  ix the warm roasted vegetables with the Taleggio pieces and divide
1 tbsp black sesame seeds between 4 serving plates. Add the sliced pears and the ham, and drizzle
salt and freshly ground black pepper with balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with black sesame seeds and serve warm.

Serves: 4
Prep: 10 minutes Or you can try this…
Cook: 20–22 minutes v  or a spicier flavour, use cumin instead of coriander seeds. And add some
grated lemon zest and diced red chilli or dried chilli flakes with the kale.
v Garlic-lovers can crush 1–2 cloves and tuck them between the carrots.


This bright, zingy and refreshing salad is a great way to use up leftover cooked chicken or turkey. It tastes
good at any time of the year and combines toasted and sprouted seeds to maximum effect, in terms of both
nutrition and flavour.

Szechuan bang bang chicken salad with toasted sesame seeds

100g/3½oz pak choi (bok choy) leaves, 1  ake the dressing: mix together the peanut butter, chilli, garlic and ginger
sliced in a bowl. Stir in the soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and honey. The mixture
2 carrots, cut into thin strips with a will be quite thick. Thin it down with the water or chicken stock, a spoonful
potato peeler or shredded at a time, until you reach a pouring consistency.
½ cucumber, halved, seeded and cut 2  ut all the prepared vegetables and the sprouted seeds in a large bowl. Add
into thin strips or shredded the coriander (cilantro) and shredded chicken.
4 spring onions (scallions), cut into thin 3 Pour the dressing over the salad and toss together gently.
strips, plus extra to garnish
4  ivide the salad between 4 serving plates and scatter with the chilli (if
150g/5oz/2¼ cups sprouted seeds,
using), sesame seeds and spring onion (scallion) strips. Serve with lime
e.g. mung beans, broccoli, alfalfa,
a small bunch of coriander (cilantro),
chopped Or you can try this…
450g/1lb cooked chicken breasts, v 
Add some chopped fresh mint or Thai basil and scatter the salad with a few
skinned and shredded roasted peanuts.
1 red chilli, seeded and shredded 
Instead of a fresh chilli and honey, add 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce to
the dressing.
2 tbsp toasted white sesame seeds
lime wedges, to garnish
Bang bang dressing:
100g/3½oz/scant ½ cup crunchy
peanut butter
1 mild red chilli, seeded and diced
1 garlic clove, crushed
½ tsp grated ginger
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp runny honey
4–5 tbsp water or chicken stock

Serves: 4
Prep: 20 minutes


Salad dressings
Using seeds and/or their oils in dressings is a marvellous way of adding
nutritional value to your daily intake, especially the essential fatty acids and
vitamin E that’s found in all seeds. Keep the dressings in the refrigerator for
up to 2 weeks to maintain their fresh taste and rich benefits.

Satay pumpkin seed dressing

3 tbsp smooth peanut butter
1 tbsp sesame oil
juice of 1 lime
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 tsp soft brown sugar
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
sea salt crystals to taste

Makes: 225ml/8fl oz/scant 1 cup

Prep: 5 minutes

1  ut the peanut butter, sesame oil, lime juice, soy sauce,

chilli sauce and sugar in a blender and blitz until smooth.
2 I f the dressing is thick, gradually add some water, a
spoonful at a time and blitz again. It should be creamy.
3 S tir in the pumpkin seeds and taste. Add a few salt crystals
if you wish.
Thai aromatic sesame dressing
grated zest and juice of 1 lime
4 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp rice vinegar
2 tbsp nam pla (Thai fish sauce)
1 small red Thai chilli, finely diced
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 tsp caster (superfine) sugar
2 tbsp white sesame seeds
1 tbsp chopped mint or Thai basil

Makes: 180ml/6fl oz/¾ cup

Prep: 10 minutes

From left: Satay pumpkin seed 1  ut all the dressing ingredients in a screw-top jar or any container with a
dressing; Thai aromatic sesame snugly fitting lid. Shake vigorously until well combined and emulsified.
dressing; Tahini dressing; Chilli,
lemon and coriander seed 2  ou can keep the dressing in the
dressing; Orange and lemon refrigerator for up to a week if you omit
poppy seed dressing; Toasted the herbs and add them just before serving.
sesame honey vinaigrette
Tahini dressing Chilli, lemon and coriander seed dressing
3 tbsp tahini 2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 garlic clove, finely chopped 1 red chilli, seeded and chopped
1 tsp grated fresh root ginger 2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger, peeled and chopped
grated zest and juice of ½ lemon 2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tbsp light soy sauce grated zest and juice of 2 lemons
½ tsp runny honey 6 tbsp fruity green olive oil
4–5 tbsp warm water a small bunch of coriander (cilantro), finely chopped
2 tsp sesame oil salt and freshly ground black pepper
a handful of flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
Makes: 225ml/8fl oz/scant 1 cup
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds Prep: 10 minutes
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 Put the coriander seeds, chilli, ginger and garlic in a pestle
Makes: 150ml/¼ pint/generous ½ cup and mortar and grind to a thick paste.
Prep: 10 minutes
2  ransfer the paste to a bowl and stir in the lemon zest
1 Give the tahini a stir and spoon into a blender with and juice. Gradually add the olive oil, stirring all the time,
the garlic, ginger, lemon zest and juice, soy sauce and until thickened and smooth.
honey. Blitz until smooth.
3 S tir in the coriander (cilantro) and season to taste with a
2  dd the warm water, a spoonful at a time, and blitz
A little salt and pepper.
until the dressing has a creamy consistency.
NOTE: If the dressing is too sharp for your taste,
3  ransfer to a jug and stir in the sesame oil, parsley
T sweeten it with a pinch of sugar or a teaspoon
and sesame seeds. Season to taste. of runny honey or agave nectar.
4  ou can keep the dressing in the refrigerator for
2–3 days in a sealed container.
Orange and lemon poppy seed dressing Toasted sesame honey vinaigrette
100ml/3½fl oz/scant ½ cup avocado or grapeseed oil 2 tbsp black and/or white sesame seeds
1 tbsp cider vinegar 3 tbsp sunflower oil
juice of 1 large orange 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil
juice of 1 lemon 2 tbsp rice vinegar
2 tsp Dijon mustard 2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp agave nectar or runny honey juice of 1 lime
2 spring onions (scallions), very thinly sliced 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1½ tbsp poppy seeds 1 tsp grated fresh root ginger
salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp runny honey
a few sprigs of coriander (cilantro), finely chopped
Makes: 225ml/8fl oz/scant 1 cup
Prep: 10 minutes Makes: 150ml/¼ pint/generous ½ cup
Prep: 10 minutes
1 Whisk together the oil, vinegar and fruit juice in a bowl.
Cook: 2–3 minutes
2  hisk in the mustard and agave nectar or honey until
well combined. 1  lace a dry heavy frying pan (skillet) over a medium
heat and when it’s hot, add the sesame seeds. Toast
3 S tir in the spring onions (scallions) and poppy seeds and for 2–3 minutes, turning and shaking them gently a
season to taste with a little salt and pepper. few times, until golden brown. Remove immediately
and cool. Watch the pan carefully as they can burn if
4  nless using straight away, transfer the dressing to
U left too long.
a sealed container or screw-top jar and keep in the
refrigerator for up to 1 week. 2  ut the remaining dressing ingredients in a screw-top
jar or any container with a snugly fitting lid. Add the
TIP: You can make the dressing more creamy by cool sesame seeds and shake vigorously until well
whisking in 1 tablespoon mayonnaise. combined and emulsified.
3  ou can keep the dressing in the refrigerator for up
to a week if you omit the herbs and add them just
before serving.
Seedy suppers
This healthy dish is equally good eaten warm from the oven or cold the following day. It makes a surprisingly
filling supper dish. This recipe is suitable for high-protein diets, since buckwheat is higher in protein than rice. It
helps maintain blood-sugar levels owing to its fibre content, making it a great supper dish for diabetics.

Buckwheat-stuffed Mediterranean vegetables

2 medium aubergines (eggplants) 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6.
2 red or yellow (bell) peppers 2  ut the aubergines (eggplants) and (bell) peppers in half through the stalk.
3 tbsp olive oil plus extra for drizzling Remove the white ribs and seeds from inside the peppers. Place them all,
cut-side up, on a baking (cookie) sheet and drizzle generously with olive oil.
150g/5oz/1 cup buckwheat
1 small red onion, diced 3  ake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes until tender. Remove from
the oven and cool a little, but leave the oven on.
2 garlic cloves, crushed
3 tomatoes, diced 4  eanwhile, cook the buckwheat according to the instructions on the packet.
Heat the remaining olive oil in a frying pan (skillet) and cook the red onion
a small bunch of flat-leaf parsley, finely
and garlic over a low heat for 10–15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
softened but not coloured. Stir in the diced tomatoes and parsley and cook
25g/1oz/¼ cup pine nuts gently for 4–5 minutes.
grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
5  oast the pine nuts in a dry frying pan (skillet) over a low heat for 2–3
100g/3½oz/scant ½ cup diced feta minutes, stirring a few times, until golden brown and toasted. Remove from
cheese the heat immediately.
salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 S coop the cooked flesh out of the aubergines (eggplants) and dice it. Add to
Serves: 4 the onion and tomato mixture with the cooked buckwheat, pine nuts, lemon
Prep: 15 minutes zest and juice and feta, and stir well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Cook: 30 minutes 7  ile the mixture into the baked aubergine (eggplant) and (bell) pepper shells
and return to the oven for 8–10 minutes. Serve warm or cold with salad.

Or you can try this…

v Turn up the heat by adding a diced chilli or a dash of harissa or hot pepper
sauce to the buckwheat filling mixture.
v Instead of using feta, sprinkle the stuffed vegetables with grated Parmesan
or Cheddar cheese before putting them back into the hot oven for the final
10 minutes.


Dhal is so simple to make – filling, spicy and satisfying, it is comfort food at its best. The cumin and coriander seeds
provide abundant anti-inflammatory antioxidants whilst the mustard seeds in the chutney are rich in magnesium,
which may help to reduce menopausal symptoms.

Dhal with seedy coconut chutney

2 tbsp coconut oil 1  eat the coconut oil in a heavy pan and set over a low heat. Add the onion
and garlic and cook gently, stirring occasionally, for 6–8 minutes until tender.
1 red onion, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, crushed 2  dd the cumin and coriander seeds, ground spices, chilli and ginger. Stir well
and cook gently for 2–3 minutes.
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp crushed coriander seeds 3  dd the lentils and stir well. Pour in the coconut milk and stock and bring to
the boil. Reduce the heat, cover the pan and simmer gently for about 20–25
1 tsp ground turmeric
minutes, until the lentils are cooked and tender. Check the pan occasionally
1 tsp ground cinnamon and add more stock if the lentils are starting to stick to the bottom of the pan.
1 green chilli, finely chopped
4  emove from the heat and stir in the chopped coriander (cilantro) and lime
1 tsp finely grated fresh root ginger juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
200g/7oz/1 cup red split lentils (dry
5  hile the dhal is cooking, make the seedy coconut chutney: put the coconut
weight), washed and drained
in a bowl and pour over the boiling water. Set aside to soak for at least 15
1 x 400ml/14fl oz can reduced-fat minutes, then drain well. Heat the coconut oil in a pan and add the mustard
coconut milk and cumin seeds, curry leaves and chilli. As soon as they splutter and crackle
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups vegetable stock after about 1 minute, tip them over the coconut and mix well.
a handful of coriander (cilantro), 6 S erve the dhal topped with the coconut chutney and with some boiled rice,
chopped naan or chapatis.
juice of 1 lime
salt and freshly ground black pepper Or you can try this…
boiled rice, naan or chapatis to serve
v Just before serving, mix in some baby spinach leaves. They will wilt and turn
Seedy coconut chutney: bright green in the hot dhal.
50g/2oz/¾ cup freshly grated coconut v Add chopped mint or coriander (cilantro) to the chutney, a dash of lime juice
or desiccated coconut or 1 teaspoon tamarind paste.
100ml/3½fl oz/scant ½ cup boiling
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp black mustard seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
4 curry leaves
1 red chilli, diced

Serves: 4
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes


Seared on the outside to give a crunchy crust, and succulent but firm-textured on the inside, this recipe has everything
you could wish for in a burger – plus colour and seedy goodness in abundance. The seeds provide additional fibre and
sustain blood-sugar levels to contribute to restorative sleep.

Seedy root vegetable burgers

300g/11oz sweet potatoes, peeled 1  ook the sweet potatoes and swede in a large pan of boiling salted water
and diced for about 15 minutes until tender. Drain well.
1 medium swede (rutabaga), peeled 2  eanwhile, cook the kale in a pan of boiling water for 4–5 minutes
and diced and drain well.
175g/6oz kale, shredded
3  oarsely chop the kale. Using a potato masher, roughly crush the sweet
3 tbsp olive oil potatoes and swede – the mash shouldn’t be too smooth.
6 spring onions (scallions), finely
4  eat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a small frying pan (skillet) over a medium
heat and cook the spring onions (scallions) and garlic until softened but not
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped coloured. Stir in the chives.
a small bunch of chives, snipped
5  ransfer to a bowl and mix in the crushed root vegetables, kale and nuts.
60g/2oz roasted nuts, e.g. hazelnuts, Stir in the flour and mustard, and season to taste.
macadamias or almonds, chopped
6  ivide into 8 portions and shape each one into a burger with your hands.
2 tbsp plain (all-purpose) flour
Coat them with the mixed seeds, pressing down to cover them evenly all
2 tsp wholegrain mustard over. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
75g/3oz mixed seeds, e.g. pumpkin,
7  hen you’re ready to cook the burgers, heat the remaining oil in a frying
sunflower, black and white sesame
pan (skillet) over a low to medium heat and cook them for 3–4 minutes or
8 multi-seed rolls until the undersides are golden brown. Flip them over and cook the other
sliced tomato, rocket (arugula) and side. Remove from the pan and drain on kitchen paper (towel).
mayonnaise to serve
8 S plit the rolls and lightly toast them. Serve the burgers in the rolls with
salt and freshly ground black pepper tomato, rocket (arugula) and a dollop of mayonnaise.
Serves: 8
Prep: 20 minutes Or you can try this…
Chill: 20 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes v Vary the root vegetables and use diced potatoes, parsnips or celeriac.


Try not to eat this chutney straight away. If you can bear to put it away in a cupboard for two or three weeks
before opening, it will taste even better. It’s great with hard cheeses or some boiled ham. The plethora of antioxidant-
rich seeds complements the lycopene (another antioxidant) in the cooked tomatoes, making this an excellent
relish for supporting immunity.

Seedy Indian tomato chutney

1 tsp fenugreek seeds 1  oast the fenugreek seeds in a dry frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat for
1–2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the pan and set aside to cool
6 tbsp sunflower oil
for a few minutes.
1 tbsp cumin seeds
2  eat the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan and cook the cumin, mustard
2 tbsp black mustard seeds
and fenugreek seeds over a low heat for 2–3 minutes. Stir in the ginger,
2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger, garlic and chilli and cook for 2–3 minutes. You should have a pungent, spicy,
peeled and diced aromatic mixture.
3 garlic cloves, crushed
3  dd the tomatoes and sugar and simmer gently for 15 minutes, stirring
1 red chilli, diced occasionally to dissolve the sugar. Stir in the vinegar and salt and simmer
1.5kg/3lb tomatoes, skinned and gently until the mixture thickens to a syrupy chutney-like consistency without
chopped any liquid. Be patient – this might take anything from 40 minutes up to an
450g/1lb/2 cups granulated sugar hour. Stir the chutney regularly to prevent it from catching and burning on
the bottom of the pan.
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups malt vinegar
1 tsp salt 4  hile the chutney is cooking, sterilize some jars by popping some clean
ones (lids off) into a very low oven at 110°C, 225°F, gas mark ¼ for about
Makes: about 1kg/2lb 2oz 20 minutes, then turn the oven off and leave the jars in the oven until you’re
Prep: 15 minutes ready to fill them.
Cook: 1–1¼ hours
5  adle the hot chutney into the hot sterilized jars and half-screw on the lids.
When they are cool, tighten the lids and store in a cool dark place.

Or you can try this…

v Cook a diced onion or two with the seeds and spices before adding
the tomatoes.
v Add some chunks of golden pumpkin or plump sultanas (golden raisins).


Even the most committed meat eater will enjoy this delicious vegetarian gratin. You can prepare it an hour in
advance (up to stage 5 below) and then put it in the oven 15 minutes before serving supper. Pumpkin seeds contain
potent essential fats – omega-3 and -6 – as well as anti-microbial properties that help to protect the digestive tract.

Butternut squash and goat’s cheese bake with pumpkin seeds

900g/2lb butternut squash, peeled, 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4.
seeded and cut into chunks
2  rrange the squash in a large ovenproof dish and scatter over the thyme
leaves stripped from a few sprigs of leaves and cumin seeds. Season with a little black pepper and pour the stock
thyme over the top. Bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes until just
2 tsp cumin seeds tender but not soft.
black pepper 3  eanwhile, make the tomato sauce. Heat the oil in a large frying pan
250ml/8fl oz/1 cup vegetable stock (skillet) and cook the onion and garlic over a low heat, stirring occasionally,
100ml/3½fl oz/scant ½ cup half-fat for about 10 minutes until the onions are softened but not coloured.
crème fraîche 4 S tir in the tomatoes and tomato paste and simmer gently for 10 minutes or
80g/3oz soft goat’s cheese, e.g. chèvre so until the sauce reduces and becomes thick and pulpy. Add a good dash of
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds balsamic vinegar to sweeten it, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
4 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs 5  emove the cooked squash from the oven and spoon the tomato sauce
over and around it. Dot the top with spoonfuls of crème fraîche and goat’s
Tomato sauce:
cheese, then sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and breadcrumbs.
2 tbsp olive oil
6  urn up the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6 and cook for 15 minutes until
1 large onion, finely chopped
the breadcrumbs are crisp and golden and the sauce is bubbling up.
2 garlic cloves, crushed
7 Serve hot or lukewarm with a crisp salad.
1 x 400g/14oz can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato paste
drizzle of balsamic vinegar
Or you can try this…
salt and freshly ground black pepper v Use swede, pumpkin, parsnips, sweet potato or even beetroot (beets) instead
of squash.
Serves: 4
Prep: 10 minutes
v Spoonfuls of mascarpone would make a good creamy alternative to
goat’s cheese.
Cook: 45 minutes


The trick to making a really flavoursome onion tart is to cook the onions as slowly as possible over a very
low heat until they have a melting consistency, a sweet flavour, and become a deep golden brown. Caraway seeds
contain potent immune-supporting minerals zinc and manganese as well as vitamins A, C and E, which all
help to reduce indigestion.

Caramelized onion tart with caraway seed crust

Caraway seed pastry (pie-crust): 1  reheat the oven to 190°C, 375°F, gas mark 5. Lightly butter a deep 23cm/9in
1 tbsp caraway seeds loose-bottomed tart tin (spring-form tart pan).
300g/11oz/3 generous cups plain 2  oast the caraway seeds in a dry frying pan (skillet) set over a low heat for 1–2
(all-purpose) flour minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove and cool for a few minutes, then grind
a pinch of salt coarsely in a spice grinder or pestle and mortar.
a pinch of cayenne 3  ake the pastry (pie-crust): sift the flour, salt and cayenne into a large bowl.
150g/5oz/generous ½ cup butter, Stir in the ground caraway seeds. Add the diced butter and rub it in with your
diced fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the beaten egg
yolk and then enough cold water to bind everything together and make a ball
1 free-range egg yolk, beaten
of dough that leaves the sides of the bowl clean.
cold water to mix
4  rap the dough in some cling film (plastic wrap) or place in a polythene bag
Filling: and leave to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
25g/1oz/2 tbsp butter plus extra for
5  eanwhile, heat the butter and olive oil in a large heavy frying pan (skillet)
over a low heat and cook the onions, stirring occasionally, for about 20
2 tbsp olive oil minutes or until they are really soft, tender and turning golden brown. Stir in
4 onions, thinly sliced the caraway seeds.
1 tbsp caraway seeds 6  oll out the pastry (pie-crust) to a large circle on a lightly floured surface and
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups single (light) use to line the prepared tart tin, leaving any excess hanging over the edges.
cream or milk Line the tart with some baking parchment and fill with baking beans. Place on
3 free-range eggs, beaten a baking (cookie) sheet and bake ‘blind’ in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
Remove the paper and beans and pop back in the oven for 5–10 minutes until
a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg cooked. Set aside for 5 minutes before neatening the top edge of the pastry
100g/3½oz/1 cup grated cheese, e.g. (pie-crust) case.
Emmental or Gruyère
7  ill with the onion mixture. Beat the cream or milk with the eggs, nutmeg
a small bunch of chives, snipped and a little seasoning. Stir in the grated cheese and chives and pour over
salt and freshly ground black pepper the onions.

Serves: 6 8  ake in the oven for about 25–30 minutes until the filling is just set and
Prep: 25 minutes golden brown. Serve warm or cold cut into slices.
Chill: 30 minutes
Cook: 1¼ hours
Or you can try this…
v Instead of making the pastry (pie-crust) with caraway seeds, add
2 teaspoons toasted fennel seeds and a pinch of English mustard powder, or
2 tablespoons poppy seeds.


This quick and fresh green supper dish is ideal for spring and early summer when the new tender asparagus comes
into season. The iron levels in poppy seeds, together with their abundant B-complex vitamins, contribute to the overall
energy-producing content of this dish.

Asparagus and poppy seed pasta ribbons

50g/2oz/½ cup pine nuts 1  oast the pine nuts in a dry frying pan (skillet) set over a low to medium heat,
stirring occasionally, for 1–2 minutes until uniformly golden brown. Remove
450g/1lb tagliatelle, fettuccine or
from the pan and cool.
300g/11oz asparagus 2  ook the pasta in a large pan of salted boiling water according to the
instructions on the packet.
250ml/9fl oz/1 cup crème fraîche
grated zest and juice of 1 small lemon 3  rim the woody ends off the asparagus and cut the stems into 2.5cm/1in
pieces. Cook them in a steamer basket placed over a pan of boiling water for
50g/2oz baby spinach leaves
about 4 minutes, until they are just tender but still retain some crispness.
2 tbsp poppy seeds
4  rain the pasta, reserving 2 tablespoons of the cooking water. Put it back in
30g/1oz/ ¼ cup shaved or grated
the warm pan and stir in the crème fraîche and lemon zest.
Parmesan cheese
salt and freshly ground black pepper 5  dd the toasted pine nuts, spinach, asparagus and poppy seeds, together
with the reserved cooking liquid and the lemon juice. Lightly toss everything
Serves: 4 together and season to taste.
Prep: 10 minutes
6  ivide the pasta between 4 shallow serving bowls and sprinkle with the
Cook: 10 minutes

Or you can try this…

v For a lower-calorie version, use half-fat crème fraîche or even stir in some
0% fat Greek yoghurt.
v For a more distinctive flavour, use fennel seeds and some chopped feathery
fennel fronds.


Salmon, an excellent source of vitamins B6 and B12 (and much else) is great combined with Japanese flavours
in a quick stir-fry. The zinc and selenium in sesame seeds help make this a wonderfully immune-supporting,
hormone-balancing supper dish.

Stir-fried salmon and sesame noodles

50ml/2fl oz/¼ cup mirin 1  ix the mirin and soy sauce together in a shallow bowl. Add the salmon and
stir to coat. Set aside for 10–15 minutes to marinate.
2 tbsp soy sauce
500g/1lb 2oz skinned salmon fillets, cut 2 Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the packet, and drain.
into strips or chunks 3  eanwhile heat the sesame oil in a wok or deep frying pan (skillet) over a
300g/11oz egg noodles (dry weight) medium to high heat. Add the salmon and toss gently for 2–3 minutes until
2 tsp sesame oil browned all over.
2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger, 4  dd the ginger, yellow (bell) pepper, carrots, spring onions (scallions), pak
peeled and grated choi (bok choy) and bean sprouts and stir-fry for about 3 minutes. The
1 yellow (bell) pepper, seeded and cut vegetables should still be slightly crunchy.
into strips 5  dd the cooked egg noodles, lime juice and zest and sesame seeds and stir-fry
2 carrots, cut into matchsticks for 1 minute.
a bunch of spring onions (scallions), 6 Divide between 4 shallow serving bowls and serve immediately.
sliced diagonally
200g/7oz pak choi (bok choy), roughly
chopped Or you can try this…
100g/3½oz/1 cup bean sprouts v Add some heat with a diced or shredded chilli or a spoonful of sweet
grated zest and juice of 1 lime chilli sauce.

1 tbsp black or white sesame seeds v Substitute teriyaki sauce for the soy sauce.

Serves: 4
Prep: 10 minutes
Marinate: 10–15 minutes
Cook: 8 minutes


Try this quick and simple curry for a speedy supper when you don’t have much time to cook. Both the coriander
and mustard seeds provide a good supply of B vitamins for muscular and brain energy, whilst pomegranate seeds
have extremely high stores of vitamin C for supporting immunity.

Prawn and tomato curry

1 large aubergine (eggplant) 1  ut the aubergine (eggplant) into slices and then cut each slice in half or
5 tbsp sunflower oil into quarters. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons oil.
2 onions, diced 2  eat a griddle pan, add the aubergine (eggplant), a few pieces at a time, and
3 garlic cloves, crushed cook over a medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Remove and
drain on kitchen paper (towel).
1 green chilli, diced
5cm/2in piece fresh root ginger, 3  eanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a large saucepan or deep frying pan
peeled and chopped (skillet) and cook the onions, garlic and chilli over a low to medium heat for
about 8–10 minutes until softened.
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground coriander (cilantro) 4  dd the ginger, ground spices and coriander and mustard seeds, and cook for
2 minutes, stirring, to release their aroma.
2 tsp crushed coriander seeds
1 tbsp black mustard seeds 5 S tir in the tomatoes and coconut milk and simmer gently for 15 minutes
until reduced and thickened.
350g/12oz tomatoes, chopped
1 x 400ml/14fl oz can reduced-fat 6  dd the aubergine (eggplant) and prawns (shrimp) and cook for a further
coconut milk 2–3 minutes until the prawns (shrimp) are pink on both sides. Stir in most of
the coriander (cilantro) and season to taste.
450g/1lb raw shelled tiger prawns
(shrimp) 7 S erve the curry with some boiled rice, sprinkled with pomegranate seeds and
a small bunch of coriander (cilantro), the remaining coriander (cilantro), with the seedy Indian tomato chutney.
seeds of 1 small pomegranate Or you can try this…
salt and freshly ground black pepper v Vegetarians can omit the prawns (shrimp) and add some green beans or
boiled rice and seedy Indian tomato courgettes (zucchini) or even some cubed tofu or paneer.
chutney (see page 131) to serve
v Make the curry spicier by adding a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, garam
Serves: 4 masala or curry paste.
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes


This is an easy and relatively quick dish to make – don’t be deterred by the long list of ingredients. It’s totally
delicious and healthy, too, with a veritable jackpot of seeds. Mustard, cumin, fennel and fenugreek all contribute
their essential fatty acid content (DHA) to the omega-3 fatty acid (EPA) found in fish, combining to provide a
great all-round anti-inflammatory feast.

Roasted fish fillets with a seedy Indian crust

1 tbsp coriander seeds 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4.
2 tsp black mustard seeds 2  lace a dry frying pan (skillet) over a medium heat. When it’s hot, add the
1 tsp yellow mustard seeds coriander and mustard seeds and cook for 1 minute or until the mustard
seeds begin to pop. Stir in the fennel and fenugreek seeds and heat through
1 tbsp fennel seeds
for about 30 seconds until they release their aroma. Remove the seeds and set
½ tsp fenugreek seeds aside to cool.
1 tsp ground turmeric
3  rind the toasted seeds coarsely in a pestle and mortar and stir in the ground
a pinch of ground ginger spices and sea salt crystals. Grind again.
a good pinch of sea salt crystals
4 S prinkle the spicy seed mixture over the fish fillets and press lightly into
4 x 175g/6oz skinned white fish fillets them. Place the coated fish on a lightly oiled baking (cookie) sheet. Bake for
sunflower oil for brushing about 15–20 minutes until the fish is thoroughly cooked and the crust is crisp.
seedy Indian tomato chutney Check them after 10 minutes and turn them over.
(see page 131) or raita to serve 5  hile the fish is cooking, make the saag aloo. Heat the oil in a large frying
Saag aloo: pan (skillet) over a medium heat and cook the onion, ginger and garlic for
4–5 minutes. Add the chilli, seeds, turmeric and potatoes and cook for 5
2 tbsp sunflower oil
minutes, stirring occasionally.
1 onion, chopped
6  dd 2–3 tablespoons water, then cover the pan, reduce the heat and cook for
2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger,
8–10 minutes until the potatoes are tender. Stir in the spinach and let it wilt.
peeled and diced
As soon as it turns bright green, it’s ready.
2 garlic cloves, crushed
7 Serve the fish fillets and saag aloo with a spoonful of chutney or raita.
1 red chilli, seeded and shredded
1 tsp black mustard seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds Or you can try this…
½ tsp fennel seeds v Make the seedy crust hotter by adding some ground cayenne, chilli powder or
½ tsp ground turmeric dried chilli flakes to the mixture.
400g/14oz potatoes, peeled and cut
into cubes
300g/10oz baby spinach leaves

Serves: 4
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 20 minutes


Left: Seedy pizza with caramelized onion topping;
right: Seedy pizza with prosciutto topping (see pages 146–147)
This recipe makes enough dough and tomato sauce for 4 pizzas. Although it’s time-consuming to make the
base, the superior taste makes it well worth the effort. You can make double the quantity of dough and store it
in the refrigerator in a polythene bag for several days. The seeds in the dough add fibre and protein, making the
dish especially suitable for diabetics and people following a higher-protein diet.

Seedy pizza with prosciutto topping

Tomato sauce: 1  ake the tomato sauce. You can do this the day before and keep it in an
3 tbsp olive oil airtight jar or container in the refrigerator until you’re ready to make and
assemble the pizzas. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over
1 onion, finely chopped
a low heat and cook the onion, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes
1 x 400g/14oz can chopped tomatoes until softened and translucent, not coloured. Add the tomatoes and tomato
2–3 tbsp tomato paste paste and let the sauce simmer for 10 minutes or so until it reduces and
salt and freshly ground black pepper thickens. Season with salt and pepper and set aside to cool.

Pizza dough: 2  ake the pizza dough: put the flour in a large mixing bowl with the yeast
and salt. Make a well in the centre and pour in most of the warm water.
500g/1lb 2oz/5 cups 00 or strong Mix to a soft dough, drawing in the flour from the sides with your hand.
white flour Alternatively, use a food mixer fitted with a dough hook. If the dough is too
1 x 7g sachet /scant ½ oz dry, add a little more warm water.
fast-action yeast
3  ut the ball of dough on a well-floured work surface and knead by hand for
1 tsp sea salt 10 minutes. Alternatively, do it in a food processor fitted with a dough hook
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups warm water in half the time. It should feel smooth, silky and elastic.
2 tbsp fennel, hemp, chia or sesame 4  ut the dough in a large lightly oiled bowl and cover with cling film (plastic
seeds wrap) or a damp cloth. Leave in a warm place for 1–2 hours until it doubles
leaves stripped from a few sprigs of in size.
thyme or rosemary
5  reheat the oven to 230°C, 450°F, gas mark 8. Knock down the dough: put
Topping: it on a lightly floured surface and fold it repeatedly in on itself using the
350g/12oz mozzarella, torn into pieces heels of your hands until it is smooth and all the air is ‘knocked’ out of it.
or cut into cubes Knead it lightly, adding the seeds and herbs as you do so. Keep kneading
a few basil leaves until they are mixed in and distributed throughout the dough. Cut it into
4 equal-sized pieces and either roll each one out thinly into a large disc, or
olive oil for drizzling stretch the dough out between your raised hands to the desired thinness.
80g/3oz thinly sliced Parma ham, torn Place the pizza bases on baking (cookie) sheets.
into strips
6 S pread the tomato sauce thinly over the pizza bases leaving a 2.5cm/1in
2 large handfuls of wild rocket border around the edge for the crust to rise. Scatter the mozzarella over
(arugula) the top. Add the basil and a drizzle of olive oil.
Serves: 4–6 7  ook in the preheated oven for about 12–15 minutes until the pizza bases
Prep: 30 minutes are crisp and the cheese has melted. Topped with the Parma ham and
Rising: 1–2 hours rocket (arugula).
Cook: 30–35 minutes


These pizzas have a Sicilian ‘agrodolce’ (sweet and sour) flavour due to the natural sweetness of the
onions and sultanas (golden raisins) being offset by the vinegar. The fennel seeds add a delicious faintly
aniseed flavour to the topping.

Seedy pizza with caramelized onion topping

1 quantity tomato sauce (see opposite) 1  eat the olive oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over a low heat. Add the
1 quantity seedy pizza dough (see onions and cook very gently and slowly, turning occasionally, for about
opposite) 20 minutes until they are really tender and starting to turn golden and
caramelize. Stir in the fennel seeds and cook for 1–2 minutes.
2  emove from the heat and stir in the pine nuts and sultanas (golden raisins).
3 tbsp olive oil plus extra for drizzling
Season to taste with salt and pepper and add a few drops of balsamic vinegar.
4 onions, thinly sliced
3  oll out the pizza dough to make 4 bases (see stage 5 opposite) and place
2 tbsp fennel seeds
them on baking (cookie) sheets. Spread the tomato sauce thinly over them,
4 tbsp pine nuts leaving a 2.5cm/1in border around the edge for the crust to rise.
80g/3oz/½ cup sultanas (golden
4  ivide the onion mixture between the pizzas and spread over the sauce;
scatter the mozzarella over the top. Add a drizzle of olive oil.
a few drops of balsamic vinegar
5  ook in a preheated oven at 230°C, 450°F, gas mark 8 for about 12–15
350g/12oz mozzarella, torn into pieces
minutes until the pizza bases are crisp and the cheese has melted.
or cubed
Serve immediately.
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Serves: 4–6 Or you can try this…

Prep: 30 minutes
Rise: 1–2 hours
v Break an egg into the centre of each pizza before cooking.
Cook: 1 hour v Mix some baby spinach leaves into the onion mixture.


Aromatic sesame seeds make a flavoursome crunchy coating for chicken. The additional zinc and selenium in
the sesame seeds make this dish an immune-boosting powerhouse.

Sesame seed-coated chicken breasts

2 tbsp soy sauce 1 I n a large bowl, mix together the soy and hoisin sauces, honey, and 1
teaspoon of oil. Stir in the salt, then add the chicken slices. Turn them until
1 tbsp hoisin sauce
they are coated all over with the mixture.
1 tbsp runny honey
2  ut the sesame seeds in a shallow dish. Dip the chicken slices into the seeds
2 tbsp sunflower oil
until they are thoroughly coated.
a pinch of salt
3  eat most of the remaining oil in a wok or deep frying pan (skillet) over a
4 chicken breasts, skinned and cut into
medium heat. When it’s hot, add the sesame-coated chicken and cook for
thick slices
about 3 minutes each side until the coating is richly browned and slightly
100g/3½oz/scant ¾ cup white sesame sticky, and the chicken is cooked through.
4  eanwhile, in another pan heat the remaining oil and stir-fry the ginger,
2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger,
garlic, chillies and cumin seeds over a medium to high heat for 2 minutes or
peeled and shredded
until they start to crackle. Add the spring onions (scallions) and spinach and
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced stir-fry briskly until the spinach wilts.
2 red chillies, seeded and shredded
5 Serve immediately with the sesame-coated chicken and some rice or noodles.
1 tsp cumin seeds
a bunch of spring onions (scallions),
diagonally sliced Or you can try this…
450g/1lb baby spinach leaves v Use chicken thighs or wings instead of sliced breasts – but they will take
steamed rice or cooked rice noodles longer to cook. Cook them in a preheated oven at 220°C, 425°F, gas mark 7
to serve for 25–30 minutes.

v Try adding a squeeze of lime or lemon juice to the spinach or a dash of soy
Serves: 4
sauce or nam pla (Thai fish sauce).
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes


This warm salad is a real treat if you love rare steak. The pomegranate seeds offer a veritable feast of antioxidants
as well as vitamin K, which is essential for the body’s natural blood-clotting mechanism.

Steak and squash salad with pomegranate seeds

2 tbsp coriander seeds 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6.
2 tbsp cumin seeds 2 In a pestle and mortar, coarsely grind the coriander, cumin and nigella seeds.
1 tsp nigella seeds 3  lace the squash in a roasting pan and sprinkle the seeds over the top. Drizzle
1 large butternut squash, seeded and with 4 tablespoons olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
cut into strips
4  oast in the preheated oven for 25–35 minutes, turning the squash once or
8 tbsp olive oil twice, until tender and golden brown outside. Remove and set aside to cool.
675g/1½lb piece of very lean steak,
5  ake the dressing: whisk the vinegar, pomegranate molasses, mustard
e.g. fillet, sirloin or onglet (hanger), fat
and honey together. Gradually whisk in the oil and season lightly with salt
and pepper.
25g/1oz wild rocket (arugula)
6  rush the steak with the remaining oil, rubbing it into both sides, and grind
seeds of 1 small pomegranate
some sea salt and black pepper over the top.
sea salt crystals and freshly ground
black pepper 7  eat a heavy ridged griddle pan over a high heat. When it’s really hot, add the
steak and sear for 2–3 minutes each side for rare meat. If you like your steak
Dressing: medium-rare to medium, cook it for 4–5 minutes each side. Remove from the
2 tbsp red wine vinegar pan and set aside for at least 10 minutes.
3 tbsp pomegranate molasses 8  ut the cool squash, rocket (arugula) and most of the pomegranate seeds in a
1 tbsp Dijon mustard bowl and toss lightly with half of the dressing.
2 tsp runny honey 9 S lice the warm steak with a very sharp knife and add to the salad. Pour
100ml/3½fl oz/scant ½ cup olive oil the remaining dressing over the top and scatter with the reserved
salt and freshly ground black pepper pomegranate seeds.

Serves: 4
Prep: 15 minutes Or you can try this…
Cook: 40 minutes v Sear lamb fillets in the same way and serve sliced with the dressing.
Rest: 10 minutes
v Add some heat to the salad by whisking a pinch of dried chilli flakes into
NOTE: If using onglet (hanger) steak, the dressing.
it may take longer to cook – choose a piece
that isn’t too thick.


This typically rustic Italian dish has the slightly aniseed flavour of fennel. The seeds have a mildly diuretic
effect, helping to balance the acid-forming effects of the sausage meat and thereby supporting the kidneys.

Fettuccine with spicy sausage and fennel seeds

3 tbsp olive oil 1  eat the olive oil in a large saucepan and cook the onion, fennel, garlic and
fennel seeds over a low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes
1 large onion, chopped
until softened.
1 small fennel bulb, trimmed and
diced 2 S lit open the sausages with a sharp knife and squeeze out the meaty filling.
Add to the pan and turn up the heat to medium. Cook for 10 minutes,
2 garlic cloves, crushed
stirring occasionally and breaking up the sausage meat, until it is golden
2 tsp fennel seeds brown and crisp.
400g/14oz Italian spicy sausages
3  dd the tomatoes, rosemary, tomato paste and red wine. Simmer for
1 x 400g/14oz can chopped tomatoes 15–20 minutes until reduced. Remove the rosemary sprig. Stir in most of
1 sprig fresh rosemary the parsley and a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Season to taste with salt
1 tbsp tomato paste and pepper.
200ml/7fl oz/generous ¾ cup red wine 4  eanwhile, cook the fettuccine in a large pan of boiling salted water
a handful of flat-leaf parsley, chopped, according to the instructions on the packet. Drain well.
plus extra to garnish 5  ently toss the fettuccine in the spicy sausage sauce, and divide between
a few drops of balsamic vinegar 4 shallow serving dishes. Sprinkle with the remaining parsley and serve with
500g/1lb 2oz fettuccine grated Parmesan.
Parmesan cheese for grating
salt and freshly ground black pepper Or you can try this…
Serves: 4 v For a subtler flavour, use white wine instead of red.
Prep: 10 minutes v If you love fennel, leave out the parsley and use finely chopped feathery
Cook: 40 minutes fronds of fennel herb instead.


Quinoa and minced beef chilli with cumin seeds
This quick chilli is made with canned beans and tomatoes from the store cupboard. You can make it a day in advance and
keep it covered overnight in the refrigerator to reheat for supper the following day. It also freezes well. The cumin seeds add
an anti-inflammatory quotient, so the chilli won’t irritate even the most sensitive stomach.

Quinoa and minced beef chilli with cumin seeds

1 tbsp sunflower oil 1  eat the oil in a large saucepan and cook the onions, garlic and chilli, stirring
occasionally, over a low to medium heat for 6–8 minutes until softened.
2 onions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed 2  dd the minced beef, cumin seeds, cinnamon and chipotle paste or chilli
powder. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the beef is
1 red chilli, finely chopped
browned all over.
500g/1lb 2oz/2¼ cups minced (ground)
low-fat beef 3  dd the tomatoes and beef stock and simmer gently for 25–30 minutes until
the sauce reduces and thickens. Stir in the canned beans and cook gently for
1 tbsp cumin seeds
5 minutes to warm them through. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
1 tsp ground cinnamon
4  hile the chilli is cooking, cook the quinoa according to the instructions on
1 tsp chipotle paste or chilli powder
the packet.
2 x 400g/14oz cans chopped tomatoes
5 S erve the chilli on a bed of quinoa and scatter with the chopped coriander
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups beef stock
(cilantro) and avocado, tossed in the lime juice and zest. Add a spoonful of sour
1 x 400g/14oz can black beans or red cream to each serving and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds.
kidney beans
175g/6oz/1 cup quinoa
a handful of coriander (cilantro),
Or you can try this…
roughly chopped v Use half-fat crème fraîche instead of sour cream for a lower-fat version.
1 ripe avocado, peeled, stoned (pitted) v This also tastes great with boiled or steamed rice or tortillas heated on
and cubed a hot griddle.
grated zest and juice of 1 lime
4 tbsp sour cream
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Serves: 4
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 45–50 minutes


Baking & desserts
These tangy cookies are a great accompaniment to cheese. Top them with hummus or cut them into sticks instead of
rounds and use them as dippers. Caraway seeds contain calcium and magnesium, which help to move food through
the digestive tract, allowing for the absorption of nutrients. Nigella is a rich source of the omega-rich essential fatty
acid known as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which helps break down other fats that contribute to weight gain.

Cheesy caraway cookies

250g/9oz/2½ cups plain (all-purpose) 1  reheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6. Lightly butter 2 baking
flour plus extra for dusting (cookie) sheets.
½ tsp cayenne pepper plus extra for 2 S ift the flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the cayenne and salt and
sprinkling mix well. Cut the butter into dice and rub into the flour with your
a large pinch of salt fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the
Parmesan and seeds.
125g/4oz/½ cup chilled butter plus
extra for greasing 3  eat the egg and stir into the mixture. Add some cold water, 1 tablespoon
125g/4oz/generous 1 cup grated at a time, until everything binds together into a dough that leaves the sides
Parmesan cheese of the bowl clean.
3 tbsp caraway seeds 4  urn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and knead lightly before
1 tsp nigella seeds rolling out thinly about 3mm/¼ in thick. Cut into small rounds with a
cookie cutter and arrange on the baking (cookie) sheets. Roll out any
1 large organic egg
leftover dough and cut into more rounds.
cold water to mix
5  over the sheets with kitchen foil and chill in the refrigerator for at least
Makes: about 30–40 cookies 15 minutes before dusting lightly with cayenne. Bake in the preheated oven
Prep: 15 minutes for about 10 minutes until crisp and golden.
Chill: 15 minutes
6  ool the cookies on a wire rack and store in an airtight container. They will
Cook: 10 minutes
keep well for 4–5 days.

Or you can try this…

v Grated Gruyère, Emmental or a strong mature Cheddar can be substituted
for Parmesan.


This spicy tea loaf is made with oil instead of butter. Poppy seeds contain abundant oleic acid (one of the
beneficial essential fats) that helps to lower the potentially damaging LDL (low-density lipo-protein) cholesterol,
making this a heart-healthy treat.

Seedy courgette nut loaf

3 organic eggs 1  reheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4. Lightly oil a 900g/2lb loaf tin
and line with baking parchment.
175g/6oz/scant 1 cup molasses sugar
125ml/4fl oz/½ cup walnut or sunflower 2  eat the eggs, sugar and oil in a food processor until well blended. Sift in the
oil plus extra for brushing flours, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), spices and salt. Fold
in gently on a low speed.
150g/5oz/1½ cups wholemeal (whole-
wheat) flour 3 S queeze any excess moisture out of the grated courgettes (zucchini) and mix in
150g/5oz/1½ cups plain (all-purpose) gently with the dates, nuts and poppy seeds.
flour 4  our the mixture into the prepared tin and level the top. Bake in the preheated
1 heaped tsp baking powder oven for 1¼ hours or until the loaf is well risen and golden brown. When it is
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking cooked, a thin skewer inserted into the centre will come out clean.
soda) 5  eave the loaf to cool in the tin for 15 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack
1 tsp ground cinnamon and leave until cold. Wrapped in kitchen foil and stored in an airtight container
1 tsp ground ginger in a cool place, this will keep well for 2–3 days. It will keep for longer if it is
stored in the refrigerator but it tastes best at room temperature. Serve sliced.
½ tsp allspice
a pinch of salt
2 large or 3 medium courgettes Or you can try this…
(zucchini), finely grated v Add some diced stem ginger in syrup, a handful of raisins or the grated zest of
50g/2oz/¼ cup Medjool dates, stoned an orange or lemon.
(pitted) and chopped
50g/2oz/scant ½ cup chopped pecans
or walnuts
4 tbsp poppy seeds

Makes: 1 large loaf

Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 1¼ hours


This healthy, high-fibre loaf is quick and easy to make as it doesn’t use yeast or require any kneading or rising.
It tastes good with cheese, or spread with fruity jam. Linseed has a beneficial omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, helping
to reduce inflammatory conditions, such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as skin complaints, such as
rosacea. This recipe allows the linseeds to swell and supply fibre without irritating the digestive tract lining.

Multi-seed loaf
250g/9oz/2½ cups wholemeal 1  reheat the oven to 190°C, 375°F, gas mark 5. Lightly grease or oil a 900g/2lb
(whole-wheat) flour loaf tin and line with baking parchment.
100g/3½oz/1 cup rolled oats 2 I n a large bowl, mix together the flour, oats, ground linseed and salt. Stir in
50g/2oz ground linseed the seeds, spices, raisins and nuts.
a pinch of salt 3 I n another bowl, beat together the milk, malt extract and eggs, and then stir
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup pumpkin seeds these into the dry ingredients until thoroughly mixed. If the mixture is too
25g/1oz/scant ¼ cup sunflower seeds stiff add another 1–2 tablespoons milk to loosen it.
50g/2oz/½ cup linseeds 4  eave to stand for 20–30 minutes, then transfer to the prepared tin. Scatter
2 tbsp sesame seeds the extra nuts over the top and press in lightly.
1 tsp ground cinnamon 5  ake in the preheated oven for 1 hour or until the loaf is cooked through.
a good pinch of grated nutmeg When it is cooked, a thin skewer inserted into the centre will come out clean.
150g/5oz/1 cup raisins 6  ool on a wire rack and serve cut into slices. The loaf will keep well
50g/2oz/generous ½ cup chopped for 3–4 days.
hazelnuts plus extra for sprinkling
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups skimmed milk Or you can try this…
or almond milk
v For a more savoury flavour, add some caraway or cumin seeds.
1 tbsp malt extract
2 organic eggs v Spice it up with some ground or freshly grated ginger, or a good pinch of
Makes: 1 large loaf
Prep: 15 minutes
Stand: 20–30 minutes
Cook: 1 hour


This cake is moist and rich without being heavy, and has a complex spicy flavour. The cardamom seeds are a superb
source of calcium and magnesium to support heart health, as well as antioxidants to boost immunity in the gut, and
the full range of B vitamins required for energy production.

Seedy moist beetroot cake

180ml/6fl oz/¾ cup extra-virgin olive oil 1  reheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4. Lightly oil a 20cm/8in cake tin
plus extra for greasing and line with baking parchment.
200g/7oz/scant 1 cup light brown 2  eat the oil and sugar until well mixed. Beat in the egg yolks, one at a time, and
sugar then add the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), salt and
3 organic eggs, separated mixed spice. Beat until thoroughly combined.
225g/8oz/2¼ cups plain (all-purpose) 3  dd the beetroot (beets), seeds, sultanas (golden raisins), orange zest and juice
flour, sifted and mix on a low speed.
1 tsp baking powder
4 I n a clean, dry bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff, then fold into the cake
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking mixture with a metal spoon in a figure-of-eight motion.
5 S poon the mixture into the prepared tin, smoothing the top, and bake in the
a pinch of salt
preheated oven for 40–45 minutes or until well risen and a thin skewer inserted
2 tsp mixed spice into the centre comes out clean.
175g/6oz raw beetroot (beets), washed
6  eave the cake to cool in the tin. Turn out and dust lightly with icing
and roughly grated
(confectioner’s) sugar.
4 tbsp poppy seeds
7 Serve cut into slices with a bowl of crème fraîche sprinkled with poppy seeds.
3 tbsp sunflower seeds
seeds from 8 green cardamom pods
50g/2oz/generous ¼ cup sultanas
Or you can try this…
(golden raisins) v For a chocolatey flavour, add 2–3 tablespoons cocoa powder with the flour.
grated zest and juice of 1 orange Make the cake spicier by adding a pinch of ground cinnamon and some nutmeg
icing (confectioner’s) sugar for dusting with the mixed spice.
crème fraîche and poppy seeds to

Serves: 8
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 40–45 minutes


In this contemporary seed cake, the lemon zest and juice add a refreshing citrus flavour while the yoghurt makes
the finished cake lighter and moister than the traditional version. The vitamin C of the citrus fruit creates a cake
that may help to lower LDL cholesterol, while the seeds’ calcium and magnesium improve digestive function.

Poppy seed and lemon cake

175g/6oz/¾ cup butter 1  reheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4. Grease a 20 x 12cm
175g/6oz/¾ cup golden caster (12 x 8in) deep loaf tin and line with baking parchment.
(superfine) sugar 2  eat the butter and sugar until light, pale and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at
3 organic eggs a time, beating well between each addition. Add a little of the sifted flour to
250g/9oz/2½ cups self-raising prevent the mixture from curdling.
(self-rising) flour, sifted 3  dd the flour, poppy seeds and lemon zest and mix well on a slow speed.
5 tbsp poppy seeds Beat in the lemon juice and Greek yoghurt.
grated zest of 2 lemons 4 S poon the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth the top. Bake in the
juice of 1 lemon preheated oven for about 45 minutes or until well risen and a thin skewer
100g/3½oz/½ cup natural Greek inserted into the centre comes out clean.
yoghurt 5  eave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and
lemon zest slivers to decorate leave until completely cool.
Cream cheese icing (frosting): 6  ake the cream cheese icing (frosting): put all the ingredients in a bowl
125g/4oz/generous ½ cup soft cream and beat well until thoroughly combined. Spread over the top and decorate
cheese with slivers of lemon zest.
3 tbsp natural Greek yoghurt
2 tbsp icing (confectioner’s) sugar Or you can try this…
juice of ½ small lemon v Instead of using cream cheese, make some lemon icing (frosting) by stirring
freshly squeezed lemon juice into some sifted icing (confectioner’s) sugar
Serves: 8–10 and mixing until you get the desired consistency. Pour over the cake and
Prep: 15 minutes leave to set.
Cook: 45 minutes
v Pierce the warm cake with a thin skewer while it’s still in the tin and pour
over some lemon juice sweetened with honey for a sticky, moist version.


This moist and fragrant traybake-style cake made with seasonal fruit makes a great dessert. It’s easy to make and
needs no decoration. Vanilla seeds are a rich source of the minerals calcium, magnesium and manganese, which
together support the regrowth of bone, ligaments, hair and nails.

Greengage and orange cake with vanilla seed cream

175g/6oz/¾ cup butter plus extra for 1  reheat the oven to 180°C, 350°F, gas mark 4. Grease and line a shallow
greasing 30 x 20cm (12 x 8in) cake tin with baking parchment.
175g/6oz//¾ cup golden soft brown 2  eat the butter and sugar until soft and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time,
sugar beating well between each addition. Add a spoonful of flour to help prevent the
3 organic eggs mixture from curdling.
80g/3oz/generous ½ cup plain 3 S ift in the rest of the flour and the baking powder and add the ground almonds.
(all-purpose) flour Mix on a slow speed until well combined. Add the orange zest and juice, vanilla
1 tsp baking powder seeds and a tablespoon or two of milk to slacken the mixture.
125g/4oz/1¼ cups ground almonds 4 S poon the mixture into the prepared cake tin and level the top, pushing the
grated zest and juice of 1 orange mixture into the corners of the tin.
seeds from 1 vanilla pod (bean) 5  rrange the greengage halves, cut-side up, in neat lines on top of the cake, then
1–2 tbsp milk press them down slightly into the mixture. Press the hazelnuts into the cake
12 ripe greengages, halved and around them.
stoned (pitted) 6  ake in the preheated oven for about 35–40 minutes or until the cake rises
80g/3oz/generous ½ cup whole around the fruit, and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave
hazelnuts to cool in the tin.
Vanilla seed cream: 7  repare the vanilla seed cream just before serving. Mix together the crème
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups half-fat crème fraîche and vanilla seeds in a bowl.
fraîche 8 S erve the cake cut into squares or slices with the vanilla seed cream. Wrapped
seeds from 1 vanilla pod (bean) in kitchen foil, this cake will keep in the refrigerator for 2–3 days. Bring up to
room temperature before serving.
Serves: 8–10
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 35–40 minutes Or you can try this…
v Substitute apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, blueberries or even raspberries
for the greengages.


These delicious little pots are quick and easy to prepare. You can make them the night before for lunch or dinner
the following day, but serve at room temperature for maximum flavour. As well as calcium and magnesium, which
are needed for regular contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle, cardamom seeds contain potassium, and this
helps to balance excess sodium in the body. They also have abundant B vitamins for cellular energy.

Clementine and cardamom chocolate pots

seeds from 10 cardamom pods 1 S lit open the cardamom pods and remove the seeds with a small knife.
300ml/½ pint/1¼ cups double Alternatively, knock the pods with a rolling pin to release the seeds. Lightly
(heavy) cream crush the seeds with a pestle and mortar or the back of a spoon.
200g/7oz plain (semisweet) chocolate 2  ut the seeds and cream in a small saucepan and heat until the cream is
(70 per cent cocoa solids) almost boiling. Remove from the heat immediately and set aside to infuse
2 medium egg yolks for at least 20 minutes, then strain through a sieve.
25g/1oz/2 tbsp unsalted butter, diced 3  reak the chocolate into small pieces and place in a bowl suspended over
grated zest and juice of 2 clementines a pan of just simmering water. When the chocolate is melted, remove the
bowl from the heat.
chocolate shards and candied
clementine peel to decorate 4  hisk the egg yolks until thick and stir them into the melted chocolate
with the butter, clementine zest and juice and cream.
Serves: 6
Prep: 10 minutes 5  ivide the mixture between 6 small ceramic pots, ramekins or pretty
Infuse: 20 minutes espresso coffee cups. Cover with cling film (plastic wrap) and chill in the
Chill: 4 hours refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight until set.
6 S erve at room temperature decorated with chocolate shards and candied
CAUTION! This recipe contains raw egg clementine peel.
yolks, so may not be suitable for pregnant
women, infants and people with weakened
immune systems.
Or you can try this…
v Intensify the flavour by stirring 1 tablespoon orange liqueur into the melted
chocolate mixture.

v Serve with clementine segments dipped in melted chocolate, then chilled

until set, or with some crème fraîche and a sprinkle of clementine zest.


A baked all-American cheesecake is always irresistible and this one is easy to make. It’s perfect for a special
occasion or when you’re entertaining. Vanilla seeds provide bone-building calcium, magnesium and manganese,
whilst poppy seeds are rich in oleic acid (an essential fatty acid), which is beneficial for hormone regulation
and soft, supple skin.

Baked lemon, vanilla and poppy seed cheesecake

200g/7oz ginger biscuits (cookies), 1 Preheat the oven to 170°C, 325°F, gas mark 3.
2  ix the crushed biscuits into the melted butter and press onto the base of
80g/3oz/scant ½ cup butter, melted a 23cm/9in loose-bottomed tart tin (spring-form tart pan). Leave to chill in
650g/1lb 7oz/scant 3 cups cream the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
cheese or ricotta
3  ut the cream cheese or ricotta, sour cream, sugar, cornflour (cornstarch)
200ml/7fl oz/generous ¾ cup sour and eggs in a large bowl or food mixer and beat together.
4  dd the vanilla seeds to the cheese mixture with the poppy seeds, lemon
125g/4oz/½ cup caster (superfine)
zest and juice, and sultanas (golden raisins). Fold in gently.
1 tbsp cornflour (cornstarch) 5  emove the tin from the refrigerator and spoon the mixture over the
biscuit base. Smooth the top with a palette knife.
4 organic eggs
seeds from 1 vanilla pod (bean) 6  ook in the preheated oven for about 1 hour, checking the cheesecake
after 45–50 minutes. Remove when it’s golden brown on top and springs
2 tbsp poppy seeds
back when pressed gently.
grated zest of 2 lemons
7 S et aside to cool. Dust lightly with icing (confectioner’s) sugar and serve
juice of 1 lemon
cut into slices with fresh berry fruits.
50g/2oz/generous ¼ cup sultanas
(golden raisins)
fresh berries to serve, e.g. strawberries,
Or you can try this…
raspberries, redcurrants and white v Add some poppy seeds to the crushed biscuits for the base.
v For a more lemony flavour, lightly swirl some lemon curd through the
icing (confectioner’s) sugar to serve cheese mixture before baking.
Serves: 10
Prep: 20 minutes
Chill: 20 minutes
Cook: 45–60 minutes


alfalfa 10, 16, 32, 38 cheese dressings, salad 118–21
asparagus and poppy seed pasta ribbons butternut squash and goat’s cheese dried fruit: seedy fruit and nut bars 58
137 bake with pumpkin seeds 133 drying seeds 43
avocados cheesy caraway cookies 158 dukka sprinkle 48
four-seed pancakes with avocado and cheesecake, baked lemon, vanilla and
roasted tomatoes 78 poppy seed 172 eggs
spiced avocado and tahini dip 62 chia seeds 8, 10, 26–7, 35, 44 Mexican chia seed scrambled egg
chia and poached pear spread 65 wraps 86
beef chia seed porridge 84 smoked salmon tortilla with fennel
quinoa and minced beef chilli with mango and chia seed breakfast seed and sofrito 89
cumin seeds 155 smoothie 68
steak and squash salad with Mexican chia seed scrambled egg fattoush with seedy flatbreads 94
pomegranate 151 wraps 86 fennel seeds 8, 10, 12, 22, 34
beetroot cake, seedy moist 165 peanut butter, sesame and chia seed fennel and hummus salad 98
beetroot and coriander seed hummus squares 59 fennel seed, lemon and ginger tisane
salad 97 raw chia and strawberry spread 65 70
blueberry buckwheat bliss 69 soaking chia seeds 40 fettuccine with spicy sausage and
broccoli: buckwheat, broccoli and chicken fennel seeds 152
sprouted seed salad 108 sesame seed-coated chicken 148 growing 38
buckwheat 8, 10, 26, 35 Szechuan bang bang chicken salad roasting & toasting 44
blueberry buckwheat bliss 69 116 smoked salmon tortilla with fennel
buckwheat, broccoli and sprouted chillies seed and sofrito 89
seed salad 108 chilli, lemon and coriander seed fenugreek 10, 19, 32
buckwheat-stuffed Mediterranean dressing 120 winter coleslaw with fenugreek 107
vegetables 124 quinoa and minced beef chilli 155 fish
soaking & sprouting 41 chocolate pots, clementine and Japanese-style brown rice salad with
burgers, seedy root vegetable 128 cardamom 170 griddled tuna 112
butternut squash and goat’s cheese bake chutney roasted fish fillets with a seedy Indian
with pumpkin seeds 133 seedy coconut chutney 126 crust 143
butters, seed 50–1 seedy Indian tomato chutney 131 smoked salmon tortilla 89
coleslaw stir-fried salmon and sesame noodles
cakes spring coleslaw 104 138
greengage and orange cake 169 winter coleslaw 107 five-seed crackers 53
poppy seed and lemon cake 166 cookies, cheesy caraway 158 flatbreads, seedy 94
seedy moist beetroot cake 165 coriander seeds 8, 10, 13–14, 31 flaxseed see linseed
caraway seeds 8, 10, 12, 31 beetroot and coriander seed hummus flower heads 10, 22–5, 34
caramelized onion tart with caraway salad 97 four-seed pancakes 78
seed crust 134 growing 38 freezing seeds 43
cheesy caraway cookies 158 harvesting & collecting 42 fruit 10, 12–15, 31
five-seed crackers 53 ras el hanout 49 overnight oat and fruit pots 74
roasting & toasting 44 roasting & toasting 44
cardamom 8, 10, 16, 18, 32 couscous: jewelled couscous with spicy ginger 8
cardamom and star anise tisane 71 shrimp 111 fennel seed, lemon and ginger tisane
clementine and cardamom chocolate crackers, five-seed 53 70
pots 170 crispbreads, seedy rye 54 granola: seedy granola bowls with pink
nectarine and cardamom smoothie 68 cumin 8, 10, 18–19, 3 rhubarb 77
carrots roasting & toasting 44 grapefruit: spring coleslaw with
roasted kale and carrot salad 115 curry, prawn and tomato 140 grapefruit and mixed seeds 104
seedy carrot breakfast muffins 83 greengage and orange cake 169
cauliflower: seedy cauliflower ‘rice’ salad dhal 126
103 dip, spiced avocado and tahini 62 harvesting seeds 42


hemp seeds 8, 10, 14–15, 31, 44 onions beetroot and coriander seed hummus
five-seed crackers 53 caramelized onion tart 134 salad 97
honey: toasted sesame honey vinaigrette seedy pizza with caramelized onions seedy cauliflower ‘rice’ salad with
121 147 roasted pumpkin 103
hummus oranges pumpkin seeds 10, 24–5, 34
beetroot and coriander seed hummus greengage and orange cake 169 butternut squash and goat’s cheese
salad 97 orange and lemon poppy seed bake with pumpkin seeds 133
fennel and hummus salad 98 dressing 121 harvesting & collecting 42
organic seeds 39 pumpkin seed butter 50
Japanese-style brown rice salad with pumpkin seed pesto 62
griddled tuna 112 pancakes, four-seed 78 satay pumpkin seed dressing 118
pasta soaking & sprouting 41
kale: roasted kale and carrot salad 115 asparagus and poppy seed pasta toasting 44
kernels 10, 22–5, 34 ribbons 137 toasty-roasty omega-seed sprinkle 49
fettuccine with spicy sausage and
lemons fennel seeds 152 quinoa 8, 10, 28–9, 35
baked lemon, vanilla and poppy seed peanut butter, sesame and chia seed green quinoa tabbouleh 93
cheesecake 172 squares 59 quinoa and minced beef chilli 155
chilli, lemon and coriander seed pears: chia and poached pear spread 65 soaking & sprouting 41
dressing 120 pesto, pumpkin seed 62
fennel seed, lemon and ginger tisane pizza ras el hanout 49
70 seedy pizza with caramelized onions rhubarb, seedy granola bowls with pink 77
orange and lemon poppy seed 147 rice: Japanese-style brown rice salad with
dressing 121 seedy pizza with prosciutto 146 griddled tuna 112
poppy seed and lemon cake 166 pomegranates 8, 10, 20–1, 28, 33 roasting seeds 44
surprise seedy lemon muffins 82 fennel and hummus salad with rye crispbreads, seedy 54
linseeds 8, 10, 27–8, 35, 44 pomegranate 98
soaking 40 green quinoa tabbouleh with salads
toasty-roasty omega-seed sprinkle 49 pomegranate 93 beetroot and coriander seed hummus
steak and squash salad with salad 97
mango and chia seed breakfast smoothie pomegranate 151 buckwheat, broccoli and sprouted
68 poppy seeds 8, 10, 22, 24, 34 seed salad 108
Mexican chia seed scrambled egg wraps asparagus and poppy seed pasta fennel and hummus salad with
86 ribbons 137 pomegranate seeds 98
muffins baked lemon, vanilla and poppy seed Japanese-style brown rice salad with
seedy carrot breakfast muffins 83 cheesecake 172 griddled tuna 112
surprise seedy lemon muffins 82 five-seed crackers 53 roasted kale and carrot salad with
mustard seeds 8, 10, 15, 31 growing 38 crispy prosciutto 115
dry-roasting 44 orange and lemon poppy seed salad dressings 118–21
winter coleslaw with fenugreek, dressing 121 seedy cauliflower ‘rice’ salad with
mustard and cumin seeds 107 poppy seed and lemon cake 166 roasted pumpkin 103
toasted poppy seed tisane 70 spring coleslaw with grapefruit and
nectarine and cardamom smoothie 68 toasting 44 mixed seeds 104
nigella seeds 10, 19–20, 33 porridge, chia seed 84 steak and squash salad with
five-seed crackers 53 prosciutto pomegranate 151
roasting & toasting 44 roasted kale and carrot salad with superfood mixed sprouts and seedy
noodles, stir-fried salmon and sesame 138 crispy prosciutto 115 salad 100
nuts seedy pizza with prosciutto 146 Szechuan bang bang chicken salad 116
seedy fruit and nut bars 58 pseudocereals 10, 26–9, 35 winter coleslaw with fenugreek,
seedy courgette nut loaf 161 pumpkin mustard and cumin seeds 107
oats: overnight oat and fruit pots 74

satay pumpkin seed dressing 118 sofrito, smoked salmon tortilla with 89 tahini dressing 120
sausages: fettuccine with spicy sausage sowing seeds 38–9 tarts
and fennel seeds 152 spanakopita rolls 60 caramelized onion tart with caraway
seeds spreads seed crust 134
drying, sourcing & storing 43, 44 chia and poached pear spread 65 tea loaves
harvesting & collecting 42 raw chia and strawberry spread 65 multi-seed loaf 162
roasting & toasting 44 sprinkles 48–9 seedy courgette nut loaf 161
soaking & sprouting 40–1 sprouted seeds 6, 40–1 Thai aromatic sesame dressing 119
sowing & growing 38–9 buckwheat, broccoli and sprouted tisanes, seedy 70–1
sesame seeds 8, 10, 29, 35 seed salad 108 toasting seeds 44
five-seed crackers 53 superfood mixed sprouts and seedy toasty-roasty omega-seed sprinkle 49
growing 38 salad 100 tomatoes
peanut butter, sesame and chia seed squash: steak and squash salad with fattoush 94
squares 59 pomegranate 151 four-seed pancakes with avocado and
roasting & toasting 44 star anise: cardamom and star anise roasted tomatoes 78
sesame seed-coated chicken breasts tisane 71 seedy Indian tomato chutney 131
148 storing seeds 43, 44 prawn and tomato curry 140
soaking & sprouting 41 strawberries: raw chia and strawberry tortillas: smoked salmon tortilla with
stir-fried salmon and sesame noodles spread 65 fennel seed and sofrito 89
138 sunflower seeds 10, 25, 34
Szechuan bang bang chicken salad harvesting & collecting 42 vanilla 10, 21, 33
with toasted sesame seeds 116 soaking & sprouting 41 baked lemon, vanilla and poppy seed
tahini 51 sunflower seed butter 51 cheesecake 172
Thai aromatic sesame dressing 119 toasting 44 vanilla seed cream 169
toasted sesame honey vinaigrette 121 toasty-roasty omega-seed sprinkle 49
toasting 44 superfood mixed sprouts and seedy winter coleslaw with fenugreek,
toasty-roasty omega-seed sprinkle 49 salad 100 mustard and cumin seeds 107
shrimp surprise seedy lemon muffins 82 wraps, Mexican chia seed scrambled
jewelled couscous with spicy shrimp Szechuan bang bang chicken salad 116 egg 86
prawn and tomato curry 140 tabbouleh, green quinoa 93 zucchini: seedy courgette nut loaf 161
smoothies, seedy 68–9 tahini 29, 51
soaking seeds 40 spiced avocado and tahini dip 62

VICKI EDGSON was a practising nutritional therapist for over 20 years. She has written and co-written 10 titles on nutrition/health and
fitness, and contributed to many leading magazines and online forums including Harper’s Bazaar, Tatler, Red, Elle, Women’s Health,
Healthy, Cosmopolitan and Psychologies. She co-founded The Food Doctor business and has worked with health-food companies
including Honestly Healthy, Abel & Cole and Bounce Foods. She has appeared on television in Fat Nation for the BBC and
Diet Doctors for Channel Five, and contributed to the BBC’s Breakfast Show and ITV’s Lorraine.

HEATHER THOMAS has been eating and enjoying seeds and plant proteins since she shared a house with five vegetarian Quakers
at university and learnt to cook. A food writer and editor, she has written best-selling cookery books including The New Vegetarian
Cookbook with the Vegetarian Society and Broth (co-author Vicki Edgson), and has worked with many top chefs, slimming companies
and women’s health organizations, as well as contributing to health and food magazines in the UK and the United States.

To Charlotte Stapleton for her superb support in researching the health benefits and history of the seeds we have included, and
Nick Barnard of Rude Health for pointing out the real meaning of a pseudograin/cereal – where would we be without our
learned colleagues? And, most of all, to my co-author, Heather Thomas, to whom I dedicate this book,
as she was able to sort out the wood from the trees when I could not! Vicki Edgson

Assistant food stylist: Charlotte O’Connell. Props: Alexander Breeze


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