Narrative Report

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The objective of the “Sci-collab Tayo” Science learning intervention was to

enhance the Scientific knowledge of the Grade 9 and 10 students, increase the
passing rate in the Quarterly Assessment and develop tutoring skills and build
confidence for fast learners. To kickstart the learning intervention, all the chosen
mentors were gathered to give the respective members topics to discuss and
oriented them about the said activity. The first week was purely orientation and
distribution of topic to the mentors. along with that is the benefit and recognition they
might receive after the activity.

In the second week first day the teacher gathered the mentors to discuss the
first topic which is the location of genes in chromosomes. The teacher prepared
materials and handouts for the mentors to further enhance their understanding of the
topic. After this the teacher let the mentors be with their mentees and start doing the
peer tutoring. For the first day one problem encountered was the shyness of mentors
towards their mentees. This shows that with the use of this activity it might help them
enhance their self-confidence. For grade 10 our first topic was about plate
boundaries, this activity made the students understand more about the plate
boundaries and their differences. In grade 10 it happens to be easier to do the peer
tutoring because in this time they are quite honed with confidence.

In the third week peer tutoring continues and this time we assessed the
learning made by the students in last week’s topic. It was facilitated by the teacher
and mentors. The teacher happens to be very happy because most of the students
got a perfect score.

The activity only happens every Friday. On the third week the teacher and
mentors proceed with the next topic to discuss which is for grade 9 patterns of
nonmendelian inheritance and for grade 10 locating epicenters. The teacher again
provided worksheets and flash cards to help students understand the topic further.
With this, students of grade 9 can now determine the phenotype genotype and ratio
of patterns of inheritance depending on the type of inheritance present and grade 10
students can now locate epicenter through triangulation. The evaluation of the
activity happened after the discussion through worksheets.
Topics for the first quarter has been done the following week. The result
shows that the student’s knowledge and understanding about the topics has been
enhanced through peer tutoring it was a good opportunity and idea to provide
students with enhancements of enrichment. After which we immediately proceed with
the first topic for enrichment in second quarter for science 9 and 10 which are
classes of organic compounds, but we focused on highlighting hydrocarbons and
determining LOST Diagram for mirrors.

The teacher again provides printed handouts and worksheets to help students
understand the topic more. This time mentors are more comfortable with their
mentees, and it is easier for them to execute peer tutoring. The teacher facilitated
the LOST diagraming and determining type of mirrors and image formed in a mirror,
because they are still confused how is it done. But after which another set of
worksheets was given and finally they got it and understood how it is done. The
evaluation happened the week after the discussion because the time wasn’t enough.

This is the final week and the last topic to be discussed is about determining
molar mass and percentage composition for grade 9 and ray diagraming for grade
10. With the help of resources such as protractors, rulers, periodic tables, and
calculators it causes less hassle for the students to solve different problems given. I
can say that for grade 9 students determining molar mass is one of the topics that
they have enjoyed during the whole execution of the activity. The teacher even gives
both board work and paper and pencil test to students to see and determine if they
got something from the lesson.

At first it was hard to think about the given activity the proponent even think
that will it be effective? But it was very glad to see how students exerted efforts to
help their colleagues and to see how they all work well. This activity might be simple
and sometimes considered a hassle but if we will look into the understandings and
knowledge gained after, it was very fulfilling.

This activity results to attain its aims which is to enhance knowledge and skills
of students in learning science. And it provides good results from basic enhancement
to complex learning.

The learning intervention successfully achieved its objective of enhancing

students' understanding and appreciation of science. The engaging activities, hands-
on experiences, and exposure to worksheets contributed to a transformative learning
experience. The intervention fostered a lifelong love for science and laid the
foundation for future scientific endeavors.

Moving forward, we recommend continuing such interventions and exploring

opportunities for further collaboration with scientific institutions and experts to
provide even more enriching experiences for our students.

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