Micro 02

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Concept of Micro-teaching

Micro-teaching is a teacher training technique which helps the

teacher trainee to master the teaching skills. It requires the
teacher trainee
1. to teach a single concept of content
2. using a specified teaching skill
3. for a short time
4. to a very small member of pupils

In this way the teacher trainee practices the teaching skill in

terms of definable, observable, measurable and controllable form
with repeated cycles till he attains mastery in the use of skill.

Meaning and Definition of Micro-Teaching

Micro teaching is a procedure in which a student teacher practices
teaching with a reduce number of pupils in a reduced period of
time with emphasis on a narrow and specific teaching skill.
• “Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class size
and time
- D.W.Allen(1966)

• “Microteaching is defined as a system of controlled practice that

makes it possible to concentrate on specified teaching behaviour
and to practice teaching under controlled conditions.”
- D.W. Allen & A.W.Eve (1968)

• “Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in which a

teacher teaches a small unit to a group of five pupils for a small
period of 5 to 20 minutes”
- L.C. Singh (1977)

Objectives of Microteaching
• To enable teacher trainees to learn and assimilate new teaching
skills under controlled conditions.
• To enable teacher trainees to master a number of teaching
• To enable teacher trainees to gain confidence in teaching.

Characteristic of Microteaching
• Microteaching is a highly individualized training device
• Microteaching is an experiment in the field of teacher education
which has been incorporated in the practice teaching schedule
• It is a student teaching skill training technique and not a
teaching technique or method
• Microteaching is micro in the sense that it scale down the
complexities of real teaching
• Practicing one skill at a time
• Reducing the class size to 5 – 10 pupil
• Reducing the duration of lesson to 5 – 10 minutes
• Limiting the content to a single concept
• immediate feedback helps in improving, fixing and motivating
• The student are providing immediate feedback in terms of peer
group feedback, tape recorded/CCTV
• Microteaching advocates the choice and practice of one skill at a

Steps of Micro-teaching
The Micro-teaching programme involves the following steps:
Step I Particular skill to be practiced is explained to the teacher
trainees in terms of the purpose and components of the skill with
suitable examples.
Step II The teacher trainer gives the demonstration of the skill in
Micro-teaching in simulated conditions to the teacher trainees.
Step III The teacher trainee plans a short lesson plan on the
basis of the demonstrated skill for his/her practice.
Step IV The teacher trainee teaches the lesson to a small group
of pupils. His lesson is supervised by the supervisor and peers.
Step V On the basis of the observation of a lesson, the supervisor
gives feedback to the teacher trainee. The supervisor reinforces
the instances of effective use of the skill and draws attention of
the teacher trainee to the points where he could not do well.
Step VI In the light of the feed-back given by the supervisor, the
teacher trainee replans the lesson plan in order to use the skill in
more effective manner in the second trial.
Step VII The revised lesson is taught to another comparable
group of pupils.
Step VIII The supervisor observes the re-teach lesson and gives
re-feed back to the teacher trainee with convincing arguments and
Step IX The ‘teach – re-teach’ cycle may be repeated several
times till adequate mastery level is achieved.

Micro-teaching Cycle
The six steps generally involved in micro-teaching cycle are Plan ,
Teach , Feedback
Replan , Reteach , Refeedback. There can be variations as per
requirement of the objective of practice session. These steps are
diagramatically represented in the following figure :

Plan ------------------> Teach

Re-Feedback Feedback

Re-Teach <-----------Re-Plan
Diagramatic representation of a Micro-teaching Cycle

Plan : This involves the selection of the topic and related content
of such a nature in which the use of components of the skill under
practice may be made easily and conveniently. The topic is
analyzed into different activities of the teacher and the pupils. The
activities are planned in such a logical sequence where maximum
application of the components of a skill is possible.

Teach : This involves the attempts of the teacher trainee to use

the components of the skill in suitable situations coming up in the
process of teaching-learning as per his/her planning of activitieó.
If the situation is different and not as visualized(in the planning of
tTe activities, the teacher should modify his/her behaviour ás per
the demand of the situation in the Wlass. He should have the
courage and confidence to handle the situation arising in the class

Feedback : This term refers to giving information to the teacher

trainee about his performance. The information includes the points
of strength as well as weakness relating to his/her performance.
This helps the teacher trainee to improve upon his/her
performance in the desired direction.

Re-plan : The teacher trainee replans his lesson incorporating the

points of strength and removing the points not skillfully handled
during teaching in the previous attempt either on the same topic
or on another topic suiting to the teacher trainee for

Re-teach : This involves teaching to the same group of pupils if

the topic is changed or to a different group of pupils if the topic is
the same. This is done to remove boredom or monotony of the
pupil. The teacher trainee teaches the class with renewed courage
and confidence to perform better than the previous attempt.

Re-feedback : This is the most important component of Micro-

teaching for behaviour modification of teacher trainee in the
desired direction in each and every skill practice.
Time duration for the microteaching is;
o Teach : 6 Minutes.
o Feedback : 6 Minutes.
o Re-Plan :12 Minutes.
o Re-Teach : 6 Minutes.
o Re-Feedback : 6 Minutes.

Phases of Micro-teaching
There are three phases of the Micro-teaching procedure which you
have studied in the previous section of this Unit. They are :
1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase.
2. Skill Acquisition Phase.
3. Transfer Phase of Micro-teaching.

1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase (Pre-Active Phase)

It includes the activities such as;
Ø Provide knowledge about teaching skills.
Ø Observe the demonstration of teaching skill.
Ø Analyze and discuss the demonstration of the teaching skill.
2. Skill Acquisition Phase (Inter-active Phase)
It includes the activities such as;
Ø Planning and preparation of micro lesson for a skill.
Ø Practicing the skill.
Ø Evaluation of the practiced skill (Feedback).
Ø Re-plan , Re-teach and re-feedback till the desired level of skill
is achieved.

3. Transfer Phase (Post –Active Phase)

Ø Giving opportunity to use the mastered skill in normal class
room teaching.
Ø Integrate the different skill practiced

Link Practice (Integration of Teaching Skills)

When mastery has been attained in various skills ,the teacher
trainee is allowed to teach the skills together. This separate
training programme to integrate various isolated skills is known as
‘Link Practice’
ü It helps the trainee to transfer effectively all the skills learnt in
the micro teaching sessions.
ü It helps to bridge the gap between training in isolated teaching
skills and the real teaching situation faced by a student teacher.
ü Desirable Number of Pupils :15-20
ü Preferable Duration :20minutes.
ü Desirable Number of Skills :3-4 Skills
• Link practice or integration of skills can be done in two ways;
Integration in parts
3 or 4 teaching skills are integrated and transferred them into a
lesson of 15-20 minutes duration. And again 3 or 4 skills are
integrated and are transferred all the skills to one lesson.
Integration as a whole
Student teacher integrates all the individual teaching skills by
taking them as a whole and transferred them into a real teaching

Merits of Microteaching
• It helps to develop and master important teaching skills.
• It helps to accomplish specific teacher competencies.
• It caters the need of individual differences in the teacher
• It is more effective in modifying teacher behaviour.
• It is an individualized training technique.
• It employs real teaching situation for developing skills.
• It reduces the complexity of teaching process as it is a scaled
down teaching.
• It helps to get deeper knowledge regarding the art of teaching.

Limitations of Microteaching
• It is skill oriented; Content not emphasized.
• A large number of trainees cannot be given the opportunity for
re-teaching and re-planning.
• It is very time consuming technique.
• It requires special classroom setting.
• It covers only a few specific skills.
• It deviates from normal classroom teaching.
• It may raise administrative problem while arranging micro

Microteaching Vs Traditional Classroom teaching

Microteaching teaching Traditional Class room
· Teaching is Relatively Simple * Teaching is Complex Activity
· Carried out in controlled situation * Carried out in uncontrolled
· The Class Consist of a small of * Classroom consist of less than
Students group of students 35 to 40 students
· takes up one skill at a time * Teacher practices several skill at a
· Teaching time is 5 to 10 mts. * Teaching time is 40 to 50 mts
· Student teacher provided immediate feedback * No immediate
· Provision for reteaching * No provision for reteaching
· Students gains confidence in teaching * Students usually tensed
and before
actual scared

Origin and Development of Micro-teaching

The idea of micro-teaching originated for the first time at Stanford
University in USA, when an Experimental Project on the
identification of teaching skills was in progress under the guidance
and supervision of the faculty members (Bush, Allen, McDonald
Acheson and many others). This project was aided by Ford
Foundation and Kettering Foundation. The team of experts was
assigned the development of testing and evaluation tools to
measure the attainment of teaching skills. At this juncture Keath
Acheson, a research worker was investigating the utility of video
tape recorder in the development of technical teaching skills. This
instrument could be used for recording the class interaction and
the behaviours of the trainee vividly and accurately. This lead to
the development of a systematic and accurate method of giving
feedback to the teacher trainee. All the steps of micro-teaching
technique :
Teach → Feedback → Replan → Reteach → Refeedback were
formulated. Thus the name of micro-teaching was coined for this
method of developing teaching skills in 1963. Since then this
technique of teacher training has been widely used in almost all
Colleges and Universities of Europe and Asia. In India, it is being
used with great emphasis in all the teacher training programmes
of developing teaching skills and competencies among teacher
Microteaching in India
• The department of Teacher education in the NCERT designed a
project to study the effectiveness of Microteaching in 1975 in
collaboration with the Centre of Advanced Study in Education
(CASE) Baroda.
• Research and training programmes for teacher educators were
also initiated in collaboration with the department of Education,
University of Indore.
• Passi, Singh and Jangira developed instructional materials which
were used to train teacher educators.

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