Biosphere 2 2 Animals
Biosphere 2 2 Animals
Biosphere 2 2 Animals
Distribution of Major Endemic Animal Species
Chungcheongnam-do Sejong
The Baekdudaegan forms the core of mountains limit movement of wild animals to Korea from which 31 are prohibited from being used as food, 16 animal species under lawful hunting. Of 15
in the Korean Peninsula, their continuous ranges China and Russia. Consequently, freshwater fish 479 are protected from capture, 12 are permitted marine species that cause harm to the environ-
reach out to the seas on three sides of the penin- and insects in the Korean Peninsula have more to be captured for artificial insemination, and 568 ment, 8 species are animals.
sula forming the main streams such as Hangang, endemic species than other taxa. Endemic species are approved for export and import. In the case Conservation projects for endangered wild ani-
Nakdonggang, Geumgang, and Seomjinjang. Res- are those that are native to a particular geographic of marine life, 77 species, of which 70 species mal species have been designed to target the Asi- Daegu
idential areas in cities and villages, and produc- area and are not naturally found anywhere else in are animals inhabiting marine or coastal envi- atic black bear (Ursus thibetanus ussuricus), Ko- Jeollabuk-do
tive agricultural land and estuaries possess unique the world. Out of the 100,000 species that may ronments, which are classified as marine animals rean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus), Korean fox
fauna. The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), live in Korea, approximately 10% is presumed to under protection, domestic endemic species, and/ (Vulpes vulpes peculiosa), Oriental stork (Ciconia Ulsan
subalpine zone and islands play an important role be endemic. In terms of higher animals, 4 species or species that are highly valued academically boyciana), crested ibis (Nipponia nippon), sea
as middle stopover sites for migratory animals. In of birds, 4 species of mammals, 5 species of am- and economically are subject to protection. Of 45 horse (Hippocampus coronatus), green turtle Gyeongsangnam-do
Korea, approximately 100,000 species of living phibians, one reptile species, and 59 species of endangered animal species, 4 species are migra- (Chelonia mydas), and several other species.
organisms are estimated to inhabit the land, and fishes are known to be endemic to Korea. tory marine animals and 41 species are marine Twenty-four Ex-Situ Conservation Institutes have Busan
42,756 species among them have been identi- In the case of marine organisms, there are ap- mammals. been established for conservation projects for
fied and recorded. Among the recorded species, proximately 32 species per 1,000 km2 of territo- Decrease in the number of predators of higher endangered species and their habitat restoration.
25,453 species, which constitute 59.5% of the rial water and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), trophic levels led to an increase of small and me- In addition, there are 8 medical care and rescue
total, belong to the Kingdom Animalia including which is the highest diversity in the world, and dium sized mammals, which have been damaging centers for protected marine animal species.
1,936 species of vertebrates, 102 species of tuni- that of coastal wetlands is found to be 717 spe- crops and cultivated areas. Some domesticated The factors that threaten the wildlife species
cates, and 23,415 species of invertebrates. cies. Endemic animal species inhabiting South animals released into the wild have been affecting are poaching and trafficking (600 – 800 cases
Although Korea seems to be a peninsula that Korea account for 6.95% of indigenous animal the faunal ecosystem. per annum), roadway mortality (5,700 cases per
is part of Northeast Asia, the peninsula is eco- species and include 76 species of vertebrates, one Of 18 species determined to cause bioturbation, annum), whaling (2,633 cases per annum as of
logically isolated from the continent by the high tunicate species, and 1,691 species of inverte- 6 species are animals. Of 24 species of potential 2012), and predation due to the extinction of
mountain terrain of Baekdusan and two large brates. adverse ecological effects 7 species are animals. predators that control the populations of animals
rivers. The Amnokgang in the northwest and the There are 35,569 Globally Endangered Species There are 17 wild animal species that cause harm such as wild boar (Sus scrofa) and water deer
Dumangang in the northeast act as barriers that (Class I, Ⅱ), including 5,659 animal species, of to the environment, one naturalized animal, and (Hydropotes inermis).
Major Endemic
Number of Animal Species Number of Protected Animal Species Number of Animal Species Under Key Management Animal Species
Number of Wild Species Mammals
Number of Species
Category Number of Species Proportion of Species (%) Category Under Overseas Transfer Approval Under Poaching Prohibition Apodemus chejuemsis
Pungitius kaibarae
Vertebrates Reptiles 32 1.6 Amphibians 0 16
Birds 61 24.8 - - Coreoleuciscus splendidus
Amphibians 22 1.1 Fish 68 0 Insects
Reptiles 4 1.6 4 5.2 Cantharis soeulensis
Insects 1,017 0 Jeju Special
Anaedus mroczkowskii
Fish 1,235 60.6 Amphibians 3 1.2 - - Self-Governing Province
Arachnids 251 0 Benthic Invertebrates
Tunicates 102 5.0 Fish 25 10.2 2 6.5 brates Ieodo Semisulcospira forticosta
Molluscs 226 0 (Ocean Research Semisulcospira coreana
Kamimuria coreana
Invertebrates 23,415 54.7 Invertebrates 53 21.6 24 40.2 Other 355 0 0 50 100 km
Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (2016) Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (2016) Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
088 089
Distributional Regions of Mammals and Birds Zoogeographical Region of Butterflies Distribution of Endangered Wild Mammal Class I Species (1) Distribution of Endangered Wild Mammal Class I Species (2)
Ulleungdo Ulleungdo
Dokdo Dokdo
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do
Wild Mammals
Zoogeographical Regions
Daegu Daegu
Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do
Far East Ulsan Ulsan
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
Dokdo Jeollanam-do Jeollanam-do
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
Distribution of Endangered Wild Mammal Class II Species (1) Distribution of Endangered Wild Mammal Class II Species (2)
Ieodo Ieodo
(Ocean Research (Ocean Research
Station) Station)
0 50km 0 50 km Ulleungdo
Korean Association for Conservation of Nature (1976) National Geographic Information Institute (1980) Dokdo
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do
Distributional Regions of Freshwater Fish in the Korean Peninsula Incheon Seoul Incheon Seoul
Geographical distribution of animals is deter- tilete are representative for the Palearctic species
mined by habitat conditions in which landform, which were advanced south from the Amur region Gyeonggi-do
climate, hydrology, and vegetation are reflected. in Siberia. Species such as Seokia pratti, Nymph-
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do
The Korean Peninsula is subdivided into the Ko- alis io, and Aporia hippia that flew across the
rean Highlands (Hanguk goji sogu) and Korean western China, Mongolia, and the southern Man- Chungcheongnam-do Sejong Sejong
Lowlands (Hanguk jeoji sogu) in relation to dis- churia, and crossed the Amnokgang are typical of Daejeon Gyeongsangbuk-do Daejeon Gyeongsangbuk-do
tributions of mammal and bird species, and vege- southern Chinese strains. Mimathyma schrenckii,
tation zones. In the Korean Highlands, the natural Nymphalis antiopa, and Aldania thisbe are the Daegu Daegu
Korea environment and landscapes are similar to those Far East endemic species. Species migrated from Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do
Subdistrict Ulsan Ulsan
of the Ussuri region in Russia and the northeast- Kyushu, Tsushima, and Ryukyu such as Junonia
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
ern region of China. Mammals such as Crocidura almana, Parantica sita, Eurema hecabe, and At- Gwangju Busan Gwangju Busan
lasiura, Ochotona hyperborea, Vespertilio muri- rophaneura alcinous are the Oriental species.
Jeollanam-do Jeollanam-do
nus, Martes zibellina, Mustela nivalis mosanensis, Zoogeographical distribution of freshwater
and Cervus nippon hortulorum inhabit the Korean fish species is classified into the Eastnorth Korea
Highlands. Also, it is home to many bird species Subdistrict, the South Korea Subdistrict, and the
Korea such as Lyrurus tetrix, Emberiza jankowskii, Pi- West Korea Subdistrict. Freshwater species such
Subdistrict coides tridactylus, Surnia ulula, Dendrocopos as Rhynchocypris semotilus, and Cobitis pacifica Endangered Wild Mammal
Class II Species
minor, and Jynx torquilla. are endemic to the Eastnorth Korea Subdistrict. Plecotus auritus
Endangered Wild Mammal Jeju Special Martes flavigula
The Korean Lowlands include the western, The Palearctic species such as Gobio cynoceph- Ieodo
Jeju Special Ieodo
(Ocean Research
Self-Governing Province Class II Species (Ocean Research Self-Governing Province Mustela nivalis
Station) Station)
Ulleungdo central, and southern part of Korea where temper- alus, Phoxinus phoxinus, and Orthrias toni that 0 50 km Prionailurus bengalensis 0 50km Pteromys volans aluco
ate forests and warm-temperate forests develop. are believed to have originated from the Amur Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
Since there are less mountainous areas but more river in the past are also found. Microphysogobio
cultivated lands, animals that are typically found koreensis, Iksookimia longicorpa, and Niwaella Among the 125 species of mammals inhabiting including the yellow-throated marten (Martes weasel, and European otter are evenly distributed been designated as protected species by the Min-
in piedmont-plains inhabit the areas. Mammalian multifasciata are found in the South Korea Sub- the land and marine waters of South Korea (in- flavigula), least weasel (Mustela nivalis), leopard nationwide. The Hodgson’s bat mostly inhab- istry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Korea species such as Myotis formosus, Hydropotes iner- district. Palearctic species such as Rhynchocypris cluding 7 orders and 84 species of land mammals cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), Ussuri tube-nosed its the regions of Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do
Subdistrict and 2 orders and 41 species of marine mammals), bat (Murina ussuriensis), brown long-eared bat and Gyeongsangbuk-do; the brown long-eared
mis, Lasiopodomys mandarinus, and Sus scrofa are oxycephalus and Lefua costata, and species in
Endangered Wild Species Class I and II
found in the Korean Lowlands. Bird species such common with Japan such as Oryzias latipes and 20 species are designated as endangered (11 un- (Plecotus auritus), and Siberian flying squirrel bat inhabits the Gangwon-do region and north
Endangered Wild Species refers to animals that are
as Columba janthina, Microscelis amaurotis, and Coreoperca kawamebari are also found in South der Class I and 9 under Class II) by the Ministry (Pteromys volans aluco), are evenly distributed woodlands; and the Ussuri tube-nosed bat mostly
recognized to be at risk of extinction due to natural or
Zosterops japonicus are also found. Korea Subdistrict. Not only endemic species of Environment. Class I species, including the from the high elevations to the lowlands and near- inhabits the regions of Gangwon-do, Chungc-
artificial factors. Class I species are those currently at risk
Zoogeographic region of butterflies is subdivid- such as Hemibarbus mylodon, Pseudopungtungia Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus ussuricus), by shorelines of South Korea. heong-do, Gyeonggi-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do. of extinction, while Class II species are animals that may
ed into four, based on their distribution and com- nigra, Moroco kumgangensis, and Gobiobotia Hodgson’s bat (Myotis formosus chofukusei), The Asiatic black bear mostly inhabits the Ji- Of 41 species of marine mammal inhabiting the become endangered in the near future if threat factors
(Ocean Research position (the ratio between the Palearctic species brevibarba, but also Palearctic species such as Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus parvi- risan area; the Siberian musk deer inhabits the South Korean waters, 15 species, including the are not removed. As of 2016, 163 wild species have been
0 50km
and the Oriental species). Oeneis urda, Clossiana Ladislavia taczanowskii and Phoxinus phoxinus pes), Korean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus), and regions of Gangwon-do; and the yellow-throated humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) and designated as endangered species in Korea.
Kyohaksa (2002)
angarensis, Euphydryas ichnea, and Albulina op- are found in the West Korea Subdistrict. European otter (Lutra lutra), and Class II species, marten, leopard cat, Siberian flying squirrel, least California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), have
090 091
Domestic Distribution of Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis) Global Distribution of Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis) Spatio-Temporal Distribution Change of Korean Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) The Korean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) is thousand year-old (mid-Pleistocene) was excavat-
a species of wild goat found in the mountains of ed in Pyeongyang-si (Ryeokpo), more fossils have
Ulleungdo eastern and northern Asia, including Russia, China, been unearthed in 7 places in North Korea (Ryong-
Dokdo and Korea. This species has been listed as endan- gok, Daeheunggul, Cheongcheongam, Mandal,
gered in South Korea with an estimated population Seungrisan, Haesang Cave, and Cheongpadae) and
Potaesan less than 250, and has been designated as the Natu- 4 places in South Korea (Geumgul and Gunanggul
ral Monument No. 217. It inhabits rocky and steep in Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Sanggul in
Incheon Seoul mountains along Nangnimsanmaek and Taebaek- Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, and Yeonigul in
samaek, and a few are also found around the Baek- Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do). Most were found in
dusan area and in the Korean Demilitarized Zone. flat lowlands of the northwestern and central regions
Cheonmasan Korean gorals have been on the Earth for 2 mil- of the Korean Peninsula. This distribution pattern
Chungcheongbuk-do Myohyangsan
lion years and are called “living fossils.” Since the may indicate that, unlike today, the Korean goral
Cheonjinsan Yeongwon
Seungrisan oldest Korean goral fossil that is estimated to be 210 inhabited both high and lowlands in the past.
Sejong Cheongcheongam
Gyeongsangbuk-do Ryeokpo
Daejeon Water Deer Mandal
Yonggok Daeheunggul Excavation Sites of Korean Goral Fossils
National Institute of Ecology (2016) Cheongpadae Goksan
Hwacheon DMZ region
Haesang Excavation site Excavation Site Latitude Longitude Elevation (m)
Daegu Yanggu Seoraksan
Jeollabuk-do Odaesan Seungrisan Seungrisan, Deokcheon-si, Pyeongannam-do 39° 47' 59.0"N 126° 18' 59.0"E 17.5
Ulsan Globally, the water deer (Hydropotes inermis) Taebaeksan Nochusan
Baegunsan Maebongsan Ryongsanri, Daehyeon-dong, Ryeokpoguyeok,
Ryeokpo 39° 04' 29.1"N 125° 50' 37.1"E 6.5
only inhabits certain regions of South Korea and Sanggul Yangyang Ulleungdo Pyeongyang-si
Gyeongsangnam-do Seokbyeongsan Yeongyigul Dokdo
China, so that it is classified into a different subspe- Gunanggul, the 3rd layer Baramgol, Sangwon-eup, Sangwon-gun,
Regions of Uljin-Samcheok-Bonghwa Cheongcheongam 38° 59' 05.0"N 125° 44' 00.0"E -
Busan Geumjangsan Geumgul Sobaeksan Pyeongyang-si
cies. Despite its lack of antlers, it has canine teeth Baegamsan
Mandal Mandal-ri, Seungho-guyeok, Pyeongyang-si 38° 56' 30.0"N 126° 01' 30.6"E 14
used to confront other males or to mark out its terri-
Jeollanam-do Woraksan
tory. Water deer molt during the spring and autumn, Yonggok Ryonggok-ri, Sangwon-gun, Pyeongyang-si 38° 53' 19.8"N 126° 05' 30.4"E 100
Global Distribution of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Domestic Distribution of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Korean Goral During Joseon Dynasty
Sejong sillok jiriji (1454) Shinjeung dongguk Yeoji doseo (1760) Gosa sibijib (1787)
yeoji seungnam (1531)
Incheon Seoul
Chungcheongnam-do Sejong
Wild Boar
National Institute of Ecology (2016)
The wild boar (Sus scrofa) had been distributed ry animals such as tigers and leopards in Korea Daegu
throughout South Korea except in Jejudo; how- led to a constant increase in the population of Jeollabuk-do
ever, the species has been naturalized in Jejudo the wild boar, the species has been encroaching Ulsan According to historical documents (Sejong sillok ji- cluding population growth and consequent land use
Daedong jiji (1861)
recently. With a high fertility rate and ability to on farmlands, causing damage. The Ministry of Gyeongsangnam-do riji, 1454; Shinjeung dongguk yeoji seungnam, 1531; change, cultivation practices in forests such as slash-
adapt to its environment, the species exhibits a Environment has designated the wild boar as a Gwangju
Busan Yeoji doseo, 1760; Gosa sibijib, 1787; Daedong jiji, and-burn, and illegal catches of wildlife. Slash-and-
trend of increasing population. The wild boar is harmful wild animal and has been controlling its 1861), Korean gorals were mainly distributed in burn practice in particular is an important driver
mostly nocturnal and able to cross kilometers of population size. Jeollanam-do Gangwon-do, Pyeongan-do, and Hamgyeong-do. It that has shrunk habitats of the Korean goral, and as
river or sea in some cases. The wild boar can gen- is plausible that the goral was once distributed across a result, the habitat range has been confined to the
erally be described as having a large head, short the Korean Peninsula throughout geologic time. They, eastern mountainous areas since the Pleistocene.
neck, small eyes, and relatively big ears. More however, have moved to the current habitats after
specifically, its head is long, conical-shaped, and losing their original ones due to human disturbance. Reconstruction of the Distribution of
Korean Goral in the Historical Time
its neck is short and thick. It has triangle-shaped Ulleungdo
Dokdo The gorals had a more extensive distributional range
Korean historical documents record various local products
earflaps that point upwards, and its eyes are very than that of today across regions such as Cheongsong
and gifts to the king sent from local governments. The horns
small, while its legs are short and thick. Bristles in Gyeongsang-do, Namwon and Gurye in Jeolla-do
of the Korean goral are the best example of such products.
cover its body, with fur resembling a mane on according to the records during the Joseon dynasty.
Jeju Special Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Six Korean historical documents from the 15th to the 19th
top. Its coat consists of brown color fur that fades (Ocean Research Self-Governing Province Species The present-day distribution area of Korean gorals
Station) centuries are used to reconstruct the spatial distribution of
Sus scrofa
with age. Two canine teeth protrude at the bridge 0 50km may not be ideal, rather it is a refuge for the remain- the Korean goral in the historical times.
of the nose. The disappearance of large predato- Wild Boar (Civilian Control Line Area, Goseong-gun) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) ing gorals surviving a complex set of factors in- Korean Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus)
092 093
Distribution of Endangered Wild Bird Class I Species Distribution of Endangered Wild Bird Class II Species (1) Distribution of Crane and Heron Species Distribution of Forest Bird (Woodpecker) Species
Ulleungdo Ulleungdo
Ulleungdo Ulleungdo
Dokdo Dokdo
Dokdo Dokdo
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do
Incheon Seoul Incheon Seoul Gangwon-do
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Seoul Seoul
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do Gyeonggi-do
Wild Birds
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Crane and Heron
Grus japonensis
Distribution of Endangered Wild Bird Class II Species (2) Distribution of Endangered Wild Bird Class II Species (3) Grus vipio
Grus monacha
Egretta eulophotes
Casmerodius albus
Ulleungdo Ulleungdo Forest Bird
Ardea purpurea
Jeju Special (Woodpecker) Species
Jeju Special Egretta garzetta
Dokdo Dokdo Self-Governing Province Dryocopus martius
Self-Governing Province Ardea cinerea
Ardea alba Dendrocopos canicapillus
Ieodo Egretta intermedia Ieodo Dendrocopos major
(Ocean Research Picus canus
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do (Ocean Research Bubulcus ibis
Station) Dendrocopos leucotos
Egretta sacra
Incheon Seoul Incheon Seoul 0 50 km 0 50 km
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do
Daegu Daegu
Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do
Ulsan Ulsan
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
Hybrid of Common Crane Cattle Egret White-Backed Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker
Gwangju Busan Gwangju Busan
Jeollanam-do Jeollanam-do
Belonging to the order Gruiformes, cranes are large hooded crane, Eurasian crane, sandhill crane (Crus intermedia), little egret (Egretta garzetta), Chinese (Gorsachius melanolophus) are on record as having
in size with long legs and necks. Globally, cranes be- canadensis), Siberian crane, and demoiselle crane. pond heron (Ardeola bacchus), cattle egret (Bubul- been rescued in Gunsan-si in 2006.
Endangered Wild Bird
Endangered Wild Bird Class II Species long to 4 genera and 15 species. In regions of North- The red-crowned crane, white-naped crane, and cus ibis), Pacific reef egret (Egretta sacra), and Forest birds consist of 244 species that reproduce
Class II Species Larus saundersi east Asia, several species reproduce here including hooded crane mostly winter in South Korea. The Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes), which breed in in, winter at, or temporarily inhabit the forest region.
Synthliboramphus wumizusume Haematopus ostralegus
Bubo bubo Numenius madagascariensis the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis), white- hooded crane inhabits South Korea only temporarily flocks around low hilly forests near villages or in Forest birds can be categorized into species displaying
Anser fabalis Aegypiusmonachus
Lxobrychus eurhythmus Milvus migrans
naped crane (Grus vipio), hooded crane (Grus mo- as a migratory stopover; however, the population the woodlands of uninhabited islands. The Chinese strong forest habitat preference (residing and feeding
Ieodo Jeju Special Branta bernicla Ieodo Jeju Special Buteo hemilasius nacha), and demoiselle crane (Anthropoides virgo), of hooded cranes has been increasing recently. Of little bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis) and Schrenk’s bit- in forests), intermediate forest habitat preference (ei-
(Ocean Research Grus monacha (Ocean Research Aquila clanga
Self-Governing Province Self-Governing Province
0 50km Columba janthina
0 50km Aquila heliacal while the Eurasian crane (Grus grus) and Siberian the cranes inhabiting South Korea, the red-crowned tern (Ixobrychus eurhythmus) breed in single pairs ther residing or feeding in forests), and weak prefer-
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) crane (Grus leucogeranus) can be observed during crane and Siberian crane are globally endangered in emerging plant communities, while the green- ence (migrating through forests). Of forest birds, 188
migratory and wintering seasons. species, In particular, the red-crowned crane is pro- backed heron (Butorides striatus) breeds in single species belong to the group displaying strong prefer-
Cranes inhabit wetlands or grasslands. The win- tected and designated as both, an Endangered Wild pairs in woodlands. Records from 2009 indicate ences, 46 belong to the group of intermediate prefer-
Among the 522 bird species that have been sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus), golden eagle lands and riparian areas; the Eurasian oystercatch- (Bubo bubo), northern goshawk (Accipiter genti- tering season in South Korea spans from October to Species Class I and a Korean Natural Monument. sightings of Japanese night heron (Gorsachius gois- ences, and 10 belong to the weak preferences group.
identified in Korea, 61 species have been desig- (Aquila chrysaetos), red-crowned crane (Grus er (Haematopus ostralegus), Far Eastern curlew lis), black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), and March, during which the flock migrates south from With very few recorded observations in South Korea, agi) breeding in Jejudo and Gubongsan of Busan. As a long-term ecological study, the Forest Bird
nated as Endangered Wild Species (12 species of japonensis), spotted greenshank (Tringa guttifer), (Numenius madagascariensis), and Japanese mur- fairy pitta (Pitta nympha), living in grasslands its summer habitat. Cranes display diurnal behaviors, the Siberian crane is not protected under the law but While rarely spotted, the spring and autumn mi- Density Survey has been continuing since 2003
Class I, 49 species of Class II) by the Ministry spoon-billed sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pyg- relet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume), observed or forested areas; and the black kite (Milvus mi- differentiating sleeping grounds and feeding territo- is classified as Endangered on the IUCN Redlist. gratory seasons are the time of year to occasionslly around the areas of Gwangneung, Gyebangsan,
of Environment. The mute swan (Cygnus olor), meus), and white-bellied woodpecker (Dryocopus on tidal flats or at sea; the Japanese wood pigeon grans), upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius), and ries in wintering areas in South Korea, and mostly Of 62 species of herons around the globe, 18 see the cinnamon bittern (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus), Geumsan, and Jejudo. Since 2015, the study has
Oriental stork (Ciconia boyciana), black-faced javensis) belong to Endangered Wild Species (Columba janthina) and Styan’s grasshopper war- cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus), living on feed on plant bulbs and fallen grains and invertebrates species inhabit South Korea. The nine major spe- black bittern (Dupetor flavicollis), and purple heron expanded to the regions of Baekdudaegan, including
spoonbill (Platalea minor), Chinese egret (Egretta Class I. The Endangered Wild Species Class II of bler (Locustella pleskei), living in island habitats; open terrain. Of the 47 bird species that have been in cultivated fields. cies are the black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax (Ardea purpurea), while the striated bittern (Botaurus nests in forests, rivers, farmlands, and the settle-
eulophotes), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), birds include the swan goose (Anser cygnoides) the Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis), designated as Korean Natural Monuments, 46 are Seven species of cranes inhabit South Korea, in- nycticorax), Chinese pond heron (Ardea cinerea), stellaris) is rarely spotted during the winter season. ments of Jirisan, Odaesan, Taebaeksan, Sobaeksan,
white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), Steller’s and bean goose (Anser fabalis), inhabiting wet- hen harrier (Circus cyaneus), Eurasian eagle-owl wild birds. cluding the red-crowned crane, white-naped crane, great egret (Ardea alba), intermediate egret (Egretta Single individuals of the Malayan night heron species and Deogyusan.
094 095
Ulleungdo Ulleungdo
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
128˚ 130˚
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do
Wintering Sites and Population Sizes of Migratory Birds 37˚ 30’
38˚ 38˚
Daegu Daegu
Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do Korea
Ulsan Ulsan
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
Busan Gyeonggi-do
Gwangju Busan Gwangju
Jeollanam-do Jeollanam-do Chungcheongbuk-do
Ulleungdo Ulleungdo Malaysia Palau 미크로네시아 Spring Migratory Birds Winter Migratory Birds
Over 40,000 Over 40,000
Dokdo Dokdo
Singapore Jeju Special 30,000 – 40,000 30,000 – 40,000
Equator Self-Governing Province 20,000 – 30,000 적도
20,000 – 30,000
0˚ 0˚
10,000 – 20,000 10,000 – 20,000
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do Ieodo 나우루 Under 10,000 Under 10,000
(Ocean Research
Station) Region of Bird Region of Bird Conservation
32˚ 07’ 키리바시
Conservation Network (Crane)
Seoul Seoul 125˚ 10’
Incheon Incheon Network Region of Bird Conservation
Indonesia (Sandpiper, Plover) Network (Duck, Wild Goose)
Papua New Guinea 126˚ 128˚ 130˚
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Daegu Daegu
Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Capricorn
Ulsan Ulsan
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
Calidris tenuirostris
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
Bird species with various beak types and long sandpiper or plover family. rostridae, Charadriidae, Rostratulidae, Jacanidae, Flyway (EAAF) for breeding and wintering, and Many migratory birds that are internationally Australia and New Zealand and then migrate to low the East Asia-Australia Flyway (EAAF), one of globally endangered waterfowl, 13 species of
legs inhabiting wetlands are called shorebirds or A total of 63 species and 7 families of sand- Scolopacidae, Glareolidae, and Haematopodidae use regions of South Korea as a stopover area. endangered visit and use the Korean Peninsula as Siberia for breeding stop to feed in the tidal flats of of the 9 major flight paths used by migratory wa- near-threatened waterfowl, and 50 million birds
waders. Of the 216 bird species recorded global- pipers and plovers have been recorded in South belonging to the order, Charadriiformes. Sand- over-wintering sites, breeding sites, and stop-over the west coast of Korea during spring and autumn. terfowls in the annual bird migration for breeding belonging to more than 250 population units travel
ly as shorebirds, 70.8% of species belong to the Korea, including the families such as Recurvi- pipers and plovers follow the East Asia-Australia sites. Especially, shore birds that spend winter in Sandpipers and plovers visiting South Korea fol- and wintering. It has been reported that 35 species along the EAAF.
096 097
Distribution of Endangered Amphibian and Reptile Species (1) Distribution of Endangered Amphibian and Reptile Species (2) Distribution of Major Insect Species (1) Distribution of Major Insect Species (2)
Dokdo Dokdo
Dokdo Dokdo
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do
Seoul Seoul
Seoul Incheon Incheon
Seoul Incheon
Incheon Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Amphibians and Reptiles
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do
Chungcheongnam-do Chungcheongnam-do
Sejong Sejong
Chungcheongnam-do Gyeongsangbuk-do
Chungcheongnam-do Sejong Sejong Daejeon Daejeon
Gyeongsangbuk-do Gyeongsangbuk-do
Daejeon Daejeon
Daegu Daegu
Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do
Daegu Daegu Ulsan Ulsan
Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
Ulsan Ulsan
Busan Gwangju Busan
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
Jeollanam-do Jeollanam-do
Insect Species
Aulonocarabus koreanus koreanus
Endangered Amphibian Insect Species Platypus koryoensis
and Reptile Species Nannophya pygmaea Metatropis tesongsanicus
Jeju Special
Hyla suweonensis Jeju Special Libellula angelina Curculio flavidorsum
Endangered Amphibian
Ieodo Ieodo Self-Governing Province
Rana chosenicus (Ocean Research Self-Governing Province Parnassius bremeri (Ocean Research Platystomos sellatus longicrus
Kaloula borealis and Reptile Species Station)
Copris tripartitus
Anapodisma beybienkoi
0 50km 0 50km
Mauremys reevesii Hynobius yangi
Ieodo Jeju Special Elaphe schrenckii Ieodo
Jeju Special Karsenia koreana Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
(Ocean Research Self-Governing Province Sibynophis chinensis (Ocean Research Self-Governing Province Hynobius quelpartensis
Station) Station)
0 50km Eremias argus 0 50km Rana coreana
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
Distribution of Major Insect Species (3) Distribution of Major Insect Species (4)
Ulleungdo Ulleungdo
Dokdo Dokdo
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do
Seoul Seoul
Incheon Incheon
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Gori Salamander Korean Crevice Salamander Jeju Salamander Korean Brown Frog
(Hynobius yangi ) (Karsenia koreana) (Hynobius quelpartensis) (Rana coreana)
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do
Inhabits certain regions of Gyeongsangnam-do, dis- Inhabits the woodlands of Chungcheong-do, Jeolla- Inhabits parts of Jejudo and the west and south coasts Distributed throughout South Korea, excluding Jejudo.
tributed around woodlands and cultivated lands. Its buk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Gangwon-do. Mostly of Korea. Distributed around agricultural waterways in Inhabits rice fields, agricultural waterways, wetlands, Chungcheongnam-do Chungcheongnam-do Sejong
full length is 7 – 12 cm, while its length from mouth to found under fallen leaves or old trees and under stones cultivated lands and woodlands, and regions surrounding pools surrounding plains and grasslands, and nearby Gyeongsangbuk-do
cloacal cavity is 4 – 6 cm. Mostly nocturnal, it feeds around valleys or streams that are dense with large pools and woodlands. Its full length is 9 – 14 cm, while its woodlands. The smallest among other brown frogs, its Daejeon Gyeongsangbuk-do Daejeon
on earthworms, arachnids, aquatic insects, and insects trees. Its full length is 6 – 10 cm, while its length from length from mouth to cloacal cavity is 5 – 7 cm. Feeds on length from mouth to cloacal cavity is 3.5 – 5.0 cm.
such as ants, beetles, and crickets. Lifespan of 10 – 11 mouth to cloacal cavity is 3 – 5 cm. earthworms, arachnids, aquatic insects, and insects such
years. as ants, beetles, and crickets. Lifespan of 9 – 10 years. Daegu Daegu
Jeollabuk-do Jeollabuk-do
Ulsan Ulsan
Gyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do
Busan Busan
Gwangju Gwangju
Jeollanam-do Jeollanam-do
Insect Species
Korean Ratsnake Black-Headed Snake Mongolian Racerunner Reeve's Pond Turtle Apareophora forsythiae Insect Species
(Elaphe schrenckii) (Sibynophis chinensis) (Eremias argus) (Mauremys reevesii ) Hatchiana glochidiata Thyris fenestrella seoulensis
Malthinus quadratipennis Piletocera luteosignata
Chejuanomala quelparta Paroxyna sada
Inhabits regions throughout South Korea, except Jejudo. Known to be distributed only in the grasslands of Jeju- Distributed throughout South Korea, except Jejudo. Inhabits rivers, farmland, reservoirs, waterways, and Ieodo Ieodo
(Ocean Research
Distributed mostly in woodlands, cultivated lands, and do. It is the smallest and thinnest snake in South Korea. Inhabits grasslands near rivers, coastal areas near rice fields throughout South Korea, excluding Jejudo.
(Ocean Research
Jeju Special Gastroserica herzi
Jeju Special Limentis helmanni
Self-Governing Province 0 50 km Stenodynerus pappi Self-Governing Province 0 50 km Panorpa coreana
villages along coasts and islands. Frequently exhibits Displays physical characteristics similar to the Asian beaches, grassy areas of sand dunes, and nearby tombs It has a pattern of multiple green stripes running from
camouflage coloring, depending on individuals. Scales at keelback (Amphiesma vibakari ruthveni), but with a wide or bare ground in grasslands. Compared to other lacer- behind each eye to the neck. Omnivorous, it feeds on in- Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
the central part of the torso are generally in 23 rows. All black pattern from the crown to the nape. Mostly feeds tids, it has a similar tail and body length but larger head sects, gastropods, crustaceans, fish, and aquatic plants.
of the 23 rows except 3 – 5 rows from the outer edges on small reptiles and small snakes such as the Wolter size. The number of pairs of femoral pores in the scales Lays 4 – 15 eggs during the months of June and July in
contain mastodon bones. lizard (Takydromus wolteri ). of the groin is usually 11. burrows in grasslands near rivers.
491 families, 4,658 genera, and 11,853 species 25%, respectively, followed by Hymenoptera and Korea. 264 species of butterflies currently inhabit laticollis manchurica, and Callipogon relictus,
of insects have been recorded in Korea, but scien- Hemiptera. Through systematic researches that Korea, with over 80% from the Palearctic region under Class I, and 18 species, including the scar-
There are 32 species of reptiles and 22 species Endangered Wild Species Class I. The rat snake designated as Endangered Wild Species Class II. frog (Rana coreana), and Korean golden frog tists now estimate that these figures only take up have been carried out, 596 species of the Hemip- and only 20% from the Oriental region. let dwarf (Nannophya pygmaea), Bekko Tombo
of amphibians inhabiting South Korea. Among (Elaphe schrenckii), Korea golden frog (Rana Six species, including the Gori salamander (Rana chosenicus) are known to be endemic to 20% of the more than 50,000 insect species that tera order have been recorded to inhabit Korea. The Ministry of Environment has designated (Libellula Angelina), dung beetle (Copris triparti-
these species, the Ministry of Environment des- chosenicus), reeve’s pond turtle (Mauremys reeve- (Hynobius yangi), Korean crevice salamander South Korea. inhabit the country. Of the species that have been Among these species, 75% come from the Pale- 22 insect species as Endangered Wild Species, tus), and Parnassius bremeri, under Class II.
ignated the black-headed snake (Sibynophis chin- sii), Narrow-mouthed frog (Kaloula borealis), (Karsenia koreana), Suwon treefrog, Jeju sala- recorded, species of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera arctic region, 20% from the Oriental region, and with 4 species, including Hipparchia autonoe, the
ensis) and Suwon treefrog (Hyla suweonensis) as and Mongolian racerunner (Eremias argus) are mander (Hynobius quelpartensis), Korean brown order are the most abundant, comprising 26% and only the remaining 5% are endemic species of black-veined white (Aporia crataegi), Polyphylla
098 099
Distribution of Endangered Freshwater Fish Class I Species (1) Distribution of Endangered Freshwater Fish Class I Species (2) Distribution of Endangered Freshwater Fish Class II Species (1) Distribution of Endangered Freshwater Fish Class II Species (2)
Chungcheongnam-do Chungcheongnam-do Chungcheongnam-do Chungcheongnam-do
Sejong Sejong Sejong Sejong
Endangered Freshwater
Fish Class II Species
Endangered Freshwater
Lethenteron reissneri
Fish Class II Species
Gobiobotia brevibarba
Endangered Freshwater Endangered Freshwater Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa Acheilognathus signifer
Fish Class I Species Fish Class I Species Pungitius sinensis Culter brevicauda
Pseudopungtunggia nigra Cobitis choii Coreoperca kawamebari Iksookimia pumila
Ieodo Jeju Special Pseudobagrus brevicorpus Ieodo Jeju Special Microphysogobio rapidus Ieodo Jeju Special Gobiobotia macrocephala Ieodo Jeju Special Brachmystax lenok tsinlingensis
(Ocean Research Koreocobitis naktongensis Self-Governing Province (Ocean Research
Self-Governing Province (Ocean Research Liobagrus obesus
Station) Self-Governing Province Microphysogobio koreensis (Ocean Research Self-Governing Province Rhodeus pseudosericeus
Station) Station)
0 50 km
Acheilognathus somjinensis Gobiobotia naktongensis 0 50km Kichulchoia brevifasciata 0 50km Cottus hangiongensis
0 50km
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
Korean endemic freshwater species have adapt- to South Korea, accounting for 28% of the total barbel (Hemibarbus mylodon), Zacco koreanus, ae, Odontobutis platycephala, and Korean perch
ed to diverse types of habitats attributable to geo- freshwater fish species, including the Rhodeus Iksookimia longicorpa, Iksookimia hugowolfeldi, (Coreoperca herzi).
logical changes and geographical features of the uyekii, Acheilognathus majusculus, Sarcochei- Iksookimia yongdokensis, Iksookimia pacifica,
Korean Peninsula. lichthys variegatus wakiyae, spotted-barbel black bullhead (Pseudobagrus koreanus), slender
There are 63 freshwater fish species endemic gudgeon (Squalidus multimaculatus), spotted catfish (Silurus microdorsalis), Pungitius kaibar-
Black Shiner Korean Stumpy Bullhead Miho Spine Loach Nakdong Nose Loach Ulleungdo Lamprotula coreana
(Pseudopungtungia nigra) (Pseudobagrus brevicorpus) (Cobitis choii) (Koreocobitis naktongensis)
Chungcheongnam-do Sejong
Gyeongsangbuk-do Koreanomelania nodifila
100 101
Invasive Alien Animal Species Restoration Project for Endangered Wild Species and Animal Species aroud the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
Distribution of Largemouth Bass (Miuopterus salmoides) Distribution of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) Distribution of Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) Restoration Areas for Endangered Wild Animal Species Home Range of Asiatic Black Bear (2015)
Distribution of American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) Distribution of Coypu (Myocastor coypus) Aporia crataegi
Gymnopleurus mopsus
Copris tripartitus
Gangwon-do Gangwon-do
Ministry of Environment (2016) Korea National Parks Authority (2015)
Seoul Seoul
Incheon Incheon
Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do
Recovery refers to the process where an endan- have been approved and are currently being con- began in 2004 when 6 Asiatic black bears were ed in 1996 when two juvenile white storks from
Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongbuk-do Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Sejong Sejong
gered species is recovered to its original state and ducted by Jirisan and the Eco-institute for Orien- translocated from Russia to Korea’s Jirisan Na- Russia and two male storks from Germany were
Chungcheongnam-do Chungcheongnam-do
Daejeon Gyeongsangbuk-do Daejeon Gyeongsangbuk-do Native to North America, the species was introduced to South Korea in is provided ensured means for long-term survival tal Stork of Korea National University of Educa- tional Park. In 2005, 8 bears from North Korea delivered to Korea. In April of 2002, the species
1973 as a freshwater resource. Repeated release into large reservoirs in the wild. Korea is currently pursuing recovery tion. Also, recovery plans for other endangered and 6 bears from Russia were further released into succeeded in breeding for the first time in an arti-
Daegu Daegu for such purpose caused the species to become widespread in rivers
efforts for endangered animals and plants such species have been suggested and launched. the area. As of 2016, there are a total of 44 bears ficial environment. The Eco-institute for Oriental
Ulsan Ulsan and water bodies throughout the country.
as the Asiatic black bear (Ursus tibetanus), musk The Asiatic black bear once occupied virtually living in Jirisan National Park. In September of Stork is currently raising 95 storks, while 74 indi-
Gwangju Busan Gwangju Busan deer (Moschus moschiferus), Oriental white all mountainous areas stretching across major 2015, a 3-year old bear was captured in the park, viduals inhabit the Yesan Oriental Stork Park. The
Jeollanam-do Jeollanam-do stork (Ciconia boyciana), black shiner (Pseu- mountains such as Seoraksan, Odaesan, and Ji- proving that the species has succeeded in natural storks at the recovery institute are in the process
dopungtungia nigra), bull-head torrent catfish, risan. However, reckless human activities such propagation. of undergoing survival training in order to be re-
(Liobagrus obesus), and wind orchid (Neofinetia as habitat destruction and overhunting brought The Oriental white stork is listed as an En- leased into the wild. In the near future, the birds
falcate). Recovery plans for many of these endan- about a sharp decline in its population. In 1982, dangered Species by the IUCN as it only has a will be translocated to its original habitat where
gered species are being constructed and carried the bear was classified as the National Monument remaining population size of 5,000 in the Amur they will complete their training before finally be-
Jeju Special Jeju Special out. In the case of the Asiatic black bear and the to be protected from further endangerment. Ko- River basin of Russia. Recovery efforts for the ing released.
Self-Governing Province Self-Governing Province
Distribution of Coypu Oriental white stork, species restoration projects rea’s first measure for the recovery of this species stork have been in place for over 20 years, initiat-
Ieodo Ieodo
Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)
(Ocean Research
Animal Species (Ocean Research
Inhabitation Verified Spot
American Bullfrog Station) Administrative District Area
Native to North America, the species was introduced to South Korea in
Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016) Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Ecology (2016)
1969 as a freshwater resource. Release into large reservoirs led to the
wide dispersal of the species throughout rivers and streams. Distribution of Animal Species around the DMZ
Number of
Animal Species
Naemorhedus caudarus 0
1 – 35
Grus japonensis 36 – 50
Moschus moschiferus
51 – 59
60 – 68
69 – 77
Goseong-gun 78 – 127
Cheorwon-gun Sokcho-si
Yeoncheon-gun Hwacheon-gun Yanggu-gun
Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) Coypu (Myocastor coypus)
Native to the Mississippi River basin in the United States. Imported into Native to southern parts of the United States. Large numbers were Introduced to South Korea in July 1985 from France to improve food Dongducheon-si Chuncheon-si
South Korea as a pet turtle in the late 1970s. Its large body size and dif- bred in farms after its introduction into South Korea as a food source in self-sufficiency and to acquire animal fur. Failure of the species to adapt
ficulties with disposal of its waste led to the abandonment or deliberate 1971, which led to a wide dispersal throughout Korea’s natural ecosys- to a new environment and the lack of technology in breeding establish-
release of the species during religious rituals, which led to its wide tem. In Europe, Asia, and North America, poor control led to the escape ments caused the death of the initial 100. In 1987, 60 more from Bul- Gimpo-si
Border Line Area
dispersal. of the species from breeding establishments into the surrounding garia were introduced as breeders. Successful breeding led to the full-
ecosystems, and it is therefore considered an invasive species in many scale supply of the species. Currently, it greatly threatens Korea’s native
National Institute of Ecology (2015)
countries, including Japan. ecosystem due to typical invasive species characteristics such as rapid
breeding and destructive feeding habits.
The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) region attracts the an musk deer (Moschus moschiferus), Korean goral vipio) and black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor). The Paju-si, Ganghwa-gun, and Yeoncheon-gun of Gyeo-
world’s attention for its well-conserved natural ecosys- (Naemorhedus caudatus), and the Eurasian otter (Lu- central region of the DMZ is a wide plain which pro- nggi-do for wintering. The Siberian musk deer and
As global economic growth has influenced pets, and ornamental alien species. In 2013, a to- of alien species into South Korea is increasing. the environment, including climate change. The tem due to strict prohibition of civilian activities. This tra lutra). In addition, streams and wetlands are well vides wintering areas for the red-crowned crane (Grus Korean goral inhabit the eastern rocky mountainous
the increase in international interactions through tal of 1,718 alien species, including 1,384 animal In addition, the appearance of species with the invasive alien species that have adapted to Korea region has high biological diversity of mammals and developed around the DMZ region, displaying diverse japonensis). The eastern mountainous region is inhab- region of the DMZ. The Siberian musk deer is espe-
activities such as travel and trade, there has been species and 334 plant species, were imported into potential for ecological disturbance has been in- are exacerbating disturbances on the ecosystem birds, along with high habitat density of endangered and abundant species of fish. ited by the Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) cially low in population, inhabiting only the regions of
an escalation in the export and import of species South Korea, which is an increase by approxi- creasing, following incidents such as an outbreak through their characteristics of rapid proliferation species and the Natural Monument species such as The western region of the DMZ is inhabited by and Korean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus). The red- Hwacheon-gun and Yanggu-gun.
valuable to the agriculture and fishing industries, mately 50% compared to 2011; thus, the import of alien invasive species caused by changes in and thriving feeding ability. the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus), the Siberi- wetland birds such as the white-naped crane (Grus crowned crane visits Cheorwon-gun of Gangwon-do,
102 103