ISATEC Student Handbook

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Fachbereich 02

Biologie / Chemie

International Studies in
Aquatic Tropical Ecology

Master of Science Course

International Studies in
Aquatic Tropical Ecology
Student’s Handbook

Programme Director &

Chairman of the Examination Board
Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff

Dr. Oliver Janssen-Weets
INTRODUCTION TO THE ISATEC STUDY PROGRAMME .............................................. 4 

PROFILE OF THE MSC-HOLDER ........................................................................................... 4 

STUDY CONTENTS OF THE ISATEC PROGRAMME ........................................................ 5 

(I) FUNDAMENTALS OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY .................................................................................. 5 
(III) GENERAL SKILLS ................................................................................................................... 6 
PROGRAMME STRUCTURE .................................................................................................... 6 

1ST TERM (AT UB) ......................................................................................................................... 8 

2ND TERM (AT UB) ........................................................................................................................ 8 
3RD TERM (AT TROPICAL PARTNER INSTITUTION) ........................................................................... 8 
4TH TERM (AT UB) ......................................................................................................................... 8 
SUPERVISION OF THE STUDENTS ................................................................................................... 9 
TEACHING METHODS .................................................................................................................... 9 
LEARNING STRATEGIES ................................................................................................................. 9 
ASSESSMENT OF STUDY PERFORMANCES ...................................................................................... 9 
GRADING SYSTEM OF THE ISATEC STUDY PROGRAMME ............................................................ 10 
COURSE WORK ASSIGNMENT & GROUP PROJECTS ....................................................................... 10 
MASTER THESIS .......................................................................................................................... 10 
FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED ........................................................................................................... 10 

LOGISTICS FOR INCOMERS ................................................................................................. 12 

SEARCHING FOR A PLACE TO LIVE ............................................................................................... 12 

ARRIVAL & FIRST DESTINATION: ................................................................................................ 13 
ENROLING AT THE UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................... 14 
REGISTRATION RENEWAL: .......................................................................................................... 14 
HEALTH INSURANCE ................................................................................................................... 14 
OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT ........................................................................................................ 15 
THE RESIDENTS’ REGISTRATION OFFICE .................................................................................... 16 
THE FOREIGNER REGISTRATION AUTHORITY ............................................................................. 16 
IMPORTANT MOVING INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 17 

THE PLACE YOU WILL STUDY ............................................................................................ 17 

THE STATE AND CITY OF BREMEN ............................................................................................... 17 

STUDY FACILITIES ...................................................................................................................... 17 

MONEY AND FINANCES ......................................................................................................... 18 

CASH & CURRENCY .................................................................................................................... 19 

BANKS & MONEY TRANSFER....................................................................................................... 19 
MEDICAL TREATMENT AND EMERGENCIES ................................................................ 20 

FIND YOUR WAY THROUGH EVERY DAY ....................................................................... 21 

EATING HABITS IN GERMANY ..................................................................................................... 21 
GROCERIES SHOPPING ................................................................................................................. 21 
EATING OUT................................................................................................................................ 22 
MAIL & TELEPHONE ................................................................................................................... 22 
WASTE SEPARATION ................................................................................................................... 23 


ETIQUETTE & ATTITUDES ........................................................................................................... 23 
GREETING PEOPLE ...................................................................................................................... 23 
TO SHAKE HANDS OR NOT TO SHAKE HANDS. .............................................................................. 23 
DRESS CODE ............................................................................................................................... 24 
PUNCTUALITY............................................................................................................................. 24 
INVITATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 24 
RELATIONS BETWEEN THE SEXES ................................................................................................ 24 
LECTURERS & TECHNICAL STAFF ................................................................................... 25 

LECTURERS................................................................................................................................. 26 
PARTNER INSTITUTIONS ...................................................................................................... 28 

PARTNER INSTITUTIONS IN BREMEN ........................................................................................... 28 

PARTNER INSTITUTIONS ABROAD ................................................................................................ 28 
Brazil ..................................................................................................................................... 28 
Chile ...................................................................................................................................... 28 
Costa Rica ............................................................................................................................. 29 
Cuba ...................................................................................................................................... 29 
Egypt ...................................................................................................................................... 29 
Ghana .................................................................................................................................... 29 
Israel ...................................................................................................................................... 30 
Indonesia ............................................................................................................................... 30 

Jordan .................................................................................................................................... 31 
Peru ....................................................................................................................................... 31 
Sri Lanka ............................................................................................................................... 31 
Tanzania ................................................................................................................................ 32 
USEFUL INTERNET LINKS .................................................................................................... 33 

UNIVERSITY OF BREMEN ............................................................................................................ 33 

OTHER LINKS .............................................................................................................................. 33 

ISATEC COURSE CATALOGUE……………………..……………………………………. 34

ISATEC is a two-year international Master As early as 1991 courses related to tropical
of Science study programme in tropical aquatic ecology were implemented into the
aquatic ecology at the University of Bremen biology curriculum at the UB once the ZMT
(UB). It is conducted in collaboration with started to operate. In addition two-week
the associated Leibniz Center for Tropical block courses (“Diploma courses”) were
Marine Ecology (ZMT). The programme offered to postgraduates and young interna-
aims at the joint education and specialisation tional scientists, providing ample opportuni-
of German and foreign students in the field ty to gain experience in the co-teaching of
of tropical aquatic ecology. Students receive German and foreign students and young sci-
a broad knowledge in theoretical and applied entists. The topics of those courses are now
ecology, with emphasis on concepts and included in the ISATEC syllabus and repre-
methodologies for sustainable utilisation and sent integral parts of the programme
conservation of tropical aquatic ecosystems.
Bremen is well suited for the implementa-
Thus, general ecology, as well as fisheries tion of the MSc-programme thanks to its
biology, aquaculture sciences, ecological high scientific standard in aquatic sciences,
economics, environmental law, and social its modern scientific infrastructure, its inter-
sciences relevant to coastal planning and
national scientific co-operation, and its nu-
management will be one part of this study merous lecturers experienced in teaching
programme. abroad.


Participants of ISATEC are trained to be- system research or integrated coastal zone
come experts in the field of tropical aquatic management. Potential employers are na-
ecology and its application to the conflict tional and international organisations in-
between utilisation and conservation of volved in research and nature conservation
aquatic ecosystems. They are qualified to projects, governmental institutions dedicated
join or conduct multidisciplinary teams to coastal systems and resource manage-
working in the investigation and manage- ment, consulting agencies involved in envi-
ment of tropical coastal zones or freshwater ronmental evaluations, universities, and or-
systems as well as to continue university ganisations dedicated to developmental aid
studies (PhD) in areas related to aquatic eco- and technical cooperation (GTZ, DAAD,

DED, CIM etc.).


(I) Fundamentals of aquatic ecology their associated species (i.e. mangrove estu-

Essential base for the understanding of eco- aries, mud flats, coral reefs, sandy and rocky

system function: The basic structure of beaches, lagoons, riverine and lake systems)

aquatic ecosystems is described and their will be given.

most important functional groups (primary Knowledge about the utilisation and eco-
producers, consumers, decomposers), as well nomic value of aquatic ecosystems and their
as the chemical and hydrological characteris- resources: Detailed information on the eco-
tics of aquatic systems are introduced. Ap- nomic goods and services of marine and
proaches and methods for the modelling of freshwater habitats, which are the resource
flows of energy and matter are described and base for human populations, is provided. The
modern concepts regarding ecosystem ma- different ways in which tropical ecosystems
turity, stability, and resilience are discussed. are utilised and exploited (i.e. recreation in

Methods and concepts for the investigation terms of conventional or eco-tourism, fish-
ing, aquaculture, wood processing, mining in
of populations and species assemblages:
Knowledge of the species composition, coral reefs, extraction of pharmaceutically

trophic structure, and the population dynam- important substances / species etc.) and pos-

ics of target species is essential for experts sible impacts for the species or communities
are discussed.
working in tropical ecology and coastal zone
management. In lectures and exercises stu- (II) Fundamentals for the evaluation &
dents learn to adequately interpret and pro- management of aquatic resources
cess scientific data in the investigation of Concepts and methods for resource assess-
population dynamics and species community ment and sustainable yield calculations:
structures using modern analytical methods,
Students are introduced to fisheries biology
including relevant computer software. and resource assessment theory. Yield mod-
Knowledge about tropical aquatic habitats els are constructed and the inclusion of rele-
and their living communities: A description vant socio-economic variables into fishery
of the typical physical and bio-geo-chemical models is demonstrated.
environment of tropical aquatic habitats and
Knowledge about aquaculture systems /

rearing techniques and their effects on natu- interpretation of data in different scientific
ral ecosystems: Aquaculture systems for fields (i.e. fisheries biology, ecology, econ-
fish, shrimps, molluscs, and other inverte- omy, and demography) is essential for ex-
brates as well as algae are described along perts involved in coastal zone management.
with the impact of certain culturing tech- The students learn where to locate and ac-
niques on the natural environment. cess the necessary information resources and
how to process the obtained data.
Understanding of the complex process of
decision making in environmental manage- Knowledge of different approaches for eco-
ment: Students are introduced to the com- system modelling, the ability for analysis of
plex process of decision making in coastal complex problems and capacity for oral and
zone management. Steps needed to ade- written communication: The use of model-
quately evaluate management options in ling is an important tool for ecological inves-
terms of their environmental, social and eco- tigations and the development of manage-
nomic implications are explained. ment strategies. Ecosystem, bio-economic or
(III) General skills demographic models provide the basis for
decision making in environmental manage-
Ability to study independently and to work ment and are important tools of communica-
and co-operate as a team member: The par- tion between members of a team and non-
ticipants learn how to address and solve
experts. However, the correct analysis and
complex problems studying in teams as well interpretation of data is only one part that
as alone. Their written and oral proficiency ensures successful management of natural
is stimulated by essay writing and oral resources. Equally important are skills to
presentations, which are important elements
present the results in an adequate and con-
of the study programme. vincing manner, both in written and oral
Use of modern information sources, such as presentations. Training this is an essential
data banks specific for tropical ecology and part of the study programme.
coastal zone management: The adequate

The ISATEC programme takes two years semesters consist of teaching modules com-
(four terms) and includes the submission of a posed of thematically linked block courses,
written MSc-thesis. The first two terms are usually lasting four weeks. Basic courses are
spent at University of Bremen, Germany, offered in the beginning to ensure that stu-
where students attend an intense schedule of dents from different educational back-
lectures. The lectures of each of the first two grounds receive the necessary training be-

fore proceeding with more advanced classes. of a foreign supervisor. Before travelling
Hands-on training is provided in a two-week abroad, each student has to elaborate a pro-
excursion to the biological station of the posal for the MSc-thesis and data collection
German Isle of Helgoland. Participation in in accordance with his/her German supervi-
all modules and courses is obligatory. Credit sor. Upon arrival the student presents this
points are gained by attending the courses proposal to the scientific auditorium at the
and completing all required assignments. partner institution. Under the supervision of
Exams on each module are performed in the the foreign advisor the data for the MSc the-
first and second term. All exams must be sis have to be collected. Before leaving the
passed. student has to give an oral final report on the
research carried out during the third term.
In the third term, students are required to
stay at one of the partner institutions of The fourth term is spent evaluating the field
ZMT/University of Bremen in the tropics. data, writing the MSc-thesis, and preparing
There they conduct field studies to obtain the and passing the oral thesis defence.
data for their MSc-thesis under the guidance

1st term (at UB) 2nd term (at UB)

module I: Aquatic ecology (9 CP) module V: The abiotic environment (9 CP)

M1-01 Concepts of aquatic ecology M5-01 Fundamentals in physical oceanography

M1-02 Tropical coastal ecosystems M5-02 Biogeochemical cycling of elements in the aquatic
M1-03 Introduction to marine microbiology
M5-03 Aquatic pollution
M1-04 Aquatic flora & fauna
M5-04 Coastal geomorphology & coastal processes
 examinations (graded)
 examinations (graded)
module II: Ressource use & assessment (6 CP)
module VI: Computer use & modelling (9 CP)
M2-01 Introduction to Fisheries biology
M6-01 Population dynamics & stock assessment
M2-02 Monitoring of marine ecosystems and GIS
M6-02 Trophic modelling of ecosystems
M2-03 Tropical aquaculture and its physiological basics
M6-03 Modelling spatio-temporal dynamics
M2-04 Tropical fisheries and catching methods
M6-04 Modelling in conservation biology
 examinations (graded)
 examinations (graded)
module III: Fundamentals of scientific work (9 CP)
module VII: Coastal planning and management (9 CP)
M3-01 Introduction to systems analysis
M7-01 Ecological economics
M3-02 Experimental design & advanced statistics
M7-02 Participatory techniques & stakeholder analysis
M3-03 Scientific writing
M7-03 Interdisciplinarity between natural & social sci-
 examinations (graded)
M7-04 Law of the sea and international environmental
module IV: Semester Study and its Oral Presentation
marine law
(6 CP)
 examinations (graded)
 oral presentation (graded)

module IV: Scientific essay (6 CP)

 scientific essay (graded)

3rd term (at tropical partner institution) 4th term (at UB)

Student Project (27 CP) Master thesis & colloquium (30 CP)

elaboration of thesis proposal  MSc thesis seminar

oral presentation of thesis proposal completion of the MSc thesis – manuscript

presentation of preliminary results of completed oral defence of the MSc thesis

field studies
 data collection for the MSc thesis

Supervision of the students dents to succeed in the course: Work steadi-

The main contact persons and councillors for ly, attend classes regularly, plan your time,
review all teaching material quickly, take
the students are the student tutor and the
programme coordinator. Programme lectur- advantage of working and learning with your

ers mainly function as scientific mentors for colleagues, use the libraries, make use of the

the ISATEC students. They assist the stu- institute and its computer facilities. In case
of problems contact your tutor or the
dents to successfully satisfy their study per-
formances and with the preparation for the ISATEC coordinator immediately.
term abroad and the thesis proposal. Each Assessment of study performances
student is supervised individually during the Credit points are gained by attending the
entire study period. The student tutor pro- course and completing all required assign-
vides guidance in practical and every-day
ments. Students who cannot attend the clas-
matters. That includes the search for ac- ses due to illness (certified by a doctor) may
comodation, support in bureaucratic matters still pass the module. Each module is as-
such as enrollment at the university, registra- sessed by an examination in the first and
tion at the residence office, extending the
second term. A module examination may
visa, obtaining a health insurance, etc. Also consist of a combination of assessment
for advice what to do in Bremen and its sur- methods e.g. an oral performance and a writ-
roundings during spare time the tutor can be ten exam. The module grades obtained con-
tribute to the final MSc grade. All module
Teaching methods exams must be passed. Within a module bad
Teaching methods include formal lectures, performances in thematic parts can be com-

tutorials, seminars, group projects, computer pensated by good performances in the other

workshops, laboratory and fieldwork, inde- parts. The total performance in the module
examination has to be at least 50 % to pass
pendent study and field trips. Students are
encouraged to ask questions during and after the module. Compensation between modules

lectures or seminars if anything requires is not possible, but repeat examinations can

further clarification. Furthermore the sharing be performed if a module examination was

and discussion of relevant personal experi-
ences also provides additional useful insights In addition, an oral presentation must be
into problem solving. presented at the end of the first semester and

Learning strategies a scientific essay must be prepared in the

second term. Both are graded and the grades
Success and failure in the ISATEC Pro- obtained for this work contribute to the final
gramme are strongly linked to the study MSc grade.
skills. The following advice might help stu-

The grading system often differs between the ISATEC Programme is presented in the
universities. In order to make conversions table below.
comprehensible, the grading system used in

Grading system of the ISATEC study programme

100-95 94.5-90 89.5-85 84.5-80 79.5-75 74.5-70 69.5-65 64.5-60 59.5-55 54.5-50 49.5-0
Grade 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0 5.0
excel- very
good satisfactory sufficient fail
lent good

Course work assignment & group member of the academic staff of ISATEC.
projects Students who have been involved in a re-
Written assignments are required in some search project at their home institution prior
courses. These are valuable learning aids and to joining ISATEC are encouraged to carry
out their thesis work within this project. The
provide means for the lecturer to assessing
the students‘ understanding of the course Master thesis must be written in English. In

content. Course work assignments may take addition to the submission of the written

the form of group project work, thus requir- thesis, each student must give a 30 minutes
oral presentation of his/her thesis work, fol-
ing the submission of a report jointly by a
team of students. This form of assessment lowed by another 30 minutes of questions by

demands teamwork, co-operation and organ- and discussion with the examiners at the end

isation, skills that a MSc student should de- of the 4th term.

velop during his/her studies. The work is Forms to be submitted

returned with the examiner’s marks and
Students are responsible for collecting the
comments. Penalties for late submission will necessary signatures and submit the respec-
be specified for each assignment when it is tive forms in time. The following table gives
issued and will be strictly adhered to. an overview of the most relevant forms and
Master thesis when they have to be handed in.

The MSc thesis is based on a research pro-

ject conducted under the supervision of a

Form Name / Purpose Time of submission

Form Ex Examination Registration Until 2 days before the date of the exam

Form 2 Essay Registration During the 1st term

Form 3 Proof of Study Performances End of the semester of the respective module

Form 5 Application for Admission to the MSc Thesis End of 2nd term, before going abroad
and Abroad Registration

Form 6a 3rd Term Agreement End of 2nd term, before going abroad

Form 6ad Diving Agreement Before going abroad

Form 6b 3rd Term Performances Take abroad and return signed by foreign
supervisor after 3rd term, April 01st at the latest

Searching for a place to live versity campus. Apartments may be sin-

One of the biggest problems is to find a gle or shared by up to eight persons. All

room at the beginning of the term. Unfortu- rooms and apartments have cooking fa-

nately, at German institutions of higher edu- cilities and bathrooms. All rooms are
furnished and include a small kitchen.
cation there are no student residences on
campus. Students have to find a place to live Students should however note that bed

by themselves which can be an exhausting linen, towels, dishware, cooking utensils,

thing to do. If you want to bring your family etc. are not inclusive. In the vicinity you
may find some students’ clubs, which
with you and are eligible to do so under the
law relating to foreigners, we strongly advise promote social interaction with other

you to find a place to live before they join students and an international flair. These

you. How to find a place to live without too facilities are maintained by the Student
Services (Studentenwerk). Once a stu-
much effort is outlined in the following pag-
es. Not only you, but also all new students of dent's housing application has been pro-
the Bremen University are looking for nice cessed, the Studentenwerk can arrange
places to live. Therefore we strongly rec- accommodation for the duration of the
student's studies. Students wishing to ap-
ommend that you start looking for a room
before you leave home! Unfortunately there ply for accommodation at student resi-

are only limited rooms in the student hous- dences are required to complete an appli-
ing facilities available and most other places cation form for accommodation, which is
available from the Studentenwerk web-
are usually unfurnished. There are, however,
several possibilities to obtain very cheap site. Applications have to be filled out

second hand furniture. and returned directly to the Studenten-

werk. You also need to attach a passport
Before leaving home: It would be perfect if photo, your letter of admission and your
you arrive and have a room or an apartment financial information. Applicants have to
awaiting you. To make this dream come indicate their preferences for a particular
true, you can try the following strategies:
type of accommodation and location via
 A room in a student residence: costs be- the application form. Further information
tween 190 and 250 Euro per month. about student accommodation and appli-
Some residences offer accommodation cation forms is available through the
for families, too. Student housing is lo- Studentenwerk: Mrs. Bakker, Studen-
cated within walking distance of the uni- tenwerk Bremen, Wohnungs- &

Wohnheimwesen, Bibliothekstraße 3 phone numbers to ring potential land-
(Studentenhaus, 2nd floor), 28359 Bre- lords and make an appointment to have a
men. Phones: 0421/2201-10121, -10122, look at the accommodation. Most land-
-10123, -10124, fax 0421/2201-21290, lords will ask you how long you are in-
email: [email protected]. Of- tending to stay in Germany and what
fice Hours: Monday 10 am – 1 pm, guarantees you can offer for paying the
Wednesday 2 pm – 5.30 pm. rent (your scholarship e.g.).

 Private student residences also let rooms The ABC of advertisements: When you
at reasonable prices. The Studentenwerk scan through the advertisements you
can assist you to get in touch with the will stumble across a lot of abbrevia-
landlords. Please contact Mrs. Bakker on tions, such as “2 Zi.-Whg” = 2 room ap-
that subject. partment; “2 ZKDB” = 2 rooms, kitch-
Looking for rooms when you are in Bre- en, hall, bathroom; “zzgl. NK” = plus
men: If you are not successful in finding a extra charges; “ZH” = central heating;
room before your arrival in Germany try to “K” = deposit; “NR” = non-smokers;
“KN” = kitchenette; “NMM” = net
reserve a bed at a youth hostel or a motel.
You should also inform the ISATEC students monthly rent (costs for heating, elec-

tutor that you are still looking for an ac- tricity, gas, water, and waste disposal

commodation, she may be able to assist you. have to be paid additionally); “MZV” =
rent in advance; “Prov.” = commission;
The earlier you come before the term starts
the better your chances to find a room. We “WG” = shared housing; “WBS er-

strongly recommend that you schedule your forderlich” = only for those students

arrival in Germany well before the term be- granted a special permit on social
grounds; “kalt” = cold (heating and oth-
gins. By the time lectures starts, most rooms
will be let already. er costs have to be paid additionally);
“Abstand” = you have to buy part of the
Notice boards: Student Services and AStA
(Student’s Union) has put up several large
notice boards (“Schwarzes Brett”) at differ-
ent locations at campus. There you can Arrival & first destination:
search for ads offering accommodation, etc.
We recommend you do not to arrive during
 Newspapers: Once or twice a week local the weekend as all public administration
newspapers advertise available accom- offices and, from Saturday afternoon on-
modation. You will have an advantage wards, many shops, too, are closed. The In-
over your competitors if you get hold of ternational Office at the University of Bre-
a copy as early as possible There are men opens from 9 am to 12 am and will help

you to arrange your first days in Germany. the City of Bremen and its surroundings for

Students from abroad are advised to arrive at the duration of one term. The money has to
be transferred before you can be issued your
the latest one week before the programme
starts. The week of arrival will be occupied student card and the public transport pass.

with house hunting, registration at the for- Please note that you have to register at the

eigner’s registration office, organising a university for every new term!

health insurance policy (if not previously Registration renewal

done), opening a bank account, and Univer-
Registration at the University of Bremen is
sity enrollment. For help please contact the only valid for one term. For each subsequent
ISATEC students tutor. semester you have to renew your registration
Enroling at the university by paying the semester fee. At the registra-

In order to get registered at the University of tion office you can hand in the registration
renewal form (will be send to you in advance
Bremen you have to go the administrative
building’s ground floor (VWG) to the regis- via mail) and a health insurance certificate

tration office for international students for the next term. Please note: the closing

(opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday dates for renewing registration usually fall
within the previous term. Registrations dead-
9:00 am - 12:00 pm (at noon) and Wednes-
day 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm). You have to appear lines are August 15th for the following winter

in person. You need to bring a certificate terms and February 15th for the summer
confirming statutory health insurance cover terms. If you fail to renew your registration
in time you cannot continue your studies!
in Germany or proof that you are exempt
from compulsory insurance because your Health insurance
home insurance cover is recognised in Ger- Germany has an excellent health service.
many (see below), the letter of admission to The health service is governmentally subsi-
the ISATEC programme, your passport, and dised and about 75 million people (i.e. al-
several passport photographs. You will be
most 90% of the population) are insured via
given an invoice form which you use to pay a statutory or a private health insurance
the obligatory semester contribution of about scheme. The statutory health insurance
280 Euro per term. The University of Bre- scheme covers the costs of treatment by a
men does not charge tuition fees, but this
doctor or dentist, medication, hospital treat-
financial contribution, which has to be paid ment, and many other palliative and preven-
every term, is used to maintain student’s tive measures. Everyone insured in statutory
activities and for organisational services. It health insurance has to pay a basic charge on
also includes a semester ticket that allows
medication and other items if he/she is not
you unlimited use of public transport within exempt from this additional charge. You can

be exempted from these additional payments organisation is most advantageous for you
if your monthly income is below a certain and in case, for your family members as
level but you have to apply for this exemp- well.
tion when you sign your health insurance Some countries’ health insurance schemes
contract. This sometimes applies to students; are recognised in Germany. You have to go
your health insurance company will advise to an insurance office in the main glass hall,
you. In addition, there are certain costs
bring your insurance documents and fill out
which are not covered in full, such as charg- the paper work. The German insurance will
es for dentures, orthodontic work, and spec- then issue you a document which proves that
tacles where you merely receive a part- your home insurance is valid in Germany.
This document is essential for your enroll-
Private health insurance prices as well as ment. Your insurance company at home and
benefits vary greatly. Since medical treat- the International Office will advise you in
ment in Germany is expensive we recom- the run-up to your stay. Please note that you
mend that you chose a scheme covering need proof of health insurance coverage in
more than just the basic minimum. order to register at the University. Usually,

Students are eligible to statutory health in- the health insurance company will issue you

surance at the lowest monthly rate. Per term a certificate, the institution stamps it and

(6 months) you will have to pay around 600 returns it to the company. However, if the
insurance company requires a certificate
Euros. This regulation does not apply to stu-
dents who have spent more than 14 semes- from the institution of higher education in

ters studying and students who are older than order to register with them, just get informal

30 years of age. The largest statutory insur- confirmation from your institution that you
fulfill the requirements for studying in Ger-
ance company is the “Allgemeine
Ortskrankenkasse (AOK)”. Offices of the many.

AOK and the ”Techniker Krankenkasse” are Opening a bank account

situated in the main glass hall of the Univer- In order to open a bank account you need to
sity of Bremen (2nd floor). You have to go to bring a valid passport. Non-EU citizens ad-
the health insurance’s office, bring your
ditionally need a valid visa for their stay in
passport and student card and sign the insur- Germany. If you present your student card
ance contract. The ISATEC students tutor (“Immatrikulationsbescheinigung”= proof of
can provide help if necessary. enrolment) at the bank, your account will be
Students older than 30 years must organise free of charge. If you are unable to give
their own private health insurance. The In- proof of enrollment when you open your
ternational Office will advise you which account, you can change this later on. If you

do not register as a student at the bank they Office at the University! In order to register
will charge a basic fee every month plus fees here you need: your passport and possibly
for every transaction. Allow for 2-4 weeks your visa, the Confirmation of Registration
before you receive an ATM card that enables from the Residents’ Registration Office, the
you to use the automatic teller machines. notification of admission from your institu-
Drawing cash at ATM machines of your tion of higher education, proof of financial
bank is free of charge, whilst you have to resources or the scholarship award letter,
pay for using those of other banks. possibly a passport photograph. Your visa
The Residents’ Registration Office (usually granted for 3 months) has the status
of a temporary residence permit. Before
During the first few days after arrival you these 3 months have elapsed you will have to
have to register at the Residents’ Registra- extend the visa for 12 months. If your initial
tion Office. In order to do this you need a visa is valid for the whole time you only
permanent residence. You will find a bureau
have to report to the authority at the begin-
of the Residents’ Registration Office dedi- ning of your stay and will be spared exten-
cated especially to students directly at the sion procedures.
University. The address is: bremen_service
universität (bsu), Klagenfurter Straße (Zen- Most Foreigners’ Registration Authorities no

tralbereich) 28359 Bremen University. Of- longer require you to undergo a medical ex-

fice hours Tuesday: 9 am - 1 pm, amination. If you move to a different town

you will have to cancel your registration
Wednesday: 10 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 4 pm
Thursday: 9 am - 1 pm. At registration you with the one Foreigners’ Registration Au-

have to present your passport and visa and thority and re-register with the new one. If

fill in a registration form. The forms are you move within the same place or town you
only have to update your resident’s registra-
available both from the municipal authorities
and from local stationery shops. The final tion.

section has to be completed by your landlord A piece of advice: dealing with the German
(possibly the owner of the guesthouse or the authorities is not always easy (as it is with
person in charge of administration for stu- bureaucracy in many countries…). If civil
dent residences). Every time you change servants send you from one place to another
your place of residence you have to inform or are unfriendly, do not despair. Stay calm
the Office within the first two weeks. and polite and ask the person for his or her

The Foreigner Registration Authority name and that of their boss. Make a point of
writing down this information. You are enti-
This is your next port of call if you intend to tled to it and unfriendly officials will fear a
stay in Germany for more than 3 months. It complaint and be more co-operative. And
should not be confused with the International
going to the next person presumably in

charge you may say “Herr/Frau ... sent me to surance agency, your bank, the DAAD if
you” so you won’t be blamed for ending up you have a scholarship, and the ISATEC
in a wrong office. team. You can, in addition, order the post

Important moving information office to redirect your mail from the old to
the new address for a limited time period by
If you are moving from one room or apart-
filling out a specific form (“Nachsende-
ment to another at any time during your stay antrag”) available at any post office or on
in Germany, please make sure that you regis- their webpage.
ter your change of address with at least the
following offices: The Resident’s Registra-
tion Office, the University, your health in-


The state and city of Bremen most important county in respect to interna-
The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (HB) is tional trade in the Federal Republic of Ger-
in fact two cities, forming one federal state many. More than 15.000 seagoing vessels of
of the Federal Republic of Germany. This is all nations call at the ports of Bremen and
Bremerhaven every year.
quite unusual since the two cities of Bremen
and Bremerhaven are separated by 65 km of Study facilities
Lower Saxon (Niedersachsen) territory. Language classes: The University of Bre-
The state of Bremen covers an area of 400 men (UB) today is becoming international-
square kilometres and is the smallest of the ised with its number of foreign students in-
16 German counties. The total population of creasing every year. For this reason, foreign
the state of Bremen is around 700.000, and languages have become an integral compo-
there are around 600.000 people living in nent of studies at UB. The Modern Language
and around Bremen City. This makes Bre- Centre “Fremdsprachenzentrum” (FZHB) in
men the tenth largest town in Germany. cooperation with the Goethe Institute Bre-
Bremerhaven is smaller, with only over men, offers some language courses free of
100.000 inhabitants. Bremen became a charge. A preliminary test at the beginning
member of the Hanse, the once powerful of the semester is made to assess the appro-
trading league of cities, in 1358 and this priate level at which students should enter
trading tradition still continues. The state of language programmes. The Modern Lan-
Bremen is an international seaport and trad- guage Centre offers courses in German, Eng-
ing centre near the North Sea and the second lish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and many

other languages. Further information is equipped workspaces containing PC work-
available from Fremdsprachenzentrum, Bib- stations and printing devices. The library has
liothekstr. 1, 28359 Bremen, phone: ++49 - internet access via which students may ac-
421 – 21861960, fax: ++49 - 421 – 2187563, cess the electronic library services such as e-
email: [email protected]. books, etc. Searches for both internal and
Access to computer facilities and internet external (commercial) databanks are also
service are provided directly via the Com-
puter Network Centre “Zentrum für Netze” In order to borrow books, it is necessary to
(ZfN) located on campus. After your regis- register at the library after being enrolled at
tration at the University of Bremen you will the university. To apply for a library card
automatically receive a university account please consult the Enquiry Desk on the
activation code in your semester documents. ground floor. The library also acts as a link
The account includes an e-mail address and to the resources of other libraries by means
access to computer and online facilities. of an interlibrary loan service. Advice and
Zentrum für Netze der Universität Bremen, additional information are available at the
building SFG, 2nd floor, Enrique-Schmidt- Enquiry Desk. Tours of the library are ar-
Str. 7; 28359 Bremen. Phone: ++49 - 421 - ranged regularly throughout the year and you
218 - 61305, fax: ++49 - 421 - 218-9861306, will have an introduction to the library at the
email: [email protected]. beginning of the study programm.
The university library has a large collection The ZMT also offers a small but specialised
of current journals, an extensive microfiche library of books and journals about tropical
collection with reference and bibliographical marine ecology and coastal aquatic man-
sources, and CD-ROM databanks containing agement. In addition, the affiliated marine
bibliographical and specific information institutes also have accessible libraries that
relevant to coursework. Journals can be con- complement the library facilities available at
sulted free of charge. In addition, the library the university.
also offers the students a number of well


Financial requirements proof of financial resources) to a German
Many foreign students coming to Germany foreign embassy and to the Foreigners’ Reg-

do not have scholarships. They have to pre- istration Authority.

sent proof that they can finance the entire You will have to cover a variety of expenses
period of their stay in Germany (so-called during the first few days: a deposit on ac-

commodation, the first instalment of the rent, er necessary study materials or xerox cop-
health insurance, semester fee, enrollment ies. A two-week excursion is part of the
etc. Thus, we recommend you to reserve at first term. Students have to contribute part
least 1000 EURO for these initial expenses. of the expenses (up to 200 Euro).
You are allowed to import as much foreign Cash & currency
currency into Germany as you wish, but you
may have to announce it at the customs au- The smallest unit of German currency is the

thorities and you should check on currency “Cent” (Ct.). 100 “Cents” are 1 “Euro”

regulations in your own country. At present There are 8 different coins: 1 Cent, 2 Cent, 5
Cent, 10 Cent, 20 Cent, 50 Cent, 1 Euro, and
you need about 800 Euros per month to lead
a modest life: 2 Euro. Similarly, there are 7 different notes:
5 Euro, 10 Euro, 20 Euro, 50 Euro, 100 Eu-
 Accommodation: 300 Euros per month on
ro, 200 Euro, and 500 Euro. The reverse side
average. Deposit: one to two months’ rent of each coin will show individual designs
(returned on expiry of the duration of rent relating to the respective Member State.
- if there is no cause for complaint). However, they are valid in all 18 countries
 Medical insurance: approximately 100 of the “Euro Zone”, regardless of their na-
Euros per month. tional sides. In large stores, restaurants and

 Lunch at the University: 3 Euros on aver- hotels you can usually use credit cards, but

age. not always in smaller guesthouses and shops.

 The amount required for other costs Banks & money transfer

(food, books, stationery, travel, clothes, All banks, even private ones, are subject to
sport/leisure etc.) vary from person to state control. The major banks are the Com-
person, but are unlikely to be less than merzbank, the Deutsche Bank, and the Dres-
200 Euros per month. dner Bank, as well as the Sparkasse Bremen,

 Tuition fees: ISATEC is free of tuition and the Postbank. Opening times differ from

fees. Students at Bremen University are one bank to another but are usually week-
days from 9 am to 6 pm. Some banks close
however required to pay the obligatory
semester contribution of approximately during lunchtime from 12 pm to 2.30 pm.

280 Euros (DAAD scholarship holders In Germany, in contrast to many other coun-
pay a reduced amount). The cost of the tries, it is rather unusual to send cheques to
semester ticket is included in this fee. people via mail (e.g. the rent to your land-
lord). There are various ways of conducting
 An additional budget of approximately 50
Euros per month should be calculated to monetary transactions: A transfer form ena-
cover costs of excursions, books and oth- bles you to move money from your account
to another. Standing order: you empower the

bank to transfer a set sum (such as the rent) PIN-number issued with this card enables
regularly and automatically on an agreed you to draw money at cash points or pay
date (e.g. the first of the month), which is directly via your card. In case of loss the
recommendable for paying your rent. Direct card can be blocked by a phone call 24 hours
debit: this is a practical method of payment a day. The EC card should not be confused
if you have recurring sums that vary in size with the Eurocard, which is a globally valid
(such as the telephone bill). A direct debit credit card. Overdraft facilities/credit cards:
given to the recipient empowers him to de- overdraft facilities allow you to overdraw
duct the respective amounts from your ac- your account to a certain agreed limit. How-
count. You don’t have to worry about abuse: ever, interest on overdrafts can be steep. If
you can always cancel the authorisation and you need a credit card your bank will advise
stop the direct debit. EC cards: with Euro you on that subject. Home banking: many
cheques you have been able to pay anywhere banks now offer their clients the opportunity
in Europe in the currency of the country. to carry out their personal monetary transac-
However, their use has been replaced by the tions via their own computer. Ask the bank
use of charge cards (Euro cheque cards or for advice but bear in mind that your person-
credit cards). If you setup a bank giro ac- al data is protected much better if you got to
count, your bank usually provides you with the bank in person. There have been a num-
an EC card (the card may show the EC logo ber of security breaches with online-banking
which once stood for Euro Cheque, but now recently. Also, many home banking web
indicates the Electronic Cash system). The sites are available in German only.


Doctors: Apart from general medical practi- own doctor. However, you should ask for
tioners there are a huge number of special- recommendations. If you do not want to ask
ised doctors (eye specialists, dermatologists local people for advice you can turn to AStA
etc.). Usually you will have to make an ap- or the International Office. If you have a
pointment. If you are in acute pain and you private insurance and are not in acute pain
have to be treated immediately or, at least, we recommend contacting your insurance
on the same day and you can go to a doctor company before undergoing major treat-
without an appointment or on short notice. ments and check how much you have to con-
You will find names and addresses of doc- tribute to the bills.
tors, listed according to field of specialisa- Hospitals: In Germany there are public, non-
tion, in the telephone directory or on the
profit (denominational), and private hospi-
internet. You have the right to choose your tals. If you are sent to hospital, the health

insurance scheme will cover the costs, alt- Notdienst”. You can also ring any doctor’s
hough you will usually have to pay a contri- number; the answering machine will tell you
bution. For the exact costs please inquire at the number of the doctor currently on call.
the hospital in question. Emergency call: 112 is the free-call number
Emergency services & emergency calls: If to ring in order to get an ambulance, the fire
you need urgent medical treatment at night brigade, the police or any other assistance in
or at the weekend you can either go to the a real emergency. Do not dial this number
outpatients’ department at a hospital or ring for fun or trivial reasons. If you make an
the doctor on call. You will find the address- emergency call, state clearly what happened
es of these doctors in the daily newspaper or and where it happened and stay on line for
the internet under the heading “Ärztlicher further instructions.


Eating habits in Germany Groceries shopping
The classic German breakfast is hearty and Germans do not eat and buy only sausage.
comprised of bread, cheese, cold meats, jam, Of course, cabbage, potatoes, dumplings,
and coffee or tea. Traditionally, the main hot and pounds of meat do exist but also much,
meal in Germany is lunch, eaten between 12 much more. The choice of food in Germany
and 1 pm. Before starting to eat people wish is so vast that you (and indeed many Ger-
each other “Guten Appetit”. As the name in mans, too) can avoid traditional German
German suggests, the evening meal or fare, sausages and meat altogether. Nearly
“Abendbrot” is essentially composed, once all supermarkets regularly stock mozzarella,
again, of bread and butter with cold meats mangos, melons, etc. In Turkish, Korean,
and cheese. Traditionally it is served earlier Italian, and other speciality shops in larger
than in many other countries, around 6 pm. towns you can get everything you can possi-
However, these traditional habits are no bly imagine. Restaurants and speciality
longer observed by everyone. Lots of Ger- shops in Germany are comparatively expen-
mans eat different things for breakfast or sive. Discount shops are considerably cheap-
nothing at all, only have a snack at er but the choice is smaller, the shops sim-
lunchtime, or eat a hot meal sometime in the pler. Highly recommendable are the popular
evening. weekly farmer’s markets where you can buy
fresh regional products. You should take a
bag or basket with you, as your purchases
will usually be filled into your bag loose or

wrapped up in paper which nearly always 5 Euros you allow about 10 % for a tip - of
tears before you get home. course only if the service was friendly and
the food tasty. Nobody expects large tips
Shops are usually open between 8 am and
8/10 pm on workdays and from 8 am until 6 from students because they are known to be

pm on Saturdays. Some supermarkets stay notoriously short of money.

open until 10 pm on weekdays and Satur- Mail & telephone

days. The majority of shops are closed on Post offices: You can recognise a post-office
Sundays except for those selling flowers,
or letterbox via the yellow sign with a black
bread, cakes which are allowed to open for a post-horn. Within Europe you currently pay
few hours to ensure that everyone can have a 0.60 Euros for a standard letter up to 20
piece of fresh cream cake for Sunday tea. grams and 0.45 Euros for a postcard. You
What would Northern Germany be without
can find out what other letters and parcels
its “Kiosk”? Here, or at the next gas station, cost by asking at the post office or reading
you will find items such as drinks, maga- the brochures available there. The postal
zines, chocolate, and other necessities of life code (“Postleitzahl” = ZIP code) of even the
till midnight, including Sundays.
smallest German village can be found in the
Eating out Directory of Postal Codes.

Many Germans like eating solid foods, but Telephones - public call boxes: You can ring
not exclusively. In the cities you can find any number you like in Germany and nearly
restaurants from nearly all the countries in every number abroad from any telephone
the world. Whether Persian, Thai, Russian, box. There are only very few countries for
Mexican, or Korean - the choice of restau- which you have to ring the exchange first
rants in Germany is vast. Students are par- under 0010 and ask to be connected. In most
ticularly fond of Italian, Greek, and Turkish public telephone boxes it is also possible to
restaurants as they are often comparatively receive a call; there should be a sign with the
reasonably priced. Others prefer fast food at number and a bell. Costs for calls within
take-aways or delivery services delivering Germany and abroad vary according to dis-
pizzas, Chinese, and Mexican dishes. tance and time of day. Payphones have be-

Tipping: the prices cited actually include come fairly rare; most public call boxes are
card-phones. However, even they are rare
19 % value added tax and a service charge.
Nevertheless, it is customary to leave a tip in today, as everyone uses mobiles. You can

restaurants, cafés, and other places where buy a telephone card at kiosks or the post-

your bill is brought to your table. The rule of office. The Telecom’s “Telefonkarte Com-
fort” enables you to ring within Germany
thumb is: if a bill is under 5 Euros you round
the sum up to the next full Euro; if it is over and to many other countries without using

coins. The international code starts with 00 They enthusiastically separate waste paper,
then country code. In the Yellow Pages you bottles, cans, corks, batteries, bio- degrada-
can find the numbers of doctors and other ble waste, and everything you can collect
occupational groups. Emergency: 110 (po- and recycle. Paper, glass, and cans are put in
lice), Fire Brigade: 112 (emergency medical special containers. Many bottles are return
services and ambulance). In the internet you bottles that are taken back to the shop where
can find numbers to dial before the actual the initial deposit (10-35 Cents) is refunded.
phone number that link you to different pro- Anything with a specific green-white symbol
viders which can be considerably cheaper for on it goes into the “yellow bags” to be recy-
international or long distance calls. cled. In order to reduce the number of plastic
bags used, many shops charge 10-20 cents
Waste separation
for a plastic carrier bag.
Germans are ecologically conscious people.


Etiquette & attitudes ducing people to each other you simply add

As in all countries there are certain forms of (by way of explanation) “(Das ist) Herr
Schmidt - (Das ist) Frau Meier”. Young
behaviour and manners that are considered
polite or impolite. You should know about people of the same age merely say “Max -
the German version of these if you don’t Ingrid”. Usually you introduce the men to

want to put you foot in it. Students are more the women first and then the women to the
men, just as you usually greet the women
informal so it is advisable to take note of
behavioural codes. first and then the men. If it is a formal occa-
sion you use the formula. “Darf ich vorstel-
Greeting people
len?” or „Darf ich bekannt machen? (“May I
Students who know each other usually greet introduce...?”) - Herr Meier - Frau Schmidt“.
each other at all times of the day and night To shake hands or not to shake
by saying “Hallo” or “Grüß dich”. They do hands.
not usually shake hands. Otherwise, it is
polite and common to say “Guten Morgen” The rule of thumb is: do not shake hands

until about midday, “Guten Tag” until about with other students or in public offices. If

6 pm and “Guten Abend” later on. You usu- you attend an interview or a consultation
session with a professor, always shake
ally say “Auf Wiedersehen” if you leave,
students just say “Tschüs”. If you are intro- hands. In such cases you wait until the senior

person (i.e. the professor or prospective also come into play if you have been invited
boss) offers you his/her hand. Employees of to someone’s home. For casual invitations
the institution of higher education or large you could be a few minutes late. If the invi-
companies do not shake hands when they tation is more formal or you are invited to a
meet. If you see someone you know in the big dinner, however, you should try to be on
street you greet him or her, at least in pass- time.
ing. There are also situations in which it is
polite to greet strangers, for example, in lifts,
on the stairs of a block of flats, or in the Germans are often rather reserved with invi-
tations to begin with. Only good friends can
waiting room at the doctor’s. You also greet
the postman bringing the post and the dust- just drop in on each other unannounced. If
men taking away the rubbish. you are invited to dinner with your professor
or boss you should take a bunch of flowers
Dress code with you for the hostess. When you are in-
On the whole, there are no strict rules about vited to share a pan of spaghetti with other
what to wear in Germany: You wear more or students in their “WG” you do not need to
less what you like. Youngsters can get away take flowers with you, but it is common to
with holes, patches, and (far too short) short ask if you can bring anything. If you are told
trousers. Adults, on the other hand, will not no, a bottle of wine will certainly be wel-
find it so easy. Students wear whatever they come.
like, but people who wear slashed jeans will Relations between the sexes
certainly attract different sorts of friends
than those who prefer a more conservative As in many other parts of the world, the

dresscode. women’s emancipation movement in Ger-

many means that both, the traditional image
Punctuality of women and traditional role patterns have
It cannot be denied that Germans place a lot shifted. Women have gained themselves
of emphasis on punctuality. If you have an equal rights and achieved the similar profes-
appointment with your professor or a doctor, sional status as men. They are self-assured
there is one thing you should certainly not do and do not permit being ruled, although good
- keep him or her waiting! Amongst them- manners like opening doors are certainly
selves students are usually more easy-going. appreciated. The very least a man must ac-
Perhaps this is due to the fact that university cept that a woman saying “no” actually
lectures seldom begin on the hour (“s. t.” = means “no”. Depending on which culture
sine tempore) but only 15 minutes after the you come from you might be shocked by
full hour at the “academic quarter” (“c. t.” = German’s liberality with regard to dress.
cum tempore). The academic quarter can Flimsy clothing in summer is not acceptable

in every country, but in Germany it is toler- too, live openly and the topic is not longer
ated. In the wake of the “sexual revolution” taboo. In any case, the requisite precautions
of the Sixties both men and women take the should be taken: unfortunately, AIDS is a
initiative in making contacts. Homosexuals, problem in Germany, too.


Programme Director & Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
Chairman of the Examination Board: Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Fahrenheitstr. 6
28359 Bremen
Email: [email protected]

Programme Coordination: Dr. Oliver Janssen-Weets

University of Bremen
Leobener Str. NW2
28359 Bremen
Email: [email protected]

Student Tutor / Contact Person: Orsolya Rumszauer

Email: [email protected]

ISATEC draws primarily on the resources Dr. Werner Ekau
and staff of the University of Bremen and Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine (ZMT), Bremen - Ecology
Ecology (ZMT). Staff from the Alfred- Dr. Sebastian Ferse
Wegener-Institute for Marine and Polar Re- Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
search (AWI), the Max Planck Institute for (ZMT), Bremen - Ecology/Social Sciences
Marine Microbiology (MPI), and other uni-
versities including partner universities in the Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hagen

tropics, augments them. With their expertise University of Bremen - Marine Zoology

and infrastructure for conducting marine Prof. Dr. Jens Harder

teaching and research, these experts offer Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiol-
students the opportunity to obtain first hand ogy, Bremen - Microbiology
experience in all relevant and up-to-date Dr. Lucia Herbeck
approaches to aquatic ecosystem research Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
and coastal zone management.
(ZMT), Bremen - Biogeochemistry/Geology

Dr. Ximena Hinrichs

Lecturers HafenCity University Hamburg – Marine
PD Dr. Holger Auel Law
University of Bremen - Marine Zoology Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmeister
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Balzer University of Bremen - Population and Evo-
University of Bremen - Aquatic Chemistry lutionary Ecology

Prof. Dr. Kai Bischof PD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn

University of Bremen - Marine Botany Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
(ZMT), Bremen - Biogeochemistry/Geology
PD Dr. Broder Breckling
University of Bremen - General and Theo- Dr. Andreas Kunzmann
retical Ecology Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
(ZMT), Bremen - Ecology
Dr. Annette Breckwoldt
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Dr. Alice Lefebvre
(ZMT), Bremen - Social Sciences University of Bremen - MARUM

Prof. Dr. Thomas Brey Dr. Inga Nordhaus

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), (ZMT), Bremen - Ecology
Bremerhaven - Biosciences/Functional PD Dr. Roland Pesch
Ecology University of Vechta - Landscape Ecology

Dr. Benjamin Rabe Dr. Marc Taylor
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), (ZMT), Bremen - Ecological Modelling
Bremerhaven - Climate Sciences Dr. Mirta Teichberg
PD Dr. Hauke Reuter Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen - Ecology
(ZMT), Bremen - Ecological Modelling Dr. (cand) Gabriela Weber de Morais
Prof. Dr. Claudio Richter Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre (ZMT), Bremen - Social Sciences
for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Dr. Frank Wenzhöfer
Bremerhaven - Biosciences Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre
Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter for Polar and Marine Research (AWI),
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Bremerhaven / Max Planck Institute for Ma-
(ZMT), Bremen - Social Sciences rine Microbiology, Bremen - Deep Sea

Prof. Dr. Winfried Schroeder Ecology and Technology

University of Vechta - Landscape Ecology Prof. Dr. Christian Wild

Dr. Kathleen Schwerdtner Máñez Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology

Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen - Ecology

(ZMT), Bremen - Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff

Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Dr. (cand) Karin Springer
University of Bremen - Marine Botany (ZMT), Bremen - Ecological Modelling

Partner institutions in Bremen

The ZMT is member of MARUM, an association of marine research institutions in the state of
Bremen. This facilitates a multidisciplinary link between the scientists working in the fields of
marine science at the University of Bremen. Good relationships have been established particular-
ly between the biological and geosciences faculties, and also with the Max-Planck-Institute of
Marine Microbiology (MPI), the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
and with the "Biologische Anstalt Helgoland" (BAH), part of the AWI.

Partner institutions abroad

Partnership and co-operation agreements have been established with the following universities
and institutions abroad:


Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil (UFPa)

Dr. Victoria Isaac, Campus Universitário do Guamá, Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01, CEP 66075-110 - Caixa postal 479 ,
PABX +55 91 211-2121 - Belém - Pará – Brasil

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil (UFPE)

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Av. Prof. Moraes Rego, 1235, Cidade Universitária CEP 50670-901 Recife –
PE - Brazil, phone: (081) 271-8000

Visa information for Brazil:

Embassy of Brazil, Wallstr. 57; 10179 Berlin; phone: +30-726280; fax: +03-72628320/21;
email: [email protected]

A visa is required to travel to Brazil. A letter of invitation from the Brazilian partner university /
supervisor should be sent by fax to the visa department in Berlin.

Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile

Dr. Wolfgang Stotz, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile, [email protected], [email protected],

Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile

Dr. Marcelo Oliva ,[email protected]

Dr. Marco Ortiz, [email protected]

Visa information for Chile:

Generalkonsulat Chile, Kleine Reichenstr. 1, 20457 Hamburg, phone: +40 - 335835, fax: +40 – 326957

Embassy of Chile; Mohrenstr. 42; 10117 Berlin; phone:+03-726203-5; fax: +03-726203603

Costa Rica

Universidad de Costa Rica de San José, Costa Rica (UCR)

Dr. Alvaro Morales, [email protected] /[email protected]; Dr. Jorge Cortes, [email protected]

Centro de Inv-stigaciones Marinas y Limnológicas (CIMAR), Universidad de Costa Rica, Apdo. 2060, San José, CR

Visa information for Costa Rica:

Embassy of Costa Rica, Dessauer Str. 28/29; 10963 Berlin; +03-26389990; +03-26557210; email:
[email protected]

You need to apply for a visa with an application written in Spanish to the Office of Migration and
Foreign Affairs in Costa Rica (address: Dirección General de Migración y Extranjeria; Apartado
762-1150-La Uruca; San José; Costa Rica; phone: +220 0355; fax +231 7575). You need to en-
close in your application the usual personal data and the purpose of your stay in Costa Rica.

Instituto de Oceanologia (IDO)

Dr. Sandra Loza Álvarez, [email protected]

Centro de Investigaciones Pesquera (CIP)

Dr. Rafael Puga, [email protected]


National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Cairo, Egypt (NIOF)

Prof. Dr. Ekram Amin
National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries, 101 Kasr Al-Ainy Street, Cairo, Egypt

Visa information for Egypt:

Embassy of Egypt, Waldstr. 15; 13156 Berlin; phone: +03-4775470; fax: +03-4771049; email: egembas-
[email protected]


University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

Prof. Dr. John Blay
University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

Prof. Dr. C.J. Vanderpuye
Department of Oceanography & Fisheries, University of Ghana, P.O. Box 99, Legon, Ghana, 774381, Ext. 8449

Visa information for Ghana:

Embassy of Ghana, Rheinallee 58; 53173 Bonn, Tel: 0228-367960

You need to apply for a visa application form at the above mentioned address, enclose a prepaid
envelope with your address


Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences, Eilat, Israel (IUI)

Visa information for Israel:

Embassy of Israel, Konsularabteilung; Auguste- Victoria- Str. 74-78; 14193 Berlin; phone: +03-89045500; fax: +03-
89045222; email: [email protected]

Fisheries Faculty of Bogor University, Bogor, Indonesia (IPB)
Dr. Indra Jaya & Dr. Harry Palm
Marine Center Building 4th Floor, Faculty of Fisheries, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Jl, Rasamala Bogor, Indonesia

Fisheries Faculty of Bung Hatta University, Padang, Indonesia (BHU)

MS. Yempita Efendi, Faculty of Fisheries, Bung Hatta University, Jl. Sumatra, Ulak Karang, Padang, Sumatra Barat
25133, Indonesia, [email protected]

Prof. Rubiyanto Misman, Grendeng Campus, P.O. Box 15, Purwokerto, Indonesia

Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia, (BHU)

Prof. Rubiyanto Misman, Grendeng Campus, P.O. Box 15, Purwokerto, Indonesia, [email protected], lpiu-
[email protected], [email protected]

Visa information for Indonesia:

Embassy of Indonesia (Mr. Sumbayak), Lehrter Str. 16- 17; 10557 Berlin; phone: +03/47807-0; fax: +03-44737142
Requirements for visa application are: a copy of invitation from the Indonesian university, a copy
of proof of enrolment at the University of Bremen, proof of financing, a copy of passport; pass-
port photo, an informal statement that the student will not work and will observe the law while in
Indonesia, an informal statement about length and purpose of the stay, in addition for Americans:
residence permit for Germany.


Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

Aqaba Marine Science Station, University of Jordan, Amman
Dr.Mohammad Badran, MSS – Marine Science Station, P.O. Box 195, Aqaba, Jordan

Visa information for Jordan:

Embassy of Jordan, Beethovenallee 21; 53173 Bonn, phone: +228-357046; fax: +228-353951; email: embjor-
[email protected]

You need to apply for a visa application form, enclose a prepaid envelope with your address. For
Ghanaians: a copy of passport & residence permit in Germany, passport photo, a confirmed letter
with length and purpose of the stay, a copy of immatriculation at the University of Bremen.

Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina, Lima, Peru
Jaime Mendo, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Facultad de Pesquera, La Molina, Apdo. 456, Lima, Peru

Instituto del Mare del Peru (IMARPE), Lima, Peru

Dr. Dimitri Gutierrez, [email protected]

Visa information for Peru:

Embassy of Peru, Godesbergerallee 125-127; 53173 Bonn, Tel: +228-379475 or +228-3084570; email:
[email protected]

Generalkonsulat Peru, Martinistr. 58, 28194 Bremen, phone +421-15629

No visa is required for a visit of less than 90 days. If you wish to stay longer, you need to apply
for a student visa.
Sri Lanka

FCDRMP Fisheries Community Dev. & Resource Management Project, Tangalle Hambantota
Bertold Schirm, FCDRMP, Matara Road No. 249 / Mihindu Marwata, Tangalle – Hambantota District, Sri Lanka,
phone: +94-47-40486, -40594, fax: +94-47-486, email: [email protected]

Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka

Prof. E. I. L. Silva: Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy; Sri Lanka; phone: +94-8-232002, fax: +94-8-323131,
email: [email protected]

Visa information for Sri Lanka:

Embassy of Sri Lanka, Niklasstr. 19, 14163 Berlin, phone: +30-80909749, fax:: +30-80909757, email: in-
[email protected]


Institute of Marine Science, Zanzibar

Dr. Christopher Muhando, [email protected]

Dr. Matern Tolera, [email protected]

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ISATEC-Course Catalogue


(June 2016)

Aquatic Ecology .................................................................................................................35
Concepts of Aquatic Ecology ............................................................................................35
Tropical Coastal Ecosystems ............................................................................................36
Introduction to Marine Microbiology ..................................................................................37
Aquatic Flora and Fauna ...................................................................................................37
Resource Use and Assessment ........................................................................................39
Fisheries Biology ..............................................................................................................39
Monitoring of Marine Ecosystems and GIS .......................................................................40
Tropical Aquaculture and its Physiological Basics .............................................................41
Tropical Fisheries and Catching Methods .........................................................................41
Fundamentals of Scientific Work ......................................................................................43
Introduction to Systems Analysis ......................................................................................43
Experimental Design and Data Analysis ...........................................................................44
Scientific Writing ...............................................................................................................44
Semester Study and its Oral Presentation .......................................................................46
Oral Presentation ..............................................................................................................46
The Abiotic Environment ...................................................................................................47
Fundamentals in Physical Oceanography .........................................................................47
Biogeochemical Cycling of Elements in the Aquatic Environment .....................................48
Aquatic pollution ...............................................................................................................49
Coastal Geomorphology & Coastal Processes..................................................................50
Computer Use and Modelling ............................................................................................52
Population dynamics &stock assessment .........................................................................52
Trophic modelling .............................................................................................................53
Modelling Spatio-Temporal Dynamics ...............................................................................54
Modelling in Conservation Biology ....................................................................................54
Coastal Planning and Management ..................................................................................56
Ecological Economics & Social-Ecological Systems .........................................................56
Participatory Techniques & Stakeholder Analysis .............................................................57
Interdisciplinarity between Natural & Social Sciences .......................................................58
Law of the Sea and International Environmental Marine Law ............................................59
Scientific Essay ..................................................................................................................60
Student Project ...................................................................................................................61
Master Thesis & Colloquium .............................................................................................62

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M1

name of module Module 1: Aquatic Ecology
Credit points 9 CP
Period winter term (1st semester)
Course titles M1-01 Concepts of Aquatic Ecology
M1-02 Tropical Coastal Ecosystems
M1-03 Introduction to Marine Microbiology
M1-04 Aquatic Flora & Fauna
Assessment combined examination
(17 % M1-01; 33 % M1-02; 17 % M1-03; 33 % M1-04)
Person Prof. Dr. Kai Bischof
responsible for
the module

Name of Module M1-01

unit Concepts of Aquatic Ecology
Lecturer(s) PD Dr. Broder Breckling, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
Teaching form x Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture & Seminar 30 h
Individual studies: 6 h
Learning Students understand modern concepts of aquatic ecology, of pioneering
outcome thoughts and personalities, and of the historical development of this
science; they know the differences between aquatic and terrestrial
systems and are competent to contextualize the content of the following
Content The course provides an overview of major concepts and their roots used
in aquatic and marine sciences with an ecological focus. It covers
general ecological concepts; specific aquatic approaches and describes
the historical and biographic backgrounds of important researchers. A
focus of this unit is on definitions and explanations of terms used in
Aquatic ecology to refresh and update the students’ knowledge, and to
provide the basis for a better understanding of subsequent courses. The
didactic concept is highly interactive: students elaborate oral
presentations of guided group work, which parallels the lectures. In a
co-operative process a syllabus is elaborated, which can be directly
used for examination preparation.
Part of combined 17 % of Module 1 examination
Assessment Study performance: oral presentations of group work in class
Examination: written examination
Literature Barnes, R.S.K.; Mann, K.H. 2009 Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology.
John Wiley & Sons, 280 p.
Elton, C. 1997. Animal Ecology. New York. Maximilian 207p.
Lindemann, R.L. 1942. The Trophic-dynamic aspects of ecology.
Ecology 23.399-418
Odum, E.P. 1953. Fundamentals of Ecology. Saunders, Philadelphia,
Wolff, M. 2009. Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology, p. 3-23. In: Wolff, M.
(ed.) 2009. Tropical waters and their living resources: ecology,
assessment and management. 1 ed. 2009, Hauschild, Germany:
Bremen. 343.
Wolff, M.; Gardener, M. 2012. The Role of Science for Conservation.
Routledge 34, 299p

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and M1-02

name of unit Tropical Coastal Ecosystems
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Claudio Richter, Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer, Dr. Inga Nordhaus,
Dr. Mirta Teichberg
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 35 h, Seminar 10 h, Laboratories 9 h
Individual studying: 18 h
Learning Students know the structure and function of tropical marine and coastal
outcome ecosystems and understand their global role; they know anthropogenic
drivers that negatively impact these systems and are able for a rough
global mapping of these impacts.
Content The lecture will give an introduction into general characteristics of the
tropics (geography, astronomy, climate, trade winds and monsoon
influence, large currents etc.) and coastal ecosystems (tides, marine-
terrestrial gradients, etc.). Tropical coastal habitats will then be
introduced in detail (mangroves, coral reefs, sandy beaches, mudflats,
rocky shores and seagrass meadows). Interactions and connectivity of
individual ecosystems with each other will be addressed as well as
biodiversity, productivity, biomass and turnover. Examples will be given
from current and former projects of the ZMT. The economic and social
importance of these ecosystems for local populations and human
influences, as well as issues of coastal conservation and management
are discussed.
Part of combined 33 % of Module 1 examination
Assessment Study oral presentations of group work in class, seminar talk,
performance: practical exercise
Examination: written examination
Literature Duarte. C.M. 2001. Seagrasses. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity,. Vol. 5
Academic Press, pp. 255-268
Hogart, P.J. 1999 The biology of mangroves (Biology of habitat series).
Oxford University Press, 238pp.
Little, C., Williams, G.A., Trowbridge, C.D. 2009. The biology of rocky
shores. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Little, C. 2000. The Biology of soft shores and estuaries. Oxford
University Press. 264 pp.
Longhurst, A.R. and Pauly, D. 1987. Ecology of Tropical Oceans.
Academic Press, 407 pp.
McLachlan, A., Brown, A.C. 2006. The ecology of sandy shores. 2nd
edition. Elsevier Academic Press, 392pp.
Nagelkerken, I. 2009. Ecological connectivity among tropical coastal
ecosystems. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, London, New York, 614pp.
Saint-Paul. U.and H. Schneider (eds) 2010 Mangrove Dynamics and
Management in North Brazil. Series: Ecological Studies, Vol. 211., 402
p.Schlesinger, W.H. 1997. Biogeochemistry: An analysis of Global
Change. 2nd edition. Academic Press, San Diego, 588pp.
Sherman, K. and Duda, A.M. 1999. An ecosystem approach to global
assessement and management of coastal waters. Mar. Ecol. Progr Ser.
Sorotkin, Y.I. 1995. Coral Reef Ecology. Springer, Berlin. 465 pp.

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and M1-03

name of course Introduction to Marine Microbiology
Lecturer(s) Dr. Frank Wenzhöfer, Prof. Dr. Jens Harder, Dr. Anne Schwedt, Dr.
Christina Bienhold, Dr. Katrin Knittel, Dr. Arjun Chennu
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Laboratories 11 h
Individual studying: 10 h
Learning Students know microbial processes and their diversity, and are
outcome competent to describe element cycling in the ocean and to present basic
concepts of marine microbial ecology and techniques for microbial
Content The focus of the course is on microbial processes in marine sediments
and their impact on the geochemistry and ecology of the benthos. The
course provides an overview to the field of marine microbiology and to
some of the methods used to study it. Students will be introduced to the
field of general microbiology, molecular ecology, biogeochemistry,
geomicrobiology and microbial ecology. This includes the cultivation and
physiology of bacteria involved in the turnover of carbon, nitrogen
sulphur and iron. The cycling of elements, the regulation and interaction
of microbial and geochemical processes in the marine environment will
be presented. The link between habitat properties (physical, chemical,
geological hydrological and biological), microbial processes and the
phylogenetic diversity will be explored to provide an overview on
ecosystem structures and changes. The physiological diversity and
metabolism of aquatic bacteria will be introduced, and will include
discussion of the function of bacteria in the natural cycle of the
elements. Students will be exposed to experimental approaches used in
marine microbiology, such as enrichment of bacteria, incubation
experiments with electron donors and acceptors, microscopic
techniques, and identification of bacterial populations using stains and
probes directed at the bacterial nucleic acids. Micro-scale analysis of
microbial processes in marine sediments will be performed.
Part of combined 17 % of Module 1 examination
Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Canfied, D.E.; Thamdrup, B and Kristensen, E. (eds) 2005 Aquatic
Geomicrobiology. Elsevier Academic Press. 640pp.

Number and M1-04

name of unit Aquatic Flora and Fauna
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Kai Bischof, Dr. Karin Springer. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hagen and
PD Dr. Holger Auel
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
x Seminar x Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Seminar 12 h, Laboratories 55 h,
Excursion 18 h
Individual studies: 26 h
Learning Students are competent to identify marine algae, invertebrates and
outcome vertebrates using identification keys. For addressing species ecology
students are able to apply their knowledge about taxonomy, phylogeny,

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

life history patterns and biogeography. Through extensive field

observations, students are able to put in context species ecology,
natural intertidal patterning of communities and the driving abiotic and
biotic factors determining zonation and succession.
Content Anatomy and morphology of major marine micro- and macroalgae
(kelps). Systematics and biology: phylogeny, life-history patterns
(haploid and diploid stages), ecology and physiology.
Presentation of major groups of marine invertebrates, their taxonomy,
biology and ecology. Selected specimens of the various taxa will be
studied during the practical course for a better understanding of the
morphology and anatomy of these groups, practical work includes
microscopy, species identification and field excursions. This course will
be conducted at the Biological Station on the island of Helgoland.
Part of combined 33 % of Module 1 examination
Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Evert RF, Eichhorn SE: Raven Biology of Plants, 8th edition, WH
Freeman 2012
van den Hoek C, Mann DG, Jahns HM: Algae – An introduction to
phycology.Cambridge University Press, 1995
Hurd CL, Harrison PJ, Bischof K, Lobban CS.: Seaweed ecology and
physiology, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press,
Ruppert, E.E. and Barnes, R.D.: Invertebrate zoology. 6. ed. Saunders
College Publ., 1994
Various identification keys to be provided during the course

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M2

name of module Module 2: Resource Use and Assessment
Credit points 6 CP
Period winter term (1st semester)
Course titles M2-01 Introduction to Fisheries Biology
M2-02 Monitoring of Marine Ecosystems and GIS
M2-03 Tropical Aquaculture and it’s Physiological Basics
M2-04 Tropical Fisheries and Catching Methods
Assessment combined examination
(25 % M2-01; 25 % M2-02; 25 % M2-03; 25 % M2-04)
Person Dr. Werner Ekau (ZMT)
responsible for
the module

Number and M2-01

name of course Fisheries Biology
Lecturer(s) Dr. Werner Ekau
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 10 h, Laboratories 20 h
Individual studying: 16 h
Learning Students have background knowledge in fisheries biology and resource
outcome assessment. They are skilled to do simple calculations of fisheries
growth and mortality parameters using Excel work sheets.
Content Lectures
- Introduction to fisheries
- Egg development in fishes
- Larval development
- Age and growth in fish
Practical course work
- Microscope observations on eggs and larvae. Determination of
different development stages. Drawings of different stations and
comparison of two species of different evolutionary levels.
- The students will practice age determination on otoliths from larval
and adult fishes. Daily growth rings will be counted in anchovy
otoliths under the microscope. Annual growth rings will be
investigated under a dissecting microscope with reflected light.
These exercises will provide the possibility to the students to
produce their own age data of two different species for later
statistical analysis.
- An important part of the practical work is the statistical analysis of
the data produced during the course work. Simple spreadsheet
programmes are used to determine the relevant parameters of
growth (Gompertz and v. Bertalanffy growth function) and mortality
(e-function) curves and thus produce basic information for stock

Part of combined 25 % of Module 2 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Beverton, R. and Holt, S. 2004: On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish
Populations. The Blackburn Press, 1954/2004, p 533

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Hart and Reynolds (eds.) (2002) Handbook of Fish Biology and

Fisheries. Blackwell Publishing, 2 volumes
King (2007) Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management. Blackwell
Fuiman, L. A. & Werner, R. G. (2002) (eds.): Fishery Science. The
unique contributions of early life stages. Blackwell Publishing, 326pp

Number and M2-02

name of course Monitoring of Marine Ecosystems and GIS
Lecturer(s) PD Dr. Roland Pesch
Teaching form Lecture x Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Seminar 8 h, Laboratories 20 h
Individual studying: 10 h
Learning Knowledge of theoretical and practical considerations of monitoring
outcome marine ecosystems and GIS applications; the capability to collect
information on selected issues of marine environmental monitoring and
compile them comprehensively as well as basic knowledge in
application of GIS software.
Content Specific issues on fundamentals of marine ecosystems and application
of GIS in monitoring marine environments

− Monitoring programmes worldwide

− Sediment mapping as part of marine ecosystem monitoring
− Monitoring marine and estuarine Biodiversity
− Monitoring impacts of eutrophication
− Monitoring impacts of heavy metals in marine environments

Applications of GIS methods in monitoring marine environments

− Practise of Geographical Informationsystems

− Visualisation and map layouts
− Working with vector and raster data
− Logical and Spatial Queries
− Attribute Tables
− Digitalising of Geodata
− Geoprocessing strategies of marine data layers
− Environmental (spatial) data analysis
Part of combined 25 % of Module 2 examination
Assessment Study performance: seminar presentation or protocol
Examination: written examination
Literature Di Zio S., Fontanella L. and Ippoliti L., 2004. Optimal spatial sampling
schemes for environmental surveys. Environ. Ecol. Statistics. 11, 397-
Parr TW, Ferretti M., Simpson IC, Forsius M, Kovács-Láng E, 2002.
Towards a longterm integrated monitoring programme in Europe:
Network design in theory and practice. Environ. Monit. Assess. 78, 253-
Wackernagel, H., 2003. Multivariate geostatistics. An introduction with
applications. 3rd ed., Springer, Berlin
Webster R, Oliver, MA, 2001. Geostatistics for Environmental Scientists.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and M2-03

name of course Tropical Aquaculture and its Physiological Basics
Lecturer(s) Dr. Andreas Kunzmann
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 12 h, Seminar 12 h, Laboratories 8 h
Individual studying: 20 h
Learning Background knowledge in worldwide aquaculture, linking fisheries and
outcome controlled aquatic production, first management tools, improve
understanding on nutrition and environmental impact, physiological
basics of cultured organisms. Hands-on experience with selected
marine organisms in the Aquarium facilities of ZMT (four physiological
Content The course will focus on the actual aquaculture production and its
potential for future development. Emphasis is on tropical production
systems and the role of environmental parameters. The Seminar gives
the chance to include local problems from the participants’ countries of
origin. The recent developments of Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture
IMTA, blue revolution, organic aquaculture and Aquaponics are

Chapters are:
World aquaculture production; Principles of aquaculture, Mariculture,
Techniques incl. RAS, Planning, Environmental impact, Economics,
Diseases, Physiological basics, full day experiments
Part of combined 25 % of Module 2 examination
Assessment Study Searching FAO databases, brainstorming with TOPP
performance: cards, seminar talks
Examination: written examination
Literature A. Kunzmann, C. Schulz 2016 Kultur von Meerestieren– mehr Proteine
aus dem Meer. In: Hempel G. et al. Faszination
Meeresforschung, Hausschild Verlag, in press
FAO 2014 SOFIA The state of world fisheries and aquaculture, Rome,
223 pp.
J.S. Lucas, P.C. Southgate 2012 Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants.
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2nd Edition, XVI + 629 pp
FAO 2009 Integrated mariculture, Technical paper 529, Rome 183 pp.
Naturland 2005 Standards for Organic Aquaculture, Naturland Gräfeling,
20 pp.
J.C. Cato, C.L. Brown (eds.) 2003, Marine Ornamental Species:
Collection, Culture and Conservation, Wiley-Blackwell, 395 pp.
J. E. Bardach, W. O. McLarney, J. H. Ryther. 1995. Aquaculture: The
Farming and Husbandry of Freshwater and Marine Organisms.
John Wiley & Sons (Paperback)

Number and M2-04

name of course Tropical Fisheries and Catching Methods
Lecturer(s) Dr. Werner Ekau
Teaching form x Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar x Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 12 h, Seminar 8 h, Excursion 8 h
Individual studying: 16 h

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Learning Students know the main species that contribute to both marine and
outcome freshwater living resources, especially in tropical and subtropical
regions. These comprise fish, shellfish and shrimp species with special
emphasis on their auto-ecology and the major fishing areas where they
are exploited. Students will be able to describe the main fish catching
methods and will know the population dynamics of key resources. The
Management strategies such as the ICES or the Large Marine
Ecosystem concept are understood.
Content 1. Introduction to fisheries resources and their management in
tropical seas, catching methods (artisanal fisheries,
commercialised fisheries)
2. Geographical approach (relevance of different aquatic areas,
open sea, Mediterranean seas, marginal seas, rivers & lakes).
3. Inland fisheries (lake & river fisheries).
4. Estuarine and coastal fisheries
5. The open ocean and its fisheries resources
6. Invertebrates, Fish preservation and processing
7. Large Marine Ecosystem concept
8. Excursion to Bremerhaven/Cuxhaven to visit fish industry

Part of combined 25 % of Module 2 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Gabriel, O. 2005. Fish Catching Methods of the World., Wiley, 523 pp.
Mann, K.H. 2000 Ecology of Coastal Waters. Blackwell Science, UK. 2nd
ed. 406pp.
King, M. 2007: Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management. 2nd
edition, Blackwell Publishing, p 382
Hart, P. and Reynolds, J. 2002: Handbook of Fish Biology and
Fisheries. 2 volumes, Blackwell Publishing
Sarhage, D. and Lundbeck, J. 1992. A history of fishing. Springer Verlag
Berlin, 348 pp.

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M3

name of module Module 3: Fundamentals of Scientific Work
Credit points 9 CP
Period winter term (1st semester)
Course titles M3-01 Introduction to Systems Analysis
M3-02 Experimental Design and Data Analysis
M3-03 Scientific Writing
Assessment combined examination
(20 % M3-01; 60 % M3-02; 20 % M3-03)
Person Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
responsible for
the module

Number and M3-01

name of course Introduction to Systems Analysis
Lecturer(s) PD Dr. Broder Breckling, PD Dr. Hauke Reuter
Teaching form x Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 18 h, Seminar 12 h,
Individual studying: 50 h
Learning Participants know to analyse complex interaction networks and to
outcome formally represent complex interactions. Participants know to deal with
interdisciplinary applications of systems approaches in different fields
and as a management tool. They have basic knowledge on different
mathematical representation of ecological dynamics. The participants
acquire an understanding of the role of models in ecological knowledge
Content The course gives a basic understanding of systems in general with its
elements and relations including an epistemological background of
systems analysis. This is extended by approaches of system theory and
principles of self-organisation and self-construction with a special focus
on ecological processes. General aspects of system analysis are
included. Flow chart representations and the transformation of flow
charts into a system dynamic representation with the compartment –
connection – control principle is explained and practically applied.
Difference and ordinary differential equations are introduced together
with their general system properties and system dynamics. Principals of
model development are discussed including conceptual development,
coding and validation. In the practical part of the course the students
learn to work with types of representation of ecological knowledge (e.g.
differential equations with POPULUS, flow chart representations with
SIMILE) as well as applying cause-effect diagrams to ecological
systems and a further interdisciplinary context.
Part of combined 20 % of Module 3 examination
Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Bertalanffy, L. von 1995: General system theory: foundations,
development, applications. New York (Braziller), 12th print
Jopp, Breckling, Reuter 2011 Modelling Complex Ecological
Interactions, Springer, Chapters 2-4,6
Scheffer, M. 1998: Ecology of shallow lakes. London (Chapman & Hall)

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and M3-02

name of courses Experimental Design and Data Analysis
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 21h, Seminar 4 h, Laboratories 32 h
Individual studying: 78 h
Learning Knowledge of the basic approaches and possible pit-falls in
outcome experimental design; the ability to critically verify the adequateness of a
chosen design as well as the capability to develop an adequate
experimental design for an ecological research question.
Knowledge of generalised linear models and mixed statistical models
and the competence to apply these to the research question at hand.
Ability to apply statistical models to empirical data using R
Content The consequences of bad experimental design; formulation of
hypotheses, manipulative experiments and correlative studies;
replication, pseudoreplication and randomisation; controls, factorial and
block designs, crossover and split-pot designs; BACI designs; bias of
the measurement;
General and generalised linear models with one or more metric or
factorial variables; GLMs with repeated measurements, generalised
linear mixed models, nested models, model selection using Akaike and
other criteria
Part of combined 60 % of Module 3 examination
Assessment Study
performance: oral presentation of experimental design
Examination: written examination
Literature Ruxton, G. and, Colegrave, N. 2010: Experimental design for the life
sciences, 3drf edition, OUP, 200pp.
Knell, R. 2014: Introductory R: A Beginner’s Guide to Data Visualisation
and Analysis Using R. 543 pp.
Grafen, A. and Hails, R. 2002: Modern Statistics for the Life Sciences,
OUP, 284 pp.
Quinn, G.P. and Keough. M.J. 2002: Experimental Design and Data
Analysis for Biologists, Cambridge, 557 pp.
Zuur, A.F. Ieno, E.N. Walker, N.J., Saveliev. A.A. Smith, G.M. 2009:
Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R. 527pp.

Number and M3-03

name of course Scientific Writing
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
Teaching form x Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 17h, Seminar 8 h,
Individual studying: 30 h
Learning Students understand the basics of scientific writing and presenting
Content This course is divided into a theoretical and a practical part, during
which students shall practise their writing skills with examples given by
the course instructor. It is shown how a classical paper/thesis should be
organised and how its different parts (Abstract, Introduction, Material &

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

methods, Results and Discussion) should be written in terms of content

and style. Students dedicate a substantial part of the course to critically
review and re-write sections of past ISATEC Master thesis. The course
is seen as preparation for the essay written in the second semester and
the final thesis. The course also introduces into the art of blogging and
provides blogging tips for beginners. It moreover provides general rules
for the organization of posters and of talks on conferences
Part of combined 20 % of Module 3 examination
Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Day, R.A. 2006. How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper. Cambridge
University Press.
Gopen, G.D. and Swan, J.A. 1990 The Science of Scientific Writing.
American Naturalist, 16pp.
Harmon, J.E.; Gross, A.G. 2010. The Craft of Scientific communication.
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Il. 225p.
Tufte, E.D. 2001. The visual display of quantitative information, 2nd
edition, Graphic Press, Cheshire CN, 200p.
Wolff, M. 2009 Communicating science. p. 295-300 In: Wolff, M (ed).
Tropical Waters and their living resources: Ecology, Assessment and
Management. Hauschild. 343 p.

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M4

name of module Module 4: Semester Study and its Oral Presentation
Credit points 6 CP
Period winter term (1st semester)
Course titles M4-01 Oral Presentation (Seminar)
Assessment module examination
Person Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
responsible for
the module

Number and M4-01

name of unit Oral Presentation
Lecturer(s) all ISATEC lecturers
Teaching form Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Seminar 8 h,
Individual studying: 172 h
Learning The student knows to elaborate and present an oral presentation based
outcome on a profound literature study, followed by the planning and preparation
of a Powerpoint presentation.
Content The student selects from a list of topics provided by the ISATEC
lecturers, a topic of his/her interest. During the winter semester he/she
revises diverse literature sources (Internet, libraries, special literature
bases) on this topic, summarises the main findings and starts to
conceptualize and structure a Powerpoint presentation, which is then
presented at the end of the semester in front of the ISATEC student
group. The presentation is qualified by the supervisor of the oral
presentation (the person who has offered the topic) and the ISATEC
program director.
Assessment Examination: Seminar presentation
Literature Day, R.A. 2006. How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper. Cambridge
University Press.
Gurak, L.J. 2000. Oral presentations for technical communication.
Series inTechnical Communication, Dragga, S. (ed.) 263p.
Spurr, B. 2006. Successful Public Speaking, Debating and Oral
presentation. New Frontier Publishing,
Wolff, M. 2009 Communicating science. p. 295-300 In: Wolff, M (ed).
Tropical Waters and their living resources: Ecology, Assessment and
Management. Hauschild. 343 p.

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M5

name of module Module 5: The Abiotic Environment
Credit points 9 CP
Period summer term (2nd semester)
Course titles M5-01 Fundamentals in Physical Oceanography
M5-02 Biogeochemical Cycling of Elements in the Aquatic Environment
M5-03 Aquatic pollution
M5-04 Coastal geomorphology & Coastal Processes
Assessment combined examination
(25 % M5-01; 25 % M5-02; 25 % M5-03; 25 % M5-04)
Person PD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn
responsible for
the module

Number and M5-01

name of course Fundamentals in Physical Oceanography
Lecturer(s) Dr. Benjamin Rabe
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar x Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Laboratories 5 h, Excursion 8 h
Individual studying: 40 h
Learning The student:
outcome  is familiar with the basic principles and physical processes that
determine important environmental conditions of marine
ecosystems in the ocean,
 knows examples of regional characteristic in the oceans and
marginal seas,
 knows how to calculate basic oceanographic parameters
 is able to carry out basic oceanographic measurements,
 has obtained basic skills in data processing and analysis during
the exercise sessions
Content Lectures:
 Physical properties of sea water
 Forces in the Ocean and their interactions
 The tides and their generating forces.
 The Coriolis force and the geostrophic balance.
 Wind stress, wind-induced currents, upwelling and the equatorial
current system.
 Fundamental relationships in ocean waves.
 Regional characteristics of the world’s oceans.
 Circulation in marginal seas and estuaries.
 The oceans in changing climate and relevant processes.
 Measuring methods of Oceanography
o Variables of state
o Water level, currents
 Plotting of oceanographic sections
 The use of a TS-diagram
 Problem sheets/ reports related to the course lectures and the
Part of combined 25 % of Module 5 examination

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Introduction to Physical Oceanography, Robert Stewart, Texas A&M
University, 2007,
Tomczak & Godfrey: Regional Oceanography: an Introduction 2nd
edn (2003),
Open University. 1989. Ocean Circulation. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Open University. 1989. Seawater: Its Composition, Properties, and
Behavior: Pergamon Press.
Open University. 1989. The Ocean Basins: Their Structure and
Evolution. Pergamon Press.
Open University. 1989. Waves, Tides, and Shallow-water Processes.
Pergamon Press.

Number and M5-02

name of course Biogeochemical Cycling of Elements in the Aquatic Environment
Lecturer(s) PD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn; Dr. Lucia Herbeck
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Laboratories 15 h, (Excursion 8 h
with M5-01)
Individual studying: 30 h
Learning Participants have the background knowledge on the biogeochemical
outcome cycling of elements essential for life in the aquatic environment.
Emphasis is placed on the oceans and coastal ecosystems of the
tropics. Knowledge is obtained through theoretical lessons accompanied
by group work, video and slide presentations, a one-day cruise with
research vessel RC Uthörn (jointly with M5-01) and practical work in the
laboratory. Participants are familiar with modern research platforms,
methodologies in field work and analytical techniques in the laboratory.
Content 5 days of theoretical and practical work + 1 day cruise with RC Uthörn
(jointly with M5-01)
Theoretical lessons (morning):
1. Introduction (water cycle, rock cycle, evolution of early life)
2. Transport processes (atmospheric circulation, surface and deep
water circulation, particle flux)
3. Production and transport of organic matter and C, N, P, Si cycles
(redox chemistry, productivity, diagenesis, physical and
biological carbon pumps)
4. Biogeochemical methods for tracing human-induced change in
coastal systems (application, examples, group work)
5. Biogeochemical cycling in mangroves and rivers and exchange
with the ocean (productivity, transformation, import/export)
6. Biogeochemistry of rivers and coastal ecosystems affected by
environmental change (damming, river diversion, land use
change, eutrophication, hypoxia, plankton community structure,
group work)
7. Analytical procedures

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

8. Presentation of group work

Practical work (afternoon):

 Sample preparation
 Sample weighing
 Filtration of water samples
 Analysis of water samples on dissolved oxygen, organic carbon,
inorganic nutrients and trace elements
 Analysis of sediment samples on organic and inorganic carbon
and nitrogen
 Analysis of sediment samples on stable carbon isotope
 Calculation and interpretation of results


 Slides of research expeditions

 Presentation of selected textbooks and topical books
 Provision of selected primary literature as pdf files

Part of combined 25 % of Module 5 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Libes, S.M., 1992. An Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry, Wiley.
Schlesinger, W.H., 1997. Biogeochemistry – An Analysis of Global
Change, Acadamic Press.
Robertson, A.I., Alongi, D.M. (eds.), 1992. Tropical Mangrove
Ecosystems. American Geophysical Union, Coastal and Estuarine
Studies 41.
Degens, E.T., Kempe, S., Richey, J.E. (eds.), 1991. Biogeochemistry of
Major World Rivers, SCOPE 42, Wiley.
Ittekkot, V., Schäfer, P., Honjo, S., Depetris, P.J. (eds.), 1996. Particle
Flux in the Ocean, SCOPE 57, Wiley.
Ittekkot, V., Unger, D., Humborg, C., Tac An, N. (eds.), 2006. The
Silicon Cycle – Human Perturbations and Impacts on Aquatic
Ecosystems, SCOPE 66, Island Press.
Liu, K.K., Quinones, R., Talaue-McManus, L., Atkinson, L. (eds.), 2010.
Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis.
CMTT/IGBP, Springer Publishing Company, New York.
Wolanski, E., Elliott, M., 2016. Estuarine Ecohydrology – An
Introduction. Elsevier, 2nd edition, Amsterdam

Number and M5-03

name of course Aquatic pollution
Lecturer(s) Prof Dr. Wolfgang Balzer
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 26 h, Seminar 4 h
Individual studying: 37 h
Learning Students have background knowledge about major classes of pollutants
outcome and their sources. They have learned and discussed about unintentional

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

release and intentional uses, chemical and environmental properties,

analytical identification and quantification, environmental fate and their
consequences for different trophic levels. They have knowledge about
methods of environmental prediction and control, governmental and
international regulations as well as management tools for remediation
and have learned about the influence of anthropogenic impacts on
natural cycles in coastal environments.
Content  Introduction: Range and classes of anthropogenic contaminants
 Hypertrophication (signals and consequences; favouring
environmental factors, natural v´s anthropogenic sources; cause –
effect relationships)
 Heavy metals (sources, speciation, natural cycling, basic
ecotoxicology, separate analysis from the natural background, fate,
analytical methods)
 Persistent organic pollutants (major compound classes,
classification, input and uses, bioaccumulation and environmental
fate, analytical methods)
 Radioactivity (forms and sources, properties, quantification, fate,
natural decay series, anthropogenic radionuclides, governmental
 Management (monitoring, baseline studies and regional
environmental programmes, source identification, governmental
and international regulations, remediation, management tools)

Part of combined 25 % of Module 5 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written (or oral) examination
Literature Agarwal, S.K. 2005. Aquatic Pollution. APH Publishing, 381 pp.
Laws, E. 2000. Aquatic Pollution: An Introductory Text. John Wiley &
Sons, 639 pp.

Number and M5-04

name of course Coastal Geomorphology & Coastal Processes
Lecturer(s) Dr. Alice Lefebvre, Dr. Marius Becker
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 16 h, Laboratories 6 h
Individual studying: 45 h
Learning Students have a basic understanding of coastal geomorphology; in
outcome particular the interaction between the hydrodynamic processes, the
transport of sediment and the resulting shape of the coast.
Their knowledge covers wave-, tide- and river-dominated coastal
environments. The influence of sea level variations and anthropogenic
activities on the coast are also studied. The course reflects on the
dynamic nature of the coastal environment against the needs for
stability and resources of human occupation.
Content Lectures
 Introduction
 Coastal processes (waves, tidal currents and sediment transport
(sediment types, erosion, transport, deposition)
 Beaches (beach morphology, longshore and rip currents) and
coastal dunes (formation and evolution)

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

 Estuaries (mixing, tidal wave transformation, fluid mud), lagoons

(spit, tombolo and lagoon formation), deltas (types and dynamics)
 Tidal flats, salt marshes, seagrass (sediment zonation, tidal flat
dynamics, salt marshes evolution)
 Sea level variations causes and effects, past sea level and future
sea level rise, impact of climate change on the coast
 Anthropogenic impact (coastal protection, dredging, Venice

 Sediment transport and coastal processes
 Beach profiles and storm impact
 Estuarine dynamics

Part of combined 25 % of Module 5 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Masselink and Hughes, 2003. Introduction to coastal processes and
geomorphology. Arnold, Hodder Headline Group London, 354pp
Open University Course Team, 1989. Waves, Tides and Shallow-Water
Processes. Open University Oceanography, Milton Keynes, UK, ISBN:
IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and
Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of
Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros,
D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee,
K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy,
S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA,
1132 pp.

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M6

name of module Module 6: Computer Use and Modelling
Credit points 9 CP
Period summer term (2nd semester)
Course titles M6-01 Population Dynamics & Stock Assessment
M6-02 Trophic Modelling of Ecosystems
M6-03 Modelling Spatio-Temporal Dynamics
M6-04 Modelling in Conservation Biology
Assessment combined examination
(25 % M6-01; 25 % M6-02; 25 % M6-03; 25 % M6-04)
Person Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
responsible for
the module

Number and M6-01

name of course Population dynamics &stock assessment
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff, Prof. Dr. Tom Brey
Teaching form Laboratories
x Lecture x
(Computer work)
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Laboratories/Computer work
15 h; Individual studying: 37 h
Learning Participants have learned to analyse the dynamics of aquatic
outcome populations and to elaborate fisheries data to provide the scientific basis
(and models) for the sustainable management of fisheries
Content The course provides:

1. An overview on the historical development of fisheries science

and its scientific concepts
2. Methods for estimating growth and mortality parameters in
fisheries resources
3. Models for estimating sustainable yield levels based on fisheries
catch and effort time series (Production models)
4. Models for estimating sustainable yield levels based on growth,
mortality and size at first capture parameters (Yield per recruit
5. Methods for estimating gear selectivity
6. Methods and models for estimating stock size from catch at age
and mortality data (Cohort analysis, Fishing success methods)

Part of combined 25 % of Module 6 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Hilborn, R.; Walters, C.J. 2013. Quantitative Fish Stock Assessment:
Choice, Dynamics and Uncertainty. Springer Science & Business
Media, 570p.
Hogarth, D.D. 2006. Stock Assessment for Fisheries Management: A
framework guide to the stock assessment tools of the Fisheries
Management Science Programme (FMSP). FAO Technical Paper
Pauly, D.; Murphy, G.I. (eds.) 1982. Theory and Management of
Tropical Fisheries. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 9, 360p.
Ricker, W.E. 1975. Computation and interpretation of biological statistics

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

of Fish populations. Bull.Fish.Res. Board Can. 191: 1-382

Sparre, P and Venema, S.C. 1992. Introduction to tropical fish stock
assessment. Part.1 Manual. FAO. Fisheries technical Paper No.
306.1.Rev.1 Rome, FAO, 376p.
Wolff, M. 2009. Population Dynamics and stock assessment, p.119-126.
In: Wolff, M. (ed.) Tropical Waters and their living resources: Ecology,
Assessment and Management. Hauschild. 343 p.

Number and M6-02

name of course Trophic modelling
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff, Prof. Dr. Tom Brey
Teaching form Laboratories
x Lecture x
(Computer practical)
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Laboratories/Computer practical:
15 h; Individual studying: 37 h
Learning Knowledge of the basic concepts in trophic (food web) modelling;
outcome Skills to construct a simple trophic system model using the Ecopath with
Ecosim (EwE) software and to simulate system changes over time;
Knowledge of how the trophic modelling approach can be used for
Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
Content The course provides:

1. A connection to the previous Module unit (M6-01), since several

of the parameters that enter the trophic model are derived from
fisheries assessment studies;
2. An introduction into trophic (food web) modelling through a
description of the pioneering studies of Lindeman, Polovina,
Ulanowicz and Pauly & Christensen that illustrate the roots and
evolution of this approach;
3. The software EwE is presented and students learn to construct a
first simple trophic model at the computer;
4. Groups of 2 or 3 students reconstruct published trophic models ,
and present their group work in class thereafter. These
presentations are then discussed on the last day of the week
with the lecturers emphasizing among system differences in
trophic structure as well as limits and challenges of the trophic
modelling approach
Part of combined 25 % of Module 6 examination
Assessment Study
performance: oral presentation of experimental design
Examination: written examination
Literature Christensen, V. and Walters, C. 2004. Ecopath, Ecosim and Ecospace
as tools for evaluating ecosystem impacts of fisheries. ICES J.Mar.Sci.
57: 697-706
Christensen, V.; MacLean, J. 2011. Ecosystem Approaches to
Fisheries: A Global Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 322p.
Ulanowicz, R.E. 1986. Growth and development: ecosystem
phenomenology. Springer, New York
Walters, C. Christensen, V. Pauly,D. 1997. Structuring dynamic models
of exploited ecosystems from trophic mass balance assessments,
Reviews in Fish biology and Fisheries 7: 139-172

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and M6-03

name of course Modelling Spatio-Temporal Dynamics
Lecturer(s) PD Dr. Hauke Reuter, PD Dr. Broder Breckling

Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories

x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Seminar 7 h, Laboratories 8 h
Individual studying: 39 h
Learning Participants have learned the presentation and significance of spatially
outcome distributed processes using a generalised cellular automata (CA)
approach and individual-based models (IBM) as facilitated by object-
oriented programming.
Content  Processes on a grid, states, updating rules, topologies
 The generality of the CA concept
 Self-organisation
 Examples of Ecological applications
 Working with simple CA
 Object-oriented programming (OOP): technical background and
 OOP-application for individual-based models
 IBM Examples of Ecological applications
 Principles of model construction and validation

Part of combined 25 % of Module 6 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Breckling, B., Müller, F. Reuter, H., Hölker, F. and Fränzle, O. 2005.
Emergent properties in individual-based ecological models introducing
case studies in ecosystem research context. Ecol. Model. 186: 376-388
Jopp, Breckling, Reuter 2011 Modelling Complex Ecological
Interactions, Springer, Chapters 2-4,8,12
Grimm, V. and Railsback, S.F. 2005. Individual-Based Modeling and
Ecology. Princeton University Press ISBN 0-691-09666-X
Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw and Lindenmayer, Aristid (1990). The
Algorithmic Beauty of Plants. Springer-Verlag
Toffoli, T and Margolus N. (1987) Cellular Automata Machines: A New
Environment for Modeling, MIT Press

Number and M6-04

name of course Modelling in Conservation Biology
Lecturer(s) Dr. Marc Taylor
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 17 h, Laboratories 13 h
Individual studying: 37 h
Learning Students learn the theoretical background of risk assessment in
outcome conservation biology and the ecological concepts related to this topic.
They will also be introduced to fundamental techniques of development
and evaluation of dynamic models to analyse the risk of extinction as a
basis of a PVA (Population Vulnerability Analysis). The participants of
the course will develop models for the analysis of single species

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

population dynamics; e.g. age-structured models, life stage–structured

models, and metapopulation models. Case studies are presented within
the context of management strategy explorations and risk assessment
for species that are in critical states due to small population size. All
examples make use of the free statistical and programming language
"R", which allows students to build upon skills learned in the previous
statistical course and familiarize themselves with basic programming.
Content  Introduction into the framework of risk assessment (stochasticity,
causes of extinction, “Population Viability Analysis” - PVA)
 Formulation of Birth-and-Death- Recruitment-mortality Models
(deterministic prediction, demographic stochasticity, environmental
variation, indicators for risk assessment)
 Models of population growth (independent and density
 Models of structured populations (age structure, stage structure,
simulating variability, correlation and auto-correlation, migration
and dispersal, density dependence)
 Spatial structure and meta-population dynamics

Part of combined 25 % of Module 6 examination

Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Burgmann, M.A., Ferson, S. and Akcakaya, 1993. Risk assessment in
conservation biology. London: Chapman & Hall.
Crawley, M.J., 2011. The R book, Reprinted with corrections 2009,
reprinted. ed. Wiley, Chichester.Hanski, I. 1990. Metapopulation
Ecology. Oxford University Press
Gerber, L.R., Buenau, K.E. and Vanblaricom, G.R. 2004. Density
dependence and risk extinction in a small population of sea otters.
Biodivers. Conserv. 13(14): 2741-2757
Morris, W.F., Doak, D.F. 2002. Quantitative Conservation Biology:
Theory and Practise of Population Viability Analysis. Sinauer
Associates, Sunderland

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M7

name of module Module 7: Coastal Planning and Management
Credit points 9 CP
Period summer term (2nd semester)
Course titles M7-01 Ecological Economics & Social-Ecological Systems
M7-02 Participatory Techniques & Stakeholder Analysis
M7-03 Interdisciplinarity between Natural & Social Sciences
M7-04 Law of the Sea and International Environmental Marine Law
Assessment combined examination
(25 % M7-01; 25 % M7-02; 25 % M7-03; 25 % M7-04)
Person Dr. Sebastian Ferse
responsible for
the module

Number and M7-01

name of course Ecological Economics & Social-Ecological Systems
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter
Teaching form x Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 10 h, Seminar 15 h
Individual studying: 42 h
Learning Students have a basic knowledge on the principles of modern ecological
outcome economics and social-ecological systems as related to tropical coastal
and marine environments.
Content The basic purpose of this course is to provide a brief chronological
account of the evolution of ideas relating to ecology in economic
analysis with a special focus on collective dilemmas on resource use
and institutional problems. Then it reports on applications of those
theories to the coastal and marine realm in the tropics. Showing various
methodologies of application, particularly the structural and conceptual
evolution of social-ecological systems thinking. This will allow the
students to see similarities and differences with natural science
approaches as well as the integration of knowledge generation across
disciplines. The students will apply the knowledge to a short case study
of their choice to demonstrate this knowledge practically.
Part of combined 25 % of Module 7 examination
Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Agrawal, A. 2001 'Common Property Institutions and Sustainable
Governance of Resources', World Development 29(10): 1623-48.
Common, M. and Stagl, S. 2005 Ecological Economics: an introduction,
Cambridge: University Press.
Schlüter, A. and Madrigal, R. 2012 'The SES Framework in a Marin
Setting: Turtle Egg Harvesting in Costa Rica', Rationality, Moral and
Markets 3 (Special Issue about: Coevolving Relationships between
Political Science and Economics; reflecting the work of Elinor Ostrom):
Ostrom, E. 2009 ‘A general framework for analysing sustainability of
social-ecological systems’, Science 325(5939) 419-422.
Hinkel, J., M. E. Cox, M. Schlüter, C. R. Binder, and T. Falk. 2015. A
diagnostic procedure for applying the social-ecological systems
framework in diverse cases. Ecology and Society 20(1).

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Vogt, J. M., G. B. Epstein, S. K. Mincey, B. C. Fischer, and P. Mccord.

2015. Putting the “ E ” in SES : unpacking the ecology in the Ostrom
social-ecological system framework. Ecology and Society 20(1).

Number and M7-02

name of course Participatory Techniques & Stakeholder Analysis
Lecturer(s) Dr. Sebastian Ferse
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 15 h, Laboratories 10 h
Individual studying: 43 h
Learning Knowledge of basic social science research principles for natural
outcome scientists. Overview of the theoretical and contextual background for
participatory research methodologies and their practical applications.
Understanding of legal and ethical considerations of participatory
research. Practical understanding of participatory research methods and
further methodologies that originate from the participatory approach,
such as stakeholder analysis.
Content Transdisciplinary research, stakeholder analysis and participation, and
Access and Benefit Sharing are increasingly emphasized in the context
of marine natural resource use and management (e.g. in the new EU
regulations implementing the Nagoya Protocol), yet often prove
challenging to people with a background in natural sciences. This
course will provide an introduction to the basics of social sciences,
overview of methodology and research methods (with particular
reference to social sciences), introduction to local forms of knowledge
and resource management, and practical, legal and ethical
considerations of data collection (e.g. intellectual property rights and
prior informed consent). Introduction to governance, resource use and
management in light of participation, as well as the concept and forms of
participation and participatory research. Basics of questionnaire design
and stakeholder analyses. A strong emphasis is placed on practical
exercises, including role playing, simulation of research methods, and
the design and implementation of an actual stakeholder study. The
interactive nature of the course allows the participants to better grasp
the practical aspects of participatory research and prepare them for the
design, execution and evaluation of participatory studies.
Part of combined 25 % of Module 7 examination
Assessment Study performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Various peer-reviewed papers and books (to be announced in the
lecture), including:
Bernard, R. 2006. Research Methods in Anthropology, 4th Edition.
Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
Bryman, A. 2012. Social Research Methods, 4th Edition. Oxford, UK:
Oxford University Press.
Bunce, L., Townsley, P., Pomeroy, R.S., Pollnac, R. 2000
Socioeconomic Manual for Coral Reef Management. Townsville,
Austalia: Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) and
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS).
Ruddle, K., Davis, A., 2013. Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) in
Interdisciplinary Research and Application: a Critical Review. Asian
Fish. Sci. 26, 79-100.

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and M7-03

name of course Interdisciplinarity between Natural & Social Sciences
Lecturer(s) Dr. Annette Breckwoldt
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 20 h, Laboratories 10 h
Individual studying: 38 h
Learning Knowledge about interdisciplinary concepts and research approaches in
outcome coastal planning and management (CPM). Students learn about being
an “interdisciplinary researcher”, about the role of stakeholders’
perspectives in CPM, and how stakeholders’ perceptions may differ in
coastal marine resource use and management. Students learn about
different co-management settings, about the role of poverty and gender
aspects for coastal planning and integrated resource management, and
effectively about the necessity to approach CPM from more than just
one discipline.
Content Coastal planning and management (CPM) is an area of research that is
inherently interdisciplinary. Therefore, the main purpose of this week is
the exploration of disciplinary boundaries, potential pitfalls and
complexities (theoretical and practical) found in inter- and
transdisciplinary research and fieldwork. This includes the examination
and understanding of aspects relevant for local CPM, such as local
leadership, resource ownership, poverty and gender, coastal protection
measures (incl. waste management) and tourism. In addition to the
examination of interdisciplinarity for coastal marine resource
management, this week is also designed to have a strong focus on the
researching students themselves. How can the student prepare their
social-ecological fieldwork, how can the research setting be
approached, the data collected using both qualitative and quantitative
approaches? What expectations exist - on the side of the researcher as
well of the local population?
The course will facilitate clearing some of the interdisciplinary ‘smog’
and, by drawing on a number of case studies from ZMT researchers,
encourage students to achieve a holistic view on CPM settings.
Part of the daily study is set aside for discussions and questions on the
own project plans which the students have developed by this time of the
semester. The reading will be done in self-study and discussions take
place with the entire group to facilitate the exchange of viewpoints,
personal and professional experiences.
Part of combined 25 % of Module 7 examination
Assessment Study
performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature Berkes, F. & Seixas, C.S. (2005) Building Resilience in Lagoon Social–
Ecological Systems: A Local-level Perspective. Ecosystems, Vol. 8:
Cinner, J. E. and R. B. Pollnac (2004) Poverty, perceptions and
planning: why socioeconomics matter in the management of Mexican
reefs, Ocean & Coastal Management, 47: 479-493.
Denzin, N. K. and Y. Lincoln (2013). Collecting and interpreting
qualitative materials. Los Angeles, California, USA, SAGE.
Govan, H. Aalbersberg, W. Tawake, A., and Parks, J. 2008. Locally-
Managed Marine Areas: A guide to supporting Community-Based

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Adaptive Management. The Locally-Mangaed Marine Area Network
Oeberg, G. (2011) Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies: A Primer.
Siar, S.V. (2003) Knowledge, gender, and resources in small-scale
fishing: the case of Honda Bay, Palawan, Philippines. Environmental
Management 31: 569-580.
McClanahan, T. R., Davies J. and J. Maina (2005) Factors influencing
resource users and managers’ perceptions towards marine protected
area management in Kenya. Environmental Conservation, 32(1): 42-49.

Number and M7-04

name of course Law of the Sea and International Environmental Marine Law
Lecturer(s) Dr. Ximena Hinrichs
Teaching form x Lecture x Laboratories
Seminar x Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Lecture 10 h, Seminar 7 h, Excursion 8 h
Individual studying: 42 h
Learning Basic knowledge on public international law, law of the sea and marine
outcome environmental law. Emphasis is placed on the conservation and
management of marine natural resources, marine scientific research,
deep seabed regime, and settlement of disputes. The students’
knowledge will be enhanced through video and slide presentations as
well as a visit to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in
Hamburg. Moreover, they are asked to do a research and give a
presentation on selected topics, which is tutored by the instructor.
Content Lectures:
 Introduction to Public International Law
 Introduction to Law of the Sea (natural resources, marine
scientific research, deep seabed)
 Introduction to Marine Environmental Law
 Settlement of disputes
Topics for Presentations:
 Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
 Deep seabed regime
 Special regimes (polar, tropical coastal zones)
 Marine protected areas
 Extended continental shelf
Part of combined 25 % of Module 7 examination
Assessment Study performance: --
Examination: written examination
Literature  United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982
 Textbook on International Law (by Martin Dixon, Oxford University
Press 2007)
 Handbook of International Law (by Anthony Aust, Cambridge
University Press 2005)
 The Law of the Sea: in a Nutshell (by L.B. Sohn, Publisher West 2010)
 The International Law of the Sea (by Donald Ruthwell, Publisher Hart
 The International Law of the Sea (by Yoshifumi Tanaka, Cambridge
University Press 2012)
 The Law of the Sea (by Churchill & Lowe, NY: Juris Public., 1999)

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M8

name of module Module 8: Scientific Essay
Credit points 6 CP
Period summer term (2nd semester)
Course titles M8-01 Scientific Essay
Number and M8-01
name of course Scientific Essay (semester study incl. mentoring)
Lecturer(s) all ISATEC lecturers
Teaching form Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Seminar 4 h,
Individual studying: 172 h
Learning Competence to prepare, plan and conduct the process of (scientific)
outcome essay writing
Content A list of essay topics will be provided by the group of ISATEC lecturers
at the beginning of the second semester; Students will then select from
this list a topic of their interest and shall meet with the respective
supervisor for a first discussion about the work: Thereafter the student
shall start to draft a first essay outline to be discussed with the
supervisor. After agreeing on the general approach, structure and
tentative content of the essay, the student works on his/her essay over
the course of the second semester by him/herself. Prior to handing the
final product in at the ISATEC office, the supervisor should have a last
review of the essay and should provide recommendations for its
finalization (if necessary). The supervisor qualifies the essay before the
second semester ends.
Assessment Module examination: written essay
Literature topic related
Person Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
responsible for
the module

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M9

name of module Module 9: Student Project (abroad term)
Credit points 27 CP
Period winter term (3rd semester)
Course titles --
Teaching form Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar Excursion
Workload Presence at the course: Seminar 2 h,
Individual studying: 810 h
Learning The student learns how to plan a field work period in the tropics, how to
outcome write a research proposal and how to conduct the fieldwork in the tropics
Content Prior to leaving for the field work at a tropical partner institution of ZMT,
the student has to develop a research proposal. Once this proposal is
prepared, it needs to be communicated to the supervisors in Bremen
and at the foreign partner institution. When agreed by the supervisors,
the student travels for a period of 3-5 months (depending on the project)
to the tropical partner institution.
Upon arrival, the student presents his/her project to the local partners in
order for them to know about the research concept and plan of the
Prior to returning to Bremen (after completing the field work), the
student needs to again give an oral presentation at the partner
institution presenting the preliminary findings of the field work period.

Prior to leaving for the field work in the 3rd semester, the ISATEC
Coordination Office provides the student with a form/template to write
down the topic of the field work research and to collect the signatures
from the partners when the two oral presentations have been done.
Assessment Study performances: written proposal, oral presentation / report
Literature project related
Person Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
responsible for
the module

ISATEC-Course Catalogue

Number and 02-321-M10

name of module Module 10: Master Thesis & Colloquium
Credit points 30 CP
Period summer term (4th semester)
Course titles Thesis Seminar
Subject specific research for the MSc thesis
Thesis Colloquium
Lecturer(s) all ISATEC lecturers
Teaching form Lecture Laboratories
x Seminar x Thesis
Workload Presence at the course: Seminar 20 h
Individual studying, field and/or lab work, thesis preparation: 880 h
Learning Implementing the scientific competence and knowledge in the field of
outcome aquatic tropical ecology in independent research. Competence in
planning, designing, and conducting a scientific research project.
Proficiency to analyse the results and report on the research project in a
written thesis.
Content Definition of an independent research theme, planning and discussion of
the contents and the time frame of the research work in lab meetings;
introduction to research subject related methods; realization of the
research project; analysis and discussion of the data; structuring and
writing of the thesis under the guidance of a university lecturer.
Assessment Study
performance: Thesis Seminar presentation
combined Thesis (70 %), Defence (30 %)
Literature Subject specific research articles from international journals
Person Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
responsible for
the module


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