Grade 9 Midterm Timetable & Portions 2023 1693490696

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Daffodils English School

Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru – 94
Mid Term Exam Timetable & Portions - 2023
Grade 9

Date Day Subjects

29.09.2023 Friday English 1
03.10.2023 Tuesday Mathematics
04.10.2023 Wednesday Biology
05.10.2023 Thursday English 2
06.10.2023 Friday Physics
09.10.2023 Monday Chemistry
10.10.2023 Tuesday Geography
11.10.2023 Wednesday Computer Applications/Economic Applications
12.10.2023 Thursday History & Civics
13.10.2023 Friday II Language

Sl No Subject Portions
1 English 1 Composition Writing
Letter - Formal and Informal
Notice and Email
Functional Grammar
Chapter 1A - Interchange of Sentences
Chapter 2A - Time and Tense I
Chapter 3A - Agreement of the verb with its Subject
Chapter 4A - Time and Tense II
Chapter 5A - The sequence of Tenses
Chapter 6A - Active and Passive Voice
Chapter 9A - Articles
Chapter 10A - Direct and Indirect Speech
Chapter 12A - Prepositions
Chapter 13A - Synthesis of Sentences
2 English 2 Drama - Julius Caesar- Act I - Scene 1,2 and 3
Prose -
Bonku Babu's Friend - Satyajit Ray
The Model Millionaire - Oscar Wilde
Poetry -
A Work of Artifice - Marge Piercy
I remember, I remember - Thomas Hood
3 II Language Kan ಸಣ ಕ ೆಗಳ - 1, 2, 3, 4 ಕವನಗಳ - 1, 2, 3, 4
ಪ ಬಂಧ, ಾ ೆ ಸರ ೆ, ತ ವಣ ೆ, ಗ ಾ ಂಶ, ಪತ ೇಖನ, ಾ ಕರ ಾಂಶ
4 II Language Hindi Essay writing Letter writing
Sahitya Sagar short stories (chapter 1 2,3)
Sahitya Sagar Poems (chapter 1,2,3)
5 II Language Sans १. ाथना
२. महाकिव: कािलदास:
३. अ ाकं दे श:
४. दै नानु हम्
५. आचाय दे वो भव
* ाकरणम्
* प म्
* ब :
* श ा:
* ि यापदािन
6 II Language French Leçon 1 - La famille
Leçon 2 - Au lycée
Leçon 3 - Une journée de Pauline
Leçon 4- Les saisons
Leçon 5 - Les voyages
Leçon 6 - Les loisirs et les sports
Grammar -Les articles définis et indéfinis, Les adjectifs possessifs, Les adjectifs
démontratifs, Les prépositions, Les articles contractés et partitifs, Les
expressions de jouer&faire , Le futur simple , Le futur proche, L'imperatif, Le
passé composé , L'imparfait , COD & COI.
7 Mathematics Rational and Irrational numbers
- Compound Interest (without using formula)
- Compound Interest (using formula)
- Expansions
- Factorisation
- Simultaneous linear equations
- Indices
- Logarithms
- Triangles
- Isosceles triangles
- Mid-point and its converse
- Pythagoras theorem
- Rectilinear figures
- Statistics
8 Physics Ch.1- Measurements and experimentation
Ch.2- Motion in one dimension
Ch.3- Laws of motion (unit- A, B, C and D)
Ch.7- Reflection of light
Ch.8- Propagation of sound waves
Ch.9- Current electricity
9 Chemistry Chapters 1 to 4, Practical chemistry - preparation and identification of the gases
10 Biology 1. Chapter 2: Cell - The unit of life
2. Chapter 3: Tissues - Plant and Animal Tissues
3. Chapter 9: Economic Importance of Bacteria
4. Chapter 11: Digestive System
5. Chapter 12: Skeleton - Movement and Locomotion
6. Chapter 13: Skin - The Jack of all Trades
7. Chapter 14: The Respiratory System
8. Chapter 17: Aids to Health 9. Chapter 18: Health Organisations
10. Chapter 19: Waste Generation and Management.
11 History/Civics History -Chapters 1,2,3,4,5, 11
Civics - Chapters 1,2,3,4
12 Geography Lesson no.1 to 12
* World map- rivers, mountains, plateaus and major water bodies.
13 Computer Applications 1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming concepts
2. Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes
3. Values and data types
4. Operators in Java
5. Input in Java
6. Mathematical Library Methods
7. Conditional constructs in Java
14 Economic Applications Chapter 2 - Basic Economic Entities in an Economy
Chapter 3 - Basic Problems of an Economy
Chapter 4 - Types of Economies
Chapter 5 - Characteristics of Indian Economy
Chapter 6 - Main Sectors of Indian Economy: Agriculture
Chapter 7 - Main Sectors of Indian Economy: Industry
Chapter 8 - Main Sectors of Indian Economy: Services
Chapter 9 - Other Sectors of Indian Economy

General Instructions:
1. School Timings from 29.09.2023 to 13.10.2023 will be 7.45a.m. to 12noon.
2. School Transportation will be available.
3. Children to report to school in complete uniform.
4. Wrist watches and Hoddys will not be allowed during the examination.
5. Children should carry sufficient snacks and water.
6. Examination Timings:
Subject Duration Reading Time Writing Time
II Language 3Hrs. 8.00a.m. to 8.15a.m. 8.15a.m. to 11.15a.m.
Mathematics 2 ½ Hrs. 8.00a.m. to 8.15a.m. 8.15a.m. to 10.45a.m.
All other subjects 2Hrs. 8.00a.m. to 8.15a.m. 8.15a.m. to 10.15a.m.

7. School Play practice for Grades 8, 9 & 10 will be between 10.30a.m. and
8. School Play practice for Grades 8, 9 & 10 will be between 10.45a.m. and
11.45a.m. on 03.10.2023.(Math Exam)

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