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Unit 3 Microwave

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• Microwave Frequencies
• The term microwave refers to alternating current
signals with frequencies between 300 MHz (3108 Hz)
and 30 GHz (31010 Hz), with a corresponding
electrical wavelength between 1 m and 1 cm
• Three major bands:
1. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) – 0.3 GHz to 3 GHz
2. Super High Frequency (SHF) – 3 GHz to 30 GHz
3. Extra High Frequency (EHF) – 30 GHz to 300 GHz
EM Spectrum
US New Military Microwave Bands
IEEE Microwave Frequency Bands
Microwave Applications
• Can carry large quantities of information (High
Operating Frequency)
• High frequency → Low Wavelength → Small
• Easily propagated
• Fewer repeaters are necessary for amplification
• Increased bandwidth available
• Difficult to analyze and design
• Measuring techniques are more difficult
• Difficult to implement conventional components at
microwave frequencies (Resistors, Capacitors,
Inductors ……)
• Transit time is more critical at microwave frequencies
Microwave System
Microwave System
MKS Units
Low Frequency Parameters
Impedance or Z parameters
Admittance or Y parameters
Hybrid or H - Parameters
Transmission or ABCD parameters
High Frequency Parameters
2 Mark Question
Formulation of S-parameters

• Scattering Matrix

• Scattering Parameters
S-Matrix Representation of a Two Port Network
Reflection coefficient at port 1 when port
2 is terminated with matched load
Reflection coefficient at port 2 when port
1 is terminated with matched load

Attenuation of wave travelling from port

2 to port 1
Attenuation of wave travelling from port
1 to port 2
Losses in Microwave Devices
Properties of [S] - Matrix
Properties of S parameters
• Zero diagonal elements for perfect matched networks
• Symmetry of a [S] for a reciprocal network
• Unitary property for a lossless junction
• Phase shift property
Zero diagonal elements for perfect matched networks
Symmetry of a [S] for a reciprocal network
• By comparing Equations
Unitary property for a Lossless junction

• For any lossless network the sum of the products of each term of any
one row or of any column of the S-matrix multiplied by its complex
conjugate is unity
• For a lossless n-port device, the total power leaving N-ports must be
equal to the power input to these ports
• The above equation can be expressed in matrix notation as
Phase shift Property
• Complex S-parameters of a network are defined with respect to the
positions of the port or reference planes

• For a two-port network with reference planes 1 and 2 as shown

below, the S-matrix is given by
• Since this property is valid for any number of ports it is called as
the phase shift property
Reciprocal Networks
• A reciprocal network is defined to be a network that satisfies the
reciprocity theorem
• Reciprocity Theorem
Symmetrical Reciprocal Network
Lossless Networks
Analysis of Reciprocal Lossless Networks
• From the zero and unity properties of the S – matrix, the S-
parameters of a reciprocal lossless network are constrained by

• → 1
→ 2
• From Equation 1
• Using above expressions in equation 2
→ 4
Substitute Equation 3 in 4
• Attenuators are passive devices used to control power levels in a
microwave system by partially absorbing the transmitted signal wave
• Both fixed and variable attenuators are designed using resistive films
• Types:
1. Coaxial line fixed attenuator
2. waveguide attenuators (Variable type)
Coaxial line fixed attenuator:
• A coaxial fixed attenuator uses a film with losses on the center
conductor to absorb some of the power as shown in fig
• The fixed waveguide type consists of a thin dielectric strip coated with
resistive film and placed at the center of the waveguide parallel to the
maximum E field
• Induced current on the resistive film due to the incident wave results
in power dissipation, leading to attenuation of microwave energy
• The dielectric strip is tapered at both ends up to a length of more
than half wavelength to reduce reflections
• The resistive van is supported by two dielectric rods separated by an
odd multiple of quarter wave length and perpendicular to the electric
Variable type attenuator:
• A variable-type attenuator can be constructed by moving the resistive
vane by means of micrometer screw from one side of the narrow wall
to the center where the E – filed is maximum
• A maximum of 90 dB attenuation is possible with VSWR of 1.05
• The resistance card can be shaped to give a linear variation of
attenuation with the depth of insertion
Precision type variable attenuator:
▪ A precision type variable attenuator makes use of a circular
waveguide section(C), containing a very thin tapered resistive card
(R2), to both sides of which are connected axisymmetric sections of
circular to rectangular waveguide tapered transitions (RC1 and RC2)
as shown in fig
▪ The center circular section with the resistive card can be precisely
rotated by 360 degree with respect to the two fixed sections of
circular to rectangular waveguide transitions
▪ The induced current on the resistive card R2 due to the incident signal
is dissipated as heat producing attenuation of the transmitted signal
▪ The incident TE10 dominant wave in the rectangular wave guide is
converted into a dominant TE11 mode in the circular waveguide
• The attenuation of the transmitted wave is
Phase Shifter
• A phase shifter is a two-port passive device that produces variable
change in phase of the wave transmitted through it
• A phase shifter can be realized by placing a lossless dielectric slab
within a waveguide parallel to and at the position of maximum E-field
• A differential phase change is produced due to the change of wave
velocity through the dielectric slab compared to that through an
empty waveguide
Precision Rotary Phase Shifter:
Directional Couplers
They can be unidirectional (measuring only incident power) or bi –
directional (measuring both incident and reflected) powers
Properties of Directional Coupler:
Performance of a directional coupler is described by following terms:
1. Coupling Factor (C)
2. Directivity (D)
3. Isolation
Coupling Factor (C):
Directivity (D):
Types of Directional Couplers:
Two Hole Directional Coupler:
Microwave T – Junctions
E – Plane TEE (Series TEE)
Scattering matrix for E – Plane TEE
H – Plane TEE(Shunt TEE)
Scattering Matrix for H – Plane TEE
Hybrid Junctions
• A hybrid junction is a four – port network in which a
signal incident on any one of the ports divides
between two output ports with the remaining port
being isolated
Magic Tee:
Characteristics of Magic Tee:
Four Port Circulator
Tuning Screw

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