Microwave Network Analysis: Al-Azhar University - Gaza

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Al-Azhar University – Gaza





Microwave Network analysis

Yasmeen A. Attallah 20150503

Dr. Mustafa Abu Naser

April 2020
Conclusion :
A microwave network consists of microwave devices and components (sources, attenuators,
resonators, filters, amplifiers, etc.) coupled together by transmission lines or waveguides for the
desired transmission of microwave signals through ports.

Introduction :
A microwave network is formed when several microwave devices are connected together by
transmission lines or waveguides for transmission of microwave signals through ports, which
are the points of intersection between two signals.
The design of those systems must consider the operating frequency which depends on lumped
and distributed circuits, those circuits have a different applications and we cannot confuse
between them in the design.

1- Port microwave network :

One port network :
A general microwave one port network is defined by a device for which power can enter and
leave from only one transmission line of waveguide . this one port network can be described by
a surface S which is perfectly conducting except for an opening at the terminal connection from
where the input signal comes to the microwave device.

Two Port Networks :

• A two-port network (a kind of four-terminal network) is a electrical network or device
with two pairs of terminals to connect to external circuits.
• Two terminals constitute a port if the currents applied to them satisfy the essential
requirement known as the port condition: the electric current entering one terminal must
equal the current emerging from the other terminal on the same port.
• The ports constitute interfaces where the network connects to other networks, the
points where signals are applied or outputs are taken. In a two-port network, often port 1
is considered the input port and port 2 is considered the output port.
• The two-port network model is used in mathematical circuit analysis techniques to
isolate portions of larger circuits.
• A two-port network is regarded as a "black box" with its properties specified by a
matrix of numbers. This allows the response of the network to signals applied to the
ports to be calculated easily, without solving for all the internal voltages and currents in
the network.
 • It also allows similar circuits or devices to be compared easily. For example,
transistors are often regarded as two-ports, characterized by their h-parameters which
are listed by the manufacturer. Any linear circuit with four terminals can be regarded as
a two-port network provided that it does not contain an independent source and satisfies
the port conditions. • Examples of circuits analyzed as two-ports are filters, matching
networks, transmission lines, transformers and small-signal models for transistors (such
as the hybrid-pi model). The analysis of passive two-port networks is an outgrowth of
reciprocity theorems. 

Two port networks can be describes in many ways:

• Z-parameters: 

 Y-Parameters:

[ YY 12] = [ YY 2111 Y 12
Y 22 ] [ VV 12]
 ABCD parameters :
The ABCD-parameters are known variously as chain, cascade, or transmission
parameters. There are a number of definitions given for ABCD parameters, the most
common is

For reciprocal networks AD-BC=1. For symmetrical networks A=D. For

networks which are reciprocal and lossless, A and D are purely real
while B and C are purely imaginary.
This representation is preferred because when the parameters are used to
represent a cascade of two-ports, the matrices are written in the same order that a
network diagram would be drawn, that is, left to right. However, a variant definition
is also in use,


At low frequencies, physical length of the network is larger than wavelength (λ) of the
• Therefore the measurable input and output values are voltage and current analyzed in
terms of ABCD,Y, Z and h-parameters with well- defined termination conditions .
• These parameters are analyzed under short or open circuit conditions
• But in microwaves open or short circuit conditions are not easily achievable and
terminating active devices, this way can damage the devices due to the total reflection
of power back into the devices
Open or short circuit conditions often results in oscillation for a wide range of
frequencies for active devices such as the transistor and negative resistance diode.
• Physical length of the components or devices at microwave frequencies are
comparable or much smaller than wavelength (λ).
• Hence the voltage and current are not well defined at each discrete point. So a
distributive analysis is required.
• Z, Y, ABCD and h-parameters often change the biasing conditions such as junction
capacitances at higher frequencies.
• Unavailability of equipment to measure RF/MW total current and voltage.
• Input-output behavior of network is defined in terms of normalized power waves
. • Ratio of the power waves is recorded , called scattering parameters.
• S-parameters are measured based on properly terminated transmission lines (not
open/short circuit conditions)
• The S-parameters are members of a family of similar parameters, other examples
being: Y- parameters, Z-parameters, H-parameters, and ABCD-parameters. They differ
from these, in the sense that S-parameters do not use open or short circuit conditions to
characterize a linear electrical network; instead, matched loads are used.
• These terminations are much easier to use at high signal frequencies than open-circuit
and short- circuit terminations
S parameter :

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