Topic Thi

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Topic: Who is the most important person to you in life?

I am thankful to many people around me who have influenced my life in
one way or another. I would like to talk about my soul mate, he makes my
youth light up like a firework. It reminds me of a coincidence day we met
each other. You know, I’m a talkative person and have plenty of stories.
One day, I had to move to the first table by my homeroom teacher because
I couldn’t keep silent in her lesson. I was blown away when I have to sit
next to a stranger and was noticed. Neverthless, suprisingly, I found a
friend who has shared a lot in common such as playlist music, personality
and other characteristics. I was over the moon everyday when I met him at
class. We have been buddies for 8 years. He is realiable and sympathic, it's
good to have a shoulder to cry on and overcome ups and downs in life.
That’s why, I respect this comradeship so much. He is not only my best
friend, but he is also one part of my life.

Topic: which city sound like to best live in? why? About your plan after
graduating from university.

I’m a huge fan of the nightlife in the HCM City. HCM ,which has
outstanding development of technology, is referred to as a city
never sleeps, many food stores, shopping centers, well-known
restaurants are open for serving customer 24/7. Living in a large
metropolis has many pros and cons for a young person like me,
but even so, with high urban population density, it also creates
more learning opportunities for young people to level up
themselves in good environmental conditions such as facilities,
living standard,… and there are a wide variety of jobs available
that you can take part in. Adapt to the fast pace of city, we have to
rush off our feet everyday to go to work with traffic congestion,
smoke from vehicles, but we can get potential jobs with
handsome pay in this hustle and bustle city. After graduating from
university, I am going to take internships to learn work ethic in
companies, How a professional workplace operation and gain
experiences rather than theory abstract at university.
Topic: could you live without your smartphone? Dicuss what you think the

Over the years, the revolution of technology has brought us numerous

outstanding advantaged for humans, it makes our life safer and quicker.
Everything is a piece of cake with one touch on your phone screen.
Nowadays, smartphone is means of communication with friends, our family
and I use it to chit-chat with my besties daily. One day, something was
wrong with my phone, it had died, and I had to wait one month for a new
one. Would I survive? I think I can’t live without a smartphone, but, actually,
it’s pretty easy. I didn’t have to check my messages and wasn’t interupted
every five minutes by social media alerts. We always say we don’t have
time, but most of us spend 2-3 hours surfing Tiktok, FB, or other apps, and
we can do nothing. Away from my smartphone, I began enjoying life, it was
like connecting to a real world more than a virtual social network. After an
exhausting day, I drawed myself into a warm water bath and relaxed with a
book before hitting the sack. In conclusion, Smartphone is a useful gadget
but it also has pros and cons for people. We should go outside instead of
going online to discover the world around us.

Topic: Are you addicted to your smartphone, cell-phone. Why?Write a short

about your technology habit

Over the years, the revolution of technology has brought us enormous

outstanding advantages for human, it makes our life safer and quicker.
Everything is a piece of cake by one touch on your phone screen. Thank to
the diverse function of a smart phone which can connect us with people
from other sides of the world, keep up lines of communication with our
family. There are millions of games that you just simply download at app
stores and can play away from home, whenever you want. However,
everything has pros and cons, I realized I gradually addicted to my phone
and can’t live without it. I’m interupted by daily notifications from friends
messages, social news,…,therefore, I can’t concentrate learning efficiently.
When I hang out with my friends, we are only focus on our phone and
constanly being distracted from What’s happening in the real world.

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