Chemistry 2
Chemistry 2
Chemistry 2
i. This paper consist of six (6) questions
ii. Answer any five (5) questions
iii. Each question carries 20 marks
iv. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
v. For calculations the following constants may be used
1L= 1dm3=1000cm3
Atomic masses: H =1, C =12, O =16, Na =23, Al =27, Cl =35.5, N=14, F = 19 and S =32
1. (a) Ethanol and water form an azeotropic mixture which boils at 78.2oC of which 95.6% ethanol at
constant pressure. If the boiling point of pure ethanol and water are 78.5oC and 100oC respectively
(i) Draw a labelled temperature verses mole fraction diagram of ethanol and water solution
(04 Marks)
(ii) How can you separate ethanol azeotropic mixture of ethanol and water?
(02 Marks)
(b) At a certain temperature an ideal solution containing benzene and toluene form a vapour pressure
whose composition is 0.62 benzene. Calculate mole fraction of benzene and toluene. If the vapour
pressure of pure benzene are 88.2mmHg and 25.5mmHg.(07 Marks)
(c ) 100cm3 of water contain 10g of an organic compound. Given that the distribution constant of
between ethoxy ethane and water is 9. Assuming that ethoxy ethane and water are immiscible and
that is in the same molecular condition in both. What mass of Y is extracted? if the mixture is shaken
(i) 50cm3 of ethoxyethane
(ii) 25cm3ethoxy ethane twice.(07 Marks)
2. (a) Can a nickel spatula be used to stir a solution of copper sulphate. Give reasons to Support your
(EQ Ni2+ /Ni = - 0.25V, EQCu2+/Cu = + 0.34V (03 Marks))
(b) For the Cell, Mg(s) /Mg2+ (1M) // Cu2+ (1M/ Cu (s)
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