Class 3 MDP
Class 3 MDP
Class 3 MDP
Date:…………. Signature:………
NOTE:- Do any two activities out of the four given in each subjects.
विषय-ह द
िं ी
क्रियाकलाप 1..
'भोजन हमारे जीवन के लिए उपयोगी है ' इस पर 50-60 शब्दों में अपने ववचार प्रस्तत
करे ।
क्रियाकलाप 2..
क्रियाकलाप 3.
समाचार पत्रों में 'भोजन' ववषय पर प्रकालशत ख़बरों को चचत्र सहहत काटकर चचपकाइए।
क्रियाकलाप 4.
Make tea / cook Halwa in presence of parents. Write the name of the
ingredients you used for it . Write the recipe you followed.
Collect Five fruits or vegetables available at your home and Fill the
table according to the description of these fruits or vegetables as its
color, size, taste and smell.
Write 5 ways to avoid wastage of food.
Subject - Maths
Activity 1.
Purchase some food items from market like one packet of biscuits,
one packet of namkeen, one chocolate etc. Note down their cost
along with the name of the food item and prepare a bill. Mention
expiry date.
Activity 2
The food item you like to eat. (at least 5) Collect their wrappers and
paste it on project paper.
Activity 3
● Ask your family members which vegetable they disliked most and
complete the table.
Veg disliked No. of people
Use this table to draw the chart and answer the following question.
Activity 4.
How many times a day do you eat food, show your food timing
routine through pictures of different clocks.
1. It’s dinner time, but what are you going to eat? Complete this
page to help you think of a menu.