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Compiled by

Mika Andika, M.Pd.




COVER................................................................................................................... 1
CONTENT.............................................................................................................. 2
ESTABLISHING A RELATIONSHIP................................................................ 3
1.1. Introducing yourself......................................................................... 4
1.2. Introducing other to another............................................................. 5

HUMAN ORGAN AND SYSTEM....................................................................... 6

2.1. Human organ.................................................................................... 7
2.2. Human body system........................................................................... 8

PATIENTS ASSESSMENT.................................................................................. 11
3.1. Patient assessment record..................................................................... 12
3.2. Nursing report....................................................................................... 15

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT.................................................................................... 17
4.1.Medical equipment................................................................................ 18

MEDICAL REPORT............................................................................................ 22
5.1. Asking health problems....................................................................... 23
5.2. WH – (WH question)........................................................................... 24
5.3.The expression and responses about health problems.......................... 26
5.4.Tag-question......................................................................................... 28

TIME ..................................................................................................................... 29
6.1.Telling the time...................................................................................... 30

NOUN ..................................................................................................................... 34
7.1. Forms of noun ...................................................................................... 35
7.2. Kinds of noun ....................................................................................... 35
7.3. Types of noun....................................................................................... 35
7.4. Number of noun ................................................................................... 36
7.5. Noun classess ....................................................................................... 37

ADJECTIVE ......................................................................................................... 39
8.1. Kinds of Adjective ............................................................................... 40
8.2. Demonstrative adjective ...................................................................... 40
8.3. Possessives adjective............................................................................ 41
8.4. Numeral adjective ................................................................................ 42
8.5. Adjective of indefinite quantity ........................................................... 42
8.6. Interogative adjective .......................................................................... 43

REFERENCES....................................................................................................... 44


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umun

Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 1, mahasiswa di harapkan mampu
berkenalan dengan baik dan benar.

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Setelah mempelajari materi ini di harapkan mahasiswa mampu :
1. Melakukan perkenalan diri sendiri menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan baik dan
2. Mampu memperkenalkan orang lain menggunakan Bahasa inggris

III. Pokok –pokok materi

Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, mahasiswa diharapkan mempelajari tentang konsep-
konsep berikut:
1. Introducing yourself
2. Introducing other to another

A. Introducing Yourself URAIAN MATERI
Hello! I am your new friend. I need to get to know
you. So that, I am easy to help learn English. Please
tell me about yourself!

Greeting is important before started conversation

 Hello/ Hi ..............
 How do you do?
 Good ............. Mr...........Miss/Mrs................
Morning (until 12 midday)
Afternoon (until dark)
Night (after dark)

What is your name? My name is ........

Where are you from? I come from .......

Where do you live? I live in .....

Which semester are you? I am semester .......

What is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is ......

Reading aloud!

Good morning, I would like to introduce my self, my name is Zakira Alfatunnisa. You an call
me Ica. I was born in Jakarta, 17 May 1995. I live in Jakarta. Right now, I stayed at my
aunt’s house. Now, I studied at nurse academy. I studied for 2 years at STIKES Citra
Delima of Bangka Belitung. Well that’s all my introduction. Nice to meet you.

B. Introducing Others to Another

In daily ativities, introduce has been habitually action. It is often used when bringing
people together for the first time as when you ntroduce a new friend to your parents
and others.

Let me introduce my friend to you, “ her name is ........, her hobby is ......... she is
from ................., she lives at .............., she studied at nurse academy for...........,
She has studied here for ....................., she has married and now she works in.....

 When you will close, you must to saying:

- Nice to meet you

- Nice to talking with you
- Sorry, I have to go now!

Futhermore, when you work in the should introduce yourself to patients.

I am nurse ..........(name), I will take care of you today.

If you need anything, please just give me a call, a nurse will help

 The dialogue between nurse and patient!

Nurse : Good morning Mrs. Rani.
Mrs Rani : Good morning, nurse
Nurse : How are you this morning?
Mrs Rani : it could be better
Nurse : I’m nurse Yunni, I will take care of you today. Mrs Rani, if
you need help, please just call me. I will help you.

Mrs Rani : Thank you so much, Nurse

Nurse : Now, it’s time for me to visit others patients. See you later
Mrs Rani : See you


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum : Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 2 diharapkan
mahasiswa mampu mengenali serta menjelaskan organ dan sistem manusia.]\’]=

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus : Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 2 diharapkan

mahasiswa mampu:
1. Mengenali organ tubuh manusia dalam bahasa inggris
2. Mengenali sistem-sistem tubuh manusia dalam bahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar.

III. Pokok-Pokok Materi

Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran di kegiatan belajar 2, mahasiswa mempelajari
tentang konsep-konsep berikut:
1. Human Organ
2. Human Body System

WHAT IS AN ORGAN? Your body is
full of different parts – there are those
that you can see on the outside, such as
your, hands, arms, nose, and feet, and
there are those on the inside that you
can't see but have learned about, such as
your lungs, heart, stomach, and more!
We use the word “organs” to describe
certain parts of your body that work
independently and are distinctly separate
from other parts! .

There are human organ in english language as follow:

 Exercise
Fill the blank in this below!

1. Lidah

2. Pangkal tenggorokan

3. Hati

4. Jantung

5. Pankreas

6. Kantung empedu

7. Anus

8. Usus besar

9. Perut

10 Paru-paru


The human body is a biological machine made of body systems; groups of organs that
work together to produce and sustain life.

System of A group of organs that work together to perform one or

organs more functions in the body.

Skeletal system Mechanical support, posture and locomotion

Cardiovascular Transportation of oxygen, nutrients and hormones

system throughout the body and elimination of cellular metabolic

Respiratory Exchange of oxygen and carbon-dioxide between the body

system and air, acid-base balance regulation, phonation. The main
organ are trachea and lungs

Nervous system Initiation and regulation of vital body functions, sensation

and body movements. The main organ of nervous system is

Digestive system Mechanical and chemical degradation of food with purpose

of absorbing into the body and using as energy. The main
organ in digestive system is stomach, liver, intestines and

Urinary system Filtration of blood and eliminating unnecessary compounds

and waste by producing and excreting urine. The main organ
is kidneys and bladder

Endocrine Production of hormones in order to regulate a wide variety of

system bodily functions (e.g. menstrual cycle, sugar levels, etc)

Lymphatic Draining of excess tissue fluid, immune defense of the body.


Reproductive Production of reproductive cells and contribution towards the

system reproduction process.

Integumentary Physical protection of the body surface, sensory reception,

system vitamin synthesis.

heart is a muscular organ in the circulatory

supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues
and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes.

The human lungs is the process of gas exchange

which called respiration

Stomach is mixing and breakdown of food by

contraction and relaxation of the muscle layers in the
stomach stomach.

Removing waste products from the blood and
regulating the water fluid levels.

Organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys

before disposal by urination. Urine enters the
bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra.

Processes of nutrients from food

Practice the dialogue:

Rina : Good morning, what are you doing?

Zaki : Morning Rina, I have assignment to make picture about human heart? What do you
think about human heart.
Rina : The human heart is a muscular organ in the circulatory supplying oxygen and
nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes.
Zaki : How does blood travel through your heart?
Rina : The two sides of your heart are separate, but they work together.The right side of
the heart receives de-oxygenated blood which has circulated around your body.It
pumps this to your lungs, where it picks up a fresh supply of oxygen.The blood
then returns to the left side of the heart, ready to be pumped to your body.
Zaki : I see, thank you for your information.


Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 3, mahasiswa di harapkan mampu
menangani pasien dengan membuat catatan riwayat keluhan pasien menggunakan
bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar.


Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 3, mahasiswa diharapkan mmpu;
1. Membuat formulir pendaftaran
2. Membuat catatan penilaian pasien
3. Membuat laporan singkat terkait kondisi pasien


1. Patient assessment record
2. Nursing report


Read this information about a patient in this below!

His name is jacky. He is 35 years old. He is a employee in an office. He is diabetic.

Jacky recently cut his thumb and drink much of alcohol.The next day, he was couldn’t
be better with pains, dehydration and nausea. He was admitted to hospital where he
was nursed until his urine was glucose free.

There is a patient admission form based on that information

Name : Jacky Dianata

Age : 35 years old

Address :Jl. H.Umar, Bangka Belitung

Nationally : Indonesian

Religion : Christianity

Occupation : bussinessman

Whom to contact in emergency : Rini (wife)

Reason for admission :pains, dehydration and nausea

Drugs taken at home : contraceptive pill


When a patient came in the hospital, a nurse must be fill medical report about
healthy. Some of data which be used for patients as follows;

The Data Asking to the patient

1. Name What is your name?
2. Age When were you born? / Your date of birth
3. Address What is your address?
4. Telephone What is your telephone number?
5. Nationality & Race What is your nationality?
6. Religion What is your race ? What is your religion?
7. Marital Status Are you married?
8. Occupation What is your occupational?

What’s your problem? / what’s your chief

Chief complain

History of present illnes relates to

the chief complain or problem
When did the complaint start?
1. Date and time onset
Where is the location? Or show me where the
2. Specific location
location is?
How does the pain feel or what is the pain like?
3. Type of pain or discomfort

Menstrual history
1. Age at menarche When did you get the first time period?

2. Duration How many days usually it happened ?

3. Last menstrual period, When did you have your last menstrual period?
duration and amount
Is there any problem during period like
4. Dysmenorrhoea dysmenorrhoea or premenstrual syndrome?

Obstetric history How many children do you have? How many

1. Gravida/Para times do you experience of pregnancy?

When was your previous baby born?

2. Each pregnancy How many weeks was your previous pregnancy?
a. Date of termination Where were you deliver your previous baby ?
b. Weeks gestation:
c. Place of delivery Did you have any problem for your previous
d. Any problem during pregnancy, labour and postpartum period?
pregnancy, labour and
postpartum period? How many kilos was your previous baby born?
e. Weight of baby birth; Is it a boy or a girl?
f. Sex of baby Were there any complications for your previous
g. Any complication baby born?
h. Status of infant at birth: How is your child now?

i. Present status of infant: What type of contraceptive did you use before?
Are there any side effects?
Contraceptive history Present
How long did you use this method of
contraceptive method
a. Type
b. Side effect
c. Length of time using this method

Read this case above, then fill the data in medical report!
The admission interview was conducted by nurse Wika on August 9th 2017. The patient was
Mrs Fatima, 40 years old, muslim, married, a lecturer, Javanes. The address is nakulo st 26,
Jakarta,her problem is contraction in uterus after working since 3 days ago. She has 1 son 3
years old,he was born on March, 5th, 2018, He was healthy, at independent midwife,
normal,term. His weightwas 3000 gram. Now, Mrs Fatima is pregnant, her last menstrual
period was on July 17th 2017. She had never used any contraceptive method. Menarche when
she was 13 years old,never had problem, regular every month, normal.


 Make a case with your friends with related pain feel the patients and do interview
with your patient, then fill the medical report by using Movie Maker application.

A nurse discussed with member of family, when a nurse given report with
profesional. It means that, a nurse must be cooperatif with their family and friendly.
There are some conversation about nursing report.

A. Reporting by telephone

Reporting by telephone used a nurse to give information to doter about condition
of clients, radiology report and diagnostic
 Read the dialogue in this below!
A : Good morning Nn. Sintia
B : Good morning dr. Fadly
A : So, we are going to talk about your last checkup
B : Could you tell me my test results, doctor?
A : I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
B : So, do you mean, I am okay?
A : Your stomachache is due to irregular eating schedule. Firstly, I’m afraid you
might have GERD but there wasn’t any other symptom.
B : What was the cause, doctor?
A : Aside from irregular eating schedule, you also ate to much spicy food. Try to
restrain yourself from any spicy food from now. I will write you a
prescription for your stomachache
B : Thank you very much docter.

B. Patient Transfer Report

To give information about patient transfer from one unit to another to get different
mediacal care in the hospital.
 Read this conversationn in this below!
A : Good afternoon Mrs Rina
B : Good afternoon doctor
A : How is our child now, doctor?
B : yourchild have been better. And she will transfer to inpatient room on this
A : Thank God, may I know her condition now.
B : yes, go ahead Mrs
A : Thank you doctor


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 4, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu
mengenal sekaligus menjelaskan peralatan medisdalam bahasa inggris

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Setelah menyelesaikan kegaiatan belajar 4, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu
1. Mengenali jenis-jenis peralatan medis
2. Menjelaskan fungsi dari peralatan-peralatan medis

III. Pokok-pokok Materi

Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran di kegiatan belajar 4, mahasiswa
mempelajari tentang konsep dari Medical Equipment


Medical equipment is used for diagnosis and treatment of disease or rehabilitation following
disease or injury; it can be used either alone or in combination with any accessory,
consumable or other piece of medical equipment. Medical equipment excludes implantable,
disposable or single-use medical devices.

Wound                         : Luka
Holder                         : Penjepit
Needle Holder             : Penjepit benang
*Pada saat Hecting*

Bowl                           : Kom
Small Bowl                 : Kom Kecil
Big Bowl                     : Kom Besar

Syringe                        : Spuit

Weight Scale               : Alat pengukut Berat Badan

Wheel Chair                : Kursi Roda

Cructhes                      : Kruk

Walker                         : Walker
Glucometer                 : Alat Untuk mengecek gula darah

Lanset  : Alat untuk menusuk ujung jari

saat akan diperiksa gula darah
menggunakan Glucometer

Kidney Dish                : Bengkok

Sterille Instrument Box  : Bak instrument

Cirurgis Forceps          : Pinset Cirurgis

Suture                          : Benang Jahit / Benang Hecting

Hecting Needle           : Jarum Jahit / Hecting

Surgical Needle           : Jarum Operasi

Tray                             : Baki

Plastic Covered           : Perlak dan pengalas

Medicine                     : Sebutan secara luas untuk obat injeksi

Sciszor                         : Gunting
Sciszor Suture             : Gunting benang jahit / Hecting
Sciszor Plaster             : Gunting plester

Spitting Mug               : Pot Sputum

Arterial Forcep            : Klem Arteri
Gloves                         : Sarung tangan / Handscoon

Please, find the names of the medical equipments by using internet!


2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum
Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar 5, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu membuat
pertanyaan dan mengisi medical report pasien dengan benar

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu;
1. Mengajukan beberapa jenis pertanyaan untuk menanyakan masalah kesehatan
2. Mengungkapkan masalah-masalah kesehatan serta merespon masalah kesehatan

3. Mengajukan konfirmasi mengenai masalah yang terkait

III. Pokok-Pokok Materi

1. Asking health problems
2. WH- (WH Question)
3. The expression and responses about health problems
4. Tag-question


If you want to get more information. You must to ask something, right? So, how the way to
asking question to fill a medical report?
We will discus in this below!


Nurse : Good morning, Mrs. Julia. I need to fill a medical report about your health
Patient : Sure.

Nurse : What’s your complete name?
Patient : My name is Julia. You can call me Lia.
Nurse : What is your complete address?
Patient : Jl. H. Umar, 15. Bangka Belitung.
Nurse : What make you come to the hospital?
Patient : I have a headache.
Nurse : Where is the pain, could you point at the pain?
Patient : It’s around here ( pointing in the back of his head)
Nurse : Did you take any medicine for your pain?
Patient : No, I didn’t.
Nurse : do you know cause of your pain?
Patient : I don’t know exactly
Nurse : How often do you feel the pain?
Patient : it’s often feel
Nurse : Ok, I wil report this to your obstetrician. Thank you for your information.

WH-QUESTIONS is a question to asking for information. That information are time,
place, things, people, event, reason and others.

5W + 1H
What Where Why

When Who How


What used to asking for repetition about time, date and event.

What + Tobe + Subject

Example :
 My patient is a lecture in my sister’s campus
What is your patient’s occupation?
 The topic of this conference is the dangerous of smoking
What is the title of this conference?
 Rika likes reading about healthy journal
What is her hobby?

When used to asking about time.
Formula :

When + Tobe + Subject

Example :
 She went to Malaysia last month
When did she go to Malaysia?
 My father is being treated in the hospital yesterday
When is being your father treated in the hospital?
 She was advised by a doctor for hospitalization yesterday
When was she advised by a doctor for hospitalization?

WHERE used to asking in or at what place or position.
Formula :

Where + Tobe + Subject

Example :
 My mother keep the medicine in the first-aid kit
Where does your mother keep the medicine?
 I bought this vitamine in the drugstore
Where did you buy this vitamine?

WHO used to asking what or which person (subject).

Formula :

Who + Tobe + Subject

Example :
 Mr. Andi taught about HIV/AIDS last week
Who did taught HIV/AIDS last week?
 The doctor failed detect her disease
Who did fail detect her disease?
WHY used to asking about reason of the events.
Formula :

Why + Tobe + Subject

Example :
 My sister is’nt go to school because fever
Why is she absent today?
 Gita left for Bangka Belitung to futher her studies in master degree
of nursing
Why did Gita left Bangka Belitung?
HOW used to asking about condition, activity
Formula :

How + Tobe + Subject

Example :
 She lost her younger brother in an accident
How did she lost her younger brother?
 Ms. Lina learned study hard to be a doctor
How did Ms. Lina to be a doctor.


There are some questions which used by nurse in daily activities!

A) A question is used to know patient’s condition.

1) What‘s your problem?

2) What’s wrong with you?
3) What’s troubling with you?
4) How are you feeling today?
5) What’s your chief complaint?
6) What are the symptoms?

B) The expression and responses about healthy problems :

1. I + Have + (Part of body+ ache) 4. I + experience + Kinds of
( a headache) symptoms and physical problems
(low back pain)
( a backache)
(difficult breathing)
(a stomachache)
(stuffy nose)
2. I + have + (A sore + parts of the
5. I + suffer from + kinds of certain
( a sore throat) illness
( a sore arm) (cancer)

( a sore knee) (constipation)
3. I + have + (Kinds of physical (migraines)
( a fever)
( the flu)
( a cough)


1. You should see the doctor

2. I’m sorry to hear that
3. Maybe you should go home and get soome rest
4. Shall I get you an aspirin?

C) Some question related with pain feel the patients

a. Describe cause of pain, if known

 Why do you feel that?
 Do you know the cause of your pain?
b. Current pain medication
 Did you take any medice/anything for your pain?
 How many do you take?
c. Where is the pain?
 Show me where the pain is?
d. Frequency of pain
 How often do you feel the pain?

A tag question is a statement followed by a mini-question. We use tag questions to
ask for confirmation. They mean something like: "Is that right?" or "Do you agree?"
They are very common in English.The basic structure of a tag question is:
Nurse’s shoes is white Isn’t it?
Her job is a nurse Isn’t it?
She will work in the hospital Won’t she?

The nurse isn’t prepared Is she?
The doctor will not do operation Will she?
The lectures didn’t remind the Did they?

The doctor will check your temperature,

She is not cooking in tomorrow morning,

They are playing football in the park,

She is not open her mouth,

My father don’t like a coffee

Mrs diana is reading a novel,


Make a conversation with your group with related about

asking health problem and responses about health
problem, then share your video to the social media!


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan pembelajaran 6, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu

menceritakan tentang waktu dalam bahasa inggris serta dapat berkomunikasi yang

berhubungan dengan pelayanan dirumah sakit.

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa di harapkan mampu;

1. Menjelaskan tentang waktu dalam bahasa inggris

2. Berkomunikasi mengenai waktu dalam memberikan pelayanan di rumah sakit

III. Pokok-Pokok Materi

Telling the time


When you tell the time in English, the hours always come first. If you look at the clock and

see that it is 3:00 p.m., then you can say “It is three” or “The time is three o’clock.” It is that


How about minutes?

Ok, we will discuss together!

 O'clock = :00( 7:00 = seven o'clock )

 A quarter past = 15 minutes after the
 A quarter to = 15 minutes before the
 Half past = 30 minutes after the hour


Example :
 07.00 = Seven o’clock

 10.00 = Ten o’clock

Read this dialogue in this below!

A : What time is it? We are going to be late.

B : Don’t panic, we are on time. It’s seven o’clock now.

A : But I thought we had to be at the bakery to take our order, and this conference will

be held at eight o’clock.

B : That’s ok. We have to go now!


A quarter past is used to 15 minutes after the hour.


 09.15 = A quarter past nine

 11.15 = A quarter past eleven

 13.15 = A quarter past one

Read this dialogue with your friend!

A :Good morning. May I help you?

B : Yes, I’d like to make an appointment for a pregnancy checkup

A : Are you one of the doctor’s regular patients?

B : No, I’m not. I recently moved to this area and my sister recommended Dr. Lina.

A : I see, but Dr. Lina can see you next Friday. Do you prefer morning or afternoon?

B : Morning is best for me.

A : Would 09.15 be all right?

B : That would be fine.

A : By the way what is your name?

B : I am Kiren

A : OK Ms Kiren. We will expect you then at 09.15 on Friday.

B : Thank you so much.


 A quarter is used to 15 minutes before the hour.

Example :

06.45 = A quarter to seven

11.45 = A quarter to twelve

02.45 = A quarter to three

Read this dialogue with your friend!

A : What time are you leaving tomorrow?

B : you mean to go the hospital?

A : Yes, I’d lie to go with you.

B : I’d be delighted to take you. I plan to leave here about 07.45.

A : Fine. I can be ready by then.

B : Okay, I will pick you up at your house with motorcycle.

A : Why? Where is your car?

B : Actually, my father will borrow my car to go check up in the hospital at 08.45.

A : Ok, That’ problem. See you tomorrow.


Half past is used to 30 minutes after the hour.


 09.30 = half past nine

 04.30 = half past four
 07.30 = half past seven

Read this dialogue with your friend!

A : Good morning gina, How are you today?

B : it couldn’t be better, what time is it now?

A : it’s 06.30.

B : Good. I am on time today.

A : Yes, you are on time. Why did you come late yesterday?

B : My motorcycle got flat tire.

A : Good you’re on time today. It’s just 07.30.

B : I feel so relieved.

 Exercise
Make some dialogue about telling the time based on this picture below!





I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan pembelajaran 7, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu

memahami materi tentang noun dengan baik.

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa di harapkan mampu membedakan bentuk, jenis dan tipe-tipe noun serta

mampu membedakan benda singular (tunggal) dan plural (jamak) dalam bahasa inggris.

Memahami kelas kelas noun seperti masculine gender, feminime gender, neuter gender

dan common gender

III. Pokok-Pokok Materi

1. Noun

2. Form of noun

3. Kinds of noun

4. Number of noun

5. Noun classess


Noun is a word to be used identify a class of people, place or things.

There are two kinds of form of noun, they are :
1. Abstract Noun
Abstarct noun is a noun which refers to ideas, qualities, and conditions  that
cannot be seen or touched.
Example : happiness, truth, kindness, danger, etc
2. Concrete Noun
Concrete noun is a noun which refers to people and things that can be seen,
touched, smelled, heard, or tasted.
Example : surgical tape, catheter, feeding tube, infus set, currete and etc.

There are three kinds of noun, such as :
1. Proper Nouns
A Proper nouns is a name that identifies a particular person, place, or thing. For
example : Anisa, Jakarta, Surabaya, Monday
2. Common Nouns
A common nouns is a noun that refers to people or things in general. For example
: hospital, medicine, antibiotic
3. Collective nouns
A collective nouns is a grup of people or things. For example :a team of doctor, a
set manicure pedicure.

There are two types of noun, they are :
1. Countable Noun
Countable noun is a noun that can be counted.
Example : wheelchair, midwife, hospital, etc.
They have both singular and plural forms (e.g. doctor/doctors; country/countries).
In the singular, they can be preceded by a or an.
2. Uncountable Noun
Uncoountable Noun or mass noun is a noun that cann’t be counted. Many abstract
nouns are typically uncountable, e.g. happiness, darkness, humour.Some
uncountable nouns can be used in the plural as well, depending on the meaning
or context of the word. There is an example of uncountable noun:

Would you like some tea = Uncountable noun

because it's referring to the drink in general

My sister will order a tea = Countable noun

Because it’s referring to a cup of tea

1. Singular Noun
Singular noun is a noun which only one thing. A singular noun used article (a/an).
Example : A suture, A Mercurial Sphygmomanometer, Thermometer digital.

2. Plural Noun
Plural Noun is a noun more than one things. A singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch,
sh makes the plural by adding-e then y makes the plural by dropping the y and

Most singular nouns form the plural by adding -s.

Examples :
Nierbekken Nierbekkens
Lancet lancets
Spuit spuits

A singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding-es.
Examples :

Minus Minuses
box Boxes
eyelash eyelashes

A singular noun ending in a consonant and then y makes the plural by dropping the y
and adding-ies.

Examples :

Baby Babies
Biopsy Biopsies
Therapy Therapies


Noun classesss is a particular of category of nouns which related some

characteristics such as (gender, animay, shape). There are four ind of noun classess, like
as:masculine gender, feminime gender, neuter gender nouns and common gender nouns.
A. Masculine Gender
Masculine gender is words for boy and male animals
Examples : son, boy, policeman, actor etc
B. Feminime Gender
Feminime gender is words for girl and female animals.
Exmples : Girl, daughter, policewoman, actress etc
C. Neuter Gender Nouns
Neuter gender nouns is a gender that is neither masculine nor feminine.
Examples : Ambulance, hospital, mattress
D. Common Gender
Common gender is a noun denotes either a male or a female sex.
Eamples : Doctor, nutritionist, head nurse

Read this paragraph and identify of noun on this paragraph in this below!

Mrs Siska is a teacher, she is 50 years old. Reently, she has

fever,chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure and chest discomfort (angina)

Shortness of breath, Pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in your legs or

arms. She was referred to a consultant cardiologist by her family. Mrs Siska
told her activity that she unable do her daily activities, she feels comfortable if
she is siting and lying down in her room for two days ago.


I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan pembelajaran 8, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu

memahami materi tentang adjective dengan baik.

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Mahasiswa di harapkan mampu menjelaskan ciri-ciri fisik orang secara lisan secara
akurat dan lancar, menemukan arti kata adjective dan pola kalimat yang digunakan
dengan benar serta mampu mendeskripsikan teman sekelasnya secara tertulis dengan
baik dan benar. Dan memahami materi pembelajaran tentang Kinds of adjective,
demonstrative adjectives, possessives adjective, numeral adjective, adjective of
indefinite quantity and interogative adjective.

III. Pokok-Pokok Materi

1. Adjective
2. Kinds of adjective
3. Demonstrative Adjectives
4. Possessives Adjective
5. Numeral Adjective
6. Adjective of Indefinite quantity
7. Interogative Adjective


Adjective is a word used to describe a person, place or things.

Examples : a) Midwife Rizka is a caring person (caring as adjective in this sentence)

b) dr. Hendra is very handsome (Handsome as adjective in this sentence)

A. Kinds of Adjective

1. Limitting Adjectives
Limitting adjectives is a noun rather than describes it. It relates with article (a, an and
 Article a
Artcile a used to consonants sounds. Examples : a patient, a doctor, a medicine etc.
 Article an
Article an used to vowel sounds (A, I, U, E, O). Examples :an orange, an hour, an
apple and etc.
 Article the
Article the for singular nouns. Examples : the sea, the earth, the moon and the sun.

Exercise : complete this sentences by using article (a, an and the)!

1. I have ....... biscuits in my bag.

2. We need ....... light in this room, because I bring ....... birthday cake for my
3. I have got ......problem with my motorcycle
4. I made ...... orange jus in ..... kitchen.
5. Let’s go to ....... second floor, ............lift is along the corridor.

2. Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives indiate a noun or pronoun in a as when you want
to make it clear a person or things would you like to talk about, whether it’s singular or plural
and near or far.

Demonstrative Adjectives

Near Far

Singular This that

Plural These those

Examples :
 This is an apple Singular (Near)
 This is a midwifery student

 That car is expensive Singular (Far)

 That dotor is very handsome

 These stetoscope are mine Plural (Near)

 These jacket are wet

 Those children are our patients Plural (Far)

 Those face shield are made of plastic

3. Possessives Adjective
Possessives adjective is a determiner to show who or what owns it, usually a possessive
adjectives sits before a noun or pronoun. The possessive adjectives are my, your, our,
their,his, her and its.
 Use of Possessive Adjective
Possessive adjective can be used before noun.
Examples : my book, our book, your book and etc.
 Possessive adjective isn’t need article a, an and the.
Examples : my pencil not my a pencil
Our class not our a class
Your hospital not your a hospital

Pronoun Number Possessive Adjective
First person Singular My
Plural Our
Second person Singular Your
Plural Your
Third person Singular His, her, its
Plural Their

Examples : This is my handscoen

That is your stetoscope
Is that your elastic bandage

4. Numeral Adjective
There are two kinds of numeral adjective, such as :
 Cardinal number
Examples : 0 = zero
1 = one
2 = two etc
 Ordinal Number
Examples : 1st = first
2nd = second
3rd = third
 Fraction Number
Examples : 1/2 = a half,
¼ = a fourth / a quarter
1/ 3 = a third
2/3 = two-third

5. Adjective of Indefinite quantity

Adjective of Indefinite quantity  is an adjective used to describe a noun in a non-specific
sense. The most common  indefinite adjectives are many, much, a lot of, plenty of, a few, a
little, several, and all.

Examples : There are many rubbish in my room
I have a lot of patients in this morning
There are several reasons for my resignation
There is a little water in my bottle

6. Interogative Adjective

Interogative adjective is a word that modifies a noun to ask a questions. The interogative
adjective are “what”, “which”, “whose”.
 Use “what” used for options are unknown.
Examples : What fruit have you never eaten but you would like to try?
What ambitions in your life that you want to achieve?

 Use “which” used for options are known

Examples : Which book would you like?
Which masker will you give me?

 Use “whose” used to ask possessive both singular and plural nouns
Examples :
Whose lunchbox was left on the table in the canteen?
Whose sophisticated laptop did she use for the last presentation?


Astuti, K. (2015). Eglish in Midwifery Practice. Bahan ajar mata kuliah kebidanan, pada 8
Maret 2015.

Bradley, R. (2008). English For Nursing and Health Care. Mc Graw Hill:New York.

Dita, Maria L.M. (2019, 10 April). Sanitasi peralatan keperawatan dan Ruang rawat. Kediri.
Dikutip 21 februari 2020 dari materi peralatan-perlatan nurse://Http.materi peralatan-

Grice, T. (2003). Everyday English for Nursing. Elseveir:China.

Salina, S & Mastura,M (2008). Nursing Your English. Pearson Prentice Hall : Malaysia.

Yosodipuro, A. (2015). Smart English Grammar (simple, meaningful, & Argumentative). PT

Gramedia Pustaka Utama:Jakarta Pusat.



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