Bsbldr811 Task
Bsbldr811 Task
Bsbldr811 Task
Long-term goals
Short-term goals
The interim targets set by the organisation over smaller time periods to reach a long-term goal.
The underlying revolutionary idea that will drive strategic change of the organisation.
Type of innovation
Current organisation structure Bounce Fitness existing organization solely relies on. Traditional
This refers to the existing way in outdated marketing approach such as:
which the organisation is Client Walk-Ins
arranged, including roles,
Brochure and Leaflets
reporting relationships and
Enquiry via website
Proposed organisation structure Hire a National Sales Manager to overlook sales activity
and monitor monthly subscription, will work above all
This refers to a proposal in the managers from every branch and monitor each branch
change management strategy to performance. Will report directly to CEO.
rearrange the organisation,
Assign a Sales/Account Executive to perform app
including certain roles,
demonstration to clients.
reporting relationships and
How will the proposed Hiring a national sales manager will insure efficiency in
organisation structure support the monitoring progress for each branch. Simplifies the
strategic change? process of having to report only the national sales
manager instead of all 6 managers from every branch
This refers to the logic or
to CEO.
reasoning behind the proposed
Sales Executive will drive up more membership
rearrangement of the
Support ensures client retention and able receive real-
organisation to support
time feedback from customers.
strategic change.
Core processes to be redesigned The development of this app is geared towards digital
automation process. Come up with process flow.
Core processes are critical Apply penetration on market through marketing promotions
sequence of tasks that generate and information drive.
value for the organisation.
Redesigning implies making
significant changes in a process.
Organising teams to achieve better National Sales Manager to overlook sales activity
outcomes and monitor monthly subscription, will work above
At least one reorganisation of all
teams to achieve better managers from every branch and monitor each
outcomes. This implies making branch
adjustments in how a team is performance. Will report directly to CEO
organised to ensure better Assign a Sales/Account Executive to perform app
workflows and coordination demonstration to clients
Assigning training support available 24/7.
a. Email
For all the above tasks, you need to make a PPT presentation to your Trainer- Dr Asad. The
PPT should be based on the report of Task 2A.