BSBFIN401 Assessment 2
BSBFIN401 Assessment 2
BSBFIN401 Assessment 2
Describe the business’s A strong ethics-based culture that helps people engage in and promote
code of practice and ethical behaviour will foster trust, lead to robust global capital markets, and
their ethical ultimately benefit society. Professions can only exist within an industry when
requirements. those acting with transparency, integrity, candour, and trust reach a critical
Also discuss the ethical
requirements associated The Code of Professional Conduct (Code) is a legislated code that sets out
with preparing financial the professional and ethical standards required of registered tax agents and
reports for corporate BAS agents. It outlines the duties that agents owe to their clients, the Tax
entities, including: Practitioners Board (Board) and other agents.
standing drill (Asset No. 348): straight-line method
Depreciable amount = original cost - residual value = $5,000 - $800 =
Year 1 (2019 - 2020) depreciation expense = $4,200 / 4 = $1,050
Year 2 (2020 - 2021) depreciation expense = $4,200 / 4 = $1,050
Date Details Asset
Dr $ Cr $ Bal $ Dr $ Cr $
Date Details Asset
Dr $ Cr $ Bal $ Dr $ Cr $ Bal $
Check journals for All entries were reviewed and no errors were discovered, except for the fact
errors that the bank column in the cash receipts journal was over added by $30.
However, it was determined that the individual receipts were accurately
List any errors found or if
recorded and posted.
no errors found describe
the process.
If using the case study Year ending Carrying Depreciation Accumulated Carrying
provided, depreciate the amount at Depreciation amount at
delivery truck for 2019 beginning end
and 2020. Show your
calculations. 30/6/2019 30,000 9,000 9,000 21,000
Depreciation calculation:
Delivery Truck: diminishing balance method
Year 1 (2019 - 2020) depreciation expense = $30,000 x 30% = $9,000
Year 2 (2020 - 2021) depreciation expense = $21,000 x 30% = $6,300
Depreciation Expenses
Andrew’s Slabs
Profit & Loss Statement
For the year ended 30/6/2020