Rainwater Harvesting Case Study - FCT - UNL Campus
Rainwater Harvesting Case Study - FCT - UNL Campus
Rainwater Harvesting Case Study - FCT - UNL Campus
Rainwater Harvesting
Lisboa, 2010
Numerous people have contributed to the completion of this thesis through various
combinations of advice, moral support and information supply.
I have to thank to my dear Maria do Rosário, for all the assistance and availability
since day one, for helping me find and collect all the needed information.
Thanks to Engineer Paixão, from the green spaces department, and to David, from
the security office, for all the assistance provided. Thanks to all the gardening team,
especially to Mr Luis, for all the availability and support given during this study.
Thanks to Engineer Inês Machado Aires, for all the care, sympathy and availability
for helping me whenever I needed.
Thanks to all my friends and colleagues, for all the stimulation, support and
friendship provided. Thanks to Ruben and Manuel for all the support during these last
three months.
Thanks to Jess, who always stood by me, for better or for worse; for the whole
affection and support, and to bear up with my bad moods.
Thanks to Professor Murray Todd for the advice and all the help provided.
Last but not least, I want to thank all my family for always being there. Thank you
mother for all the affection, support and patience throughout these years. Thank you for
letting me live in your house for a much longer period of time than we all originally
anticipated. Thank you father, for all the incitement given from overseas.
With increasing pressure on the environment, particularly on water resources, due to
outside forces such as climate change and population growth, water is nowadays a
scarce and a valuable resource. With the need to find new alternatives, rainwater
harvesting should be seen as an important strategy for better management of water
resources, once it constitutes a free source of potable water.
Symbols and Abbreviations
9MP – Ninth Malaysia Plan
ADWG – Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
ANQIP – National Association for Quality in Building Installation
ARCSA – The American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association
BS – British Standard
BT – Bell Tower Project
C – Runoff Coefficient
Cf – Filter Coefficient
cm – Centimeter
DB – Departmental Building
DL – Decreto Lei
DLC – Division of Logistics and Conservation
DR – Decreto Regulamentar
E. coli – Escherichia coli
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
ET – Evapotranspiration
ETA – ANQUIP Technical Specification
EV – Evaporation
EWR – Environmental Water Requirement
FCT – UNL – Faculty of Sciences and Technology of New University of Lisbon
GHG – Green House Gas
GSB – Genome Science Laboratory Building
Gt – Gigaton
HB – House Bill
ha – hectare
IAPMO – International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials
IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IWMI – International Water Management Institute
km2 – Square kilometre
L – Litres
LNEC – National Laboratory of Civil Engineering
m2 – Square Meter
m3 – Cubic Meter
MDG – Millennium Development Goals
min – Minute
mm – Millimetre
NPW – Non-Potable Water
NSF – National Standards Foundation
ºC – Degrees Celsius
OECD – Organisation for Economic Co--operation and Development
OWASA – Orange Water and Sewer Authority
P1MC – Programme of One Million Cisterns
PAHs – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PCV – Green Campus Project
PNUEA – National Program for Efficient Water Use
PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
RHS – Rainwater Harvesting System
ROI – Return on Investment
RT – Technical Report
RWH – Rainwater Harvesting
SMAS – Municipal Services of Water and Sanitation
SNIRH – Water Resources National Information System
UEV – Green Spaces Unit
UK – United Kingdom
UKM – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
UNC – University of North Carolina
UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme
US – United States
USD – U.S. Dollars
USEPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency
UV – Ultraviolet
VF1 – Volume Filtre 1
VOCs – Volatile Organic Compounds
WFD – Water Framework Directive
WHO – World Health Organization
WSI – Water Stress Index
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................iii
Resumo.................................................................................................................... v
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Hydrologic Cycle ......................................................................................... 2
1.2. Water Scarcity and Global Crisis ................................................................. 4
1.2.1. The Falkenmark Water Stress Indicator ............................................... 5
1.2.2. Socio-Economical Scarcity Index ......................................................... 6
1.3. Water Scarcity in the World ......................................................................... 9
1.3.1. Europe and other OECD Countries ...................................................... 9
1.3.2. Africa and Middle East ....................................................................... 10
1.3.3. China and India .................................................................................. 11
2. Literature Review .......................................................................................... 13
2.1. Rainwater Management ............................................................................ 13
2.1.1. Rainwater Harvesting ......................................................................... 13
2.1.2. Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting ....................................................... 14 Rainwater Harvesting as a Strategic Tool for Adaptation to Climate
Change...............................................................................................................14 Rainwater Harvesting in Rural Areas ............................................ 16 Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Areas........................................... 17
2.1.3. Inconveniences of Rainwater Harvesting ........................................... 18
2.2. Water Legislation ...................................................................................... 19
2.2.1. Portuguese Legislation ....................................................................... 19
2.2.2. World Legislation................................................................................ 21
2.3. Potential Uses of Rainwater ...................................................................... 25
2.3.1. Case Studies – World Success Stories .............................................. 27
2.3.2. Case Studies – Implementations in Universities ................................. 33
2.3.3. Case Studies in Portugal .................................................................... 35
2.4. Water Quality Aspects Related to Rainwater and its Potential Uses .......... 37
2.4.1. Physico-Chemical Hazards ................................................................ 38
2.4.2. Microbiological Hazards ..................................................................... 42
2.4.3. Water Quality Standards for Irrigation ................................................ 44 Rainwater Quality Parameters ...................................................... 45
2.5. Recommendations on the design, installation and maintenance of a
Rainwater Harvesting System ................................................................................. 45
2.5.1. ANQUIP Hydric Certification .............................................................. 46
2.6. Components of a Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System .......................... 47
2.6.1. The Catchment Surface ..................................................................... 48 Roof Runoff .................................................................................. 49
2.6.2. Conveyance System .......................................................................... 50
2.6.3. Pre-Tank Filtration and First-Flush Diversion ..................................... 52
2.6.4. Storage Tanks.................................................................................... 56 Tank Sizing .................................................................................. 57 Tank Location ............................................................................... 59 Tank Materials .............................................................................. 60 Tank Installation ........................................................................... 62
2.6.5. Pressure Tanks and Pumps ............................................................... 65
2.6.6. Water Treatment ................................................................................ 68 Filtration ....................................................................................... 69 Disinfection.................................................................................. 70 pH Treatment .............................................................................. 72
3. Case Study: Rainwater Harvesting for FCT/UNL Campus Irrigation ............. 73
3.1. Goals ........................................................................................................ 73
3.2. Methodology ............................................................................................. 73
3.2.1. Rainfall Data ...................................................................................... 73
3.2.2. Determination of Irrigation Water Consumption .................................. 74
3.2.3. Water Demand ................................................................................... 74
3.2.4. Determination of Green Areas with Active and Inactive Irrigation ....... 74
3.2.5. Determination of the Roof Areas ........................................................ 75
3.2.6. Roofing Material ................................................................................. 75
3.2.7. Determination of Reservoir Capacity .................................................. 75 Rippl Method ................................................................................ 75
3.3. FCT-UNL Presentation .............................................................................. 76
3.3.1. General Description of the University Campus ................................... 76 Rainwater Drainage ...................................................................... 77
3.3.2. Characterization of the FCT Irrigation System .................................... 78 Water Demand ............................................................................. 80
3.3.3. Supply Management .......................................................................... 82
3.4. Water balance ........................................................................................... 85
3.4.1. Null Hypothesis .................................................................................. 85
3.4.2. 1st Scenario ........................................................................................ 87
3.4.3. 2nd Scenario ....................................................................................... 89
3.4.4. 3rd Scenario ........................................................................................ 92
3.4.5. 4th Scenario ........................................................................................ 93
3.5. Determination of the Optimum Tank Size .................................................. 94
3.5.1. Economic Analysis of the Rainwater Harvesting Systems .................. 96
3.6. Summary and Discussion of Results ......................................................... 98
4. Conclusions ................................................................................................ 103
References ........................................................................................................... 107
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Expected population living in urban areas, by 2030 .................................. 3
Figure 2 - Expected world's population growth and decline, between 2000 and 2080
..................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 22 - Below ground tank with submersible pump and pressure difference
municipal backup with check valve ............................................................................. 65
Figure 26 - Data required for rainwater tank dimensioning by the Rippl method. .... 76
Figure 29 - Building I roof, consisting of tile cement. Building II roof is identical. ..... 82
Figure 30 - Building X roof, covered with gravel. Buildings VII, VIII and IX roofs are
identical. ..................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 31 - View of the DB roof. As seen, the surface material is cement. .............. 83
Figure 32 - Aerial view of Buildings III, IV and V. All three are tar screen coated .... 84
Figure 34 - Blueprint of all the FCT buildings and the considered catchment
surfaces. ..................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 35 - Blueprint of the campus green areas with active irrigation. ................... 90
Figure 37 - Construction costs for each RHS according to the reservoir capacity. 100
Figure 38 - ROI period for each RHS according to the reservoir capacity. ............ 100
List of Tables
Table 3 - Minimum Water Quality Guidelines and Treatment Options for Harvested
Rainwater ................................................................................................................... 69
Table 7 - Average weekly flow of water consumed for irrigation in FCT .................. 81
Table 9 - Characteristics of all the roofs contemplated in the case study. ............... 84
Table 10 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water
consumption. .............................................................................................................. 86
Table 12 - Assessment of the economic value associated to the fees charged for
water consumption by the SMAS. ............................................................................... 87
Table 13 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water
consumption, for the 1st scenario. .............................................................................. 88
Table 14 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water
consumption, for the 2nd scenario. ............................................................................. 90
Table 16 - Assessment of the economic value associated to the fees charged for
water consumption by the SMAS. ............................................................................... 91
Table 17 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water
consumption, for the 3rd scenario. .............................................................................. 92
Table 18 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water
consumption, for the 4th scenario. .............................................................................. 93
1. Introduction
In the late 20th and early 21st century, water emerged as one of the most relevant
environmental and socio-economic themes in society. Formerly, water was seen as an
inexhaustible good and accessible to all, without any economic value. However this
situation changed dramatically, mainly due to outside forces such as climate change
and population growth, making water a scarce and a valuable resource, economically
and strategically.
There has always been a strong link between water resources and economic and
social development. History has shown us how water has always contributed to
development, requiring increasing amounts of water to meet all human and
environmental needs. However, this balance has reached a breaking point in some
places in the world, following a rise in strong environmental pressure and increasing
conflict between consumers.
With the growing importance of the concept of sustainable development, water has
become the epicentre of management strategies and world politics. New water sources
must be found. Thus, among other actions, the collection and use of rainwater has
gained increasing importance all over the world. It is a source of drinking water, which
should be seen as an important strategy for better management of water resources and
to minimize the problems related to its scarcity. This will reduce the consumption of
freshwater, especially for non-potable uses, and also be a way to mitigate catastrophic
natural events such as floods and droughts.
The use of rainwater was once widely applied by past civilizations, but as time went
by, fell into disuse. Nevertheless, countries like Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Australia,
the United States and some African countries like South Africa, have been focusing
heavily on this practice, with large economic investments.
Therefore, the aim of this report is to produce a comprehensive assessment of
rainwater harvesting (RWH) and its potential use all over the world. A case study is
presented, the main object of which is to evaluate the feasibility of use of rainwater for
gardening, applied to the University Campus of the Faculty of Sciences and
Technology of Universidad Nova, Lisbon (FCT-UNL).
Through the hydrological cycle, the oceans, continents and atmosphere are closely
linked, since the same water circulates throughout each of these domains. However, of
all the water on the planet, only a small percentage - 2.5% - is considered freshwater.
For this reason, the terrestrial hydrological cycle is considered the keystone of the
world‟s water resources as it is the basis of survival of the human race. As stated by
the World Water Assessment Programme (2009), freshwater “is required for food
production, industry, drinking water, inland water transport systems, waste dilution and
healthy ecosystems”.
The amount of water in the world is finite and therefore must be preserved.
Nevertheless, its distribution is quite varied due to natural cycles of ice freezing and
melting, to temporal variations in precipitation, the levels of ET and streamflow
Also important is that the acceleration of the water cycle could be associated with
the more frequent occurrence of extreme events, such as droughts, floods and tropical
storms. The consequences of these natural disasters are quite significant and can
directly affect human health and welfare through catastrophic damage, or indirectly
through adverse effects on ecosystems and crop productivity. These extreme
hydrologic phenomena are a known threat to populations at risk, especially in
developing countries, without the necessary means for adaptation and mitigation
(Huntington, 2006).
While climate change will continue acting on the planet‟s water systems, other
forces outside the water sector are currently a major source of concern. New and
continuing human activities and processes of all types – demographic, economic and
social – have become primary drivers of the pressures affecting our water resources.
The world population is growing fast, implying increased freshwater demand and
consumption. According to the United Nations Population Fund Report (2007), by
2030, human population living in urban areas is expected to swell to almost 5 billion,
about 1.7 billion more than in 2008, while the world‟s rural population is expected to
decline by some 28 million. Furthermore, most of the urban growth will be in developing
countries, consisting around 81 per cent of urban humanity (Figure 1).
Figure 1 - Expected population living in urban areas, by 2030 (Source: UNFPA, 2007)
Figure 2 - Expected world's population growth and decline, between 2000 and 2080 (Source: Lutz,
Sanderson and Scherbov, 2008 in World Water Assessment Programme, 2009).
All these demographic processes combined with the rapid global rise in living
standards – as incomes permit, people consume more – present the main threat to the
sustainability of water resources. Water scarcity is a reality which has major impacts on
people‟s well-being, at a global scale.
“Water scarcity will be one of the major threats to humankind during this century”
(Prinzs, 2000). According to the World Health Report 2007, “currently 1.1 billion people
lack access to safe water and 2.6 billion people lack access to proper sanitation”. The
need to provide sanitation, both for drinking-water and hygiene, remains a huge
challenge today in developing countries.
For this author, it is evident and inexorable that while populations continue to
spread, there will be more pressure and more demand over water resources which will
culminate in an inevitable reduction of its availability. It is of crucial importance to
understand that a major problem in many areas of the world is that water withdrawals
from natural systems will exceed their ability to recharge, resulting in a progressive
lowering of groundwater tables. It is a vicious cycle which has already managed to
destroy several wetlands and will continue to cause irreparable damages in many
others, unless brought into focus the urgent need for planned action to manage water
resources effectively.
It is essential to evaluate and determine the availability of water, where and when,
as it affects the perspective of general users and the judgement of policy makers, on
the imperativeness to address water policies as a primary subject to focus on water
crisis. Some water indicators are used to measure water well-being and to provide a
very useful background to assess global water scarcity.
This indicator is the most simple and easy-to-understand, as it relates water scarcity
to water accessibility and human population. In other words, it associates water
availability per capita per year, normally at a national scale. According to Falkenmark et
al. (1989) in Rijsberman (2006), the attraction of such instrument is elementary: “if we
know how much water is needed to satisfy a person‟s needs then the water availability
per person can serve as a measure of scarcity.” Based on the assessment of water
needs for the environment and other sectors such as energy, industrial, agricultural and
household, they recommended 2,000 cubic metres (m3) of renewable water resources
per capita per year as the lower limit necessary to accomplish water demands.
Countries where supply is inferior to 1,000 m3 are considered to experience water
scarcity, and under 500 m3, absolute scarcity. Between 1,000 m3 and 2,000 m3,
countries are said to evidence water stress (Wallace, 2000).
Figure 3 represents future per capita water availability based on the Falkenmark
indicator. The forecast is that around one in six people will have insufficient water to
meet their primary needs and that 67% of the world's population in 2050 may suffer
water stress (Wallace, 2000).
Figure 3 - Water scarcity in 2050 based on the Falkenmark indicator. Blue – more than 2,000 m per
3 3
person per year; Orange – between 1,000 and 2,000 m per person per year; Red – less than 1,000 m
per person per year (Source: Fischer and Heilig, 1997 in Wallace, 2000).
Others have aimed for a more precise evaluation of water demand, instead of
considering fixed requirements per person, such as the basin factor, on a national
scale. They correlated annual demand for water and annual renewable freshwater
resources with human and environmental needs. In a more accurate approach Raskin
et al. (1997) in Rijsberman (2006), replaced water demand for water withdrawals,
presenting scarcity as “the total annual withdrawals as a percent of available water
resources” - Water Stress Index (WSI). These water withdrawals can be interpreted as
the quantity of water taken out of lakes, streams, rivers or groundwater aquifers to fulfil
human necessities.
In other words, when the water drawn from groundwater and superficial systems is
insufficient to assure all human and ecosystem needs, countries experience water
scarcity. As an increasing number of river basins are insufficient to provide the water
demanded, intense competition among all the potential users is inevitable (World Water
Assessment Programme, 2009). The International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
analysis of water scarcity assesses the quota of the renewable water resources
attainable for human requirements as the primary water supply. It's evaluation of
demands is based on ET and the remnant of water withdrawn is explainable as return
flows (Figure 4) (Rijsberman, 2006).
Figure 4 - IWMI water scarcity map (Source: based on Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management
in Agriculture, 2007)
Economic scarcity occurs when countries have sufficient renewable resources, but
would have to make very significant investment in water infrastructure to satisfy people
demand for water. Much of Sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by economic scarcity.
Countries that will not be able to meet both human demands and environmental flow
needs are called physically water scarce. Arid regions are most often associated with
physical water scarcity. Symptoms of physical water scarcity are severe environmental
degradation, declining groundwater, and water allocations that favour some groups
over others (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, 2007).
Available information however, hides the full reality of scarcity at local or basin level.
For the biggest countries such as the United States (US) this is a very problematic
issue, where average water use, according to US Department of Energy (2006) in
World Water Assessment Programme (2009), accounts for only 25% of available
resources at a national scale, but can reach 80% on a regional scale.
In Figure 5, Smakhtin et al. (2004) have attempted to present the distribution of WSI
values on a global scale, taking into account an estimated EWR.
Figure 5 - A map of water stress indicator as human use of renewable water resources, which takes into
account environmental water requirements. The yellow, orange and red bands designate the areas where
water stress is more severe (Source: Smakhtin et al., 2004)
Figure 5 highlights important river basins (circles) where perspectives to meet EWR
are at risk, particularly if water removals continue to increase, severely degrading
downstream wetlands. Therefore, water use is reaching levels that seriously
compromise development and life, especially for more vulnerable people who rely on
natural ecosystems for their livelihoods. Examples include the world's largest shallow
lake (Lake Chapala in Mexico) and some of the largest rivers (such as the Murray-
Darling, Yellow and Orange) that are turning into smaller streams closer to their mouth,
because flows are no longer sufficient to maintain the health of aquatic ecosystems
(Smakhtin et al., 2004).
The final verdict of many analyses about the global scarcity of water is that a
considerable portion of the world population – around two-thirds – will be highly
affected by water stress over the next decades (Rijsberman, 2006).
Some conclusions concerning water stress in some parts of the world, after
analysing the maps presented above, are as follows.
In a general overview, there are no major concerns over water scarcity in Europe
compared to other regions of the world. However, some countries have been
experiencing growing water stress, mainly because water is still seen as an endless
resource and a public commodity. According to Bixio et al. (2006), “Approximately half
of the European countries, representing almost 70% of the population, are facing water
stress issues today”.
Since both people and water are unequally distributed on a global scale, not all
water utilization puts the same pressure on its resources. Consistent with the WSI,
when the proportion of water withdrawal to water availability is inferior to 10%, water
stress is low. A ratio between 10 and 20% means that water stress is moderate.
Between 20 and 40% indicates that a country is water scarce and that significant
investments should be considered to provide adequate supplies. When the ratio is over
40% a country is considered to be extremely water scarce and both demand and
supply need urgent management (Figure 6).
Figure 6 - Water stress in OECD countries based on gross freshwater abstractions (Source: OECD, 2005).
b) Internal resources = precipitation - ET;
Total resources = internal resources + transboundary inflows.
As it shown, seven OECD countries already withdraw more than 20% of their
internal water resources, while Belgium, Hungary and the Netherlands face serious
water problems.
The most perceptive freshwater problems occur in the arid areas of the world and
affect countries mostly in North Africa and in the Middle East. For most of them the
Falkenmark indicator is already below the 1,000 m3/capita/year threshold and for
Egypt, the most populous country of this region according to Rijsberman (2006), “the
Falkenmark indicator is likely to drop below the 500 m3/capita/year within the next 25
years.” This scenario is expected to worsen in the next decades and to spread out
through large regions of Africa and large parts of South and Southeast Asia (Wallace,
West Africa is also a region that cries for attention, particularly the Sahelian
countries. Desertification, erosion and deforestation are the main consequences of
human-related activities in a region characterized by low, erratic and highly variable
rainfall. Such blurred information is highly prejudicial for crop production, leading these
zones to severe food production, starvation and malnutrition. The long dry periods
induce people to migrate to overcrowded urban developments, leaving behind former
fertile land. One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is to help smallholder
farmers ensuring successful interventions in rain-fed agriculture, with the objective to
reduce poverty and hunger. Though successfully tested and, in some cases, already
adopted, innovative ways to improve crop production such as RWH, have a great
potential and should be always considered through integrated land and water
management (Barry et al., 2008).
While the severe lack of freshwater resources is mainly related with the Middle East
and Africa, important markets such as China and India are already facing economic
restraint due to water scarcity.
The population of China is the largest, representing more than 22% of the world‟s
total. Nevertheless, this country possesses only 7% of earth's freshwater resources,
being adversely distributed throughout the territory. South China holds nearly 81% of
the water resources of the country, stopping only a third of total agricultural land and
serving a population of around 700 million. On the other hand, the northern part, which
only has 19% of usable water, represents two thirds of agricultural land and serves
40% of the population of the country. Currently, of the many challenges that China has,
the problems associated with the quality and quantity of water is on top of their list of
priorities (Smakhtin et al., 2004).
The Huang-Ho River (Yellow River) Basin is of major importance, with an area of
almost 800,000 square kilometres (km2), and serving more than 100 million people. As
already demonstrated in Figure 5, this area is an example of an environmentally water
scarce basin, reaching the critical point of total water exploitation (Smakhtin et al.,
2004). In response to this crisis, china implemented a mega project to transfer water
from the south (Yangze River) to the north (Yellow River), yet these efforts were not
enough, since the topographic conditions that surround this river do not allow it. The
land is characterized by great cliffs and high altitudes, which makes the construction of
systems for transfer of water and irrigation networks absolutely impracticable.
Therefore, the collection and use of rainwater emerge as a viable solution to lack of
drinking water supply in areas badly affected by the hydrological stress. In the last two
decades RWH, through the implementation of cistern storage, became the
government's key water strategy in response to the critical situation of this area
freshwater scarcity (Zhu et al., 2004).
India is the seventh largest country by geographical area and the second most
populous country of the world. With its population exceeding one billion people, the
demand for clean water increases exponentially. The intense exploration of the
aquifers has led the country to go through complicated water stress, since they do not
have the capacity to regenerate. Following this trend, within a few decades India will
experience a severe shortage of water, especially in large urban areas like New Delhi
(Sharma, 2007).
New measures have to be urgently taken to preserve water resources, both surface
and underground, before it is too late. In this context, the use of rainwater in India is
seen as an important weapon to reverse this trend. All over the country, especially in
large cities, projects to collect rainwater from the roof-tops are being implemented. The
water collected will be used for both domestic use and to recharge groundwater
aquifers (Sharma, 2007).
2. Literature Review
The water issue has remained too low on the list of political priorities of world
leaders and decision-makers, for too long. And this situation has to end. More and
more people seek and require water, because their survival depends on it. And as
water supplies are shrinking dramatically, the environment is deteriorating, people
suffer and world crisis increases. Decisions have to be made and significant investment
is needed to reverse this trend.
With an aging water infrastructure, decreasing water quality and most of all with a
growing population and intense urbanization, there is the urgent need to explore
sustainable alternatives to our current water supply system. Among such possibilities,
RWH is a topic with great potential and should not be ignored by government leaders.
Despite some interest shown by certain societies, much can be done, since this issue
can be seen as a great opportunity towards sustainable development by improving
standards of living and protecting the environment (UNEP, 2009).
In recent decades, rainfall has been considered a source of pollution from the
moment it is formed in the atmosphere, continuing on the urban impervious surfaces –
streets, roads, roofs and yards – where the stormwater run-off is mixed with all kinds of
materials and pollutants accumulated during dry periods. A major objective of rainwater
management is to assume stormwater as an important resource and not as a nuisance,
implementing measures to protect the natural water cycle and ecological systems
(Niemczynowicz, 1999).
Rainwater is seen by many as the ultimate source of free freshwater and therefore
should be well utilized. Since most of it returns to the atmosphere through EV and ET,
RWH has to be seen as an important strategy to address problems of water scarcity,
and also to protect the quality of surface waters, reducing formation of surface run-off
and downstream flooding occurrence. Collecting rainfall is a decentralised,
environmental solution, which can be used for “toilet flushing, irrigation in urban small-
scale urban agriculture or even for production of drinking water” (Niemczynowicz,
In situ RWH aims to recharge soil water for crop and other vegetation growth, by
enhancing rainfall infiltration and reduce surface runoff. This system has a relatively
small RWH catchment and it is characterised by the soil being the storage medium for
the water. This system can also be used to recharge shallow groundwater aquifers
and/or to supply other water systems in the landscape, providing the availability of
water for many purposes, including livestock and domestic supplies. Ex situ RWH
distinguishes from the in situ practices, because the water is stored outside the
collecting area. The catchment surface varies from natural soil to an artificial structure,
such as roads, yards, pavements and rooftops. The water generated is usually stored
in wells, dams, cisterns and tanks, and from there it can be applied for multiple
purposes trough centralised or decentralised distribution systems: domestic and public
uses, agriculture, irrigation, etc. (UNEP, 2009).
influence the amount of water / freshwater available, both for human-beings and
natural ecosystems.
Using this technology, besides being cost effective, has the advantage of reducing
Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, since its simple operating procedure requires less
energy consumption when compared to the main water distribution systems. The latter
are obviously more polluting, once the processes of capturing, storing and treatment of
water are associated to the use of larger quantities of materials and higher energy
RWH helps communities, urban and rural, to adapt to water scarcity, both for
potable and non potable purposes. Furthermore, it should be seen as a necessary
strategy for the recharging of aquifers in areas where water levels are very low or its
quality is much deteriorated. Thus, the exploitation of surface aquatic systems and the
extraction of underground water will be lower, contributing to a better management of
natural ecosystems.
15 Rainwater Harvesting in Rural Areas
In the rural context, many areas face concerning situations of abandonment and / or
desertification, since intense agriculture and over-exploitation of aquifers and reservoirs
are responsible for situations of heavy water scarcity. RWH is an important strategy for
the rural people once its decentralized nature enables individuals and communities to
manage their own water for their own purposes. Using harvested rainwater for the
irrigation of higher value crops, such as in kitchen gardens, especially off-season has
been beneficial for household food supplies and incomes.
The low cost of these technologies and its implied benefits, should be seen as an
attractive investment option in rural areas.
Collecting rainfall through in situ and ex situ RWH techniques has a direct benefit to
the management of agro-eco systems. These interventions contribute to amplify both
surface and shallow groundwater reserves, expanding the irrigated area and enabling
an increased cropping intensity as well as cash crop production. This new
management approach brings great opportunities for sustaining farm ecosystems and
livestock benefits. In some cases, with an improved irrigation supply, farmers are able
to grow a second crop during the winter season. This enhanced agricultural production,
which provides work, income and food security, allied with a sustainable watershed
management should be seen as an essential strategy to reverse the growing pressure
of urbanization, by decreasing the tendency of migration and consequent
desertification of the rural area (UNEP, 2009).
16 Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Areas
Cities are characterized by their extensive impermeable soil with hardly any natural
infiltration. Its drainage systems were built to collect the urban flows in order to
attenuate the peak flow, avoiding problems of flooding downstream. However, with
increased variability and intensity of precipitation, coupled with solid waste pollution
typical of cities, stormwater sinks are no longer effective in drainage of surface runoff
and fail to provide flood protection. Adding stormwater collecting points within an urban
catchment has the potential not only to provide protection against the risk of flooding,
but also to allow the storage of freshwater, suitable for other requirements and to meet
demand (Mitchell et al, 2007).
Economically, the primary benefit of RWH is its relevant savings on water bills, since
rainwater falls for free. Moreover, incorporating it into an urban stormwater
management plan will decrease the size of other rainwater facilities, helping to
compensate the initial expense of a Rainwater Harvesting System (RHS).
In most urban areas, rooftop and surface runoff are linked to the drainage system
that conveys the sewage to water treatment plants. These piping systems require the
use of oversized pipes to handle the stormwater runoff, much more expensive. Once in
those facilities, stormwater will be treated as waste water, implying a greater
investment in the operations associated to the process.
But the most worrying situation occurs when witnessing heavy rains, as water
treatment facilities are overwhelmed with stormwater. When this happens, in order to
avoid further problems downstream, effluents are discharged directly into the receiving
environment, contaminating the water with untreated sewage (Virginia Rainwater
Harvesting Manual, 2009).
That is why in many cities, especially in the United States of America (USA) and
Canada, a downspout disconnect program has been implemented in recent years with
great success (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
applied to land (lawns or gardens) or downspouts can connect directly into storm sewer
system or into a combined storm and sanitary sewer system, depending on the local
drainage system.
The main inconvenience of RWH is associated to the limited supply and uncertainty
of rainfall. Rainwater is not a reliable water source; therefore this is a less attractive
issue to some governmental agencies tasked with providing water supplies in
developing countries, especially those affected by prolonged droughts. Other
numerous barriers to the acceptance of systems exist. The most relevant barriers and
inconveniences to the uptake of RHS are (Mitchell et al., 2007, Roebuck, 2007,
Kahinda et al., 2007, Farahbakhsh et al., 2009):
on creation of a sustainable water supply system; and, the cost of water is rarely
a driver for the end-user but cost of installing a RHS may be seen as significant;
Storing capacity limits the amount of harvested rainwater;
Rainwater can be contaminated by all sorts of microbiological and chemical
pollutants thus, if not properly treated before usage, may cause serious health
It is also acknowledged that harvesting excessive amounts of urban stormwater
runoff could be detrimental to stream health;
Currently, water laws don't deal with RWH as a source of good water for use in
housing and for possible drinking purposes. However, in many countries, this
procedure is being practised outside the legal framework without too much government
involvement. This way, by creating facts on the many benefits that can be learned from
the application of this practice, practitioners scattered all over the world hope that
appropriate institutional and legal framework is established, comprising the use of
With the support of institutions of higher importance at national and global scale,
within and outside the water sector, this practice will be better promoted, with an
assured future and can no longer be ignored.
As we shall see further ahead, some countries already have RWH as a strategy to
take into account, and developed technical specifications or standards for
implementation of systems for rainwater utilization.
It was only since the year 1995 that the concept of rainwater began to take shape in
Portuguese legislation.
Decreto Lei (DL) Nº 207/94, of August 6th, came to update existing legislation on
public systems and residential water distribution and sewerage, as well as approve the
Decreto Regulamentar (DR) 23/95, of August 23rd, which defines for the first time the
concept of rainwater. According to this DR, rainwater is defined as the water that
"results from precipitation fallen directly on the spot or in adjacent watersheds and
generally has smaller quantities of pollutants, especially of organic origin. Considered
to be equivalent to stormwater from the watering of gardens and green areas, washing
streets, sidewalks, public parks and parking lots, usually collected by gutters, sinks and
drains" (Ministério das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações, 1995).
DL nº 236/98, of August 1st, which sets standards, criteria and quality objectives in
order to protect the aquatic environment and improve water quality in terms of its main
uses. It defines the requirements of water use for the purposes of human consumption,
aquaculture life support, bathing waters, irrigation and wastewater disposal (Ministério
do Ambiente, 1998).
DL nº 306/2007, of August 27th, approves quality standards for water intended for
human consumption, reviewing the DL nº 243/2001, of September 5th, which
transposed into domestic law the Directive No. 98/83/EC, of the Council, November 3rd,
related to the quality of water intended for human consumption (Ministério do
Ambiente, 2007).
Today there is no legislation regulating the use of rainwater, proving very little
progress in the last 15 years regarding this matter. Rainwater is still regarded by the
Portuguese legislation as wastewater.
In 2001 the Programa Nacional para o Uso Eficiente da Água (PNUEA – National
Program for Efficient Water Use) was prepared and approved by resolution of Council
of Ministers No. 113/2005 of 30 June 2005, following the Water Framework Directive
(WFD) - Council Directive 2000/60 EC of 23 October (Resolution of the Council of
Ministers No. 113/2005). On December 29th, 2005, appears the Water Act or Law Nº
58/2005, which transposes into national law the Directive 2000/60/EC of the European
Parliament and the Council, establishing the foundation and institutional framework for
the sustainable management of water (Assembleia da República, 2005).
The PNUEA aims to promote efficient water use in Portugal, mainly at the level of
urban areas, agriculture and industry, by proposing a set of strategic measures that will
contribute not only to improve environmental conditions in aquatic resources, as well as
to reduce the wastewater and energy consumption associated to its utilization. The
measures which address the use of rainwater are measures 8 (Use or reuse of lower
quality water), 38 (Use of rainwater in gardens and alike), 45 (Use of rainwater in lakes
and lagoons) and 48 (Use of rainwater in sports fields, golf courses and other
recreational spaces) (Baptista, et al., 2001).
In 2005 the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC – Civil Engineering
National Laboratory) prepared several Technical Reports for Support in Implementation
of PNUEA, including the Relatório Técnico 9 (RT – Technical Report), which refers to
the analysis of regulatory documents and regulatory framework, through which
inconsistencies and disparities are identified in the implementation of the measures
proposed by PNUEA. In accordance to RT9, the RD 23/95 "prohibits the use of non-
drinking water in housing for purposes other than washing decks, irrigation and fire
fighting (Article 86)" emerging as an obstacle to the possibility of using lower quality
water in building networks, for toilet flushing for example (Oliveira, 2008).
Despite the relevance of this issue, there hasn't been an attempt to change the
Portuguese legislation or to establish specific rules aimed at the collection and use of
rainwater in building facilities. However, the Associação Nacional para a Qualidade nas
Instalações Prediais (ANQIP – National Association for Quality in Building Installation)
developed in 2008 two ANQIP Technical Specifications - ETA 0701 and ETA 0702 -
which regard RHS in buildings. These technical recommendations consist of a set of
guidelines, criteria, rules or procedures considered advisable, although not mandatory.
Decreto 262/2007, December 20th, of Housing Department, approves new rules for
Galician dwellings. All new residential buildings shall install a RHS for domestic reuse
(Decreto 262/2007, 2008).
Many cities throughout Australia are committed to certify that new housing is
planned, designed and built in order to meet the latest water and energy efficiency
standards, supported by national legislation
5 Star Standard – Since 2005, new houses and apartments must be constructed to
meet 5 Star energy efficiency rating for the building fabric and 5 Star water
management efficiency for taps and fittings. Besides that, it also requires either a
rainwater tank for toilet flushing, or a solar hot water system (International Water
Harvesting and Related Financial Incentives, n.d.).
South Australia
Since July 2006, new houses are required to have an additional water supply to
supplement the main water distribution system. The additional water supply has to be
plumbed into the house to a toilet, to a water heater or to all cold water outlets in the
laundry, from a rainwater tank. “The same rules will apply to new extensions or
alterations where the area of the extension or alteration is greater than 50 square
metres (m2) and includes a toilet, water heater or laundry cold water outlet” (Rainwater
Tanks, 2009).
BASIX (Building Sustainability Index) – sets energy and water reduction targets for
house and buildings. This index may contribute to a 40% reduction in mains water
utilization in new dwellings, by including an alternative water supply, such as a
rainwater tank, for outdoor water use and toilet flushing and/or laundry (International
Water Harvesting and Related Financial Incentives, n.d.).
Gold Coast
“The construction of a 3,000 litres (L) rainwater tank has been made mandatory in
the Pimpama Coomera Master Plan area of the Gold Coast. This is for all homes and
business centres connected to the Class A+ recycled Water system. The tank should
be plumbed to their cold-water washing machine and outdoors faucets” (International
Water Harvesting and Related Financial Incentives, n.d.).
Lei Estadual 4.393/2004 – regulates about the "business planners and construction
companies are to provide the mandatory necessary devices to capture rainwater for all
the residential and commercial housing” (Lei Estadual nº 4.393, 2004). The same law
dictates “the installation of a device for rainwater collection in residential developments
with more than 50 families and in commercial developments with more than 50 m 2 of
built area in the State of Rio.”
conceive architectural projects, are “obliged to plan for the installation of RWH
apparatus in residential projects or commercial enterprises with more than 50 m 2 of
built area in the State of the Espírito Santo.”
RWH is exploding in almost all states, cities and localities in the United States of
America (USA). Below is a list of the states that have given more relevance and spent
greater effort on trying to approve Bills or Standards towards legalization of RWH.
SB2549 Status – redresses the Illinois Plumbing License Law. Provides that “if a
unit of local government regulates RHS, then the reclaimed water systems must meet
specific requirements” (HarvestH2o, 2010).
The Illinois Department of Public Health shall publish a “minimum code of standards
for RWH collection systems and RWH distribution systems by March 1, 2011”
(PLUMBING-RAINWATER SYSTEMS, 2010). According to the same source, this law
“requires rainwater harvesting collection systems and rainwater harvesting distribution
systems to be (A) used only for non-potable uses and (B) constructed in accordance
with the Illinois Plumbing Code.”
The state of Ohio has the most widespread regulations on RWH in the country, with
codes on “cistern size and material, manhole openings, outlet drains, overflow pipes,
fittings, couplings, and even roof washers. Ohio‟s rules also address disinfection of
private water systems” (HarvestH2o, 2010).
House Bill (HB) 645 – approved by the 78th Legislature in 2003, “prevents home-
owners associations from banning outdoor water-conserving measures such as
composting, water-efficient landscapes, drip irrigation, and RWH installations. The
legislation allows home-owners associations to require screening or shielding to
obscure view of the tanks” (HarvestH2o, 2010).
United Kingdom
flushing toilets, for cooling purposes, for washing and cleaning systems and for
watering green areas.” (V 8 - Rainwater Harvesting Systems, n.d.).
As mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of using rainwater is savings on water bills.
Rainwater falls for free and it's available for everyone who wants to capture it from their
home or building roofs and yards.
Most water used in homes and industries does not need high quality water – e.g.,
toilet flushing and gardening. As we can see in Figure 7, many of the activities typical
of every household do not require potable water (Harmer Kessel, 2009).
Figure 7 - Distribution of water consumption in a common dwelling (Source: Harmer Kessel, 2009).
Figure 8 indicates the average water use in office buildings (Roebuck, 2007).
Figure 8 - Average water use in office buildings (Source: Leggett et al, 2001a in Roebuck, 2007).
The same water we drink is used to wash cars, irrigate lawns, to wash clothes and
toilet flushing. Consumption suitable to be replaced by rainwater is nearly 50% of the
total average water consumption spent in a dwelling, in contrast to the 2% of water
used for cooking and drinking, the activities that really need higher quality water. Of
course these values vary from case to case, but never stray too far from this reality.
Toilet flushing
Laundry / clothes washing
Landscape irrigation / water gardening
Household cleaning
Vehicle washing
Building washing
Cooling towers
Fire fighting
Industrial processing
If properly treated, potable purposes include:
Drinking water
Dish washing
For all the problems associated with water scarcity and the continuing increase of its
demand, the concept of RWH has been acknowledged by many countries, cities,
societies and individuals, all over the world. With the growing interest and adequate
investment, the development of new technology was inevitable, and therefore
examples of simple high-tech RHS can be found through all the 5 continents, especially
in countries like Australia, Brazil, Germany and Japan.
Some success stories are presented below, which could serve as a starting engine
for other countries to adopt this strategy, with the aim of using alternative water
sources and reduce global water crisis.
Berlin, Germany
Between 1996 and 1998 was constructed one of the largest building site in Europe,
under very strict stormwater management conditions, introducing RHS in its buildings
architecture in order to save city water, to create a better microclimate and to control
urban flooding (UNEP, 2002).
To comply with these goals, some techniques were adapted to the building
structures (Centgraf & Schmidt, 2005):
• Collection of roof-runoff
water is then used for refilling the artificial lake, for toilet flushing and irrigation of green
areas including intensively greened roofs (UNEP, 2002).
This system is designed to flush out the initial flow into the sanitary sewer for proper
treatment in a sewage plant, ensuring the removal of the majority of the pollutants of
the initial rainfall. It is estimated that the savings of potable water through the use of
this system are of about 2,430 m3 per year, thus preserving the groundwater reservoirs
of Berlin (UNEP, 2002).
This building complex is a symbol of contemporary Berlin, where the 400 m 2 glass-
roof covering the shopping centre is the landmark of its modernization. One of the
concerns of this development architecture was the integration of a rainwater utilization
system. The water collected on the roof is drained into the storage tanks located in the
basement, with a capacity ranging from 100 to 200 m3. Among the various reservoirs,
the system has a total capacity of 900 m3 (König, 2001).
The harvested rainwater is used for the irrigation of outdoor recreational facilities
and for the toilets and urinals in the Office Tower (building A), from the 1st to the 14th
floor. Still to mention that there is a reserve tank in case of fire (König, 2001).
Figure 9 - Aerial image of the Sony Centre glass-roof (Travel Lynx, 2010).
In Brazil, many projects have been developed focusing on rainwater utilization. From
the year 2000, the Cosch Company began to spread this technology and is responsible
for most of the Brazilian reference projects, mainly in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and
Curitiba (Cosch, 2007).
Coca-Cola Brazil
Currently, this system uses 2.08 L of water for each L of beverage produced,
holding one of the best rates of this industry around the world. Twelve years ago, this
rate was around 5 L (Coca-Cola Brasil, 2009). A major factor which led to the reduction
of water consumption is related to the search for new sources of water. In fact, Coca-
Cola Brazil stopped using water from the public supply and set out to capture its own
water, mainly rainwater. Since 2005, the implemented RHS (RHS) already operates
successfully in the headquarters, where rainwater is used for feeding the cooling
towers (Coca-Cola Brasil, 2006).
Besides its headquarters, there are already nine manufacturers who use rainwater
collected from their harvesting systems as the main raw input, which represents 2.3%
of the average consumption of these factories, reaching the mark of 12% in some
cases. Today, the ability to capture rainwater in all Coca-Cola factories, including its
headquarters, is 89 million L of water per year (Saúde & Lazer, 2009).
These projects include the João Havelange Stadium, the Water Park, the Multisport
Arena and Velodrome. Its RHS were design in a way that from the moment the rain
falls on the roof, the system operates by collecting and storing it, providing quality
water for non-potable purposes, such as, toilet flushing, irrigation, fire fighting reserve
and floor washing.
The João Havelange Stadium has a catchment area of 13,000 m2 and its total
storage capacity is an average of 953,000 L of rainwater per month.
The Water Park has a catchment area of 6,000 m2 and its total storage capacity is
460,000 L of average rainwater per month.
The Multisport Arena has a catchment area of 14,750 m2 and its total storage
capacity is 1,148 m3 of average rainwater per month, distributed by four 140 m3
The Velodrome has a catchment area of 3,000 m2 and its total storage capacity is
233 m3 of average rainwater per month, distributed by two 70 m3 reservoirs.
Figure 10 - Brazilian family and their rainwater cistern (Source: CECOR, 2008).
Tokyo, Japan
In Tokyo and other Japanese cities, more and more municipalities and organizations
have given utmost importance to rainwater utilization since the mid 80's. Thus, instead
of channelling it into sewers and then to the ocean, RWH in Japan aims to secure
water sources for emergency responses, to prevent urban flooding, to restore water's
natural cycle and to find alternative water for non-drinking purposes (König, 2001).
This Sumo Wrestling Stadium, built in 1985, is very well known for its substantial
rainwater utilization system. From the 8,400 m2 building rooftop, stormwater is captured
and drained into a 1,000 m3 underground storage tank. The collected water represents
a considerable proportion of the water used for toilet flushing and air conditioning
(UNEP, 2002).
Figure 11 - Typical Japanese “Rojison” mechanism (Source: International Technology - Urban Case
According to Samaddar (2007), about 180 tanks have already been installed in
Sumida City, with a total storage capacity of 10,000 m3 of rainwater. Furthermore,
Sumida ward accounts for more than 19 “Rojison” used by its communities. Since
1985, all newly constructed buildings are required to install rainwater utilization
2.3.2. Case Studies – Implementations in Universities
In March 2006 the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP) was announced to the country. This
plan consists of the allocation of the national budget between the years 2006 and 2010
to all economic sectors, in order to overcome Asian financial crisis towards economic
and environmental sustainability.
Under this initiative, the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) began the
construction of a new building in the Faculty of Science and Technology consisting of
two blocks, namely the Administration edifice and the Laboratory edifice. It's in this new
complex, financed by the 9MP in about 750 million MYR (180 million €), that will be
installed the pilot project of RHS.
Initially, this system was implemented only for the Administration Building, since it is
the first one to be constructed. Its rooftop was considered to be the most suitable
catchment area and from there, the rainwater is conveyed through the gutters, into the
downpipes which are linked to the filtration tank. The filtration tank is where the water
collected will be filtered before channelled to the storage tank. The filtration method
consists of three phases: natural sand filter, stone and charcoal filter and finally, bio-
The storage tank is a solid concrete structure, built underground, with a capacity to
store 50 m3 of water before pumping it to a delivery tank situated on the top of the
building. This tank is connected to the public water distribution system, which will
provide water in case of low rainwater supply. The plumbing system is separated from
the public water supply, to keep harvested rainwater from mixing with treated city
The main goal of this project is to provide the maximum water for toilet flushing and
building washing. According to the data available in this paper, the amount of water
demand only for toilet flushing in the Administration Block can be covered by the
harvested rainwater in the month with the lowest average rainfall (January).
At first, the water collected will be applied for toilet flushing and building washing,
but eventually could be used for other activities such as washing vehicles and watering
plants and gardens.
The implementation of this project in the UKM will bring many economic and social
benefits. It will provide water for non-potable uses reducing the consumption of drinking
water thus helping to reduce the dependence on the public system, and therefore on
water bills. Socially, it will be an important step to attract and involve students and
practitioners who are interested in this subject, contributing for future research (Rashid
& Darus, 2009).
The University of North Carolina (UNC) at the town of Chapel Hill is the oldest public
university in the USA and one of the more aware that we live an era of crisis, always
looking to create innovative solutions to a complex array of issues using a holistic,
sustainable approach
In the year 2000, an investment was made in the university campus of around 2
billion U.S. Dollars (USD) (1.5 billion €) for various program improvements, including
the construction of the Bell Tower Project (BT), one of the greatest buildings ever
completed on campus. This project involved an investment of 231.5 million USD (170
million €) and consists of a multi-purpose complex whose main feature is its innovative
water grid, which is being incorporated into the design as part of a pilot project for
testing and optimization.
Below this park lies the stormwater management facilities, composed by a “1,365 m3
concrete stormwater detention structure and a 1,325 m3 stone-filled cistern for storage
and reuse of harvested roof water.” All new and existing stormwater surface pipe and
drainage systems are connected to the underground concrete detention system.
The water that falls on building rooftops will be captured and reused as a water
supply source for irrigation and toilet flushing, promoting the concept of non-potable
water (NPW) system. This system also incorporates an automatic reclaimed water
makeup system to provide a reliable secondary source of water, when the city
experiences severe droughts. The entire stormwater management facility has the
ability to treat approximately 2,690 m3 of stormwater.
According to this article, upon completion of this project, the NPW systems will
reduce UNC‟s demand on Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) potable water
“by an average of 3,785 m3 per day, or about 10% of the average daily demand of the
entire OWASA system. This volume reduction is expected to increase to 5,678 m3 per
day by the year 2028” (Efland et al., 2008).
Several universities in the UK, such as, University of York, Sheffield Hallam
University and University of Southampton, are implementing energy and water
efficiency concepts in some of the existing campus buildings and its new developments
are a practical example of sustainable construction.
The new National Science Learning Centre located at the University of York cost
around £11 million (13 million €), but includes many beneficial features, among them, a
geothermal cooling/heating system which saves £11,000 (13,000 €) annually compared
to conventional alternatives, extensive use of natural lighting and ventilation and
utilization of rainwater for WC and urinal flush systems (People & Planet, 2006).
The Natura Towers are a new development of two office buildings in Telheiras,
Lisbon, designed to maximize their energy performance and minimize its environmental
impact through a proper selection of ecological and self-sustaining solutions. One
measure refers to RWH, from the building rooftops. The water is stored in underground
reservoirs and from there is used for irrigation of green spaces (MSF TUR.IM, 2009).
This project is an eco friendly tourist village, sited in the municipality of Alcácer do
Sal, Alentejo, designed to enhance the closest contact with nature in a sustainable
manner. The development, in addition to the reuse of graywater, has incorporated a
RHS which collects water from the house roofs. The stored water is mainly used for
irrigation of the adjacent green areas (Amazing Projects, 2010 and Pedro, 2010).
This project was developed aiming at the use of rainwater for toilets and urinals
discharging, for all WC located on floors 1 and 0. The collection is made from the tower
rooftop, with an approximate area of 120 m2, where water is diverted into a reservoir,
with a capacity of 7 m3, located on the 4th floor. Before entering the reservoir, the water
flows through a filter in order to remove all types of debris such as tree leaves. The
“polluted” water will be forwarded to the property sewer collector, while the clean water
will be stored in the reservoir.
During the dry periods, the public water supply will feed the reservoir through a
monitored valve which will be triggered as soon as the water level reaches the
minimum quota of 30 cm from the bottom of the reservoir (Bertolo, 2006).
2.4. Water Quality Aspects Related to Rainwater and its
Potential Uses
In the past, rainwater was considered to be pure, soft and free of chemical and
microbiological contaminants. So clean, that it could be used and consumed without
any treatment. However, with the intensification of the industrial revolution as the main
cause, this is no longer true.
Nowadays, in general, rainwater does not meet the quality standards imposed by
WHO (The Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development, 2008). Yet, that
doesn't mean that the water is inadequate for use. The problem is that there is no
specific internationally recognized standards regulation for the use of rainwater for non
potable purposes. If one day that happens, it will promote the use of rainwater sources
and avoid potential health risks due to misuse. Obviously, the type of treatment to be
applied to the harvested water varies with the purpose for which it'll be used. Although
rainwater can be collected in various ways, this paper will focus only on the collection
of rainwater from roof catchment systems and therefore, the quality problems of
ground-surface rainwater runoffs will not be covered through this chapter.
In short, there are several factors that influence the water quality of roof runoff (Lye,
Roof material – chemical characteristics, roughness, surface coating and age;
Construction methods of the roof – size, exposure, inclination;
Local weather and environmental conditions – season, antecedent dry periods;
Precipitation events – intensity, wind, duration;
Chemical properties of pollutants – vapour pressure, solubility in water;
Location of the catchment surface – proximity to pollution sources: industrial
areas, agricultural areas, heavy traffic;
Despite the significant water conservation and stormwater management potential for
RWH, there are still many uncertainties about the impact of this practice to human
beings, hence it is necessary to make a thorough assessment of its quality and its
potential jeopardy to human health. The most common hazards in harvested rainwater
from rooftops are microbiological hazards and physico-chemical hazards.
1 – Off-site sources: hazards whose origin is far from the point of collection, beyond
the control of the owner/resident. That includes industrial emissions, agricultural
pollution, traffic emissions, bushfires, etc.
2 – On-site sources: hazards that arise from the conception of the system,
controllable by the owner/resident. That includes materials and characteristics of the
catchment surface, roof materials, gutters, tank material, etc.
Industrial emissions
The biggest urban and industrial areas are likely to be more air polluted. Thus, there
is a greater probability of rainwater becoming contaminated as it falls in these
surroundings, by airborne pollutants such as particulate matter and heavy metals
(TWDB, 2005). In these localities, rainwater collection for human consumption has
attracted most concern since long-term contamination by heavy metals is known to
cause numerous biological disorders (Lye, 2009). Several surveys reported that
rainwater collected in domestic tanks in Port Pirie have shown concentrations of lead
exceeding drinking water guidelines, the source of which is thought to be a very large
smelter. Therefore, residents of Port Pire were recommended not to use rainwater
collected in domestic tanks for drinking or food preparation (enHealth Council, 2004).
Agricultural pollution
In agricultural areas, the main source of pollution may be the use of chemicals, such
as pesticides, in intensive farming. In fact, according to Lye (2009), the use of fertilizers
and pesticides in agriculture “is a leading pollution source of rainwater in rural areas of
many countries.” Thus the potential contamination of rainwater and catchment surfaces
(roofs) by nitrates due to fertilizer residue in the atmosphere, and pesticide residues
deposition from crop dusting is of great public concern (TWDB, 2005).
Despite all the potential risks, surveys of rainwater quality in rural areas presented in
EnHealth Council (2004), reported that “pesticides are rarely detected and, where they
are, concentrations are well below health-related guideline values”. Nevertheless,
periodic assessments of contamination of harvested rainwater by pesticides are
necessary, to avoid possible health problems.
Bushfires, if not induced, tend to be most common and severe during warm and dry
seasons. This event generates large amounts of ash, fine particulates and other debris,
susceptible of settling on roof catchment surfaces or to be incorporated in rainwater as
it falls through the atmosphere. Such material is likely to be washed into storage tanks,
either when a rain event occurs or during roof cleaning. Even though the presence of
particulate matter in stormwater doesn't represent a major health concern, it may affect
the taste, turbidity and colour of harvested rainwater (enHealth Council, 2004).
Roof Material
The type of roof material and its periodic cleaning will highly affect the quality of
rooftop RWH.
According to numerous studies (EnHealth Council, 2004; Meera & Ahammed, 2006;
Hamdan, 2009; Despins et al., 2009) nearly all water quality parameters – turbidity,
Total Organic Carbon, hardness, colour, pH, organic matter, concentration of heavy
metals, etc – were considered to vary significantly based on the type of rooftop
Studies by Wallinder et al. (2000), Chang et al. (2004) and TWDB (2005), suggested
that variations depended not only on roof material, but also on characteristics of
precipitation, orientation and slope of roof, air quality of the region, weather patterns,
etc. Dust derived from calcium rich-soils is susceptible to settle in rooftops, consisting
in a source of calcium and magnesium in the form of carbonates. Also, acidic ions like
nitrates and sulphates are considered to be transported by deposition.
Another important parameter for this subject is the pH value of the harvested
rainwater. In theory, pH of rainwater varies between 4.5 and 6.5 but usually increases
slightly as soon as it falls on the roof and during tank storage. This chemical
phenomenon is of great relevance, once it is a key factor in chemical precipitation of
pollutants in stormwater runoff. As it runs on certain types of roofs, like fibrous cement,
rainwater tends to become more alkaline which is a favourable condition for
precipitation of heavy metals compounds (Zobrist et al., 2000; Hamdan, 2009).
Heavy metals are of singular importance in RWH “due to their toxicity,
ubiquitousness, and the fact that metals cannot be chemically transformed or
destroyed”, by simple treatment processes (Davis et al., 2001). Several attempts have
been made over the years to determine the influence of atmospheric deposition,
especially in the vicinity of industrial areas, and roofing materials on heavy metal
contamination of rooftop runoff. Roofs can act as a source of heavy metals through
leaching and disintegration of its building materials over the years. Among the many
possible types of materials, metals surfaces in direct contact with falling rainwater,
besides being subjected to atmospheric corrosion, will dominate the runoff pollution
pattern, especially for lead, zinc and copper (Zobrist et al., 2000; Davis et al., 2001;
Chang et al., 2004; Eletta & Oyeyipo, 2008).
The presence of lead in harvested rainwater is the most common since lead can
stem from several types of roofs, including polyester, slate, galvanized iron and asphalt
shingle roof. Lead fittings have also been suggested as potential sources of
contamination of harvested rainwater, mainly in poorly maintained roofs and gutters
(Zobrist et al., 2000; Wallinder et al., 2000; Metre & Mahler, 2003). Therefore lead
fittings are not recommended.
Water quality should be monitored for heavy metals in order to avoid major hazards
to human health, especially if the harvested rainwater is to be used for drinking
purposes or food preparation.
Tank Material
All details about rainwater storage have a major influence on overall water quality.
The design of tanks, the materials used and its location are the most influential issues
in obtaining water with good or poor quality.
A study by Han & Mun (2008) revealed that the quality of stored water delivered to
the end users will not only determine its final use but will also affect its acceptance by
the general public, as a suitable alternative of potable water. They suggested that
higher efficiency in particle removal can be obtained by having a considerable distance
between inlet and outlet. It is also recommended that tanks should be designed to
maintain a minimum of 3 m water depth and to withdraw water from the near-surface
by using a floating suction device.
Summarizing, many studies from different parts of the world on the physico-
chemical characteristics of roof-harvested rainwater, report that, in general, physico-
chemical quality meets the drinking-water quality guidelines with the notable exception
being pH.
The most common indicators of faecal contamination generally used for assessing
the microbial quality of water are Escherichia coli (E. coli) and faecal coliforms (or
Thermotolerant coliforms). However, an increasing number of microorganisms are
being added to the current US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
microbiological guidelines for water that is going to be ingested in some manner by the
consumer. Some pathogenic and opportunistic organisms, such as Salmonella spp.,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella spp., Campylobacter spp. and Cryptosporidium
(protozoan pathogens) are often present in harvested rainwater. These organisms are
likely to cause possible health problems to its consumers and therefore none of them is
allowed (zero CFU per 100 ml) in high quality drinking water sources (Lye, 2002). Thus
serious doubts were raised about whether traditional indicators will be sufficient to
accurately assess the state of water safety.
faecal material (droppings) deposited by birds, lizards, rats and other climbing
dead animals and insects, either in the roof or gutters, or in the tank itself – can
lead to direct faecal contamination and has a certain impact on the water taste
and odour;
soil and leaf litter accumulated in gutters, especially if kept damp for long
periods due to poor drainage;
type of roof – microbial quality of water collected from metallic roofs is usually
better than that from other types of roofs;
Periods between precipitation events – contamination increases with longer dry
periods between rainfall episodes due to greater deposition occurrence on
Weather patterns and environmental conditions: wind speed/direction,
temperature and rainfall intensity – can significantly influence the bacterial load
of roof run-off.
Also quite relevant are the issues relative to storage tanks. The majority are installed
above ground. Yet, underground tanks will not cease to exist. These require higher
constructive considerations, since if they aren't fully sealed and protected against run-
off, microorganisms in the soil associated with human and animal faeces may also
contaminate stored rainwater (enHealth Council, 2004). Additionally, rainwater tanks
serve as an excellent site for mosquito breeding. Besides the discomfort and nuisance
they cause, certain types of mosquitoes can be vectors of viruses and diseases, such
as malaria and the dengue virus, especially in 3rd world countries located in tropical
and subtropical areas, where water scarcity is a capital problem. To avoid or minimize
this situation, it is recommended that all tanks should have devices to prevent mosquito
proliferation (enHealth Council, 2004).
There are many surveys about the influence of the storage period and location of
rainwater cisterns on the microbiological quality of water. It is considered that relatively
clean water entering the tank will generally improve in quality if allowed to sit inside for
some time. However, it is possible that certain bacterial strains are likely to proliferate
during storage and that levels remained constant during long term storage. It is
assumed that these contradictory results are linked to the availability of nutrients and
environmental conditions, suitable for bacterial proliferation in storage cisterns.
Therefore, physical location of the tanks is of utmost importance (Meera & Ahammed,
2006). They should be sited in a shady, dark spot to prevent algae growth and keep
water cool (The Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development, 2008).
Numerous studies from different parts of the world (Lye, 2002; EnHealth Council,
2004; Meera & Ahammed, 2006; Sazakli et al., 2007) reported that the microbiological
quality of rainwater is often suspect and does not meet microbial drinking-water quality
standards. Consumption of untreated stormwater is likely to cause some health related
problems, yet more studies are necessary to assess the real microbial risk of rainwater
to human beings.
Despite these revealed conclusions, Meera & Ahammed (2006) emphasised that
“collected rainwater still represents the best option in many situations in terms of
microbiological quality”, sometimes even better than that of other sources of drinking
water such as shallow groundwater.
As stated by Lye (2009), chemical water quality standards, chemical analyses and
chemical detection limits are very similar worldwide, almost reaching for universal
agreement. In stark contrast are the levels of microbiological contamination of water,
whose standards vary greatly throughout the world from relatively simple to relatively
complex, corroborating a lack of general compliance.
The quality requirements should be different whether the water is for potable or non-
potable purposes. Within this category, recommended standards will depend on
whether the water comes into contact situations or not with the human being, or even if
it is for ecological applications. For example, it is assumed that the water quality
standards required for bathing will be different than those for toilet flushing or garden
irrigation (Lye, 2009).
technique must be governed by DL nº 236/98. In Annex , the maximum recommended
concentrations (MRC) as well as the maximum acceptable concentrations (MAC) of
water quality for irrigation are established (Ministério do Ambiente, 1998).
This DL establishes the parameters limiting the quality of water for irrigation, without
distinguishing agricultural irrigation from recreational or landscaping irrigation.
As stated before, quality requirements for non-potable applications vary if the water
is likely to get in contact or not with humans. Nevertheless, people everywhere are
exposed to all kinds of bacteria during everyday activities at home, at work and
between both. Thus, minimal exposure to slightly contaminated harvested rainwater
shouldn't be that significant.
Many studies and reports throughout the years support this theory. According to
Konig (2001), “in well designed and operated systems only coarse filtration prior to
entry into the storage tank is required and that the risk to human health from non-
potable applications is minimal”. Leggett et al (2001b) reports that when harvested
rainwater is to be used for toilet flushing or irrigation, disinfection techniques are not
necessary and should not be applied. Shaffer et al (2004) asserts that when rainwater
is intended for WC flushing, irrigation and other non-potable uses, coarse filtration and
tank settlement provide satisfactory treatment (Roebuck, 2007).
Based on the testimonials presented above, it was decided that rainwater quality
parameters would not be considered in the thesis. Assuming that contamination from
the catchment surface is low and that the system is well designed and operated, there
will be no major consequences if the water gets in contact situations with human
Water supply and water quality associated with rooftop harvesting depends on
implementing a system maintenance program. Simple and sensible management
procedures should be considered in order to minimize health and aesthetic hazards for
the collected rainwater. Some preventive measures associated with design, installation
and maintenance of RHS are presented below (enHealth Council, 2004; TWDB, 2005;
May & Prado, 2006; Lye, 2009):
The rainwater piping should be dimensioned similarly to the dimensioning of the
potable network. It is recommended that the rainwater piping and all the related
accessories should be properly identified, using colored tape or colored pipes,
different from the potable piping system.
It is recommended that all washing or irrigation taps should be provided with a
detachable handle (security key) to prevent improper use.
Rainwater use for irrigation does not require any physico-chemical or
bacteriological complementary treatment.
It is advisable to evaluate the quality of the stored at least every six months,
mainly due to pH control.
Green Areas
Lawn** Garden** Golf Course***
For technical reasons and regarding public health, facilities certification under the
ANQIP Technical Specification ETA-0702 is highly recommended. This certification
requires the preliminary assessment of the project by ANQIP as well as a continuous
analysis of the project development.
A RHS consists of six main elements (TWDB, 2005; Che-Ani et al., 2009):
(5) A delivery system – gravity fed or pumped to the end use;
(6) Treatment techniques
The rooftop of a building or a house is the most common catchment area as they
are already built and able to collect large volumes of rainwater. The quantity and quality
of the harvested rainwater from a catchment surface is a function of the rain intensity,
type of roof material, roof surface area and the surrounding environment (TWDB, 2005;
The Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development, 2008).
There are several types of materials that can be used, yet roofs should be ideally
built of chemically inert materials such as plastic, aluminium or fibreglass.
Nevertheless, other materials are also considered suitable including slates,
clay/concrete tiles and galvanised corrugated iron. It is also recommended that if paint
is used, it should be non-toxic – no lead-based paints (Khoury-Nolde, n.d.).
Metal roofs
The amount of rainwater collected not only varies with the size, but also with the
texture of the roof: the smoother the better. Metal roofs in general have a smooth
surface and a high runoff coefficient, where losses are negligible. Some cautions
however should be taken into account regarding some materials. Copper roofs and
roofs with lead components such as flashings and paints, are not recommended,
especially if the harvested rainwater is to be used for potable purposes (TWDB, 2005;
Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
A largely commercialized roofing material for RWH in Australia and also in the USA,
is 55 % aluminium/45 % zinc allocated sheet steel named Galvalume® (TWDB, 2005).
Asphalt shingle
Clay/concrete tiles
Clay and concrete tiles are suitable for potable or non-potable systems, and are
easily available materials. Since both are semi-porous, the system's efficiency will
decrease due to water loss by absorption or poor flow, which is around a 10 percent
deficit. These porous materials are also susceptible to create an ideal habitat for algae
and other microorganism‟s development. To prevent bacterial growth and reduce water
loss, tiles should be painted or coated with a special sealant (TWDB, 2005).
According to the TWDB (2005) “slate‟s smoothness makes it ideal for a catchment
surface for potable use, assuming no toxic sealant is used”. However, cost
considerations are a barrier to its use.
These roofing materials are rare, and the water harvested is usually suitable only for
irrigation due to leaching of compounds.
Not all the rain falling on a roof surface will be collected and conveyed to the storage
system. Some water runoff will be lost mainly due to processes such as depression
storage, and EV. Other factors that also contribute to water losses include the rainfall
depth and intensity, the type of roof material and the roof slope (Roebuck, 2007). The
“effective runoff” represents the amount of water that can be collected from a roof
surface, whilst the “runoff losses” represent the water that cannot be collected. The
most commonly used approach for estimating the effective runoff volume is the
application of a dimensionless runoff coefficient which represents the observed losses
from the catchment compared with an idealised catchment from which no losses occur
(Fewkes, 2006).
Runoff Coefficient
Table 2 provides some examples of coefficients for a variety of different roof types.
These data are based on specialized bibliography and on the long-term experience of
these subject experts (Roebuck, 2007; Downey, 2009; Tomaz, 2009).
Table 2 - Runoff coefficients for different roof types (Source: Adapted from Roebuck, 2007).
Filter Coefficient
The filter coefficient is given by the ratio between the total volume of rainwater that
reaches the filter and the total volume of filtered rainwater that hits the tank. Therefore,
the losses during the filtration process reflect the volume of water that is usually
discharged to the wastewater or rainwater sewage systems. A typical and accepted
value for the filter coefficient is 0.9, which means that 90% of rainfall is collected
(Ashley & Roebuck, n.d.); Balmoral Tanks, 2008).
Gutters are usually installed along the building just below the roof and capture the
water as it falls from the roof, conveying it to the downspouts. It is very important that
the gutters are installed with the appropriate slope towards the downspout, in order to
avoid water accumulation in a specific section which can lead to algae growth and
mosquito breeding. Still & Thomas (2002) recommend a dual-slope gutter (with a slope
in the region of 0.5% for 2/3 of its length, 1.0% for the remaining 1/3 of its length) and
that the inside edge of the gutter should be 20 mm inside the roof edge, regardless the
roof shape. Their findings support that roof area is the primary determinant of gutter
size. They also suggest a trapezoidal or semi-circular gutter shape (Figure 12) for
optimal interception and conveyance. Semi-circular or trapezoidal shapes are
recommended because they are able to drain a larger roof area, hence contributing to
a more efficient drainage system. The down pipes usually present an inferior cross
section, and are connected to the guttering system through drop outlet which generally
consists in a 45-degree “elbow” that allows the downspout pipe to snug to the side of
the house or building (TWDB, 2005).
Figure 12 - Common gutter shapes (Source: Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
The gutter system should be regularly inspected and cleaned, in order to minimize
water contamination and to ensure that water moves freely through the conveyance
system. According to the Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual (2009) “installing
covered gutters or adding guards to existing gutters is ideal to prevent debris build-up
and clogging” (Figure 13). Mesh screens are mostly used in locations with tree
Figure 13 - Gutter guard (Source: GutterSupply Company)
Materials suitable for the pipework are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), galvanized steel
and the more expensive seamless aluminium. Once again, it is recommended that lead
flashings shouldn't be used, in order to avoid water contamination (TWDB, 2005).
Pre-tank filters
Pre-tank filter design is very relevant since, if leaves are allowed to accumulate on
the screen or mesh, water quality will be impaired. If organic debris enters the storage
cistern, a succession of events will certainly occur, culminating in the reduction of
oxygen levels and consequent bacterial growth. According to the Virginia Rainwater
Harvesting Manual (2009), the best filter device should be self-cleaning and self-drying
between rainfall events to prevent biofilm growth, which would block the pores. The
best material is considered to be stainless steel, since it can stand up to all weather
conditions, maintain shape and does not rust, therefore reducing contamination
The German company 3P Technik is today in the front line of filter manufacturing
and other innovative developments for RWH. Among several alternatives, the volume
filter VF1 (Figure 14) with or without telescopic extension, has been widely
commercialized throughout Germany and also other countries (Dierkes, 2009).
The water coming from the downspout(s) enters the filter and is equally distributed
across the cascade filtration (1). The larger residues (leaves) are led across the
primary filter cascades directly to the sewer (2). The cleaner water then flows through a
secondary filter sieve, with pores of 0.65 millimetres (mm) (3). The cleaned water then
flows into the next system component, eventually a first-flush diverter or the storage
tank (4), and the filtered dirt flows to the sewer (5) (3P Technik, n.d.).
An important feature related to the secondary filter's mesh structure is that dirt is
continuously cleaned away into the sewer due to the steep inclination of the filter
cartridge. Thus, VF1 filter requires very low maintenance and needs to be cleaned only
1 to 2 times per year. This filter type has a connection capacity for roof areas up to 350
m², according to DIN 1986 (3P Technik, n.d.).
First-Flush Devices
A rooftop collects and accumulates dirt, dust, animal faeces, dead animals, airborne
residues and other debris, especially during dry periods. When it rains, water will slowly
capture all the sediment present in the roof, all of which are undesirable elements to
have in a water harvesting system.
The first flush phenomenon is the initial surface runoff of a rainstorm which is likely
to contain all kinds of microbial and physico-chemical pollutants. First flush diversion of
initial runoff is a simple precautionary measure which will prevent highly contaminated
water from entering the storage tank, improving significantly the quality of collected
rainwater. The flushed water, depending on its quality, can be routed to a planted area
or be used for other purposes such as cleaning, washing, etc. (TWDB, 2005; Mosley,
In the first minutes of a rain event the contaminant concentrations in roof runoff are
expected to be extremely high, decreasing later on towards a constant level. However,
not enough is known in order to identify exactly what constitutes a “first flush”. There
are many variables that influence the determination of how much rain needs to be
diverted to ensure clean and safe water. For example, the geographical parameters,
the intensity of a rain event, the effects of weather patterns (dry period length between
rain events), the properties of the catchment surfaces and the nature of the
contaminants themselves, have great influence on the volume of rainwater to be
discharged (TWDB, 2005; Meera & Ahammed, 2006).
Opinions vary on the amount of first flush water that needs to be diverted. Yaziz et
al. (1989) for both types of roof catchments sited near the University of Agriculture
campus in Serdang, reported that bypassing a volume of 5 L (0.5 mm), would be
sufficient to prevent microbiological contamination by faecal coliforms. However, the
presence of heavy metals, such as zinc and lead and, high levels of total coliforms and
plate counts, suggests that caution is needed in selecting a suitable first-flush volume
before rainwater harvesting. Kus et al. (2010) based on the analysis of roof runoff from
an urban residential roof located in the Sydney metropolitan area, concluded that water
with most water quality parameters compliant with the Australian Drinking Water
Guidelines (ADWG) standards was generally obtainable by diverting the first 2 mm of
rainfall. However, lead and turbidity did not comply, requiring diversion of
approximately the first 5 mm of rainfall to meet ADWG standards. According to the
TWDB (2005) the recommended volume ranges from 4 to 8 L (0.4 to 0.8 mm) of first-
flush diversion for each 9 m2 of collection area.
There are different types of first flush devices available worldwide. The most
common and simple systems are (TWDB, 2005; Mosley, 2005):
(1) Down pipe first flush diverter: a PVC standpipe fills with the initial water runoff
during a rainfall event. When the pipe becomes full, cleaner water will flow into
the main collecting pipework connected to the storage tank (Figure 15 and
Figure 16). The first flush standpipe is drained continuously via a pinhole or by a
tap left slightly open. Besides that, the same pipe usually has a cleanout fitting
at the bottom, which must be emptied and cleaned after each rainfall event.
Figure 15 - Simple scheme of a dwelling‟s down pipe first flush diverter (Source: Mosley, 2005).
(2) Standpipe with ball valve: the ball valve type consists of a floating ball that
floats up, as the chamber fills, and seals off the top of the diverter pipe
(Figure 17) trapping first-flush water and routing the clean water to the tank.
Figure 17 - Standpipe first flush diverter, with ball valve (Source: Rain Harvesting).
Figure 18 - External appearance of a first flush diverter system (Source: Bailey Tanks, 2010).
Some key considerations should be taken into account in every tank design
(Khoury-Nolde, n.d.; TWDB, 2005; Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009):
There are a number of different methods used for tank sizing. These methods vary
in complexity and sophistication and can be seen from two perspectives: the demand
side approach or the supply side approach. Each of these approaches varies from
manufacturer to manufacturer, country to country, region to region.
Demand Side Approach
According to the Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development (2008), this
simple method consists of the calculation of the largest storage requirement based on
the building occupancy and consumption rates. As an example, the following typical
data was used:
Which means that the tank volume required for this example would be 3 m 3. This
method assumes sufficient rainfall and catchment area, and therefore should only be
applied in areas where this is the situation. It is the simplest method available for rough
estimates of tank size.
According to EnHealth Council (2004) the maximum volume of rainwater that can be
collected can be calculated using the formula:
“A” is the efficiency of collection. Values between 0.8–0.85 (that is, 80–85%
efficiency) have been used.
“B” is the loss associated with absorption of surfaces and first flush diversion
“Rainfall” should be expressed in m and „roof area‟ in m2.
The Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development (2008) method is quite
similar to the previous, but instead of applying a collection efficiency value, it uses a
runoff coefficient which depends on roof material and slope. The volume of collected
rainwater is calculated through the formula:
“Rainfall” is expressed in m and “roof area” in m2.
“Runoff coefficient” values vary widely, according to the roofing material. It may
also take into consideration losses due to percolation, EV, etc.
Average Rainfall
In areas where rainfall has a non-uniform distribution, more care is needed in the
design of the storage tank. During certain periods of the year, when there is a deficit of
rainwater, either the tank is big enough to collect all the water during rainfall events
needed to meet demand during dry seasons, or the tank shall be connected to a public
water supply system. In general, the average rainfall (daily and monthly) value is used
to estimate the total volume of collected rainwater (enHealth Council, 2004). However,
according to the Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual (2009), “using monthly
averages of rainfall can lead to significant errors in tank sizing”. This ideology is based
on the following principle: imagine 2 cities where each receives 100 mm of rain per
month. If city A has only one heavy rain event per month, the tank must have the size
to collect all 100 mm at the same time. If city B has many small rain events distributed
throughout the month, only a small storage tank will be needed.
In Portugal, the most accurate source of daily rainfall data can be obtained from the
Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos (SNIRH – Water Resources
National Information System) from Water Institute.
Tank location is dependent on its size, aesthetics, space available, climate and soil
conditions. They can be installed below ground, partly underground or above ground,
preferably located close to supply and demand points to reduce the distance of
pipework as well as pump requirements. In compliance with the Virginia Rainwater
Harvesting Manual (2009), although there is no governmental law or rule, for storage
volumes exceeding 40 m3 or if multiple downspouts or roof drains are being used, the
most viable option is underground storage. A below-ground storage vessel is
unobtrusive, protected from direct sunlight and the water is kept cooler. Figure 19
shows a typical example of an underground storage tank. However, some
inconveniences arise such as the increase in installation and construction costs,
especially if the soil is hard and rocky, or if the site's groundwater level is high. Also, to
avoid water contamination it is recommended that the tanks should be located at least
15 m away from potential sources of pollution such as animal stables or septic tank
systems (TWDB, 2005). Needless to say that underground tanks are of much more
difficult maintenance.
Figure 19 - Complete underground storage tank (Source: Roebuck, 2007 in König, 2001).
These types of tanks can only be installed above ground (Virginia Rainwater
Harvesting Manual, 2009). New metal tanks should always be flushed before use, due
to the probable leaching of contaminants which may affect water quality. Other
precautions should be considered when Aquaplate® coatings are applied (enHealth
Council, 2004).
Tanks must be covered at all times, because the coating is not resistant to
prolonged exposure to sunlight;
When cleaning or installing the tank, the coating must not be damaged. If so, it
should be immediately repaired or replaced.
Concrete tanks are either poured in place or prefabricated, and may be installed
above ground or below ground. They are strong and very durable, and likely to keep
water cool in hotter climates. A big advantage over other tank materials is that concrete
neutralizes the acidity of harvested rainwater, providing at the same time a desirable
flavour imparted to the water from the calcium in the concrete, dissolved by the slightly
acidic rainwater (TWDB, 2005).
Concrete tanks are expensive to build and difficult to maintain. They are likely to
crack and leak, especially if constructed below ground in clay soil (Virginia Rainwater
Harvesting Manual, 2009). To avoid these problems a structural engineer should be
involved during installation of a poured-in-place concrete cistern, to determine
accurately the size and spacing of reinforcing steel to match the structural loads of the
Commercially available plastic tanks are increasing in a wide variety of sizes and
low prices. They are durable, lightweight, easy to install and easy to relocate if
necessary. They are usually placed above ground nonetheless, specially reinforced
tanks, in order to tolerate soil expansion and contraction, can be installed underground
(TWDB, 2005).
Plastic tanks should be constructed with opaque plastic to inhibit algae growth. The
tanks should also be coated or painted with materials of food-grade standard, to
prevent ultraviolet (UV) degradation (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
Fibreglass tanks are also available in a wide variety of sizes, however, for capacities
under 379 L, the tanks are considered expensive so polypropylene cisterns are
recommended. They are manufactured with a food-grade coating on their interior
surface and should also be opaque, to prevent algae proliferation. These types of tanks
are highly durable, lightweight and require low maintenance. One of its main features is
that the fittings are an integral part of the tank, eliminating the potential problem of
leaking (TWDB, 2005).
61 Tank Installation
Rainwater tanks must be properly installed to prevent damage and to minimise risk
of contamination. Below-ground tanks must be accurately sealed, especially in the
access points, to avoid infiltrations from underground water or surface run-off. Above-
ground tanks should be installed on a stable, level soil or pad and underground tanks
must be designed to support the weight of the soil above (Virginia Rainwater
Harvesting Manual, 2009).
All tanks should have a few accessories that will enhance their performance and the
quality of water supplied: a screened vent pipe, to expel air as rainwater enters the tank
and draw air in as rainwater is pumped out of the tank; a rainwater inlet; an overflow
device; and a backup water supply.
Calming rainwater inlets in the pipeline access to the reservoir is a very important
mechanism to maintain quality of the stored water. This device will direct the entering
water upwards to prevent the stirring up of the sediment layer that usually settles on
the bottom of the tank (Figure 20). The gadget also supplies the lower part of the tank
with oxygen, preventing the occurrence of an anaerobic process in stagnant water.
The sediment layer at the bottom of a rainwater tank is often known as biofilm.
Biofilms are layers of bacteria bind by chains of polymer matrices, usually
carbohydrates, which offer protection for their development based on symbiotic
relationships, enabling their survival in hostile environments. Coombes et al. (2006)
proposed that the formation of biofilms contribute to improving water quality on a
storage system. Their observations reveal that typical soil and environmental bacteria
such as Bacillus Spp. are likely to form biofilms in rainwater tanks. They conclude that
the processes of formation of biofilms remove bacteria and heavy metals from the tank
To protect the biofilm and ensure high water quality, cleaning the rainwater storage
tank should be avoided at all times, as long as the other components of the RHS are
functioning properly. Any disturbance of the system could be harmful to the bacteria.
This is particularly worrying if the backup water supply has to be activated, since the
treatment chemicals present in the water are likely to kill the biofilm layer. The backup
water should instead bypass the tank through solenoid valves and appropriate
backflow prevention (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
Overflow Device
The storage tanks should have an overflow device adapted to the inlet pipe to
prevent water backup in the downspouts and to promote the best possible water
quality. Even with proper pre-tank filtration and first-flush devices, small debris, such as
pollen, are likely to enter the tank. These particles are expected to float at water
surface, since they are lighter than water (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual,
As illustrated in Figure 21, as the tank water level rises, the floating debris will be
skimmed off by the siphon inlet into the sewer or to an infiltration soak away (3P
Technik, n.d.). The surplus runoff with the debris should be directed to a pervious area
(garden) or to a storm drainage system.
Figure 21 - Overflow siphon with skimming effect on tank water surface from chamfered inlet slots
(Source: 3P Technik).
As the tank water level rises, the water flows over the skimmer siphon inlet into the
sewer or to an infiltration soakaway. Any floating materials are skimmed off via the
chamfered slots. The surplus water with the pollen is led out of the rainwater tank
(outlet 110 mm).
These systems are required to incorporate in its design a backflow device inside the
potable water pipe connected to the tank, in order to prevent contamination of the
public water supply by the harvested rainwater. It is also recommended that the
municipal water inlet should be installed above the highest possible rainwater level, to
ensure cross contamination does not occur (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual,
This system is activated by several means. The most applied is based on floating
switches and activation valves. If the stored rainwater reaches a certain level too low, a
floating switch will be activated shutting off the RWH pump and activating a valve which
enables water to flow from the backup source. Another conjecture is based on a
pressure differential system. According to this concept, the RHS operates at a higher
pressure than the backup source. When the water level in the tank becomes low, the
rainwater pump cuts off. Therefore, the higher pressure water no longer retains lower
pressure water from the backup source allowing it to flow to the final purpose of the
RHS. Figure 22 illustrates how a pressure differential backup water supply system
could be constructed (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
In these configurations is also important to assure that the piping systems can be
distinguished through different colours. It is known that the colour purple is often used
to designate non-potable water piping, particularly wastewater. However, Portuguese
technical specifications do not establish a mandatory colour to designate rainwater
piping. Therefore it should be of the responsibility of the system designer to properly
identify rainwater piping systems.
Figure 22 - Below ground tank with submersible pump and pressure difference municipal backup with
check valve (Source: adapted from RMS)
Pump systems and pressure tanks are responsible for the distribution of water, from
the storage tank to the end use, with the required pressures and necessary amounts.
This can be accomplished by the use of some applications: a submersible pump, a
booster/jet pumps or a combination of pumps, according to the requirements of each
project (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
Submersible Pumps
These pumps lodge in the bottom of the tank, where they are supposed to draw
water from. However, as mentioned before, a layer of sediments and bacteria usually
settle to the bottom of the tank and the surface of the water is often charged with a film
of grease and floating debris. Therefore, in order to aspirate the cleanest water of the
rainwater tank, the submersible pump is fitted with a floating pump intake with a hose
(Figure 23) (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009). The floating ball will protect
the pump from sucking up sediment, increasing the safety of every rainwater
Figure 23 - Submersible Pump with floating pump intake (Source: 3P Technik).
Booster/Jet Pumps
These pumps operate by lifting the water out of the tank and pushing it to the
desired location. Once they are external, they are louder than submersible pumps and
should also be protected from the weather (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual,
Pump combinations are generally necessary when the distance from the cistern to
the end use is significant. One typical combination is the pump-and-pressure tank
arrangement Pump combinations are generally necessary when the distance from the
cistern to the end use is significant. One typical combination is the pump-and-pressure
tank arrangement (TWDB, 2005). The pump system will draw the water, pressurize it
and store it in a pressure tank until needed. It is very important to include a check valve
and a pressure switch in this configuration, especially if more than one pump is being
used. A one way check valve between the tank and the pump prevents pressurized
water from being returned to the tank. The pressure switch regulates operation of the
pressure tank. If two or more pumps are being used, the pressure switch will determine
which pump will run to meet the demand, drawing more water into the pressure tank.
The pressure tank maintains pressure throughout the system and its size is essential to
ensure that the system operates efficiently and effectively. In compliance with the
TWDB (2005), the pressure tank has a typical capacity of 150 L.
On-demand Pump
This configuration combines in the same unit, a pump, a motor, a controller, a check
valve and a pressure tank. The on-demand pumps are designed to activate in
response to a demand, eliminating the need, cost, and space of a pressure tank. These
systems can be specifically designed to be used with rainwater and, in addition, may
incorporate a 5-micron fibre filter, a 3-micron activated charcoal filter and an UV lamp,
for the necessary treatment purposes (Figure 24) (TWDB, 2005).
Figure 24 - Typical on-demand system for rainwater, incorporated with an integrated treatment device
(Source: TWDB, 2005).
Floating Filters
This device is similar to the floating pump intake, usually attached to the
Submersible pumps. The main difference is that the water is being filtered as it is
drawn from the storage tank. The filter is usually designed using an adequate pore size
to prevent clogging (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009). The floating ball will
certify that the suction basket of the floating pump intake is always situated
approximately 15 to 20 cm below the water surface (Figure 25) (3P Technik, n.d.).
Figure 25 - Floating filter with pump intake (Source: 3P Technik).
If the water is to be used for drinking purposes or cooking, it requires the necessary
treatment methods available for the individual country, to secure the fully potable
standards. However, if the water is for non-potable uses it is expected that the quality
requirements will be lower than those for human consumption, and therefore treatment
recommendations will be less stringent. But one certainty exists: suspended solids and
bacterial microorganisms will be present in harvested rainwater and therefore, some
form of treatment of the harvested rainwater is necessary, and the level of treatment
will be in accordance to its final use. Table 3 provides an example of minimum water
quality guidelines and suggested treatment methods for collected rainwater.
Table 3 - Minimum Water Quality Guidelines and Treatment Options for Harvested Rainwater (Source:
Kloss, 2008) Filtration
Sediment Filtration
Carbon Filtration
69 Disinfection
Chlorination is a simple and economic method, once it is the most frequent process
used to disinfect public drinking water. The most usual forms of chlorine are liquid
sodium hypochlorite (common bleach) and solid calcium hypochlorite (TWDB, 2005).
Table 4 presents chlorine contact times correlating water temperature with its pH
value, consistent with TWDB (2005). As shown, chlorine dosing is less effective as pH
levels increase.
This practice, however, is not considered appropriate in most cases and should only
be applied in specific occasions as a remedial action. Besides giving an unpleasant
smell and taste to water, its effectiveness is of short duration and will only act on the
water stored at the time of dosing. Another drawback is that chlorine residuals react
with decaying organic matter in water to form trihalomethanes, considered to be a very
dangerous and carcinogenic by-product. Chlorine is effective against harmful bacteria
and many viruses, but is limited in neutralizing Giardia or Cryptosporidium. To eliminate
these microbial pathogens, it is necessary to implement a mechanism of micro-filtration
(enHealth Council, 2004; TWDB, 2005).
UV Light
In the specific case of applying this method for harvested rainwater treatment, it is
imperative that the water must go first through sediment filtration, once pathogens can
be shadowed from the UV light by suspended particles in the water (TWDB, 2005). The
UV light system may be installed in pipework delivering water from the storage cistern
to a dwelling or to specific taps used to supply water for drinking and cooking purposes
(enHealth Council, 2004).
Ozone acts as a powerful oxidizing agent to reduce colour, to eliminate foul odours,
and to reduce total organic carbon in water. An ozone generator forces ozone into
storage tanks through rings or a diffuser stone, where it will quickly react due to its
strong instability (TWDB, 2005). For disinfection purposes, ozone is generally less
effective at destruction of viruses but still highly effective in killing bacteria or protozoa
(such as Giardia). Unlike chlorine, ozone does not leave a disinfectant residual in the
treated water (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009).
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis works by forcing water under high pressure through a semi-
permeable membrane, from an area of higher concentration of contaminants, to an
area of lesser concentration of contaminants. This mechanism does not destroy or
deactivate bacteria or viruses; it removes them by using a membrane with a pore size
smaller than 0.0001 micron (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, 2009). This is
however not a recommended method for rainwater treatment, once a considerable
amount of water is lost during the process. pH Treatment
As stated before (section 2.4), the pH of rainwater tends to be slightly acidic, which
can cause some nuisances in the use of harvested rainwater. However, most problems
related with pH can be easily corrected with low-cost, low-maintenance, but highly
effective solutions.
Harvested rainwater pH should be always tested before use. Home testing kits are
available at low prices or samples can be taken to state-certified laboratories. In
accordance with the EPA and the National Standards Foundation (NSF)
recommendations, water pH should be above 6.5, especially when dealing with metal
plumbing systems. If the pH value is inferior to 6.5, treatment solutions should be
Frequently used techniques are based on the addition of neutralizing agents, such
as pieces of limestone rock, to the storing tank. Other common neutralizing agents and
their dose per 4 m3 of water are as follows (Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual,
Limestone: 60 grams;
Quicklime: 30 grams;
Hydrated lime: 30 grams;
Soda ash: 30 grams;
Caustic soda: 45 grams;
3. Case Study: Rainwater Harvesting for FCT/UNL
Campus Irrigation
3.1. Goals
The main goal of this case study is to assess the feasibility of collecting and using
rainwater for irrigation of green areas in the FCT-UNL campus. Primarily there will be
an overview of the university campus, as well as a thorough characterization of the
existing irrigation system in operation. By gathering all the necessary information, a
characterization of supply and demand will be carried out, as well as the existing
limitations on the effective capture of rainwater. According to the constraints
encountered, various scenarios of water balance will be presented in order to find the
best solution for the desired application. For such, an optimal sizing of the reservoir
must be achieved, as well as the complete analysis of all the available information, in
order to assess the environmental, technical and economical components of this
project and thus, determine its viability.
3.2. Methodology
The followed methodology in preparing this case study was based primarily on
gathering information on six key variables: Rainfall Data, Determination of Irrigation
Water Consumption, Water Demand, Determination of Green Areas with Active and
Inactive Irrigation, Determination of the Roof Areas and Roofing Material.
The rainfall information must be collected from the closest weather station to the site
under consideration and with the longest data extension possible, in order to reflect
local climatic variations. To promote the system simulation process for probabilistic
study, the longer the record length, the more reliable the results will be.
For this case study the data are initially collected from the Meteorological Station of
Monte da Caparica. The reporting period is 25 years (series of daily precipitation), from
which weekly series of precipitation data will be used to compute the balance of
rainwater inflow volumes and the consumption of irrigation water (total of 1301 weeks).
In spite of the fact that daily rainfall series would produce results of greater reliability it
would require a very extensive data set, while using weekly precipitation series, the
data set will be less extensive but still very significant and with the desired reliability,
appropriate for display of long-term trend.
Despite being the closest station to the FCT, there are several gaps in available
data between 1985 and 2009. Thus, these breaches were filled primarily with data from
the Meteorological Station of Alcochete, since it is the second closest to the study area,
and also with data from a rain sensor of the FCT, in existence since 2002, and with the
data from Meteorological Station of Vila Nogueira de Azeitão.
All data from the meteorological stations were collected through the website of the
Since there are no meters for water consumed in irrigation, the determination of
annual expenditures was made empirically through a field survey, which identifies all
the existing irrigation equipment operating in the various sectors of the FCT Campus.
Once all the equipment was identified, the water flow of each unit was determined as
well as its weekly operating period. For this to be achieved, the collaboration of the
gardening team of FCT was crucial. In section 3.3.2 a detailed characterization of the
existing irrigation system on campus is provided.
Water demand determines the amount of water needed for irrigation and
consequently the storage requirements. The water demand over the year is not
constant; therefore it is necessary to assess the monthly distribution rate of water
requisites for green spaces irrigation.
The identification of all green areas that exist in the campus was made by direct
measurement of the same, from the existing drawings in AutoCAD format (Annex II)
provided by the Rectory of the UNL and by the heads of the Projecto Campus Verde
(PCV – Green Campus Project). However, since the available documents date back to
2004, some green areas had not yet been considered to integrate the mentioned
drawings. Therefore, the missing areas were measured using the measuring tool
provided by Google Maps.
The determination of roof areas of the several buildings included in the FCT
Campus was performed through AutoCAD drawings (Annex III), using the
measurement tool provided by this software. The drawings in question were provided
by the heads of the PCV.
This variable is very important since it will influence the rainwater runoff and thus,
the amount of water that can be potentially collected and conveyed to the storage tank.
This information was gathered through a direct field survey, with support from the
Security Office on FCT Campus.
The most commonly used method for tank dimensioning in rainwater harvesting, is
the Rippl Method. It consists on the calculation of a storage volume required to ensure
a regular flow during the most critical period of drought observed. It usually considers
monthly series of precipitation data, with the most possible extension. In this particular
case, weekly series of precipitation data will be applied (Annecchini, 2005; Tomaz,
For this method, the affluence inflow is deducted from the water demand flow, for
the same time period. The maximum positive accumulated difference corresponds to
the volume of the reservoir (Pereira et al., 2010). By this method, the tank usually
presents an oversized volume, since it is dimensioned to meet demand during the most
critical dry periods.
Figure 26 - Data required for rainwater tank dimensioning by the Rippl method.
The urbanization plan of the campus has three poles of development: the university
centre run by the rectory of FCT and UNL, the area of university residences managed
by the UNL Social Services and the Almada - Setúbal Science and Technology Park
(Madan Park) (Calado & Fouto, 2000).
Currently, through its 14 departmental sectors, 18 research centres and its 8 support
services, in addition to the teaching and research activities, FCT-UNL provides
assistance to public and private entities in their areas of expertise. Figure 27 shows a
picture of the FCT campus locating all buildings.
Figure 27 - Aerial view of the FCT University campus (Adapted from: www.fct.unl.pt).
The sewerage and domestic water drainage systems were built in phases, as the
campus was expanding. The first phase consisted on the implementation of networks
of Buildings I, II, former sports complex, canteen and Hangars I, II, III and IV. Then the
networks of Buildings III, IV, VI and Departmental Building (DB), Environmental
Excellence Centre and the Grand Auditorium were the next to be built. Over the past
ten years the campus has grown to the south sector with the construction of Buildings
VII, VIII, IX and X, with the New Library being the last structure to be elevated.
The water drainage system of the FCT is presented in Annex IV. According to
Faustino (2008) two collectors of concrete, a 600 mm and a 700 mm (in the south
zone), for rainwater, depart from the campus of Monte da Caparica. However, this map
is quite outdated concerning to the final layout of the collectors, to some connections
between branches and to some piping diameters. This is mainly due to the construction
of new buildings in the southern part of the university, which altered the topography
and infrastructure of the campus (Faustino, 2008).
The buildings VII, VIII, IX and X and the DB were designed to drain rainwater
directly from their roofs into existing storm sewers located below ground. Thus, once
the infrastructure is already installed, it will be of outmost importance to identify the
precise location of the connection points of these buildings‟ storm sewers to the main
stormwater collector, since it is precisely in those points that the harvested rainwater
from each roof must be intercepted, in order to be conveyed to the storing system, yet
to be built.
An exhaustive survey was held of the domestic wastewater and rainwater networks
from the entire campus in late 2007 under the coordination of the Divisão de Logística
e Conservação (DLC – Division of Logistics and Conservation). However, this
information is still being compiled and it's not yet available for consulting.
Primarily, this case study was designed with the purpose of rainwater harvesting for
toilet flushing, since this domain represents a large share of consumption of potable
water in housing and offices. However, a project of this dimension involves a high initial
investment, determined by the need to build a dual network of mains water supply –
one for potable water and the other for rainwater. It only becomes economically
interesting in projects build from scratch and, therefore, it was decided to go with other
The scenario under study will be rainwater harvesting for irrigation of the campus
green areas, with the aim of presenting viable solutions to reduce consumption of
potable water from the mains water supply.
Annex II shows the map of the green areas on campus. This map has been
amended in accordance with existing green sectors of the Campus. Through this map,
both active and inactive watering areas were estimated, as shown in Table 5.
Table 5 - Active and inactive irrigation areas of FCT.
Area (m ) Area(ha)
Active Irrigation Sectors 11 210 1.1
Inactive Irrigation Sectors 11 760 1.2
Total 22 970 2.3
Recently, an exhaustive survey was conducted of all the campus irrigation sectors
and the equipment associated with each sector – about 37. Through this field survey it
was possible to identify all the equipment in automatic and manual operation, as well
as the zones with active and inactive watering. Only then, since there is no water
meters associated with irrigation, was it possible to estimate the weekly flow rate of
water consumed in this process. In Table 6, all the equipments operating on campus,
as well as all the associated features, are presented:
The flow rate of each device was taken from available irrigation catalogs
representative of the associated brand (Hunter Industries Incorporated, 2010; Rain Bird
Corporation, 2010; The Toro Company, 2010). With the assistance of Engineer Paixão,
head of the Unidade de Espaços Verdes (UEV – Green Spaces Unit), it was possible
to accurately determine the specific flow rate of each series.
Considering that the inactive sectors can resume activity in the future or assuming
that new green areas may arise in the coming years, it is admitted, for sizing purposes,
that the considered irrigation area is equivalent to both active and inactive sectors – 2.3
ha. Therefore, according to the assumption presented above, the volume of water
spent per year is expected to be around 28 750 m3 per year.
Table 7 presents the numbers for the actual average weekly flow of water consumed
for irrigation in FCT and the hypothetical consumption if all the FCT green sectors were
being irrigated.
Table 7 - Average weekly flow of water consumed for irrigation in FCT
Average annual flow of water consumed Average annual flow of water consumed
3 3
for irrigation in FCT = 13 750 m for irrigation in FCT = 28 750 m
Current Scenario Hypothetical Scenario
Table 8 presents the water needs for irrigation as well as the mean weekly flow rate
for each month, to be considered for sizing the RHS, which is based on typical values
for irrigation at the central and coastal part of Portugal.
Figure 28 represents the percentage distribution of water demand for irrigation per
month, according to water requirements for irrigation represented in column 2 of Table
8. As expected, water needs for the rainiest months is null, while for the hotter and
driest months water demand has the higher values.
Water Demand for Irrigation
Percentage (%) 25,0
20,0 17,6 18,3
3,6 4,0
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
For this case study, the considered catchment surfaces are the roofs of several
buildings located in the FCT Campus. Figure 29, Figure 30, Figure 31 and Figure 32
illustrate the roof materials of those buildings.
Figure 30 - Building X roof, covered with gravel. Buildings VII, VIII and IX roofs are identical.
Analyzing all data collected and all the available information, the next step was to
compare water supply with water demand, in order to produce several or the most
viable solution for the implementation of a RHS on the FCT university campus. With
this goal, several scenarios of water balance were examined.
3.4. Water balance
Five possible scenarios were studied to determine which one best suits the
application of the concept according to the objectives and requirements of the RHS.
A null hypothesis is the basic assumption that will operate as a starting point to
develop other scenarios. This would be the most viable solution in terms of logistics
and infrastructures existing on campus, since the catchment surfaces that fall under
this hypothesis are the roofs of buildings VII, VIII, IX, X and DB (see section
The irrigation area considered for this hypothesis is equivalent to the active and
inactive watering sectors of the campus, namely 2.3 ha. Figure 33 represents all the
irrigation sectors (green) of the FCT campus.
Table 10 presents the figures of total water runoff for each building per year, as well
as the value of total irrigation water consumption per year, considering average annual
Table 10 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water consumption.
Affluence – DB (m ) 2 500
Affluence – Building VII (m ) 1 666
Affluence – Building VIII (m ) 896
Affluence – Building IX (m ) 883
Affluence – Building X (m ) 683
Total Affluence (m ) 6 628
Irrigation Water Consumption (m ) 13 962
As seen by the analysis of Table 10, the volume of average water consumption is
well above the volume of average inflow, which means that supply of rainwater will not
be sufficient to meet all demand. According to the calculations for this scenario the
RHS would require a 193 054 m3 reservoir. Technically, for these conditions, it‟s not
rational to dimension a RHS where the average inflow is lower than the average
outflow. Not only would the reservoir be of monumental dimensions, as it would be an
unaffordable investment.
The reliability and efficiency of RHS are linked directly to a proper sizing of the
storage tank, requiring an optimum combination between the storage volume and the
volume of demand to be met, resulting in higher reliability with lower possible
Table 11 introduces an estimate of the total volume of water consumed for irrigation
per year in FCT Campus, as well as the corresponding economic value, for the null
Table 11 - Estimated annual volume of irrigation water and respective economic value, for the considered
irrigation area of 2.3 ha.
Average weekly flow of water consumed for irrigation in FCT (m ) 827.1
Average annual flow of water consumed for irrigation (m ) 28 750
Cost of 1 m of water charged by SMAS (€) 1.44
Amount spent per year in irrigation water (€) 41 343
Note: The average annual flow of water consumed for irrigation is regarding to the current volume of water
consumed per week for the considered time period of 8 months, as mentioned in section
In Annex VI is provided a recent water bill paid to Serviços Municipalizados de Água
e Saneamento (SMAS – Municipal Services of Water and Sanitation) of Almada by the
FCT. Through this document, it can be observed the value paid for 1 m3 of mains water
supply, as well as all the fees charged for 1 m3 of water consumption. Table 12
presents an assessment of the economic value on the fees charged for water
consumption by the SMAS, which in this case corresponds to the average annual flow
of water consumed for irrigation – 28 750 m3.
Table 12 - Assessment of the economic value associated to the fees charged for water consumption by
the SMAS.
By examining Table 11 and Table 12, the economic amount saved in water by the
FCT would be of 75 004 € per year. Although being a substantial value, taking into
account the size of the reservoir, the expected Return on Investment Period (ROI) will
make a project of this size unfeasible.
Concluding, for the given reasons and figures presented, this hypothesis is
completely impractical. Thus, new scenarios were developed with better economic and
constructive solutions, which may enable the application of this concept in the future.
The 1st scenario conceived is similar in almost everything to the null hypothesis,
except this will include the affluences of buildings I and II. Figure 34 represents the
blueprint of the FCT buildings, where all the catchment surfaces are properly identified.
Figure 34 - Blueprint of all the FCT buildings and the considered catchment surfaces.
Table 13 displays the figures of total water runoff for each building, as well as the
value of total water consumption for the period under review, considering average
annual values.
Table 13 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water consumption, for the
1st scenario.
Affluence – Building I (m ) 1 470
Affluence – Building II (m ) 1 390
Affluence – DB (m ) 2 500
Affluence – Building VII (m ) 1 666
Affluence – Building VIII (m ) 896
Affluence – Building IX (m ) 883
Affluence – Building X (m ) 683
Total Affluence (m ) 9 487
Irrigation Water Consumption (m ) 13 962
Analyzing Table 13, the value of average inflow is still below the average
consumption, which means that supply is not yet sufficient to meet all water demand.
According to the calculations for this scenario, to ensure annual watering for irrigation
of the campus, the RHS would require a 124 949 m3 reservoir. Technically, for these
conditions, it‟s not rational to dimension a RHS where the average inflow is lower than
the average outflow. For the given reasons, the storage volume is still totally
impractical, both constructive and economically.
The economic savings related to water consumption regarding this scenario are the
same presented in Table 10 and Table 11, since the considered irrigated area is also
2.3 ha.
Concluding, for the given reasons and figures presented, this hypothesis is still
completely impractical. Thus, new scenarios were developed with better economic and
constructive solutions, which may enable the application of this concept in the future.
The catchment surfaces considered for this scenario include the buildings VII, VIII,
IX, X and the DB‟s roofs, same as the null hypothesis. The main assumption of this
scenario lies in the area susceptible to be watered. The irrigation area considered for
the sizing of the RHS corresponds to the current active irrigation sectors (see Section
3.3.2.) – 1.1 ha (Figure 35). Thus, based on the values presented in Table 8, all
calculations of water supply and demand were redone, in order to come up with a new
storage volume.
Figure 35 - Blueprint of the campus green areas with active irrigation.
Comparing Figure 33 - Green sectors of the FCT Campus. with Figure 35, it is
noticeable the differences between the 2 plants. Table 14 presents the figures of total
water runoff for each building, as well as the value of total water consumption for the
period under review, considering average annual values.
Table 14 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water consumption, for the
2nd scenario.
Affluence – DB (m ) 2 500
Affluence – Building VII (m ) 1 666
Affluence – Building VIII (m ) 896
Affluence – Building IX (m ) 883
Affluence – Building X (m ) 683
Total Affluence (m ) 6 628
Irrigation Water Consumption (m ) 6 814
Analyzing Table 14, the values of average inflow and average consumption are
quite similar. However, water supply is not yet sufficient to meet all water demand.
According to the calculations for this scenario the RHS would require a 13 408 m3
reservoir to ensure annual watering of the campus. This volume is still quite significant.
However, there is a substantial difference between this and the previous scenarios
regarding to the project feasibility. However, once again, technically, it‟s not rational to
dimension a RHS where the average inflow is lower than the average outflow. Not to
mention that this solution was designed only to consider the current active irrigation
area of 1.1 ha. Considering that the inactive sectors may resume activity in the future,
or assuming that new green zones may arise in the coming years, the system designed
for this scenario is unable to meet their water requirements.
Table 15 introduces an estimate of the total volume of water consumed for irrigation
per year in FCT Campus, as well as the corresponding economic value, for the 2nd
Table 15 - Estimated annual volume of irrigation water and respective economic value, for the considered
irrigation area of 1.1 ha.
Average weekly flow of water consumed for irrigation in FCT (m ) 403.7
Average annual flow of water consumed for irrigation (m ) 13 750
Cost of 1 m of water charged by SMAS (€) 1.44
Amount spent per year in irrigation water (€) 20 177
Note: The average annual flow of water consumed for irrigation is regarding to the current volume of water
consumed per week for the considered time period of 8 months, as mentioned in section
Table 16 presents an assessment of the economic value on the fees charged for
water consumption by the SMAS, which in this case corresponds to the average annual
flow of water consumed for irrigation – 13 750 m3.
Table 16 - Assessment of the economic value associated to the fees charged for water consumption by
the SMAS.
By examining Table 15 and Table 16, the economic amount saved in water by the
FCT would be of 36 605 € per year. Although being a substantial value, taking into
account the size of the reservoir, the expected Return on Investment Period (ROI) will
make a project of this size unfeasible.
Concluding, for the given reasons and figures presented, this hypothesis is still
irrational. Thus, new scenarios were developed with better economic and constructive
solutions, which may enable the application of this concept in the future.
The 3rd scenario is similar to the 2nd scenario except that also includes the affluences of
buildings I and II (see Figure 34). Thus, based on the values presented in Table 8, all
calculations of water supply and demand were redone, in order to come up with a new
storage volume.
Table 17 displays the figures of total water runoff for each building, as well as the
value of total water consumption for the period under review, considering average
annual values.
Table 17 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water consumption, for the
3rd scenario.
Affluence – Building I (m ) 1 470
Affluence – Building II (m ) 1 390
Affluence – DB (m ) 2 500
Affluence – Building VII (m ) 1 666
Affluence – Building VIII (m ) 896
Affluence – Building IX (m ) 883
Affluence – Building X (m ) 683
Total Affluence (m ) 9 487
Irrigation Water Consumption (m ) 6 814
As seen in Table 17, the value of average consumption is below the average
rainwater inflow, which means that supply is sufficient to cover water demand. The
economic savings related to water consumption regarding this scenario are the same
for the previous scenario, demonstrated in Table 15 and Table 16.
According to the calculations for this scenario the RHS would require a 4 161 m3
reservoir. The reservoir volume is quite acceptable in size, making the system in terms
of construction, a feasible project and the most interesting of all scenarios previously
evaluated. However, as the 2nd scenario, this solution was designed only to consider
the current active irrigation area of 1.1 ha. Considering that the inactive sectors may
resume activity in the future or, assuming that new green zones may arise in the
coming years, the system designed for this scenario is unable to meet their potential
water requirements.
For this 4th and final solution proposed, the considered catchment surfaces include
the roofs of buildings I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X, and the DB roof. The
irrigation area considered is equivalent to the campus active and inactive watering
sectors, namely 2.3 ha (see Figure 33). According to the mentioned assumptions,
Table 18 shows the figures of total water runoff for each building, as well as the value
of total water consumption for the period under review, considering average annual
Table 18 - Average annual volume of affluences by building and total irrigation water consumption, for the
4th scenario.
Affluence – Building I (m ) 1 470
Affluence – Building II (m ) 1 390
Affluence – Building III, IV and V (m ) 1 568
Affluence – DB (m ) 2 500
Affluence – Building VII (m ) 1 666
Affluence – Building VIII (m ) 896
Affluence – Building IX (m ) 883
Affluence – Building X (m ) 683
Total Affluence (m ) 11 056
Irrigation Water Consumption (m ) 13 962
As seen by the analysis of Table 18, the volume of average water consumption is
above the volume of average inflow, which means that supply will be insufficient to
meet all water demand. According to the calculations for this scenario, to ensure the
annual watering of the campus, the RHS would require an 87 595 m3 reservoir. Despite
the difference between supply and demand is not as acute as the one presented in the
null hypothesis, this scenario is still unfeasible, since it is technically irrational to
dimension a RHS where the average inflow is lower than the average outflow.
The economic savings related to water consumption regarding this scenario are the
same for the null hypothesis and for the 1st scenario, demonstrated in Table 11 and
Table 12.
st nd rd th
Null Hypothesis 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario
DB; Buildings I, DB; Buildings DB; Buildings I, II,
Catchment DB; Buildings DB; Buildings
Catchment 13 141 18 724 13 141 18 724 21 514
Area (m )
2.3 2.3 1.1 1.1 2.3
Area (ha)
Savings 75 004 75 004 36 605 36 605 75 004
3 193 054 124 949 13 408 4 161 87 595
Volume (m )
As it can be seen, the difference of the tank size is quite significant between similar
circumstances where the only change is the area to be watered.
As mentioned, since the RHS evaluated for all scenarios are completely unfeasible,
except for the 3rd scenario, new alternatives were developed for different system
efficiencies, based on results obtained with 4th scenario. For the same assumptions,
the 4th scenario provided as the cornerstone to present several solutions for future
potential investors and/or decision makers, according to the desired purpose. Table 20
presents new scenarios according to the irrigation efficiency.
RHS Efficiency Tank Volume Irrigated Area Water Savings Water Savings
3 2 3
(%) (m ) (m ) (m /year) (€/year)
90% 52 505 20 672 25 840 67 503
80% 17 416 18 375 22 969 60 003
75% 8 182 17 226 21 533 56 253
70% 6 867 16 078 20 097 52 503
60% 5 290 13 781 17 226 45 002
50% 3 880 11 484 14 355 37 502
40% 2 469 9 187 11 484 30 001
30% 1 058 6 891 8 613 22 501
20% 36 4 594 5 742 15 001
10% 13 2 297 2 871 7 500
As seen, the characteristics of each system, with the exception of the storage
volume, do not show a marked variation from case to case. However, for the tank size,
there is a remarkable difference when the percentage of irrigated drops from 90% to
80% and from 80% to 75%. Figure 36 presents the evolution of each tank size
according to the percentage of irrigated area.
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Figure 36 corroborates the difference between the RHS designed to irrigate 80%
and 90% of area from the other studied solutions. It is expected that the economic
viability of such systems will be reduced or even null, being the reservoir the most
expensive component of a RHS. Therefore, the exponential increase of the tank size
does not compensate an increase of 5 to 10% of irrigated area. Decision making
should be based in choosing a tank size that is appropriate in terms of costs, resources
and construction methods; even if it means that the tanks have to be limited to lower
capacities than would otherwise be justified by roof areas or likely needs of consumers.
This way optimization of tank size will be achieved, according to water demand and
water supply, with a lower Return on Investment (ROI) period.
The total cost of a RHS must take into account all expenditures associated to the
systems installation and operation (water supply systems and electrical and
electromechanical equipment), and construction costs. Though, in order to simplify the
calculations, only the construction costs associated to the water reservoir were
considered, since it is the most expensive component of a RHS, varying significantly
with its size.
As stated previously in section, there are several tanks available in the
market for RWH, made from many different materials. However, for this particular case
study, the most viable option is the construction in situ of reinforced concrete reservoirs
or the design of an artificial pond.
After consulting with certain companies that provide this service, it was conclusive
that most of them only provide tanks for small projects, mainly made of high-density
polyethylene (HDPE), fibreglass or inox steel. Only construction companies provide
services of in situ construction of large capacity reinforced concrete reservoirs. A
specific construction company was contacted and asked for information and advice on
a suitable approach. Information provided by Engineer Carlos Schmidt, concerning
workload prices for each constructive component, was essential to estimate the cost of
each reservoir presented in Table 20. The following data was considered for the
economic assessment of each RHS.
Through the estimated workloads and respective costs, it was possible to produce
Table 21.
Table 21 - Estimated workloads and respective costs of construction for reinforce concrete tanks,
according to each dimension.
Dimensions (m) 103*103*5 60*60*5 41*41*5 38*38*5 33*33*5 29*29*5 23*23*5 15*15*5
wall thickness
0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Walls (271€/m3) 835 650€ 279 950€ 132 940€ 111 925€ 86 675€ 64 000€ 41 250€ 18 250€
Groundsill (m) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
9 500€ 17 600€ 34 600€ 66 000€ 131 950€ 131 950€ 131 950€ 131 950€
443 375€ 149 575€ 71 575€ 60 375€ 46 925€ 34 825€ 22 630€ 10 230€
133 440€ 49 985€ 26 425€ 22 900€ 18 570€ 14 560€ 10 330€ 5 645€
321 520€ 108 245€ 51 675€ 43 570€ 33 825€ 25 070€ 16 250€ 7 300€
1 929 690€ 701 050€ 360 670€ 310 410€ 249 030€ 192 630€ 133 935€ 70 360€
1 608 170€ 592 800€ 308 990€ 266 840€ 215 200€ 167 565€ 117 690€ 63 060€
concrete, semi-
Total (artificial
2 100 215€ 696 630€ 327 275€ 274 680€ 211 615€ 155 190€ 98 765€ 42 340€
As expected, systems with irrigation capability of 90% and 80% of the total area, are
much more expensive than the other. Technically, since water supply is not sufficient to
meet water demand, these options are both economically and constructive unfeasible.
Systems with 10% and 20% of irrigation capability were not considered, since they are
extremely small to meet the primary goal of this case study.
Comparing the system costs with the system economic benefits for every tank sizes
presented in Table 20 and Table 21Table 21 - Estimated workloads and respective
costs of construction for reinforce concrete tanks, according to each dimension., it can
be objectively evaluated the best economic solution to adopt. It is also important to
assess the most cost-effective solution, through the ROI period. The ROI period is
easily achieved since the water update rate was not considered:
ROI = (Years)
ROI – Return On Investment Period (years);
Bi – Benefit per year i (€);
Ci – Cost per year i (€);
This chapter examines the results for all the possibilities presented, in accordance
with their tank volume and respective RHS capability of irrigation, express in terms of
percentage of total potential irrigated area.
Table 22 presents the system details essential for a supported and sustained
decision making. For the reasons mentioned above, systems with a 90%, 80%, 20%
and 10% capability were not considered.
Table 22 - Characteristics of proposed RHS and respective ROI period
% of Irrigated Area
75% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%
System Cost* (€) 360 670€ 310 410€ 249 030€ 192 630€ 133 935€ 70 360€
ROI* (years) 6 6 6 5 4 3
System Cost** (€) 308 990€ 266 840€ 215 200€ 167 565€ 117 690€ 63 060€
ROI** (years) 5 5 5 4 4 3
System Cost*** (€) 327 275€ 274 680€ 211 615€ 155 190€ 98 765€ 42 340€
ROI*** (years) 6 5 5 4 3 2
As seen, it is important to mention that for the system with 50% capability, the
assured irrigation area is around 1.1 ha, equivalent to the current active irrigation area
of the FCT. In other words, this may be a viable solution if the RHS is considered to be
sufficient to meet the future needs of the FCT watering sectors.
According to Table 22, it was possible to evaluate all scenarios and to compare all
the associated features. Figure 37 analyzes the cost evolution according to each
reservoir capacity, for the three construction approaches.
Cost Evolution
400.000 €
Construction Costs (€) 350.000 €
300.000 €
250.000 €
200.000 €
150.000 €
100.000 €
50.000 €
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 37 - Construction costs for each RHS according to the reservoir capacity.
Figure 38 analyzes the ROI period according to each reservoir capacity, for the
three construction approaches.
PRI Evolution
ROI Period (Years)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Tank Volume (m3)
Buried, reinforced tanks Semi-buried, reinforced tanks Artificial Pond
Figure 38 - ROI period for each RHS according to the reservoir capacity.
Analyzing Figure 37 and Figure 38, the construction of the RHS based in a buried,
reinforced concrete reservoir is the most expensive solution. Between the two other
possibilities, for a tank size inferior to 5 290 m3, the most viable solution is the
construction of an artificial pond. For tank sizes superior to 5 290 m3, corresponding to
a system capability of 60%, the most viable option is the construction of a semi-buried,
reinforced concrete reservoir. However, the economic differences between the three
presented solutions, for the same irrigation capability, are minimal. The ROI period is a
very important factor for decision making, but one cannot forget other elements such as
location or visual impact of the storage tank. Therefore, despite being the most
expensive solution, the implementation of a RHS with buried reservoirs has the major
advantage of not being visible to people and to not occupy space on the surface.
From Table 22 and Figure 38, it can be seen that the ROI period has a similar
behaviour for all three construction options. As expected, the ROI period increases
proportionally with the tank volume, due to the higher costs of construction.
Finally, analyzing all the provided information, it is conclusive that this case study
presents a prominent feasibility and reliability rate, not only economically as well as
environmentally, being water a more and more important and increasingly scarce
resource. One might even say that for a project of this importance and dimension, the
ROI period for all scenarios presented, with capabilities between 30% and 75%, is
quite reasonable and should not hinder its implementation.
4. Conclusions
Traditionally, water was a cheap, safe and abundant resource, accessible to all,
without any economic cost. However, this situation changed dramatically and the
traditional approaches may not be sustainable due to increased pressures from climate
change, population growth and intense urbanization, making water a scarce and a
valuable resource, economically, strategically and environmentally.
A case study was introduced, which main goal is to assess the feasibility of RWH for
irrigation of green areas in the FCT/UNL campus. The followed methodology consisted
in gathering information on six key variables: Rainfall Data; Determination of Irrigation
Water Consumption; Water Demand; Determination of Green Areas with Active and
Inactive Irrigation; Determination of the Roof Areas and Roofing Material. Methods for
modelling these variables were discussed and suitable approaches selected.
Regarding tank sizing, there are a number of different methods suitable for a proper
dimensioning. For this particular case, the Rippl Method was selected, since it is the
most commonly used in RWH.
Currently, in Portugal, few companies already provide these services. However, all
the developed scenarios predict the installation of considerable size tanks and
therefore only reinforced concrete and pre-fabricated concrete materials were
A financial assessment was then produced, where only the construction costs
associated to the water reservoir were considered, since it is the most expensive
component of a RHS. The cost benefit analysis for every solution was essential to
determine the ROI period and therefore to assist in a more rational judgement by the
decision-maker. The system details and the provided information presented viable
solutions to reduce consumption of potable water from the mains water supply.
This research work seeks to make aware for the importance of RWH and to
encourage the implementation of RHS to reduce the use of drinking water for non-
potable uses, and thus contributing to address water scarcity problems all over the
world. Regarding the presented case study, the main conclusion is that there is a
considerable inefficiency in water consumption, currently carried out by the FCT green
area watering system. Too much water is being spent for the existing irrigation sectors
and therefore, may the presented figures contribute to better management and
programming of the irrigation system. Besides the economic inefficiency, one cannot
ignore the involved environmental component, when using significant amounts of
drinking water unnecessarily.
There is still much to do regarding this research area development. However, the
first step concerning the implementation of a RHS is taken and now only future will tell
if the FCT will be the first Portuguese University to give the example and to adopt an
important strategy towards resources preservation and sustainability.
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Annex I – Water Quality Parameters for Irrigation (Adapted from Decreto-
Lei nº 236/98).
(1) The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is explained by the following equation (concentrations are expressed in meq/l):
SAR=Na/ [(Ca+Mg)/2] ½
ANNEX II – Map of the Active and Inactive Irrigation Sectors (green) of the
FCT Campus.
ANNEX III – Blueprint of the FCT Buildings.
ANNEX IV – Water Drainage System of the FCT Campus.
ANNEX V – Water Supply Network of the FCT Campus.
ANNEX VI – Water Bill Paid to Serviços Municipalizados de Água e
Saneamento of Almada by FCT.