Great Compassion Repentance Rev
Great Compassion Repentance Rev
Great Compassion Repentance Rev
Dà Bēi Chàn
大 悲 懺
The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy
Content 頁數
Printed by Devotees of
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
大 悲 懺
The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音 菩 薩 (三稱出觀)
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn pú sà [3 times 3 prostrations]
Homage to the Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
楊 枝 淨 水. 遍 灑 三 千。
Yáng zhī jìng shuǐ. Biàn sǎ sān qiān.
Blessed water is sprinkled with willow wands through the three thousand realms.
性 空 八 德 利 人 天。
Xìng kōng bā dé lì rén tiān.
Its nature of emptiness and eight virtues benefit the heavens and the earth.
福 壽 廣 增 延。
Fú shòu guǎng zēng yán.
Fortune and longevity are both enhanced and extended.
滅 罪 消 愆。
Miè zuì xiāo qiān.
Offenses absolved and calamities extinguished
火 燄 化 紅 蓮。
Huǒ yàn huà hóng lián.
Burning flames transform into crimson lotus flowers.
南 無 觀 世 音 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩 (三稱三拜)
Ná mó guān shì yīn pú sà mó hē sà (3 prostrations)
Homage to the Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
一 切 恭 謹。
Yī qiè gong jǐn.
Let us all be respectful and solemn.
一 心 頂 禮。十 方 常 住 三 寶。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Shí fāng cháng zhù sān bǎo.
Single mindedly, we prostrate to the Triple Gem in the ten directions.
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises, and makes one half bow.]
[The congregation kneels, and raises the plate containing incense and a flower in front
of them. Using your left hand, hold the plate with the thumb, index and little finger.
Balance the bottom with your middle and ring finger. Press the middle and index fingers
of your right hand on the edge of the plate.]
願 此 香 華 雲。遍 滿 十 方 界。
Yuàn cǐ xiāng huá yún. Biàn mǎn shí fang jiè.
May these fragrant clouds of incense and flowers permeate the realms in the ten directions.
一 一 諸 佛 土。無 量 香 莊 嚴。
Yī yī zhū fó tǔ. Wú liàng xiāng zhuāng yán.
May each and every Buddha land be adorned with this fragrance.
具 足 菩 薩 道。成 就 如 來 香。
Jù zú pú sà dào. Chéng jiù rú lái xiāng.
May the Bodhisattva path be fulfilled and realize the fragrance of the Tathagata.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
我 此 香 華 遍 十 方. . .
Wǒ cǐ xiāng huá biàn shí fāng ……………….
We hold aloft this incense and flower……………..…
[The congregation continues to hold the plate while contemplating in silence the
offerings to the Buddhas in all directions. The following is also read in silence (optional)]
以 為 微 妙 光 明 臺,諸 天 音 樂 天 寶 香,諸
Yǐ wéi wéi miào guāng míng tái, zhū tiān yīn yuè tiān bǎo xiāng, zhū
天 餚 膳 天 寶 衣,不 可 思 議 妙 法 塵,一 一
tiān yáo shàn tiān bǎo yī, bù kě sī yì miào fǎ chén, yī yī
塵 出 一 切 塵,一 一 塵 出 一 切 法,旋 轉 無
chén chū Yī qiè chén, yī yī chén chū yī qiè fǎ, xuán zhuǎn wú
礙 互 莊 嚴,遍 至 十 方 三 寶 前,十 方 法 界
ài hù zhuāng yán, biàn zhì shí fang sān bǎo qián, shí fang fǎ jiè
三 寶 前,悉 有 我 身 修 供 養,一 一 皆 悉 遍
sān bǎo qián, xī yǒu wǒ shēn xiū gong yǎng, yī yī jiē xī biàn
法 界,彼 彼 無 雜 無 障 礙,盡 未 來 際 作 佛
fǎ jiè, bǐ bǐ wú zá wú zhàng 'ài, jǐn wèi lái jì zuò fó
事,普 熏 法 界 諸 眾 生,蒙 熏 皆 發 菩 提 心,
shì, pǔ xūn fǎ jiè zhū zhòng shēng, méng xūn jiē fā pú tí xīn,
同 入 無 生 證 佛 智。
tóng rù wú shēng zhèng fo zhì
“We hold aloft this incense and flower that pervades the ten directions, making a tower of subtle,
wonderful light. All heavenly music, jeweled heavenly incense, rare heavenly delicacies, and jeweled
heavenly garments, all inconceivably wonderful dharma-objects, each object emitting all objects, each
object emitting all dharmas, revolving unobstructed and adorning each other, are offered everywhere
to the Triple Jewel of the ten directions. Before the Triple Jewel of the Dharma Realm of the ten
directions, my body everywhere makes offerings. Each one entirely pervades the Dharma Realm,
each one unalloyed and unimpeded, exhausting the bounds of the future, doing the Buddhas' work,
and spreading fragrance everywhere over all the living beings in the Dharma Realm. Having received
the fragrance, they bring forth the Bodhi-mind, and together they enter the unproduced and are
certified to the Buddhas' wisdom.”
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises, makes one half bow, and kneels
back down.]
南 無 過 去。正 法 明 如 來。現 前 觀 世 音 菩 薩。
Na mo guò qù. Zhèng fǎ míng rú lái. Xiàn qián guān shì yīn pú sà
Homage to the ancient True Path Light Tathagata who is the present Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,
成 妙 功 德。具 大 慈 悲 於 一 身 心。現 千 手 眼。
Chéng miào gong dé. Jù dà cí bēi yú yī shēn xīn. Xiàn qiān shǒu yǎn
Who perfects excellent virtue and merit with utmost compassion and kindness. With one body and
故 我 一 心 歸 命 頂 禮。
Gù wǒ yī xīn guī mìng ding lǐ.
Thus, we single mindedly prostrate and take refuge.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises, and makes one half bow. Pick up the
sandalwood as offering.]
一 心 頂 禮。本 師 釋 迦 牟 尼 世 尊。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Běn shī shì jiā móu ní shì zūn.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the Root Teacher, the Bhagavat Shakyamuni.
[The congregation raises the sandalwood as offering, then makes one full prostration,
and rises.]
一 心 頂 禮。西 方 極 樂 世 界 阿 彌 陀 世 尊。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Xī fāng jí lè shì jiè ó mí tuó shì zūn.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the Bhagavat Amitabha of the Western Pure Land of Ultimate
一 心 頂 禮。過 去 無 量 億 劫。千 光 王 靜 住 世 尊。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Guò qù wú liàng yì jié. Qiān guāng wáng jìng zhù shì zūn.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the Bhagavat Thousand Light King of Calmness who appeared
countless trillions of kalpas in the past.
一 心 頂 禮。過 去 九 十 九 億。殑 伽 沙 諸 佛 世 尊。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Guò qù jiǔ shí jiǔ yì. Qíng jiā shā zhū fó shì zūn.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the many ancient Bhagavat Buddhas, as may as the grains of
sand in ninety-nine billion Ganges Rivers.
一 心 頂 禮。過 去 無 量 劫 正 法 明 世 尊。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Guò qù wú liàng jié zhèng fǎ míng shì zūn.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the Bhagavat True Path Light, who appeared countless kalpas
in the past.
一 心 頂 禮。十 方 一 切 諸 佛 世 尊。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Shí fāng yī qiè zhū fó shì zūn.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to all Buddhas in the ten directions.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
一 心 頂 禮。賢 劫 千 佛 三 世 一 切 諸 佛 世 尊。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Xián jié qiān fó sān shì yī qiè zhū fó shì zūn.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the Thousand Bhagavat Buddhas of the past, present an future
in the Bhadra Kalpa (blessed period of time).
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises, and makes one half bow. Pick up
the sandalwood as offering.]
一 心 頂 禮。廣 大 圓 滿 無 閡 大 悲 心 大 陀 羅
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Guǎng dà yuan mǎn wú ài dà bēi xīn dà tuó luó
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the vast, great, perfect and complete Great Compassion
尼。神 妙 章 句。
ní. Shén miào zhāng jù.
Dharani and its sacred words and verses.
[The congregation raises the sandalwood as offering, then makes one full
prostration, and rises. Repeat three times.]
一 心 頂 禮。觀 音 所 說 諸 陀 羅 尼。及 十 方
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Guān yīn suǒ shuō zhū tuó luó ní. Jí shí fāng
三 世 一 切 尊 法。
sān shì yī qiè zūn fǎ.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to all Dharanis spoken by Avalokitesvara and the revered
Dharma of the Ten Direction and three periods of time.
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises, and makes one half bow.
Pick up the sandalwood as offering.]
一 心 頂 禮。千 手 千 眼 大 慈 大 悲 觀 世 音 自
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Qiān shǒu qiān yǎn dà cí dà bēi guān shì yīn zì
在 菩 薩。摩 訶 薩。
zài pú sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the greatly kind and compassionate Avalokitesvara
Bodhisattva Mahasattva who with a thousand hands and thousand eyes contemplates at ease the
sounds of the world.
[The congregation raises the sandalwood as offering, then makes one full prostration,
and rises. Repeat three times.]
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
一 心 頂 禮。大 勢 至 菩 薩。摩 訶 薩。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Dà shì zhì pú sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Mahasattva.
一 心 頂 禮。總 持 王 菩 薩。摩 訶 薩。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Zǒng chí wáng pú sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to the king who upholds the Dharani Bodhisattva Mahasattva.
薩。摩 訶 薩。
sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to Ratnaraja, Bhaisajyaraja and Bhaisajyasamugata Bodhisattva
菩 薩。摩 訶 薩。
pú sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to Avatamsaka, Mahasamaya, and Ratnagarbha Bodhisattva
藏 菩 薩。摩 訶 薩。
cáng pú sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to Gunagarbha, Vajragarbha, and Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
利 菩 薩。摩 訶 薩。
lì pú sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to Maitreya, Samantabhadra, and Manjusri Bodhisattva
一 心 頂 禮。十 方 三 世 一 切 菩 薩。摩 訶 薩。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Shí fāng sān shì yī qiè pú sà. Mó hē sà.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to all Bodhisattva Mahasattvas in the ten directions and three
periods of time.
一 心 頂 禮。摩 訶 迦 葉 無 量 無 數。大 聲 聞 僧。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Mó hē jiā yè wú liàng wú shù. Dà shēng wén sēng.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to Venerable Mahakasyapa and the countless elders of the
Sravaka Sangha.
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises, and makes one half bow. Pick up the
sandalwood as offering.]
一 心 頂 禮。闡 天 台 教 觀 四 明 尊 者。法 智 大 師。
Yī xīn ding lǐ. Chǎn tiān tái jiào guān sì míng zūn zhě. Fǎ zhì dà shī.
Single mindedly, we pay reverence to Venerable Master Fa Zhi of the Tien Tai School who taught the
four contemplations leading to enlightenment.
[The congregation raises the sandalwood as offering, then makes one full prostration,
rises and makes one half bow. Remain standing.]
一 心 代 為 善 叱 梵。摩 瞿 婆 伽 天 子 護 世 四
Yī xīn dài wéi shàn chì fàn. Mó qú pó jiā tiān zǐ hù shì sì
Single mindedly on behalf of the Brahma deities, the four heavenly kings,
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
宮 殿 神 等。及 守 護 持 咒。
Gōng diàn shén děng. Jí shǒu hù chí zhòu.
palace and shrine spirits and other spirits, to guard this Dharani.
一 切 天 龍 鬼 神 各 及 眷 屬。頂 禮 三 寶。
Yī qiè tiān lóng guǐ shén gè jí juàn shǔ. Dǐng lǐ sān bǎo.
On behalf of all these gods and spirits, as well as their families, we prostrate to the Triple Gem.
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises, makes one half bow, and kneels
back down.]
童 男 童 女。欲 誦 持 者。於 諸 眾 生。
Tóng nán tóng nǚ. Yù sòng chí zhě. Yú zhū zhòng shēng.
hold and recite this dharani, he/she should
起 慈 悲 心。先 當 從 我 發 如 是 願。
Qǐ cí bēi xīn. Xiān dāng cóng wǒ fā rú shì yuàn.
be kind and compassionate to all beings.” Please follow me in making these following vows:
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 速 知 一 切 法。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ sù zhī yī qiè fǎ.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to quickly know all of the Dharma.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 早 得 智 慧 眼。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ zǎo dé zhì huì yǎn.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to soon obtain the eyes of wisdom.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 速 度 一 切 眾。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ sù dù yī qiè zhòng.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to quickly liberate all sentient beings.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 早 得 善 方 便。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ zǎo dé shàn fang biàn.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to soon obtain expedient means.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 速 乘 般 若 船。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ sù chéng bō rě chuán.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to quickly sail the boat of Prajna.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 早 得 越 苦 海。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ zǎo dé yuè kǔ hǎi.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to soon cross the ocean of suffering.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 速 得 戒 定 道。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ sù dé jiè dìng dào.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to quickly obtain the path of precepts,
concentration and Prajna.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 早 登 涅 槃 山。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ zǎo dēng niè pán shān.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to soon reach the summit of Nirvana.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 速 會 無 為 舍。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ sù huì wú wéi shě.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to quickly enter the shelter of the unconditioned.
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音。 願 我 早 同 法 性 身。
Ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn. Yuàn wǒ zǎo tóng fǎ xìng shēn.
Homage to the Compassionate Avalokitesvara, I vow to soon acquire the body with a Dharma nature.
我 若 向 刀 山。 刀 山 自 摧 折。
Wǒ ruò xiàng dāo shān. Dāo shān zì cuī zhé.
If I ever encounter a mountain of knives, the knives will break.
我 若 向 火 湯。 火 湯 自 枯 竭。
Wǒ ruò xiàng huǒ tāng. Huǒ tāng zì kū jié.
If I ever encounter boiling water, the water will evaporate.
我 若 向 地 嶽。 地 嶽 自 消 滅。
Wǒ ruò xiàng dì yuè. Di yuè zì xiāo miè.
If I ever encounter hells, the hells will vanish and dissipate.
我 若 向 餓 鬼。 餓 鬼 自 飽 滿。
Wǒ ruò xiàng è guǐ. È guǐ zì bǎo mǎn.
If I ever encounter hungry ghosts, the ghosts will be fed and be full.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
我 若 向 修 羅。 惡 心 自 調 伏。
Wǒ ruò xiàng xiū luó. È xīn zì diào fú.
If I encounter the asuras, the asuras hatred will subside.
我 若 向 畜 生。 自 得 大 智 慧。
Wǒ ruò xiàng chù shēng. Zì dé dà zhì huì.
If I encounter animals, the animals will attain great wisdom.
南 無 觀 世 音 菩 薩。
Ná mó guān shì yīn pú sà. [ten times]
Homage to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛。
Ná mó ó mí tuó fó. [ten times]
Homage to Amitabha Buddha.
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises and makes one half bow.]
誦 持 大 悲 神 咒。墮 三 惡 道 者。我 誓 不 成
Sòng chí dà bēi shén zhòu. Duò sān è dào zhě. Wǒ shì bù chéng
正 覺。
zhèng jué.
誦 持 大 悲 神 咒。若 不 生 諸 佛 國 者。我 誓
Sòng chí dà bēi shén zhòu. Ruò bù shēng zhū fó guó zhě. Wǒ shì
不 成 正 覺。
bù chéng zhèng jué.
誦 持 大 悲 神 咒。若 不 得 無 量 三 昧 辯 才 者。
Sòng chí dà bēi shén zhòu. Ruò bù dé wú liàng sān mèi biàn cái zhě.
我 誓 不 成 正 覺。
Wǒ shì bù chéng zhèng jué.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
誦 持 大 悲 神 咒 於 現 在 生 中。一 切 所 求
Sòng chí dà bēi shén zhòu yú xiàn zài shēng zhōng. Yī qiè suǒ qiú
若 不 果 遂 者。不 得 為 大 悲 心 陀 羅 尼 也。
ruò bù guǒ suì zhě. Bù dé wéi dà bēi xīn tuó luó ní yě.
乃 至 說 是 語 已。於 眾 會 前。合 掌 正 住。
Nǎi zhì shuō shì yǔ yǐ. Yú zhòng huì qián. Hé zhǎng zhèng zhù.
於 諸 眾 生。起 大 悲 心 開 顏 含 笑。即 說
Yú zhū zhòng shēng. Qǐ dà bēi xīn kāi yán hán xiào. Jí shuō
如 是 廣 大 圓 滿 無 閡 大 悲 心 大 陀 羅 尼。
rú shì guǎng dà yuan mǎn wú ài dà bēi xīn dà tuó luó ní.
神 妙 章 句。陀 羅 尼 曰。
Shén miào zhāng jù. Tuó luó ní yuē.
(Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva addressed the Buddha, saying “Bhagavat! If any being recites and
upholds the miraculous Great Compassion Dharani, and is reborn in the three evil realms, I will not
attain ultimate enlightenment.
“If any being who recites and upholds the miraculous Great Compassion Dharani, and is not reborn
in a Buddha realm, I will not attain ultimate enlightenment.
“If any being who recites and upholds the miraculous Great Compassion Dharani, and does not
acquire the boundless Samadhi and oratory eloquence, I will not attain ultimate enlightenment.
“If any being who recites and upholds the miraculous Great Compassion Dharani, and cannot have
their wishes fulfilled in the present life, I will not attain ultimate enlightenment.”
After saying these pledges to the Buddha, she then turned in front of the assembly with both palms
together and a kind smile, engendered by the thought of great compassion for all beings, she
discourses the miraculous verses and sentences of this grand, complete, and unobstructed Dharani
of Great Compassion.
The sublime and sacred holy dharani is stated thus):
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
大 悲 咒
Dà bēi zhòu
南 無 喝 囉 怛 那 哆 囉 夜 耶。南 無 阿 唎 耶。
Ná mó hē la dán nà duō la yè yé ná mó ō lì yé
婆 盧 羯 帝 爍 缽 囉 耶。菩 提 薩 埵 婆 耶。
pó lú jié dì shuò bō la yé pú tí sà duǒ pó yé
摩 訶 薩 埵 婆 耶。摩 訶 迦 盧 尼 迦 耶。唵。
mó hē sà duǒ pó yé mó hē jiā lú ní jiā yé ǎn
薩 皤 囉 罰 曳。數 怛 那 怛 寫。南 無 悉 吉 慄 埵
sà pó la fá yè shù dán nà dán xiě ná mó xī jí lì duǒ
伊 蒙 阿 唎 耶。婆 盧 吉 帝 室 佛 囉 愣 馱 婆。
yī méng ō lì yé pó lú jí dì shì fo la lèng tuó pó
南 無 那 囉 謹 墀。醯 利 摩 訶 皤 哆 沙 咩。
ná mó nà la jǐn chí xī lì mó hē pan duō shā miē
薩 婆 阿 他 豆 輸 朋。阿 逝 孕。薩 婆 薩 哆 那
sà pó ō tā dòu shū péng ō shì yùn sà pó sà duō nà
摩 婆 薩 哆 那 摩 婆 伽。摩 罰 特 豆。怛 姪 他。
mó pó sà duō nà mó pó qie mó fá tè dòu dán zhí tā
摩 訶 菩 提 薩 埵。薩 婆 薩 婆。摩 囉 摩 囉。
mó hē pú tí sà duǒ sà pó sà pó mó la mó la
摩 醯 摩 醯 唎 馱 孕。俱 盧 俱 盧 羯 蒙。度 盧
mó xī mó xī lì tuó yùn jù lú jù lú jié méng dù lú
度 盧 罰 闍 耶 帝。摩 訶 罰 闍 耶 帝。陀 囉 陀
dù lú fá ser yé dì mó hē fá ser yé dì tuó la tuó
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呼 嚧 摩 囉。呼 嚧 呼 嚧 醯 利。娑 囉 娑 囉。
hū lú mó la hū lú hū lú xī lì suō la suō la
悉 唎 悉 唎。蘇 嚧 蘇 嚧。菩 提 夜 菩 提 夜。
xī lì xī lì sū lú sū lú pú tí yè pú tí yè
菩 馱 夜 菩 馱 夜。彌 帝 唎 夜。那 囉 謹 墀。
Pú tuó yè pú tuó yè mí dì lì yè nà la jǐn chí
摩 囉 那 囉。娑 婆 訶。悉 囉 僧 阿 穆 佉 耶。
mó la nà la suō pó hē xī la sēng ō mù qū yé
娑 婆 訶。娑 婆 摩 訶 阿 悉 陀 夜。娑 婆 訶。
suō pó hē suō pó mó hē ō xī tuó yè suō pó hē
者 吉 囉 阿 悉 陀 夜。娑 婆 訶。波 陀 摩 羯
zhě jí la ō xī tuó yè suō pó hē bō tuó mó jié
悉 陀 夜。娑 婆 訶。那 囉 謹 墀 皤 伽 囉 耶。
xī tuó yè suō pó hē nà la jǐn chí pó qie la yé
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娑 婆 訶。摩 婆 利 勝 羯 囉 夜。娑 婆 訶。
suō pó hē mó pó lì shèng jié la yè suō pó hē
南 無 喝 囉 怛 那 哆 囉 夜 耶 。南 無 阿 唎 耶
ná mó hē la dán nà duō la yè yé ná mó ō lì yé
[This Dharani may be recited a total of three, seven or up to eighteen times, depending
on the time. On the third repetition of the mantra and at the signal of the lead chanter’s
hand bell, the congregation first makes a half bow and then faces the center aisle to
begin circumambulating the shrine hall, continuing to do this until the final invocation
of the mantra. After the mantra is finished, the congregation return to their seats and
makes a half bow.]
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觀 世 音 菩 薩。說 此 咒 已。大 地 六 變 震 動。
Guān shì yīn pú sà. Shuō cǐ zhòu yǐ. Dà dì liù biàn zhèn dòng.
得 阿 那 含 果。或 得 阿 羅 漢 果。或 得 一 地
dé ā nà hán guǒ. Huò dé ā luó hàn guǒ. Huò dé yī dì
二 地 三 四 五 地 乃 至 十 地 者。無 量 眾 生。
èr de sān sì wǔ de nǎi zhì shí dì zhě wú liàng zhòng shēng.
發 菩 提 心。
Fā pú tí xīn.
When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished reciting this mantra, the earth shook in six ways and the
sky rained down heavenly flowers, which fell in a profusion of colors.
All the Buddhas were delighted, but Mara and heretics were all petrified in fear. Everyone in the
assembly achieved the fruits of the spiritual path.
Some achieved the fruit of stream-enterer, some that of a once returner, some a non returner,
And some even attained the fruit of an Arhat. Some achieved the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or
even up to the tenth stage of the Bodhisattva path and countless beings aspired to bodhicitta.
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The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy 大悲懺
我 及 眾 生. . .
Wǒ jí zhòng sheng……….
I and all beings...
無 始 常 為 三 業 六 根,重 罪 所 障,不 見 諸 佛,
wú shǐ zhǎng wèi sān yè liù gēn, zhòng zuì suǒ zhàng, bù jiàn zhū fó,
猶 與 眾 生,同 為 一 切 重 罪 所 障,今 對 觀 音,
yóu yǔ zhòng shēng, tóng wéi yī qiè zhòng zuì suǒ zhàng, jīn duì guān yīn,
護,令 障 消 滅‧
hù, lìng zhàng xiāo miè‧
“I and all living beings, from beginningless time, have been constantly obstructed by the grave
offenses of the three karmic actions and the six sense-faculties, not seeing any Buddhas, not
knowing the essentials of escape, merely complying with birth and death and not knowing the
wonderful principle. Now, although I know, I continue, along with all other living beings, to be
obstructed by all kinds of grave offenses. Now, before Avalokitesvara and the Buddhas of the ten
directions, for the sake of all living beings everywhere, I return my life in repentance and reform,
praying that there will be protection, and that offenses will be caused to be eradicated.”
[The congregation rises at the sound of the handbell, then make a half bow. Kneel.]
普 為 四 恩 三 有。法 界 眾 生。
Pǔ wèi sì ēn sān yǒu. Fǎ jiè zhòng shēng.
悉 願 斷 除 三 障。歸 命 懺 悔。
Xī yuàn duàn chú sān zhàng. Guī mìng chàn huǐ.
For the three realms and four gratitudes, and for all beings in the Dharma realm, let us vow to cut off
the three hindrances. Thus, let us take refuge and repent.
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我 及 眾 生. . .
Wǒ yǔ zhòng sheng………..
I and all beings...
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惟 願 觀 音,慈 悲 攝 受
wéi yuan guān yīn, cí bēi shè shòu
“I and all beings, from beginningless time until the present, because of love and views, I scheme
for myself within, and consort with bad friends outside. I do not rejoice compliantly in even a hair's
breadth of the good of others, but with the three karmic actions commit all manner of offenses on
a wide scale. Although what I do is not a very great matter in itself, my evil mind pervades
everything. It continues day and night without cease, covering up its transgressions, errors, and
mistakes, not wanting people to know, not fearing evil ways, not ashamed , without remorse,
denying cause and effect. Therefore, on this day, I have come to believe deeply in cause and
effect. I give birth to deep shame and great fear and repent. I cut off that incessant mind, bring
forth the Bodhi-mind, cut off evil and cultivate good, go diligently forward in the three karmic
actions, reform all my past errors, and rejoice compliantly in the slightest hair's breadth of the
good of sages and ordinary people. I recollect the Buddhas of the ten directions, who have great
blessings and wisdom which can rescue me and pull me, along with all other living beings, out of
the sea of the two deaths, and can bring me straight to the shore of the three virtues. From
beginningless time onward, I have not known that all dharmas are in their fundamental nature
empty and still, and I have committed all manner of evil on a wide scale. Knowing now that all
dharmas are empty and still, for the sake of seeking Bodhi and for the sake of living beings, I
completely cut off every evil, and cultivate all good on a wide scale. I only pray that Avalokitesvara
will compassionately gather it in and receive it.”
[The congregation rises at the sound of the handbell, then make a half bow. Kneel.]
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法。不 得 熏 修。今 遇 大 悲 圓 滿 神 咒。
fǎ. Bù dé xūn xiū. Jīn yù dà bēi yuan mǎn shén zhòu.
Now we have encountered the complete and full Dharani of Great Compassion. This Dharani
歸 向 觀 世 音 菩 薩。及 十 方 大 師。發 菩 提 心。
Guī xiàng guān shì yīn pú sà. Jí shí fāng dà shī. Fā pú tí xīn.
We pray to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and all great masters. We aspire to bodhicitta, and practice the
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畢 竟 消 除。惟 願 大 悲 觀 世 音 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩。
Bì jìng xiāo chú. Wéi yuàn dà bēi guān shì yīn pú sà mó hē sà.
Our transgressions will be eliminated. We vow to the great compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
千 手 護 持。千 眼 照 見。令 我 等 內 外 障 緣。
Qiān shǒu hù chí. Qiān yǎn zhào jiàn. Lìng wǒ děng nèi wài zhàng yuán.
Mahasattva who will guard us with her thousand hands and eyes. May all internal and external
hindrances be eliminated.
同 到 智 地。
Tóng dào zhì di.
and into the land of wisdom.
懺 悔 發 願 己。歸 命 禮 三 寶。
Chàn huǐ fā yuan jǐ. Guī mìng lǐ sān bǎo.
Now that we have completed the repentance and pledges, we shall take refuge and prostrate to the
Triple Gem.
[The congregation makes one full prostration, rises and makes one half bow.]
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南 無 十 方 佛。
Ná mó shí fāng fó.
Homage to the Buddhas in the Ten Directions
南 無 十 方 法。
Ná mó shí fāng fǎ.
Homage to the Dharmas in the Ten Directions
南 無 十 方 僧。
Ná mó shí fāng sēng.
Homage to the Sanghas in the Ten Directions
南 無 本 師 釋 迦 牟 尼 佛。
Ná mó běn shī shì jiā móu ní fó.
Homage to the Root Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha
南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛。
Ná mó ó mí tuó fó.
Homage to Amitabha Buddha
南 無 千 光 王 靜 住 佛。
Ná mó qiān guāng wáng jìng zhù fó.
Homage to Thousand Light King of Calmness Buddha
南 無 廣 大 圓 滿 無 閡 大 悲 心 大 陀 羅 尼。
Ná mó guǎng dà yuán mǎn wú ài dà bēi xīn dà tuó luó ní.
Homage to the great and vast, complete and unobstructed Great Compassion Dharani
南 無 千 手 千 眼 觀 世 音 菩 薩。
Ná mó qiān shǒu qiān yǎn guān shì yīn pú sà.
Homage to the Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
南 無 大 勢 至 菩 薩。
Ná mó dà shì zhì pú sà.
Homage to Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva
南 無 總 持 王 菩 薩。
Ná mó zǒng chí wáng pú sà.
Homage to the Bodhisattva King who Upholds the Dharani.
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三 皈 依 Taking Refuge
Sān Guī Yī
自 皈 依 佛。當 願 眾 生。
Zì guī yī fó. Dāng yuan zhòng shēng.
體 解 大 道。發 無 上 心。 (拜)
Tǐ jiě dà dào. Fā wú shàng xīn. (prostrate)
自 皈 依 法。當 願 眾 生。
Zì guī yī fǎ. Dāng yuàn zhòng shēng.
深 入 經 藏。智 慧 如 海。 (拜)
Shēn rù jīng záng . Zhì huì rú hǎi. (prostrate)
自 皈 依 僧。當 願 眾 生。
Zì guī yī sēng. Dāng yuàn zhòng shēng.
I take refuge in the Buddha, wishing that all sentient beings shall realise the great path,
understand the Dharma and aspire to the supreme state of mind.
I take refuge in the Dharma, wishing that all sentient beings
study the sutras diligently and obtain prajna-wisdom as vast as the ocean.
I take refuge in the Sangha, wishing that all sentient beings shall
lead the communities, in harmony without obstruction/hindrances.
聖 觀 自 在。古 佛 垂 形。
Shèng guān zì zài. Gǔ fó chuí xíng.
The most holy Avalokitesvara, a manifestation of an ancient buddha,
一 千 手 眼 展 慈 心。
Yī qiān shǒu yǎn zhǎn cí xīn.
With a thousand hands and eyes, she extends her loving kindness.
九 界 拔 沉 淪。
Jiǔ jiè bá chén lún.
Bringing salvation to those caught in the mire of the nine realms.
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神 咒 功 深。萬 善 悉 駢 臻。
Shén zhòu gōng shēn. Wàn shàn xī pián zhēn.
The profound power of the sacred Dharani, It is full and replete with a million virtues.
南 無 施 無 畏 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩 (三稱)
Ná mó shī wú wèi pú sà mó hē sà (3 times)
Homage to the Bodhisattva Mahasattva who is the giver of freedom from fear.
大 回 向 Dedication of Merits
Dà Huí Xiàng
禮 懺 功 德 殊 勝 行。無 邊 勝 福 皆 回 向
Lǐ chàn gong dé shū sheng xíng Wú biān shèng fó jiē huí xiàng
普 願 沈 溺 諸 有 情。速 往 無 量 光 佛 剎
Pǔ yuàn chén nì zhū yǒu qíng sù wǎng wú liàng guāng fó shā
十 方 三 世 一 切 佛。一 切 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
shí fang sān shì yī qiè fo Yī qiè pú sà mó hē sà
摩 訶 般 若 波 羅 蜜
mó hē bō rě bō luó mì
May the merits from this supreme practice of repentance and all of its countless superior
blessings be transferred and dedicated.
May all sentient beings still attached to the world of samsara soon be reborn in the Buddha’s
land of Infinite light.
To all Buddhas of the past, present, and future with All Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas in the ten
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Names of donors
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