Hangeul Was Created in 1443 by King Sejong of The Joseon Dynasty. Before
Hangeul Was Created in 1443 by King Sejong of The Joseon Dynasty. Before
Hangeul Was Created in 1443 by King Sejong of The Joseon Dynasty. Before
Hangeul was created in 1443 by King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty. Before
that, Koreans used Chinese characters when writing Korean language.
However, Chinese characters were too difficult for ordinary people without
education. Thus, King Sejong created Hangeul, which can be easily used by
ordinary people.
ㆍ round
ㅣ+ ㆍ = ㅏ [a]
ㅣ + ㆍㆍ = ㅑ [ja]
ㅡ flat
ㆍ+ㅡ = ㅗ [o]
ㅣ standing
person ㆍㆍ + ㅡ = ㅛ [jo]
King Sejong made ‘ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ’ based on the three basic vowels (i.e,
•, ㅡ, ㅣ). which depicted the round sky, the flat earth, and a standing person. The
rest of the vowels were made by combining these basic letters.
ㄱ [k/g] → ㅋ [kh]
ㄷ [t/d] → ㅌ [th] One more stroke was added to the basic letters
to make the sounds ‘ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅊ’ with strong air
ㅂ [p/b] → ㅍ [ph] flow.
ㅈ [ts/dz] → ㅊ [tsh]
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Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
ㄱ [k/g] → ㄲ [k′]
ㄷ [t/d] → ㄸ [t′]
The same letter was written twice for tense sounds as
ㅂ [p/b] → ㅃ [p′]
in ‘ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ’.
ㅅ [s] → ㅆ [s′]
ㅈ [ts/dz] → ㅉ [ts′]
Consonants and vowels are combined to form syllable blocks. In writing, every
syllable must have at least one consonant and one vowel. Consonants cannot be
written alone. Likewise, vowels cannot stand alone. Therefore, when a syllable
has no consonant in the initial position, ZERO ‘ㅇ’ is written to hold the empty
consonant position. A consonant is also allowed in the final position.
The Korean language has 21 vowels in total. There are vertical vowels (ㅣ, ㅏ,
ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ) and horizontal vowels (ㅡ, ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ).
1. Vowel Pronunciation
Are you ready to learn vowel sounds now? First, you need to find a mirror. Listen
to the vowels and try to make the shapes you see in the pictures on the next two
pages with your mouth while looking in the mirror. We’ll practice vertical vowels
first and horizontal vowels next.
• The vowel [ɨ] is not found in English. However, it is similar to the pronunciation of
the vowel ‘u’ in ‘put’, without rounding the lips.
• Vowels are divided into two categories according to their sound values - single
vowels and diphthongs. The vowels in the shaded boxes are diphthongs, and
those in the non-shaded are single vowels. A diphthong has a sound value that
combines a glide and a single vowel.
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Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
(1) Try saying ‘ㅏ’. Now say ’ㅓ’. How does your mouth shape change for each? Try
saying ‘ㅏ’ with your mouth open wide, and ‘ㅓ’ with your mouth closed a little,
Now say ‘ㅏ’ and ‘ㅓ’ several times while paying attention to the shape of your
ㅏ ㅓ
[a] [Λ]
(2) Try saying ‘ㅜ’. Now say ‘ㅗ’. How is the mouth shape different?
When you say ‘ㅜ’, round your lips and push your tongue forward, but when
you say ‘ㅗ’, keep your lips rounded while opening them a little. Say ‘ㅜ’ and ‘ㅗ’
several times while paying attention to the shape of your mouth.
ㅜ ㅗ
[u] [o]
(3) Try saying ‘ㅡ’ and ‘ㅣ’. How is the mouth shape for ‘ㅡ’ different from ‘ㅣ’?
Your tongue moves farther forward when you say ‘ㅣ’ than when you say ‘ㅡ’.
You don't need to move your tongue forward when you say ‘ㅡ’, round your lips,
or open your mouth very much. Just say it with your mouth open enough to let
air come out in a relaxed position. Say ‘ㅣ’ and ‘ㅡ’ several times while paying
attention to the shape of your mouth.
ㅣ ㅡ
[i] [ɨ]
ㅑ +
ㅕ +
(2) The diphthong ‘ㅛ’ is made up of the glide ‘ㅣ’ and the single vowel ‘ㅗ’, and the
diphthong ‘ㅠ’ is made up of the glide ‘ㅣ’ and the single vowel ‘ㅜ’. Try saying ‘ㅛ’.
Now say ‘ㅠ’. When you say ‘ㅛ’, the ‘ㅣ’ is short and the ‘ㅗ’ is long, and when
you say ‘ㅠ’, the ‘ㅣ’ is short and the ‘ㅜ’ is long. You shouldn’t say the two vowel
sounds the same length or pronounce them as two separate vowels.
ㅛ +
ㅠ +
2. Vowel Writing
So then, how are vowels written? When writing a vertical stroke, start at the top
and go down, and when writing a horizontal stroke, start at the left and go right.
ㅣ ㅣ ㅣ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ
[i] (○) (X) [ɨ] (○) (X)
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Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
Well then, are you ready to write? When writing a vertical vowel in the form of
a "standing person", make the vertical stroke long and the horizontal stroke(s)
short. When writing a horizontal vowel in the form of the "flat earth", make the
horizontal stroke long and the vertical stroke(s) short. Listen to the vowels and
repeat while writing.
Sound Writing
Letter Writing Practice
Value Order
ㅣ [i] ㅣ
ㅏ [a] ㅏ②
ㅑ [ja] ㅑ③②
ㅓ [ʌ]
ㅕ [jʌ]
② ㅕ
ㅡ [ɨ] ㅡ①
ㅗ [o] ㅗ②
① ②
ㅛ [jo] ㅛ③
ㅜ [u] ㅜ②①
ㅠ [ju] ㅠ①
② ③
Both a consonant and a vowel must be together in each syllable. That’s why if you
do not have an initial consonant, you use ‘ㅇ’, which has no sound - it’s silent. With
a vertical vowel, write ‘ㅇ’ on the left side of the vowel, and with a horizontal vowel,
write ‘ㅇ’ above the vowel.
ㅇ ㅏ [a] [o]
ㅣ [i] 이 이 이
ㅏ [a] 아 아 아
ㅑ [ja] 야 야 야
ㅓ [ʌ] 어 어 어
ㅕ [jʌ] 여 여 여
ㅡ [ɨ] 으 으 으
ㅗ [o] 오 오 오
ㅛ [jo] 요 요 요
ㅜ [u] 우 우 우
ㅠ [ju] 유 유 유
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연습 Practice
1. Say each of the vowels below one by one. Are you finished? Next, listen to the
CD and see if you pronounced them correctly. Looking out for the ones you
missed, listen and repeat one more time.
(1) 아 어 오 우 으 (2) 오 아 어 우 이
(3) 야 여 요 유 (4) 요 야 여 유
3. Listen and connect the letters in order. What picture do they make?
이ㆍ ㆍ우
아ㆍ ㆍ여
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Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
3 모음 2 Vowels 2 K-3
Now, are you ready to learn some more vowels? Listen to the CD and repeat.
ㅐ ㅏ + ㅣ ㅘ ㅗ + ㅏ ㅙ ㅗ + ㅐ
[ε] [wa] [wε]
ㅔ ㅓ + ㅣ ㅝ ㅜ + ㅓ ㅞ ㅜ + ㅔ
[e] [wʌ] [we]
ㅒ ㅑ + ㅣ ㅟ ㅜ + ㅣ ㅢ ㅡ + ㅣ
[jε] [y/wi] [ɨi]
ㅖ ㅕ + ㅣ ㅚ ㅗ + ㅣ
[je] [ø/we]
• The vowels in the shaded boxes are single vowels, and they are merged by some
• The vowel ‘ㅢ [ɨi]’ is not found in English. However, it is similar to the pronunciation
of the vowel ‘ui’ in ‘quit’, without rounding the lips.
• The sound values of the three vowels ‘ㅚ’, ‘ㅙ’, and ‘ㅞ’ sound similar to each other
when spoken by younger Korean speakers.
(1) Try saying ‘ㅐ’ and ‘ㅔ’. They sound similar, right?
These two vowels’ pronunciations used to be totally different, but they have
become similar. That’s why many Koreans today cannot distinguish their
difference in pronunciation.
ㅐ ㅔ
[ε] [e]
ㅒ ㅖ
[jε] [je]
(3) Try saying ‘ㅚ’, ‘ㅙ’, and ‘ㅞ’. These three vowels sound similar. They are all
diphthongs with both horizontal and vertical vowels.
ㅚ ㅙ ㅞ
[we] [wε] [we]
(4) Try saying ‘ ㅘ ’ and ‘ ㅝ ’. Say them in rotation several times. They are both
diphthongs with both horizontal and vertical vowels.
ㅘ ㅝ
[wa] [wʌ]
(5) Try saying ‘ㅟ’ and ‘ㅚ’ several times in back and forth. They are both diphthongs
with both horizontal and vertical vowels.
ㅟ ㅚ
[y/wi] [ø/we]
(6) Read ‘ㅢ’ out loud once again. Try saying the ‘ㅡ’ short and the ‘ㅣ’ very quickly.
This is a diphthong with both a horizontal and a vertical vowel.
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Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
So are you ready to write? Listen to the CD and repeat while writing.
Letter Writing Order Writing Practice
ㅐ [ε] ① ㅐ
ㅔ [e] ①
ㅒ [jε] ① ㅒ④
ㅖ [je] ①
② ㅖ
ㅘ [wa] ② ㅘ ④
ㅝ [wʌ] ①
ㅟ [y/wi] ①
ㅚ [ø/we] ② ㅚ
① ④
ㅙ [wɛ] ② ㅙ
ㅞ [we] ①
ㅢ [ɨi] ① ㅢ②
Did you finish writing? Listen and repeat the vowels again.
As mentioned earlier, each syllable must have both a consonant and a vowel.
Thus, if there is no beginning consonant, use ‘ㅇ’, which has no sound – it’s silent.
Write ‘ㅇ’ to the left of vertical vowels and above horizontal vowels.
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Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
ㅐ [ɛ] 애 애 애
ㅔ [e] 에 에 에
ㅒ [jɛ] 얘 얘 얘
ㅖ [je] 예 예 예
ㅘ [wa] 와 와 와
ㅝ [wʌ] 워 워 워
ㅟ [y/wi] 위 위 위
ㅚ [ø/we] 외 외 외
ㅙ [wɛ] 왜 왜 왜
ㅞ [wɛ] 웨 웨 웨
ㅢ [ɨi] 의 의 의
1. Try saying the vowels below one by one. Then, listen to the CD and write the
letter ‘ㅇ’ beside the correct sounds. Pay attention to what you missed, listen
and repeat again.
(1) 애 예 와 워 (2) 위 의 와 웨
(3) 워 에 예 의 (4) 왜 와 에 예
(1) 애 예 (2) 웨 워
(3) 위 의 (4) 와 왜
아이 얘
와 위
여우 에 의
왜 오이 우유
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Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
Did you finish writing? Next, write and say each sound aloud three times.