p2 Android App Use Case-1
p2 Android App Use Case-1
p2 Android App Use Case-1
Ecommerce app
This is a simple ecommerce app that allows a user to search, order, and cancel orders.
The administrator can add, modify, or remove items from the store
Please mark each use case as 'pass' Or 'fail'. The use case passes if it does what it intended to do. It
fails if it does not. See the example below for more information.
Table of contents
Database Diagram 3
This use case passes if all of these conditions are met. It fails otherwise.
How to force quit an application in Android:
Use Case 02: Persistence
How to force quit an application in Android:
Use Case 03: Add a user
1. Log into admin account
2. Select ‘Admin’ button
3. System displays the admin menu
4. Select ‘Add new Item’
5. Enter required information
6. Select ‘Add’ button
7. ‘Successfully added item’ message appears
1. Log into admin account
2. Select ‘Admin’ button
3. System displays the admin menu
4. Select ‘Delete Item’ button
5. System prompts with a search bar
6. Admin types in the name of the target item
7. Admin clicks ok
8. System shows “item successfully deleted” message
1. User logs in
2. User selects ‘Search’ button
3. User searches for desired item.
4. User selects ‘Buy’ button
5. System displays ‘Item ordered’ message
6. User is not moved from the item page but can select the ‘back’ button
1. User logs in
2. User selects ‘Cancel Order’ button
3. System shows the users ‘current orders’ page
4. User selects the desired order to cancel
5. User selects ‘cancel order’ button
6. System shows users ‘current order’ page
7. System displays ‘Order successfully canceled’ message
1. User logs in
2. User selects ‘Search’ button
3. System displays a search bar
4. As the user types in an item, items related to their input are displayed
5. If no similar item SKUs exist, nothing is displayed
1. User logs in
2. User selects ‘Order History’ button
3. System displays the list of a users purchase history
4. User purchases an item
5. User selects ‘order history’ button
6. System displays an updated purchase history
1. User logs in
2. App is closed out of but not fully stopped.
3. App is resumed
4. User must still be logged in.
5. User logs out
6. App is closed again
7. App is resumed.
8. No user should be logged in still
1. User logs in
2. User force closes the app.
3. User opens the app
4. App should keep user logged in
1. User logs in
2. User selects ‘Search’ button
3. User selects a target item and orders it
4. User opens ‘Purchase History’ menu
5. Item should be listed
6. User logs out
7. User logs back in
8. User selects ‘Purchase History’ button
9. Item should still be listed