Cology Shivani
Cology Shivani
Cology Shivani
Routes can be broadly divided into those for (a)Local action and (b) Systemic action.
These routes can only be used for localized lesions at accessible sites and for drugs
whose systemic absorption from these sites is minimal or absent. Thus, high
concentrations are attained at the desired site without exposing the rest of the body.
Systemic side effects or toxicity are consequently absent or minimal. e.g. glyceryl
trinitrate (GTN) applied on the skin as ointment or transdermal patch. The local routes
1. Topical: This refers to external application of the drug to the surface for localized action.
It is often more convenient as well as encouraging to the patient. Drugs can be efficiently
delivered to the localized lesions on skin, oropharyngeal/nasal mucosa, eyes, ear canal,
anal canal or vagina in the form of lotion, ointment, cream, powder, rinse, paints, drops,
spray, lozengens, suppositories or pesseries. Nonabsorbable drugs given orally for
action on g.i. mucosa (sucralfate,vancomycin), inhalation of drugs for action on bronchi
(salbutamol, cromolyn sodium) and irrigating solutions/jellys (povidone iodine, lidocaine)
applied to urethra are other forms of topical medication.
2. Deeper tissues: Certain deep areas can be approached by using a syringe and needle,
but the drug should be such that systemic absorption is slow, e.g. intra-articular injection
(hydrocortisone acetate), infiltration around a nerve or intrathecal injection (lidocaine),
retrobulbar injection (hydrocortisone acetate).
3. Arterial supply: Close intra-arterial injection is used for contrast media in angiography;
anticancer drugs can be infused in femoral or brachial artery to localise the effect for
limb malignancies.
The drug administered through systemic
routes is intended to be absorbed into
the blood stream and distributed all over,
including the site of action, through
1. Oral
Oral ingestion is the oldest and
commonest mode of drug
administration. It is safer, more
convenient, does not need assistance,
noninvasive, often painless, the
medicament need not be sterile and so
is cheaper. Both solid dosage forms
(powders, tablets, capsules, spansules,
dragees, moulded tablets,
gastrointestinal therapeutic systems—GITs) and liquid dosage forms (elixirs, syrups,
emulsions, mixtures) can be given orally.
2. Sublingual (s.l.) or buccal
The tablet or pellet containing the drug is placed under the tongue or crushed in the
mouth and spread over the buccal mucosa. Only lipid soluble and non-irritating drugs
can be so administered. Absorption is relatively rapid—action can be produced in
minutes. Though it is somewhat inconvenient, one can spit the drug after the desired
effect has been obtained. The chief advantage is that liver is bypassed and drugs with
high first pass metabolism can be absorbed directly into systemic circulation. Drugs
given sublingually are—GTN, buprenorphine, desamino-oxytocin.
3. Rectal
Certain irritant and unpleasant drugs can be put into rectum as suppositories or retention
enema for systemic effect. This route can also be used when the patient is having
recurrent vomiting or is unconscious. However, it is rather inconvenient and
embarrassing; absorption is slower, irregular and often unpredictable. Diazepam,
indomethacin, paraldehyde, ergotamine and few other drugs are some times given
4. Inhalation
Volatile liquids and gases are given by inhalation for systemic action, e.g. general
anaesthetics. Absorption takes place from the vast surface of alveoli—action is very
5. Nasal
The mucous membrane of the nose can readily absorb many drugs; digestive juices and
liver are bypassed. However, only certain drugs like GnRH agonists and desmopressin
applied as a spray or nebulized solution have been used by this route. This route is being
tried for some other peptide drugs, like insulin.
6. Parenteral
(Par—beyond, enteral—intestinal)
This refers to administration by injection which takes the drug directly into the tissue fluid
or blood without having to cross the intestinal mucosa. The limitations of oral
administration are circumvented.
The important parenteral routes are:
(i) Subcutaneous (s.c.)
(ii) Intramuscular (i.m.)
(iii) Intravenous (i.v.)
(iv) Intradermal injection
ABSORPTION Absorption is movement of the drug from its site of administration into the
circulation. Not only the fraction of the administered dose that gets absorbed, but also the rate
of absorption is important. Other factors affecting absorption are:
Aqueous solubility: Drugs given in solid form must dissolve in the aqueous biophase before
they are absorbed. For poorly water soluble drugs (aspirin, griseofulvin) rate of dissolution
governs rate of absorption. Obviously, a drug given as watery solution is absorbed faster than
when the same is given in solid form or as oily solution.
Concentration: Passive diffusion depends on concentration gradient; drug given as
concentrated solution is absorbed faster than from dilute solution.
Area of absorbing surface: Larger it is, faster is the absorption.
Vascularity of the absorbing surface: Blood circulation removes the drug from the site of
absorption and maintains the concentration gradient across the absorbing surface. Increased
blood flow hastens drug absorption just as wind hastens drying of clothes.
Route of administration: This affects drug absorption, because each route has its own
BIOAVAILABILITY It is a measure of the fraction (F ) of administered dose of a drug that
reaches the systemic circulation in the unchanged form. Bioavailability of drug injected i.v. is
100%, but is frequently lower after oral ingestion because— (a) the drug may be incompletely
absorbed. (b) the absorbed drug may undergo first pass metabolism in the intestinal wall/liver
or be excreted in bile.
DISTRIBUTION Once a drug has gained access to the blood stream, it gets distributed to
other tissues that initially had no drug, concentration gradient being in the direction of plasma
to tissues. The extent of distribution of a drug depends on its lipid solubility, ionization at
physiological pH (a function of its pKa), extent of binding to plasma and tissue proteins,
presence of tissue-specific transporters and differences in regional blood flow.
Plasma protein binding: Most drugs possess physicochemical affinity for plasma proteins.
Acidic drugs generally bind to plasma albumin and basic drugs to α1 acid glycoprotein. Binding
to albumin is quantitatively more important. for example the binding percentage of some
benzodiazepines is: Flurazepam 10% Alprazolam 70% Lorazepam 90% Diazepam 99%
Passage across placenta: Placental membranes are lipoidal and allow free passage of
lipophilic drugs, while restricting hydrophilic drugs.
Penetration into brain and CSF: The capillary endothelial cells in brain have tight junctions and
lack large intercellular pores. Further, an investment of neural tissue (Fig. 2.8B) covers the
capillaries. Together they constitute the so called blood-brain barrier. these barriers are lipoidal
and limit the entry of nonlipid-soluble drugs, e.g. streptomycin, neostigmine, etc. Only lipid-
soluble drugs, therefore, are able to penetrate and have action on the central nervous system.
EXCRETION Excretion is the passage out of systemically absorbed drug. Drugs and their
metabolites are excreted in:
1. Urine: Through the kidney. It is the most important channel of excretion for majority of
2. Faeces: Apart from the unabsorbed fraction, most of the drug present in faeces is
derived from bile.
3. Exhaled air: Gases and volatile liquids (general anaesthetics, paraldehyde, alcohol)
are eliminated by lungs, irrespective of their lipid solubility.
4. Saliva and sweat: These are of minor importance for drug excretion. Lithium, pot.
iodide, rifampin and heavy metals are present in these secretions in significant
5. Milk: The excretion of drug in milk is not important for the mother, but the suckling infant
inadvertently receives the drug. Most drugs enter breast milk by passive diffusion.
Clearance (CL) The clearance of a drug is the theoretical volume of plasma from which
the drug is completely removed in unit time.
For majority of drugs the processes involved in elimination are not saturated over the
clinically obtained concentrations, they follow:
First order (exponential) kinetics The rate of elimination is directly proportional to the
drug concentration, CL remains constant; or a constant fraction of the drug present in
the body is eliminated in unit time. Few drugs, however, saturate eliminating
mechanisms and are handled by—
Zero order (linear) kinetics The rate of elimination remains constant irrespective of drug
concentration, CL decreases with increase in concentration; or a constant amount of
the drug is eliminated in unit time, e.g. ethyl alcohol. The elimination of some drugs
approaches saturation over the therapeutic range, kinetics changes from first order to
zero order at higher doses. As a result plasma concentration increases
disproportionately with increase in dose, (See Fig. 3.5) as occurs in case of phenytoin,
tolbutamide, theophylline, warfarin.
1. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) These are a large family of cell membrane
receptors which are linked to the effector (enzyme/ channel/carrier protein) through
one or more GTP-activated proteins (G-proteins) for response effectuation. All such
receptors have a common pattern of structural organization. The molecule has 7 α-
helical membrane spanning hydrophobic amino acid (AA) segments which run into 3
extracellular and 3 intracellular loops.
A number of G proteins distinguished by their α subunits have been described. The
important ones with their action on the effector are: Gs : Adenylyl cyclase ↑, Ca2+
channel ↑ Gi : Adenylyl cyclase ↓, K+ channel ↑ Go : Ca2+ channel ↓ Gq :
Phospholipase C ↑ G13 : Na+/H+ exchange ↑
2. Receptors with intrinsic ion channel These cell surface receptors, also called ligand
gated ion channels, enclose ion selective channels (for Na+, K+, Ca2+ or Cl¯) within
their molecules. Agonist binding opens the channel and causes
depolarization/hyperpolarization/ changes in cytosolic ionic composition, depending on
the ion that flows through. The nicotinic cholinergic, GABA-A, glycine (inhibitory),
excitatory AA (kainate, NMDA or N-methylD-aspartate, quisqualate) and 5HT3
receptors fall in this category.
1. Occupancy Theory The occupancy theory of Gaddum and Clark states that the
intensity of the pharmacological effect is directly proportional to the number of
receptors occupied by the drug. Maximal response occurs when all the receptors are
occupied. D + R ↔ DR ⇒RESPONSE The concept of drug–receptor interactions
involve two stages: first, there is a complexation of the drug with the receptor, which
termed the affinity; second, there is an initiation of a biological effect, which termed the
intrinsic activity and the efficacy.
Affinity, is a measure of the capacity of a drug to bind to the receptor. Intrinsic activity
(α) or Efficacy is the property of a compound that produces the maximum response or
the ability of the drug– receptor complex to initiate a response. Examples of affinity and
efficacy are given in Figure 1A shows the theoretical dose–response curves for five
drugs with the same affinity for the receptor (pKd = 8), but having efficacies varying
from 100% of the maximum to 20% of the maximum. The drug with 100% efficacy is a
full agonist; the others are partial agonists.
Antagonists can bind tightly to a receptor (great affinity), but be devoid of activity (no
efficacy). A compound that is an agonist for one receptor may be an antagonist or
inverse agonist for another receptor. The response ceases when the drug–receptor
complex dissociates. However, not all agonists produce a maximal response. Does not
rationalize how two drugs can occupy the same receptor and act differently.
3. Induced-Fit Theory The induced-fit theory of Koshland was originally proposed for the
action of substrates with enzymes, but it could apply to drug–receptor interactions as
well. According to this theory, the receptor need not necessarily exist in the appropriate
conformation required to bind the drug. As the drug approaches the receptor, a
conformational change is induced, which orients the essential binding sites. The
conformational change in the receptor could be responsible for the initiation of the
biological response (movement of residues to interact with the substrate). The receptor
(enzyme) was suggested to be elastic, and could return to its original conformation after
the drug (product) was released. The conformational change need not occur only in the
receptor (enzyme), the drug (substrate) also could undergo deformation, even if this
resulted in strain in the drug (substrate). According to this theory, an agonist would
induce a conformational change and elicit a response, an antagonist would bind without
a conformational change, and a partial agonist would cause a partial conformational
change. The induced- fit theory can be adapted to the rate theory. An agonist would
induce a conformational change in the receptor, resulting in a conformation to which the
agonist binds less tightly and from which it can dissociate more easily. If drug–receptor
complexation does not cause a conformational change in the receptor, then the drug–
receptor complex will be stable, and an antagonist will result.
6. The Two-State (Multistate) Model of Receptor Activation Was developed on the basis
of the kinetics of competitive and allosteric inhibition as well as through interpretation of
the results of direct binding experiments. It postulates that a receptor, regardless of the
presence or absence of a ligand, exists in two distinct states: the R (relaxed, active or
on) and T (Tense, inactive or off) states, which are in equilibrium with each other. In the
absence of the natural ligand or agonist, receptors exist in equilibrium (defined by
equilibrium constant L; Figure 4) between an active state (R*), which is able to initiate a
biological response, and a resting state (R), which cannot In the absence of a natural
ligand or agonist, the equilibrium between R* and R defines the basal activity of the
receptor. 14 A drug can bind to one or both of these conformational states, according to
equilibrium constants Kd and K* d for formation of the drug– receptor complex with the
resting (D•R) and active (D•R*) states, respectively. Full agonists bind only to R* Partial
agonists bind preferentially to R* Full inverse agonists bind only to R Partial inverse
agonists bind preferentially to R Antagonists have equal affinities for both R and R* (no
effect on basal activity)
(c) Channel regulation The activated G-proteins can also open or close ionic channels
specific for Ca2+, K+ or Na+, without the intervention of any second messenger like
cAMP or IP3, and bring about hyperpolarization/depolarization/ changes in intracellular
Ca2+. The Gs opens Ca2+ channels in myocardium and skeletal muscles, while Gi
and Go open K+ channels in heart and smooth muscle as well as close neuronal Ca2+
channels. Physiological responses like changes in inotropy, chronotropy, transmitter
release, neuronal activity and smooth muscle relaxation follow.
Adverse effect is ‘any undesirable or unintended consequence of drug administration’. It is a
broad term, includes all kinds of noxious effect—trivial, serious or even fatal.
Adverse effects may develop promptly or only after prolonged medication or even after
stoppage of the drug. Adverse effects are not rare; an incidence of 10–25% has been
documented in different clinical settings. They are more common with multiple drug therapy
and in the elderly. Adverse effects have been classified in many ways.
Type A (Augmented) Reactions which can be predicted from the known pharmacology
of the drug, dose dependent, can be alleviated by a dose reduction. EG.,
Anticoagulants might cause bleeding.
Type B (Bizzare) Cannot be predicted from the pharmacology of the drug, not dose
dependent, host dependent factors important in prescription. EG., Penicillin may cause
Type C (Chemical) Biological characteristics can be predicted from the chemical
structure of the drug/metabolite. EG., Paracetamol - Hepatotoxicity
Type D (Delayed) Occur after many years of treatment. Can be due to accumulation.
EG., Chemotherapy – secondary tumours
Type E (Exit/End of treatment) Occur on withdrawal especially when the drugb is
stopped abruptly. EG., Phenytoin withdrawal - seizures
Type F (Failure of treatment) Common to all, often caused by drug interactions.
Type G (Genotoxicity)
Type H (Hypersensitivity)
Type U (Unclassified)