Mini G
Mini G
Mini G
Author’s Choice
G protein– coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key signaling pro- conclude that mG proteins are versatile tools for studying
teins that regulate nearly every aspect of cell function. Studies of GPCR activation and coupling specificity in cells and should
GPCRs have benefited greatly from the development of molec- be useful for discovering and characterizing G protein sub-
ular tools to monitor receptor activation and downstream sig- type– biased ligands.
naling. Here, we show that mini G proteins are robust probes
that can be used in a variety of assay formats to report GPCR
activity in living cells. Mini G (mG) proteins are engineered G protein– coupled receptors (GPCRs)5 signal by coupling to
GTPase domains of G␣ subunits that were developed for struc- heterotrimeric G proteins and arrestins, which in turn activate
tural studies of active-state GPCRs. Confocal imaging revealed or inhibit enzymes, kinases and other effector molecules to reg-
that mG proteins fused to fluorescent proteins were located ulate nearly every aspect of cell function (1). The past 20 years
diffusely in the cytoplasm and translocated to sites of recep- have seen the development of a wide array of genetically-en-
tor activation at the cell surface and at intracellular organ- coded optical sensors and probes to monitor nearly every step
elles. Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) of these signaling cascades in living cells (2). An early example
assays with mG proteins fused to either a fluorescent protein of this was the development of arrestin–fluorescent protein
or luciferase reported agonist, superagonist, and inverse ago- conjugates that translocate from the cytosol to the plasma
nist activities. Variants of mG proteins (mGs, mGsi, mGsq, membrane upon activation of cell-surface GPCRs (3). There are
and mG12) corresponding to the four families of G␣ subunits now many variants of this basic approach with different report-
displayed appropriate coupling to their cognate GPCRs, ers and detection modalities, and these relatively simple tools
allowing quantitative profiling of subtype-specific coupling have been used to gain tremendous insight into the functional
to individual receptors. BRET between luciferase–mG fusion properties of arrestins and GPCRs. Similar tools have been
proteins and fluorescent markers indicated the presence of developed to monitor interactions between GPCRs and G pro-
active GPCRs at the plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus, teins (4, 5), but compared with arrestins, the properties of het-
and endosomes. Complementation assays with fragments erotrimers are less favorable for many applications in cells. Het-
of NanoLuc luciferase fused to GPCRs and mG proteins erotrimeric G proteins are membrane-associated (or tethered)
reported constitutive receptor activity and agonist-induced proteins and therefore do not change subcellular location upon
activation with up to 20-fold increases in luminescence. We binding to GPCRs. This prevents simple visualization of com-
plex formation in imaging experiments and produces back-
ground signals when receptor–G protein complexes are
This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants detected using resonance energy transfer (e.g. FRET and BRET)
GM078319 and GM109879 (to N. A. L.) and Medical Research Council,
European Research Council, and Heptares Therapeutics Grants
(4, 5). Moreover, receptor–G protein complexes in cells are
MC_U105197215 and EMPSI 339995 (to C. G. T.). C. G. T. is a shareholder short-lived. Ambient concentrations of guanine nucleotides
and member of the scientific advisory board of Heptares Therapeutics. The lead to rapid complex dissociation, thus limiting signals gener-
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily ated by receptor–G protein association.
represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Author’s Choice—Final version open access under the terms of the Creative Here, we report that mini G (mG) proteins (6, 7) are useful G
Commons CC-BY license. protein surrogates for studies of GPCR activation in cells. Mini
This article was selected as one of our Editors’ Picks.
G proteins are G␣ subunits with several key modifications as
Supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Grant
JPMJPR1331 and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development follows: 1) a truncated N terminus, which deletes membrane
(AMED) Grant JP17gm5910013. anchors and G␥-binding surface; 2) deletion of the ␣-helical
Present address: Creoptix AG, Einsiedlerstrasse 34, CH-8820 Wädenswil, domain; 3) mutations that improve protein stability in vitro;
Present address: Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Centre, University of
Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom. The abbreviations used are: GPCR, G protein– coupled receptor; BRET, bio-
To whom correspondence should be addressed: Dept. of Pharmacology luminescence resonance energy transfer; mG, mini G; NES, nuclear export
and Toxicology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, sequence; DPBS, Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline; Nluc, NanoLuc;
Augusta, GA 30912-2300. Tel.: 706-721-6336; Fax: 706-721-2345; E-mail: 2AR, 2-adrenergic receptor; D1R, D1 dopamine receptor; D5R, D5 dop-
[email protected]. amine receptor; A1R, A1-adenosine receptor.
Figure 4. Mini G protein subtypes maintain appropriate coupling specificity. A, net BRET to four different NES–venus–mG subtypes is plotted versus log
ligand concentration for 2-adrenergic receptors (2AR–Rluc8), M4 and M3 acetylcholine receptors (M4R-Rluc8 and M3R-Rluc8), and endothelin A receptors
(ETA-Rluc8). Ligands are isoproterenol (iso), acetylcholine (Ach), and endothelin-1 (ET-1); mean ⫾ S.E. of 3– 4 independent experiments. Data points at the far left
of each panel represent vehicle controls. B, heat maps representing normalized maximal BRET (which includes both constitutive and agonist-induced signals,
normalized to the best-responding mG protein) for 12 receptors (fused to Rluc8) paired with NES–venus–mG proteins. Heat maps for canonical Gs–, Gi/o–, and
Gq– coupled receptors are shown in blue, red, and black, respectively; n ⫽ 3–5 independent experiments for each receptor.
Figure 6. Mini G proteins are recruited to active receptors at the Golgi apparatus. A, confocal images of cells expressing cerulean-tagged A1-adenosine
receptors (left) and NES–venus–mGsi before (center) and after (right) stimulation with 100 M adenosine. Some cells retain significant cerulean–A1R in the Golgi
apparatus, and stimulation with adenosine recruits NES–venus–mGsi to this compartment (orange arrowheads) as well as to the plasma membrane (red
arrowhead). Scale bar, 10 m. B, mean NES–venus–mGsi fluorescence (FV, arbitrary units; ⫾ S.E.) at the plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus, and in the cytosol
plotted against time for nine cells similar to those shown in A. Accumulation of NES–venus–mGsi at the Golgi apparatus was delayed ⬃5 s compared with the
plasma membrane. C, BRET between NES–NanoLuc–mGsi and either venus-kras (V-kras) at the plasma membrane or venus-giantin (V-giantin) at the Golgi
apparatus (GA) in response to stimulation of unlabeled A1Rs; mean ⫾ S.D. of three independent experiments. D, BRET between NES-Nluc-mGs and the early
endosome marker venus-rab5 is plotted versus time after stimulation of unlabeled 2AR with 10 M isoproterenol; mean ⫾ S.E. of four independent
the possibility of using this system to report the agonist-depen- venus–mG constructs. A nuclear export sequence and linker
dent interaction of mG proteins and GPCRs by fusing LgBit and (underlined) (MLQNELALKLAGLDINKTGGSG) was later
SmBit fragments to the N terminus of mG proteins and the C added to the N terminus of venus by QuikChange (Agilent
terminus of 2AR. Between the two possible orientations, we Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) PCR insertional mutagenesis to
found that the most efficient complementation took place produce NES–venus–mG constructs. A similar strategy was
when LgBit was fused to mG proteins (e.g. LgBit-mGs), and used to produce NES–Nluc–mG plasmids using the vector
SmBit was fused to the receptor (2AR–SmBit). In individual pNluc–C1. LgBit–mG constructs were made by amplifying mG
experiments, agonist stimulation produced as much as a fragments by PCR and subcloning into the vector pBiT1.1-N
20-fold increase in luminescence intensity. As was the case with (Promega Corp., Madison, WI) with XhoI and EcoRI. 2AR–
BRET assays, NanoLuc complementation faithfully reported SmBit was made by adding a linker and SmBit (GGSGVTGYR-
full agonist, partial agonist, and inverse agonist activity at LFEEIL) to the C terminus of the 2AR using QuikChange PCR.
2AR-SmBit (Fig. 7A). This strategy was also applicable to Additional GPCR–SmBit constructs were derived from 2AR–
LgBit-mGsi, -mGsq, and -mG12, as all of these fusion proteins SmBit using a BamHI site incorporated into the GGSG linker.
supported NanoLuc complementation with the promiscuous Plasmids encoding G␣ subunits were obtained from
endothelin-A receptor, ETAR-SmBit (Fig. 7B). These results (Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA). A plasmid encoding
suggest that mG proteins should serve as useful vehicles for the S1 subunit of pertussis toxin was kindly provided by Ste-
protein complementation assays. phen R. Ikeda (NIAAA, National Institutes of Health, Rockville,
In summary, although mG proteins originated as G protein MD). Plasmids encoding cerulean–TM–venus, venus– kras,
surrogates for X-ray crystallography, their unique features venus–rab5, venus– giantin, and G␥–venus have been de-
present many opportunities for applications other than struc- scribed previously and were used in this study under conditions
tural biology. In cellular assays, mG proteins should be useful that are essentially the same as described previously (11,
for studying the determinants of receptor–G protein-coupling 22–25). Several different GPCR–luciferase constructs were
specificity, biased ligands, and activation of receptors at differ- made by appending either Rluc8 or Nluc directly to the receptor
ent subcellular locations. We expect that many additional uses C terminus either by QuikChange PCR or by subcloning into
will be found for mG proteins in cells and cell extracts and that pRluc8-N1 or pNluc-N1 vectors. GPCR sequences were
mG proteins will prove to be valuable tools for diverse studies of obtained either from, as a gift from Jonathan Javitch
GPCR biology. (Columbia University, New York) or as a gift from Bryan Roth
(26) (Addgene, PRESTO-Tango kit 1000000068). All plasmid
Experimental procedures constructs were verified by Sanger sequencing.
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