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A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Award of the Degree of

Register no: 21IABCM198
Under the guidance of
(Assistant professor)
Department of commerce

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade Department of Commerce

Indian Academy Degree College Autonomous HENUR Main Cross,
Main Road, Bengaluru-43

This is to certify that MUSADDIQ KHAN, Reg No. 21IABCM198, of Ⅵ semester B. Com, a
student of Indian academy degree college – Autonomous, Bengaluru, has successfully
carried out this project report titled “A Study on consumer Behavior towards Zara in
Bengaluru” during the academic year 2021-2024, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for
the award of “bachelor of commerce” degree at Indian Academy Degree College


I hereby declare that “A study on Consumer Behavior Towards Zara’’ is the result of the
project work carried out by me under the guidance of LAKSHMI.K in partial fulfilment for the
award of Bachelor’s Degree in commerce by Indian Academy Degree College -Autonomous
affiliate to Bangalore North University.
I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma or

Place: Bangalore
Register Number: 21IABCM198

This to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
TOWARD ZARA” is submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Commerce at
Indian Academy Degree College Autonomous, Affiliated to Bangalore North University. This
is a record of research work carried out by LAKSHMI.K under my guidance and no part of
this has been submitted for the award of any other Degree/Diploma/Fellowship of other

Place: Bangalore


Guide Name: LAKSHMI.K


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have been instrumental in
presentation of this project report.
No work can be accomplished alone. It needs of various people to give a final stage.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. N TILAKA, Principal, Indian Academy Degree
College- Autonomous, and Dr. RAJARAJAN, Vice-Principal, HOD Department of Commerce,
for their kind support and encouragement.
I am indebted to my Project Guide, LAKSHMI.K who has helped for successful completion of
the project.
My special thanks go to HOD for granting permission and also for his support and guidance.
Special thanks for providing opportunity to undertake this project and for their kind co-
operation during my data collection process.
I am thankful to other distinguished faculties, my parents and friends for their support that
has largely contributed to the successful completion of the project.

Place: Bangalore NAME: MUSADDIQ KHAN

Date: Reg. No: 21IABCM198








Consumer involves the psychological processes that consumers go through in recognizing
needs, finding ways to solve these needs, making purchase decision, interpret information,
make plans & implement these plans
The fashion market has evolved over the years & has become well-known for its quality,
competitive price and modernity and a very good example of this is Zara.
The present report focuses on understanding, what exactly is the perspective of the
customers or general public that drives them to Zara. In today's scenario there are various
reasons to purchase products form a particular brand. But according to requirements,
people prefer different brands to purchase any product. based on various factors, I covered
all the reasons for one to shop at Zara. The questionnaire will help us to understand the
strengths & weaknesses of the brand but more importantly it will help us understand the
reason for the success of the brand from the general public's perspective. Specifically, we
examine how emotional and cognitive responses to purchase any product can influence
consumers' intention and their likelihood to purchase from any other brand over the trusted
A questionnaire-based empirical study is used to test this behavior of consumers particularly
for the brand Zara


In the fast-paced world of fashion stores, where trends emerge and develop at light
ning speed, the role of the product in the formation of consumer behavior is impor
tant. ZARA is a Spanish clothing store that has become a global fashion force, att
racting customers with its unique blend of affordability, style and affordability. Wit
h more than 2,000 stores in 96 countries, ZARA has consolidated its leading positi
on in the fashion industry. However, apart from its large retail space and rich prod
uct range, ZARA owes much of its success to the efforts of its brand. Business i
s characterized by intense competition, rapid changes and changing customer pref
erences. In such an environment, brands need to adapt and adapt to stay relevant
and engaged with their target audience. Therefore, understanding the relationship
between brands and consumer behavior is important for retailers like ZARA to hav
e a competitive advantage. Importance of Brands Although brands influence con
sumer behavior, there are gaps in the existing literature regarding the specific effect
s of brands on people who use the ZARA character. Although many studies hav
e explored the general concepts of branding and consumer behavior in retail, few h
ave examined in depth the specific concepts used by ZARA and their impact on
consumers' thoughts, preferences, and purchasing decisions. This study aims to
expand this gap through a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the ZARA bra
nd on consumer behavior. and the impact on consumers. This research specifi
cally focuses on the following topics:

1. Learn about the key elements of ZARA's brand identity, including branding, pos
itioning and communication strategies. Investigate the impact of the ZARA brand
on consumer knowledge, attitude and purchase intention. Analyze the factors that
made ZARA's business objectives successful and their impact on the overall ret
ail industry. Provide strategic ideas and recommendations to ZARA to improve its
marketing strategy and engage its target audience. The framework draws on relev
ant theories and models based on marketing, consumer behavior and product dev
elopment. The main elements of this framework are concepts such as brand loyalt
y, brand attitude, brand image and brand loyalty, which provide a perspective to an
alyze the relationship of the ZARA brand with consumer behavior. By building ou
r research on a theoretical model, we aim to understand more deeply the proces
s by which products affect consumer needs and behavior. Everything has bee
n named in detail using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research to o
ffer insight and draw conclusions. Through rigorous data analysis and interpretatio
n, we aim to uncover the subtle changes of the brand and its profound impact on
consumer behavior towards ZARA.


A mixed method combining both qualitative and quantitative research will be used
to achieve the above objectives. path. This approach captures the depth and bre
adth of consumer thoughts and behaviors, allowing for a comprehensive examin
ation of the product's impact on consumer behavior towards ZARA. Interviews
and focus groups will be used to gain a deeper understanding of consumers' perc
eptions of the ZARA brand Quantitative research:
Quantitative research will be conducted to collect large, meaningful data on cust
omer behavior, preferences and attitudes towards ZARA. It is used to identify pat
terns and relationships between product and customer behavior. .

Data Analysis:
- Qualitative data will be analyzed thematically to identify recurring themes, pattern
s, and insights from interviews and focus groups. Investigate the relationship betw
een product variables and consumer behavior. - Ethical procedures will be strictly
followed throughout the study to ensure the rights and confidentiality of participa
nts. Although this study aims to better understand the impact of brands on con
sumer behavior at ZARA, some limitations also need to be considered:
- This study aims to be specific to ZARA as a case study and may not be general t
o other fashion stores. Effect of restrictions. Using a combination of methods, w
e aim to provide information that informs ZARA's strategic decisions and contribu
te to customers' broad knowledge of business and research. We present the re
sults of an in-depth study investigating the importance of the ZARA brand and it
s impact on consumer behavior. Through a meticulous analysis of qualitative and
quantitative data, we strive to provide the best recommendations to make ZARA'
s brand positive and improve its relationship with customers.
Limited advertising does not diminish Zara's influence; Rather, it is in line with th
e brand's commitment to providing a good shopping experience and good product
The positive impact of customer satisfaction can be a powerful force driving traffi
c to Zara stores and contributing to the brand's continued success in the competitiv
e fashion industry. 5) Social Media Marketing
Zara frequently uses social media platforms as an important part of its business.
The brand uses platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to directly eng
age with its target audience and create a strong online presence. A behind-the-
scenes look at the world. By maintaining a good image and visual quality, Zara no
t only connects with its target audience, but also creates expectation and excitem
ent about its products. people for good cooperation. These partnerships expan
d Zara's reach, reach an influencer's following, and create rich brand awareness.

Through these many methods, Zara effectively uses social media not only as an a
dvertising tool but also as a way to build relationships and engage with its targe
t audience, ensuring a good appearance of the brand in the international market
. Help finish it. This personalization differentiates Zara's products across differe
nt communities, creating a more integrated and profitable business. Events such
as fashion shows or store openings play an important role in increasing consumer
awareness. By involving the community in these events, Zara goes beyond being a r
etailer and becomes an important part of local culture. The brand actively listens
to its customers and updates and develops its products according to these posi
tive opinions. This response not only improves the overall customer experience,
but also strengthens the sense of collaboration between Zara and its community.

Zara's commitment to identity and community engagement helps create a brand b

ased on customer satisfaction at its core and build relationships with the different
cultures it works with.

Goals of the Study

01 To ponder ZARA's
branding techniques comprehensively, analyzing their impact on client behavior
and perceptions.

02 To get it the relationships between ZARA's

branding components and buyer inclinations, and buy decisions.

03To give noteworthy experiences and proposals for ZARA to fortify its
branding procedures and upgrade client engagement.

04These targets point to clarify the perplexing relationship between branding

and client behaviour towards ZARA, advertising profitable bits of
knowledge for key decision-making and brand improvement.


> Its scope includes a comprehensive analysis of the product's impact on consu
mer behavior at ZARA. This study will focus on various aspects of ZARA's brand st
rategy and its impact on consumers' thoughts, emotions and purchasing decisio
ns. While the main focus is on the ZARA brand, this study will also draw from relev
ant literature and business practices to better understand changes in fast food st
ores. The geographical areas will cover ZARA's operations in different regions and
countries around the world. While the main focus will be on ZARA's activities in c
ore markets such as Europe, North America and Asia, efforts will be made to under
stand emerging markets where ZARA is expanding its Special arrow.
This survey will focus on different groups of people such as age, gender, income
level and fashion preferences. By examining how different groups view and interact
with the ZARA brand, this study aims to provide relevant and applicable informatio
n to various consumer groups. It will cover the period from ZARA's establishment
until today. While the focus will be on the latest developments and trends in ZARA'
s brand strategy, historical information can also be incorporated to provide context
and perspective on the change of the target period. This study will use mixed met
hods combining qualitative and quantitative research to collect and analyze data. Q
ualitative methods such as interviews and focus groups will be used to investigate
consumer perceptions and attitudes towards the ZARA brand. A lot of research wil
l be done to collect large amounts of data on customer behavior and preferences
for statistical analysis and sentiment analysis. Areas related to the ZARA brand a
nd its impact on consumer behavior.
- Brand identity and positioning: Examine ZARA's brand identity, values and posit
ioning business pace. Including advertising, marketing and social media. the level
of brand loyalty and its impact on purchasing decisions.
Although every effort will be made to ensure the rigor and validity of the research, it
is important to acknowledge some limitations:
- The results of the research may vary depending on the size, participants, etc.
will be affected by factors such as. Affect bias and the dynamic nature of the retail
market. resources and access are limited and may limit the depth and scope of
analysis in some areas. . Analyzing various aspects of ZARA's brand strategy and
its impact on consumer needs and behavior, this study focuses on understandin
g the decision-making process and production in fast food stores.
Of course, let's examine the study in more depth
Scope of the Study

This study will focus on ZARA's global operations, including its activities in differe
nt regions and markets. This includes but is not limited to emerging markets in Eur
ope, North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East. This study, w
hich analyzes ZARA's marketing strategies in different regions, focuses on chang
es in consumer behavior and understanding influenced by culture, money, econo
mic and social factors. The research will focus on different demographic groups t
o better understand ZARA's consumer behavior. This includes consumers of diffe
rent ages, income levels, educational backgrounds and fashion preferences. By a
nalyzing how different groups interact with the ZARA brand, the research aims to u
ncover negative insights that will inform marketing plans and products. The timeli
ne will include both historical and current perspectives on ZARA's marketing effort
s. While the main focus will be on recent developments and trends, historical inform
ation will be taken into account to provide context and perspective on the evolution
of the business. This period will allow the study to identify patterns, trends and ch
anges in consumer behavior towards the ZARA brand strategy. Effective and vers
atile ways to collect and analyze data. Qualitative methods such as interviews, foc
us groups and content analysis will be used to explore the complexity of consumer
opinions and behaviors towards the ZARA brand. Quantitative analysis will be pe
rformed to collect large amounts of data on customer behavior, preferences and
purchase intentions for statistical analysis and sentiment analysis. In addition to th
e main topics mentioned previously, the study will also examine the following:
- Customer engagement and engagement: Examine how customers engage with
the ZARA brand through multiple channels, including physical stores, online platf
orms, and interactive social media channels.
Brand Equity and Competitive Advantage: Evaluate ZARA's brand equity and comp
etitive position with other major players in a fast-paced market. This includes det
ermining product awareness, perceived quality, and product interaction with cust
omers. The information will be limited to the Inditex company. We will try to redu
ce this limitation through secondary research and open source. The content of the
se terms will be taken into account in the interpretation and analysis of the researc
h results. and consumer behavior in demographic context. Using a variety of rese
arch methods and considering historical and contemporary theories, this study ai
ms to provide useful ideas to help make good decisions and lead to an overall u
nderstanding of the fast-moving consumer goods market.

What is the scope of the research? This is sometimes called research. Defining t
he scope of the research means defining everything that will be considered in th
e research. It is important to be clear about what will not be covered; to start. This i
s important because it focuses on scientific research that can be done within a ce
rtain period of time. Explains why some items are included and others are excl
uded. Likewise, it will pave the way for very open-ended answers to research q
uestions. parameters. These limitations often include sample size, time, inclusio
n and exclusion, methodology, and geographic or financial limitations. results.
These measurements also help you determine the direction of any research questi
on you are considering. think about it. Remember to strike the balance between
being broad and impossible to access, but not too limited and lacking in import
ant information. For example, a research proposal regarding human participants
might describe that 100 participants will be selected at the beginning of the stud
y. The number will be determined based on understanding the difficulty of recruiting
participants for the study and agreeing on the appropriate time frame for selectin
g this number. This situation was explained in terms of 100 participants and was
accepted as a limitation of the study. In other words, we recognize that recruiting 10
0 participants rather than 1,000 participants limits the data that can be collected, b
ut this is an accepted limitation given the problems of recruiting large numbers of
people (e.g., over a long period of time). time) and its associated costs) over a pe
riod of time. Clutter. The aim of this study is to report the MH changes occurring in
the population due to the epidemic. Email account. The recruitment period is up to
2 months and will end after 100 volunteers have been selected or after 2 months.
All volunteers participating in this study will be asked to fill out a short questionn
aire to assess changes in their MH. Limit time spent recruiting and/or recruiting
volunteers. He also imposed the restriction that recruitment was only open to pe
ople with a school email; For example, those who do not go to school will be ex
cluded from the study.

Chapter 1: Introduction Scope of the Study Study (Expand) **

geographical area:
The scope of work is international, including ZARA business in various region
s and international markets. This includes ZARA's presence in Europe, where i
t started, as well as expansion into North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America
and the Middle East. By analyzing ZARA's marketing strategies in different regi
ons, the study aims to identify regional differences in consumer attitudes and
perceptions influenced by legal, financial and social culture. Additionally, this
study will explore how ZARA can adapt its brand to suit local preferences and
market conditions in different regions. The demographic group provides a bett
er understanding of consumer behavior at ZARA. This includes consumers in
various age groups, from Generation Z to Baby Boomers, as well as individual
s with different incomes, educational backgrounds and occupations. In additio
n, this study will identify cultural and lifestyle differences that will affect consu
mers' thoughts and attitudes towards the ZARA brand. By analyzing how differ
ent groups interact with the ZARA brand, the research aims to uncover negativ
e insights that inform marketing plans and product designs for people who us
e specific products. Time Range:
The duration of the study is from the establishment of ZARA to the present day
and includes both the history and evolution theory of the brand. While the mai
n focus will be on new developments and trends in ZARA's brand quality, histo
rical perspective will also be taken into account to provide context and perspe
ctive of the brand going forward over time. The length of this period will allow t
he study to identify patterns, trends and changes in consumer behavior towar
ds ZARA's brand quality, thereby providing a better understanding of brand gr
owth plans and future prospects.
This research will use mixed methods research, combining qualitative and qua
ntitative methods to collect and analyze data. Qualitative methods such as in-
depth interviews, focus groups and content marketing data will be used to expl
ore the complexity of consumer thoughts and behaviors towards the ZARA bra
nd. These insights will be gained through extensive research on a representati
ve sample of ZARA customers with the aim of collecting big data on customer
behavior, preferences and purchase intentions. Analytical techniques such as
regression analysis and correlation analysis will be used to identify patterns a
nd relationships between the product and behavioral measures of goods that p
eople use. In addition to the main topics mentioned previously, the study will a
lso examine the following:
- Customer engagement and engagement: Examine how customers engage wit
h the ZARA brand through multiple channels, including physical stores, online
platforms, and interactive social media channels. This will include analyzing c
ustomer interactions with ZARA content, customer service experiences and co
mmunity services. situation. This includes analyzing consumer awareness of t
he products, endorsements, reliability of the products, and trade associations.
Additionally, this study will investigate how ZARA's brand strategy contributes
to competitive advantage and market differentiation. Data and information are
obtained from ZARA or its parent company Inditex. We will try to reduce this li
mitation through secondary research and open source. Additionally, the result
s of this study will be affected by other factors such as macroeconomic conditi
ons, competitive dynamics and market trends. The content of these terms will
be taken into account when interpreting and analyzing research results to ens
ure validity and reliability. and its impact on user behavior across geographies,
demographics, and time periods. Using mixed methods research and decision-
making from historical and contemporary perspectives, this study aims to pro
vide important information to inform decision-making strategies and lead to a
broader understanding of brands in the fast-moving retail industry. Through ri
gorous analysis and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data, the rese
arch aims to uncover recommendations that will guide ZARA's brand strategy
and improve its engagement with customers worldwide. this is true! Let's conti
nue to expand
Chapter 1: Introduction.

The scope of this study (expand the field further.

This study examines ZARA's presence in many countries including European
Markets North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East Each r
egion offers a unique business environment in terms of customer preferences,
different cultural and business practices Localized approach to communicatio
n and customer engagement Demographic Scope:
Study will include varying ages Demographic characteristics including gender,
income level, education, profession and lifestyle. This study aims to reveal the
positive aspects of consumers and brand perceptions by segmenting the targe
t audience according to these demographic factors. The research will also expl
ore psychological factors such as values, preferences and lifestyles to underst
and the key motivations that drive the ZARA brand. Research aims to create m
arketing plans for specific customers through demographic and psychological
analysis. It covers several years of brand evolution and business dynamics, up
to today. This long-term thinking leads the study to trace the path of the ZARA
brand over time, including milestones, strategic changes and new trends. By a
nalyzing historical and archival data, the study will identify patterns of continui
ty and change in ZARA's personal brand, communication strategies and custo
mer engagement processes. Additionally, insights gained from historical analy
sis will provide an overview of today's business strategies and predict future d
evelopments in this fast-paced environment.

1.4Methodology of collection of information;

1. Focus Groups: Focus groups will be held with ZARA customers to facilitate
group discussions and research discussions regarding the ZARA brand. To
encourage open discussion, participants will be divided into homogeneous groups
based on demographic criteria. Focus groups will be moderated to ensure that all
participants have the opportunity to share their views. Content Analysis: ZARA
products, including advertising campaigns, press releases and promotional
materials, will be subject to content analysis to identify recurring themes, words and
visual content. This strategic plan will give an idea about all the concepts and
strategies used in ZARA's communication brand. ** Research Analysis: Ethnic
analysis will be conducted in ZARA stores to evaluate customer behaviour
interaction with product content printing and all stores. These research studies will
provide insight into how consumers interact with the ZARA brand in a real
environment. Comprehensive information about consumer behaviour preferences
and attitudes towards the ZARA brand. The following procedures will be used:

1 Questions Online and offline surveys will lead a sample of ZARA customers
to gather comprehensive information on various aspects of customer behaviour and
perceptions. The survey will be developed based on information from qualitative
research and existing data on product development and consumer behaviour
Sampling Strategy: Stratified random sampling techniques will be used to ensure
that different population groups are represented in the population sample. The
sample will be stratified by demographic variables such as age, gender, income
level, and geographic region to capture the heterogeneity of ZARA customers.
Metrics: Standard metrics will be used to measure key variables such as trust, brand
image, approval and purchase intent. A Likert scale will be used to measure whether
the respondent agrees or disagrees with the statements regarding these variables.
Analytical Analysis: Analytical methods including descriptive statistics, correlational
analysis, regression analysis and case analysis will be used in the analysis of
research data. This analysis process will be able to identify patterns, relationships
and principles that influence consumer behaviour towards the ZARA brand. For

1. Pre-testing: The survey and interview/focus group guide will be pre-tested

for clarity, understanding and accuracy with a small group of participants. Responses
from the will be used to develop and complete the survey instrument. Recruitment:
Participants for interviews, focus groups, and surveys will be recruited through a
variety of methods, including social media posts, email invitations, and in-market
recruitment efforts. We will try to find a diverse sample of ZARA customers to ensure
a diverse representation. Data Collection Interviews, focus groups, and surveys will
be conducted in advance. Interviews and focus group discussions will be audio-
recorded and transcribed, with responses recorded electronically or on paper. Data
Management All data collected will be stored securely and managed in accordance
with ethical and data protection rules. Data entry and coding will be effective in
facilitating data analysis and interpretation. one. Qualitative Data Analysis Qualitative
data from interviews, focus groups, and content analysis will be using thematic
analysis. Themes and patterns that emerge from the material will be identified,
coded, and placed into meaningful categories to provide greater understanding.
Quantitative data analysis Survey data will be using statistical software such as
SPSS or R. Inferential statistics, including correlation analysis and regression
analysis, will be performed to differences and relationships between tests. Synthesis
of findings: Qualitative and quantitative findings will be combined to provide a better
understanding of the impact of the brand ZARA on consumer Triangulating data
from multiple sources will increase the validity and reliability of research findings. and
principles. Information consent will be obtained from all participants, and their
identities and privacy will be protected. Participants will be guaranteed the right to
withdraw from the study at any time without consequences. We will also to reduce
harm or discomfort to participants during the research. The impact of the brand
ZARA on consumer. Using mixed methods, the research aims to create rich,
unbiased information to inform sound decisions and contribute to existing knowledge
and consumer in retail. Through rigorous data collection, analysis and interpretation,
this study is designed to provide recommendations to strengthen ZARA's strategic
objectives and build a strong relationship between business customers.


Stratified random sampling technique will be used to ensure that different groups of peo
ple in the sample population are represented. Stratification will be determined by import
ant demographic variables such as age, gender, income level, education and geography.
This approach will allow participants to be selected from each stratum according to their p
roportions in the population and will ensure a balanced and representative sample. > M
odel The size of each data collection method will be determined by considerations such as
the level of demand, the magnitude of the demand, and the resources available. A po
wer analysis will be performed to determine the minimum sample size required to detect a
significant effect with a given level of confidence. Additionally, to ensure adequate statistical
power, sample sizes will account for potential attrition and nonresponse bias. Partici
pants will be selected through sampling methods (interviews, focus groups, content ana
lysis). We will try to find people who are recent ZARA customers or have some familiarit
y with ZARA products. Recruitment strategies will include advertising through social med
ia platforms, ZARA's customer database, and community organizations. The survey will b
e distributed through online platforms, email invitations and store pickup to cover ZARA'
s broad customer base. Offer respondents a survey, such as a discount or gift certific
ate, to increase response and representative sample. An interview guide and focus gro
up discussion protocol will be developed based on the research objectives and data colle
ction. The tool will include open-ended questions designed to elicit rich, detailed responses
from participants about perceptions, attitudes and behaviors regarding the ZARA brand.
Understand relevant ideas and concepts. The framework will guide the process of classi
fying and analyzing text, visual and audio content in ZARA's advertising campaigns, soc
ial media and promotional materials. behaviour. Survey instruments will include multipl
e-choice Likert scales, multiple-choice options, and closed-ended questions with
demographic items. Survey items will be designed to measure important constructs such a
s brand trust, brand image, endorsement, purchase intent, and demographic characteris
tics. This will involve planning and conducting interviews and focus groups in locations s
uitable for discussion and recording. Interviews and focus groups will be conducted by ex
perienced moderators trained in qualitative research to ensure consistency and consistenc
y among participants. Text and visual contents are stored and encoded. Data analysis
software will be used to organize and analyze data to identify themes, patterns and tren
ds in the ZARA brand strategy. Give questions to the participants. Survey distribution
s will be adjusted to reach different populations and ensure data quality and accurac
y while maximizing responses. Qualitative data analysis will include the following proc
ess of coding, categorizing, and developing meaning to identify patterns and patterns in
participant responses. Methods such as thematic analysis, constant comparison and me
mber checking will be used to ensure rigor and reliability in the interpretation of the items.
effects and audio elements. Coding categories will be created based on theoretical constr
ucts and emerging themes, and intercoder reliability analysis will be conducted to incre
ase validity and consistency. values) are used to collect answers to questions and cha
racteristics of the sample population. Inferential statistical tests such as correlation analysi
s, regression analysis, and factor analysis will be conducted to examine variables and test
research hypotheses. Participants' rights, privacy and confidentiality are protected in
all aspects of the data collection process. Informed consent will be obtained from all partici
pants before participating in the research and a clear explanation will be given about t
he purpose, process and voluntariness of their participation. Participants will be assured
of their right to withdraw from the study at any time without consequences.

Measures will be taken to ensure safe storage, access to information and to protect th
e confidentiality and confidentiality of the information included. restrictions on access t
o confidential information. Ethical approval will be obtained from the institutional review bo
ard or ethics committee before data collection begins, and the study will comply with eth
ical guidelines established by professional organizations and regulatory agencies.
The above method provides a general method to collect and analyze data to analyze th
e impact of the brand ZARA on consumer behavior. With an integrated and multi-
method approach, this study aims to produce strong findings that provide insight int
o the different ways commercial customers interact in fast food outlets. The research
aims to provide good information for the commercialization of products, consumer be
havior and retail management through strict data collection procedures, analytical proc
edures and adherence to ethical principles

Limitation of study;

Of course, identifying the limitations of the research is important to understanding i

ts limitations and implications. Here are some limitations to consider:

1. Sample Size and Representatives: Sample size and representatives may pose
limitations. Although ZARA tries to find a diverse sample of customers, there may
be biases in the sample, such as bias from certain demographic groups or advertis
ing frequent shoppers. This may limit the generalizability of the findings to a broader
group of ZARA customer. Sampling Bias There is a risk of sampling bias, especial
ly in simple sampling methods used for quantitative data collection. There may be d
ifferences between participants who choose to participate and those who decline
to participate, which may lead to poor predictions of consumer attitudes and be
haviors. Additionally, respondents obtained from online websites may not be repre
sentative of ZARA's offline customers, which may lead to negative results. Self-
reported data Relying on self-
reported data in surveys and interviews may reveal negative responses such as ne
gative social attitudes or forgetfulness. Participants may give the desired reactio
n from the relationship or may forget previous experiences and provide incorre
ct information. Additionally, participants may not be aware of their own motivations
or motivations for their behavior, which may compromise the validity of self-
report measures. Cross-sectional design: The cross-sectional design of this stud
y limits the ability to establish cause and effect or correlate temporal relationships
between variables. When research is designed to investigate the relationship bet
ween the product and consumer behavior, it cannot be determined whether the br
and directly influences behavior or whether there are other factors influencing the
relationships. Long-term research or experimental design is required to better s
olve these physical problems. Summary of content This study focuses on ZAR
A's brand strategy and may consider general issues affecting consumers such
as marketing macroeconomics, economic efficiency and competition. Although
we try to control for different variables, the complexity of the retail environment mak
es it difficult to clearly separate the impact of brands on consumer behavior. Be
yond the specific context of ZARA and the fast-moving retail industry, the generali
zability of the findings may be limited. Factors such as cultural differences, marke
t saturation, and market sales may vary from store to store, limiting the applicatio
n of benefits to other markets or regions. Replication studies in different contexts a
re needed to confirm the robustness of the findings. Data Availability
The availability and quality of secondary data, such as ZARA's internal sales data or
customer analytics, will limit the depth of analysis. Access to proprietary data or in
stitutional partnerships may be restricted, limiting the researcher's ability to analyz
e study results or explore additional questions. This may require relying on publis
hed information or other sources that may be more available or reliable. Techni
cal Limitations Limitations, such as limitations of data collection equipment or anal
ysis software, may affect the efficiency and accuracy of data analysis. Inadequate in
frastructure or skills in data management and analysis may hinder the researcher's
ability to derive meaningful insights from the data collected, which may the depth
scope of analysis OVERVIW OF

Zara, the main brand of the Inditex Group, is a famous Spanish clothing retailer that
has revolutionized the fashion industry with its unique business model and trendy at
titude. Since its founding in A Coruña, Spain in 1975, Zara has grown globally to
become one of the world's largest fashion retailers. Business model that allows th
e company to manage all aspects of fashion products, from design and production
to distribution and sales. This vertical integration allows Zara to respond quickly to
changing fashion and consumer preferences, moving new styles from concept to s
helf, often within a few weeks. He has talent. The company carries out the decisi
on-making process with its management team responsible for various aspects of t
he business such as design, purchasing and sales. This decentralized structure all
ows employees at all levels to make quick decisions and align with business succe
ss. The company invests heavily in technology and data analytics to better understa
nd customer behavior and market trends. The data-driven approach allows Zara to
optimize its products, pricing strategies and in-store processes to improve custo
mers' shopping experience. Thousands of stores. Additionally, the company has a
strong online presence providing e-commerce in various markets to meet online
shopping needs. and innovation to provide apparel and accessories to consumer
s worldwide. As the retail industry continues to evolve, Zara remains at the forefron
t of the industry, setting standards and redefining the way fashion is created, sold a
nd consumed.
Zara is the most famous brand of the Spanish multinational clothing retailer Inditex, k
nown for its fast fashion trends and innovative approach to the fashion industry. Zara'
s details are below:

1.Foundation and History: Zara was founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega and Rosalá
a Mera in A Coruña, Spain. From humble beginnings in a small store, Zara has grow
n into a global fashion empire. Business Model: Zara's business model is based on f
ast fashion, reacting quickly to fashion trends and having good supply chain manage
ment. The company designs, manufactures, distributes and sells its own clothing line
; This allows for rapid changes in design on stock shelves. **Vertical integration: Zar
a tightly controls its products through an integrated structure that includes in-house d
esign, production and distribution. This integration allows Zara to improve its process
es and reduce delivery times, giving it a competitive advantage in the fast-paced fas
hion industry. **Decentralized Decision Making: Zara operates with a decentralized o
rganization that allows stores and regional teams to make independent decisions ab
out product selection, pricing and in-market operations. This speed allows Zara to re
spond quickly to local markets and customer preferences. Innovation and Technolog
y: Zara invests heavily in technology and innovation to improve its operations and cu
stomers. The company uses data analytics, artificial intelligence and RFID technolog
y to improve inventory management, increase product quality and personalize produ
cts. GLOBAL PRESENC: Zara has a global footprint with thousands of department st
ores in more than 90 countries. The company's retail network covers Europe, Americ
a, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, serving customers from all over the world.
Development: Zara has been doing great work on sustainability in recent years; impl
ements strategies to reduce its environmental footprint and promote ethics througho
ut its equipment. These efforts include the use of environmentally friendly products, e
nergy-saving efforts and waste reduction strategies
Brand Image and Recognition Known for its stylish and affordable products, Zara tar
gets the fashionable consumer looking for clothes and accessories. The company ha
s great recognition and appeal, with a loyal customer base that spans many cultures
and regions. Online presence
addition to its physical stores, Zara also has a strong online presence with its e-
commerce platform serving customers in many stores. The company's digital pipelin
e provides a seamless marketplace that allows customers to easily browse, purchas
e and receive orders. Corporate Social Responsibility: Zara is committed to Corporat
e Social Responsibility (CSR) and ethical business practices. The company emphasi
zes fair labor standards, diversity and inclusion, community involvement and volunte
ering as part of employee well-being. innovation and global impact. With its custome
r-focused approach and commitment to excellence, Zara continues to shape the futu
re of fashion and maintain
Zara is the most famous brand of the Spanish multinational clothing retailer Inditex,
known for its fast fashion trends and innovative approach to the fashion industry.
Zara's details are below:

1. Foundation and History: Zara was founded in 1975 by Spain. From humble
beginnings in a small store, Zara has grown into a global fashion empire. Business
Model. Zara's business model is based on fast fashion, reacting quickly to fashion
trends and having good supply chain management. The company designs,
manufactures, distributes and sells its own clothing line; This allows for rapid
changes in design on stock shelves. Vertical integration: Zara tightly controls its
products through an integrated structure that includes in-house design, production
and distribution. This integration allows Zara to improve its processes and reduce
delivery times, giving it a competitive advantage in the fast-paced fashion industry.
Decentralized Decision Making. Zara operates with a decentralized organization that
allows stores and regional teams to make independent decisions about product
selection, pricing and in-market operations. This speed allows Zara to respond
quickly to local markets and customer preferences. **Innovation and Technology**:
Zara invests heavily in technology and innovation to improve its operations and
customers. The company uses data analytics, artificial intelligence and RFID
technology to improve inventory management, increase product quality and
personalize products. GLOBAL PRESENCE: Zara has a global footprint with
thousands of department stores in more than 90 countries. The company's retail
network covers Europe, America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, serving
customers from all over the world. **Professional Development**: Zara has been
doing great work on sustainability in recent years; implements strategies to reduce
its environmental footprint and promote ethics throughout its equipment. These
efforts include the use of environmentally friendly products, energy-saving efforts and
waste reduction strategies. Brand Image and Recognition: Known for its stylish and
affordable products, Zara targets the fashionable consumer looking for clothes and
accessories. The company has great recognition and appeal, with a loyal customer
base that spans many cultures and regions. **Online presence: In addition to its
physical stores, Zara also has a strong online presence with its e-commerce platform
serving customers in many stores. The company's digital pipeline provides a
seamless marketplace that allows customers to easily browse, purchase and receive
orders. Corporate Social Responsibility: Zara is committed to Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) and ethical business practices. The company emphasizes fair
Labour standards, diversity and inclusion, community involvement and volunteering
as part of employee well-being. innovation and global impact. With its customer-
focused approach and commitment to excellence, Zara continues to shape the future
of fashion and maintain its position as a retail leader.


the fast-paced world of fashion stores, where trends emerge and develop at lightnin
g speed, the role of the product in the formation of consumer behavior is importa
nt. ZARA is a Spanish clothing store that has become a global fashion force, attra
cting customers with its unique blend of affordability, style and affordability. With
more than 2,000 stores in 96 countries, ZARA has consolidated its leading positio
n in the fashion industry. However, apart from its large retail space and rich produ
ct range, ZARA owes much of its success to the efforts of its brand. Business is
characterized by intense competition, rapid changes and changing customer prefe
rences. In such an environment, brands need to adapt and adapt to stay relevant a
nd engaged with their target audience. Therefore, understanding the relationship
between brands and consumer behavior is important for retailers like ZARA to hav
e a competitive advantage. Importance of Brands Although brands influence con
sumer behavior, there are gaps in the existing literature regarding the specific effect
s of brands on people who use the ZARA character. Although many studies hav
e explored the general concepts of branding and consumer behavior in retail, few h
ave examined in depth the specific concepts used by ZARA and their impact on
consumers' thoughts, preferences, and purchasing decisions. This study aims to
expand this gap through a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the ZARA bra
nd on consumer behavior. and the impact on consumers. This research specifi
cally focuses on the following topics:

1. Learn about the key elements of ZARA's brand identity, including branding, pos
itioning and communication strategies. Investigate the impact of the ZARA brand
on consumer knowledge, attitude and purchase intention. Analyze the factors that
made ZARA's business objectives successful and their impact on the overall ret
ail industry. Provide strategic ideas and recommendations to ZARA to improve its
marketing strategy and engage its target audience. The framework draws on relev
ant theories and models based on marketing, consumer behavior and product dev
elopment. The main elements of this framework are concepts such as brand loyalt
y, brand attitude, brand image and brand loyalty, which provide a perspective to an
alyze the relationship of the ZARA brand with consumer behavior. By building ou
r research on a theoretical model, we aim to understand more deeply the proces
s by which products affect consumer needs and behavior. Everything has bee
n named in detail using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research to o
ffer insight and draw conclusions. Through rigorous data analysis and interpretatio
n, we aim to uncover the subtle changes of the brand and its profound impact on
consumer behavior towards ZARA.


A mixed method combining both qualitative and quantitative research will be used
to achieve the above objectives. path. This approach captures the depth and bre
adth of consumer thoughts and behaviors, allowing for a comprehensive examin
ation of the product's impact on consumer behavior towards ZARA. Interviews
and focus groups will be used to gain a deeper understanding of consumers' perc
eptions of the ZARA brand. > Quantitative research:
- Quantitative research will be conducted to collect large, meaningful data on cus
tomer behavior, preferences and attitudes towards ZARA. It is used to identify pa
tterns and relationships between product and customer behavior. .

Data Analysis:
- Qualitative data will be analyzed thematically to identify recurring themes, pattern
s, and insights from interviews and focus groups. Investigate the relationship betw
een product variables and consumer behavior. - Ethical procedures will be strictly
followed throughout the study to ensure the rights and confidentiality of participa
nts. Although this study aims to better understand the impact of brands on con
sumer behavior at ZARA, some limitations also need to be considered:
- This study aims to be specific to ZARA as a case study and may not be general t
o other fashion stores. Effect of restrictions. Using a combination of methods, w
e aim to provide information that informs ZARA's strategic decisions and contribu
te to customers' broad knowledge of business and research. We present the re
sults of an in-depth study investigating the importance of the ZARA brand and it
s impact on consumer behavior. Through a meticulous analysis of qualitative and
quantitative data, we strive to provide the best recommendations to make ZARA'
s brand positive and improve its relationship with customers.

Be the number one fashion store. We want the world to wear stylish, quality clothe
s and unique designs every week. Pleased. The next section shows four dimension
s of Zara's approach. He is responsive and has good control over the entire proce
ss, from design to final product. When distribution centers and warehouses are effic
ient, the supply chain is also efficient. His idea also enabled the product to spre
ad widely in a short time. Another point is that the product meets the needs of th
e business. Their products are produced in limited numbers; Therefore, they need t
o sell their products in a short time so that they can sell them for full value without r
eturning them. This response involves reducing the company's operating costs
and increasing profits. IT integration is also an important part of Zara's strategy; T
his is important because it allows information to be shared between different parts o
f the company. However, he has one major weakness; Difficult to leverage scala
bility for further expansion. Zara's share in Inditex's sales group is 80%, which me
ans that the entire group depends on Zara's sales data. Vertical integration of netw
ork equipment has limitations in scalability. The whole idea is based on small ite
ms in the store as it is not possible for Zara to produce more clothes at a chea
per price
Therefore sometimes fast process may affect the quality. Being close to the mar
ket, catching up with new trends and turning it into workwear in a short time requir
es good work by staff and management. Zara's failure to launch online shopping
resulted in orders being lost to competitors.
Online shopping has become a big and important business; If Zara allows its cu
stomers to shop online, its sales will increase. First Vice President and Chief Exec
utive Officer Pablo Isla said: "We believe that the idea of entering the Indian mar
ket is the most important idea in business
(C) Challenges
Zara's business model faces challenges such as: intense competition, globalization,
supply and demand etc. Decision Making Agility One of the ways to compete aga
inst Zara's business model is the uncertainty of the popularity o


Qualitative Method The word qualitative refers to highlighting the properties and processes
and meaning of entities that have not been experimentally studied or measured [if
measured at all] in terms of amount quantity intensity or frequency. Qualitative researchers
emphasize the socially constructed nature of reality, the intimate relationship between the
researcher and the researched and the situational constraints that shape the inquiry. Such
researchers emphasize the value burden of research. They seek answers to questions that
emphasize the creation and meaning of social experience. In contrast, quantitative research
emphasizes the measurement and analysis of causal relationships between variables rather
than processes. Many social and behavioral scientists consider qualitative forms of research
as a perspective on how to approach the study of a research problem method
Quantitative Method Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and
statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis collected through surveys, polls, and surveys,
or by manipulating existing statistical data using computer techniques. Quantitative research
focuses on collecting and generalizing numerical data between groups of people or
explaining a certain phenomenon.
A questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a series of questions (or other types
of prompts) to collect information from respondents. The questionnaire was invented by the
Statistical Society of London in 1838.
Although questionnaires are often designed for statistical analysis of responses, this is not
always the case -
Questionnaires have advantages over other surveys because they are cheap, do not require
as much effort by the interviewer such as oral or telephone. surveys, and often have
standardized functions to facilitate data collection responses. However, such standard
answers can annoy users. Questionnaires are also severely limited by the fact that
respondents must be able to read and answer the questions. For some population groups,
conducting a survey is therefore not necessarily specific.
In this project I used a survey method in which I asked concise questions to understand
consumer behavior towards the Zara brand. It is a quantitative data collection method in
which I create a Google form and randomly distribute a questionnaire to people and collect
their feedback. I then quantified this information using a graphical representation to better
understand the project.


Questionnaire is the research instrument used here:

3.3 Sampled population for the study:

A population is a group of individuals, object or item from which samples are taken for
measurement. As the study was only related to the consumer behavior or satisfaction
towards Zara. So the survey was only conducted to the consumer across in Bengaluru. The
sample population includes from various categories like men & women.
RESEARCH AREA: I circulated a survey among the people of BANGALURU through Google
form and collected their comments and I did this project based on the answers of the
questionnaires marked by them.


This research design uses a descriptive design.
A decisive and convenient method is used to get data about Zara.
Sample size: 35 respondents
Sampling methodology: Random sampling.


Primary data are data that the researcher collects from direct sources using methods such as
surveys interviews or experiments. It is collected directly from the primary sources
considering the research project. The questions and the interview should be prepared based
on the topic and answered as respondents.
This term is used in contrast to the term secondary data. Secondary data is data collected
from research surveys or experiments conducted by other people or conducted for other
research. It is cost and time efficient because you only need to analyze data collected by
someone else.


The study is based on analysis and interpretation of a questionnaire which was distributed to
35 respondents. The survey included open and close ended questions.


In this project percentage method test and used. The following are the formula,

Percentage of respondent = No. of respondents/ Total no. of respondents x 100


Pie charts was used as statistical tools n the study to analysis the consumer Behavior
towards Zara.
Google forms are used to conduct the survey of consumer behavior towards Zara in
1 Gender

 Male
 Female
2 Age

 18-20
 20-25
 25-30
 40-50
3 Do you aware of Zara

 Yes
 No

5 Do you aware of the brand Zara?

 NO
6 Have you ever shopped at Zara?

 Yes
 No
7 How often you shop at Zara?

 Weekly
 Monthly
 Need based
 Fortnightly
8 How trend driven do you consider Zara's clothes to be

 Not trend driven

 Extremely- trend
 Dress/jumpsuit
 Shirts/tops
 Trouser
 T-shirt
 Knitwear
 Trench/jacket
 Jeans
10 how did you rate Zara?

 Extremely
 Satisfied
 Not satisfied
11 What would you say is the best reason for you to shop at Zara?

 Brand name
 Discount & offers
 Quality of the product
 Customer service
 Store ambience
12 How do you purchase from Zara?

 Instore
 Online
13 Do you find the price economical?

 Yes
 No
14 what is your budget to spend in Zara?

 500-1000
 1000-1500
 1500-2000
 Above 2000

15 Does the role of brand matter to you? if yes why?

 I purchase only brand product

 I check the price before selecting a particular product
 Price of the product is more important to me than the product
16 Does the store layout make it easy for the customer to find what they need?

 Yes
 No
17 Which other fashion retailer would you choose over Zara?

 H&M
18 Do you follow Zara on any social media?

 Yes
 No
19 Do you perceive Zara being a lifestyle brand? (a brand who provides you with a sense of
belongings to a specific culture or group of people)

 Yes
 No
20 If Zara launch other new product will you like to try?

 Yes
 No




The analysis of data involves identifying the relations of quantified information to the
research problem in hand. Here percentage analysis is the tool for analyzing data and
establishing a relationship between the information gathered and the reason problem. It
involves various techniques and methodologies depending on the nature of the data and the
questions being asked. Data analysis can range from simple statistical calculations to
complex machine learning algorithms.
The process of drawing interferences from the analyzed data in a research process is called
as interpretation. It refers to the technique of drawing inference from the collected facts and
explaining the significance of those inferences after an analytical and experimental study. It
is a search for border and more abstract means of the research findings. It's not just about
stating what the data says, but also understanding what it means in the context of the
problem being addressed or the question being asked. This step requires subject matter
expertise, critical thinking, and domain knowledge.
Data analysis and interpretation involve the systematic examination of data to uncover
patterns, trends, and relationships, and then making sense of those findings in order to
inform decision-making and drive action.



Sample population: CONSUMER

TABLE -1 shows description of personal profile of the respondents


GENDER Males 17 60
female 11 39.3

AGE 18-25 12 42.9

20-25 5 17.9
25-30 4 14.2
30-35 4 14.2
40-50 3 10.7
Out of 28 response were male and 11were female & majority of the buyer range from the
age group of 18-25 is 12% the next range is from 26-30 17.9% which bis very close to the top
range. the next range is from 31-40 is 14.2% and 1 responded belonged to the age group of
41-50 is 3%

Question 3 – do you know Zara brand


YES 23 82.1
NO 5 17.9
Out of 28 respondents 23 people that is 82.1% are aware of the brand Zara and other 2
people that is 5% is not aware of the Zara.
Question 4 where did you find Zara brand


TV 2 7.1%
PRINT MEDIA 16 57.1%
ONLINE 9 32..1%


Out of 28 respondent 12 people that is range of 57% of them have got to know about Zara
through online. And the next 8 people & the range is 32.5% had got to know through print
media and the same from word of mouth the range is 22.5%. and the last range 5 of them
had got to know through television and the range is 2%

Question 5 Have you ever shopped at Zara?

Shopping Frequency Percentage

Yes 17 63%
No 10 37%
Out of 28 respondent 17 that is 77.1% of them have shopped at Zara and continue to shop
at Zara. 17 of that is 63% have never visited or shopped at Zara.

Question 6 How often you shop at Zara?


Weekly 2 7.1%
Monthly 4 39.3%
Need based 20 39%
Rarely 1% 3.6%
This chart shows exactly how much scope there is in the clothes & fashion industry. Majority
of the people buy clothes only according to their needs i.e. 39.3% and the second highest
segment buys clothes from Zara on a weekly basis. That is 7.1% of the Respondents and
42people shop from Zara every month once at least 4% of the respondents and rest 4
people prefer buying every two weeks from Zara. I respondent buys clothes every week from
Zara. Clothes are a basic necessity for people & will always remain in demand. This shows
that Zara can continue to grow & increase business because of consumers frequently buying
clothes due to increase in the purchasing power & importance of having branded clothes as
a status symbol.

Question 7 How trend driven do you consider Zara's clothes to be?


NOT TREND 18 39.3%
NO 1 3.6


The above graph shows that 18 of them respondent that is 39.3% consider that Zara to be a
not trend-driven brand. This shows that Zara they believe that Zara produces new garments
every week. 16 people of them consider Zara to be a trend- driven brand. This clearly shows
that the Zara is up date and follow all the latest & upcoming trend & customer thinks so.
Question 8 Which product types do you associate with Zara?


T-SHIRTS 5 26.6%
KNITWEAR 8 28.6%
JEASNS 6 17.1


Most of the respondents buy or mostly prefer to buy dresses /jumpsuit, t-shirts, jeans, tops
from Zara. The diagram clearly shows that half of the respondent but the apparels above.
The second category below comes of the people who prefer to buy trousers, trench/jacket
according to the need. The chart helps us to understand that the Zara needs to work on few
products to fulfill customer needs & get them to buy every product type from the brand.
This will also help the brand convert more prospects.

Question 9 How would you rate the quality of the product Zara?


SATISFIED 19 22.2%


Most of the people consider the quality of the product provides by Zara as good and hence
14 of them are not extremely satisfied 66.7%. and other 19 of them are pretty satisfied with
the quality of the product of the brand Zara which is a good sign but there is still is room for
improvement 2.9% of respondents that is 1 person are not at all satisfied with the quality of
the product. Customer want happiness, comfort & satisfaction & they partly get it through
the products they buy. If the brand Zara consistently manages to deliver a positive
Experience Consumers will form an opinion that the brand is trustworthy. Hence delivering
quality products is very important.



BRAND NAME 10 28.6%


The pervious question of the questionnaire talks about the quality of the products and the
analysis & interpretation from the responses of the respondents says that Zara still needs to
work a bit on the quality of the product. But when it comes to choosing a brand most of the
respondents choose the brand Zara for its quality of the products according to the
respondents in this particular question. The second highest reason for most of the
respondents to choose the brand Zara for shopping is its brand name. Brand name really
matters to consumers that is because in an instant you can tell your product is different from
competitors. People are emotionally attached to the brands they use and view them as a
part of their Self image
Hence, from the above diagram we can say that Zara has marked a place in consumers mind.
It is also seen that Discounts & offers given by Zara are liked by its consumers and hence that
being a reason they choose the brand Zara for shopping. For a few respondents, Store
Ambience & Customer Service are also a few reasons to shop at Zara.

Question 10 How do you purchase from Zara?


INSTORE 10 35.7%
ONLINE 16 57.1%
It can be clearly seen from the pie-diagram that the different between the two options is
vast. A very few people like the ease of sitting at home & buying clothes while the others
prefer to go to the retail outlet to buy clothes. This again emphasizes the need of having a
good sales team & being able to get new stock quickly to the stores. It also shows the need
to have a good collection online across because not serving people is losing out of loyal

Question 11 Do you find the price economical?


YES 8 65.4%
NO 17 35.8%
Most of the people feel that the prices of the products offered by Zara is economical and 13
people feel that the price of Zara are slightly higher and its not economical.

QUESTION 12 On average how much money do you spend in Zara?


500-1000 9 25.7%
1000-1500 8 22.9%
1500-2000 7 20%
ABOVE 2000 11 31.4%
31.4% of the respondents that is 11 people spend more than or above Rs.2000. 20% of the
respondents 7 people spend around Rs. 1500-2000 at Zara. 22.9% of the respondent 8
people choose to spend around 1000-1500. 25.7% of respondents 9 people spend no more
than 1000 at Zara. This also shows the kind of customers that visit the brand Zara and their
standard of living. The graph also depicts the spending patterns of the consumers. Not a Lot
respondents choose to spend much at Zara which means the prices of the brand either are
not economical or the brand has failed to attract the actual customers.

Question 13 Does the role of brand matter to you? if yes why?




40% the respondents 14 people care about the role that the brand plays because they only
buy branded products. That is because experience of customers with products of same
brand help them to quickly decide whether they will want to go with their purchase decision
or not making their decision easier. Brands bring with them a certain level of quality
assurance. The next category is the 20% of the respondent for whom the price of product is
more important brand. the brand& the quality that comes alone with it doesn't matter to
them as much as the price. 20% of the respondent thinks that price of the product is more
important to them. And people don’t think the role of the brand is import

Question 14 Does the store layout make it easy for the customer to find what they need?


YES 32 94.1%
NO 2 5.9%
94.1% of the respondents 32 people feel that the store layout makes it easy for them to find
what they need. Whereas hardly 5.9% of the Respondents 2 people think that store layout
does not make any difference. Store layout determines how customers shop. The longer the
customer is in the store, he/she is more likely to buy something. A good layout will provide
the brand with a good turnover & Zara has succeeded in it.

Question 15 Which other fashion retailer would you choose over Zara?


H&M 23 65.7%
GAP 5 14.3%
MANGO 4 11.4%
Zara has a lot of competitors. And if given a Choice Respondents would prefer other brands
over Zara. Zara's biggest competitor is H&M as seen in the pie-diagram above. The second
brand that respondent would choose over Zara is GAP .Competition is not a good thing but
the main goal of every brand is to dominate & Zara has failed to do so. Zara needs to study
the competitors & the market well and deliver the best to its customers so there is no shift in
brands. This will also help Zara to form a loyal customer base who will do repeat purchases
from the brand and stick to it for a long time.

Question 16 Do you follow Zara on any social media?


YES 14 40%
NO 21 60%
40% of the respondents 14 people follow Zara on social media whereas 21% of the
respondents 21 people do not follow Zara on social media. Social media is the easiest and
the best way to connect to your customers. Social media engagement helps reinforce brand
messaging. Getting all the customers to follow you on social media will lead to better
customer experience, improved brand loyalty & improved brand authority
Question 17 Do you Follow Zara brand.


YES 27 63%
NO 9 33.3%


33.3% of the respondents perceive Zara as a lifestyle brand. They feel a sense of belonging
on buying products from Zara whereas 63%% of the respondents 9 people disagree to
perceive Zara as a lifestyle brand. Brands express who we are & if we won't have a sense of
belonging towards the brand, then the brand will have to work a lot towards

Question 18 did u find Zara stores near by?


YES 24 68.6%
NO 11 31.4%


There were a lot of different findings that came through this project report. Some of those
findings are as follows:
After conducting the consumer Behaviour towards Zara we find that.
From the above chart-01:
shows total number of respondents is 35, out of which 60% are male & 40% is female
respondents as this survey was only conducted in Bengaluru.

From the above chart-02:

shows that total number of respondents is 35, out of which 23. 65% are from 18-25 years
old.6 of them belongs to the age 26-30 that is 17.1%. 5 of are belongs to the age 31-40 that
is 14.3%. 1 respondent belongs to 41-50 that is 2.9%.
From the above chart-03:
35 responses have been recorded from the chart which states that 33 of them are aware of
the brand the range is 94.3% and 2 of are not aware of the brand the range is 5.7%.

From the above chart-04:

35 responses have been recorded 14 respondent that is 40% of them had got to know about
the brand through online. 8 respondent that is 22.9 of them had got to know about the
brand through word of mouth and the same for print media. And rest 5 that is
14.3%respondent had got to know through television.

From the above chart-06

35 responses have been recorded 27 respondent that is 77.1 have shopped at Zara. Rest 8 of
them that is 22.9% of not shopped at Zara.

From the above chart-07

out of 35 responses 34 have been recorded 20 of respondent that is 58.8% of people shop
according to their need. 6 of the Respondent that is 17.15 of the shop weekly basis. And
other 4 respondent that is 11.8% of them shop at Zara monthly basis and the same for

From the above chart-08

out of 35 responses 34 18 of the respondent that is 52.9 of them consider that Zara clothes
is extremely trendy. 16 of respondent that is 47.1 feels it is not trendy driven.
From the above chart-09
35 responses have been recorded 12 of respondent that is 34.3 of them prefer to buy
dress/jumpsuit. 6 of the Respondent that is 17.1 of them prefer to buy shirt/tops. And the
same response for jeans is 17.1. 7 of the Respondent that is 20% of them prefer to buy t-
shirt. 2 of the Respondent that is 5.7% of them prefer to buy trench/jacket
From the above chart-10
out of 35 responses 34 have been recorded 19 0f them that is 55.9% are satisfied about the
quality of the product Zara. And other 14 that is 41.2% of them that is extremely satisfied
about the quality of the product. 1 respondent that 2.9% is not satisfied of the quality of the
From the above chart-11
35 responses have been recorded 16 respondent that is 45.7 of them choose Zara because
of the quality of the product. 10 of respondent that is 28.6 of them choose Zara because of
brand name. 8 of the Respondent choose Zara because of discount & offers. 1 of the
Respondent that is 2.9%choose Zara because of customer service.

From the above chart-12

out of 35 responses 34 have been recorded 29 of respondent that is 85.3 of them like to buy
from store. 5 of respondent that is 14.7 of prefer to buy from online.
From the above chart-13
35 responses have been recorded 22 that is 62.9%respondent feels that the price Are
economical at Zara. 13 other Respondent feel that the price is not economical at Zara.
From the above chart-14
35 responses have been recorded 11 respondent that is 31.4% have purchased at Zara
above 2000. And other 9 respondent have that is 25.7% purchased between 500-1000. And
other 8 respondent that is 22.9% have purchased between 1000-1500. And other 7
respondent that is 20% have purchased between1500-2000.
From the above chart-15
35 responses have been recorded 14 respondent that is 40% of them will purchase only
brand product. And other 14 respondent that is 40% check the price before buying the
particular product or band. 20 of respondent that is 20% of the feel that the price is more
important Then brand.

From the above chart-16

out of 35 responses 34 have been recorded 32 respondent that is 94.1% feels that store
layout makes easy to find out the product. 2 of the Respondent that is 5.9 of them feels that
store layout doesn’t matter to them.
From the above chart-17
35 responses have been recorded 23 of the Respondent that is 65.7% of them has chosen
H&M over Zara. 5 of the Respondent that is 14.3 of them wants to go with the brand GAP. 4
respondent that is 11.4 of them has chosen the MANGO over Zara. Rest 8 respondent that is
8.6% of them has chosen Superdry over Zara.
From the above chart-18
35 responses have been recorded 14 respondent that is 40% of them follow Zara on social
media. 21 respondent that is 60% of them are not following the brand on social media.

From the above chart-19

35 responses have been recorded 26 respondent that is 74.3% of them feels that Zara is a
life style brand. 9 of the Respondent that is 25.7% feels that it is not a life style brand.
From the above chart-20
35 responses have been recorded 24 respondent that is 68.6% of them will like to try is Zara
launch a new product. 11 of the Respondent that is 31.4% of them are not interested if Zara
launch a new product.


 Target those people who use products of Zara & trust the products as their best
solution for retail fashion.
 Zara should try & also advertise its brand on various platforms such as T.V. &
billboards. This way they can attract more & more customers.
 Develop quality & brand image so that by trial of your brand leaves with a good
image and then followed by usage of many products which then will be used by
 It should try & reduce its prices which will help it gain a competitive edge over its
competitors. Though Zara has brand recognition, it should try & hammer its brand
name in people's mind.
 Look for different problems for which people choose other brands over Zara &
deliver the same of high quality & at the same time positioning of the brand as
solution for problems.
 Online retail is a big market nowadays & it is important that the company must have
its best & most fashionable products available online as well. It could increase or
improve the range of product offerings it has online.
 It could increase its product line because it gives tough competition to its rivals when
it comes to clothes but lacks behind in other products.
 Offer value for money impetus for the decision to use the product more intensively.

The findings of this report have shown me that Zara truly is a large brand with strong
recognition. It is one of the top companies in the fashion industry because it has been able
to satisfy customer needs & cater to them. It works in a segment which is very choosy when
it comes to fashion but it has constantly been able to deliver fashionable clothes & in line
with the trend that is trending globally. It has been able to achieve this without.
compromising on the quality of the product. A lot of people go to Zara not only because of
its fashionable clothes but also because it can trust the quality. It has been able to create a
strong brand recognition making it almost a status symbol for people who buy their
products. It has been able to keep its prices higher than its competitors & providing a
different range of products. Zara has quite a few things going for it because of which it is
behind its competitors in the fashion industry. There is definitely room for improvement for
Zara but it doesn't take away the fact that it is still a perfect example of how to change &
adapt with the change in fashion & grow into a huge & a successful brand.

1 https://Zara

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