The Lost Lands of The Lizard Tyrant - 5e Adventure Book

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Adventure Overview have been booked by a wealthy employer, who

footed the bill for their flight to the lead-in to
VLCPFUQHJGKT is an ad- the location of another Wondrous One-Shot, or
venture for a party of 4-6 characters between some other future adventure. Alternatively, the
5th and 8th level. The adventure is optimized GM can also have the players create their own
for 5th-level characters and can be played intended destinations. Of course, unbeknown
in conjunction with any 5e campaign or as a to them, they will be sidetracked when their
standalone adventure. airship crashes!
In this survival-based adventure, the char-
acters make it through a harrowing airship EJUINGCTMQP
crash, only to find themselves stranded in the The Monarch’s Isle can be found anywhere on a
wilds of an island’s jungle. They will need to distant island chain in any campaign setting. It
work together to keep the entire party and is an exotic land consisting entirely of untamed
other crash survivors alive, all while combat- jungle and volcanic rock. It is devoid of human-
ing the dinosaurs native to the region - none oid lifeforms, populated solely by dinosaurs.
of which are more deadly than the ferocious, The Monarch has maintained its dominance
magically-imbued alpha predator known as the for decades - and regards the presence of any
Monarch, who stalks the party at every turn! outsiders as immediate threats that must be
Adventure Background
The party is assumed to have procured passage
on the Cloudwalker airship, a first-of-it's kind, When ready to begin the adventure, read
arcane-powered luxury liner. Their travel may the following section aloud:


For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

Written by Liam Carr & Chad Skiles. Edited by D a vid Crennen & Chad
Skiles. Cover art by Margarita Bourkova.

Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-

ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

The Cloudwalker continues its steady
rumbling through the air, thanks to its Reading the Entries
combination of steam power and arcane This adventure references the three
enchantment. A halfling cheerily patrols the primary sourcebooks of 5e—monster
aisleways, keeping everyone’s drinks refreshed. entries are found in the M , spells and
Toward the back of the airborne vessel, a pair rules for players are in the BHP , and game
of staff, a tiefling and half-orc on an apparent rules & treasure are found in the GMD .
break, share a laugh. In a middle booth, a pair
• sret noM are listed in dlob .
of adventuring-looking types play cards. Other
passengers read books, snooze idly, or gaze out • sl epS are listed in italics.
the portholes at the endless expanse of glittering • srabediS like this provide optional rules and
blue sea far below. supplemental adventure information.

Use the Cloudwalker‹srwegnCs a P table struggles to bark out orders to those who are
to help flesh out other characters on board. The still conscious onboard.
GM may allow the party to interact with one Roll initiative! What do you do?
or two of the NPCs aboard the Cloudwalker, or
proceed directly with the crash by reading or See the C lo udwalker sidebar (pg. 4) for
paraphrasing the following section aloud. information on the ship. It will crash in three
A crackling sound fills the ship, followed rounds. Each player character will take 7d6
by the Captain’s voice. “This is Captain Finth bludgeoning damage from the impact. If the
speaking. Please return to your seats immed- !” ship’s emergency feather fall lever is activated,
He is cut off, as the airship shudders violently! all damage from impact is halved. The lever is
A nauseating tailspin whiplashes the interior, near the front/cockpit area (50 ft. away from
and you feel the ship spiralling downward. A hole the characters’ starting location). The ship’s
rips through the wall of the passenger cabin a death spin makes pulling the lever difficult,
moment later. The powerful vortex of wind sucks requiring a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
some of the passengers into the distant sky, their The players can attempt to decipher the
cries inaudible over the chaos. Alarms blare from barely-audible message from the half-orc,
the bridge as each of you feel pinned in place by Ushag - the engineer as part of their action.
a crushing concentration of force. A blue-skinned A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check discerns
tiefling drifts through the air, unconscious. The that she’s saying, “Parachutes! Get to the
burly half-orc grabs him by the foot, as she parachutes!” as she gestures toward the back
of the ship.

CloudwalkerU›GPITC CTG
C PN DGUETKRVQP stiarT draobnO eloR

Adam Spry male halfling with Kind, attentive, and anxious Cook / Server
Fairhill long hair (crenom )
Ushag Tough-looking female Smart, pragmatic, and tough Engineer
Curlfang half-orc (ptseir )
Happy Azure-skinned male Upbeat and hopeful - First Mate
tiefling (crenom ) sometimes beyond all reason
Edlwyth Tall and slender female Sharp, alert, and clever Passengers. Adventurering
Redstream wood elf (stuoc ) partners travelling to explore
a distant location of the GMs
Ender Dark-skinned, stout Stoic, sullen, and pessimistic
Shelldrake human male (gdrau )
Stranded Survivors
The Cloudwalker
The Cloudwalker is an airship built as a col- Read or paraphrase the following after the
laborative effort by artificers, shipwrights, party recovers from the crash:
and mages. It is one of the few of its kind in Despite your injuries, you've survived. Pick-
all of the realm, and booking passage aboard ing yourself up from the ground, you see flaming
the ship is something only the very wealthy, wreckage strewn all around you, and hear the
or very well-connected tend to acquire. Its groans and coughs of other survivors emerging
dimensions and features are as follows. from twisted metal, covered in soot.
• The ship is 180 ft. long, and the inside cabin
is 40 ft. wide. There are two lanes on either UGPITC KSWT
side of the 10-ft. aisleway, with three seats The party finds themselves fortunate to have
each, for a total of 24 seats on the ship. survived the crash, unlike many of the other
• In the middle section, there is a lounge - a passengers and crew. Only the five NPCs listed
comfortable, open area with a bar, operated on the C l o u dwa l ke r Pa s e n g e r a n d C r e w
byl ihr aF m dA . table (pg. 3) survived the impact - having
• Toward the front, there is the Bridge and parachuted to safety near the party. From this
Captain’s Quarters - both of which are off- point forward, the adventure centers around
limits to passengers. The emergency feather the party rallying the NPCs, and surviving long
fall lever is also in this area.
enough to get off the island.
At the back of the vessel is a cramped The NPCs were badly rattled by the crash.
kitchen and a few storage closets. Each one has a specific ailment that puts them
at risk of perishing in the jungle, unless the
party finds a way to help them overcome it.
In order to move about the ship as it plum- • l ihriaF madA Adam suffers from shellshock.
mets, a character must succeed on a DC 13 During combat encounters he is treated as
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) frightened. If a character spends at least 10
check. On a failure, the character takes 2d6 minutes comforting him, they may make a DC
15 Charisma ability check (using any relevant
bludgeoning damage from flying debris, but
skill). On a success, he is comforted and no longer
still moves as intended. If a character fails the suffers from this condition in combat, and grants
check by 5 or more, they fall prone and cannot a +3 bonus to Wisdom (Survival) checks to find
move further, in addition to taking the damage. food and shelter. He is able to cook a meal that
There are ten emergency parachutes stored removes one level of exhaustion from a character.
in closets near the back of the ship - 50 ft. away • gnaflruC gahsU Ushag lost her holy symbol in
from the party’s starting location. They can be the crash. It was in the engineering bay, which
spotted with a DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) landed away from the rest of the wreckage.
check and require an action to equip. Ushag can only cast cantrips unless the party
With a tremendous CRASH the airship slams recovers it (see thegnire nig E encounter,
pg. 9).
through the forest canopy before skidding to
a rest on the forest floor! A character that has • yp aH Happy has suffered a severe
leapt from the vessel with a parachute before concussion. Until he is healed, he has two levels
of exhaustion that can only be removed by
the crash will only take 2d6 bludgeoning
lesser restoration, or a healing spell of at least
damage from the impact - or no damage if they 3rd level. After he has been healed, he can give
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or out bardic inspiration (1d8) three times a day
Strength (Athletics) check to land smoothly. (PHB, pg. 53).
• maertsdeR htywldE Edlwyth’s hip is
dislocated. Until it is set back into place, she
cannot move more than 20 ft. on her turn. It
can be healed with a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine)

check, which may be attempted once per day.
Once she is healed, Edlwyth is able to scout for
the party, granting a +3 to Wisdom (Survival) Cursed Island
checks to navigate the jungle. An ancient curse on these lands has prevented
the use of any planar-based magic. Spells such
• ekardl ehS r dnE Ender’s plate armor was
damaged in the crash. Because of this, his AC as tiny hut, misty step, teleportation circle, and
is reduced to 13. His armor can be fixed with a teleport do not function here - nor does any
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. This check is spell or ability with teleportation or planar
made with disadvantage, unless the character functions.
uses blacksmith's tools. If three cumulative
failed checks are made - or a single failed check
of result 9 or lower is made - the armor is
ruined. Once fixed, Ender's AC is increased to
18, and he is able to use his reaction to impose The Bridge is at the front of the ship. Due to the
disadvantage on an attack roll targeting him or massive damage it took, it must be accessed
an ally within 5 ft. of him. by climbing through the broken observation
window in the front. When the party conducts
After the party recovers from the crash, they any amount of searching in this area, read or
have some time to converse with the other paraphrase the following aloud:
survivors, and potentially address some You hear a crackling of static, coming from
of their issues. None of them know exactly under a piece of rubble. You can see a partially-
where they’ve crash-landed. Ender suggests ruined sending stone, pulsing with flickers of
that they search the wreckage for anything enchantment.
useful. “...does anyone read? Over. This is Captain
Finth. Please, if anyone can hear this...”
There are four sections of the ship wreckage at The party can use the sending stone to com-
the crash site, which the party can examine in municate with Captain Finth, the Cloudwalk-
any order. There is no sign of the engineering er's captain. He parachuted from the wreck,
bay wreckage, meaning it must have broken but landed on the island far from the party's
away and crashed elsewhere. current position. He can share the following
dIersHackuntP • A huge flying creature clipped part of the ship,
A pack of three d e i n o yc h u s and an a l p h a and sent it into a tailspin that caused the crash.
d e i n o cy h u s prowl the area near the crash • This is a truly remote island, unmarked on
site, hoping to pick off an easy meal. After the every map he’s seen.
party has investigated 1d3 of the rooms, or • He has an emergency beacon with him, that
attempt to leave the site, they are attacked. will send out a magical distress call to the
Any character with a passive Perception of 15 mainland. Once the party makes it to his
or lower is surprised by the raptors. position, he'll send out the rescue call.
The deinonychuses use the stats of an • He describes his location to them as well as
sur a ol with the following changes: they are possible - near a large lava field with huge red
Medium-sized, and have the Pack Tactics trait, crystals. Based on what he saw as he landed, he
which grants them advantage on attacks against thinks he's several days travel due west of their
creatures if they are both within 5 ft. of an ally. The position.
alpha deionychus has 76 hit points. Before long, the conversation is interrupted
After three rounds of combat, the sound of by the arrival of the Monarch; the captain has
a thundering roaring from deeper in the jungle landed in its territory Read or paraphrase the
scares off the pack. following to the party during the conversation:

“Wait - what was that?” the Captain’s voice
asks anxiously. A distant roar can be heard over Map Features - The Jungle
the jungle, audible even without the sending The island is covered by dense jungle. The
stone. days cycle between intense heat and reg-
“By the gods. It's... it's huge. No, no-!”. ular rainfall, and the nights carry a humid
Agonizing screams follow, before the magical chill.
connection is severed. • thgiL : Natural.
• sliar T : Natural trails criss-cross the
UVGTC KPQW JGCRVT jungle. All terrain off of the trails is difficult
The Captain’s Quarters lay in smoldering ruin. terrain and grants three-quarter cover.
Searching the remains yields an explorer’s • se r T : Towering palm trees and ancient
pack (PHB, pg. 151) worth of equipment with ferns, that range from 30 to 50 ft. tall.
three days worth of rations in it.
A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
discovers a metal locker holding an undamaged The party must survive in the wilds as they
potion of fire resistance. A result of 20 or higher travel across the island. At the start of each day,
also locates the Captain’s +1 longsword, shaped each character, including the NPC survivors, must
like a cutlass. consume a ration of food and water. If a creature
cannot, they suffer one level of exhaustion. Refer
UGPITCDK JT to the Foraging section of the DMG (pg. 111) for
These have partially withstood the impact, but more information on how the party can gather
are badly burned. A DC 13 Intelligence (Per- more food during their travel.
ception) check turns up four potions of healing In addition, each day the party must make
(DMG pg. 187) scattered among the wreckage. two DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) group checks
(PHB, pg. 175) to see what they encounter - one
EJGP›KV LQWPIG for each half of the day. Any NPCs traveling with
These rooms are relatively intact, but the deli- the party must contribute to the check.
cate contents were shattered to smithereens by On a failure, the party stumbles into danger,
the impact of the crash. and must roll on thesre tnuoc ElahteL table.
Sifting through the piles of wreckage re- These events specifically target one of the sur-
quires a DC 18 Dexterity check. On a success, viving NPCs for death, unless the party has done
1d6+1 rations, each worth a day of rations, can something to counteract their specific trauma.
be recovered. Each event can only happen once, except for
e v ob A mo r F htaeD , which is repeatable.
If the party succeeds on the check, roll on
KNFUQVJGWIP the ersountEcHlpf table. Each event can
only happen once, except for Sothing Rain .
To get off of the island, the party must find the Re-roll any repeats as necessary.
captain’s landing spot, and activate the emergen- During encounters, the party can take disad-
cy beacon on his body. Doing so will magically vantage on their saving throw or ability check
broadcast their location, and allow a ship to in order to allow an NPC to automatically suc-
locate and rescue them. ceed on their own saving throw or ability check.
Unfortunately, the captain landed near the The NPCs take no damage on successful saves,
Monarch’s lair - four days walk west of the even if they would normally take half damage.
crash site. Reaching the crash site will require
the party to traverse the dangerous wilds of
the island, and survive the relentless pursuit
of its apex predator, the deadly tyrannosaurus
rex known as the Monarch.



1 Soothing Rain 1-2 Landslide

2 Engineering 3-4 Immolation

3 Gentle Giants 5-6 Stampede

4 Breathtaking View

restrained in the fallen rocks, and must make a

UQWPVGTLJCNE DC 18 Strength saving throw to break free. The
Monarch vanishes into the jungle after causing
the avalanche.
1 Lava Run (Edlyth) Emerging from the fallen rocks are three
2 Death From Above (Adam) co m p s o g n a t h u s e , that immediately attack
the party - targeting restrained characters first.
3 Just Keep Swimming (Ender) The creatures use the stats ofsecirtakco with
4 Territorial Hunter (Ushag) the following changes: they are beasts with no
fly speed, and their bite attack has +5 to hit.
Instead of petrification on their bite, a failed
Stalked by the Monarch Constitution saving throw deals 5 (2d4) poison
damage and the target becomes poisoned for
The party's arrival has attracted the attention 1 minute.
of the M o n a rc h , who is intelligent enough
that it enjoys toying with its prey. Each time KTGVFQU yIHEas
the party takes a long rest, they must roll on While resting in an area of dense trees and
the Monarch Encou ters table. If the party underbrush, the Monarch appears and uses
attempts to initiate combat, the Monarch uses its fire breath to set the forest aflame, before
its Legendary Resistances and primal passage vanishing into the jungle through the haze of
ability to escape. black smoke.
It is likely that the players will attempt The ensuing forest fire mimics the effects
three long-rests over their four-day journey. of a wall of fire in a 30-ft. diameter circle that
The GM may come up with additional Monarch surrounds as much of the party as possible.
Encounters if the party attempts more long The wall of flame is not magical, and can be
rests, or allow them to rest undisturbed by extinguished by mundane means. At the start
the Monarch. of each round, the wall of fire grows thicker by
5 ft. - closing in toward the party. After three
LCPFUNKG HMediumI rounds the entire circle is engulfed in flame. It
This encounter requires the party to be sleep- burns out on the following round.
ing in a cave or in the shelter of a tall cliff. The
Monarch announces itself with a roar, slamming GFCOR SV dIHar
its tail into the ground to cause a dangerous The party overhears the Monarch’s terrifying
landslide. roar, followed by a rumbling tremor beneath
All characters must make three consecu- them. A few seconds later, a stampede of dino-
tive DC 13 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity saurs - fleeing from the dreaded Monarch - rush
(Acrobatics) checks. A character takes 2d10 past the party, threatening to trample them in
bludgeoning damage on each failed save, or the process.
half as much damage on a successful one. If a The party must outrun the frightened herd
character fails any check by 5 or more, they are as in a chase, or be trampled. Refer to the DMG,

pg. 252 for rules running a chase. Unlike a nor- Fx VKQPU NECOR LC
mal chase, each turn a character must take the
1 Molten rock debris rains down. Succeed
Dash action or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or
from the stampede. take 3d4 bludgeoning damage, and 2d6
At the start of each turn, all party mem- fire damage.
bers must roll on a the W i l d e r n e s C h a s e
2 The loose gravel shaking beneath your
oC m p l i c a t n s table (DMG, pg 254). Replace feet becomes difficult terrain, affecting
the hunter's snare in result 7 with vines that all movement this turn. Make a DC 12
function the same as a net. Strength saving throw, or fall prone.
During each turn, a character may attempt
3 A cloud of toxic smoke fills the area.
to evade the stampede by spending their action
Make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
to make an ability check using a skill of their or gain a level of exhaustion.
choice. For example, they could attempt a Dex-
terity (Acrobatics) check to vault up a tree, or 4-6 No complication
a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a cave
wherein they could hide - both of which allow
them to evade the stampeding herd. The GM unable to Dash that turn. On a check result of 5
decides whether the skill is relevant, and can or lower, they fall prone.
set the DC for the check anywhere from 15-20. If the lava flow reaches a character's space,
The stampede disperses after five rounds. they take 4d10 fire damage each round they are
in contact with it.
Lethal Encounters If Eldwyth's hip has not been healed, she
looses her balance, tumbles into the lava flow,
and perishes.
The only way forward here requires following IUGHECQOADTVJF CDG
a narrow ledge for three hundred feet along the Whlie passing through a heavily-wooded area,
sheer cliff face of a rugged mountain ridge. When a large dinosaur with a finned spine leaps from
the party comes within 150 ft. of the opposite a tree attack the party.
edge, a deep rumble precedes the summit of the The creature within it is an Arboreal
mountain exploding into a raging volcano. A Spinosaurus. It use the stat of a et lub with a
wave of of molten lava pours from the crumbling climb speed of 30 ft. instead of a burrow speed.
rim above, spreading along the ledge toward the If Adam is still with the party, the spinosaurus
party! attempts to pounce on him. If his shellshock
The party must finish traversing the cliff has been delt with, he barely dodges the attack.
before the lava reaches them. Have all characters Otherwise, he freezes in terror and is slain.
roll initiative. The lava begins 50 ft. behind the This encounter can be repeated, but can
rearmost party member. On intiative count zero only target Adam in the way described above
of each round, the lava advances 1d4 x 10 ft. the first time.
toward the party. In addition, the GM must roll
on thesnoitac lpmoCvaL table, and applies VKGRSOPIHJWU Medium I
the results to each character for the next round. The path forward here is blocked by a raging
Due to the narrowness of the ledge, any river, 100 ft. wide. Large boulders, scattered
character attempting to take the Dash action from shore to shore, jut out from the raging
must first make a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) rapids. They are just close enough together it
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a success, may be possible to leapfrog the way across.
they may Dash as normal. On a failure, they are A DC 10 Intelligence check makes it clear
that swimming across is likely a lethal prop-

osition. Swimming the river requires five
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) checks, Wondrous Add-On
made with disadvantage. After three failed If you purchased this add-on for your box,
swim checks, a creature is restrained under a then the party is fortunate to encounter four
boulder by the rapids where they take 1d10 snod naretp bathing at the river. They are
bludgeoning damage each round until they friendly, and can be easily coaxed into letting
drown. Creatures with a swim speed have the party ride them across as flying mounts..
advantage on the Strength checks. They ascend high enough to bypass
The boulders are approximately 10 ft. the spinosaurses in this encounter, and
wide, and rise 5-10 ft. above the water. Leap- ensure Ender’s survival. However, once
ing between the boulders requires a total of the pteranodons land them safely on the
five DC 13 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity other side, two arboreal spinosaurses
(Acrobatics) checks to make it across the river. (as bulets with a climb speed of 30 ft.
On a failed check, the character falls in to the instead of a burrow speed) emerge from
river. A character in the river can make a DC 10 the trees to ambush the party - causing the
Strength (Athletics) check to climb back onto snod naretp to flee.
the stone they fell off. On a failure, they become
restrained under the water, as if they failed
the swim checks as detailed above. Another otherwise function the same. The dinosaur tar-
character on the same rock can make a DC 12 gets Ushag first. If she has recovered her holy
Strength (Athletics) check to pull a character symbol, she is able to cast sanctuary to avoid
out of the water. taking damage from the attack. If she does not
When the final member of the party begins have her holy symbol, she instead suffers fatal
crossing the river, twoseuraonips ctauq damage.
emerge from the water and attack the group.
The aquatic spinosaurses use the stats of a liz Helpful Encounters
ne uq g ik d ra , but without a Trident attack,
and the ability to use their Skewer trait on a bite
or claw attack. They prefer to target creatures VJKPIRCSQ
in the water or injured characters. The aquatic A mild rainfall envelops the jungle. It seems to
spinosuarses have advantage on attacks made keep creatures at-bay, and offers you plenty of
against any characters in the water. They will fresh water.
not pursue any characters out of the river. The party gains 1d3 rations, lose a level of
If Ender has not had his armor repaired, one exhaustion, and any Wisdom (Survival) checks
of the aquatic spinosaurses drags him under made to forage for food are rolled with advan-
the water to his death. If his armor is repaired, tage. This encounter can be repeated.
it successfully blocks the dinosaur's attack.
QTKCNHWPVG dHar I You see distant smoke on the horizon. A bit
A pack of small, lizard-like creatures burst farther, you see that it is emitting from ship
from the underbrush around the party - fleeing wreckage. It’s the engineering bay, smoldering
deeper into the jungle. A moment later, a large in pieces.
armored dinosaur with a fearsome maw of Inside the bay wreckage, a swarm of little
jagged teeth bursts into the clearing. green dinosaurs (using the stat block of a
The creature is aahplsur a onips . The s t a fr mo w s ) scavenge the remaining meat
dinosaur uses the stats of aahpl kcirg with a off of the bodies of pterodactyls that had gotten
Sawtoothed Bite that can make a Tending attack, caught up in the engines. Inside the damaged
in place of the Tentacles and Beak. The attacks bay islobmys loh s gahsU .

You stumble across a herd of giant dinosaurs with
Map Features - The Court of
elongated necks. They leisurely stroll across the the Monarch
land as they munch on leaves. Even after spotting • Bones‹stalªCry The bones and
you, they do not take a threatening posture. One crystals in the area are 15 ft. tall on
of them calmly approaches, sniffing at all of you, average. Making an attack from the
top of a crystal grants a character
while the others use their massive strength to
advantage. The rough surface makes
clear a path through part of the dense jungle. them easy to climb, requiring a DC 10
These brontosauruses (using the stat block Strength (Athletics) check.
of an elphant ) are friendly herbivores. The
• aªv emsofLStr Whenever a
shortcut created by their feeding allows the party character enters the lava or starts their
to automatically succeed on their next Wisdom turn in its space, they take 9 (2d8) fire
(Survival) check to traverse the wilds. damage.

Cresting a hill, the party is given a view of the a great rib cage... and the body of what used to be
horizon. The setting sun burns in the western Captain Finth not far away.
sky, illuminating the valley in golden light that Before you can act, however, the ponderous
reflects off brilliant red crystals in distant lava thud of heavy foot steps draws your attention to a
flats, sending dancing lights up into the sky, past titanic creature that emerges from beyond one of
pterodactyls which soar above the trees. the large crystals. It raises its head and releases a
Each party member gains inspiration thanks deafening roar!
to the awe-inspiring view. This event also auto- Each character must make a DC 18 Wisdom
matically removes Adam's shellshock if he had saving throw or become frightened. Frightened
not already been soothed. creatures can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of their turns.

The Monarch’s Court H yDeadl I ªt o L Shards of the lava crystals are extremely
rare and valuable. The party can salvage 1d6+4
crystals from the flats. Each is valued at 500 gp.
When the party has completed four days of travel, They are also for use as the material components
they reach the "Monarch's Court" - the lava flats to craft items such as a necklace of fireballs (DMG,
that the Monarch claims as its territory, where pg. 182) or armor of fire resistance (DMG, pg. 152).
they discover the remains of Captain Finth. To
recover the rescue beacon, the party will have
to survive a final battle with the king of the VJ AHGTOC
island first!
Use the map included in this box for this Following their showdown with the Monarch,
encounter. When the party arrives, read or the party is able to activate the beacon. Within
paraphrase the following aloud: a few uneventful days, the rescue ship arrives.
After days of jungle travel, a strange landscape Hardened by the harrowing experience, each
opens up before you - a lava flat, studded with player character gains the Survivor bonus feat.
huge red-hued crystals and strewn with shattered
bones. An intense wave of steamy heat radiates
off of the parched ground. With a shock of sudden New Feat - Survivor
recognition, you spot the tangled mass of one of You gain proficiency in the Survival skill,
the airship parachutes snagged across the top of or expertise if already proficient. Addi-
tionally, you gain advantage on saving
throws against being frightened,.

Higher or Lower Level?
If this adventure is being played by a party of player characters of higher or lower experience
level, refer to the difficulty adjustment guide available at our website. In the case of any non-
combat encounters, these need not be altered.

Huge beast, lawful evil

Chalengª 13 (10,000 XP) without trace and freedom of movement

rmoClasA 18 (natural armor)
intsªoHP 172 (15d12 + 75)
Spedª 40 ft., climb 40 ft. (see AEVKQPU
Primal Passage)
Multiattack. The Monarch makes three
attacks: one with its bite and two with
its claws.
RT S DEX NO C Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
24 (+7) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d12
INT WIS CHA + 7) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire
6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) damage. If the target is a Medium or
smaller creature, it is grappled (escape
DC 19). Until this grapple ends, the
target is restrained, takes 7 (2d6) fire
damage per turn, and the Monarch
sªwovingThrSa STR +11, CON +9
cannot bite another target.
esªitancDmgR Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
bludgeoning, piercing, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d6 + 7)
and slashing damage from slashing damage.
nonmagical attacks Tail. The Monarch sweeps its tail in a
amgeIunitsªD fire, poison 15-ft. cone. Each creature in that cone
Sens darkvision 120 ft, passive must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving
Perception 10 throw, taking 25 (4d8 + 7) bludgeoning
damage and being knocked prone on a
anguesªL - failed save. On a success, they take half
as much damage and are not knocked
T CKVU prone.
Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The Monarch
Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If The exhales fire in a 15-ft. cone. Each
Monarch fails a saving throw, it can creature in that area must make a DC 17
choose to succeed instead. Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6)
fire damage on a failed save, or half as
Primal Passage. The Monarch is imbued much damage on a successful one.
with the magical ability to pass
unhindered through the jungle. It is
continually under the effect of pass

The Lost Prepare to take your table
Lands of the into this wondrous one-shot!
Lizard Tyrant


• Your party crash-lands on a remote island filled with danger

- especially the alpha predator stalking them and the other
survivors. Will they survive long enough to escape the Lost Lands,
or fall prey to its deadly Monarch?
• This Wondrous One-shot is intended to be played as a stand-alone
adventure, compatible with 5e.
• Use the adventure maps included in your box to run the
encounters presented in this one-shot!

Visit our site for more information!


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