Power of The Subconscious Mind

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“Live The Power”

Welcome, you have here at your

fingertips some of the greatest truths
about success ever written. If you
incorporate these truths into your life
your life can’t help but change for the
better. You can work miracles in your
life and you can make all your dreams
come true. Live the Power.

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“Live The Power”

The POWER of Your Subconscious


Joseph Murphy
D.R.S., D.D., Ph.D., LL.D.
Fellow of the Andhra Research University of India

How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life

I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life
all over the world. Miracles will happen to you, too—when you
begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind. This book
is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery
mold, fashion, and create your destiny; for as a man thinketh in his
sub-conscious mind, so is he.

Do you know the answers?

Why is one man sad and another man happy? Why is one man joyous
and prosperous and another man poor and misera-ble? Why is one man
fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence? Why does one
man have a beautiful, lux-urious home while another man lives out a meager
existence in a slum? Why is one man a great success and another an ab-ject
failure? Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another
mediocre and unpopular? Why is one man a genius in his work or profession
while the other man toils and moils all his life without doing or
accomplishing anything worthwhile? Why is one man healed of a so-called

“Live The Power”

incurable disease and another isn’t? Why is it so many good, kind religious
people suffer the tortures of the damned in their mind and body? Why is it
many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant
health? Why is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and
frustrated? Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your
conscious and subconscious minds? There most certainly is.

6 How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life

• Reason for writing this book

It is for the express purpose of answering and clarifying the above
questions and many others of a similar nature that mo-tivated me to write
this book. I have endeavored to explain the great fundamental truths of your
mind in the simplest language possible. I believe that it is perfectly possible
to explain the basic, foundational, and fundamental laws of life and of your
mind in ordinary everyday language. You will find that the language of this
book is that used in your daily papers, current periodicals, in your business
offices, in your home, and in the daily work-shop. I urge you to study this
book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel
absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that
will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide
you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and
physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness,
and peace of mind. This miracle-working power of your subconscious mind
can heal you of your sickness; make you vital and strong again. In learning
how to use your inner powers, you will open the prison door of fear and
enter into a life described by Paul as the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

• Releasing the miracle-working power

A personal healing will ever be the most convincing evi-dence of our
subconscious powers. Over forty-two years ago I resolved a malignancy—in
medical terminology it was called a sarcoma—by using the healing power of
my subconscious mind, which created me and still maintains and governs all
my vital functions. The technique I applied is elaborated on in this book, and
I feel sure that it will help others to trust the same Infinite Healing Presence
lodged in the subconscious depths of all men. Through the kindly offices of
my doctor friend, I suddenly real-ized that it was natural to assume that the

“Live The Power”

Creative Intelligence which made all my organs, fashioned my body, and

started my

How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life 7

heart, could heal its own handiwork. The ancient proverb says, “The doctor
dresses the wound and God heals it.”
• Wonders happen when you pray effectively
Scientific prayer is the harmonious interaction of the con-scious and
subconscious levels of mind scientifically directed for a specific purpose.
This book will teach you the scientific way to tap the realm of infinite power
within you enabling you to get what you really want in life. You desire a
happier, fuller, and richer life. Begin to use this miracle-working power and
smooth your way in daily affairs, solve business problems, and bring
harmony in family relationships. Be sure that you read this book several
times. The many chapters will show you how this won-derful power works,
and how you can draw out the hidden in-spiration and wisdom that is within
you. Learn the simple tech-niques of impressing the subconscious mind.
Follow the new scientific way in tapping the infinite storehouse. Read this
book carefully, earnestly, and lovingly. Prove to yourself the amazing way it
can help you. It could be and I believe it will be the turning point of your

• Everybody prays
Do you know how to pray effectively? How long is it since you prayed
as part of your everyday activities? In an emergency, in time of danger or
trouble, in illness, and when death lurks, prayers pour forth—your own and
friends. Just read your daily newspaper. It is reported that prayers are being
offered up all over the nation for a child stricken with a so-called incurable
ailment, for peace among nations, for a group of miners trapped in a flooded
mine. Later it is reported that when rescued, the miners said that they prayed
while waiting for rescue; an airplane pilot says that he prayed as he made a
successful emergency landing. Certainly, prayer is an ever-present help in
time of trouble; but you do not have to wait for trouble to make prayer an
integral and constructive part of your life. The dramatic an-swers to prayer
make headlines and are the subject of testimonies

8 How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life

“Live The Power”

to the effectiveness of prayer. What of the many humble prayers of children,

the simple thanksgiving of grace at the table daily, the faithful devotions
wherein the individual seeks only com-munion with God? My work with
people has made it necessary for me to study the various approaches to
prayer. I have ex-perienced the power of prayer in my own life, and I have
talked and worked with many people who also have enjoyed the help of
prayer. The problem usually is how to tell others how to pray. People who
are in trouble have difficulty in thinking and acting reasonably. They need
an easy formula to follow, an obviously workable pattern that is simple and
specific. Often they must be led to approach the emergency.

• Unique feature of this book

The unique feature of this book is its down-to-earth prac-ticality. Here
you are presented with simple, usable techniques and formulas, which you
can easily apply in your workaday world. I have taught these simple
processes to men and women all over the world, and recently over a
thousand men and women of all religious affiliations attended a special class
in Los Angeles where I presented the highlights of what is offered in the
pages of this book. Many came from distances of two hundred miles for
each class lesson. The special features of this book will ap-peal to you
because they show you why oftentimes you get the opposite of what you
prayed for and reveal to you the reasons why. People have asked me in all
parts of the world and thou-sands of times, “Why is it I have prayed and
prayed and got no answer?” In this book you will find the reasons for this
common complaint. The many ways of impressing the subconscious mind
and getting the right answers make this an extraordinarily valu-able book
and an ever-present help in time of trouble.
• What do you believe?
It is not the thing believed in that brings an answer to man’s prayer; the
answer to prayer results when the individual’s sub-conscious mind responds
to the mental picture or thought in his mind. This law of belief is operating
in all religions of the world

How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life 9

and is the reason why they are psychologically true. The Bud-dhist, the
Christian, the Moslem, and the Hebrew all may get answers to their prayers,
not because of the particular creed, religion, affiliation, ritual, ceremony,
formula, liturgy, incanta-tion, sacrifices, or offerings, but solely because of
belief or mental acceptance and receptivity about that for which they pray.

“Live The Power”

The law of life is the law of belief, and belief could be summed up briefly as
a thought in your mind. As a man thinks, feels, and believes, so is the
condition of his mind, body, and circum-stances. A technique, a
methodology based on an understanding of what you are doing and why you
are doing it will help you to bring about a subconscious embodiment of all
the good things of life. Essentially, answered prayer is the realization of your
heart’s desire.

• Desire is prayer
Everyone desires health, happiness, security, peace of mind, true
expression, but many fail to achieve clearly defined results. A university
professor admitted to me recently, “I know that if I changed my mental
pattern and redirected my emotional life, my ulcers would not recur, but I do
not have any technique, process, or modus operandi. My mind wanders back
and forth on my many problems, and I feel frustrated, defeated, and un-
happy.” This professor had a desire for perfect health; he needed knowledge
of the way his mind worked which would enable him to fulfill his desire. By
practicing the healing methods outlined in this book, he became whole and

• There is one mind common to all individual men (Emerson)

The miracle-working powers of your subconscious mind existed before
you and I were born, before any church or world existed. The great eternal
truths and principles of life antedate all religions. It is with these thoughts in
mind that I urge you in the following chapters to lay hold of this wonderful,
magical, transforming power, which will bind up mental and physical
wounds, proclaim liberty to the fear-ridden mind, and liberate

10 How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life

you completely from the limitations of poverty, failure, misery, lack, and
frustration. All you have to do is unite mentally and emotionally with the
good you wish to embody, and the creative powers of your subconscious
will respond accordingly. Begin now, today, let wonders happen in your life!
Keep on, keeping on until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

“Live The Power”


1. The Treasure House Within You . . . 19

• The master secret of the ages—The marvelous power of your
subconscious—Necessity of a working basis—The duality of
mind—The conscious and subconscious minds —Outstanding
differences and modesof operation—Howher subconscious
responded—Brief summary of ideas worth remembering.
2. How Your Own Mind Works . . . 30
• Conscious and subconscious terms differentiated—Experi-ments by
psychologists—The terms objective and subjec-tive mind clarified—
The subconscious cannot reason like your conscious mind—The
tremendous power of sugges-tion—Different reactions to the same
suggestion—How he lost his arm—How autosuggestion banishes
fear—How she restored her memory—How he overcame a nasty
temper —The constructive and destructive power of suggestion—
Have you accepted any of these—You can counteract negative
suggestions—How suggestion killed a man—The power of an
assumed major premise—The subconscious does not argue
controversially—Review of highlights.

3. The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious . . . 45

• Your subconscious is your Book of Life—What is im-pressed in the
subconscious is expressed—The subcon-scious heals a malignancy
of the skin—How the sub-conscious controls all functions of the
body—How to get the subconscious to work for you—Healing
principle of the subconscious restores atrophied optic nerves—How
to convey the idea of perfect health to your subconscious mind—
Ideas worth remembering.

12 Contents

“Live The Power”

4. Mental Healings in Ancient Times . . . 55

• Bible accounts on the use of the subconscious powers— Miracles at
various shrines throughout the world—One universal healing
principle—Widely different theories—. Views of Paracelsus—
Bernheim’s experiments—Producing a blister by suggestion—The
cause of bloody stigmata— Healing points in review.

5. Mental Healings in Modern Times . . . 66

• One process of healing—The law of belief—Prayer therapy is the
combined function of the conscious and subconscious mind
scientifically directed—Faith healing, what it means, and how blind
faith works—Subjective faith and what it means—The meaning of
absent treatment—Releasing the kinetic action of the subconscious
mind—Summary of your aids to health.

6. Practical Techniques in Mental Healings . . . 75

• The passing-over technique for impregnating the subcon-scious—
Your subconscious will accept your blueprint— The science and art
of true prayer—The visualization tech-nique—Mental movie
method—The Baudoin tech-nique—The sleeping technique—The
“thank-you” tech-nique—The affirmative method—The
argumentative method—The absolute method is like modern sound
wave therapy—A cripple walks—The decree method—Serve
yourself with scientific truth.

7. The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward . . . 90

• How the body portrays the workings of the mind—There-is an
intelligence which takes care of the body—The sub-conscious mind
works continually for the common good— How man interferes with
the innate principle of harmony —Why it’s normal to be healthy,
vital, and strong—It’s abnormal to be sick—Pott’s disease cured—
How faith in your subconscious powers makes you whole—Pointers
to review.

Contents 13

8. How to Get the Results You Want . . . 98

“Live The Power”

• Easy does it—Infer no opponent, use imagination and not will

power—How disciplined imagination works wonders —The three
steps to success in prayer—The law of re-versed effort and why you
get the opposite of what you pray for—The conflict of desire and
imagination must be reconciled—Ideas worth recalling.

9. How to Use the Power

of Your Subconscious for Wealth . . . 105
• Wealth is of the mind—Your invisible means of support— The ideal
method for building a wealth consciousness —Why your
affirmations for wealth fail—How to avoid mental conflict—Don’t
sign blank checks—Your subcon-scious gives you compound
interest—Why nothing hap-pened—True source of wealth—Trying
to make ends meet and the real cause—A common stumbling block
to wealth —Rubbing out a great mental block to wealth—Sleep and
grow rich—Serve yourself with the powers of your mind.

10. Your Right to Be Rich . . . 112

• Money is a symbol—How to walk the royal road to riches —Why
you do not have more money—Money and a bal-anced life—
Poverty is a mental disease—Why you must never criticize
money—Getting the right attitude toward money—How the
scientific thinker looks at money—How to attract the money you
need—Why some men do not get a raise in pay—Obstacles and
impediments on the pathway to riches—Protect your investments—
You can-not get something for nothing—Your constant supply of
money—Step up this way to riches.

11. Your Subconscious Mind as a Partner in Success . . . 121

• The three steps to success—The measure of true success —How he
made his dream come true—His dream phar-macy became a
reality—Using the subconscious mind in business—Boy of sixteen
years turns failure into success— How to become successful in
buying and selling—How she succeeded in getting what she
wanted—A success tech-

14 Contents

“Live The Power”

nique employed by many outstanding executives and

businessmen—Profitable pointers.

12. Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind . . . 132

• How a distinguished scientist brought forth his inventions —How a
famous naturalist solved his problem—An out-standing physician
solved the problem of diabetes—How a famous scientist and
physicist escaped from a Russian concentration camp—How
archaeologists and paleontolo-gists reconstruct ancient scenes—
How to receive guidance from your subconscious—His
subconscious revealed the location of his father’s will—The secret
of guidance— Highlights to recall.

13. Your Subconscious and the Wonders of Sleep . . . 141

• Why we sleep—Prayer, a form of sleep—Startling effects of sleep
deprivation—You need more sleep—Sleep brings counsel—Saved
from certain disaster—Your future is in your subconscious mind—
A cat nap nets him $15,000— How a famous professor solved his
problem in sleep—How the subconscious worked for a famous
writer while he slept—Sleep in peace and wake in joy—Summary of
your aids to the wonders of sleep.

14. Your Subconscious Mind and Marital Problems . . . 150

• The meaning of marriage—How to attract the ideal hus-band—How
to attract the ideal wife—No need for third mistake—How she broke
the negative pattern—The an-swer to her prayer—Should I get a
divorce?—Drifting into divorce—Divorce begins in the mind—The
nagging wife —The brooding husband—The great mistake—Don’t
try to make your wife over—Pray together and stay together through
steps in prayer—Review your actions.

15. Your Subconscious Mind and Your Happiness . . . 161

• You must choose happiness—How to choose happiness— He made
it a habit to be happy—You must desire to be

Contents 15
happy—Why choose unhappiness—If I had a million dol-lars, I
would be happy—He found happiness to be the harvest of a quiet

“Live The Power”

mind—The block or stump is not really there—The happiest

people—Summary of steps to happi-ness.

16. Your Subconscious Mind and Harmonious Human Relations . . . 169

• The master key to happy relationships with others—And with what
measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again—The daily
headlines made him sick—I hate women, but I like men—His inner
speech held back his promotion —Becoming emotionally mature—
The meaning of love in harmonious human relations—He hated
audiences— Handling difficult people—Misery loves company—
The practice of empathy in human relations—Appeasement never
wins—Profitable pointers in human relations.

17. How to Use Your Subconscious Mind for Forgiveness . . .

• Life always forgives you—How he banished that feeling of guilt—A
murderer learned to forgive himself—Criticism cannot hurt you
without your consent—How to be com-passionate—Left at the
altar—It is wrong to marry. Sex is evil and I am evil—Forgiveness
is necessary for healing— Forgiveness is love in action—Technique
of forgiveness —The acid test of forgiveness—To understand all is
to forgive all—Summary of your aids to forgiveness.

18. How Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks . . .

• How to break or build a habit—How he broke a bad habit —The
power of his mental picture—Focused attention— He said a jinx
was following him—How much do you want what you want—Why
he could not be healed—The explanation and the cure—Refusing to
admit it—Building in the idea of freedom—Fifty-one per cent
healed—The law of substitution—Cause of alcoholism—Three
magic steps—Keep on keeping on—Review your thought power.

16 Contents

19. How to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Remove Fear . .

. 201

“Live The Power”

• Man’s greatest enemy—Do the tiling you fear—Banishing stage

fright—Fear of failure—How he overcame the fear —Fear of water,
mountains, closed places—Master tech-nique for overcoming any
particular fear—He blessed the elevator—Normal and abnormal
fear—Abnormal fear— The answer to abnormal fear—Examine
your fears—He landed in the jungle—He dismissed himself—They
plotted against him—Deliver yourself from all your fears—Step this
way to freedom from fear.

20. How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever . . . 212

• He had grown old in his thought life—Age is the dawn of wisdom—
Welcome the change—Evidence for survival —Life is—Mind and
spirit do not grow old—You are as young as you think you are—
Your gray hairs are an asset —Age is an asset—Be your age—I can
keep up with the best of them—Fear of old age—You have much to
give— One hundred and ten years old—Retirement, a new ven-
ture—He graduated to a better job—You must be a producer and
not a prisoner of society—Secret of youth —Get a vision—Your
mind does not grow old—His mind active at ninety-nine—We need
our senior citizens—The fruits of old age—Profitable pointers.

The Treasure House Within You

Infinite riches are all around you if you will open your mental eyes and
behold the treasure house of infinity within you. There is a gold mine within
you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously,
joyously, and abun-dantly.
Many are sound asleep because they do not know about this gold mine
of infinite intelligence and boundless love within themselves. Whatever you

“Live The Power”

want, you can draw forth. A mag-netized piece of steel will lift about twelve
times its own weight, and if you demagnetize this same piece of steel, it will
not even lift a feather. Similarly, there are two types of men. There is the
magnetized man who is full of confidence and faith. He knows that he is
born to win and to succeed. Then, there is the type of man who is
demagnetized. He is full of fears and doubts. Opportunities come, and he
says, “I might fail; I might lose my money; people will laugh at me.” This
type of man will not get very far in life because, if he is afraid to go forward,
he will simply stay where he is. Become a magnetized man and discover the
master secret of the ages.
The master secret of the ages
What, in your opinion, is the master secret of the ages? The secret of
atomic energy? Thermonuclear energy? The neu-tron bomb? Interplanetary
travel? No—not any of these. Then, what is this master secret? Where can
one find it, and how can it be contacted and brought into action? The answer
is extraor-

“Live The Power”


20 The Treasure House Within You

dinarily simple. This secret is the marvelous, miracle-working power found
in your own subconscious mind, the last place that most people would seek

The marvelous power of your subconscious

You can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more health,
more happiness, and more joy by learning to con-tact and release the hidden
power of your subconscious mind.
You need not acquire this power; you already possess it. But, you want
to learn how to use it; you want to understand it so that you can apply it in
all departments of your life.
As you follow the simple techniques and processes set forth in this
book, you can gain the necessary knowledge and under-standing. A new
light can inspire you, and you can generate a new force enabling you to
realize your hopes and make all your dreams come true. Decide now to
make your life grander, greater, richer, and nobler than ever before.
Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, in-finite power,
and infinite supply of all that is necessary, which is waiting for development
and expression. Begin now to recog-nize these potentialities of your deeper
mind, and they will take form in the world without.
The infinite intelligence within your subconscious mind can reveal to
you everything you need to know at every moment of time and point of
space provided you are open-minded and receptive. You can receive new
thoughts and ideas enabling you to bring forth new inventions, make new
discoveries, or write books and plays. Moreover, the infinite intelligence in
your sub-conscious can impart to you wonderful kinds of knowledge of an
original nature. It can reveal to you and open the way for perfect expression
and true place in your life.
Through the wisdom of your subconscious mind you can attract the
ideal companion, as well as the right business asso-ciate or partner. It can
find the right buyer for your home, and provide you with all the money you
need, and the financial free-dom to be, to do, and to go, as your heart
It is your right to discover this inner world of thought, feel-

“Live The Power”

The Treasure House Within You 21

ing, and power, of light, love, and beauty. Though invisible, its forces are
mighty. Within your subconscious mind you will find the solution for every
problem, and the cause for every effect. Because you can draw out the
hidden powers, you come into actual possession of the power and wisdom
necessary to move forward in abundance, security, joy, and dominion.
I have seen the power of the subconscious lift people up out of crippled
states, making them whole, vital, and strong once more, and free to go out
into the world to experience happiness, health, and joyous expression. There
is a miraculous healing power in your subconscious that can heal the
troubled mind and the broken heart. It can open the prison door of the mind
and liberate you. It can free you from all kinds of material and physi-cal

Necessity of a working basis

Substantial progress in any field of endeavor is impossible in the
absence of a working basis, which is universal in its appli-cation. You can
become skilled in the operation of your sub-conscious mind. You can
practice its powers with a certainty of results in exact proportion to your
knowledge of its principles and to your application of them for definite
specific purposes and goals you wish to achieve.
Being a former chemist, I would like to point out that if you combine
hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions of two atoms of the former to one of
the latter, water would be the result. You are very familiar with the fact that
one atom of oxygen and one atom of carbon will produce carbon monoxide, a
poisonous gas. But, if you add another atom of oxygen, you will get carbon
dioxide, a harmless gas, and so on throughout the vast realm of chemical
You must not think that the principles of chemistry, phys-ics, and
mathematics differ from the principles of your subcon-scious mind. Let us
consider a generally accepted principle: “Water seeks its own level.” This is a
universal principle, which is applicable to water everywhere.
Consider another principle: “Matter expands when heated.”

22 The Treasure House Within You

This is true anywhere, at any time, and under all circumstances. You can
heat a piece of steel, and it will expand regardless whether the steel is found
in China, England, or India. It is a universal truth that matter expands when
heated. It is also a universal truth that whatever you impress on your

“Live The Power”

subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of space as condition,

experience, and event.
Your prayer is answered because your subconscious mind is principle,
and by principle I mean the way a thing works. For example, the principle of
electricity is that it works from a higher to a lower potential. You do not
change the principle of electricity when you use it, but by co-operating with
nature, you can bring forth marvelous inventions and discoveries, which
bless humanity in countless ways.
Your subconscious mind is principle and works according to the law of
belief. You must know what belief is, why it works, and how it works. Your
Bible says in a simple, clear, and beau-tiful way: Whosoever shall say unto
this mountain, Be thou re-moved, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not
doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall
come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. MARK 11:23.
The law of your mind is the law of belief. This means to believe in the
way your mind works, to believe in belief itself. The belief of your mind is
the thought of your mind—that is simple—just that and nothing else.
All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of
your subconscious mind to your thoughts. Remem-ber, it is not the thing
believed in, but the belief in your own mind, which brings about the result.
Cease believing in the false beliefs, opinions, superstitions, and fears of
mankind. Begin to believe in the eternal verities and truths of life, which
never change. Then, you will move onward, upward, and Godward.
Whoever reads this book and applies the principles of the subconscious
mind herein set forth; will be able to pray scien-tifically and effectively for
himself and for others. Your prayer is answered according to the universal
law of action and reac-tion. Thought is incipient action. The reaction is the

The Treasure House Within You 23

from your subconscious mind which corresponds with the na-ture of your
thought. Busy your mind with the concepts of har-mony, health, peace, and
good will, and wonders will happen in your life.

• The duality of mind

You have only one mind, but your mind possesses two dis-tinctive
characteristics. The line of demarcation between the two is well known to all
thinking men and women today. The two functions of your mind are
essentially unlike. Each is endowed with separate and distinct attributes and

“Live The Power”

powers. The nomen-clature generally used to distinguish the two functions

of your mind is as follows: The objective and subjective mind, the con-
scious and subconscious mind, the waking and sleeping mind, the surface
self and the deep self, the voluntary mind and the involuntary mind, the male
and the female, and many other terms. You will find the terms “conscious”
and “subconscious” used to represent the dual nature of your mind
throughout this book.

The conscious and subconscious minds

An excellent way to get acquainted with the two functions of your mind
is to look upon your own mind as a garden. You are a gardener, and you are
planting seeds (thoughts) in your subconscious mind all day long, based on
your habitual think-ing. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you
reap in your body and environment.
Begin now to sow thoughts of peace, happiness, right ac-tion, good will,
and prosperity. Think quietly and with interest on these qualities and accept
them fully in your conscious reason-ing mind. Continue to plant these
wonderful seeds (thoughts) in the garden of your mind, and you will reap a
glorious harvest. Your subconscious mind may be likened to the soil, which
will grow all kinds of seeds, good or bad. Do men gather grapes of thorns,
or figs of thistles? Every thought is, therefore, a cause, and every condition
is an effect. For this reason, it is essential

24 The Treasure House Within You

that you take charge of your thoughts so as to bring forth only desirable
When your mind thinks correctly, when you understand the truth, when
the thoughts deposited in your subconscious mind are constructive,
harmonious, and peaceful, the magic working power of your subconscious
will respond and bring about harmonious conditions, agreeable
surroundings, and the best of everything. When you begin to control your
thought proc-esses, you can apply the powers of your subconscious to any
problem or difficulty. In other words, you will actually be con-sciously co-
operating with the infinite power and omnipotent law, which governs all
Look around you wherever you live and you will notice that the vast
majority of mankind lives in the world without; the more enlightened men
are intensely interested in the world within. Remember, it is the world
within, namely, your thoughts, feelings, and imagery that makes your world

“Live The Power”

without. It is, there-fore, the only creative power, and everything, which you
find in your world of expression, has been created by you in the inner world
of your mind consciously or unconsciously.
Knowledge of the interaction of your conscious and sub-conscious
minds will enable you to transform your whole life. In order to change
external conditions, you must change the cause. Most men try to change
conditions and circumstances by working with conditions and
circumstances. To remove discord, confusion, lack, and limitation, you must
remove the cause, and the cause is the way you are using your conscious
mind. In other words, the way you are thinking and picturing in your mind.
You are living in a fathomless sea of infinite riches. Your subconscious is
very sensitive to your thoughts. Your thoughts form the mold or matrix
through which the infinite intelligence, wisdom, vital forces, and energies of
your subconscious flow. The practical application of the laws of your mind
as illustrated in each chapter of this book will cause you to experience
abund-ance for poverty, wisdom for superstition and ignorance, peace for
pain, joy for sadness, light for darkness, harmony for discord, faith and
confidence for fear, success for failure, and freedom

The Treasure House Within You 25

from the law of averages. Certainly, there can be no more won-derful
blessing than these from a mental, emotional, and ma-terial standpoint.
Most of the great scientists, artists, poets, singers, writers, and inventors
have a deep understanding of the workings of the conscious and
subconscious minds.
One time Caruso, the great operatic tenor, was struck with stage fright.
He said his throat was paralyzed due to spasms caused by intense fear,
which constricted the muscles of his throat. Perspiration poured copiously
down his face. He was ashamed because in a few minutes he had to go out
on the stage, yet he was shaking with fear and trepidation. He said, “They
will laugh at me. I can’t sing.” Then he shouted in the presence of those
behind the stage, “The Little Me wants to strangle the Big Me within.”
He said to the Little Me, “Get out of here, the Big Me wants to sing
through me.”
By the Big Me, he meant the limitless power and wisdom of his
subconscious mind, and he began to shout, “Get out, get out, the Big Me is
going to sing!”
His subconscious mind responded releasing the vital forces within him.
When the call came, he walked out on the stage and sang gloriously and
majestically, enthralling the audience.

“Live The Power”

It is obvious to you now that Caruso must have understood the two
levels of mind—the conscious or rational, and the sub-conscious or irrational
level. Your subconscious mind is reac-tive and responds to the nature of
your thoughts. When your conscious mind (the Little Me) is full of fear,
worry, and anxiety, the negative emotions engendered in your subconscious
mind (the Big Me) are released and flood the conscious mind with a sense of
panic, foreboding, and despair. When this happens, you can, like Caruso,
speak affirmatively and with a deep sense of authority to the irrational
emotions generated in your deeper mind as follows: “Be still, be quiet, I am
in control, you must obey me, you are subject to my command, you cannot
intrude where you do not belong.”
It is fascinating and intensely interesting to observe how

26 The Treasure House Within You

you can speak authoritatively and with conviction to the irra-tional
movement of your deeper self bringing silence, harmony, and peace to your
mind. The subconscious is subject to the con-scious mind, and that is why it
is called subconscious or sub-jective.

Outstanding differences and modes of operation

You will perceive the main differences by the following il-lustrations:
The conscious mind is like the navigator or captain at the bridge of a ship.
He directs the ship and signals orders to men in the engine room, who in turn
control all the boilers, instruments, gauges, etc. The men in the engine room
do not know where they are going; they follow orders. They would go on the
rocks if the man on the bridge issued faulty or wrong instructions based on
his findings with the compass, sextant, or other instruments. The men in the
engine room obey him be-cause he is in charge and issues orders, which are
automatically obeyed. Members of the crew do not talk back to the captain;
they simply carry out orders.
The captain is the master of his ship, and his decrees are carried out.
Likewise, your conscious mind is the captain and the master of your ship,
which represents your body, environ-ment, and all your affairs. Your
subconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon what your
conscious mind believes and accepts as true.
When you repeatedly say to people, “I can’t afford it,” then your
subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you will not be
in a position to purchase what you want. As long as you persist in saying, “I
can’t afford that car, that trip to Europe, that home, that fur coat or ermine
wrap,” you can rest assured that your subconscious mind will follow your

“Live The Power”

or-ders, and you will go through life experiencing the lack of all these
Last Christmas Eve a beautiful young university student looked at an
attractive and rather expensive traveling bag in a store window. She was
going home to Buffalo, New York, for the holidays. She was about to say, “I
can’t afford that bag,”

The Treasure House Within You 27

when she recalled something she had heard at one of my lec-tures which
was, “Never finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately, and
wonders will happen in your life.”
She said, “That bag is mine. It is for sale. I accept it men-tally, and my
subconscious sees to it that I receive it.”
At eight o’clock Christmas Eve her fiancé presented her with a bag
exactly the same as the one she had looked at and mentally identified herself
with at ten o’clock the same morning. She had filled her mind with the
thought of expectancy and released the whole thing to her deeper mind,
which has the “know-how” of accomplishment.
This young girl, a student at the University of Southern California, said
to me, “I didn’t have the money to buy that bag, but now I know where to
find money and all the things I need, and that is in the treasure house of
eternity within me.”
Another simple illustration is this: When you say, “I do not like
mushrooms,” and the occasion subsequently comes that you are served
mushrooms in sauces or salads, you will get indi-gestion because your
subconscious mind says to you, “The boss (your conscious mind) does not
like mushrooms.” This is an amusing example of the outstanding differences
and modes of operation of your conscious and subconscious minds.
A woman may say, “I wake up at three o’clock, if I drink coffee at night.”
Whenever she drinks coffee, her subconscious mind nudges her, as if to say,
“The boss wants you to stay awake tonight.”
Your subconscious mind works twenty-four hours a day and makes
provisions for your benefit, pouring all the fruit of your habitual thinking
into your lap.

How her subconscious responded

A woman wrote me a few months ago as follows: “I am seventy-five
years old, a widow with a grown family. I was liv-ing alone and on a
pension. I heard your lectures on the powers of the subconscious mind

“Live The Power”

wherein you said that ideas could be conveyed to the subconscious mind by
repetition, faith, and expectancy.

28 The Treasure House Within You

“I began to repeat frequently with feeling, ‘I am wanted. I am happily
married to a kind, loving, and spiritual-minded man. I am secure!’
“I kept on doing this many times a day for about two weeks, and one
day at the corner drugstore, I was introduced to a retired pharmacist. I found
him to be kind, understanding, and very religious. He was a perfect answer
to my prayer. Within a week he proposed to me, and now we are on our
honeymoon in Europe. I know that the intelligence within my subconscious
mind brought both of us together in divine order.”
This woman discovered that the treasure house was within her. Her
prayer was felt as true in her heart, and her affirmation sank down by
osmosis into her subconscious mind, which is the creative medium. The
moment she succeeded in bringing about a subjective embodiment, her
subconscious mind brought about the answer through the law of attraction.
Her deeper mind, full of wisdom and intelligence, brought both of them
together in divine order.
Be sure that you think on whatsoever things are true, what-soever things
are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there
be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. PHIL. 4:8.

Brief summary of ideas worth remembering

1. The treasure house is within you. Look within for the an-swer to your
heart’s desire.
2. The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their
ability to contact and release the powers of their sub conscious mind.
You can do the same.
3. Your subconscious has the answer to all problems. If you suggest to
your subconscious prior to sleep, “I want to get up at 6 A.M.,” it will
awaken you at that exact time.
4. Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you.
Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your
subconscious, being your faithful servant, will obey you.

The Treasure House Within You 29

5. Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.

“Live The Power”

6. If you want to write a book, write a wonderful play, give a better talk
to your audience, convey the idea lovingly and feelingly to your
subconscious mind, and it will respond accordingly.
7. You are like a captain navigating a ship. He must give the right orders,
and likewise, you must give the right orders (thoughts and images) to
your subconscious mind, which controls and governs all your
8. Never use the terms, “I can’t afford it” or “I can’t do this.” Your
subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do not
have the money or the ability to do what you want to do. Affirm, “I can
do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.”
9. The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind.
Do not believe in things to harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of
your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen, and prosper you.
According to your belief is it done unto you.

10. Change your thoughts, and you change your destiny.

How Your Own Mind Works

You have a mind, and you should learn how to use it. There are two
levels of your mind—the conscious or rational level, and the subconscious
or irrational level. You think with your conscious mind, and whatever you
habitually think sinks down into your subconscious mind, which creates
according to the nature of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is the seat
of your emotions and is the creative mind. If you think good, good will
follow; if you think evil, evil will follow. This is the way your mind works.
The main point to remember is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea,
it begins to execute it. It is an interesting and subtle truth that the law

“Live The Power”

of the subconscious mind works for good and bad ideas alike. This law,
when applied in a negative way, is the cause of failure, frustration, and
unhappiness. How-ever, when your habitual thinking is harmonious and
construc-tive, you experience perfect health, success, and prosperity.
Peace of mind and a healthy body are inevitable when you begin to
think and feel in the right way. Whatever you claim mentally and feel as
true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your
experience. The only thing necessary for you to do is to get your
subconscious mind to accept your idea, and the law of your own
subconscious mind will bring forth the health, peace, or the position you
desire. You give the command or decree, and your subconscious will
faithfully repro-duce the idea impressed upon it. The law of your mind is
this: You will get a reaction or response from your subconscious mind

How Your Own Mind Works 31

according to the nature of the thought or idea you hold in your conscious
Psychologists and psychiatrists point out that when thoughts are
conveyed to your subconscious mind, impressions are made in the brain
cells. As soon as your subconscious accepts any idea, it proceeds to put it
into effect immediately. It works by asso-ciation of ideas and uses every bit
of knowledge that you have gathered in your lifetime to bring about its
purpose. It draws on the infinite power, energy, and wisdom within you. It
lines up all the laws of nature to get its way. Sometimes it seems to bring
about an immediate solution to your difficulties, but at other times it may
take days, weeks, or longer. . . . Its ways are past finding out.

• Conscious and subconscious terms differentiated

You must remember that these are not two minds. They are merely two
spheres of activity within one mind. Your conscious mind is the reasoning
mind. It is that phase of mind, which chooses. For example, you choose your
books, your home, and your partner in life. You make all your decisions
with your con-scious mind. On the other hand, without any conscious choice
on your part, your heart is kept functioning automatically, and the process of
digestion, circulation, and breathing are carried on by your subconscious
mind through processes independent of your conscious control.

“Live The Power”

Your subconscious mind accepts what is impressed upon it or what you

consciously believe. It does not reason things out like your conscious mind,
and it does not argue with you contro-versially. Your subconscious mind is
like the soil, which accepts any kind of seed, good or bad. Your thoughts are
active and might be likened unto seeds. Negative, destructive thoughts con-
tinue to work negatively in your subconscious mind, and in due time will
come forth into outer experience which corresponds with them.
Remember, your subconscious mind does not engage in proving whether
your thoughts are good or bad, true or false, but it responds according to the
nature of your thoughts or sugges-

32 How Your Own Mind Works

tions. For example, if you consciously assume something as true, even
though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it as true and
proceed to bring about results, which must neces-sarily follow, because you
consciously assumed it to be true.

• Experiments by psychologists
Innumerable experiments by psychologists and others on persons in the
hypnotic state have shown that the subconscious mind is incapable of
making selections and comparisons, which are necessary for a reasoning
process. They have shown re-peatedly that your subconscious mind will
accept any sugges-tions, however false. Having once accepted any
suggestion, it responds according to the nature of the suggestion given.
To illustrate the amenability of your subconscious mind to suggestion, if
a practiced hypnotist suggests to one of his sub-jects that he is Napoleon
Bonaparte, or even a cat or a dog, he will act out the part with inimitable
accuracy. His personality becomes changed for the time being. He believes
himself to be whatever the operator tells him he is.
A skilled hypnotist may suggest to one of his students in the hypnotic
state that his back itches, to another that his nose is bleeding, to another that
he is a marble statue, to another that he is freezing and the temperature is
below zero. Each one will follow out the line of his particular suggestion,
totally oblivious to all his surroundings, which do not pertain to his idea.
These simple illustrations portray clearly the difference be-tween your
conscious reasoning mind and your subconscious mind, which is impersonal,
non-selective, and accepts as true whatever your conscious mind believes to
be true. Hence, the importance of selecting thoughts, ideas, and premises,
which bless, heal, inspire, and fill your soul with joy.

“Live The Power”

• The terms objective and subjective mind clarified

Your conscious mind is sometimes referred to as your objective mind
because it deals with outward objects. The ob-jective mind takes cognizance
of the objective world. Its media of observation are your five physical
senses. Your objective mind

How Your Own Mind Works 33

is your guide and director in your contact with your environ-ment. You gain
knowledge through your five senses. Your ob-jective mind learns through
observation, experience, and educa-tion. As previously pointed out, the
greatest function of the objective mind is that of reasoning.
Suppose you are one of the thousands of tourists who come to Los
Angeles annually. You would come to the conclusion that it is a beautiful
city based upon your observation of the parks, pretty gardens, majestic
buildings, and lovely homes. This is the working of your objective mind.
Your subconscious mind is oftentimes referred to as your subjective
mind. Your subjective mind takes cognizance of its environment by means
independent of the five senses. Your sub-jective mind perceives by intuition.
It is the seat of your emo-tion and the storehouse of memory. Your
subjective mind per-forms its highest functions when your objective senses
are in abeyance. In a word, it is that intelligence which makes itself manifest
when the objective mind is suspended or in a sleepy, drowsy state.
Your subjective mind sees without the use of the natural organs of
vision. It has the capacity of clairvoyance and clair-audience. Your
subjective mind can leave your body, travel to distant lands, and bring back
information oftentimes of the most exact and truthful character. Through
your subjective mind you can read the thoughts of others, read the contents
of sealed en-velopes and closed safes. Your subjective mind has the ability
to apprehend the thoughts of others without the use of the ordi-nary
objective means of communication. It is of the greatest importance that we
understand the interaction of the objective and subjective mind in order to
learn the true art of prayer.

The subconscious cannot reason like your conscious mind

Your subconscious mind cannot argue controversially. Hence, if you
give it wrong suggestions, it will accept them as true and will proceed to
bring them to pass as conditions, ex-periences, and events. All things that
have happened to you are

“Live The Power”

34 How Your Own Mind Works

based on thoughts impressed on your subconscious mind through belief. If
you have conveyed erroneous concepts to your sub-conscious mind, the sure
method of overcoming them is by the repetition of constructive, harmonious
thoughts frequently re-peated which your subconscious mind accepts, thus
forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for your subconscious
mind is the seat of habit.
The habitual thinking of your conscious mind establishes deep grooves
in your subconscious mind. This is very favorable for you if your habitual
thoughts are harmonious, peaceful, and constructive.
If you have indulged in fear, worry, and other destructive forms of
thinking, the remedy is to recognize the omnipotence of your subconscious
mind and decree freedom, happiness, and perfect health. Your subconscious
mind, being creative and one with your divine source, will proceed to create
the freedom and happiness, which you have earnestly decreed.
• The tremendous power of suggestion
You must realize by now that your conscious mind is the “watchman at
the gate,” and its chief function is to protect your subconscious mind from
false impressions. You are now aware of one of the basic laws of mind:
Your subconscious mind is amenable to suggestion. As you know, your
subconscious mind does not make comparisons, or contrasts, neither does it
reason and think things out for itself. This latter function belongs to your
conscious mind. It simply reacts to the impressions given to it by your
conscious mind. It does not show a preference for one course of action over
The following is a classic example of the tremendous power of
suggestion. Suppose you approach a timid-looking passenger on board ship
and say to him something like this: “You look very ill. How pale you are! I
feel certain you are going to be seasick. Let me help you to your cabin.” The
passenger turns pale. Your suggestion of seasickness associates itself with
his own fears and forebodings. He accepts your aid down to the

How Your Own Mind Works 35

berth, and there your negative suggestion, which was accepted by him, is

“Live The Power”

• Different reactions to the same suggestion

It is true that different people will react in different ways to the same
suggestion because of their subconscious conditioning or belief. For
example, if you go to a sailor on the ship and say to him sympathetically,
“My dear fellow, you’re looking very ill. Aren’t you feeling sick? You look
to me as if you were going to be seasick.”
According to his temperament he either laughs at your “joke,” or
expresses a mild irritation. Your suggestion fell on deaf ears in this instance
because your suggestion of seasickness was associated in his mind with his
own immunity from it. There-fore, it called up not fear or worry, but self-
The dictionary says that a suggestion is the act or instance of putting
something into one’s mind, the mental process by which the thought or idea
suggested is entertained, accepted, or put into effect. You must remember
that a suggestion cannot impose something on the subconscious mind
against the will of the conscious mind. In other words, your conscious mind
has the power to reject the suggestion given. In the case of the sailor, he had
no fear of seasickness. He had convinced himself of his immunity, and the
negative suggestion had absolutely no power to evoke fear.
The suggestion of seasickness to the other passenger called forth his
indwelling fear of seasickness. Each of us has his own inner fears, beliefs,
opinions, and these inner assumptions rule and govern our lives. A
suggestion has no power in and of itself except if you accept it mentally.
This causes your subconscious powers to flow in a limited and restricted
way according to the nature of the suggestion.
• How he lost his arm
Every two or three years I give a series of lectures at the London Truth
Forum in Caxton Hall. This is a Forum I founded

36 How Your Own Mind Works

a number of years ago. Dr. Evelyn Fleet, the director, told me about an
article which appeared in the English newspapers deal-ing with the power of
suggestion. This is the suggestion a man gave to his subconscious mind over
a period of about two years: “I would give my right arm to see my daughter
cured.” It ap-peared that his daughter had a crippling form of arthritis to-
gether with a so-called incurable form of skin disease. Medical treatment

“Live The Power”

had failed to alleviate the condition, and the father had an intense longing for
his daughter’s healing, and expressed his desire in the words just quoted.
Dr. Evelyn Fleet said that the newspaper article pointed out that one day
the family was out riding when their car col-lided with another. The father’s
right arm was torn off at the shoulder, and immediately the daughter’s
arthritis and skin con-dition vanished.
You must make certain to give your subconscious only suggestions,
which heal, bless, elevate, and inspire you in all your ways. Remember that
your subconscious mind cannot take a joke. It takes you at your word.

How autosuggestion banishes fear

Illustrations of autosuggestion: Autosuggestion means sug-gesting
something definite and specific to oneself. Herbert Parkyn, in his excellent
manual of autosuggestion,* records the following incident. It has its amusing
side, so that one remem-bers it. “A New York visitor in Chicago looks at his
watch, which is set an hour ahead of Chicago time, and tells a Chicago
friend that it is twelve o’clock. The Chicago friend, not considering the
difference in time between Chicago and New York, tells the New Yorker
that he is hungry and that he must go to lunch.”
Autosuggestion may be used to banish various fears and other negative
conditions. A young singer was invited to give an audition. She had been
looking forward to the interview, but on three previous occasions she had
failed miserably due to fear
Herbert Parkyn, Autosuggestion (London: Fowler, 1916).

How Your Own Mind Works 37

of failure. This young lady had a very good voice, but she had been saying to
herself, “When the time comes for me to sing, maybe they won’t like me. I
will try, but I’m full of fear and anxiety.”
Her subconscious mind accepted these negative autosugges-tions as a
request and proceeded to manifest them and bring them into her experience.
The cause was an involuntary auto-suggestion, i.e., silent fear thoughts
emotionalized and subjecti-fied.
She overcame it by the following technique: Three times a day she
isolated herself in a room. She sat down comfortably in an armchair, relaxed
her body, and closed her eyes. She stilled her mind and body as best she
could. Physical inertia favors mental passivity and renders the mind more

“Live The Power”

receptive to sug-gestion. She counteracted the fear suggestion by saying to

her-self, “I sing beautifully. I am poised, serene, confident, and calm.” She
repeated this statement slowly, quietly, and with feel-ing from five to ten
times at each sitting. She had three such “sittings” every day and one
immediately prior to sleep. At the end of a week she was completely poised
and confident. When the invitation to audition came, she gave a remarkable,
wonder-ful audition.
• How she restored her memory
A woman, aged seventy-five, was in the habit of saying to herself, “I am
losing my memory.” She reversed the procedure and practiced induced
autosuggestion several times a day as follows: “My memory from today on
is improving in every department. I shall always remember whatever I need
to know at every moment of time and point of space. The impressions re-
ceived will be clearer and more definite. I shall retain them automatically
and with ease. Whatever I wish to recall will im-mediately present itself in
the correct form in my mind. I am improving rapidly every day, and very
soon my memory will be better than it has ever been before.” At the end of
three weeks, her memory was back to normal, and she was delighted.

38 How Your Own Mind Works

• How he overcame a nasty temper

Many men who complained of irritability and bad temper proved to be
very susceptible to autosuggestion and obtained marvelous results by using
the following statements three or four times a day—morning, noon, and at
night prior to sleep for about a month. “Henceforth, I shall grow more good-
humored. Joy, happiness, and cheerfulness are now becoming my normal
states of mind. Every day I am becoming more and more lov-able and
understanding. I am now becoming the center of cheer and good will to all
those about me, infecting them with good humor. This happy, joyous, and
cheerful mood is now becom-ing my normal, natural state of mind. I am

• The constructive and destructive power of suggestion

Some illustrations and comments on heterosuggestion: Het-
erosuggestion means suggestions from another person. In all ages the power
of suggestion has played a part in the life and thought of man in every period

“Live The Power”

of time and in each country of the earth. In many parts of the world it is the
controlling power in religion.
Suggestion may be used to discipline and control ourselves, but it can
also be used to take control and command over others who do not know the
laws of mind. In its constructive form it is wonderful and magnificent. In its
negative aspects it is one of the most destructive of all the response patterns
of the mind, resulting in patterns of misery, failure, suffering, sickness, and

• Have you accepted any of these?

From infancy on the majority of us have been given many negative
suggestions. Not knowing how to thwart them, we un-consciously accepted
them. Here are some of the negative sug-gestions: “You can’t.” “You’ll
never amount to anything.” “You mustn’t.” “You’ll fail.” “You haven’t got a
chance.” “You’re all

How Your Own Mind Works 39

wrong.” “It’s no use.” “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” “The
world is going to the dogs.” “What’s the use, no-body cares.” “It’s no use
trying so hard.” “You’re too old now.” “Things are getting worse and
worse.” “Life is an endless grind.” “Love is for the birds.” “You just can’t
win.” “Pretty soon you’ll be bankrupt.” “Watch out, you’ll get the virus.”
“You can’t trust a soul,” etc.
Unless, as an adult, you use constructive autosuggestion, which is a
reconditioning therapy, the impressions made on you in the past can cause
behavior patterns that cause failure in your personal and social life.
Autosuggestion is a means releasing you from the mass of negative verbal
conditioning that might other-wise distort your life pattern, making the
development of good habits difficult.

• You can counteract negative suggestions

Pick up the paper any day, and you can read dozens of items that could
sow the seeds of futility, fear, worry, anxiety, and impending doom. If
accepted by you, these thoughts of fear could cause you to lose the will for
life. Knowing that you can reject all these negative suggestions by giving
your subconscious mind constructive autosuggestions, you counteract all
these de-structive ideas.
Check regularly on the negative suggestions that people make to you.
You do not have to be influenced by destructive heterosuggestion. All of us

“Live The Power”

have suffered from it in our child-hood and in our teens. If you look back,
you can easily recall how parents, friends, relatives, teachers, and associates
contrib-uted in a campaign of negative suggestions. Study the things said to
you, and you will discover much of it was in the form of propaganda. The
purpose of much of what was said was to con-trol you or instill fear into
This heterosuggestion process goes on in every home, office, factory,
and club. You will find that many of these suggestions are for the purpose of
making you think, feel, and act, as others want you to and in ways that are to
their advantage.

40 How Your Own Mind Works

How suggestion killed a man

Here is an illustration of heterosuggestion: A relative of mine went to a
crystal gazer in India who told him that he had a bad heart and predicted that
he would die at the next new moon. He began to tell all members of his
family about this pre-diction, and he arranged his will.
This powerful suggestion entered into his subconscious mind because he
accepted it completely. My relative also told me that this crystal gazer was
believed to have some strange occult powers, and he could do harm or good
to a person. He died as predicted not knowing that he was the cause of his
own death. I suppose many of us have heard similar stupid, ridiculous,
superstitious stories.
Let us look at what happened in the light of our knowledge of the way
the subconscious mind works. Whatever the con-scious, reasoning mind of
man believes; the subconscious mind will accept and act upon. My relative
was happy, healthy, vig-orous, and robust when he went to see the
fortuneteller. She gave him a very negative suggestion, which he accepted.
He be-came terrified, and constantly dwelt upon the fact that he was going to
die at the next new moon. He proceeded to tell every-one about it, and he
prepared for the end. The activity took place in his own mind, and his own
thought was the cause. He brought about his own so-called death, or rather
destruction of the physical body, by his fear and expectation of the end.
The woman who predicted his death had no more power than the stones
and sticks in the field. Her suggestion had no power to create or bring about
the end she suggested. If he had known the laws of his mind, he would have
completely rejected the negative suggestion and refused to give her words
any atten-tion, knowing in his heart that he was governed and controlled by

“Live The Power”

his own thought and feeling. Like tin arrows aimed at a bat-tleship, her
prophecy could have been completely neutralized and dissipated without
hurting him.
The suggestions of others in themselves have absolutely no power
whatever over you except the power that you give them

How Your Own Mind Works 41

through your own thoughts. You have to give your mental con-sent; you
have to entertain the thought. Then, it becomes your thought, and you do the
thinking. Remember, you have the capacity to choose. Choose life! Choose
love! Choose health!

The power of an assumed major premise

Your mind works like a syllogism. This means that what-ever major
premise your conscious mind assumes to be true de-termines the conclusion
your subconscious mind comes to in regard to any particular question or
problem in your mind. If your premise is true, the conclusion must be true as
in the fol-lowing example:
Every virtue is laudable; Kindness is a virtue;
Therefore, kindness is laudable.
Another example is as follows:
All formed things change and pass away; The Pyramids of
Egypt are formed things; Therefore, some day the Pyramids
will pass away.
The first statement is referred to as the major premise, and the right
conclusion must necessarily follow the right premise.
A college professor, who attended some of my science of mind lectures
in May, 1962, at Town Hall, New York, said to me, “Everything in my life
is topsy-turvy, and I have lost health, wealth, and friends. Everything I touch
turns out wrong.”
I explained to him that he should establish a major prem-ise in his
thinking, that the infinite intelligence of his subcon-scious mind was
guiding, directing, and prospering him spirit-ually, mentally, and materially.
Then, his subconscious mind would automatically direct him wisely in his
investments, deci-sions, and also heal his body and restore his mind to peace
and tranquility.

“Live The Power”

This professor formulated an over-all picture of the way he wanted his

life to be, and this was his major premise:
“Infinite intelligence leads and guides me in all my ways.

42 How Your Own Mind Works

Perfect health is mine, and the Law of Harmony operates in my mind and
body. Beauty, love, peace, and abundance are mine. The principle of right
action and divine order govern my entire life. I know my major premise is
based on the eternal truths of life, and I know, feel, and believe that my
subconscious mind responds according to the nature of my conscious mind
He wrote me as follows: “I repeated the above statements slowly,
quietly, and lovingly several times a day knowing that they were sinking
deep down into my subconscious mind, and that results must follow. I am
deeply grateful for the interview you gave me, and I would like to add that
all departments of my life are changing for the better. It works!”

The subconscious does not argue controversially

Your subconscious mind is all-wise and knows the answers to all
questions. It does not argue with you or talk back to you. It does not say,
“You must not impress me with that.” For ex-ample, when you say, “I can’t
do this.” “I am too old now.” “I can’t meet this obligation.” “I was born on
the wrong side of the tracks.” “I don’t know the right politician,” you are im-
pregnating your subconscious with these negative thoughts, and it responds
accordingly. You are actually blocking your own good, thereby bringing
lack, limitation, and frustration into your life.
When you set up obstacles, impediments, and delays in your conscious
mind, you are denying the wisdom and intelli-gence resident in your
subconscious mind. You are actually say-ing in effect that your
subconscious mind cannot solve your problem. This leads to mental and
emotional congestion, fol-lowed by sickness and neurotic tendencies.
To realize your desire and overcome your frustration, affirm boldly
several times a day: “The infinite intelligence which gave me this desire
leads, guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan for the unfolding of my
desire. I know the deeper wisdom of my subconscious is now responding,
and what I feel and claim within

How Your Own Mind Works 43

“Live The Power”

is expressed in the without. There is a balance, equilibrium, and

If you say, “There is no way out; I am lost; there is no way out of this
dilemma; I am stymied and blocked,” you will get no answer or response
from your subconscious mind. If you want the subconscious to work for you,
give it the right request, and attain its co-operation. It is always working for
you. It is con-trolling your heartbeat this minute and also your breathing. It
heals a cut on your finger, and its tendency is lifeward, forever seeking to
take care of you and preserve you. Your subconscious has a mind of its own,
but it accepts your patterns of thought and imagery.
When you are seeking an answer to a problem, your sub-conscious will
respond, but it expects you to come to a decision and to a true judgment in
your conscious mind. You must acknowledge the answer is in your
subconscious mind. However, if you say, “I don’t think there is any way out;
I am all mixed up and confused; why don’t I get an answer?” you are
neutralizing your prayer. Like the soldier marking time, you do not get
Still the wheels of your mind, relax, let go, and quietly affirm: “My
subconscious knows the answer. It is responding to me now. I give thanks
because I know the infinite intelligence of my subconscious knows all things
and is revealing the perfect answer to me now. My real conviction is now
setting free the majesty and glory of my subconscious mind. I rejoice that it
is so.”

Review of highlights
1. Think good, and good follows. Think evil, and evil follows. You are
what you think all day long.
2. Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It ac-cepts what
your conscious mind decrees. If you say, “I can’t afford it,” it may be
true, but do not say it. Select a better thought, decree, “I’ll buy it. I accept
it in my mind.”
3. You have the power to choose. Choose health and happi-

44 How Your Own Mind Works

ness. You can choose to be friendly, or you can choose to be unfriendly.
Choose to be co-operative, joyous, friendly, lovable, and the whole world
will respond. This is the best way to develop a wonderful personality.
4. Your conscious mind is the “watchman at the gate.” Its chief function
is to protect your subconscious mind from false impressions. Choose to

“Live The Power”

believe that something good can happen and is happening now. Your
greatest power is your capacity to choose. Choose happiness and
5. The suggestions and statements of others have no power to hurt you.
The only power is the movement of your own thought. You can choose
to reject the thoughts or statements of others and affirm the good. You
have the power to choose how you will react.
6. Watch what you say. You have to account for every idle word. Never
say, “I will fail; I will lose my job; I can’t pay the rent.” Your
subconscious cannot take a joke. It brings all these things to pass.
7. Your mind is not evil. No force of nature is evil. It depends how you
use the powers of nature. Use your mind to bless, heal, and inspire all
people everywhere.
8. Never say, “I can’t.” Overcome that fear by substituting the following,
“I can do all things through the power of my own subconscious mind.”
9. Begin to think from the standpoint of the eternal truths and principles
of life and not from the standpoint of fear, ignorance, and superstition.
Do not let others do your think-ing for you. Choose your own thoughts
and make your own decisions.
10. You are the captain of your soul (subconscious mind) and the master
of your fate. Remember, you have the capacity to choose. Choose life!
Choose love! Choose health! Choose happiness!
11. Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your
subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good
fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life.

The Miracle-Working Power of Your

The power of your subconscious is enormous. It inspires you, it guides

you, and it reveals to you names, facts, and scenes from the storehouse of
memory. Your subconscious started your heartbeat, controls the circulation

“Live The Power”

of your blood, and regulates your digestion, assimilation, and elimination.

When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious mind transmutes it into
tissue, muscle, bone, and blood. This process is beyond the ken of the wisest
man who walks the earth. Your subconscious mind controls all the vital
processes and functions of your body and knows the answer to all problems.
Your subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests. It is al-ways on the job.
You can discover the miracle-working power of your subconscious by
plainly stating to your subconscious prior to sleep that you wish a certain
specific thing accomplished. You will be delighted to discover that forces
within you will be re-leased, leading to the desired result. Here, then, is a
source of power and wisdom which places you in touch with omnipotence or
the power that moves the world, guides the planets in their course, and
causes the sun to shine.
Your subconscious mind is the source of your ideals, aspira-tions, and
altruistic urges. It was through the subconscious mind that Shakespeare
perceived great truths hidden from the average man of his day. Undoubtedly,
it was the response of his sub-conscious mind that caused the Greek
sculptor, Phidias, to por-tray beauty, order, symmetry, and proportion in
marble and

46 The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious

bronze. It enabled the Italian artist, Raphael, to paint Madonnas, and Ludwig
van Beethoven to compose symphonies.
In 1955 I lectured at the Yoga Forest University, Rishikesh, India, and
there I chatted with a visiting surgeon from Bombay. He told me about Dr.
James Esdaille, a Scotch surgeon, who worked in Bengal before ether or
other modern methods of anesthesia were discovered. Between 1843 and
1846, Dr. Es-daille performed about four hundred major operations of all
kinds, such as amputations, removal of tumors and cancerous growths, as
well as operations on the eye, ear, and throat. All operations were conducted
under mental anesthesia only. This Indian doctor at Rishikesh informed me
that the postoperative mortality rate of patients operated on by Dr. Esdaille
was ex-tremely low, probably two or three percent. Patients felt no pain, and
there were no deaths during the operations.

“Live The Power”

Dr. Esdaille suggested to the subconscious minds of all his patients, who
were in a hypnotic state, that no infection or septic condition would develop.
You must remember that this was be-fore Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, and
others who pointed out the bacterial origin of disease and causes of infection
due to unsterilized instruments and virulent organisms.
This Indian surgeon said that the reason for the low mor-tality rate and
the general absence of infection, which was re-duced to a minimum, was
undoubtedly due to the suggestions of Dr. Esdaille to the subconscious
minds of his patients. They responded according to the nature of his
It is simply wonderful, when you conceive how a surgeon, over one
hundred twenty years ago, discovered the miraculous wonder-working
powers of the subconscious mind. Doesn’t it cause you to be seized with a
sort of mystic awe when you stop and think of the transcendental powers of
your subconscious mind? Consider its extrasensory perceptions, such as its
ca-pacity for clairvoyance and clairaudience, its independence of time and
space, its capacity to render you free from all pain and suffering, and its
capacity to get the answer to all problems, be they what they may. All these
and many more reveal to you that there is a power and intelligence within
you that far tran-

The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious 47

scends your intellect, causing you to marvel at the wonders of it ail. All
these experiences cause you to rejoice and believe in the miracle-working
powers of your own subconscious mind.

• Your subconscious is your Book of Life

Whatever thoughts, beliefs, opinions, theories, or dogmas you write,
engrave, or impress on your subconscious mind, you shall experience them
as the objective manifestation of circum-stances, conditions, and events.
What you write on the inside, you will experience on the outside. You have
two sides to your life, objective and subjective, visible and invisible, thought
and its manifestation.
Your brain receives your thought, which is the organ of your conscious
reasoning mind. When your conscious or ob-jective mind accepts the

“Live The Power”

thought completely, it is sent to the solar plexus, called the brain of your
mind, where it becomes flesh and is made manifest in your experience.
As previously outlined, your subconscious cannot argue. It acts only
from what you write on it. It accepts your verdict or the conclusions of your
conscious mind as final. This is why you are always writing on the book of
life, because your thoughts become your experiences. The American
essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Man is what he thinks all day long.”

• What is impressed in the subconscious is expressed

William James, the father of American psychology, said that the power
to move the world is in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is
one with infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom. It is fed by hidden
springs, and is called the law of life. Whatever you impress upon your
subconscious mind, the latter will move heaven and earth to bring it to pass.
You must, therefore, impress it with right ideas and construc-tive thoughts.
The reason there is so much chaos and misery in the world is because
people do not understand the interaction of their conscious and subconscious
minds. When these two principles work in accord, in concord, in peace, and
synchronously to-

48 The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious

gether, you will have heath, happiness, peace and joy. There is no sickness
or discord when the conscious and subconscious work together
harmoniously and peacefully.
The tomb of Hermes was opened with great expectancy and a sense of
wonder because people believed that the greatest secret of the ages was
contained therein. The secret was as within, so without; as above, so below.
In other words, whatever is impressed hi your subconscious mind is
expressed on the screen of space. This same truth was proclaimed by Moses,
Isaiah, Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Laotze, and all the illumined seers of the
ages Whatever you feel as true subjectively is expressed as conditions,
experiences, and events. Motion and emotion must balance. As in heaven
[your own mind], so on earth [in your body and environment]. This is the
great law of life.
You will find throughout all nature the law of action and reaction, of rest
and motion. These two must balance, then there will be harmony and

“Live The Power”

equilibrium. You are here to let the life principle flow through you
rhythmically and harmoniously. The intake and the outgo must be equal. The
impression and the expression must be equal. All your frustration is due to
unful-filled desire.
If you think negatively, destructively, and viciously, these thoughts
generate destructive emotions which must be expressed and find an outlet.
These emotions, being of a negative nature, are frequently expressed as
ulcers, heart trouble, tension, and anxieties.
What is your idea or feeling about yourself now? Every part of your
being expresses that idea. Your vitality, body, fi-nancial status, friends, and
social status represent a perfect re-flection of the idea you have of yourself.
This is the real mean-ing of what is impressed in your subconscious mind,
and which is expressed in all phases of your life.
We injure ourselves by the negative ideas, which we enter-tain. How
often have you wounded yourself by getting angry, fearful, jealous, or
vengeful? These are the poisons that enter your subconscious mind. You
were not born with these nega-

The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious 49

tive attitudes. Feed your subconscious mind life-giving thoughts, and you
will wipe out all the negative patterns lodged therein. As you continue to do
this, all the past will be wiped out and remembered no more.
The subconscious heals a malignancy of the skin
A personal healing will ever be the most convincing evi-dence of the
healing power of the subconscious mind. Over forty years ago I resolved a
malignancy of the skin through prayer. Medical therapy had failed to check
the growth, and it was get-ting progressively worse.
A clergyman, with a deep psychological knowledge, ex-plained to me
the inner meaning of the 139th Psalm wherein it says, In thy book all my
members were written, which in con-tinuance were fashioned, when as yet
there was none of them. He explained that the term book meant my
subconscious mind, which fashioned and molded all my organs from an
invisible cell. He also pointed out that inasmuch as my subconscious mind
made my body, it could also recreate it and heal it according to the perfect
pattern within it.

“Live The Power”

This clergyman showed me his watch and said, “This had a maker, and
the watchmaker had to have the idea first in mind before the watch became
an objective reality, and if the watch was out of order, the watchmaker could
fix it.” My friend re-minded me that the subconscious intelligence, which
created my body, was like a watchmaker, and it also knew exactly how to
heal, restore, and direct all the vital functions and processes of my body, but
that I had to give it the perfect idea of health. This would act as cause, and
the effect would be a healing.
I prayed in a very simple way as follows: “My body and all its organs
were created by the infinite intelligence in my sub-conscious mind. It knows
how to heal me. Its wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and
bones. This infinite healing presence within me is now transforming every
atom of my being making me whole and perfect now. I give thanks for the
healing I know is taking place now. Wonderful are the works of the creative
intelligence within me.”

50 The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious

I prayed aloud for about five minutes two or three times a day repeating
the above simple prayer. In about three months my skin was whole and
As you can see, all I did was give life-giving patterns of wholeness,
beauty, and perfection to my subconscious mind, thereby obliterating the
negative images and patterns of thought lodged in my subconscious mind
which were the cause of all my trouble. Nothing appears on your body
except when the mental equivalent is first in your mind, and as you change
your mind by drenching it with incessant affirmatives, you change your
body. This is the basis of all healing. . . . Marvelous are thy works; and that
my soul [subconscious mind] knoweth right well. PSALM 139:14.

How the subconscious controls all functions of the body

While you are awake or sound asleep upon your bed, the ceaseless,
tireless action of your subconscious mind controls all the vital functions of
your body without the help of your con-scious mind. For example, while you
are asleep your heart con-tinues to beat rhythmically, your lungs do not rest,
and the proc-ess of inhalation and exhalation, whereby your blood absorbs
fresh air, goes on just the same as when you are awake. Your subconscious

“Live The Power”

controls your digestive processes and glandular secretions, as well as all the
other mysterious operations of your body. The hair on your face continues to
grow whether you are asleep or awake. Scientists tell us that the skin
secretes much more perspiration during sleep than during the waking hours.
Your eyes, ears, and other senses are active during sleep. For instance, many
of our great scientists have received answers to perplexing problems while
they were asleep. They saw the an-swers in a dream.
Oftentimes your conscious mind interferes with the normal rhythm of
the heart, lungs, and functioning of the stomach and intestines by worry,
anxiety, fear, and depression. These pat-terns of thought interfere with the
harmonious functioning of your subconscious mind. When mentally
disturbed, the best pro-

The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious 51

cedure is to let go, relax, and still the wheels of your thought processes.
Speak to your subconscious mind, telling it to take over in peace, harmony,
and divine order. You will find that all the functions of your body will
become normal again. Be sure to speak to your subconscious mind with
authority and convic-tion, and it will conform to your command.
Your subconscious seeks to preserve your life and restore you to health
at all costs. It causes you to love your children, which also illustrates an
instinctive desire to preserve all life. Let us suppose you accidentally ate
some bad food. Your sub-conscious mind would cause you to regurgitate it.
If you in-advertently took some poison, your subconscious powers would
proceed to neutralize it. If you completely entrusted yourself to its wonder-
working power, you would be entirely restored to health.
• How to get the subconscious to work for you
The first thing to realize is that your subconscious mind is always
working. It is active night and day, whether you act upon it or not. Your
subconscious is the builder of your body, but you cannot consciously
perceive or hear that inner silent process. Your business is with your
conscious mind and not your subconscious mind. Just keep your conscious
mind busy with the expectation of the best, and make sure the thoughts you
habitually think are based on whatsoever things are lovely, true, just, and of
good report. Begin now to take care of your con-scious mind, knowing in

“Live The Power”

your heart and soul that your subcon-scious mind is always expressing,
reproducing, and manifesting according to your habitual thinking.
Remember, just as water takes the shape of the pipe it flows through, the
life principle in you flows through you according to the nature of your
thoughts. Claim that the healing presence in your subconscious is flowing
through you as harmony, health, peace, joy, and abundance. Think of it as a
living intelligence, a lovely companion on the way. Firmly believe it is
continually flowing through you vivifying, inspiring, and prospering you. It
will respond exactly this way. It is done unto you as you believe.

52 The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious

Healing principle of the subconscious restores atrophied optic nerves

There is the well-known, duly authenticated case of Madame Bire of
France, recorded in the archives of the medical department of
Lourdes, France. She was blind; the optic nerves were atrophied and
useless. She visited Lourdes and had what she termed a miraculous
healing. Ruth Cranston, a Protestant young lady who investigated and
wrote about healings at Lourdes in McCall¶s magazine, November,
1955, writes about Madame Bire as follows: “At Lourdes she regained
her sight incredibly, with the optic nerves still lifeless and useless, as
several doctors could testify after repeated examinations. A month later,
upon re-examination, it was found that the seeing mechanism had been
restored to normal. But at first, so far as medical
examination could tell, she was seeing with ‘dead eyes.’”
I have visited Lourdes several times where I, too, wit-nessed some
healings, and of course, as we shall explain in the next chapter, there is no
doubt that healings take place at many shrines throughout the world,
Christian and non-Christian.
The waters of the shrine did not heal Madame Bire, to whom we just
referred, but by her own subconscious mind, which responded to her belief.
The healing principle within her subconscious mind responded to the nature
of her thought. Be-lief is a thought in the subconscious mind. It means to
accept something as true. The thought accepted executes itself auto-
matically. Undoubtedly, Madame Bire went to the shrine with expectancy
and great faith, knowing in her heart she would re-ceive a healing. Her
subconscious mind responded accordingly, releasing the ever-present

“Live The Power”

healing forces. The subconscious mind, which created the eye, can certainly
bring a dead nerve back to life. What the creative principle created, it can
recreate. Accord-ing to your belief is it done unto you.
How to convey the idea of perfect health to your subconscious mind
A Protestant minister I knew in Johannesburg, South Africa, told me the
method he used to convey the idea of perfect

The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious 53

health to his subconscious mind. He had cancer of the lung. His technique,
as given to me in his own handwriting, is ex-actly as follows: “Several times
a day I would make certain that I was completely relaxed mentally and
physically. I relaxed my body by speaking to it as follows, ‘My feet are
relaxed, my ankles are relaxed, my legs are relaxed, my abdominal muscles
are relaxed, my heart and lungs are relaxed, my head is relaxed, my whole
being is completely relaxed.’ After about five minutes I would be in a sleepy
drowsy state, and then I affirmed the fol-lowing truth, ‘the perfection of God
is now being expressed through me. The idea of perfect health is now filling
my sub-conscious mind. The image God has of me is a perfect image, and
my subconscious mind recreates my body in perfect accord-ance with the
perfect image held in the mind of God.’” This minister had a remarkable
healing. This is a simple easy way of conveying the idea of perfect health to
your subconscious mind.
Another wonderful way to convey the idea of health to your
subconscious is through disciplined or scientific imagina-tion. I told a man
who was suffering from functional paralysis to make a vivid picture of
himself walking around in his office, touching the desk, answering the
telephone, and doing all the things he ordinarily would do if he were healed.
I explained to him that this idea and mental picture of perfect health would
be accepted by his subconscious mind.
He lived the role and actually felt himself back in the office. He knew
that he was giving his subconscious mind some-thing definite to work upon.
His subconscious mind was the film upon which the picture was impressed.
One day, after several weeks of frequent conditioning of the mind with this
mental pic-ture, the telephone rang by prearrangement and kept ringing
while his wife and nurse were out. The telephone was about twelve feet

“Live The Power”

away, but nevertheless he managed to answer it. He was healed at that hour.
The healing power of his subconscious mind responded to his mental
imagery, and a healing followed.
This man had a mental block, which prevented impulses from the brain
reaching his legs; therefore, he said he could not walk. When he shifted his
attention to the healing power within

54 The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious

him, the power flowed through, his focused attention, enabling him to walk.
Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. MATT. 21:22.
Ideas worth remembering
1. Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body
and knows the answer to all problems.
2. Prior to sleep, turn over a specific request to your subcon-scious mind
and prove its miracle-working power to yourself.
3. Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is ex-pressed on the
screen of space as conditions, experiences, and events. Therefore, you
should carefully watch all ideas and thoughts entertained in your
conscious mind.
4. The law of action and reaction is universal. Your thought is action, and
the reaction is the automatic response of your subconscious mind to your
thought. Watch your thoughts!
5. All frustration is due to unfulfilled desires. If you dwell on obstacles,
delays, and difficulties, your subconscious mind responds accordingly,
and you are blocking your own good.
6. The Life Principle will flow through you rhythmically and
harmoniously if you consciously affirm: “I believe that the subconscious
power which gave me this desire is now fulfill-ing it through me.” This
dissolves all conflicts.
7. You can interfere with the normal rhythm of your heart, lungs, and
other organs by worry, anxiety, and fear. Feed your subconscious with
thoughts of harmony, health, and peace, and all the functions of your body
will become nor-mal again.
8. Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and
your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your habitual thinking.

“Live The Power”

9. Imagine the happy ending or solution to your problem, feel the thrill of
accomplishment, and what you imagine and feel will be accepted by your
subconscious mind and bring it to pass.

Mental Healings in Ancient Times

Down through the ages men of all nations have somehow instinctively
believed that somewhere there resided a healing power which could restore
to normal the functions and sensa-tions of man’s body. They believed that
this strange power could be invoked under certain conditions, and that the
alleviation of human suffering would follow. The history of all nations pre-
sents testimony in support of this belief.
In the early history of the world the power of secretly in-fluencing men
for good or evil, including the healing of the sick, was said to be possessed
by the priests and holy men of all nations. Healing of the sick was supposed
to be a power derived directly by them from God, and the procedures and
processes of healing varied throughout the world. The healing processes
took the form of supplications to God attended by various cere-monies, such
as the laying on of hands, incantations, the applica-tion of amulets,
talismans, rings, relics, and images.
For example, in the religions of antiquity priests in the ancient temples
gave drugs to the patient and practiced hypnotic suggestions prior to the
patient’s sleep, telling him that the gods would visit him in his sleep and heal
him. Many healings fol-lowed. Obviously, all this was the work of potent
suggestions to the subconscious mind.
After the performance of certain mysterious rites, the de-votees of
Hecate would see the goddess during sleep, provided that before going to
sleep they had prayed to her according to weird and fantastic instructions.
They were told to mix lizards

“Live The Power”

56 Mental Healings in Ancient Times

with resin, frankincense, and myrrh, and pound all this together in the open
air under the crescent moon. Healings were reported in many cases
following this grotesque procedure.
It is obvious that these strange procedures, as mentioned in the
illustrations given, favored suggestion and acceptance by the subconscious
mind of these people by making a powerful appeal to their imagination.
Actually, in all these healings, the sub-conscious mind of the subject was the
In all ages unofficial healers have obtained remarkable re-sults in cases
where authorized medical skill has failed. This gives cause for thought. How
do these healers in all parts of the world effect their cures? The answer to all
these healings is due to the blind belief of the sick person, which released the
healing power resident in his subconscious mind. Many of the remedies and
methods employed were rather strange and fantastic which fired the
imagination of the patients, causing an aroused emo-tional state. This state
of mind facilitated the suggestion of health, and was accepted both by the
conscious and subconscious mind of the sick. This will be elaborated on
further in the next chapter.

• Biblical accounts on the use of the subconscious

What things soever ye desire, when ye pray believe that ye receive them,
and ye shall have them. MARK 11:24.
Note the difference in tenses. The inspired writer tells us to believe and
accept as true the fact that our desire has already been accomplished and
fulfilled, that it is already completed, and that its realization will follow as a
thing in the future.
The success of this technique depends on the confident conviction that
the thought, the idea, the picture is already a fact in mind. In order for
anything to have substance in the realm of mind, it must be thought of as
actually existing there.
Here in a few cryptic words is a concise and specific direc-tion for
making use of the creative power of thought by im-pressing upon the
subconscious the particular thing, which you desire. Your thought, idea,
plan, or purpose is as real on its own

“Live The Power”

Mental Healings in Ancient Times 57

plane as your hand or your heart. In following the Biblical tech-nique, you
completely eliminate from your mind all considera-tion of conditions,
circumstances, or anything, which might im-ply adverse contingencies. You
are planting a seed (concept) in the mind, which, if you leave it undisturbed,
will infallibly germinate into external fruition.
The prime condition, which Jesus insisted upon, was faith. Over and
over again you read in the Bible, According to your faith is it done unto you.
If you plant certain types of seeds in the ground, you have faith they will
grow after their kind. This is the way of seeds, and trusting the laws of
growth and agricul-ture, you know that the seeds will come forth after their
kind. Faith as mentioned in the Bible is a way of thinking, an attitude of
mind, an inner certitude, knowing that the idea you fully accept in your
conscious mind will be embodied in your sub-conscious mind and made
manifest. Faith is, in a sense, accept-ing as true what your reason and senses
deny, i.e., a shutting out of the little, rational, analytical, conscious mind and
embracing an attitude of complete reliance on the inner power of your
subconscious mind.
A classical instance of Bible technique is recorded in MATTHEW 9:28-
30. And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and
Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto
him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, according to your faith
be it unto you. And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them,
saying, see that no man know it.
In the words according to your faith be it unto you, you can see that
Jesus was actually appealing to the co-operation of the subconscious mind of
the blind men. Their faith was their great expectancy, their inner feeling,
their inner conviction that something miraculous would happen, and that
their prayer would be answered, and it was. This is the time-honored
technique of healing, utilized alike by all healing groups throughout the
world regardless of religious affiliation.
In the words see that no man know it, Jesus enjoins the newly healed
patients not to discuss their healing because they

“Live The Power”

58 Mental Healings in Ancient Times

might be subjected to the skeptical and derogatory criticisms of the
unbelieving. This might tend to undo the benefits they had received at the
hand of Jesus by depositing thoughts of fear, doubt, and anxiety in the
subconscious mind.
. . . for with authority and power he commandeth the un-clean spirits,
and they came out. LUKE 4:36.
When the sick came to Jesus to be healed, they were healed by their
faith together with his faith and understanding of the healing power of the
subconscious mind. Whatever he decreed, he felt inwardly to be true. He and
the people needing help were in the one universal subjective mind, and his
silent inner know-ing and conviction of the healing power changed the
negative destructive patterns in the patients’ subconscious. The resultant
healings were the automatic response to the internal mental change. His
command was his appeal to the subconscious mind of the patients plus his
awareness, feeling, and absolute trust in the response of the subconscious
mind to the words which he spoke with authority.

Miracles at various shrines throughout the world

It is an established fact that cures have taken place at various shrines
throughout the world, such as in Japan, India, Europe, and America. I have
visited several of the famous shrines in Japan. At the world famous shrine
called Diabutsu is a gigantic divinity of bronze where Buddha is seated with
folded hands, and the head is inclined in an attitude of profound con-
templative ecstasy. It is 42 feet in height and is called the great Buddha.
Here I saw young and old making offerings at its feet. Money, fruit, rice, and
oranges were offered. Candles were lit, incense was burned, and prayers of
petition recited.
The guide explained the chant of a young girl as she mur-mured a
prayer, bowed low, and placed two oranges as an offer-ing. She also lit a
candle. He said she had lost her voice, and it was restored at the shrine. She
was thanking Buddha for restor-ing her voice. She had the simple faith that
Buddha would give her back her singing voice if she followed a certain
ritual, fasted, and made certain offerings. All this helped to kindle faith and

“Live The Power”

Mental Healings in Ancient Times 59

expectancy, resulting in a conditioning of her mind to the point of belief. Her
subconscious mind responded to her belief.
To illustrate further the power of imagination and blind belief I will
relate the case of a relative of mine who had tuber-culosis. His lungs were
badly diseased. His son decided to heal his father. He came home to Perth,
Western Australia, where his father lived, and said to him that he had met a
monk who had returned from one of the healing shrines in Europe. This
monk sold him a piece of the true cross. He said that he gave the monk the
equivalent of $500 for it.
This young man had actually picked up a splinter of wood from the
sidewalk, went to the jeweler’s, and had it set in a ring so that it looked real.
He told his father that just touching the ring or the cross-healed many. He
inflamed and fired his father’s imagination to the point that the old
gentleman snatched the ring from him, placed it over his chest, prayed
silently, and went to sleep. In the morning he was healed. All the clinic’s
tests proved negative.
You know, of course, it was not the splinter of wood from the sidewalk
that healed him. It was his imagination aroused to an intense degree, plus the
confident expectancy of a perfect healing. Imagination was joined to faith or
subjective feeling, and the union of the two brought about a healing. The
father never learned of the trick that had been played upon him. If he had, he
probably would have had a relapse. He remained com-pletely cured and
passed away fifteen years later at the age of 89.

One universal healing principle

It is a well-known fact that all of the various schools of healing effect
cures of the most wonderful character. The most obvious conclusion, which
strikes your mind, is that there must be some underlying principle, which is
common to them all, namely, the subconscious mind, and the one process of
healing is faith.
It will now be in order to recall to your mind once more the following
fundamental truths:
First that you possess mental functions, which have been

“Live The Power”

60 Mental Healings in Ancient Times

distinguished by designating one the conscious mind and the other the
subconscious mind.
Secondly, your subconscious mind is constantly amenable to the power
of suggestion. Furthermore, your subconscious mind has complete control of
the functions, conditions, and sensations of your body.
I venture to believe that all the readers of this book are familiar with the
fact that symptoms of almost any disease can be induced in hypnotic
subjects by suggestion. For example, a subject in the hypnotic state can
develop a high temperature, flushed face, or chills according to the nature of
the suggestion given. By experiment, you can suggest to the person that he is
paralyzed and cannot walk: it will be so. By illustration, you can hold a cup
of cold water under the nose of the hypnotic subject and tell him, “This is
full of pepper; smell it!” He will proceed to sneeze. What do you think
caused him to sneeze, the water or the suggestion?
If a man says he is allergic to Timothy grass, you can place a synthetic
flower or an empty glass in front of his nose, when he is in a hypnotic state,
and tell him it is Timothy grass. He will portray the usual allergic symptoms.
This indicates that the cause of the disease is in the mind. The healing of the
disease can also take place mentally.
You realize that remarkable healings take place through osteopathy,
chiropractic medicine, and naturopathy, as well as through all the various
religious bodies throughout the world, but it is obvious that all of these
healings are brought about through the subconscious mind—the only healer
there is.
Notice how it heals a cut on your face caused by shaving. It knows
exactly how to do it. The doctor dresses the wound and says, “Nature heals
it!” Nature refers to natural law, the law of the subconscious mind, or self-
preservation, which is the function of the subconscious mind. The instinct of
self-preserva-tion is the first law of nature. Your strongest instinct is the
most potent of all autosuggestions.

Mental Healings in Ancient Times 61

Widely different theories

“Live The Power”

It would be tedious and unprofitable to discuss to any great extent the

numerous theories advanced by different religious sects and prayer therapy
groups. There are a great number who claim that because their theory
produces results it is, therefore, the correct one. This, as explained in this
chapter, cannot be true.
You are aware that there are all types of healing. Franz Anton Mesmer,
an Austrian physician (1734-1815) who prac-ticed in Paris, discovered that
by applying magnets to the dis-eased body, he could cure that disease
miraculously. He also performed cures with various other pieces of glass and
metals. He discontinued this form of healing and claimed that his cures were
due to “animal magnetism,” theorizing that this substance was projected
from the healer to the patient.
His method of treating disease from then on was by hyp-notism, which
was called mesmerism in his day. Other physicians said that all his healings
were due to suggestion and nothing else.
All of these groups, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, osteopaths,
chiropractors, physicians, and all the churches are using the one universal
power resident in the subconscious mind. Each may proclaim the healings
are due to their theory. The process of all healing is a definite, positive,
mental attitude, an inner attitude, or a way of thinking, called faith. Healing
is due to a confident expectancy, which acts as a powerful sugges-tion to the
subconscious mind releasing its healing potency.
One man does not heal by a different power than another. It is true he
may have his own theory or method. There is only one process of healing
and that is faith. There is only one heal-ing power, namely, your
subconscious mind. Select the theory and method you prefer. You can rest
assured, if you have faith, you shall get results.

62 Mental Healings in Ancient Times

Views of Paracelsus
Philippus Paracelsus, a famous Swiss alchemist and physi-cian, who
lived from 1493 to 1541, was a great healer in his day. He stated what is
now an obvious scientific fact when he uttered these words, “Whether the
object of your faith be real or false, you will nevertheless obtain the same

“Live The Power”

effects. Thus, if I believed in Saint Peter’s statue as I should have believed in

Saint Peter himself, I shall obtain the same effects that I should have
obtained from Saint Peter. But that is superstition. Faith, however, produces
miracles; and whether it is true or false faith, it will always produce the same
The views of Paracelsus were also entertained in the six-teenth century
by Pietro Pomponazzi, an Italian philosopher and contemporary of
Paracelsus, who said, “We can easily conceive the marvelous effects which
confidence and imagination can produce, particularly when both qualities
are reciprocated be-tween the subjects and the person who influences them.
The cures attributed to the influence of certain relics are the effect of their
imagination and confidence. Quacks and philosophers know that if the bones
of any skeleton were put in place of the saint’s bones, the sick would none
the less experience beneficial effects, if they believed that they were
veritable relics.”
Then, if you believe in the bones of saints to heal, or if you believe in
the healing power of certain waters, you will gel results because of the
powerful suggestion given to your sub-conscious mind. It is the latter that
does the healing.

Bernheitn s experiments
Hippolyte Bernheim, professor of medicine at Nancy, France, 1910-
1919, was the expounder of the fact that the suggestion of the physician to
the patient was exerted through the subconscious mind.
Bernheim, in his Suggestive Therapeutics, page 197, tells a story of a
man with paralysis of the tongue which had yielded to no form of treatment.
His doctor told the patient that he had a new instrument with which he
promised to heal him. He intro-

Mental Healings in Ancient Times 63

duced a pocket thermometer into the patient’s mouth. The patient imagined
it to be the instrument, which was to save him. In a few moments he cried
out joyfully that he could once more move his tongue freely.
“Among our cases,” continues Bernheim, “facts of the same sort will be
found. A young girl came into my office, hav-ing suffered from complete

“Live The Power”

loss of speech for nearly four weeks. After making sure of the diagnosis, I
told my students that loss of speech sometimes yielded instantly to
electricity, which might act simply by its suggestive influence. I sent for the
induction apparatus. I applied my hand over the larynx and moved a little,
and said, ‘Now you can speak aloud.’ In an instant I made her saw ‘a,’ then
‘b,’ then ‘Maria.’ She continued to speak distinctly; the loss of voice had
Here Bernheim is showing the power of faith and expect-ancy on the
part of the patient, which acts as a powerful sugges-tion to the subconscious

Producing a blister by suggestion

Bernheim states that he produced a blister on the back of a patient’s
neck by applying a postage stamp and suggesting to the patient that it was a
fly-plaster. This has been confirmed by the experiments and experiences of
many doctors in many parts of the world, which leave no doubt that
structural change, are a possible result of oral suggestion to patients.

The cause of bloody stigmata

In Hudson’s Law of Psychic Phenomena, page 153, he states,
“Hemorrhages and bloody stigmata may be induced in certain subjects by
means of suggestion.
“Dr. M. Bourru put a subject into the somnambulistic con-dition, and
gave him the following suggestion: ‘At four o’clock this afternoon, after the
hypnosis, you will come into my office, sit down in the armchair, cross your
arms upon your breast, and your nose will begin to bleed.’ At the hour
appointed the young man did as directed. Several drops of blood came from
the left nostril.

64 Mental Healings in Ancient Times

“On another occasion the same investigator traced the pa-tient’s name
on both his forearms with the dull point of an instru-ment. Then when the
patient was in the somnambulistic con-dition, he said, ‘At four o’clock this
afternoon you will go to sleep, and your arms will bleed along the lines
which I have traced, and your name will appear written on your arms in

“Live The Power”

letters of blood.’ He was watched at four o’clock and seen to fall asleep. On
the left arm the letters stood out in bright relief, and in several places there
were drops of blood. The letters were still visible three months afterward,
although they had gradu-ally grown faint.”
These facts demonstrate at once the correctness of the two fundamental
propositions previously stated, namely, the con-stant amenability of the
subconscious mind to the power of suggestion and the perfect control, which
the subconscious mind exercises, over the functions, sensations, and
conditions of the body.
All the foregoing phenomena dramatize vividly abnormal conditions
induced by suggestion, and are conclusive proof that as a man thinketh in his
heart [subconscious mind] so is he.

• Healing points in review

1. Remind yourself frequently that the healing power is in your own
subconscious mind.
2. Know that faith is like a seed planted in the ground; it grows after its
kind. Plant the idea (seed) in your mind, water and fertilize it with
expectancy, and it will manifest.
3. The idea you have for a book, new invention, or play is real in your
mind. This is why you can believe you have it now. Believe in the reality
of your idea, plan, or invention, and as you do, it will become manifest.
4. In praying for another, know that your silent inner knowing of
wholeness, beauty, and perfection can change the nega-tive patterns of the
other’s subconscious mind and bring about wonderful results.
5. The miraculous healings you hear about at various shrines

Mental Healings in Ancient Times 65

are due to imagination and blind faith which act on the subconscious
mind, releasing the healing power.
6. All disease originates in the mind. Nothing appears on the body unless
there is a mental pattern corresponding to it.
7. The symptoms of almost any disease can be induced in you by hypnotic
suggestion. This shows you the power of your thought.
8. There is only one process of healing and that is faith. There is only one
healing power, namely, your subconscious mind.
9. Whether the object of your faith is real or false, you will get results.
Your subconscious mind responds to the thought in your mind. Look
upon faith as a thought in your mind, and that will suffice.

“Live The Power”

Mental Healings in Modern Times

Everyone is definitely concerned with the healing of bodily conditions

and human affairs. What is it that heals? Where is this healing power? These
are questions asked by everyone. The answer is that this healing power is ha
the subconscious mind of each person, and a changed mental attitude on the
part of the sick person releases this healing power.
No mental or religious science practitioner, psychologist, psychiatrist, or
medical doctor ever healed a patient. There is an old saying, “The doctor
dresses the wound, but God heals it.” The psychologist or psychiatrist
proceeds to remove the mental blocks in the patient so that the healing
principle may be re-leased, restoring the patient to health. Likewise, the
surgeon removes the physical block enabling the healing currents to function
normally. No physician, surgeon, or mental science practitioner claims, “he
healed the patient.” The one healing power is called by many names—
Nature, Life, God, Creative Intelligence, and Subconscious Power.
As previously outlined, there are many different methods used to
remove the mental, emotional, and physical blocks which inhibit the flow of
the healing life principle animating all of us. The healing principle resident
in your subconscious mind can and will, if properly directed by you or some
other person, heal your mind and body of all disease. This healing principle
is operative in all men regardless of creed, color, or race. You do not have to
belong to some particular church in order to use and participate in this
healing process. Your subconscious will

Mental Healings in Modern Times 67

heal the burn or cut on your hand even though you profess to be an atheist or

“Live The Power”

The modern mental therapeutic procedure is based on the truth that the
infinite intelligence and power of your subcon-scious mind responds
according to your faith. The mental science practitioner or minister follows
the injunction of the Bible, i.e., he goes into his closet and shuts the door,
which means he stills his mind, relaxes, lets go, and thinks of the infinite
healing presence within him. He closes the door of his mind to all out-side
distractions as well as appearances, and then he quietly and knowingly turns
over his request or desire to his subcon-scious mind, realizing that the
intelligence of his mind will answer him according to his specific needs.
The most wonderful thing to know is this: Imagine the end desired and
feel its reality; then the infinite life principle will respond to your conscious
choice and your conscious request. This is the meaning of believe you have
received, and you shall receive. This is what the modern mental scientist
does when he practices prayer therapy.

One process of healing

There is only one universal healing principle operating through
everything—the cat, the dog, the tree, the grass, the wind, the earth—for
everything is alive. This life principle op-erates through the animal,
vegetable, and mineral kingdoms as instinct and the law of growth. Man is
consciously aware of this life principle, and he can consciously direct it to
bless himself in countless ways.
There are many different approaches, techniques, and methods in using
the universal power, but there is only one process of healing, which is faith,
for according to your faith is it done unto you.

The law of belief

All religions of the world represent forms of belief, and these beliefs are
explained in many ways. The law of life is be-

68 Mental Healings in Modern Times

lief. What do you believe about yourself, life, and the universe? It is done
unto you, as you believe.

“Live The Power”

Belief is a thought in your mind, which causes the power of your

subconscious to be distributed into all phases of your life according to your
thinking habits. You must realize the Bible is not talking about your belief in
some ritual, ceremony, form, institution, man, or formula. It is talking about
belief itself. The belief of your mind is simply the thought of your mind. If
thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. MARK 9:23.
It is foolish to believe in something to hurt or harm you. Remember, it is not
the thing believed in that hurts or harms you, but the belief or thought in
your mind, which creates the result. All your experiences, all your actions,
and all the events and circumstances of your life are but the reflections and
reac-tions to your own thought.

Prayer therapy is the combined function of the con-scious and

subconscious mind scientifically directed
Prayer therapy is the synchronized, harmonious, and in-telligent
function of the conscious and subconscious levels of mind specifically
directed for a definite purpose. In scientific prayer or prayer therapy, you
must know what you are doing and why you are doing it. You trust the law
of healing. Prayer therapy is sometimes referred to as mental treatment, and
an-other term is scientific prayer.
In prayer therapy you consciously choose a certain idea, mental picture,
or plan which you desire to experience. You realize your capacity to convey
this idea or mental image to your subconscious by feeling the reality of the
state assumed. As you remain faithful in your mental attitude, your prayer
will be answered. Prayer therapy is a definite mental action for a definite
specific purpose.
Let us suppose that you decide to heal a certain difficulty by prayer
therapy. You are aware that your problem or sickness, whatever it may be,
must be caused by negative thoughts charged with fear and lodged in your
subconscious mind, and that if you

Mental Healings in Modem Times 69

can succeed in cleansing your mind of these thoughts, you will get a healing.
You, therefore, turn to the healing power within your own subconscious
mind and remind yourself of its infinite power and intelligence and
“Live The Power”

capacity to heal all conditions. As you dwell on these truths, your fear will
begin to dissolve, and the recollection of these truths also corrects the
erroneous beliefs.
You give thanks for the healing that you know will come, and then you
keep your mind off the difficulty until you feel guided, after an interval, to
pray again. While you are praying, you absolutely refuse to give any power
to the negative con-ditions or to admit for a second that the healing will not
come. This attitude of mind brings about the harmonious union of the
conscious and subconscious mind, which releases the healing power.

• Faith healing, what it means, and how blind faith works

What is popularly termed faith healing is not the faith mentioned in the
Bible, which means knowledge of the inter-action of the conscious and
subconscious mind. A faith healer is one who heals without any real
scientific understanding of the powers and forces involved. He may claim
that he has a special gift of healing, and the sick person’s blind belief in him
or his powers may bring results.
The voodoo doctor in South Africa and other parts of the world may
heal by incantations, or touching the so-called bones of saints, or anything
else may heal a person, which cause the patients to honestly believe in the
method or process.
Any method, which causes you to move from fear and worry to faith and
expectancy, will heal. There are many persons, each of whom claims that
because his personal theory produces re-sults, it is, therefore, the correct one.
This, as already explained in this chapter, cannot be true.
To illustrate how blind faith works: You will recall our dis-cussion of
the Swiss physician, Franz Anton Mesmer. In 1776 he claimed many cures
when he stroked diseased bodies with

70 Mental Healings in Modern Times

artificial magnets. Later on he threw away his magnets and evolved the
theory of animal magnetism. This he held to be a fluid, which pervades the
universe, but is most active in the human organism.

“Live The Power”

He claimed that this magnetic fluid, which was going forth from him to
his patients, healed them. People flocked to him, and many wonderful cures
were affected.
Mesmer moved to Paris, and while there the Government appointed a
commission composed of physicians and members of the Academy of
Science, of which Benjamin Franklin was a member, to investigate his cures.
The report admitted the lead-ing facts claimed by Mesmer, but held that
there was no evidence to prove the correctness of his magnetic fluid theory,
and said the effects were due to the imagination of the patients.
Soon after this, Mesmer was driven into exile, and died in 1815. Shortly
afterwards, Dr. Braid of Manchester undertook to show that magnetic fluid
had nothing to do with the produc-tion of the healings of Dr. Mesmer. Dr.
Braid discovered that patients could be thrown into hypnotic sleep by
suggestion, dur-ing which many of the well-known phenomena ascribed to
mag-netism by Mesmer could be produced.
You can readily see that all these cures were undoubtedly brought about
by the active imagination of the patients together with a powerful suggestion
of health to their subconscious minds. All this could be termed blind faith, as
there was no understand-ing in those days as to how the cures were brought

Subjective faith and what it means

You will recall the proposition, which need not be repeated at length,
that the subjective or subconscious mind of an indi-vidual is as amenable to
the control of his own conscious or objective mind as it is by the suggestions
of another. It follows that whatever may be your objective belief, if you will
assume to have faith actively or passively, your subconscious mind will be
controlled by the suggestion, and your desire will be fulfilled.
The faith required in mental healings is a purely subjective

Mental Healings in Modern Times 71

faith, and it is attainable upon the cessation of active opposition on the part
of the objective or conscious mind.
In the healing of the body it is, of course, desirable to se-cure the
concurrent faith of both the conscious and subconscious mind. However, it is

“Live The Power”

not always essential if you will enter into a state of passivity and receptivity
by relaxing the mind and the body and getting into a sleepy state. In this
drowsy state your passivity becomes receptive to subjective impression.
Recently, I was asked by a man, “How is it that I got a healing through a
minister? I did not believe what he said when, he told me that there is no
such thing as disease and that matter does not exist.”
This man at first thought his intelligence was being in-sulted, and he
protested against such a palpable absurdity. The explanation is simple. He
was quieted by soothing words and told to get into a perfectly passive
condition, to say nothing, and think of nothing for the time being. His
minister also became passive, and affirmed quietly, peacefully, and
constantly for about one half hour that this man would have perfect health,
peace, harmony, and wholeness. He felt immense relief and was restored to
It is easy to see that his subjective faith had been made manifest by his
passivity under treatment, and the suggestions of perfect healthfulness by the
minister were conveyed to his sub-conscious mind. The two subjective
minds were then en rapport.
The minister was not handicapped by antagonistic auto-suggestions of
the patient arising from objective doubt of the power of the healer or the
correctness of the theory. In this sleepy, drowsy state the conscious mind
resistance is reduced to a minimum, and results followed. The subconscious
mind of the patient being necessarily controlled by such suggestion
exercised its functions in accordance therewith, and a healing followed.

The meaning of absent treatment

Suppose you learned that your mother was sick in New York City and
you lived in Los Angeles. Your mother would

72 Mental Healings in Modern Times

not be physically present where you are, but you could pray for her. It is the
Father within which doeth the work.
The creative law of mind (subconscious mind) serves you and will do
the work. Its response to you is automatic. Your treatment is for the purpose
of inducing an inner realization of health and harmony in your mentality.

“Live The Power”

This inner realization, acting through the subconscious mind, operates

through your mother’s subconscious mind as there is but one creative mind.
Your thoughts of health, vitality, and perfection operate through the one
universal subjective mind, and set a law in motion on the subjective side of
life, which manifests through her body as a healing.
In the mind principle there is no time or space. It is the same mind that
operates through your mother no matter where she may be. In reality there is
no absent treatment as opposed to present treatment for the universal mind is
omnipresent. You do not try to send out thoughts or hold a thought. Your
treat-ment is a conscious movement of thought, and as you become
conscious of the qualities of health, well-being, and relaxation, these
qualities will be resurrected in the experience of your mother, and results
will follow.
The following is a perfect example of what is called absent treatment.
Recently, a listener of our radio program in Los Angeles prayed as follows
for her mother in New York who had a coronary thrombosis: “The healing
presence is right where my mother is. Her bodily condition is but a reflection
of her thought-life like shadows cast on the screen. I know that in order to
change the images on the screen I must change the projection reel. My mind
is the projection reel, and I now project in my own mind the image of
wholeness, harmony, and perfect health for my mother. The infinite healing
presence, which created my mother’s body and all her organs is now
saturating every atom of her being, and a river of peace, flows through every
cell of her body. The doctors are divinely guided and directed, and whoever
touches my mother is guided to do the right thing. I know that disease has no
ultimate reality; if it had, no one could be healed. I now align myself with
the infinite principle of love

Mental Healings in Modern Times 73

and life, and I know and decree that harmony, health, and peace are now
being expressed in my mother’s body.”
She prayed in the above manner several times daily, and her mother had
a most remarkable recovery after a few days, much to the amazement of her
specialist. He complimented her on her great faith in the power of God.

“Live The Power”

The conclusion arrived at in the daughter’s mind set the creative law of
mind in motion on the subjective side of life, which manifested itself
through her mother’s body as perfect health and harmony. What the
daughter felt as true about her mother was simultaneously resurrected in the
experience of her mother.
Releasing the kinetic action of the subconscious mind
A psychologist friend of mine told me that one of his lungs was
infected. X rays and analysis showed the presence of tuber-culosis. At night
before going to sleep he would quietly affirm, “Every cell, nerve, tissue, and
muscle of my lungs are now being made whole, pure, and perfect. My whole
body is being restored to health and harmony.”
These are not his exact words, but they represent the es-sence of what he
affirmed. A complete healing followed in about a month’s time. Subsequent
X rays showed a perfect healing.
I wanted to know his method, so I asked him why he re-peated the
words prior to sleep. Here is his reply, “The kinetic action of the
subconscious mind continues throughout your sleep-time period. Hence,
give the subconscious mind something good to work on as you drop off into
slumber.” This was a very wise answer. In thinking of harmony and perfect
health, he never mentioned his trouble by name.
I strongly suggest that you cease talking about your ail-ments or giving
them a name. The only sap from which they draw life is your attention and
fear of them. Like the above-mentioned psychologist, become a mental
surgeon. Then your troubles will be cut off like dead branches are pruned
from a tree.
If you are constantly naming your aches and symptoms, you inhibit the
kinetic action, which means the release of the

74 Mental Healings in Modern Times

healing power and energy of your subconscious mind. Further-more, by the
law of your own mind, these imaginings tend to take shape, as the thing I
greatly feared. Fill your mind with the great truths of life and walk forward
in the light of love.

“Live The Power”

Summary of your aids to health

1. Find out what it is that heals you. Realize that correct direc-tions
given to your subconscious mind will heal your mind and body.
2. Develop a definite plan for turning over your requests or desires to
your subconscious mind.
3. Imagine the end desired and feel its reality. Follow it through, and you
will get definite results.
4. Decide what belief is. Know that belief is a thought in your mind, and
what you think you create.
5. It is foolish to believe in sickness and something to hurt or to harm
you. Believe in perfect health, prosperity, peace, wealth, and divine
6. Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become
great acts.
7. Apply the power of prayer therapy in your life. Choose a certain plan,
idea, or mental picture. Mentally and emo-tionally unite with that idea,
and as you remain faithful to your mental attitude, your prayer will be
8. Always remember, if you really want the power to heal, you can have
it through faith, which means knowledge of the working of your
conscious and subconscious mind. Faith comes with understanding.
9. Blind faith means that a person may get results in healing without any
scientific understanding of the powers and forces involved.
10. Learn to pray for your loved ones who may be ill. Quiet your mind,
and your thoughts of health, vitality, and per-fection operating through
the one universal subjective mind will be felt and resurrected in the mind
of your loved one.

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

“Live The Power”

An engineer has a technique and a process for building a bridge or an

engine. Like the engineer, your mind also has a technique for governing,
controlling, and directing your life. You must realize that methods and
techniques are primary.
In building the Golden Gate Bridge, the chief engineer understood
mathematical principles, stresses and strains. Sec-ondly, he had a picture of
the ideal bridge across the bay. The third step was his application of tried
and proven methods by which the principles were implemented until the
bridge took form and we drive on it. There also are techniques and methods
by which your prayers are answered. If your prayer is answered, there is a
way in which it is answered, and this is a scientific way. Nothing happens by
chance. This is a world of law and order. In this chapter you will find
practical techniques for the unfolding and nurture of your spiritual life. Your
prayers must not remain up in the air like a balloon. They must go
somewhere and accomplish something in your life.
When we come to analyze prayer we discover there are many different
approaches and methods. We will not consider in this book the formal, ritual
prayers used in religious services. These have important place in-group
worship. We are imme-diately concerned with the methods of personal
prayer as it is applied in your daily life and as it is used to help others.
Prayer is the formulation of an idea concerning something we wish to
accomplish. Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire. Your desire is your prayer. It
comes out of your deepest needs and it

76 Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

reveals the things you want in life. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst
after righteousness: for they shall be filled. That is really prayer, life’s
hunger and thirst for peace, harmony, health, joy, and all the other blessings
of life.

• The passing-over technique for impregnating the subconscious

This consists essentially in inducing the subconscious mind to take over
your request as handed it by the conscious mind. This passing over is best
accomplished in the reverie-like state. Know that in your deeper mind are

“Live The Power”

Infinite Intelligence and In-finite Power. Just calmly think over what you
want; see it com-ing into fuller fruition from this moment forward. Be like
the little girl who had a very bad cough and a sore throat. She de-clared
firmly and repeatedly, “It is passing away now. It is pass-ing away now.” It
passed away in about an hour. Use this tech-nique with complete simplicity
and naïveté.

• Your subconscious will accept your blueprint

If you were building a new home for yourself and family, you know
that- you would be intensely interested in regard to the blueprint for your
home; you would see to it that the builders conformed to the blueprint. You
would watch the material and select only the best wood, steel, in fact, the
best of everything. What about your mental home and your mental blueprint
for happiness and abundance? All your experiences and everything that
enters into your life depend upon the nature of the mental building blocks,
which you use in the construction of your mental home.
If your blueprint is full of mental patterns of fear, worry, anxiety, or
lack, and if you are despondent, doubtful, and cyni-cal, then the texture of
the mental material you are weaving into your mind will come forth as more
toil, care, tension, anxiety, and limitation of all kinds.
The most fundamental and the most far-reaching activity in life is that
which you build into your mentality every waking hour. Your word is silent
and invisible; nevertheless, it is real.

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings 77

You are building your mental home all the time, and your thought and
mental imagery represent your blueprint. Hour by hour, moment by moment,
you can build radiant health, success, and happiness by the thoughts you
think, the ideas which you harbor, the beliefs that you accept, and the scenes
that you re-hearse in the hidden studio of your mind. This stately mansion,
upon the construction of which you are perpetually engaged, is your
personality, your identity in this plane, your whole life story on this earth.
Get a new blueprint; build silently by realizing peace, har-mony, joy,
and good will in the present moment. By dwelling upon these things and

“Live The Power”

claiming them, your subconscious will accept your blueprint and bring all
these things to pass. By their fruits ye shall know them.

The science and art of true prayer

The term “science” means knowledge, which is co-ordi-nated, arranged,
and systematized. Let us think of the science and art of true prayer as it deals
with the fundamental principles of life and the techniques and processes by
which they can be demonstrated in your life, as well as in the life of every
human being when he applies them faithfully. The art is your technique or
process, and the science behind it is the definite response of creative mind to
your mental picture or thought.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall
be opened unto you. MATTHEW 7:7.
Here you are told you shall receive that for which you ask. It shall be
opened to you when you knock, and you shall find that for which you are
searching. This teaching implies the definiteness of mental and spiritual
laws. There is always a direct response from the Infinite Intelligence of your
subconscious mind to your conscious thinking. If you ask for bread, you will
not receive a stone. You must ask believing, if you are to receive. Your mind
moves from the thought to the thing. Unless there is first an image in the
mind, it cannot move, for there would be nothing for it to move toward.
Your prayer, which is your men-tal act must be accepted as an image in your
mind before the

78 Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

power from your subconscious will play upon it and make it productive. You
must reach a point of acceptance in your mind, an unqualified and
undisputed state of agreement.
This contemplation should be accompanied by a feeling of joy and
restfulness in foreseeing the certain accomplishment of your desire. The
sound basis for the art and science of true prayer is your knowledge and
complete confidence that the movement of your conscious mind will gain a
definite response from your subconscious mind, which is one with boundless
wis-dom and infinite power. By following this procedure, your pray-ers will
be answered.

“Live The Power”

The visualization technique

The easiest and most obvious way to formulate an idea is to visualize it,
to see it in your mind’s eye as vividly as if it were alive. You can see with
the naked eye only what already exists in the external world; in a similar
way, that which you can visualize in your mind’s eye already exists in the
invisible realms of your mind. Any picture, which you have in your mind, is
the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. What
you form in your imagination is as real as any part of your body. The idea
and the thought are real and will one day appear in your objective world if
you are faithful to your mental image.
This process of thinking forms impressions in your mind; these
impressions in turn become manifested as facts and ex-periences in your life.
The builder visualizes the type of build-ing he wants; he sees it as he desires
it to be completed. His imagery and thought-processes become a plastic
mold from which the building will emerge—a beautiful or an ugly one, a
skyscraper or a very low one. His mental imagery is projected as it is drawn
on paper. Eventually, the contractor and his work-ers gather the essential
materials, and the building progresses until it stands finished, conforming
perfectly to the mental pat-terns of the architect.
I use the visualization technique prior to speaking from the platform. I
quiet the wheels of my mind in order that I may

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings 79

present to the subconscious mind my images of thought. Then, I picture the
entire auditorium and the seats filled with men and women, and each one of
them illumined and inspired by the in-finite healing presence within each
one. I see them as radiant, happy, and free.
Having first built up the idea in my imagination, I quietly sustain it there
as a mental picture while I imagine I hear men and women saying, “I am
healed,” “I feel wonderful,” “I’ve had an instantaneous healing,” “I’m
transformed.” I keep this up for about ten minutes or more, knowing and
feeling that each per-son’s mind and body are saturated with love,
wholeness, beauty, and perfection. My awareness grows to the point where
in my mind I can actually hear the voices of the multitude proclaim-ing their
health and happiness; then I release the whole picture and go onto the

“Live The Power”

platform. Almost every Sunday some people stop and say that their prayers
were answered.

Mental movie method

The Chinese say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” William
James, the father of American psychology, stressed the fact that the
subconscious mind will bring to pass any pic-ture held in the mind and
backed by faith. Act as though I am, and I will be.
A number of years ago I was in the Middle West lecturing in several
states, and I desired to have a permanent location in the general area from
which I could serve those who desired help. I traveled far, but the desire did
not leave my mind. One evening, while in a hotel in Spokane, Washington, I
relaxed completely on a couch, immobilized my attention, and in a quiet,
passive manner imagined that I was talking to a large audience, saying in
effect, “I am glad to be here; I have prayed for the ideal opportunity.” I saw
in my mind’s eye the imaginary audience, and I felt the reality of it all. I
played the role of the actor, dramatized this mental movie, and felt satisfied
that this picture was being conveyed to my subconscious mind, which would
bring it to pass in its own way. The next morning, on awakening, I felt a
great sense of peace and satisfaction, and in

80 Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

a few days’ time I received a telegram asking me to take over an
organization in the Midwest, which I did, and I enjoyed it immensely for
several years.
The method outlined here appeals to many who have de-scribed it as
“the mental movie method.” I have received nu-merous letters from people
who listen to my radio talks and weekly public lectures, telling me of the
wonderful results they get using this technique in the sale of their property. I
suggest to those who have homes or property for sale that they satisfy
themselves in their own mind that their price is right. Then, I claim that the
Infinite Intelligence is attracting to them the buyer who really wants to have
the property and who will love it and prosper in it. After having done this I
suggest that they quiet their mind, relax, let go, and get into a drowsy, sleepy
state, which reduces all mental effort to a minimum. Then, they are to

“Live The Power”

picture the check in their hands, rejoice in the check, give thanks for the
check, and go off to sleep feeling the naturalness of the whole mental movie
created in their own mind. They must act as though it were an objective
reality, and the subconscious mind will take it as an impression, and through
the deeper currents of the mind the buyer and the seller are brought together.
A mental picture held in the mind, backed by faith, will come to pass.

The Baudoin technique

Charles Baudoin was a professor at the Rousseau Institute in France. He
was a brilliant psychotherapist and a research director of the New Nancy
School of Healing, who in 1910 taught that the best way to impress the
subconscious mind was to enter into a drowsy, sleepy state, or a state akin to
sleep in which all effort was reduced to a minimum. Then in a quiet, passive,
receptive way, by reflection, he would convey the idea to the subconscious.
The following is his formula: “A very sim-ple way of securing this
(impregnation of the subconscious mind) is to condense the idea which is to
be the object of sug-gestion, to sum it up in a brief phrase which can be

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings 81

graven on the memory, and to repeat it over and over again as a lullaby.”
Some years ago, a young lady in Los Angeles was engaged in a
prolonged bitter family lawsuit over a will. Her husband had bequeathed his
entire estate to her, and his sons and daugh-ters by a previous marriage were
bitterly fighting to break the will. The Baudoin technique was outlined to
her, and this is what she did: She relaxed her body in an armchair, entered
into the sleepy state and, as suggested, condensed the idea of her need into a
phrase consisting of six words easily graven on the memory. “It is finished
in Divine Order.” The significance to her of these words meant that Infinite
Intelligence operating through the laws of her subconscious mind would
bring about a harmonious adjustment through the principle of harmony. She
continued this procedure every night for about ten nights. After she got into
a sleepy state, she would affirm slowly, quietly, and feelingly the statement:
“It is finished in Divine Order,” over and over again, feeling a sense of inner

“Live The Power”

peace and an all-per-vading tranquility; then she went off into her deep,
normal sleep.
On the morning of the eleventh day, following the use of the above
technique, she awakened with a sense of well-being, a conviction that it was
finished. Her attorney called her the same day, saying that the opposing
attorney and his clients were willing to settle. A harmonious agreement was
reached, and litigation was discontinued.
The sleeping technique
By entering into a sleepy, drowsy state, effort is reduced to a minimum.
The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state.
The reason for this is that the highest degree of outcropping of the
subconscious occurs prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the
negative thoughts, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent
acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present.
Suppose you want to get rid of a destructive habit. Assume a
comfortable posture, relax your body, and be still. Get into

82 Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

a sleepy state, and in that sleepy state, say quietly, over and over again as a
lullaby, “I am completely free from this habit; harmony and peace of mind
reign supreme.” Repeat the above slowly, quietly, and lovingly for five or
ten minute’s night and morning. Each time you repeat the words the
emotional value becomes greater. When the urge comes to repeat the
negative habit, repeat the above formula out loud by yourself. By this means
you induce the subconscious to accept the idea, and a healing follows.

The thank-you technique

In the Bible, Paul recommends that we make known our requests with
praise and thanksgiving. Some extraordinary re-sults follow this simple
method of prayer. The thankful heart is always close to the creative forces of
the universe, causing count-less blessings to flow toward it by the law of
reciprocal relation-ship, based on a cosmic law of action and reaction.
For instance, a father promises his son a car for gradua-tion; the boy has
not yet received the car, but he is very thank-ful and happy, and is as joyous

“Live The Power”

as though he had actually re-ceived the car. He knows his father will fulfill
his promise, and he is full of gratitude and joy even though he has not yet
received the car, objectively speaking. He has, however, received it with joy
and thankfulness in his mind.
I shall illustrate how Mr. Broke applied this technique with excellent
results. He said, “Bills are piling up, I am out of work, I have three children
and no money. What shall I do?” Regularly every night and morning, for a
period of about three weeks, he repeated the words, “Thank you, Father, for
my wealth,” in a relaxed, peaceful manner until the feeling or mood of
thankful-ness dominated his mind. He imagined he was addressing the
infinite power and intelligence within him knowing, of course, that he could
not see the creative intelligence or infinite mind. He was seeing with the
inner eye of spiritual perception, realiz-ing that his thought-image of wealth
was the first cause, relative to the money, position, and food he needed. His
thought feeling was the substance of wealth untrammeled by antecedent con-

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings 83

ditions of any kind. By repeating, “Thank you, Father,” over and over again,
his mind and heart were lifted up to the point of acceptance, and when fear,
thoughts of lack, poverty, and dis-tress came into his mind, he would say,
“Thank you, Father,” as often as necessary. He knew that as he kept up the
thankful attitude he would recondition his mind to the idea of wealth, which
is what happened.
The sequel to his prayer is very interesting. After praying in the above-
mentioned manner, he met a former employer of his on the street whom he
had not seen for twenty years. The man offered him a very lucrative position
and advanced him $500 on a temporary loan. Today, Mr. Broke is vice-
president of the company for which he works. His recent remark to me was,
“I shall never forget the wonders of ‘Thank you, Father.’ It has worked
wonders for me.”

The affirmative method

The effectiveness of an affirmation is determined largely by your
understanding of the truth and the meaning back of the words, ³In praying
use not vain repetition.´ Therefore, the power of your affirmation lies in the

“Live The Power”

intelligent application of definite and specific positives. For example, a boy

adds three and three and puts down seven on the blackboard. The teacher
affirms with mathematical certainty that three and three are six; there-fore,
the boy changes his figures accordingly. The teacher’s statement did not
make three and three equal six because the latter was already a mathematical
truth. The mathematical truth caused the boy to rearrange the figures on the
blackboard. It is abnormal to be sick; it is normal to be healthy. Health is the
truth of your being. When you affirm health, harmony, and peace for
yourself or another, and when you realize these are universal principles of
your own being, you will rearrange the negative patterns of your
subconscious mind based on your faith and understanding of that which you
The result of the affirmative process of prayer depends on your
conforming to the principles of life, regardless of appear-ances. Consider for
a moment that there is a principle of mathe-

84 Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

matics and none of error; there is a principle of truth but none of dishonesty.
There is a principle of intelligence but none of ignorance; there is a principle
of harmony and none of discord. There is a principle of health but none of
disease, and there is a principle of abundance but none of poverty.
The affirmative method was chosen by the author for use on his sister
who was to be operated on for the removal of gall-stones in a hospital in
England. The condition described was based on the diagnosis of hospital
tests and the usual X-ray pro-cedures. She asked me to pray for her. We
were separated geographically about 6,500 miles, but there is no time or
space in the mind principle. Infinite mind or intelligence is present in its
entirety at every point simultaneously. I withdrew all thought from the
contemplation of symptoms and from the corporeal personality altogether. I
affirmed as follows: “This prayer is for my sister Catherine. She is relaxed
and at peace, poised, balanced, serene, and calm. The healing intelligence of
her sub-conscious mind, which created her body, is now transforming every
cell, nerve, tissue, muscle, and bone of her being according to the perfect
pattern of all organs lodged in her subconscious mind. Silently, quietly, all
distorted thought patterns in her sub-conscious mind are removed and

“Live The Power”

dissolved, and the vitality, wholeness, and beauty of the life principle are
made manifest in every atom of her being. She is now open and receptive to
the healing currents, which are flowing through her like a river, restoring her
to perfect health, harmony, and peace. All dis-tortions and ugly images are
now washed away by the infinite ocean of love and peace flowing through
her, and it is so.”
I affirmed the above several times a day, and at the end of two weeks
my sister had an examination, which showed a re-markable healing, and the
X ray, proved negative.
To affirm is to state that it is so, and as you maintain this attitude of
mind as true, regardless of all evidence to the con-trary, you will receive an
answer to your prayer. Your thought can only affirm, for even if you deny
something, you are actually affirming the presence of what you deny.
Repeating an affirma-tion, knowing what you are saying and why you are
saying it,

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings 85

leads the mind to that state of consciousness where it accepts that which you
state as true. Keep on affirming the truths of life until you get the
subconscious reaction, which satisfies.

The argumentative method

This method is just what the word implies. It stems from the procedure
of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby of Maine. Dr. Quimby, a pioneer in mental
and spiritual healing, lived and practiced in Belfast, Maine, about one
hundred years ago. A book called The Quimby Manuscripts, published in
1921 by Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York City, and edited by
Horatio Dresser, is available in your library. This book gives newspaper
accounts of this man’s remarkable results in prayer treatment of the sick.
Quimby duplicated many of the healing miracles recorded in the Bible. In
brief, the argumentative method employed according to Quimby consists of
spiritual reasoning where you convince the patient and yourself that his
sickness is due to his false belief, groundless fears, and negative patterns
lodged in his subconscious mind. You reason it out clearly in your mind and
convince your patient that the disease or ailment is due only to a distorted,

“Live The Power”

twisted pattern of thought, which has taken form in his body. This wrong
belief in some external power and external causes has now externalized itself
as sickness, and can be changed by changing the thought patterns.
You explain to the sick person that the basis of all healing is a change of
belief. You also point out that the subconscious mind created the body and
all its organs; therefore, it knows how to heal it, can heal it, and is doing so
now as you speak. You argue in the courtroom of your mind that the disease
is a shadow of the mind based on disease-soaked, morbid thought-imagery.
You continue to build up all the evidence you can muster on behalf of the
healing power within, which created all the organs in the first place, and
which has a perfect pattern of every cell, nerve, and tissue within it. Then,
you render a verdict in the courthouse of your mind in favor of yourself or
your patient. You liberate the sick one by faith and spiritual under-

86 Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

standing. Your mental and spiritual evidence is overwhelming; they’re being
but one mind, what you feel as true will be resurrected in the experience of
the patient. This procedure is essentially the argumentative method used by
Dr. Quimby of Maine from 1849 to 1869.

The absolute method is like modern sound wave therapy

Many people throughout the world practice this form of prayer treatment
with wonderful results. The person using the absolute method mentions the
name of the patient, such as John Jones, then quietly and silently thinks of
God and His qualities and attributes, such as, God is all bliss, boundless
love, infinite intelligence, all-powerful, boundless wisdom, absolute
harmony, indescribable beauty, and perfection. As he quietly thinks along
these lines he is lifted up in consciousness into a new spiritual wave length,
at which times he feels the infinite ocean of God’s love is now dissolving
everything unlike itself in the mind and body of John Jones for whom he is
praying. He feels all the power and love of God are now focused on John
Jones, and whatever is bothering or vexing him is now completely neutral-
ized in the presence of the infinite ocean of life and love.
The absolute method of prayer might be likened to the sound wave or
sonic therapy recently shown me by a distin-guished physician in Los

“Live The Power”

Angeles. He has an ultra sound wave machine, which oscillates at a

tremendous speed and sends sound waves to any area of the body to which it
is directed. These sound waves can be controlled, and he told me of
achieving re-markable results in dissolving arthritic calcareous deposits, as
well as the healing and removal of other disturbing conditions.
To the degree that we rise in consciousness by contemplat-ing qualities
and attributes of God, do we generate spiritual electronic waves of harmony,
health, and peace. Many remark-able healings follow this technique of

A cripple walks
Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, of whom we spoke previ-ously in this
chapter, used the absolute method in the latter years

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings 87

of his healing career. He was really the father of psychosomatic medicine
and the first psychoanalyst. He had the capacity to diagnose clairvoyantly
the cause of the patient’s trouble, pains, and aches.
The following is a condensed account of the healing of a cripple as
recorded in Quimby’s Manuscripts:
Quimby was called on to visit a woman who was lame, aged, and
bedridden. He states that her ailment was due to the fact that she was
imprisoned by a creed so small and contracted that she could not stand
upright and move about. She was living in the tomb of fear and ignorance;
furthermore, she was taking the Bible literally, and it frightened her. “In this
tomb,” Quimby said, “was the presence and power of God trying to burst the
bands, break through the bonds, and rise from the dead.” When she would
ask others for an explanation of some passage of the Bible, the answer
would be a stone; then she would hunger for the bread of life. Dr. Quimby
diagnosed her case as a mind cloudy and stagnated, due to excitation and
fear, caused by the inability to see clearly the meaning of the passage of the
Bible, which she had been reading. This showed itself in the body by her
heavy and sluggish feeling, which would terminate as paralysis.
At this point Quimby asked her what was meant in the Bible verses: Yet
a little while am I with you, and then I go unto Him that sent me. Ye shall

“Live The Power”

seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come.
JOHN 7:33-34. She replied that it meant Jesus went to heaven. Quimby
explained what it really meant by telling her that being with her a little while
meant his explanation of her symptoms, feelings, and their causes; i.e., he
had compassion and sympathy for her momentarily, but he could not remain
in that mental state. The next step was to go to Him that sent us, which, as
Quimby pointed out, was the creative power of God in all of us.
Quimby immediately traveled in his mind and contem-plated the divine
ideal; i.e., the vitality, intelligence, harmony, and power of God functioning
in the sick person. This is why he said to the woman, “Therefore, where I go
you cannot come,

88 Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

for you are in your narrow, restricted belief, and I am in health.” This prayer
and explanation produced an instantaneous sensa-tion, and a change came
over her mind. She walked without her crutches! Quimby said it was one of
the most singular of all his healings. She was, as it were, dead to error, and
to bring her to life or truth was to raise her from the dead. Quimby quoted
the resurrection of Christ and applied it to her own Christ or health; this
produced a powerful effect on her. He also ex-plained to her that the truth,
which she accepted, was the angel or idea, which rolled away the stone of
fear, ignorance, and superstition, thereby, releasing the healing power of
God, which made her whole.

• The decree method

Power goes into our word according to the feeling and faith behind it.
When we realize the power that moves the world is moving on our behalf
and is backing up our word, our confidence and assurance grow. You do not
try and add power to power; therefore, there must be no mental striving,
coercion, force, or mental wrestling.
A young girl used the decree method on a young man who was
constantly phoning her, pressing her for dates, and meeting her at her place
of business; she found it very difficult to get rid of him. She decreed as
follows: “I release………unto God. He is in his true place at all times. I am
free, and he is free. I now decree that my words go forth into infinite mind

“Live The Power”

and it brings it to pass. It is so.” She said he vanished and she has never seen
him since, adding, “It was as though the ground swallowed him up.”
Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the
light shall shine upon thy ways. JOB 22:28.

• Serve yourself with scientific truth

1. Be a mental engineer and use tried and proven techniques in building
a grander and greater life.
2. Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfillment of your

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings 89

desire now and feel its reality, and you will experience the joy of the
answered prayer.
3. Desire to accomplish things the easy way—with the sure aid of mental
4. You can build radiant health, success, and happiness by the thoughts
you think in the hidden studio of your mind.
5. Experiment scientifically until you personally prove that there is
always a direct response from the infinite intelli-gence of your
subconscious mind to your conscious think-ing.
6. Feel the joy and restfulness in foreseeing the certain accom-plishment
of your desire. Any mental picture, which you have in your mind, is the
substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
7. A mental picture is worth a thousand words. Your subcon-scious will
bring to pass any picture held in the mind backed by faith.
8. Avoid all effort or mental coercion in prayer. Get into a sleepy,
drowsy state and lull yourself to sleep feeling and knowing that your
prayer is answered.
9. Remember that the thankful heart is always close to the riches of the
10. To affirm is to state that it is so, and as you maintain this attitude of
mind as true, regardless of all evidence to the contrary, you will receive
an answer to your prayer.
11. Generate electronic waves of harmony, health, and peace by thinking
of the love and the glory of God.
12. What you decree and feel as true will come to pass. Decree harmony,
health, peace, and abundance.

“Live The Power”

The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward

Over 90 percent of your mental life is subconscious, so men and women

who fail to make use of this marvelous power live within very narrow limits.
Your subconscious processes are always lifeward and con-structive. Your
subconscious is the builder of your body and maintains all its vital
functions. It is on the job 24 hours a day and never sleeps. It is always trying
to help and preserve you from harm.
Your subconscious mind is in touch with infinite life and boundless
wisdom, and its impulses and ideas are always life-ward. The great
aspirations, inspirations, and visions for a grander and nobler life, spring
from the subconscious. Your profoundest convictions are those you cannot
argue about rationally because they do not come from your conscious mind;
they come from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious speaks to you
in intuitions, impulses, hunches, intimations, urges, and ideas, and it is
always telling you to rise, transcend, grow, advance, adventure, and move
forward to greater heights. The urge to love, to save the lives of others
comes from the depths of your subconscious. For example, during the great
San Francisco earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906, invalids and cripples
who had been confined to bed for long periods of time, rose up and
performed some of the most amazing feats of bravery and endurance. The
intense desire welled up within them to save others at all costs, and their
subconscious responded accordingly.

The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward 91

Great artists, musicians, poets, speakers, and writers tune in with their
subconscious powers and become animated and inspired. For example,
Robert Louis Stevenson, before he went to sleep, used to charge his
subconscious with the task of evolv-ing stories for him while he slept. He

“Live The Power”

was accustomed to ask his subconscious to give him a good, marketable

thriller when his bank account was low. Stevenson said the intelligence of
his deeper mind gave him the story piece by piece, like a serial. This shows
how your subconscious will speak lofty and wise sayings through you,
which your conscious mind knows nothing about.
Mark Twain confided to the world on many occasions that he never
worked in his life. All his humor and all his great writ-ings were due to the
fact that he tapped the inexhaustible reser-voir of his subconscious mind.

How the body portrays the workings of the mind

The interaction of your conscious and subconscious mind requires a
similar interaction between the corresponding system of nerves. The
cerebrospinal system is the organ of the conscious mind, and the
sympathetic system is the organ of the subcon-scious mind. The
cerebrospinal system is the channel through which you receive conscious
perception by means of your five physical senses and exercise control over
the movement of your body. This system has its nerves in the brain, and it is
the chan-nel of your volitional and conscious mental action.
The sympathetic system, sometimes referred to as the in-voluntary
nervous system, has its center in a ganglionic mass at the back of the
stomach known as the solar plexus, and is some-times spoken of as the
abdominal brain. It is the channel of that mental action which unconsciously
supports the vital func-tions of the body.
The two systems may work separately or synchronously. Judge Thomas
Troward * says, “The vaguest nerve passes out of the cerebral region as a
portion of the voluntary system, and
* The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science (New York: Robert McBride
& Co., 1909).

92 The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward

through it we control the vocal organs; then it passes onward to the thorax
sending out branches to the heart and lungs; finally, passing through the
diaphragm, it loses the outer coating which distinguishes the nerves of the
voluntary system and becomes identified with those of the sympathetic

“Live The Power”

system, so forming a connecting link between the two and making the man
physically a single entity.
“Similarly different areas of the brain indicate their con-nection with the
objective and subjective activities of the mind respectively, and speaking in
a general way we may assign the frontal portion of the brain to the former
and the posterior portion to the latter, while the intermediate portion partakes
of the character of both.”
A rather simple way of looking at the mental and physical interaction is
to realize that your conscious mind grasps an idea, which induces a
corresponding vibration in your voluntary sys-tem of nerves. This in turn
causes a similar current to be gen-erated in your involuntary system of
nerves, thus handling the idea over to your subconscious mind, which is the
creative me-dium. This is how your thoughts become things.
Every thought entertained by your conscious mind and ac-cepted as true
is sent by your brain to your solar plexus, the brain of your subconscious
mind, to be made into your flesh, and to be brought forth into your world as a

There is an intelligence which takes care of the body

When you study the cellular system and the structure of the organs, such
as eyes, ears, heart, liver, bladder, etc., you learn they consist of groups of
cells which form a group intelligence whereby they function together and are
able to take orders and carry them out in deductive function at the suggestion
of the master mind (conscious mind).
A careful study of the single-celled organism shows you what goes on in
your complex body. Though the mono-cellular organism has no organs, it
still gives evidence of mind action and reaction performing the basic
functions of movement, ali-mentation, assimilation, and elimination.

The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward 93

Many say there is an intelligence, which will take care of your body if
you let it alone. That is true, but the difficulty is that the conscious mind
always interferes with its five-sense evi-dence based on outer appearances,
leading to the sway of false beliefs, fears, and mere opinion. When fear,
false beliefs, and negative patterns are made to register in your subconscious
mind through psychological, emotional conditioning, there is no other course

“Live The Power”

open to the subconscious mind except to act on the blue-print specifications

offered it.
The subconscious mind works continually for the common good
The subjective self within you works continuously for the general good,
reflecting an innate principle of harmony behind all things. Your
subconscious mind has its own will, and it is a very real something in itself.
It acts night and day whether you act upon it or not. It is the builder of your
body, but you cannot see, hear, or feel it building, as all this is a silent
process. Your subconscious has a life of its own which is always moving
toward harmony, health, and peace. This is the divine norm within it seeking
expression through you at all times.

How man interferes with the innate principle of harmony

To think correctly, scientifically, we must know the “Truth.” To know
the truth is to be in harmony with the infinite intelli-gence and power of your
subconscious mind, which is always moving lifeward.
Every thought or action, which is not harmonious, whether through
ignorance or design, will result in discord and limitation of all kinds.
Scientists inform us that you build a new body every eleven months; so
you are really only eleven months old from a physical standpoint. If you
build defects back into your body by thoughts of fear, anger, jealousy, and ill
will, you have no one to blame but yourself.
You are the sum total of your own thoughts. You can keep

94 The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward

from entertaining negative thought and imagery. The way to get rid of
darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to
overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought. Affirm the
good, and the bad will vanish.

Why it s normal to be healthy, vital, and strong it s abnormal to be

The average child born into the world is perfectly healthy with all its
organs functioning perfectly. This is the normal state, and we should remain

“Live The Power”

healthy, vital, and strong. The instinct of self-preservation is the strongest

instinct of your nature, and it constitutes a most potent, ever-present, and
constantly opera-tive truth, inherent in your nature. It is, therefore, obvious
that all your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs must operate with greater
potentiality when they are in harmony with the innate life-principle in you,
which is forever seeking to preserve and protect you along all lines. It
follows from this that normal conditions can be restored with greater ease
and certainty than abnormal conditions can be induced.
It is abnormal to be sick; it simply means you are going against the
stream of life and thinking negatively. The law of life is the law of growth;
all nature testifies to the operation of this law by silently, constantly
expressing itself in the law of growth. Where there is growth and expression,
there must be life; where there is life there must be harmony, and where
there is harmony, there is perfect health.
If your thought is in harmony with the creative principle of your
subconscious mind, you are in tune with the innate prin-ciple of harmony. If
you entertain thoughts which are not in accordance with the principle of
harmony, these thoughts cling to you, harass you, worry you, and finally
bring about disease, and if persisted in, possibly death.
In the healing of disease, you must increase the inflow and distribution
of the vital forces of your subconscious mind throughout your system. This
can be done by eliminating thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, hatred,
and every

The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward 95

other destructive thought which tends to tear down and destroy your nerves
and glands—body tissue which controls the elimina-tion of all waste

Pott s disease cured

In the Nautilus magazine of March, 1917, there appears an article about
a boy suffering from Pott’s disease, or tuber-culosis of the spine, who had a
remarkable healing. His name was Frederick Elias Andrews of Indianapolis,
now minister of Unity School of Christianity, Kansas City, Missouri. His
physician pronounced him incurable. He began to pray, and from a crooked,

“Live The Power”

twisted cripple going about on hands and knees, he be-came a strong,

straight, well-formed man. He created his own affirmation, mentally
absorbing the qualities he needed.
He affirmed over and over again many times a day, “I am whole,
perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.” He persevered
and said that this prayer was the last utterance on his lips at night and the
first in the morning. He prayed for others also by sending out thoughts of
love and health. This attitude of mind and way of prayer returned to him
multiplied many times. His faith and perseverance paid off with big
dividends. When thoughts of fear, anger, jealousy, or envy drew his
attention, he would immediately start his counteracting force of affirmation
going in his mind. His subconscious mind responded according to the nature
of his habitual thinking. This is the meaning of the statement in the Bible,
Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole. MARK 10:52.

How faith in your subconscious powers makes you whole

A young man, who came to my lectures on the healing power of the
subconscious mind, had severe eye trouble, which his doctor said
necessitated an operation. He said to himself, “My subconscious made my
eyes, and it can heal me.”
Each night, as he went to sleep, he entered into a drowsy, meditative
state, the condition akin to sleep. His attention was

96 The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward

immobilized and focused on the eye doctor. He imagined the doctor was in
front of him, and he plainly heard, or imagined he heard, the doctor saying to
him, “A miracle has happened!” He heard this over and over again every
night for perhaps five minutes or so before going to sleep. At the end of
three weeks he again went to the ophthalmologist who had previously ex-
amined his eyes, and the physician said to this man, “This is a miracle!”
What happened? This man impressed his subconscious mind using the
doctor as an instrument or a means of convincing it or conveying the idea.
Through repetition, faith, and expect-ancy he impregnated his subconscious
mind. His subconscious mind made his eye; within it was the perfect pattern,

“Live The Power”

and imme-diately it proceeded to heal the eye. This is another example of

how faith in the healing power of your subconscious can make you whole.

Pointers to review
1. Your subconscious is the builder of your body and is on the job 24
hours a day. You interfere with its life-giving patterns by negative
2. Charge your subconscious with the task of evolving an an-swer to any
problem, prior to sleep and it will answer you.
3. Watch your thoughts. Every thought accepted as true is sent by your
brain to your solar plexus—your abdominal brain—and is brought into
your world as a reality.
4. Know that you can remake yourself by giving a new blue-print to your
subconscious mind.
5. The tendency of your subconscious is always lifeward. Your job is with
your conscious mind. Feed your subconscious mind with premises, which
are true. Your subconscious is always reproducing according to your
habitual mental pat-terns.
6. You build a new body every eleven months. Change your body by
changing your thoughts and keeping them changed.
7. It is normal to be healthy. It is abnormal to be ill. There is within the
innate principle of harmony.
8. Thoughts of jealousy, fear, worry, and anxiety tear down and

The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward 97

destroy your nerves and glands bringing about mental and physical
diseases of all kinds.
9. What you affirm consciously and feel as true will be made manifest in
your mind, body and affairs. Affirm the good and enter into the joy of

“Live The Power”

How to Get the Results You Want

The principle reasons for failure are: Lack of confidence and too much
effort. Many people block answers to their pray-ers by failing to fully
comprehend the workings of their subcon-scious mind. When you know how
your mind functions, you gain a measure of confidence. You must remember
whenever your subconscious mind accepts an idea; it immediately begins to
execute it. It uses all its mighty resources to that end and mobilizes all the
mental and spiritual laws of your deeper mind. This law is true for good or
bad ideas. Consequently, if you use it negatively, it brings trouble, failure,
and confusion. When you use it constructively, it brings guidance, freedom,
and peace of mind.
The right answer is inevitable when your thoughts are posi-tive,
constructive, and loving. From this it is perfectly obvious that the only thing
you have to do in order to overcome failure is to get your subconscious to
accept your idea or request by feeling its reality now, and the law of your
mind will do the rest. Turn over your request with faith and confidence, and
your subconscious will take over and answer for you.
You will always fail to get results by trying to use mental coercion—
your subconscious mind does not respond to coer-cion, it responds to your
faith or conscious mind acceptance.
Your failure to get results may also arise from such state-ments as:
“Things are getting worse.” “I will never get an an-swer.” “I see no way
out.” “It is hopeless.” “I don’t know what to do.” “I’m all mixed up.” When
you use such statements, you

How to Get the Results You Want 99

get no response or co-operation from your subconscious mind. Like a soldier
marking time, you neither go forward nor back-ward; in other words, you
don’t get anywhere.

“Live The Power”

If you get into a taxi and give half dozen different direc-tions to the
driver in five minutes, he would become hopelessly confused and probably
would refuse to take you anywhere. It is the same when working with your
subconscious mind. There must be a clear-cut idea in your mind. You must
arrive at the definite decision that there is a way out, a solution to the vexing
problem in sickness. Only the infinite intelligence within your subconscious
knows the answer. When you come to that clear-cut conclusion in your
conscious mind, your mind is then made up, and according to your belief is
it done unto you.

• Easy does it
A house owner once remonstrated with a furnace repairman for charging
two hundred dollars for fixing the boiler. The me-chanic said, “I charged
five cents for the missing bolt and one hundred ninety-nine dollars and
ninety-five cents for knowing what was wrong.”
Similarly, your subconscious mind is the master mechanic, the all-wise
one, who knows ways and means of healing any or-gan of your body, as
well as your affairs. Decree health, and your subconscious will establish it,
but relaxation is the key. “Easy does it.” Do not be concerned with details
and means, but know the end result. Get the feel of the happy solution to
your problem whether it is health, finances, or employment. Remember how
you felt after you had recovered from a severe state of illness. Bear in mind
that your feeling is the touchstone of all subconscious demonstration. Your
new idea must be felt subjectively in a finished state, not the future, but as
coming about now.

• Infer no opponent, use imagination and not will power

In using your subconscious mind you infer no opponent, you use no will
power. You imagine the end and the freedom

100 How to Get the Results You Want

state. You will find your intellect trying to get in the way, but persist in
maintaining a simple, childlike, miracle-making faith. Picture yourself
without the ailment or problem. Imagine the emotional accompaniment of

“Live The Power”

the freedom state you crave. Cut out all red tape from the process. The
simple way is the best.

How disciplined imagination works wonders

A wonderful way to get a response from your subconscious mind is
through disciplined or scientific imagination. As previ-ously pointed out,
your subconscious mind is the builder of the body and controls all its vital
The Bible says, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believ-ing, ye shall
receive. To believe is to accept something as true, or to live in the state of
being it. As you sustain this mood, you shall experience the joy of the
answered prayer!

The three steps to success in prayer

The usual procedure is as follows:
1. Take a look at the problem.
2. Turn to the solution or way out known only to the subconscious
3. Rest in a sense of deep conviction that it is done.
Do not weaken your prayer by saying, “I wish I might be healed.” “I
hope so.” Your feeling about the work to be done is “the boss.” Harmony is
yours. Know that health is yours. Be-come intelligent by becoming a vehicle
for the infinite healing power of the subconscious mind. Pass on the idea of
health Jo your subconscious mind to the point of conviction; then relax. Get
yourself off your hands. Say to the condition and circum-stance, “This, too,
shall pass.” Through relaxation you impress your subconscious mind
enabling the kinetic energy behind the idea to take over and bring it into
concrete realization.

• The law of reversed effort and why you get the opposite of what you
pray for
Coué, the famous psychologist from France who visited America about
forty years ago, defined the law of reversed

How to Get the Results You Want 101

effort as follows: “When your desires and imagination are in conflict your
imagination invariably gains the day.”

“Live The Power”

If, for example, you were asked to walk a plank on the floor, you would
do so without question. Now suppose the same plank were placed twenty
feet up in the air between two walls, would you walk it? Your desire to walk
it would be counter-acted by your imagination or fear of falling. Your
dominant idea, which would be the picture of falling, would conquer. Your
desire, will, or effort to walk on the plank would be reversed, and the
dominant idea of failure would be reinforced.
Mental effort is invariably self-defeated, eventuating always in the
opposite of what is desired. The suggestions of powerless-ness to overcome
the condition dominate the mind; your sub-conscious is always controlled by
the dominant idea. Your subconscious will accept the stronger of two
contradictory propositions. The effortless way is the better.
If you say, “I want a healing, but I can’t get it;” “I try so hard;” “I force
myself to pray;” “I use all the will power I have,” you must realize that your
error lies in your effort. Never try to compel the subconscious mind to
accept your idea by exercising will power. Such attempts are doomed to
failure, and you get the opposite of what you prayed for.
The following is a rather common experience. Students, when taking
examinations and reading through their papers, find that all their knowledge
has suddenly deserted them. Their minds become appalling blanks, and they
are unable to recall one relevant thought. The more they grit their teeth and
sum-mon the powers of the will, the further the answers seem to flee. But,
when they have left the examination room and the mental pressure relaxes,
the answers they were seeking flow tantalizingly back into their minds.
Trying to force themselves to remember was the cause of their failure. This
is an example of the law of reversed effort whereby you get the opposite of
what you asked or prayed for.
• The conflict of desire and imagination must be reconciled
To use mental force is to presuppose that there is opposi-tion. When
your mind is concentrated on the means to overcome

102 How to Get the Results You Want

a problem, it is no longer concerned with the obstacle. MATT. 18:19 says, If
two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it
shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Who are these two?
It means the harmonious union or agreement between your conscious and
subconscious on any idea, desire, or mental image. When there is no longer
any quarrel in either part of your mind, your prayer will be answered. The

“Live The Power”

two agreeing may also be represented as you and your de-sire, your thought
and feeling, your idea and emotion, your desire and imagination.
You avoid all conflict between your desires and imagina-tion by
entering into a drowsy, sleepy state which brings all effort to a minimum.
The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state.
The best time to impregnate your subconscious is prior to sleep. The reason
for this is that the highest degree of outcropping of the subconscious occurs
prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the nega-tive thoughts
and imagery, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance
by your subconscious mind no longer present themselves. When you
imagine the reality of the ful-filled desire and feel the thrill of
accomplishment, your subcon-scious brings about the realization of your
A great many people solve all their dilemmas and prob-lems by the play
of their controlled, directed, and disciplined imagination, knowing that
whatever they imagine and feel as true will and must come to pass.
The following will clearly illustrate how a young girl over-came the
conflict between her desire and her imagination. She desired a harmonious
solution to her legal problem, yet her mental imagery was constantly on
failure, loss, bankruptcy, and poverty. It was a complicated lawsuit and there
was one post-ponement after another with no solution in sight.
At my suggestion, she got into a sleepy, drowsy state each night prior to
sleep, and she began to imagine the happy ending, feeling it to the best of
her ability. She knew that the image in her mind had to agree with her
heart’s desire. Prior to sleep she began to dramatize as vividly as possible
her lawyer having an

How to Get the Results You Want 103

animated discussion with her regarding the outcome. She would ask him
questions, and he would answer her appropriately. He would say to her over
and over again, “There has been a per-fect, harmonious solution. The case
has been settled out of court.” During the day when fear thoughts came into
her mind, she would run her mental movie with gestures, voice, and sound
equipment. She could easily imagine the sound of his voice, smile, and
mannerism. She ran this mental picture so often; it became a subjective
pattern, a regular train track. At the end of a few weeks her attorney called
her and confirmed objec-tively what she had been imagining and feeling as
true sub-jectively.

“Live The Power”

This is really what the Psalmist meant when he wrote, Let the words of
my mouth [your thoughts, mental images, good] and the meditations of my
heart [your feeling, nature, emotion] be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord [the
law of your subconscious mind], my strength, and my redeemer [the power
and wisdom of your subconscious mind can redeem you from sickness,
bond-age, and misery]. PSALM 19:14.

• Ideas worth recalling

1. Mental coercion or too much effort shows anxiety and fear, which
block your answer. Easy does it.
2. When your mind is relaxed and you accept an idea, your subconscious
goes to work to execute the idea.
3. Think and plan independently of traditional methods. Know that there
is always an answer and a solution to every prob-lem.
4. Do not be overly concerned with the beating of your heart, with the
breathing of your lungs, or the functions of any part of your anatomy.
Lean heavily upon your subconscious and proclaim frequently that Divine
right action is taking place.
5. The feeling of health produces health; the feeling of wealth produces
wealth. How do you feel?
6. Imagination is your most powerful faculty. Imagine what is

104 How to Get the Results You Want

lovely and of good report. You are what you imagine yourself to be.
7. You avoid conflict between your conscious and subconscious in the
sleepy state. Imagine the fulfillment of your desire over and over again
prior to sleep. Sleep in peace and wake in joy.

How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth

“Live The Power”

If you are having financial difficulties, if you are trying to make ends
meet, it means you have not convinced your subcon-scious mind that you
will always have plenty and some to spare. You know men and women who
work a few hours a week and make fabulous sums of money. They do not
strive or slave hard. Do not believe the story that the only way you can
become wealthy is by the sweat of your brow and hard labor. It is not so; the
effortless way of life is the best. Do the thing you love to do, and do it for
the joy and thrill of it.
I know an executive in Los Angeles who receives a salary of $75,000
yearly. Last year he went on a nine-month cruise seeing the world and its
beauty spots. He said to me that he had succeeded in convincing his
subconscious mind that he is worth that much money. He told me that many
men in his organiza-tion getting about one hundred dollars a week knew
more about the business than he did, and could manage it better, but they
had no ambition, no creative ideas, and were not interested in the wonders of
their subconscious mind.
Wealth is of the mind
Wealth is simply a subconscious conviction on the part of the individual.
You will not become a millionaire by saying, “I am a millionaire, I am a
millionaire.” You will grow into a wealth consciousness by building into
your mentality the idea of wealth and abundance.

106 Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth

Your invisible means of support

The trouble with most people is that they have no invisible means of
support. When business falls away, the stock market drops, or they lose their
investments, they seem helpless. The reason for such insecurity is that they
do not know how to tap the subconscious mind. They are unacquainted with
the in-exhaustible storehouse within.
A man with a poverty type mind finds himself in poverty-stricken
conditions. Another man with a mind filled with ideas of wealth is
surrounded with everything he needs. It was never intended that man should
lead a life of indigence. You can have wealth, everything you need, and
plenty to spare. Your words have power to cleanse your mind of wrong ideas
and to instill right ideas in their place.

“Live The Power”

The ideal method for building a wealth consciousness

Perhaps you are saying as you read this chapter, “I need wealth and
success.” This is what you do: Repeat for about five minutes to yourself
three or four times a day, “Wealth—Suc-cess.” These words have
tremendous power. They represent the inner power of the subconscious
mind. Anchor your mind on this substantial power within you; then
conditions and circum-stances corresponding to their nature and quality will
be mani-fested in your life. You are not saying, “I am wealthy,” you are
dwelling on real powers within you. There is no conflict in the mind when
you say, “Wealth.” Furthermore, the feeling of wealth will well up within
you as you dwell on the idea of wealth.
The feeling of wealth produces wealth; keep this in mind at all times.
Your subconscious mind is like a bank, a sort of universal financial
institution. It magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it whether it is
the idea of wealth or of poverty. Choose wealth.

Why your affirmations for wealth fail

I have talked to many people during the past thirty-five years whose
usual complaint is, “I have said for weeks and

Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth 107

months, ‘I am wealthy, I am prosperous,’ and nothing has hap-pened.” I
discovered that when they said, “I am prosperous, I am wealthy,” they felt
within that they were lying to themselves.
One man told me, “I have affirmed that I am prosperous until I am tired.
Things are now worse. I knew when I made the statement that it was
obviously not true.” His statements were rejected by the conscious mind, and
the very opposite of what he outwardly affirmed and claimed was made
Your affirmation succeeds best when it is specific and when it does not
produce a mental conflict or argument; hence the statements made by this
man made matters worse because they suggested his lack. Your
subconscious accepts what you really feel to be true, not just idle words or
statements. The dominant idea or belief is always accepted by the
subconscious mind.

How to avoid mental conflict

“Live The Power”

The following is the ideal way to overcome this conflict for those who
have this difficulty. Make this practical statement frequently, particularly
prior to sleep: “By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my
interests.” This affirmation will not arouse any argument because it does not
contradict your subconscious mind’s impression of financial lack.
I suggested to one businessman whose sales and finances were very low
and who was greatly worried, that he sit down in his office, become quiet,
and repeat this statement over and over again: “My sales are improving
every day.” This statement en-gaged the co-operation of the conscious and
subconscious mind; results followed.

Don t sign blank checks

You sign blank checks when you make such statements as, “There is not
enough to go around.” “There is a shortage.” “I will lose the house because
of the mortgage,” etc. If you are full of fear about the future, you are also
writing a blank check and attracting negative conditions to you. Your
subconscious mind takes your fear and negative statement as your request

108 Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth

proceeds in its own way to bring obstacles, delays, lack, and limitation into
your life.

• Your subconscious gives you compound interest

To him that hath the feeling of wealth, more wealth shall be added; to
him that hath the feeling of lack, more lack shall be added. Your
subconscious multiplies and magnifies whatever you deposit in it. Every
morning as you awaken deposit thoughts of prosperity, success, wealth, and
peace. Dwell upon these con-cepts. Busy your mind with them as often as
possible. These constructive thoughts will find their way as deposits in your
subconscious mind, and bring forth abundance and prosperity.

• Why nothing happened

I can hear you saying, “Oh, I did that and nothing hap-pened.” You did
not get results because you indulged in fear thoughts perhaps ten minutes
later and neutralized the good you had affirmed. When you place a seed in
the ground, you do not dig it up. You let it take root and grow.

“Live The Power”

Suppose, for example, you are going to say, “I shall not be able to make
that payment.” Before you get further than, “I shall—” stop the sentence and
dwell on a constructive state-ment, such as, “By day and by night I am
prospered in all my ways.”
True source of wealth
Your subconscious mind is never short of ideas. There are within it an
infinite number of ideas ready to flow into your conscious mind and appear
as cash in your pocketbook in countless ways. This process will continue to
go on in your mind regardless of whether the stock market goes up or down,
or whether the pound sterling or dollar drops in value. Your wealth is never
truly dependent on bonds, stocks, or money in the bank; these are really only
symbols necessary and useful, of course, but only symbols.
The point I wish to emphasize is that if you convince your

Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth 109

subconscious mind that wealth is yours, and that it is always circulating in
your life, you will always and inevitably have it, regardless of the form it

Trying to make ends meet and the real cause

There are people who claim that they are always trying to make ends
meet. They seem to have a great struggle to meet their obligations. Have you
listened to their conversation? In many instances their conversation runs
along this vein. They are constantly condemning those who have succeeded
in life and who have raised their heads above the crowd. Perhaps they are
saying, “Oh, that fellow has a racket; he is ruthless; he is a crook.” This is
why they lack; they are condemning the thing they desire and want. The
reason they speak critically of their more prosperous associates is because
they are envious and covetous of the others prosperity. The quickest way to
cause wealth to take wings and fly away is to criticize and condemn others
who have more wealth than you.

A common stumbling block to wealth

There is one emotion, which is the cause of the lack of wealth in the
lives of many. Most people learn this the hard way. It is envy. For example,
if you see a competitor depositing large sums of money in the bank, and you
have only a meager amount to deposit, does it make you envious? The way

“Live The Power”

to overcome this emotion is to say to yourself, “Isn’t it wonderful! I rejoice

in that man’s prosperity. I wish for him greater and greater wealth.”
To entertain envious thoughts is devastating because it places you in a
very negative position; therefore, wealth flows from you instead of to you. If
you are ever annoyed or irritated by the prosperity or great wealth of
another, claim immediately that you truly wish for him greater wealth in
every possible way. This will neutralize the negative thoughts in your mind
and cause an ever-greater measure of wealth to flow to you by the law of
your own subconscious mind.

110 Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth

Rubbing out a great mental block to wealth

If you are worried and critical about someone whom you claim is
making money dishonestly, cease worrying about him. You know such a
person is using the law of mind negatively; the law of mind takes care of
him. Be careful not to criticize him for the reasons previously indicated.
Remember: The block or obstacle to wealth is in your own mind. You can
now destroy that mental block. This you may do by getting on mental good
terms with everyone.

Sleep and grow rich

As you go to sleep at night, practice the following tech-nique. Repeat
the word, “Wealth,” quietly, easily, and feelingly. Do this over and over
again, just like a lullaby. Lull yourself to sleep with the one word, “Wealth.”
You should be amazed at the result. Wealth should flow to you in
avalanches of abundance. This is another example of the magic power of
your subcon-scious mind.

Serve yourself with the powers of your mind

1. Decide to be wealthy the easy way, with the infallible aid of your
subconscious mind.
2. Trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor
is one way to become the richest man in the graveyard. You do not have
to strive or slave hard.
3. Wealth is a subconscious conviction. Build into your men-tality the
idea of wealth.
4. The trouble with most people is that they have no invisible means of

“Live The Power”

5. Repeat the word, “Wealth,” to yourself slowly and quietly for about
five minutes prior to sleep and your subconscious will bring wealth to
pass in your experience.
6. The feeling of wealth produces wealth. Keep this in mind at all times.
7. Your conscious and subconscious mind must agree. Your
subconscious accepts what you really feel to be true. The

Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth 111

dominant idea is always accepted by your subconscious mind. The
dominant idea should be wealth, not poverty.
8. You can overcome any mental conflict regarding wealth by affirming
frequently, “By day and by night I am being pros-pered in all of my
9. Increase your sales by repeating this statement over and over again,
“My sales are improving every day; I am ad-vancing, progressing, and
getting wealthier every day.”
10. Stop writing blank checks, such as, “There is not enough to go
around,” or “There is a shortage,” etc. Such state-ments magnify and
multiply your loss.
11. Deposit thoughts of prosperity, wealth, and success in your
subconscious mind, and the latter will give you compound interest.
12. What you consciously affirm, you must not mentally deny a few
moments later. This will neutralize the good you have affirmed.
13. Your true source of wealth consists of the ideas in your mind. You
can have an idea worth millions of dollars. Your subconscious will give
you the idea you seek.
14. Envy and jealousy are stumbling blocks to the flow of wealth.
Rejoice in the prosperity of others.
15. The block to wealth is in your own mind. Destroy that block now by
getting on good mental terms with everyone.

Your Right to Be Rich

“Live The Power”

It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abun-dant life and be
happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need
to lead a full, happy, and pros-perous life.
You are here to grow, expand, and unfold spiritually, men-tally, and
materially. You have the inalienable right to fully develop and express
yourself along all lines. You should sur-round yourself with beauty and
Why be satisfied with just enough to go around when you can enjoy the
riches of your subconscious mind? In this chapter you can learn to make
friends with money, and you should al-ways have a surplus. Your desire to
be rich is a desire for a fuller, happier, more wonderful life. It is a cosmic
urge. It is not only good, but also very good.
• Money is a symbol
Money is a symbol of exchange. It means to you not only freedom from
want, but beauty, luxury, abundance, and refine-ment. It is merely a symbol
of the economic health of the nation. When your blood is circulating freely
in your body, you are healthy. When money is circulating freely in your life,
you are economically healthy. When people begin to hoard money, to put it
away in tin boxes, and become charged with fear, there is economic illness.
Money has taken many forms as a medium of exchange down through the
centuries, such as, salt, beads, and trinkets of various kinds. In early times a
man’s wealth was

Your Right to Be Rich 113

determined by the number of sheep and oxen he had. Now we use currency,
and other negotiable instruments, as it is much more convenient to write a
check than carry some sheep around with you to pay bills.

• How to walk the royal road to riches

Knowledge of the powers of your subconscious mind is the means to the
royal road to riches of all kinds—spiritual, men-tal, or financial. The student
of the laws of mind believes and knows definitely that regardless of
economic situations, stock market fluctuation, depression, strikes, war, other
conditions or circumstances, he will always be amply supplied, regardless of

“Live The Power”

what form money takes. The reason for this is that he has con-veyed the idea
of wealth to his subconscious mind, and it keeps him supplied wherever he
may be. He has convinced himself in his mind that money is forever flowing
freely in his life and that there is always a wonderful surplus. Should there
be a fi-nancial collapse of government tomorrow and all the man’s present
holdings become valueless, as the German marks did after the First World
War, he would still attract wealth and be cared for, regardless of the form the
new currency took.
• Why you do not have more money
As you read this chapter, you are probably saying, “I am worthy of a
higher salary than I am receiving.” I believe most people are inadequately
compensated. One of the causes many people does not have more money is
that they are silently or openly condemning it. They refer to money as “filthy
lucre” or “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Another reason they do
not prosper is that they have a sneaky subconscious feeling there is some
virtue in poverty. This subconscious pattern may be due to early childhood
training, superstition, or it could be based on a false interpretation of

• Money and a balanced life

One time a man said to me, “I am broke. I do not like money. It is the
root of all evil.” These statements represent a

114 Your Right to Be Rich

confused neurotic mind. Love of money to the exclusion of everything else
will cause you to become lopsided and unbal-anced. You are here to use
your power or authority wisely. Some men crave power others crave money.
If you set your heart on money exclusively and say, “Money is all I want; I
am going to give all my attention to amassing money; nothing else matters,”
you can get money and attain a fortune, but you have forgotten that you are
here to lead a balanced life. You must also satisfy the hunger for peace of
mind, harmony, love, joy, and perfect health.
By making money your sole aim, you simply made a wrong choice. You
thought that was all you wanted, but you found after all your efforts that it
was not only the money you needed. You also desired true expression of

“Live The Power”

your hidden talents, true place in life, beauty, and the joy of contributing to
the welfare and success of others. By learning the laws of your subconscious
mind, you could have a million dollars or many millions, if you wanted
them, and still have peace of mind, harmony, per-fect health, and perfect
Poverty is a mental disease
There is no virtue in poverty; it is a disease like any other mental
disease. If you were physically ill, you would think there was something
wrong with you. You would seek help and do something about the condition
at once. Likewise, if you do not have money constantly circulating in your
life, there is some-thing radically wrong with you.
The urge of the life principle in you is toward growth, ex-pansion, and
the life more abundant. You are not here to live in a hovel, dress in rags, and
go hungry. You should be happy, prosperous, and successful.

Why you must never criticize money

Cleanse your mind of all weird and superstitious beliefs about money.
Do not ever regard money as evil or filthy. If you do, you cause it to take
wings and fly away from you. Remem-

Your Right to Be Rich 115

ber that you lose what you condemn. You cannot attract what you criticize.

• Getting the right attitude toward money

Here is a simple technique you may use to multiply money in your
experience. Use the following statements several times a day, “I like money,
I love it, I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly
circulating in my life. I release it with joy, and it returns to me multiplied in a
wonderful way. It is good and very good. Money flows to me in
avalanches of abundance. I use it for good only, and I am grateful for my
good and for the riches of my mind.”

• How the scientific thinker looks at money

Suppose, for example, you found gold, silver, lead, copper, or iron in the
ground. Would you pronounce these things evil? All evil comes from man’s

“Live The Power”

darkened understanding, from his ignorance, from his false interpretation of

life, and from his misuse of his subconscious mind. Uranium, lead, or some
other metal could have been used as a medium of exchange. We use paper
bills, checks, nickel, and silver surely these are not evil. Physicists and
chemists know today that the only difference between one metal and another
is the number and rate of motion of electrons revolving around a central
nucleus. They can now change one metal into another through a
bombardment of the atoms in the powerful cyclotron. Gold under certain
conditions becomes mercury. I believe that our modern scientists in the near
future will be able to make gold, silver, and other metals synthetically in the
chemical laboratory. The cost may be pro-hibitive now, but it can be done. I
cannot imagine any intelli-gent person seeing anything evil in electrons,
neutrons, protons, and isotopes.
The piece of paper in your pocket is composed of atoms and molecules
with their electrons and protons arranged differ-ently. Their number and rate
of motion are different. That is the only way the paper differs from the silver
in your pocket.

116 Your Right to Be Rich

How to attract the money you need

Many years ago I met a young boy in Australia who wanted to become a
physician and surgeon, but he had no money. I explained to him how a seed
deposited in the soil attracts to itself everything necessary for its unfolding,
and that all he had to do was to take a lesson from the seed and deposit the
required idea in his subconscious mind. For expenses this young, brilliant
boy used to clean out doctors’ offices, wash windows, and do odd repair
jobs. He told me that every night, as he went to sleep, he used to picture in
his mind’s eye a medical diploma on a wall with his name on it in big, bold
letters. He used to clean and shine the framed diplomas in the medical
building where he worked. It was not hard for him to engrave the image of a
diploma in his mind and develop it there. Definite results fol-lowed as he
persisted with his mental picture every night for about four months.
The sequel of this story was very interesting. One of the doctors took a
great liking to this young boy and after training him in the art of sterilizing
instruments, giving hypodermic in-jections, and other miscellaneous first-aid

“Live The Power”

work, he employed him as a technical assistant in his office. The doctor later
sent him to medical school at his own expense. Today, this young man is a
prominent medical doctor in Montreal, Canada. He discovered the law of
attraction by using his subconscious mind the right way. He operated an age-
old law, which says, “Having seen the end, you have willed the means to the
realization of the end.” The end in this case was to become a medical doctor.
This young man was able to imagine, see, and feel the reality of being a
doctor. He lived with that idea, sustained it, nourished it, and loved it until
through his imagination it pene-trated the layers of his subconscious mind
and became a con-viction, thereby attracting to him everything necessary
for the fulfillment of his dream.
Why some men do not get a raise in pay
If you are working in a large organization and you are silently thinking
of and resenting the fact you are underpaid,

Your Right to Be Rich 117

that you are not appreciated, and that you deserve more money and greater
recognition, you are subconsciously severing your ties with that
organization. You are setting a law in motion, and the superintendent or
manager will say to you, “We have to let you go.” Actually, you dismissed
yourself. The manager was simply the instrument through which your own
negative mental state was confirmed. It was an example of the law of action
and reaction. The action was your thought, and the reaction was the response
of your subconscious mind.

• Obstacles and impediments on the pathway to riches

I am sure you have heard men say, “That fellow has a racket.” “He is a
racketeer.” “He is getting money dishonestly.” “He is a faker.” “I knew him
when he had nothing.” “He is a crook, a thief, and a swindler.”
If you analyze the man who talks like that, you discover he is usually in
want or suffering from some financial or physical illness. Perhaps his former
college friends went up the ladder of success and excelled him. Now he is
bitter and envious of their progress. In many instances this is the cause of his
downfall. Thinking negatively of these classmates and condemning their

“Live The Power”

wealth causes the wealth and prosperity he is praying for to vanish and flee
away. He is condemning the thing he is praying for.
He is praying two ways. On the one hand he is saying, “Wealth is
flowing to me now,” and in the next breath, silently or audibly, he is saying,
“I resent that fellow’s wealth.” Always make it a special point to rejoice in
the wealth of the other person.
• Protect your investments
If you are seeking wisdom regarding investments, or if you are worried
about your stocks or bonds, quietly claim, “Infinite intelligence governs and
watches over all my financial transac-tions, and whatsoever I do shall
prosper.” Do this frequently and you will find that your investments will be
wise; moreover,

118 Your Right to Be Rich

you will be protected from loss, as you will be prompted to sell your
securities or holdings before any loss accrues to you.

• You cannot get something for nothing

In large stores the management employs store detectives to prevent
people from stealing. They catch a number of people every day trying to get
something for nothing. All such people are living in the mental atmosphere
of lack and limitation and are stealing from themselves peace, harmony,
faith, honesty, integrity, good will, and confidence. Furthermore, they are at-
tracting to themselves all manner of loss, such as, loss of charac-ter,
prestige, social status, and peace of mind. These people lack faith in the
source of supply and the understanding of how their minds work. If they
would mentally call on the powers of their subconscious mind and claim that
they are guided to their true expression, they would find work and constant
supply. Then by honesty, integrity, and perseverance, they would become a
credit to themselves and to society at large.

• Your constant supply of money

Recognizing the powers of your subconscious mind and the creative
power of your thought or mental image is the way to opulence, freedom, and
constant supply. Accept the abundant life in your own mind. Your mental

“Live The Power”

acceptance and expectancy of wealth has its own mathematics and

mechanics of expression. As you enter into the mood of opulence, all things
necessary for the abundant life will come to pass.
Let this be your daily affirmation; write it in your heart, “I am one with
the infinite riches of my subconscious mind. It is my right to be rich, happy,
and successful. Money flows to me freely, copiously, and endlessly. I am
forever conscious of my true worth. I give of my talents freely, and I am
wonderfully blessed financially. It is wonderful!”
• Step up this way to riches
1. Be bold enough to claim that it is your right to be rich and your deeper
mind will honor your claim.

Your Right to Be Rich 119

2. You don’t want just enough to go around. You want all the money
you need to do all the things you want to do and when you want to do
them. Get acquainted with the riches of your subconscious mind.
3. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are eco-nomically
healthy. Look at money like the tide and you will always have plenty of
it. The ebb and flow of the tide is constant. When the tide is out, you are
absolutely sure that it will return.
4. Knowing the laws of your subconscious mind, you will al-ways be
supplied regardless of what form money takes.
5. One reason many people simply make ends meet and never have
enough money is that they condemn money. What you condemn takes
wings and flies away.
6. Do not make a god of money. It is only a symbol. Remem-ber that the
real riches are in your mind. You are here to lead a balanced life—this
includes acquiring all the money you need.
7. Don’t make money your sole aim. Claim wealth, happiness, peace,
true expression, and love, and personally radiate love and good will to
all. Then your subconscious mind will give you compound interest in all
these fields of expression.
8. There is no virtue in poverty. It is a disease of the mind, and you
should heal yourself of this mental conflict or malady at once.

“Live The Power”

9. You are not here to live in a hovel, to dress in rags, or to go hungry.

You are here to lead the life more abundant.
10. Never use the terms “filthy lucre” or “I despise money.” You lose
what you criticize. There is nothing good or bad, but thinking of it in
either light makes it so.
11. Repeat frequently, “I like money. I use it wisely, construc-tively, and
judiciously. I release it with joy, and it returns a thousand fold.”
12. Money is not evil any more so than copper, lead, tin, or iron which
you may find in the ground. All evil is due to igno-rance and misuse of
the mind’s powers.

120 Your Right to Be Rich

13. To picture the end result in your mind causes your subcon-scious to
respond and fulfill your mental picture.
14. Stop trying to get something for nothing. There is no such thing as a
free lunch. You must give to receive. You must give mental attention to
your goals, ideals, and enterprises, and your deeper mind will back you
up. The key to wealth is application of the laws of the subconscious mind
by im-pregnating it with the idea of wealth.

Your Subconscious Mind as a Partner in

Success means successful living. A long period of peace, joy, and

happiness on this plane may be termed success. The eternal experience of
these qualities is the everlasting life spoken of by Jesus. The real things of
life, such as peace, harmony, integrity, security, and happiness are
intangible. They come from the Deep Self of man. Meditating on these
qualities builds these treasures of heaven in our subconscious. It is where
moth and rust do not consume, and where thieves do not break through and
steal. MATT. 6:20.

“Live The Power”

The three steps to success

Let us discuss three steps to success: The first step to suc-cess is to find
out the thing you love to do, then do it. Success is in loving your work.
Although, if a man is a psychiatrist, it is not adequate for him to get a
diploma and place it on the wall; he must keep up with the times, attend
conventions, and continue studying the mind and its workings. The
successful psychiatrist visits clinics and reads the latest scientific articles. In
other words, he is informed in the most advanced methods of alleviating
human suffering. The successful psychiatrist or doctor must have the interest
of his patients at heart.
Someone may say, “How can I put the first step into opera-tion? I do not
know what I should do.” In such a case, pray for guidance as follows: “The
infinite intelligence of my subcon-scious mind reveals to me my true place
in life.” Repeat this prayer quietly, positively, and lovingly to your deeper
mind. As

122 Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success

you persist with faith and confidence, the answer will come to you as a
feeling, a hunch, or a tendency in a certain direction. It will come to you
clearly and in peace, and as an inner silent awareness.
The second step to success is to specialize in some particular branch of
work and know more about it than anyone else. For example, if a young man
chooses chemistry as his profession, he should concentrate on one of the
many branches in this field. He should give all of his time and attention to
his chosen spe-cialty. He should become sufficiently enthusiastic to try to
know all there is available about his field; if possible, he should know more
than anyone else. The young man should become ardently interested in his
work and should desire to serve the world.
He that is greatest among you, let him become your serv-ant. There is a
great contrast in this attitude of mind in com-parison to that of the man who
only wants to makes a living or just “get by.” “Getting by” is not true
success. Man’s motive must be greater, nobler, and more altruistic. He must
serve others, thereby casting his bread upon the waters.

“Live The Power”

The third step is the most important one. You must be sure that the thing
you want to do does not redound to your success only. Your desire must not
be selfish; it must benefit humanity. The path of a complete circuit must be
formed. In other words, your idea must go forth with the purpose of blessing
or serving the world. It will then come back to you pressed down, shaken
together, and running over. If it is to benefit yourself exclusively, the circle
or complete circuit is not formed, and you may ex-perience a short circuit in
your life which may consist of limita-tion or sickness.

The measure of true success

Some people may say, “But Mr. James made a fortune in selling
fraudulent oil stock.” A man may seem to succeed for a while, but the
money he obtained by fraud usually takes wings and flies away. When we
rob from another, we rob from our-selves, because we are in a mood of lack
and limitation, which may manifest itself in our body, home life, and affairs.
What we

Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success 123

think and feel, we create. We create what we believe. Even though a man
may have accumulated a fortune fraudulently, he is not successful. There is
no success without peace of mind. What good is man’s accumulated wealth
if he cannot sleep nights, is sick, or has a guilt complex?
I knew a man in London who told me of his exploits. He had been a
professional pickpocket and had amassed a large amount of money. He had a
summer home in France and lived in a royal fashion in England. His story
was that he was in con-stant dread of being arrested by Scotland Yard. He
had many inner disorders, which were undoubtedly caused by his constant
fear and deep-seated guilt complex. He knew he had done wrong. This deep
sense of guilt attracted all kinds of trouble to him. Subsequently, he
voluntarily surrendered to the police and served a prison sentence. After his
release from prison, he sought psychological and spiritual counsel and
became transformed. He went to work and became an honest, law-abiding
citizen. He found what he loved to do and was happy.
A successful person loves his work and expresses himself fully. Success
is contingent upon a higher ideal than the mere accumulation of riches. The
man of success is the man who possesses great psychological and spiritual

“Live The Power”

understanding. Many of the great industrialists today depend upon the

correct use of their subconscious minds for their success.
There was an article published some years ago about Flagler, an oil
magnate. He admitted that the secret of his success was his ability to see a
project in its completion. For instance, in his case, he closed his eyes,
imagined a big oil industry, saw trains running on tracks, heard whistles
blowing, and saw smoke. Having seen and felt the fulfillment of his prayer,
his subconscious mind brought about its realization. If you imagine an
objective clearly, you will be provided with the necessities, in ways you
know not of, through the wonder-working power of your subconscious
In considering the three steps to success you must never forget the
underlying power of the creative forces of your sub-conscious mind. This is
the energy in back of all steps in any

124 Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success

plan of success. Your thought is creative. Thought fused with feeling
becomes a subjective faith or belief, and according to your belief is it done
unto you. MATT. 9:29.
Knowledge of a mighty force in you, which is capable of bringing to
pass all your desires, gives you confidence and a sense of peace. Whatever
your field of action may be, you should learn the laws of your subconscious
mind. When you know how to apply the powers of your mind, and when you
are expressing yourself fully and giving of your talents to others, you are on
the sure path to true success. If you are about God’s business, or any part of
it, God, by His very nature, is for you, so who can be against you? With this
understanding there is no power in heaven or on earth to withhold success
from you.

How he made his dream come true

A movie actor told me that he had very little education, but he had a
dream as a boy of becoming a successful movie actor. Out in the field
mowing hay, driving the cows home, or even when milking them he said, “I
would constantly imagine I saw my name in big lights at a large theatre. I
kept this up for years until finally I ran away from home. I got extra jobs in

“Live The Power”

the motion-picture field, and the day finally came when I saw my name in
great, big lights as I did when I was a boy!” Then he added, “I know the
power of sustained imagination to bring success.”

His dream pharmacy became a reality

Thirty years ago I knew a young pharmacist who was re-ceiving forty
dollars a week plus commission on sales. “After twenty-five years,” he said
to me, “I will get a pension and re-tire.”
I said to this young man, “Why don’t you own your own store? Get out
of this place. Raise your sights! Have a dream for your children. Maybe your
son wants to be a doctor; perhaps your daughter desires to be a great
His answer was that he had no money! He began to awaken

Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success 125

to the fact that whatever he could conceive as true, he could give conception.
The first step toward his goal was his awakening to the powers of his
subconscious mind, which I briefly elaborated on for his benefit. His
second step was his realization that if he could succeed in conveying an
idea to his
subconscious mind, the latter would somehow bring it to pass.
He began to imagine that he was in his own store. He mentally arranged
the bottles, dispensed prescriptions, and imagined several clerks in the store
waiting on customers. He also visualized a big bank balance. Mentally he
worked in that imaginary store. Like a good actor he lived the role. Act as
though I am, and I will be. This pharmacist put himself whole-heartedly into
the act, living, moving, and acting on the assump-tion that he owned the
The sequel was interesting. He was discharged from his position. He
found new employment with a large chain store, became manager, and later
on, district manager. He saved enough money in four years to provide a
down payment on a drugstore of his own. He called it his “Dream
“It was,” he said, “exactly the store I saw in my imagina-tion.” He
became a recognized success in his chosen field, and was happy doing what
he loved to do.

“Live The Power”

Using the subconscious mind in business

Some years ago I gave a lecture to a group of businessmen on the
powers of imagination and the subconscious mind. In this lecture I pointed
out how Goethe used his imagination wisely when confronted with
difficulties and predicaments.
His biographers point out that he was accustomed to fill many hours
quietly holding imaginary conversations. It is well known that his custom
was to imagine one of his friends before him in a chair answering him in the
right way. In other words, if he were concerned over any problems, he
imagined his friend giving him the right or appropriate answer, accompanied
with the usual gestures and tonal qualities of the voice, and he made the
entire imaginary scene as real and as vivid as possible.

126 Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success

One of the men present at this lecture was a young stock-broker. He
proceeded to adopt the technique of Goethe. He began to have mental,
imaginary conversations with a multi-millionaire banker friend of his who
used to congratulate him on his wise and sound judgment, and compliment
him on his purchase of the right stocks. He used to dramatize this imaginary
conversation until he had psychologically fixed it as a form of belief in his
This broker’s inner talking and controlled imagination certainly agreed
with his aim, which was to make sound invest-ments for his clients. His
main purpose in life was to make money for his clients and to see them
prosper financially by his wise counsel. He is still using his subconscious
mind in his busi-ness, and he is a brilliant success in his field of endeavor.

Boy of sixteen years turns failure into success

A young boy who was attending high school said to me, “I am getting
very poor grades. My memory is failing. I do not know what is the matter.” I
discovered that the only thing wrong with this boy was his attitude, which
was one of indifference and resentment toward some of his teachers and
fellow students. I taught him how to use his subconscious mind, and how to
suc-ceed in his studies.

“Live The Power”

He began to affirm certain truths several times a day par-ticularly at

night prior to sleep, and also in the morning after awakening. These are the
best times to impregnate the subcon-scious mind.
He affirmed as follows: “I realize that my subconscious mind is a
storehouse of memory. It retains everything I read and hear from my
teachers. I have a perfect memory, and the infinite intelligence in my
subconscious mind constantly reveals to me everything I need to know at all
my examinations, whether written or oral. I radiate love and good will to all
my teachers and fellow students. I sincerely wish for them success and all
good things.”
This young man is now enjoying a greater freedom than he has ever
known. He is now receiving all “A’s.” He con-

Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success 127

stantly imagines the teachers and his mother congratulating him on his
success in his studies.
How to become successful in buying and selling
In buying and selling, remember that your conscious mind is the starter
and your subconscious mind is the motor. You must start the motor to enable
it to perform its work. Your conscious mind is the dynamo that awakens the
power of your subconscious mind.
The first step in conveying your clarified desire, idea, or image to the
deeper mind is to relax, immobilize the attention, get still, and be quiet. This
quiet, relaxed, and peaceful attitude of mind prevents extraneous matter and
false ideas from inter-fering with your mental absorption of your ideal.
Furthermore, in the quiet, passive, and receptive attitude of mind, effort is
reduced to a minimum.
The second step is to begin to imagine the reality of that which you
desire. For example, you may wish to buy a home, and in your relaxed state
of mind affirm as follows: “The infinite intelligence of my subconscious
mind is all-wise. It reveals to me now the ideal home, which is central, ideal,
is in a lovely environ-ment, meets with all my requirements, and is
commensurate with my income. I am now turning this request over to my
sub-conscious mind, and I know it responds according to the nature of my
request. I release this request with absolute faith and confidence in the same

“Live The Power”

way that a farmer deposits a seed in the ground, trusting implicitly in the
laws of growth.”
The answer to your prayer may come through an advertise-ment in the
paper, through a friend, or you may be guided directly to a particular home,
which is exactly what you are seeking. There are many ways by which your
prayer may be answered. The principal knowledge, in which you may place
your confidence, is that the answer always comes, provided you trust the
working of your deeper mind.
You may wish to sell a home, land, or any kind of prop-erty. In private
consultation with real estate brokers I have told them of the way I sold my
own home on Orlando Avenue in Los

128 Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success

Angeles. Many of them have applied the technique I used with remarkable
and speedy results. I placed a sign which read, “For sale by owner” in the
garden in front of my home. The day after I said to myself as I was going to
sleep, “Supposing you sold your house, what would you do?”
I answered my own question and I said, “I would take that sign down
and throw it into the garage.” In my imagination I took hold of the sign,
pulled it up from the ground, placed it on my shoulder, went to the garage,
threw it on the floor, and said jokingly to the sign, “I don’t need you any
more!” I felt the inner satisfaction of it all, realizing it was finished.
The next day a man gave me a deposit of $1,000 and said to me, “Take
your sign down. We will go into escrow now.”
Immediately I pulled the sign up and took it to the garage. The outer
action conformed to the inner. There is nothing new about this. As within, so
without, meaning according to the image impressed on your subconscious
mind, so it is on the objective screen of your life. The outside mirrors the
inside. External action follows internal action.
Here is another very popular method used in selling homes, land, or any
kind of property. Affirm slowly, quietly, and feelingly as follows: “Infinite
intelligence attracts to me the buyer for this home who wants it and who
prospers in it. This buyer is being sent to me by the creative intelligence of
my subconscious mind, which makes no mistakes. This buyer may look at
many other homes, but mine is the only one he wants and will buy, because

“Live The Power”

he is guided by the infinite intelligence within him. I know the buyer is right,
the time is right, and the price is right. Everything about it is right. The
deeper currents of my subconscious mind are now in operation bringing both
of us together in divine order. I know that it is so.”
Remember always, that what you are seeking is also seeking you, and
whenever you want to sell a home or property of any kind, there is always
someone who wants what you have to offer By using the powers of your
subconscious mind correctly, you free your mind of all sense of competition
and anxiety in buying and selling.

Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success 129

How she succeeded in getting what she wanted

There is a young lady who regularly comes to my lectures and classes.
She had to change buses three times; it took her one and a half hours each
time to come to the lectures. In one lecture I explained how a young man
who needed a car in his work received one.
She went home and experimented as outlined in my lecture. Here is her
letter in part, narrating her application of my method, and published by her
Dear Dr. Murphy:
This is how I received a Cadillac car—I wanted one to come to the
lectures regularly. In my imagination I went through the identical
process I would go through if I were actually driving a car. I went to the
showroom, and the sales-man took me for a ride in one. I also drove it
several blocks. I claimed the Cadillac car as my own over and over
I kept the mental picture of getting into the car, driving it, feeling the
upholstery, etc., consistently for over two weeks. Last week I drove to
your lectures in a Cadillac. My uncle in Inglewood passed away, and
left me his Cadillac and his entire estate.
A success technique employed by many outstanding executives and
There are many prominent businessmen who quietly use the abstract
term, “success,” over and over many times a day until they reach a

“Live The Power”

conviction that success is theirs. They know that the idea of success contains
all the essential elements of success. Likewise, you can begin now to repeat
the word, “suc-cess,” to yourself with faith and conviction. Your
subconscious mind will accept it as true of you, and you will be under a sub-
conscious compulsion to succeed.
You are compelled to express your subjective beliefs, im-pressions, and
convictions. What does success imply to you? You want, undoubtedly, to be
successful in your home life and in your relationship with others. You wish
to be outstanding in your chosen work or profession. You wish to possess a
beau-tiful home, and all the money you need to live comfortably and

130 Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success

happily. You want to be successful in your prayer life and in your contact
with the powers of your subconscious mind.
You are a businessman also because you are in the busi-ness of living.
Become a successful businessman by imagining yourself doing what you
long to do, and possessing the things you long to possess. Become
imaginative; mentally participate in the reality of the successful state. Make
a habit of it. Go to sleep feeling successful every night, and perfectly
satisfied, and you will eventually succeed in implanting the idea of success
in your subconscious mind. Believe you were born to succeed, and wonders
will happen as you pray!

Profitable pointers
1. Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy,
joyous, and doing what you love to do, you are successful.
2. Find out what you love to do, and then do it. If you don’t know your
true expression, ask for guidance, and the lead will come.
3. Specialize in your particular field and try to know more about it than
anyone else.
4. A successful man is not selfish. His main desire in life is to serve
5. There is no true success without peace of mind.
6. A successful man possesses great psychological and spiritual

“Live The Power”

7. If you imagine an objective clearly, you will be provided with the

necessities through the wonder-working power of your subconscious
8. Your thought fused with feeling becomes a subjective belief, and
according to your belief is it done unto you.
9. The power of sustained imagination draws forth the miracle-working
powers of your subconscious mind.
10. If you are seeking promotion in your work, imagine your employer,
supervisor, or loved one congratulating you on your promotion. Make the
picture vivid and real. Hear the voice, see the gestures, and feel the
reality of it all. Continue

Subconscious Mind as Partner in Success 131

to do this frequently, and through frequent occupancy of your mind, you
will experience the joy of the answered prayer.
11. Your subconscious mind is a storehouse of memory. For a perfect
memory, affirm frequently: “The infinite intelligence of my subconscious
mind reveals to me everything I need to know at all times, everywhere.”
12. If you wish to sell a home or property of any kind, affirm slowly,
quietly, and feelingly as follows: “Infinite intelligence attracts to me the
buyer for this house or property, who wants it, and who prospers in it.”
Sustain this awareness, and the deeper currents of your subconscious
mind will bring it to pass.
13. The idea of success contains all the elements of success. Repeat the
word, “success,” to yourself frequently with faith and conviction, and
you will be under a subconscious com-pulsion to succeed.

Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind

Many scientists realize the true importance of the sub-conscious mind.

Edison, Marconi, Kettering, Poincarè, Ein-stein, and many others have used

“Live The Power”

the subconscious mind. It has given them the insight and the “know-how”
for all their great achievements in modern science and industry. Research
has shown that the ability to bring into action the subconscious power has
determined the success of all the great scientific and research workers.
An instance of how a famous chemist, Friedrich von Stradonitz, used his
subconscious mind to solve his problem is as follows: He had been working
laboriously for a long time trying to rearrange the six carbon and the six
hydrogen atoms of the benzine formula, and he was constantly perplexed
and unable to solve the matter. Tired and exhausted, he turned the request
over completely to his subconscious mind. Shortly after-ward, as he was
about to board a London bus, his subconscious presented his conscious mind
with a sudden flash of a snake biting its own tail and turning around like a
pin wheel. This answer, from his subconscious mind, gave him the long-
sought answer of the circular rearrangement of the atoms that is known as
the benzine ring.
How a distinguished scientist brought forth his inventions
Nikola Tesla was a brilliant electrical scientist who brought forth the
most amazing innovations. When an idea for a new

Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind 133

invention came into his mind, he would build it up in his imagina-tion,
knowing that his subconscious mind would reconstruct and reveal to his
conscious mind all the parts needed for its manufacture in concrete form.
Through quietly contemplating every possible improvement, he spent no
time in correcting defects, and was able to give the technicians the perfect
product of his mind.
He said, “Invariably, my device works as I imagined it should. In twenty
years there has not been a single exception.”

• How a famous naturalist solved his problem

Professor Agassiz, a distinguished American naturalist, discovered the
indefatigable activities of his subconscious mind while he slept. His widow
in her biography of her famous husband has reported the following.

“Live The Power”

“He had been for two weeks striving to decipher the some-what obscure
impression of a fossil fish on the stone slab in which it was preserved.
Weary and perplexed, he put his work aside at last, and tried to dismiss it
from his mind. Shortly after, he waked one night persuaded that while asleep
he had seen his fish with all the missing features perfectly restored. But
when he tried to hold and make fast the image it escaped him. Nevertheless,
he went early to the Jardin des Plantes, thinking that on looking anew at the
impression he should see something, which would put him on the track of
his vision. In vain—the blurred record was as black as ever. The next night
he saw the fish again, but with no more satisfactory result. When he awoke it
disappeared from his memory as before. Hoping that the same experience
might be repeated, on the third night he placed a pencil and paper beside his
bed before going to sleep.
“Accordingly, toward morning the fish reappeared in his dream,
confusedly at first, but at last with such distinctness that he had no longer
any doubt as to its zoological characters. Still half dreaming, in perfect
darkness, he traced these charac-ters on the sheet of paper at the bedside. In
the morning he was surprised to see in his nocturnal sketch features, which
he thought

134 Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind

it impossible the fossil itself should reveal. He hastened to the Jardin des
Plantes, and, with his drawing as a guide, succeeded in chiseling away the
surface of the stone under which portions of the fish proved to be hidden.
When wholly exposed it cor-responded with his dream and his drawing, and
he succeeded in classifying it with ease.”

• An outstanding physician solved the problem of diabetes

Some years ago I received a clipping from a magazine describing the
origin of the discovery of insulin. This is the essence of the article as I recall
About forty years ago or more, Dr. Frederick Banting, a brilliant
Canadian physician and surgeon, was concentrating his attention on the
ravages of diabetes. At that time medical science offered no effective
method of arresting the disease. Dr. Banting spent considerable time

“Live The Power”

experimenting and study-ing the international literature on the subject. One

night he was exhausted and fell asleep. While asleep, his subconscious mind
instructed him to extract the residue from the degenerated pancreatic duct of
dogs. This was the origin of insulin which has helped millions of people.
You will note that Dr. Banting had been consciously dwell-ing on the
problem for some time seeking a solution, a way out, and his subconscious
responded accordingly.
It does not follow that you will always get an answer overnight. The
answer may not come for some time. Do not be discouraged. Keep on
turning the problem over every night to the subconscious mind prior to
sleep, as if you had never done it before.
One of the reasons for the delay may be that you look upon it as a major
problem. You may believe it will take a long time to solve it.
Your subconscious mind is timeless and spaceless. Go to sleep believing
you have the answer now. Do not postulate the answer in the future. Have an
abiding faith in the outcome. Be-

Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind 135

come convinced now as you read this book that there is an answer and a
perfect solution for you.

• How a famous scientist and physicist escaped from a Russian

concentration camp
Dr. Lothar von Blenk-Schmidt, a member of the Rocket Society and an
outstanding research electronic engineer, gives the following condensed
summary of how he used his subcon-scious mind to free himself from
certain death at the hands of brutal guards in a Russian prison camp coal
mine. He states as follows:
“I was a prisoner of war in a coal mine in Russia, and I saw men dying
all around me in that prison compound. We were watched over by brutal
guards, arrogant officers, and sharp, fast-thinking commissars. After a short
medical checkup, a quota of coal was assigned to each person. My quota was
three hundred pounds per day. In case any man did not fill his quota, his
small food ration was cut down, and in a short time he was resting in the

“Live The Power”

“I started concentrating on my escape. I knew that my subconscious

mind would somehow find a way. My home in Germany was destroyed, my
family wiped out; all my friends and former associates were either killed in
the war or were in concentration camps.
“I said to my subconscious mind, ‘I want to go to Los Angeles, and you
will find the way.’ I had seen pictures of Los Angeles and I remembered
some of the boulevards very well as well as some of the buildings.
“Every day and night I would imagine I was walking down Wilshire
Boulevard with an American girl whom I met in Berlin prior to the war (she
is now my wife). In my imagina-tion we would visit the stores, ride buses,
and eat in the restau-rants. Every night I made it a special point to drive my
imaginary American automobile up and down the boulevards of Los
Angeles. I made all this vivid and real. These pictures in my mind were as
real and as natural to me as one of the trees out-side the prison camp.

136 Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind

“Every morning the chief guard would count the prisoners as they were
lined up. He would call out ‘one, two, three,’ etc., and when seventeen was
called out, which was my number in sequence, I stepped aside. In the
meantime, the guard was called away for a minute or so, and on his return he
started by mistake on the next man as number seventeen. When the crew
returned in the evening, the number of men was the same, and I was not
missed, and the discovery would take a long time.
“I walked out of the camp undetected and kept walking for twenty-four
hours, resting in a deserted town the next day. I was able to live by fishing
and killing some wild life. I found coal trains going to Poland and traveled
on them by night, until finally I reached Poland. With the help of friends, I
made my way to Lucerne, Switzerland.
“One evening at the Palace Hotel, Lucerne, I had a talk with a man and
his wife from the United States of America. This man asked me if I would
care to be a guest at his home in Santa Monica, California. I accepted, and
when I arrived in Los Angeles, I found that their chauffeur drove me along
Wilshire Boulevard and many other boulevards, which I had imagined, so
vividly in the long months in the Russian coalmines. I recognized the
buildings, which I had seen in my mind so often. It actually seemed as if I
had been in Los Angeles before. I had reached my goal.

“Live The Power”

“I will never cease to marvel at the wonders of the sub-conscious mind.

Truly, it has ways we know not of.”

• How archaeologists and paleontologists reconstruct ancient scenes

These scientists know that their subconscious mind has a memory of
everything that has ever transpired. As they study the ancient ruins and
fossils, through their imaginative percep-tion, their subconscious mind aids
them in reconstructing the ancient scenes. The dead past becomes alive and
audible once more. Looking at these ancient temples and studying the
pottery, statuary, tools, and household utensils of these ancient times,

Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind 137

the scientist tells us of an age when there was no language. Communication
was done by grunts, groans, and signs.
The keen concentration and disciplined imagination of the scientist
awakens the latent powers of his subconscious mind enabling him to clothe
the ancient temples with roofs, and surround them with gardens, pools, and
fountains. The fossil remains are clothed with eyes, sinews, and muscles,
and they again walk and talk. The past becomes the living present, and we
find that in mind there is no time or space. Through disci-plined, controlled,
and directed imagination, you can be a companion of the most scientific and
inspired thinkers of all time.
• How to receive guidance from your subconscious
When you have what you term “a difficult decision” to make, or when
you fail to see the solution to your problem, begin at once to think
constructively about it. If you are fearful and worried, you are not really
thinking. True thinking is free from fear.
Here is a simple technique you can use to receive guidance on any
subject: Quiet the mind and still the body. Tell the body to relax; it has to
obey you. It has no volition, initiative, or self-conscious intelligence. Your
body is an emotional disk, which records your beliefs and impressions.
Mobilize your at-tention; focus your thought on the solution to your
problem. Try to solve it with your conscious mind. Think how happy you
would be about the perfect solution. Sense the feeling you would have if the
perfect answer were yours now. Let your mind play with this mood in a

“Live The Power”

relaxed way; then drop off to sleep. When you awaken, and you do not have
the answer, get busy about something else. Probably, when you are
preoccupied with some-thing else, the answer will come into your mind like
toast pops out of a toaster.
In receiving guidance from the subconscious mind, the simple way is the
best. This is an illustration: I once lost a valuable ring, which was an
heirloom. I looked everywhere for

138 Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind

it and could not locate it. At night I talked to the subconscious in the same
manner that I would talk to anyone. I said to it prior to dropping off to sleep,
“You know all things; you know where that ring is, and you now reveal to
me where it is.”
In the morning I awoke suddenly with the words ringing in my ear, “Ask
I thought it very strange that I should ask Robert, a young boy about
nine years of age; however, I followed the inner voice of intuition.
Robert said, “Oh, yes, I picked it up in the yard while I was playing with
the boys. I placed it on the desk in my room. I did not think it worth
anything, so I did not say anything about it.”
The subconscious mind will always answer you if you trust it.

• His subconscious revealed the location of his father s will

A young man who attends my lectures had this experi-ence. His father
died and apparently left no will. However, this man’s sister told him that
their father had confided to her that a will had been executed which was fair
to all. Every attempt to locate the will failed.
Prior to sleep he talked to his deeper mind as follows: “I now turn this
request over the subconscious mind. It knows just where that will is, and
reveals it to me.” Then he condensed his request down to one word,
“Answer,” repeating it over and over again as a lullaby. He lulled himself to
sleep with the word, “Answer.”
The next morning this young man had an overpowering hunch to go to a
certain bank in Los Angeles where he found a safe deposit vault registered in
the name of his father, the contents of which solved all his problems.

“Live The Power”

Your thought, as you go to sleep, arouses the powerful latency, which is

within you. For example, let us suppose you are wondering whether to sell
your home, buy a certain stock, sever partnership, move to New York or stay
in Los Angeles,

Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind 139

dissolve the present contract or take a new one. Do this: Sit quietly in your
armchair or at the desk in your office. Remem-ber that there is a universal
law of action and reaction. The action is your thought. The reaction is the
response from your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is reactive
and reflexive; this is its nature. It rebounds, rewards, and repays. It is the law
of correspondence. It responds by corresponding. As you contemplate right
action, you will automatically experi-ence a reaction or response in yourself,
which represents the guidance or answer of your subconscious mind.
In seeking guidance, you simply think quietly about right action, which
means that you are using the infinite intelligence resident in the
subconscious mind to the point where it begins to use you. From there on,
your course of action is directed and controlled by the subjective wisdom
within you, which is all wise and omnipotent. Your decision will be right.
There will only be right action because you are under a subjective
compulsion to do the right thing. I use the word compulsion because the law
of the subconscious is compulsion.

• The secret of guidance

The secret of guidance or right action is to mentally devote yourself to
the right answer, until you find its response in you. The response is a feeling,
an inner awareness, and an overpowering hunch whereby you know that you
know. You have used the power to the point where it begins to use you. You
cannot possibly fail or make one false step while operating under the
subjective wisdom within you. You will find that all your ways are
pleasantness and all your paths are peace.

• Highlights to recall
1. Remember that the subconscious mind has determined the success and
wonderful achievements of all great scientific workers.

“Live The Power”

2. By giving your conscious attention and devotion to the solu-tion of a

perplexing problem, your subconscious mind

140 Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind

gathers all the necessary information and presents it full-blown to the
conscious mind.
3. If you are wondering about the answer to a problem, try to solve it
objectively. Get all the information you can from research and also from
others. If no answer comes, turn it over to your subconscious mind prior
to sleep, and the an-swer always comes. It never fails.
4. You do not always get the answer overnight. Keep on turn-ing your
request over to your subconscious until the daybreaks and the shadows
flee away.
5. You delay the answer by thinking it will take a long time or that it is a
major problem. Your subconscious has no prob-lem it knows only the
6. Believe that you have the answer now. Feel the joy of the answer and
the way you would feel if you had the perfect answer. Your
subconscious will respond to your feeling.
7. Any mental picture, backed by faith and perseverance, will come to
pass through the miracle-working power of your subconscious. Trust it,
believe in its power, and wonders will happen as you pray.
8. Your subconscious is the storehouse of memory, and within your
subconscious are recorded all your experiences since childhood.
9. Scientists meditating on ancient scrolls, temples, fossils, etc., are able
to reconstruct scenes of the past and make them alive today. Their
subconscious mind comes to their aid.
10. Turn over your request for a solution to your subconscious prior to
sleep. Trust it and believe in it, and the answer will come. It knows all
and sees all, but you must not doubt or question its powers.
11. The action is your thought, and the reaction is the response of your
subconscious mind. If your thoughts are wise, your actions and decisions
will be wise.
12. Guidance comes as a feeling, an inner awareness, an over-powering
hunch whereby you know that you know. It is an inner sense of touch.
Follow it.

“Live The Power”

Your Subconscious and the Wonders of Sleep

You spend about eight out of every twenty-four hours, or one-third of

your entire life, in sleep. This is an inexorable law of life. This also applies
to the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Sleep is a divine law, and many
answers to our problems come to us when we are sound asleep upon the bed.
Many people have advocated the theory that you get tired during the day,
that you go to sleep to rest the body, and that a reparative process takes place
while you sleep. Nothing rests in sleep. Your heart, lungs, and all your vital
organs func-tion while you are asleep. If you eat prior to sleep, the food is
digested and assimilated; also, your skin secretes perspiration, and your
nails and hair continue to grow.
Your subconscious mind never rests or sleeps. It is always active,
controlling all your vital forces. The healing process takes place more
rapidly while you are asleep as there is no inter-ference from your conscious
mind. Remarkable answers are given to you while you are asleep.

Why we sleep
Dr. John Bigelow, a famous research authority on sleep,* demonstrated
that at night while asleep you receive impressions showing that the nerves of
the eyes, ears, nose, and taste buds are active during sleep, and also that the
nerves of your brain are quite active. He says that the main reason we sleep
is be-
* Dr. John Bigelow, The Mystery of Sleep (New York and London: Harper
Brothers, 1903).

“Live The Power”

142 Your Subconscious and Sleep

cause “the nobler part of the soul is united by abstraction to our higher
nature and becomes a participant in the wisdom and foreknowledge of the
Dr. Bigelow states also, “The results of my studies have not only
strengthened my convictions that the supposed exemp-tion from customary
toils and activities was not the final pur-pose of sleep, but have also made
clearer to my mind the conviction that no part of a man’s life deserves to be
considered more indispensable to its symmetrical and perfect spiritual de-
velopment than the while he is separated from the phenomenal world in

Prayer, a form of sleep

Your conscious mind gets involved with vexations, strife, and
contentions of the day, and it is very necessary to withdraw periodically
from sense evidence and the objective world, and commune silently with the
inner wisdom of your subconscious mind. By claiming guidance, strength,
and greater intelligence in all phases of your life, you will be enabled to
overcome all difficulties and solve your daily problems.
This regular withdrawal from sense evidence and the noise and
confusion of everyday living is also a form of sleep, i.e., you become asleep
to the world of the senses and alive to the wisdom and power of your
subconscious mind.

Startling effects of sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep can cause you to become irritable, moody, and depressed.
Dr. George Stevenson of the National Associa-tion for Mental Health says,
“I believe it can safely be said that all human beings need a minimum of six
hours’ sleep to be healthy. Most people need more. Those who think they
can get along on less are fooling themselves.”
Medical research scholars, investigating sleep processes and deprivation
of sleep, point out that severe insomnia has preceded psychotic breakdown
in some instances. Remember, you are spiritually recharged during sleep,
and adequate sleep is essential to produce joy and vitality in life.

“Live The Power”

Your Subconscious and Sleep 143

You need more sleep

Robert O’Brien, in an article, “Maybe You Need More Sleep,” in an
issue of The Reader¶s Digest, reports the following experiment on sleep:
“For the last three years experiments have been in progress at Walter
Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C. Subjects—more than
one hundred military and civilian volun-teers—have been kept awake for as
long as four days. Thousands of tests have measured the effects on their
behavior and per-sonality. Results of these tests have given scientists
astonishingly new insights into the mysteries of sleep.
“They now know that the tired brain apparently craves sleep so hungrily
that it will sacrifice anything to get it. After only a few hours of sleep loss,
fleeting stolen naps called ‘lapses,’ or micro-sleep, occurred at the rate of
three or four an hour. As in real sleep, eyelids drooped, heartbeat slowed.
Each lapse lasted just a fraction of a second. Sometimes the lapses were
periods of blankness; sometimes they were filled with images, wisps of
dreams. As hours of sleep loss mounted, the lapses took place more often
and lasted longer, perhaps two or three seconds. Even if the subjects had
been piloting an airliner in a thunderstorm, they still couldn’t have resisted
micro-sleeps for those few priceless seconds. And it can happen to you, as
many who have fallen asleep at the wheel of a car can testify.
“Another startling effect of sleep deprivation was its at-tack on human
memory and perception. Many sleep-deprived subjects were unable to retain
information long enough to relate it to the task they were supposed to
perform. They were totally befuddled in situations requiring them to hold
several factors in mind and act on them, as a pilot must when he skillfully
in-tegrates wind direction, air speed, altitude, and glide path to make a safe

Sleep brings counsel

A young lady in Los Angeles who listens to my morning radio talks told
me that she had been offered a lucrative posi-

144 Your Subconscious and Sleep

“Live The Power”

tion in New York City at twice her present salary. She was wondering
whether to accept or not and prayed prior to sleep as follows: “The creative
intelligence of my subconscious mind knows what is best for me. Its
tendency is always lifeward, and it reveals to me the right decision, which
blesses all concerned. I give thanks for the answer which I know will come
to me.”
She repeated this simple prayer over and over again as a lullaby prior to
sleep, and in the morning she had a persistent feeling that she should not
accept the offer. She rejected the offer and subsequent events verified her
inward sense of know-ing, because the company went bankrupt in a few
months fol-lowing their offer of employment to her.
The conscious mind may be correct on the facts objectively known, but
the intuitive faculty of her subconscious mind saw the failure of the concern
in question, and prompted her ac-cordingly.

Saved from certain disaster

I will illustrate how the wisdom of your subconscious mind can instruct
you and protect you relative to your request for right action as you go to
Many years ago, before the Second World War, I was offered a very
lucrative assignment in the Orient, and I prayed for guidance and the right
decision as follows: “Infinite intelli-gence within me knows all things, and
the right decision is revealed to me in divine order. I will recognize the
answer when it comes.”
I repeated this simple prayer over and over again as a lullaby prior to
sleep, and in a dream came the vivid realization of things to come three
years hence. An old friend appeared in the dream and said, “Read these
headlines—do not go!” The headlines of the newspaper, which appeared in
the dream, related to war and the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Occasionally, the writer dreams literally. The aforemen-tioned dream
was undoubtedly a dramatization of the subcon-scious mind which projected
a person whom I trusted and

Your Subconscious and Sleep 145

respected. To some a warning may come in the form of a mother who
appears in a dream. She tells the person not to go here or there, and the

“Live The Power”

reason for the warning. Your subconscious mind is all-wise. It knows all
things. Oftentimes it will speak to you only in a voice that your conscious
mind will immediately accept as true. Sometimes your subconscious will
warn you in a voice which sounds like that of your mother or some loved
one which may cause you to stop on the street, and you find, if you had gone
another foot, a falling object from a window might have struck you on the
My subconscious mind is one with the universal subcon-scious, and it
knew the Japanese were planning a war, and it also knew when the war
would start.
Dr. Rhine, director of the Department of Psychology at Duke
University, has gathered together a vast amount of evi-dence showing that a
great number of people all over the world see events before they happen, and
in many instances are, therefore, able to avoid the tragic event which was
foreseen vividly in a dream.
The dream which I had showed clearly the headlines in The New York
Times about three years prior to the tragedy of Pearl Harbor. In consequence
of this dream, I immediately cancelled the trip as I felt a subconscious
compulsion to do so. Three years later the Second World War proved the
truth of the inner voice of intuition.
• Your future is in your subconscious mind
Remember that the future, the result of your habitual think-ing, is
already in your mind except when you change it through prayer. The future
of a country, likewise, is in the collective subconscious of the people of that
nation. There is nothing strange in the dream I had wherein I saw the
headlines of the New York newspapers long before the war began. The war
had already taken place in mind, and all the plans of attack were already
engraved on that great recording instrument, the subconscious mind or
collective unconscious of the universal mind. Tomorrow’s events are in your
subconscious mind, so

146 Your Subconscious and Sleep

are next week’s and next month’s, and they may be seen by a highly psychic
or clairvoyant person.

“Live The Power”

No disaster or tragedy can happen to you if you decide to pray. Nothing

is predetermined or foreordained. Your mental attitude, i.e., the way you
think, feel, and believe determines your destiny. You can, through scientific
prayer, which is ex-plained in a previous chapter, mold, fashion, and create
your own future. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

A cat nap nets him $15,000

One of my students mailed me a newspaper clipping three or four years
ago about a man called Ray Hammerstrom, a roller at the steel works in
Pittsburgh operated by Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation. He received
$15,000 for his dream.
According to the article, the engineers could not fix a faulty switch in a
newly installed bar mill which controlled the delivery of straight bars to the
cooling beds. The engineers worked on the switch about eleven or twelve
times to no avail.
Hammerstrom thought a lot about the problem and tried to figure out a
new design, which might work. Nothing worked. One afternoon he lay down
for a nap, and prior to sleep he began to think about the answer to the switch
problem. He had a dream in which a perfect design for the switch was
portrayed. When he awoke, he sketched his new design according to the
outline of his dream.
This visionary catnap won Hammerstrom a check for $15,000; the
largest award the firm ever gave an employee for a new idea.
• How a famous professor solved his problem in sleep
Dr. H. V. Helprecht, Professor of Assyrian at the Uni-versity of
Pennsylvania, wrote as follows: “One Saturday eve-ning . . . I had been
wearying myself, in the vain attempt to decipher two small fragments of
agate which were supposed to belong to the finger rings of some
“About midnight, weary and exhausted, I went to bed and dreamed the
following remarkable dream: A tall, thin

Your Subconscious and Sleep 147

priest of Nippur, about forty years of age, led me to the treasure chamber of
the temple . . . a small, low-ceilinged room without windows, while scraps

“Live The Power”

of agate and lapis-lazuli lay scattered on the floor. Here he addressed me as

follows: ‘The two fragments which you have published separately on pages
22 and 26 belong together, are not finger rings . . .. The first two rings served
as earrings for the statue of the god; the two fragments (you have) . . . are the
portions of them. If you will put them together you will have confirmation of
my words.’ . . . I awoke at once . . . I examined the fragments . . . and to my
astonishment found the dream verified. The problem was then at last
This demonstrates clearly the creative manifestation of his subconscious
mind, which knew the answer to all his problems.

• How the subconscious worked for a famous writer while he slept

Robert Louis Stevenson in one of his books, Across the Plains, devotes
a whole chapter to dreams. He was a vivid dreamer and had the persistent
habit of giving specific instruc-tions to his subconscious every night prior to
sleep. He would request his subconscious to evolve stories for him while he
slept. For example, if Stevenson’s funds were at low ebb, his command to
his subconscious would be something like this: “Give me a good thrilling
novel which will be marketable and profitable.” His subconscious responded
Stevenson says, “These little brownies [the intelligences and powers of
his subconscious] can tell me a story piece by piece, like a serial, and keep
me, its supposed creator, all the while in total ignorance of where they aim.”
And he added: “That part of my work which is done when I am up and about
[while he is consciously aware and awake] is by no means necessarily mine,
since all goes to show that the brownies have a hand in it even then.”

Sleep in peace and wake in joy

To those who suffer from insomnia, you will find the following prayer
very effective. Repeat it slowly, quietly, and

148 Your Subconscious and Sleep

lovingly prior to sleep: “My toes are relaxed, my ankles are relaxed, my
abdominal muscles are relaxed, my heart and lungs are relaxed, my hands
and arms are relaxed, my neck is re-laxed, my brain is relaxed, my face is

“Live The Power”

relaxed, my eyes are relaxed, my whole mind and body are relaxed. I fully
and freely forgive everyone, and I sincerely wish for them harmony, health,
peace, and all the blessings of me. I am at peace; I am poised, serene, and
calm. I rest in security and in peace. A great stillness steals over me, and a
great calm quiets my whole being as I realize the Divine Presence within
me. I know that the realization of life and love heals me. I wrap myself in
the mantle of love and fall asleep filled with good will for all. Throughout
the night peace remains with me, and in the morning I shall be filled with
life and love. A circle of love is drawn around me. I will fear no evil, for
Thou art with me. I sleep in peace, I wake in joy, and in Him I live, move,
and have my being´

• Summary of your aids to the wonders of sleep

1. If you are worried that you will not wake up on time, sug-gest to your
subconscious mind prior to sleep the exact time you wish to arise, and it
will awaken you. It needs no clock. Do the same thing with all problems.
There is nothing too hard for your subconscious.
2. Your subconscious never sleeps. It is always on the job. It controls all
your vital functions. Forgive yourself and every-one else before you go
to sleep, and healing will take place much more rapidly.
3. Guidance is given you while you are asleep, sometimes in a dream.
The healing currents are also released, and in the morning you feel
refreshed and rejuvenated.
4. When troubled by the vexations and strife of the day, still the wheels
of your mind and think about the wisdom and intelligence lodged in your
subconscious mind, which is ready to respond to you. This will give you
peace, strength, and confidence.
5. Sleep is essential for peace of mind and health of body.

Your Subconscious and Sleep 149

Lack of sleep can cause irritation, depression, and mental disorders. You
need eight hours’ sleep.
6. Medical research scholars point out that insomnia precedes psychotic
7. You are spiritually recharged during sleep. Adequate sleep is essential
for joy and vitality in life.
8. Your tired brain craves sleep so hungrily that it will sacri-fice anything
to get it. Many who have fallen asleep at the wheel of an automobile can
testify to this.

“Live The Power”

9. Many sleep-deprived people have poor memories and lack proper co-
ordination. They become befuddled, confused, and disorientated.
10. Sleep brings counsel. Prior to sleep, claim that the infinite
intelligence of your subconscious mind is guiding and di-recting you.
Then, watch for the lead, which comes, perhaps on awakening.
11. Trust your subconscious completely. Know that its tendency is
always lifeward. Occasionally, your subconscious answers you in a very
vivid dream and a vision in the night. You can be forewarned in a dream
in the same way as the author of this book was warned.
12. Your future is in your mind now, based on your habitual thinking and
beliefs. Claim infinite intelligence leads and guides you and that all good
is yours, and your future will be wonderful. Believe it and accept it.
Expect the best, and invariably the best will come to you.
13. If you are writing a novel, play, or book, or are working on an
invention, speak to your subconscious mind at night and claim boldly
that its wisdom, intelligence, and power are guiding, directing, and
revealing to you the ideal play, novel, book, or revealing the perfect
solution whatever it may be. Wonders will happen as you pray this way.

Your Subconscious Mind and Marital Problems

Ignorance of the functions and powers of the mind is the cause of all
marital trouble. Each using the law of mind correctly can solve friction
between husband and wife. By praying together they stay together. The
contemplation of divine ideals, the study of the laws of life, the mutual
agreement on a common purpose and plan, and the enjoyment of personal
freedom bring about that harmonious marriage, that wedded bliss, that sense
of oneness where the two become one.
The best time to prevent divorce is before marriage. It is not wrong to
try to get out of a very bad situation. But, why get into the bad situation in
the first place? Would it not be better to give attention to the real cause of

“Live The Power”

marital problems, in other words, to really get at the root of the matter
As with all other problems of men and women, the prob-lems of
divorce, separation, annulment, and endless litigation are directly traceable
to lack of knowledge of the working and interrelationship of the conscious
and subconscious mind.

The meaning of marriage

Marriage to be real must first be on a spiritual basis. It must be of the
heart, and the heart is the chalice of love. Honesty, sincerity, kindness, and
integrity are also forms of love. Each partner should be perfectly honest and
sincere with the other. It is not a true marriage when a man marries a woman
for her money, social position, or to lift his ego, because this

Your Subconscious and Marital Problems 151

indicates a lack of sincerity, honesty, and true love. Such a marriage is a
farce, a sham, and a masquerade.
When a woman says, “I am tired working; I want to get married because
I want security,” her premise is false. She is not using the laws of mind
correctly. Her security depends upon her knowledge of the interaction of the
conscious and subconscious mind and its application.
For example, a woman will never lack for wealth or health if she applies
the techniques outlined in the respective chapters of this book. Her wealth
can come to her independent of her husband, father, or anyone else. A
woman is not dependent on her husband for health, peace, joy, inspiration,
guidance, love, wealth, security, happiness, or anything in the world. Her se-
curity and peace of mind come from her knowledge of the inner powers
within her and from the constant use of the laws of her own mind in a
constructive fashion.

How to attract the ideal husband

You are now acquainted with the way your subconscious mind works.
You know that whatever you impress upon it will be experienced in your

“Live The Power”

world. Begin now to impress your sub-conscious mind with the qualities and
characteristics you desire in a man.
The following is an excellent technique: Sit down at night in your
armchair, close your eyes, let go, relax the body, become very quiet, passive,
and receptive. Talk to your subconscious mind and say to it, “I am now
attracting a man into my ex-perience who is honest, sincere, loyal, faithful,
peaceful, happy, and prosperous. These qualities, which I admire, are
sinking down into my subconscious mind now. As I dwell upon these
characteristics, they become a part of me and are embodied subconsciously.
“I know there is an irresistible law of attraction and that I attract to me a
man according to my subconscious belief. I at-tract that which I feel to be
true in my subconscious mind.
“I know I can contribute to his peace and happiness. He loves my ideals,
and I love his ideals. He does not want to make

152 Your Subconscious and Marital Problems

me over; neither do I want to make him over. There is mutual love, freedom,
and respect.”
Practice this process of impregnating your subconscious mind. Then,
you will have the joy of attracting to you a man possessing the qualities and
characteristics you mentally dwelt upon. Your subconscious intelligence will
open up a pathway, whereby both of you will meet, according to the
irresistible and changeless flow of your own subconscious mind. Have a
keen desire to give the best that is in you of love, devotion, and co-operation.
Be receptive to this gift of love, which you have given to your subconscious

• How to attract the ideal wife

Affirm as follows: “I now attract the right woman who is in complete
accord with me. This is a spiritual union because it is divine love functioning
through the personality of someone with whom I blend perfectly. I know I
can give to this woman love, light, peace, and joy. I feel and believe I can
make this woman’s life full, complete, and wonderful.
“I now decree that she possesses the following qualities and attributes:
She is spiritual, loyal, faithful, and true. She is har-monious, peaceful, and

“Live The Power”

happy. We are irresistibly attracted to each other. Only that which belongs to
love, truth, and beauty can enter my experience. I accept my ideal
companion now.”
As you think quietly and with interest on the qualities and attributes,
which you admire in the companion you seek, you will build the mental
equivalent into your mentality. Then, the deeper currents of your
subconscious mind will bring both of you together in divine order.

No need for third mistake

Recently a teacher said to me, “I have had three husbands and all three
have been passive, submissive, and dependent on me to make all decisions
and govern everything. Why do I attract such type men?”
I asked her whether she had known that her second hus-band was the
effeminate type, and she replied, “Of course not.

Your Subconscious and Marital Problems 153

Had I known, I would not have married him.” Apparently she had not
learned anything from the first mistake. The trouble was with her personality
make-up. She was very masculine, domineering, and unconsciously wanted
someone who would be submissive and passive so that she could play the
dominant role. All this was unconscious motivation, and her subconscious
pic-ture attracted to her what she subjectively wanted. She had to learn to
break the pattern by adopting the right prayer process.

How she broke the negative pattern

The above-mentioned woman learned a simple truth. When you believe
you can have the type of man you idealize, it is done unto you, as you
believe. The following is the specific prayer she used to break the old
subconscious pattern and attract to her the ideal mate: “I am building into
my mentality the type of man I deeply desire. The man I attract for a
husband is strong, powerful, loving, very masculine, successful, honest,
loyal, and faithful. He finds love and happiness with me. I love to follow
where he leads.
“I know he wants me, and I want him. I am honest, sincere, loving, and
kind. I have wonderful gifts to offer him. They are good will, a joyous heart,

“Live The Power”

and a healthy body. He offers me the same. It is mutual. I give and I receive.
Divine intelligence knows where this man is, and the deeper wisdom of my
subconscious mind is now bringing both of us together in its own way, and
we recognize each other immediately. I release this request to my
subconscious mind, which knows how to bring my request to pass. I give
thanks for the perfect answer.”
She prayed in the above manner night and morning, affirm-ing these
truths and knowing that through frequent occupation of the mind she would
reach the mental equivalent of that which she sought.
The answer to her prayer
Several months went by. She had a great number of dates and social
engagements, none of which was agreeable to her. When she was about to
question, waiver, doubt, and vacillate,

154 Your Subconscious and Marital Problems

she reminded herself that the infinite intelligence was bringing it to pass in
its own way and that there was nothing to be con-cerned about. Her final
decree in her divorce proceedings was granted which brought her a great
sense of release and mental freedom.
Shortly afterward she went to work as a receptionist in a doctor’s office.
She told me that the minute she saw the physician she knew he was the man
she was praying about. Apparently he knew it, too, because he proposed to
her the first week she was in the office, and their subsequent marriage was
ideally happy. This physician was not the passive or submissive type, but
was a real man, a former football player, an outstanding athlete, and was a
deeply spiritual man though he was completely devoid of any sectarian or
denominational affiliation.
She got what she prayed for because she claimed it men-tally until she
reached the point of saturation. In other words, she mentally and emotionally
united with her idea, and it became a part of her in the same way that an
apple becomes a part of her blood stream.
• Should I get a divorce?

“Live The Power”

Divorce is an individual problem. It cannot be generalized. In some

cases, of course, there never should have been a mar-riage. In some cases,
divorce is not the solution, no more so than marriage is the solution for a
lonely man. Divorce may be right for one person and wrong for another. A
divorced woman may be far more sincere and noble than many of her
married sisters who perhaps are living a lie.
For example, I once talked with a woman whose husband was a dope
fiend, an ex-convict, a wife-beater, and a non-provider. She had been told it
was wrong to get a divorce. I explained to her that marriage is of the heart. If
two hearts blend harmoniously, lovingly, and sincerely, that is the ideal
marriage. The pure action of the heart is love.
Following this explanation she knew what to do. She knew in her heart
that there is no divine law which compelled her to

Your Subconscious and Marital Problems 155

be browbeaten, intimidated, and beaten because someone said, “I pronounce
you man and wife.”
If you are in doubt as to what to do, ask for guidance, knowing that there
is always an answer, and you will receive it. Follow the lead that comes to
you in the silence of your soul. It speaks to you in peace.

• Drifting into divorce

Recently a young couple, married for only a few months, was seeking a
divorce. I discovered that the young man had a constant fear that his wife
would leave him. He expected rejec-tion, and he believed that she would be
unfaithful. These thoughts haunted his mind, and became an obsession with
him. His mental attitude was one of separation and suspicion. She felt
unresponsive to him; it was his own feeling or atmosphere of loss and
separation operating through them. This brought about a condition or action
in accordance with the mental pat-tern behind it. There is a law of action and
reaction, or cause and effect. The thought is the action, and the response of
the subconscious mind is the reaction.
His wife left home and asked for a divorce, which is what he feared and
believed she would do.

“Live The Power”

• Divorce begins in the mind

Divorce takes place first in the mind; the legal proceedings follow after.
These two young people were full of resentment, fear, suspicion, and anger.
These attitudes weaken, exhaust, and debilitate the whole being. They
learned that hate divides and that love unites. They began to realize what
they had been doing with their minds. Neither one of them knew the law of
mental action, nor they were misusing their minds and bringing on chaos and
misery. These two people went back together at my suggestion and
experimented with prayer therapy.
They began to radiate love, peace, and good will to each other. Each one
practiced radiating harmony, health, peace, and love to the other, and they
alternated in the reading of the

156 Your Subconscious and Marital Problems

Psalms every night. Their marriage is growing more beautiful every day.
• The nagging wife
Many times the reason the wife nags is because she gets no attention.
Oftentimes, it is a craving for love and affection. Give your wife attention,
and show your appreciation. Praise and ex-alt all her many good points.
There is also the nagging type of woman who wants to make the man
conform to her particular pattern. This is about the quickest way in the world
to get rid of a man.
The wife and the husband must cease being scavengers— always
looking at the petty faults or errors in each other. Let each give attention and
praise for the constructive and wonder-ful qualities in the other.

• The brooding husband

If a man begins to brood, grows morbid against his wife because of the
things she said or did, he is, psychologically speak-ing, committing adultery.
One of the meanings of adultery is idolatry, i.e., giving attention to or
uniting mentally with that which is negative and destructive. When a man is
silently re-senting his wife and is full of hostility toward her, he is unfaith-
ful. He is not faithful to his marriage vows, which are to love, cherish, and
honor her all the days of his life.

“Live The Power”

The man who is brooding, bitter, and resentful can swallow his sharp
remarks, abate his anger, and he can go to great lengths to be considerate,
kind, and courteous. He can deftly skirt the differences. Through praise and
mental effort, he can get out of the habit of antagonism. Then, he will be
able to get along better, not only with his wife, but with business associates
also. Assume the harmonious state, and eventually you will find peace and
The great mistake
A great mistake is to discuss your marital problems or diffi-culties with
neighbors and relatives. Suppose, for example, a

Your Subconscious and Marital Problems 157

wife says to the neighbor, “John never gives me any money. He treats my
mother abominably, drinks to excess, and is constantly abusive and
Now, this wife is degrading and belittling her husband in the eyes of all
the neighbors and relatives. He no longer appears as the ideal husband to
them. Never discuss your marital prob-lems with anyone except a trained
counselor. Why cause numer-ous people to think negatively of your
marriage? Moreover, as you discuss and dwell upon these shortcomings of
your husband, you are actually creating these states within yourself. Who is
thinking and feeling it? You are! As you think and feel, so are you.
Relatives will usually give you the wrong advice. It is usu-ally biased
and prejudiced because it is not given in an im-personal way. Any advice
you receive which violates the golden rule, which is a cosmic law, is not
good or sound.
It is well to remember that no two human beings ever lived beneath the
same roof without clashes of temperament, periods of hurts and strain. Never
display the unhappy side of your mar-riage to your friends. Keep your
quarrels to yourself. Refrain from criticism and condemnation of your
Don t try to make your wife over

“Live The Power”

A husband must not try to make his wife over into a second edition of
himself. The tactless attempt to change her in many ways is foreign to her
nature. These attempts are always foolish, and many times result in
dissolution of the marriage. These attempts to alter her destroy her pride and
self-esteem, and arouse a spirit of contrariness and resentment that proves
fatal to the marriage bond.
Adjustments are needed, of course, but if you have a good look inside
your own mind, and study your character and be-havior, you will find so
many shortcomings, they will keep you busy the rest of your Me. If you say,
“I will make him over into what I want,” you are looking for trouble and the
divorce court. You are asking for misery. You will have to learn the hard
way that there is no one to change but yourself.

158 Your Subconscious and Marital Problems

• Pray together and stay together through steps in prayer

The first step: Never carry over from one day to another accumulated
irritations arising from little disappointments. Be sure to forgive each other
for any sharpness before you retire at night. The moment you awaken in the
morning, claim infinite intelligence is guiding you in all your ways. Send out
loving thoughts of peace, harmony, and love to your marriage partner, to all
members of the family, and to the whole world.
The second step: Say grace at breakfast. Give thanks for the wonderful
food, for your abundance, and for all your bless-ings. Make sure that no
problems, worries, or arguments shall enter into the table conversation; the
same applies at dinnertime. Say to your wife or husband, “I appreciate all
you are doing, and I radiate love and good will to you all day long.”
The third step: The husband and wife should alternate in praying each
night. Do not take your marriage partner for granted. Show your
appreciation and love. Think appreciation and good will, rather than
condemnation, criticism, and nagging. The way to build a peaceful home
and a happy marriage is to use a foundation of love, beauty, harmony,
mutual respect, faith in God, and all things good. Read the 23rd, 27th, and
91st Psalms, the 11th chapter of Hebrews, the 13th chapter of I Corinthians,

“Live The Power”

and other great texts of the Bible before going to sleep. As you practice these
truths, your marriage will grow more and more blessed through the years.

• Review your actions

1. Ignorance of mental and spiritual laws is the cause of all marital
unhappiness. By praying scientifically together, you stay together.
2. The best time to prevent divorce is before marriage. If you learn how
to pray in the right way, you will attract the right mate for you.
3. Marriage is the union of a man and woman who are bound

Your Subconscious and Marital Problems 159

together by love. Their hearts beat as one, and they move onward,
upward, and Godward.
4. Marriage does not bequeath happiness. People find hap-piness by
dwelling on the eternal truths of God and the spiritual values of life.
Then, the man and woman can con-tribute to each other’s happiness and
5. You attract the right mate by dwelling on the qualities and
characteristics you admire in a woman or a man, and then your
subconscious mind will bring you together in divine order.
6. You must build into your mentality the mental equivalent of what you
want in a marriage partner. If you want to attract an honest, sincere, and
loving partner in life, you must be honest, sincere, and loving yourself.
7. You do not have to repeat mistakes in marriage. When you really
believe you can have the type man or woman you idealize, it is done
unto you, as you believe. To believe is to accept something as true.
Accept your ideal companion now mentally.
8. Do not wonder how, why, or where you will meet the mate you are
praying for. Trust implicitly the wisdom of your subconscious mind. It
has the “know-how,” and you don’t have to assist it.
9. You are mentally divorced when you indulge in peeves, grudges, ill
will, and hostility toward your marriage partner. You are mentally
dwelling with error in the bed of your mind. Adhere to your marriage
vows, “I promise to cherish, love, and honor him (or her) all the days of
my life.”
10. Cease projecting fear patterns to your marriage partner. Project love,
peace, harmony, and good will, and your mar-riage will grow more
beautiful and more wonderful through the years.

“Live The Power”

11. Radiate love, peace, and good will to each other. These vibrations are
picked up by the subconscious mind resulting in mutual trust, affection,
and respect.
12. A nagging wife is usually seeking attention and apprecia-tion. She is
craving for love and affection. Praise and exalt

160 Your Subconscious and Marital Problems

her many good points. Show her that you love her and ap-preciate her.
13. A man who loves his wife does not do anything unloving or unkind
in word, manner, or action. Love is what love does.
14. In marital problems, always seek expert advice. You would not go to
a carpenter to pull a tooth; neither should you discuss your marriage
problems with relatives or friends. You should go to a trained person for
15. Never try to make your wife or husband over. These at-tempts are
always foolish and tend to destroy the pride and self-esteem of the other.
Moreover, it arouses a spirit of resentment that proves fatal to the
marriage bond. Cease trying to make the other a second edition of
16. Pray together and you will stay together. Scientific prayer solves all
problems. Mentally picture your wife as she ought to be, joyous, happy,
healthy, and beautiful. See your hus-band, as he ought to be, strong,
powerful, loving, harmoni-ous, and kind. Maintain this mental picture,
and you will experience the marriage made in heaven, which is harmony
and peace.

Your Subconscious Mind and Your Happiness

William James, father of American psychology, said that the greatest

discovery of the nineteenth century was not in the realm of physical science.
The greatest discovery was the power of the subconscious touched by faith.

“Live The Power”

In every human being is that limitless reservoir of power, which can

overcome any prob-lem in the world.
True and lasting happiness will come into your life the day you get the
clear realization that you can overcome any weak-ness—the day you realize
that your subconscious can solve your problems, heal your body, and
prosper you beyond your fondest dream.
You might have felt very happy when your child was born, when you
got married, when you graduated from college, or when you won a great
victory or a prize. You might have been very happy when you became
engaged to the loveliest girl or the most handsome man. You could go on
and list innumerable ex-periences, which have made you happy. However,
no matter how marvelous these experiences are, they do not give real lasting
happiness—they are transitory.
The Book of Proverbs gives the answer: Whosoever trusteth in the Lord,
happy is he. When you trust in the Lord (the power and wisdom of your
subconscious mind) to lead, guide, govern, and direct all your ways, you will
become poised, serene, and relaxed. As you radiate love, peace, and good
will to all, you are really building a superstructure of happiness for all the
days of your life.

162 Your Subconscious Mind and Happiness

• You must choose happiness

Happiness is a state of mind. There is a phrase in the Bible which says,
Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. You have the freedom to choose
happiness. This may seem extraordinarily simple, and it is. Perhaps this is
why people stumble over the way to happiness; they do not see the
simplicity of the key to happiness. The great things of life are simple,
dynamic, and creative. They produce well-being and happiness.
St. Paul reveals to you how you can think your way into a life of
dynamic power and happiness in these words: Finally, brethren, whatsoever
things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things
are of good re-port; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think
on these things. PHIL. 4:8.

“Live The Power”

• How to choose happiness

Begin now to choose happiness. This is how you do it: When you open
your eyes in the morning, say to yourself, “Divine order takes charge of my
life today and every day. All things work together for good for me today.
This is a new and wonderful day for me. There will never be another day
like this one. I am divinely guided all day long, and whatever I do will
prosper. Divine love surrounds me, enfolds me, and enwraps me, and I go
forth in peace. Whenever my attention wanders away from that which is
good and constructive, I will imme-diately bring it back to the contemplation
of that which is lovely and of good report. I am a spiritual and mental
magnet attracting to myself all things, which bless and prosper me. I am
going to be a wonderful success in all my undertakings to-day. I am
definitely going to be happy all day long.”
Start each day in this manner; then you will be choosing happiness, and
you will be a radiant joyous person.
• He made it a habit to be happy
A number of years ago, I stayed for about a week in a farmer's house in
Connemarra on the west coast of Ireland. He seemed to be always singing
and whistling and was full of humor.

Your Subconscious Mind and Happiness 163

I asked him the secret of his happiness, and his reply was: “It is a habit of
mine to be happy. Every morning when I awaken and every night before I go
to sleep, I bless my family, the crops, the cattle, and I thank God for the
wonderful harvest.”
This farmer had made a practice of this for over forty years. As you
know, thoughts repeated regularly and systemati-cally sink into the
subconscious mind and become habitual. He discovered that happiness is a

• You must desire to be happy

There is one very important point about being happy. You must
sincerely desire to be happy. There are people who have been depressed,
dejected, and unhappy so long that was they suddenly made happy by some
wonderful, good, joyous news, they would actually be like the woman who

“Live The Power”

said to me, “It is wrong to be so happy!” They have been so accustomed to

the old mental patterns that they do not feel at home being happy! They long
for the former, depressed, unhappy state.
I knew a woman in England who had rheumatism for many years. She
would pat herself on the knee and say, “My rheuma-tism is bad today. I
cannot go out. My rheumatism keeps me miserable.”
This dear elderly lady got a lot of attention from her son, daughter, and
the neighbors. She really wanted her rheumatism. She enjoyed her “misery”
as she called it. This woman did not really want to be happy.
I suggested a curative procedure to her. I wrote down some biblical
verses and told her that if she gave attention to these truths, her mental
attitude would undoubtedly change and would result in her faith and
confidence in being restored to health. She was not interested. There seems
to be a peculiar, mental, morbid streak in many people, whereby they seem
to enjoy being miserable and sad.

• Why choose unhappiness?

Many people choose unhappiness by entertaining these ideas: “Today is a
black day; everything is going to go wrong.”

164 Your Subconscious Mind and Happiness

³I am not going to succeed.” “Everyone is against me.” “Business is bad,
and it is going to get worse.” “I'm always late.” “I never get the breaks.” “He
can, but I can't.” If you have this attitude of mind the first thing in the
morning, you will attract all these experiences to you, and you will be very
Begin to realize that the world you live in is determined largely by what
goes on in your mind. Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman philosopher and
sage, said, “A man's life is what his thoughts make of it.” Emerson,
America's foremost philosopher, said, “A man is what he thinks all day
long.” The thoughts you habitually entertain in your mind have the tendency
to actualize themselves in physical conditions.
Make certain you do not indulge in negative thoughts, de-featist
thoughts, or unkind, depressing thoughts. Recall fre-quently to your mind
that you can experience nothing outside your own mentality.

“Live The Power”

• If I had a million dollars, I would be happy

I have visited many men in mental institutions who were millionaires,
but they insisted they were penniless and destitute. They were incarcerated
because of psychotic, paranoid, and manic-depressive tendencies. Wealth in
and of itself will not make you happy. On the other hand, it is not a deterrent
to happiness. Today, there are many people trying to buy hap-piness through
the purchase of radios, television sets, automo-biles, a home in the country, a
private yacht, and a swimming pool, but happiness cannot be purchased or
procured in that way.
The kingdom of happiness is in your thought and feeling. Too many
people have the idea that it takes something artificial to produce happiness.
Some say, “If I were elected mayor, made president of the organization,
promoted to general manager of the corporation, I would be happy.”
The truth is that happiness is a mental and spiritual state. None of these
positions mentioned will necessarily bequeath happiness. Your strength, joy,
and happiness consist in finding out the law of divine order and right action
lodged in your

Your Subconscious Mind and Happiness 165

subconscious mind and by applying these principles in all phases of your
• He found happiness to be the harvest of a quiet mind
Lecturing in San Francisco some years ago, I interviewed a man who
was very unhappy and dejected over the way his business was going. He was
the general manager. His heart was filled with resentment toward the vice
president and the presi-dent of the organization. He claimed that they
opposed him. Because of this internal strife, business was declining; he was
receiving no dividends or stock bonuses.
This is how he solved his business problem: The first thing in the
morning he affirmed quietly as follows, “All those work-ing in our
corporation are honest, sincere, co-operative, faithful, and full of good will
to all. They are mental and spiritual links in the chain of this corporation's
growth, welfare, and prosperity. I radiate love, peace, and good will in my
thoughts, words, and deeds to my two associates and to all those in the

“Live The Power”

company. The president and the vice president of our company are divinely
guided in all their undertakings. The infinite intelligence of my subconscious
mind makes all decisions through me. There is only right action in all our
business transactions and in our relationship with each other. I send the
messengers of peace, love, and good will before me to the office. Peace and
harmony reign supreme in the minds and hearts of all those in the com-pany
including myself. I now go forth into a new day, full of faith, confidence,
and trust.”
This business executive repeated the above meditation slowly three
times in the morning, feeling the truth of what he affirmed. When fearful or
angry thoughts came into his mind during the day, he would say to himself,
“Peace, harmony, and poise govern my mind at all times.”
As he continued disciplining his mind in this manner, all the harmful
thoughts ceased to come, and peace came into his mind. He reaped the
Subsequently, he wrote me to the effect that at the end of about two
weeks of reordering his mind, the president and the

166 Your Subconscious Mind and Happiness

vice president called him into the office, praised his operations and his new
constructive ideas, and remarked how fortunate they were in having him as
general manager. He was very happy in discovering that man finds
happiness within himself.
• The block or stump is not really there
I read a newspaper article some years ago, which told about a horse that
had shied when he came to a stump on the road. Subsequently, every time
the horse came to that same stump, he shied. The farmer dug the stump out,
burned it, and leveled the old road. Yet, for twenty-five years, every time the
horse passed the place where the former stump was, he shied. The horse was
shying at the memory of a stump.
There is no block to your happiness save in your own thought life and
mental imagery. Is fear or worry holding you back? Fear is a thought in your
mind. You can dig it up this very moment by supplanting it with faith in
success, achievement, and victory over all problems.

“Live The Power”

I knew a man who failed in business. He said to me, “I made mistakes.

I've learned a lot. I am going back into business, and I will be a tremendous
success.” He faced up to that stump in his mind. He did not whine or
complain, but he tore up the stump of failure, and through believing in his
inner powers to back him up, he banished all fear thoughts and old
depressions. Believe in yourself, and you will succeed and be happy.

• The happiest people

The happiest man is he who constantly brings forth and practices what is
best in him. Happiness and virtue complement each other. The best are not
only the happiest, but the happiest are usually the best in the art of living life
successfully. God is the highest and best in you. Express more of God's love,
light, truth, and beauty, and you will become one of the happiest per-sons in
the world today.
Epictetus, the Greek stoic philosopher, said, “There is but one way to
tranquility of mind and happiness; let this, therefore,

Your Subconscious Mind and Happiness 167

be always ready at hand with thee, both when thou wakest early in the
morning, and all the day long, and when thou goest late to sleep, to account
no external things thine own, but commit all these to God.”

Summary of steps to happiness

1. William James said that the greatest discovery of the 19th century was
the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith.
2. There is tremendous power within you. Happiness will come to you
when you acquire a sublime confidence in this power. Then, you will
make your dreams come true.
3. You can rise victorious over any defeat and realize the cherished
desires of your heart through the marvelous power of your subconscious
mind. This is the meaning of whoso-ever trusteth in the Lord [spiritual
laws of the subconscious mind], happy is he.
4. You must choose happiness. Happiness is a habit. It is a good habit to
ponder often on Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if

“Live The Power”

there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Phil. 4:8.
5. When you open your eyes in the morning, say to yourself, I choose
happiness today. I choose success today. I choose right action today. I
choose love and good will for all today. I choose peace today. Pour life,
love, and interest into this affirmation, and you have chosen happiness.
6. Give thanks for all your blessings several times a day. Fur-thermore,
pray for the peace, happiness, and prosperity of all members of your
family, your associates, and all people everywhere.
7. You must sincerely desire to be happy. Nothing is accom-plished
without desire. Desire is a wish with wings of imagination and faith.
Imagine the fulfillment of your de-sire, and feel its reality, and it will
come to pass. Happiness comes in answered prayer.

168 Your Subconscious Mind and Happiness

8. By constantly dwelling on thoughts of fear, worry, anger, hate, and
failure, you will become very depressed and un-happy. Remember, your
life is what your thoughts make of it.
9. You cannot buy happiness with all the money in the world. Some
millionaires are very happy, some are very unhappy. Many people with
very little worldly goods are very happy, and some are very unhappy.
Some married people are happy, and some very unhappy. Some single
people are happy, and some are very unhappy. The kingdom of hap-
piness is in your thought and feeling.
10. Happiness is the harvest of a quiet mind. Anchor your thoughts on
peace, poise, security, and divine guidance, and your mind will be
productive of happiness.
11. There is no block to your happiness. External things are not
causative; these are effects, not cause. Take your cue from the only
creative principle within you. Your thought is cause, and a new cause
produces a new effect. Choose hap-piness.
12. The happiest man is he who brings forth the highest and the best in
him. God is the highest and the best in him, for the kingdom of God is

“Live The Power”

Your Subconscious Mind and Harmonious Human Relations

In studying this book, you learn that your subconscious mind is a

recording machine, which faithfully reproduces what-ever you impress upon
it. This is one of the reasons for the application of the Golden Rule in human
MATT. 7:12 says, All things whatsoever ye would that men should do
unto you, do ye even so to them. This quotation has outer and inner
meanings. You are interested in its inner mean-ing from the standpoint of
your subconscious mind, which is: As you would that men should think
about you, think you about them in like manner. As you would that men
should feel about you, feel you also about them in like manner. As you
would want men to act toward you, act you toward them in like manner.
For example, you may be polite and courteous to someone in your
office, but when his back is turned, you are very critical and resentful toward
him in your mind. Such negative thoughts are highly destructive to you. It is
like taking poison. You are actually taking mental poisons, which rob you of
vitality, en-thusiasm, strength, guidance, and good will. These negative
thoughts and emotions sink down into your subconscious, and cause all
kinds of difficulties and maladies in your life.

The master key to happy relationships with others

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judg-ment ye judge, ye
shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you
again. MATTHEW 7:1-2.

170 Harmonious Human Relations

“Live The Power”

A study of these verses and the application of the inner truths therein
contained represent the real key to harmonious relations. To judge is to
think, to arrive at a mental verdict or conclusion in your mind. The thought
you have about the other person is your thought, because you are thinking it.
Your thoughts are creative, therefore, you actually create in your own
experience what you think and feel about the other person. It is also true that
the suggestion you give to another, you give to yourself because your mind
is the creative medium.
This is why it is said, For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be
judged. When you know this law and the way your subconscious mind
works, you are careful to think, feel, and act rights toward the other. These
verses teach you about the emancipation of man and reveal to you the
solution to your individual problems.

• And with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again

The good you do for others comes back to you in like measure; and the
evil you do returns to you by the law of your own mind. If a man cheats and
deceives another, he is actually cheating and deceiving himself. His sense of
guilt and mood of loss inevitably will attract loss to him in some way, at
some time. His subconscious records his mental act and reacts according to
the mental intention or motivation.
Your subconscious mind is impersonal and unchanging, neither
considering persons nor respecting religious affiliations or institutions of any
kind. It is neither compassionate nor vin-dictive. The way you think, feel,
and act toward others returns at last upon yourself.

• The daily headlines made him sick

Begin now to observe yourself. Observe your reactions to people,
conditions, and circumstances. How do you respond to the events and news
of the day? It makes no difference if all the other people were wrong and
you alone were right. If the news

Harmonious Human Relations 171

disturbs you, it is your evil because your negative emotions robbed you of
peace and harmony.

“Live The Power”

A woman wrote me about her husband, saying that he goes into a rage
when he reads what certain newspaper column-ists write in the newspaper.
She added that this constant reaction of anger and suppressed rage on his
part brought on bleeding ulcers, and his physician recommended an
emotional recon-ditioning.
I invited this man to see me and I explained to him the way his mind
functions indicating how emotionally immature it was to get angry when
others write articles with which he disapproves or disagrees.
He began to realize that he should give the newspaperman freedom to
express himself even though the latter disagreed with him politically,
religiously, or in any other way. In the same manner, the newspaperman
would give him freedom to write a letter to the newspaper disagreeing with
his published statements. He learned that he could disagree without being
disagreeable. He awakened to the simple truth that it is never what a person
says or does that affects him, it is his reaction to what is said or done that
This explanation was the cure for this man, and he real-ized that with a
little practice he could master his morning tan-trums. His wife told me,
subsequently, that he laughed at himself and also at what the columnists say.
They no longer have power to disturb, annoy, and irritate him. His ulcers
have disappeared due to his emotional poise and serenity.
I hate women, but I like men
A private secretary was very bitter toward some of the girls in her office
because they were gossiping about her, and as she said, spreading vicious
lies about her. She admitted that she did not like women. She said, “I hate
women, but I like men.” I discovered also that she spoke to the girls who
were under her in the office in a very haughty, imperious, and irritable tone
of voice. She pointed out that they took a delight in making things difficult
for her. There was a certain pomposity in her way of

172 Harmonious Human Relations

speaking, and I could see where her tone of voice would affect some people
If all the people in the office or factory annoy you, isn’t it a possibility
that the vibration, annoyance, and turmoil may be due to some subconscious

“Live The Power”

pattern or mental projection from you? We know that a dog will react
ferociously if you hate or fear dogs. Animals pick up your subconscious
vibrations and react accordingly. Many undisciplined human beings are just
as sensitive as dogs, cats, and other animals.
I suggested a process of prayer to this private secretary who hated
women, explaining to her that when she began to identify herself with
spiritual values and commenced to affirm the truths of life, her voice,
mannerisms, and hatred of women would com-pletely disappear. She was
surprised to know that the emotion of hatred shows up in a person’s speech,
actions, in his writings, and in all phases of his life. She ceased reacting in
the typical, resentful, and angry way. She established a pattern of prayer,
which she practiced regularly, systematically, and conscien-tiously in the
The prayer was as follows: “I think, speak, and act lov-ingly, quietly,
and peacefully. I now radiate love, peace, toler-ance, and kindliness to all
the girls who criticized me and gos-siped about me. I anchor my thoughts on
peace, harmony, and good will to all. Whenever I am about to react
negatively, I say firmly to myself, ‘I am going to think, speak, and act from
the standpoint of the principle of harmony, health, and peace within myself.’
Creative intelligence leads, rules, and guides me in all my ways.”
The practice of this prayer transformed her life, and she found that all
criticism and annoyance ceased. The girls became co-workers and friends
along life’s journey. She discovered that there is no one to change but

• His inner speech held back his promotion

One day a salesman came to see me and described his diffi-culties in
working with the sales manager of his organization. He had been with the
company ten years and had received no

Harmonious Human Relations 173

promotion or recognition of any kind. He showed me his sales figures,
which were greater proportionately than the other men in the territory. He
said that the sales manager did not like him, that he was unjustly treated, and
that at conferences the man-ager was rude to him, and at times ridiculed his

“Live The Power”

I explained that undoubtedly the cause was to a great de-gree within

himself, and that his concept and belief about his superior bore witness to
the reaction of this man. The measure we mete, shall be measured to us
again. His mental measure or concept of the sales manager was that he was
mean and can-tankerous. He was filled with bitterness and hostility toward
the executive. On his way to work he conducted a vigorous con-versation
with himself filled with criticism, mental arguments, recriminations, and
denunciations of his sales manager.
What he gave out mentally, he was inevitably bound to get back. This
salesman realized that his inner speech was highly destructive because the
intensity and force of his silent thoughts and emotions, and personally
conducted mental condemnation and vilification of the sales manager
entered into his own sub-conscious mind. This brought about the negative
response from his boss as well as creating many other personal, physical,
and emotional disorders.
He began to pray frequently as follows: “I am the only thinker in my
universe. I am responsible for what I think about my boss. My sales manager
is not responsible for the way I think about him. I refuse to give power to
any person, place, or thing to annoy me or disturb me. I wish health, success,
peace of mind, and happiness for my boss. I sincerely wish him well, and I
know he is divinely guided in all his ways.”
He repeated this prayer out loud slowly, quietly, and feel-ingly, knowing
that his mind is like a garden, and that whatever he plants in the garden will
come forth like seeds after their kind.
I also taught him to practice mental imagery prior to sleep in this way:
He imagined that his sales manager was congratulat-ing him on his fine
work, on his zeal and enthusiasm, and on his wonderful response from
customers. He felt the reality of all this, felt his handshake, heard the tone of
his voice, and saw him

174 Harmonious Human Relations

smile. He made a real mental movie, dramatizing it to the best of his ability.
Night after night he conducted this mental movie, knowing that his
subconscious mind was the receptive plate on which his conscious imagery
would be impressed.

“Live The Power”

Gradually by a process of what may be termed mental and spiritual

osmosis, the impression was made on his subconscious mind, and the
expression automatically came forth. The sales manager subsequently called
him up to San Francisco, con-gratulated him, and gave him a new
assignment as Division Sales Manager over one hundred men with a big
increase in salary. He changed his concept and estimate of his boss, and the
latter re-sponded accordingly.

• Becoming emotionally mature

What the other person says or does cannot really annoy or irritate you
except you permit him to disturb you. The only way he can annoy you is
through your own thought. For example, if you get angry, you have to go
through four stages in your mind: You begin to think about what he said.
You decide to get angry and generate an emotion of rage. Then, you decide
to act. Per-haps, you talk back and react in kind. You see that the thought,
emotion, reaction, and action all take place in your mind.
When you become emotionally mature, you do not respond negatively
to the criticism and resentment of others. To do so would mean that you had
descended to that state of low mental vibration and become one with the
negative atmosphere of the other. Identify yourself with your aim in life, and
do not permit any person, place, or thing to deflect you from your inner
sense of peace, tranquility, and radiant health.

• The meaning of love in harmonious human relations

Sigmund Freud, the Austrian founder of psychoanalysis, said that unless
the personality has love, it sickens and dies. Love includes understanding,
good will, and respect for the divinity in the other person. The more love and
good will you emanate and exude, the more comes back to you.
If you puncture the other fellow’s ego and wound his esti-

Harmonious Human Relations 175

mate of himself, you cannot gain his good will. Recognize that every man
wants to be loved and appreciated, and made to feel important in the world.
Realize that the other man is conscious of his true worth, and that, like
yourself, he feels the dignity of being an expression of the One Life-

“Live The Power”

Principle animating all men. As you do this consciously and knowingly, you
build the other person up, and he returns your love and good will.

• He hated audiences
An actor told me that the audience booed and hissed him on his first
appearance on the stage. He added that the play was badly written and that
undoubtedly he did not play a good role. He admitted openly to me that for
months afterward he hated audiences. He called them dopes, dummies,
stupid, ignorant, gullible, etc. He quit the stage in disgust and went to work
in a drugstore for a year.
One day a friend invited him to hear a lecture in Town Hall, New York
City, on “How to Get Along With Ourselves.” This lecture changed his life.
He went back to the stage and began to pray sincerely for the audience and
himself. He poured out love and good will every night before appearing on
the stage. He made it a habit to claim that the peace of God filled the hearts
of all-present, and that all present were lifted up and inspired. During each
performance he sent out love vibrations to the audience. Today, he is a great
actor, and he loves and respects people. His good will and esteem are
transmitted to others and are felt by them.

• Handling difficult people

There are difficult people in the world who are twisted and distorted
mentally. They are mal-conditioned. Many are mental delinquents,
argumentative, un-co-operative, cantankerous, cyni-cal, and sour on life.
They are sick psychologically. Many peo-ple have deformed and distorted
minds, probably warped during childhood. Many have congenital
deformities. You would not condemn a person who had tuberculosis, nor
should you con-demn a person who is mentally ill. No one, for example,

176 Harmonious Human Relations

or resents a hunchback; there are many mental hunchbacks. You should have
compassion and understanding. To understand all is to forgive all.

• Misery loves company

“Live The Power”

The hateful, frustrated, distorted, and twisted personality is out of tune

with the Infinite. He resents those who are peaceful, happy, and joyous.
Usually he criticizes, condemns, and vilifies those who have been very good
and kind to him. His attitude is this: Why should they be so happy when he
is so miserable? He wants to drag them down to his own level. Misery loves
com-pany. When you understand this you remain unmoved, calm, and

• The practice of empathy in human relations

A girl visited me recently stating that she hated another girl in her
office. She gave as her reason that the other girl was prettier, happier, and
wealthier than she, and, in addition, was engaged to the boss of the company
where they worked. One day after the marriage had taken place, the crippled
daughter (by a former marriage) of the woman whom she hated came into
the office. The child put her arms around her mother and said, “Mommy,
mommy, I love my new daddy! Look what he gave me!” She showed her
mother a wonderful new toy.
She said to me, “My heart went out to that little girl, and I knew how
happy she must feel. I got a vision of how happy this woman was. All of a
sudden I felt love for her, and I went into the office and wished her all the
happiness in the world, and I meant it.”
In psychological circles today, this is called empathy, which simply
means the imaginative projection of your mental attitude into that of another.
She projected her mental mood or the feel-ing of her heart into that of the
other woman, and began to think and look out through the other woman’s
brain. She was actually thinking and feeling as the other woman, and also as
the child, because she likewise had projected herself into the

Harmonious Human Relations 177

mind of the child. She was looking out from that vantage point on the child’s
If tempted to injure or think ill of another, project yourself mentally into
the mind of Moses and think from the standpoint of the Ten
Commandments. If you are prone to be envious, jealous, or angry, project
yourself into the mind of Jesus and think from that standpoint, and you will
feel the truth of the words Love ye one another.

“Live The Power”

Appeasement never wins

Do not permit people to take advantage of you and gain their point by
temper tantrums, crying jags, or so-called heart attacks. These people are
dictators who try to enslave you and make you do their bidding. Be firm but
kind, and refuse to yield. Appeasement never wins. Refuse to contribute to
their delin-quency, selfishness, and possessiveness. Remember, do that
which is right. You are here to fulfill your ideal and remain true to the
eternal verities and spiritual values of life, which are eternal.
Give no one in all the world the power to deflect you from your goal,
your aim in life, which is to express your hidden talents to the world, to
serve humanity, and to reveal more and more of God’s wisdom, truth, and
beauty to all people in the world. Remain true to your ideal. Know definitely
and abso-lutely that whatever contributes to your peace, happiness, and
fulfillment must of necessity bless all men who walk the earth. The harmony
of the part is the harmony of the whole, for the whole is in the part, and the
part is in the whole. All you owe the other, as Paul says, is love, and love is
the fulfilling of the law of health, happiness, and peace of mind.

• Profitable pointers in human relations

1. Your subconscious mind is a recording machine, which re-produces your
habitual thinking. Think good of the other, and you are actually thinking
good about yourself.
2. A hateful or resentful thought is a mental poison. Do not think ill of
another for to do so is to think ill of yourself.

178 Harmonious Human Relations

You are the only thinker in your universe, and your thoughts are
3. Your mind is a creative medium; therefore, what you think and feel
about the other, you are bringing to pass in your own experience. This is
the psychological meaning of the Golden Rule. As you would that man
should think about you, think you about them in the same manner.
4. To cheat, rob, or defraud another brings lack, loss, and limitation to
yourself. Your subconscious mind records your inner motivations,
thoughts, and feelings. These being of a negative nature; loss, limitation,
and trouble come to you in countless ways. Actually, what you do to the
other, you are doing to yourself.
5. The good you do, the kindness proffered, the love and good will you
send forth, will all come back to you multiplied in many ways.

“Live The Power”

6. You are the only thinker in your world. You are responsi-ble for the
way you think about the other. Remember, the other person is not
responsible for the way you think about him. Your thoughts are
reproduced. What are you thinking now about the other fellow?
7. Become emotionally mature and permit other people to differ from
you. They have a perfect right to disagree with you, and you have the
same freedom to disagree with them. You can disagree without being
8. Animals pick up your fear vibrations and snap at you. If you love
animals, they will never attack you. Many un-disciplined human beings
are just as sensitive as dogs, cats, and other animals.
9. Your inner speech, representing your silent thoughts and feelings, is
experienced in the reactions of others toward you.
10. Wish for the other what you wish for yourself. This is the key to
harmonious human relations.
11. Change your concept and estimate of your employer. Feel and know
he is practicing the Golden Rule and the Law of Love, and he will
respond accordingly.

Harmonious Human Relations 179

12. The other person cannot annoy you or irritate you except you permit
him. Your thought is creative; you can bless him. If someone calls you a
skunk, you have the freedom to say to the other, “God’s peace fills your
14. Love is the answer to getting along with others. Love is
understanding, good will, and respecting the divinity of the other.
15. You would not hate a hunchback or cripple. You would have
compassion. Have compassion and understanding for mental hunchbacks
who have been conditioned negatively. To understand all is to forgive
16. Rejoice in the success, promotion, and good fortune of the other. In
doing so, you attract good fortune to yourself.
17. Never yield to emotional scenes and tantrums of others.
Appeasement never wins. Do not be a doormat. Adhere to that which is
right. Stick to your ideal, knowing that the mental outlook, which gives
you peace, happiness, and joy, is right, good, and true. What blesses you,
blesses all.

“Live The Power”

18. All you owe any person in the world is love, and love is wishing for
everyone what you wish for yourself—health, happiness, and all the
blessings of life.

How to Use Your Subconscious Mind for Forgiveness

Life plays no favorites. God is Life, and this Life-Principle is flowing

through you this moment. God loves to express Him-self as harmony, peace,
beauty, joy, and abundance through you. This is called the will of God or the
tendency of Life.
If you set up resistance in your mind to the flow of Life through you,
this emotional congestion will get snarled up in your subconscious mind and
cause all kinds of negative conditions. God has nothing to do with unhappy
or chaotic conditions in the world. Man’s negative and destructive thinking
brings about all these conditions. Therefore, it is silly to blame God for your
trouble or sickness.
Many persons habitually set up mental resistance to the flow of Life by
accusing and reproaching God for the sin, sick-ness, and suffering of
mankind. Others cast the blame on God for their pains, aches, and loss of
loved ones, personal tragedies, and accidents. They are angry at God, and
they believe He is responsible for their misery.
As long as people entertain such negative concepts about God, they will
experience the automatic negative reactions from their subconscious minds.
Actually, such people do not know that they are punishing themselves. They
must see the truth, find release, and give up all condemnation, resentment,
and anger against anyone or any power outside themselves. Otherwise, they
cannot go forward into a healthy, happy, or creative activity. The minute
these people entertain a God of love in their minds and hearts, and when
they believe that God is their

“Live The Power”

Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness 181

Loving Father who watches over them, cares for them, guides them, sustains
and strengthens them, this concept and belief about God or the Life-
Principle will be accepted by their sub-conscious mind, and they will find
themselves blessed in count-less ways.

• Life always forgives you

Life forgives you when you cut your finger. The subcon-scious
intelligence within you sets about immediately to repair it. New cells build
bridges over the cut. Should you take some tainted food by error, Life
forgives you and causes you to regurgitate it in order to preserve you. If you
burn your hand, the Life-Principle reduces the edema and congestion, and
gives you new skin, tissue, and cells. Life holds no grudges against you, and
it is always forgiving you. Life brings you back to health, vitality, harmony,
and peace, if you co-operate by think-ing in harmony with nature. Negative,
hurtful memories, bitter-ness, and ill will clutter up and impede the free flow
of the Life-Principle in you.

• How he banished that feeling of guilt

I knew a man who worked every night until about one o’clock in the
morning. He paid no attention to his two boys or his wife. He was always
too busy working hard. He thought people should pat him on the back
because he was working so arduously and persistently past midnight every
night. He had a blood pressure of over two hundred and was full of guilt.
Un-consciously, he proceeded to punish himself by hard work and he
completely ignored his children. A normal man does not do that. He is
interested in his boys and in their development. He does not shut his wife out
of his world.
I explained to him why he was working so arduously, “There is
something eating you inside, otherwise, you would not act this way. You are
punishing yourself, and you have to learn to forgive yourself.” He did have a
deep sense of guilt. It was toward a brother.
I explained to him that God was not punishing him, but

182 Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness

“Live The Power”

that he was punishing himself. For example, if you misuse the laws of life,
you will suffer accordingly. If you put your hand on a naked charged wire,
you will get burned. The forces of nature are not evil; it is your use of them
that determines whether they have a good or evil effect. Electricity is not
evil; it depends on how you use it, whether to burn down a structure or light
up a home. The only sin is ignorance of the law, and the only pun-ishment is
the automatic reaction of man’s misuse of the law.
If you misuse the principle of chemistry, you may blow up the office or
the factory. If you strike your hand on a board, you may cause your hand to
bleed. The board is not for that purpose. Its purpose may be to lean upon or
to support your feet.
This man realized that God does not condemn or punish anyone, and
that all his suffering was due to the reaction of his subconscious mind to his
own negative and destructive think-ing. He had cheated his brother at one
time, and the brother had now passed on. Still, he was full of remorse and
I asked him, “Would you cheat your brother now?”
He said, “No.”
“Did you feel you were justified at the time?”
His reply was, “Yes.”
“But, you would not do it now?”
He added, “No, I am helping others to know how to live.”
I added the following comment, “You have a greater reason and
understanding now. Forgiveness is to forgive your-self. Forgiveness is
getting your thoughts in line with the divine law of harmony. Self-
condemnation is called hell (bondage and restriction); forgiveness is called
heaven (harmony and peace).”
The burden of guilt and self-condemnation was lifted from his mind, and
he had a complete healing. The doctor tested his blood pressure, and it had
become normal. The explanation was the cure.

Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness 183

• A murderer learned to forgive himself

A man who murdered his brother in Europe visited me many years ago.
He was suffering from great mental anguish and torture believing that God

“Live The Power”

must punish him. He explained that his brother had been having an affair
with his wife, and that he had shot him on the spur of the moment. This had
hap-pened about fifteen years previous to his interview with me. In the
meantime, this man had married an American girl and had been blessed with
three lovely children. He was in a posi-tion where he helped many people,
and he was a transformed man.
My explanation to him was that physically and psycho-logically he was
not the same man who shot his brother, since scientists inform us that every
cell of our bodies changes every eleven months. Moreover, mentally and
spiritually he was a new man. He was now full of love and good will for
humanity. The “old” man who committed the crime fifteen years before was
mentally and spiritually dead. Actually, he was condemning an innocent
This explanation had a profound effect upon him, and he said it was as if
a great weight had been lifted from his mind. He realized the significance of
the following truth in the Bible: Come now, let us reason together, saith the
Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though
they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. ISAIAH 1:18.

• Criticism cannot hurt you without your consent

A schoolteacher told me that one of her associates criticized a speech
she had given, saying to her that she spoke too fast, she swallowed some of
her words, she couldn’t be heard, her diction was poor, and her speech
ineffective. This teacher was furious and full of resentment toward her critic.
She admitted to me that the criticisms were just. Her first reaction was
really childish, and she agreed that the letter was really a blessing and a
marvelous corrective. She proceeded immediately to supplement her
deficiencies in her speech by

184 Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness

enrolling in a course in public speaking at City College. She wrote and
thanked the writer of the note for her interest, ex-pressing appreciation for
her conclusions and findings, which enabled the teacher to correct the matter
at once.

• How to be compassionate

“Live The Power”

Suppose none of the things mentioned in the letter had been true of the
teacher. The latter would have realized that her class material had upset the
prejudices, superstitions, or narrow sectarian beliefs of the writer of the note,
and that a psychologically ill person was simply pouring forth her resent-
ment because a psychological boil had been hurt.
To understand this fact is to be compassionate. The next logical step
would be to pray for the other person’s peace, har-mony, and understanding.
You cannot be hurt when you know that you are master of your thoughts,
reactions, and emotions. Emotions follow thoughts, and you have the power
to reject all thoughts, which may disturb or upset you.

• Left at the altar

Some years ago I visited a church to perform a marriage ceremony. The
young man did not appear, and at the end of two hours, the bride-to-be shed a
few tears, and then said to me, “I prayed for divine guidance. This might be
the answer for He never faileth.”
That was her reaction—faith in God and all things good. She had no
bitterness in her heart because as she said, “It must not have been right
action because my prayer was for right action for both of us.” Someone else
having a similar experience would have gone into a tantrum, have had an
emotional fit, re-quired sedation, and perhaps needed hospitalization.
Tune in with the infinite intelligence within your subcon-scious depths,
trusting the answer in the same way that you trusted your mother when she
held you in her arms. This is how you can acquire poise and mental and
emotional health.

Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness 185

It is wrong to marry. Sex is evil and I am evil

Some time ago, I talked to a young lady aged twenty-two. She was
taught that it was a sin to dance, to play cards, to swim, and to go out with
men. She was threatened by her mother who told her she would burn
eternally in hell-fire if she disobeyed her will and her religious teachings.
This girl wore a black dress and black stockings. She wore no rouge,
lipstick, or any form of make-up because her mother said that these things

“Live The Power”

were sinful. Her mother told her that all men were evil, and that sex was of
the devil and simply diabolic debauchery.
This girl had to learn how to forgive herself, as she was full of guilt. To
forgive means to give for. She had to give up all these false beliefs for the
truths of life and a new estimate of herself. When she went out with young
men in the office where she worked, she had a deep sense of guilt and
thought that God would punish her. Several eligible young men proposed to
her, but she said to me, “It is wrong to marry. Sex is evil and I am evil.” This
was her conscience or early conditioning speaking.
She came to me once weekly for about ten weeks, and I taught her the
workings of the conscious and subconscious mind as set forth in this book.
This young girl gradually came to see that she had been completely
brainwashed, mesmerized, and conditioned by an ignorant, superstitious,
bigoted, and frus-trated mother. She broke away completely from her family
and started to live a wonderful life.
At my suggestion she dressed up and had her hair at-tended to. She took
lessons in dancing from a man, and she also took driving lessons. She
learned to swim, play cards, and had a number of dates. She began to love
He. She prayed for a divine companion by claiming that Infinite Spirit would
at-tract to her a man who harmonized with her thoroughly. Eventu-ally this
came to pass. As she left my office one evening, there was a man waiting to
see me and I casually introduced them. They are now married and harmonize
with each other perfectly.

186 Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness

• Forgiveness is necessary for healing

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any . . .
MARK 11:25.
Forgiveness of others is essential to mental peace and radiant health.
You must forgive everyone who has ever hurt you if you want perfect health
and happiness. Forgive your-self by getting your thoughts in harmony with
divine law and order. You cannot really forgive yourself completely until
you have forgiven others first. To refuse to forgive yourself is nothing more
or less than spiritual pride or ignorance.

“Live The Power”

In the psychosomatic field of medicine today, it is being constantly

stressed that resentment, condemnation of others, re-morse, and hostility are
behind a host of maladies ranging from arthritis to cardiac disease. They
point out that these sick people, who were hurt, mistreated, deceived, or
injured, were full of resentment and hatred for those who hurt them. This
caused inflamed and festering wounds in their subconscious minds. There is
only one remedy. They have to cut out and discard their hurts, and the one
and only sure way is by forgiveness.

• Forgiveness is love in action

The essential ingredient in the art of forgiveness is the willingness to
forgive. If you sincerely desire to forgive the other, you are fifty-one percent
over the hurdle. I feel sure you know that to forgive the other does not
necessarily mean that you like him or want to associate with him. You
cannot be compelled to like someone, neither can a government legislate
good will, love, peace, or tolerance. It is quite impossible to like people
because someone in Washington issues an edict to that effect. We can,
however, love people without liking them.
The Bible says, Love ye one another. This, anyone can do who really
wants to do it. Love means that you wish for the other health, happiness,
peace, joy, and all the blessings of life. There is only one prerequisite, and
that is sincerity. You are not being magnanimous when you forgive, you are
really being selfish, because what you wish for the other, you are actually
wishing for

Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness 187

yourself. The reason is that you are thinking it and you are feeling it. As you
think and feel, so are you. Could anything be simpler than that?

Technique of forgiveness
The following is a simple method, which works wonders in your life as
you practice it: Quiet your mind, relax, and let go. Think of God and His
love for you, and then affirm, “I fully and freely forgive (mention the name
of the offender); I release him mentally and spiritually. I completely forgive
everything connected with the matter in question. I am free, and he/she is
free. It is a marvelous feeling. It is my day of general amnesty. I release

“Live The Power”

anybody and everybody who has ever hurt me, and I wish for each and
everyone health, happiness, peace, and all the blessings of life. I do this
freely, joyously, and lovingly, and whenever I think of the person or persons
who hurt me, I say, ‘I have released you, and all the blessings of life are
yours.’ I am free and you are free. It is wonderful!”
The great secret of true forgiveness is that once you have forgiven the
person, it is unnecessary to repeat the prayer. Whenever the person comes to
your mind, or the particular hurt happens to enter your mind, wish the
delinquent well, and say, “Peace be to you.” Do this as often as the thought
enters your mind. You will find that after a few days the thought of the
person or experience will return less and less often, until it fades into

The acid test for forgiveness

There is an acid test for gold. There is also an acid test for forgiveness.
If I should tell you something wonderful about someone who has wronged
you, cheated you, or defrauded you, and you sizzled at hearing the good
news about this person, the roots of hatred would still be in your
subconscious mind, playing havoc with you.
Let us suppose you had a painful abscess on your jaw a year ago, and
you told me about it. I would casually ask you if you had any pain now. You
would automatically say, “Of

188 Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness

course not, I have a memory of it but no pain.” That is the whole story. You
may have a memory of the incident but no sting or hurt any more. This is the
acid test, and you must meet it psychologically and spiritually, otherwise,
you are simply deceiving yourself and not practicing the true art of

To understand all is to forgive all

When man understands the creative law of his own mind, he ceases to
blame other people and conditions for making or marring his life. He knows
that his own thoughts and feelings create his destiny. Furthermore, he is
aware that externals are not the causes and conditioners of his life and his
experiences. To think that others can mar your happiness that you are the

“Live The Power”

football of a cruel fate that you must oppose and fight others for a living—
all these and others like them are untenable when you understand that
thoughts are things. The Bible says the same thing. For as a man thinketh in
his heart, so is he. PROV-ERBS 23:7.

Summary of your aids to forgiveness

1. God, or Life, is no respecter of persons. Life plays no favorites. Life,
or God, seems to favor you when you align yourself with the principle of
harmony, health, joy, and peace.
2. God, or Life, never sends disease, sickness, accident, or suffer-ing.
We bring these things on ourselves by our own nega-tive destructive
thinking based upon the law as we sow, so shall we reap.
3. Your concept of God is the most important thing in your life. If you
really believe in a God of love, your subcon-scious mind will respond in
countless blessings to you. Be-lieve in a God of love.
4. Life, or God, holds no grudge against you. Life never condemns you.
Life heals a severe cut on your hand. Life forgives you if you burn your
finger. It reduces the edema and restores the part to wholeness and
5. Your guilt complex is a false concept of God and Life.

Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness 189

God, or Life, does not punish or judge you. You do this to yourself by
your false beliefs, negative thinking, and self-condemnation.
6. God, or Life, does not condemn or punish you. The forces of nature
are not evil. The effect of their use depends on how you use the power
within you. You can use electricity to kill someone or to light the house.
You can use water to drown a child, or quench his thirst. Good and evil
come right back to the thought and purpose in man’s own mind.
7. God, or Life, never punishes. Man punishes himself by his false
concepts of God, Life, and the Universe. His thoughts are creative, and
he creates his own misery.
8. If another criticizes you, and these faults are within you, rejoice, give
thanks, and appreciate the comments. This gives you the opportunity to
correct the particular fault.
9. You cannot be hurt by criticism when you know that you are master of
your thoughts, reactions, and emotions. This gives you the opportunity to
pray and bless the other, thereby blessing yourself.

“Live The Power”

10. When you pray for guidance and right action, take what comes.
Realize it is good and very good. Then there is no cause for self-pity,
criticism, or hatred.
11. There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. There is no
evil in sex, the desire for food, wealth, or true expression. It depends on
how you use these urges, desires, or aspirations. Your desire for food can
be met without killing someone for a loaf of bread.
12. Resentment, hatred, ill will, and hostility are behind a host of
maladies. Forgive yourself and everybody else by pour-ing out love, life,
joy, and good will to all those who have hurt you. Continue until such
time as you meet them in your mind and you are at peace with them.
13. To forgive is to give something for. Give love, peace, joy, wisdom,
and all the blessings of life to the other, until there is no sting left in your
mind. This is really the acid test of forgiveness.
14. Let us suppose you had an abscess in your jaw about a year

190 Use Your Subconscious for Forgiveness

ago. It was very painful. Ask yourself if it is painful now. The answer is
in the negative. Likewise, if someone has hurt you, lied about and
vilified you, and said all manner of evil about you, is your thought of that
person negative? Do you sizzle when he or she comes into your mind? If
so, the roots of hatred are still there, playing havoc with you and your
good. The only way is to wither them with love by wishing for the
person all the blessings of life, until you can meet the person in your
mind, and you can sincerely react with a benediction of peace and good
will. This is the meaning of forgive until seventy times seven.

How Your Subconscious Removes Mental

“Live The Power”

The solution lies within the problem. The answer is in every question. If
you are presented with a difficult situation and you cannot see your way
clear, the best procedure is to assume that infinite intelligence within your
subconscious mind knows all and sees all, has the answer, and is revealing it
to you now. Your new mental attitude that the creative intelligence is bring-
ing about a happy solution will enable you to find the answer. Rest assured
that such an attitude of mind would bring order, peace, and meaning to all
your undertakings.
• How to break or build a habit
You are a creature of habit. Habit is the function of your subconscious
mind. You learned to swim, ride a bicycle, dance, and drive a car by
consciously doing these things over and over again until they established
tracks in your subconscious mind. Then, the automatic habit action of your
subconscious mind took over. This is sometimes called second nature, which
is a reaction of your subconscious mind to your thinking and acting.
You are free to choose a good habit or a bad habit. If you repeat a
negative thought or act over a period of time, you will be under the
compulsion of a habit. The law of your sub-conscious is compulsion.

• How he broke a bad habit

Mr. Jones said to me, “An uncontrollable urge to drink seizes me, and I
remain drunk for two weeks at a time. I can’t give up this terrible habit.”

192 Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks

Time and time again these experiences had occurred to this unfortunate
man. He had grown into the habit of drinking to excess. Although he had
started drinking of his own initiative, he also began to realize that he could
change the habit and establish a new one. He said that while through his will
power he was able to suppress his desires temporarily, his continued efforts
to suppress the many urges only made matters worse. His repeated failures
convinced him that he was hopeless and powerless to control his urge or
obsession. This idea of being powerless operated as a powerful suggestion to
his subconscious mind and aggravated his weakness, making his life a
succession of failures.
I taught him to harmonize the functions of the conscious and
subconscious mind. When these two cooperate, the idea or desire implanted
in the subconscious mind is realized. His reason-ing mind agreed that if the

“Live The Power”

old habit path or track had carried him into trouble, he could consciously
form a new path to freedom, sobriety, and peace of mind. He knew that his
de-structive habit was automatic, but since it was acquired through his
conscious choice, he realized that if he had been conditioned negatively, he
also could be conditioned positively. As a result, he ceased thinking of the
fact that he was powerless to overcome the habit. Moreover, he understood
clearly that there was no obstacle to his healing other than his own thought.
Therefore, there was no occasion for great mental effort or mental coercion.
The power of his mental picture
This man acquired a practice of relaxing his body and getting into a
relaxed, drowsy, meditative state. Then he filled his mind with the picture of
the desired end, knowing his sub-conscious mind could bring it about the
easiest way. He imagined his daughter congratulating him on his freedom,
and saying to him, “Daddy, it’s wonderful to have you home!” He had lost
his family through drink. He was not allowed to visit them, and his wife
would not speak to him.
Regularly, systematically, he used to sit down and meditate in the way
outlined. When his attention wandered, he made

Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks 193

it a habit to immediately recall the mental picture of his daughter with her
smile and the scene of his home enlivened by her cheerful voice. All this
brought about a reconditioning of his mind. It was a gradual process. He
kept it up. He persevered knowing that sooner or later he would establish a
new habit pattern in his subconscious mind.
I told him that he could liken his conscious mind to a camera, that his
subconscious mind was the sensitive plate on which he registered and
impressed the picture. This made a pro-found impression on him, and his
whole aim was to firmly impress the picture on his mind and develop it
there. Films are developed in the dark; likewise, mental pictures are
developed in the darkroom of the subconscious mind.

• Focused attention
Realizing that his conscious mind was simply a camera, he used no
effort. There was no mental struggle. He quietly ad-justed his thoughts and
focused his attention on the scene before him until he gradually became
identified with the picture. He became absorbed in the mental atmosphere,
repeating the mental movie frequently. There was no room for doubt that a

“Live The Power”

healing would follow. When there was any temptation to drink, he would
switch his imagination from any reveries of drinking bouts to the feeling of
being at home with his family. He was successful because he confidently
expected to experience the picture he was developing in his mind. Today he
is president of a multimillion-dollar concern and is radiantly happy.

He said a jinx was following him

Mr. Block said that he had been making an annual income of $20,000,
but for the past three months all doors seemed to jam tightly. He brought
clients up to the point where they were about to sign on the dotted line, and
then at the eleventh hour the door closed. He added that perhaps a jinx was
following him.
In discussing the matter with Mr. Block, I discovered that three months
previously he had become very irritated, annoyed,

194 Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks

and resentful toward a dentist who, after he had promised to sign a contract,
had withdrawn at the last moment. He began to live in the unconscious fear
that other clients would do the same, thereby setting up a history of
frustration, hostility, and obstacles. He gradually built up in his mind a belief
in obstruc-tion and last minute cancellations until a vicious circle had been
established. What I fear most has come upon me. Mr. Block realized that the
trouble was in his mind, and that it was essential to change his mental
His run of so-called misfortune was broken in the follow-ing way: “I
realize I am one with the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind
which knows no obstacle, difficulty, or delay. I live in the joyous expectancy
of the best. My deeper mind responds to my thoughts. I know that the work
of the infinite power of my subconscious cannot be hindered. Infinite
intelligence always finishes successfully whatever it begins. Creative
wisdom works through me bringing all my plans and purposes to
completion. Whatever I start, I bring to a success-ful conclusion. My aim in
life is to give wonderful service, and all those whom I contact are blessed by
what I have to offer. All my work comes to full fruition in divine order.”
He repeated this prayer every morning before going to call on his
customers, and he also prayed each night prior to sleep. In a short time he
had established a new habit pattern in his subconscious mind, and he was
back in his old accustomed stride as a successful salesman.

“Live The Power”

• How much do you want what you want?

A young man asked Socrates how he could get wisdom. Socrates
replied, “Come with me.” He took the lad to a river, pushed the boy’s head
under the water, held it there until the boy was gasping for air, then relaxed
and released his head. When the boy regained his composure, he asked him,
“What did you desire most when you were under water?”
“I wanted air,” said the boy.
Socrates said to him, “When you want wisdom as much as

Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks 195

you wanted air when you were immersed in the water, you will receive it.”
Likewise, when you really have an intense desire to over-come any
block in your life, and you come to a clear-cut de-cision that there is a
way out, and that is the course you wish to follow, then victory and
triumph are
If you really want peace of mind and inner calm, you will get it.
Regardless of how unjustly you have been treated, or how unfair the boss
has been, or what a mean scoundrel some-one has proved to be, all this
makes no difference to you when you awaken to your mental and spiritual
powers. You know what you want, and you will definitely refuse to let the
thieves (thoughts) of hatred, anger, hostility, and ill will rob you of peace,
harmony, health, and happiness. You cease to become upset by people,
conditions, news, and events by identifying your thoughts immediately with
your aim in life. Your aim is peace, health, inspiration, harmony, and
abundance. Feel a river of peace flowing through you now. Your thought is
the immaterial and invisible power, and you choose to let it bless, inspire,
and give you peace.
• Why he could not be healed
This is a case history of a married man with four children who was
supporting and secretly living with another woman during his business trips.
He was ill, nervous, irritable, and cantankerous, and he could not sleep
without drugs. The doctor’s medicine failed to bring down his high blood
pressure of over two hundred. He had pains in numerous organs of his body,
which doctors could not diagnose or relieve. To make matters worse, he was
drinking heavily.
The cause of all this was a deep unconscious sense of guilt. He had
violated the marriage vows, and this troubled him. The religious creed he

“Live The Power”

was brought up on was deeply lodged in his subconscious mind, and he

drank excessively to heal the wound of guilt. Some invalids take morphine
and codeine for severe pains; he was taking alcohol for the pain or wound in
his mind. It was the old story of adding fuel to the fire.

196 Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks

• The explanation and the cure

He listened to the explanation of how his mind worked. He faced his
problem, looked at it, and gave up his dual role. He knew that his drinking
was an unconscious attempt to escape. The hidden cause lodged in his
subconscious mind had to be eradicated; then the healing would follow.
He began to impress his subconscious mind three or four times a day by
using the following prayer: “My mind is full of peace, poise, balance, and
equilibrium. The infinite lies stretched in smiling repose within me. I am not
afraid of anything in the past, the present, or the future. The infinite
intelligence of my subconscious mind leads, guides, and directs me in all
ways. I now meet every situation with faith, poise, calmness, and con-
fidence. I am now completely free from the habit. My mind is full of inner
peace, freedom, and joy. I forgive myself; then I am forgiven. Peace,
sobriety, and confidence reign supreme in my mind.”
He repeated this prayer frequently as outlined; being fully aware of what
he was doing and why he was doing it. Knowing what he was doing gave
him the necessary faith and confidence. I explained to him that as he spoke
these statements out loud, slowly, lovingly, and meaningfully, they would
gradually sink down into his subconscious mind. Like seeds, they would
grow after their kind. These truths, on which he concentrated, went in
through his eyes, his ears heard the sound, and the healing vibrations of
these words reached his subconscious mind and obliterated all the negative
mental patterns which caused all the trouble. Light dispels darkness. The
constructive thought de-stroys the negative thought. He became a
transformed man within a month.

• Refusing to admit it
If you are an alcoholic or drug addict, admit it. Do not dodge the issue.
Many people remain alcoholics because they refuse to admit it.
Your disease is instability, an inner fear. You are

“Live The Power”

Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks 197

refusing to face life, and so you try to escape your responsi-bilities through
the bottle. As an alcoholic you have no free will, although you think you
have, and you may even boast about your will power. If you are a habitual
drunkard and say bravely, “I will not touch it any more,” you have no power
to make this assertion come true, because you do not know where to locate
the power.
You are living in a psychological prison of your own making, and you
are bound by your beliefs, opinions, training, and environmental influences.
Like most people, you are a creature of habit. You are conditioned to react
the way you do.

• Building in the idea of freedom

You can build the idea of freedom and peace of mind into your
mentality so that it reaches your subconscious depths. The latter, being all-
powerful, will free you from all desire for alcohol. Then, you will have the
new understanding of how your mind works, and you can truly back up your
statement and prove the truth to yourself.

• Fifty-one percent healed

If you have a keen desire to free yourself from any de-structive habit,
you are fifty-one percent healed already. When you have a greater desire to
give up the bad habit than to con-tinue it, you will not experience too much
difficulty in gaining complete freedom.
Whatever thought you anchor the mind upon, the latter magnifies. If you
engage the mind on the concept of freedom (freedom from the habit) and
peace of mind, and if you keep it focused on this new direction of attention,
you generate feelings and emotions, which gradually emotionalize the con-
cept of freedom and peace. Whatever idea you emotionalize is accepted by
your subconscious and brought to pass.

198 Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks

• The law of substitution

Realize that something good can come out of your suffer-ing. You have
not suffered in vain. However, it is foolish to continue to suffer.
If you continue as an alcoholic, it will bring about mental and physical
deterioration and decay. Realize that the power in your subconscious is

“Live The Power”

backing you up. Even though you may be seized with melancholia, you
should begin to imagine the joy of freedom that is in store for you. This is
the law of substi-tution. Your imagination took you to the bottle; let it take
you now to freedom and peace of mind. You will suffer a little bit, but it is
for a constructive purpose. You will bear it like a mother in the pangs of
childbirth, and you will, likewise, bring forth a child of the mind. Your
subconscious will give birth to sobriety.

• Cause of alcoholism
The real cause of alcoholism is negative and destructive thinking; for as a
man thinketh, so is he. The alcoholic has a deep sense of inferiority,
inadequacy, defeat, and frustration, usually accompanied by a deep inner
hostility. He has countless alibis as to his reason for drinking, but the sole
reason is in his thought life.

• Three magic steps

The first step: Get still; quiet the wheels of the mind. Enter into a sleepy,
drowsy state. In this relaxed, peaceful, receptive state, you are preparing for
the second step.
The second step: Take a brief phrase, which can readily be graven on
the memory, and repeat it over and over as a lullaby. Use the phrase,
“Sobriety and peace of mind are mine now, and I give thanks.” To prevent
the mind from wandering, repeat it aloud or sketch its pronunciation with the
lips and tongue as you say it mentally. This helps its entry into the sub-
conscious mind. Do this for five minutes or more. You will find a deep
emotional response.

Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks 199

The third step: Just before going to sleep, practice what Johann von
Goethe, German author, used to do. Imagine a friend, a loved one in front of
you. Your eyes are closed, you are relaxed and at peace. The loved one or
friend is subjectively present, and is saying to you, “Congratulations!” You
see the smile; you hear the voice. You mentally touch the hand; it is all real
and vivid. The word congratulations imply complete freedom. Hear it over
and over again until you get the sub-conscious reaction, which satisfies.

• Keep on keeping on

“Live The Power”

When fear knocks at the door of your mind, or when worry, anxiety, and
doubt cross your mind, behold your vision, your goal. Think of the infinite
power within your subconscious mind, which you can generate by your
thinking and imagining, and this will give you confidence, power, and
courage. Keep on, persevere, until the day breaks, and the shadows flee

• Review your thought power

1. The solution lies within the problem. The answer is in every question.
Infinite intelligence responds to you as you call upon it with faith and
2. Habit is the function of your subconscious mind. There is no greater
evidence of the marvelous power of your sub-conscious than the force
and sway habit holds in your life. You are a creature of habit.
3. You form habit patterns in your subconscious mind by repeating a
thought and act over and over again until it establishes tracks in the
subconscious mind and becomes automatic, such as swimming, dancing,
typing, walking, driving your car, etc.
4. You have freedom to choose. You can choose a good habit or a bad
habit. Prayer is a good habit.
5. Whatever mental picture, backed by faith, you behold in your
conscious mind, and your subconscious mind will bring to pass.

200 Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks

6. The only obstacle to your success and achievement is your own
thought or mental image.
7. When your attention wanders, bring it back to the con-templation of
your good or goal. Make a habit of this. This is called disciplining the
8. Your conscious mind is the camera, and your subconscious mind is
the sensitive plate on which you register or impress the picture.
9. The only jinx that follows anyone is a fear thought re-peated over and
over in the mind. Break the jinx by know-ing that whatever you start you
will bring to a conclusion in divine order. Picture the happy ending and
sustain it with confidence.
10. To form a new habit, you must be convinced that it is desirable.
When your desire to give up the bad habit is greater than your desire to
continue, you are fifty-one per-cent healed already.

“Live The Power”

11. The statements of others cannot hurt you except through your own
thoughts and mental participation. Identify your-self with your aim,
which is peace, harmony, and joy. You are the only thinker in your
12. Excessive drinking is an unconscious desire to escape. The cause of
alcoholism is negative and destructive thinking. The cure is to think of
freedom, sobriety, and perfection, and to feel the thrill of
13. Many people remain alcoholics because they refuse to admit it.
14. The law of your subconscious mind, which held you in bondage and
inhibited your freedom of action, will give you freedom and happiness. It
depends on how you use it.
15. Your imagination took you to the bottle; let it take you to freedom by
imagining you are free.
16. The real cause of alcoholism is negative and destructive thinking. As
a man thinketh in his heart [subconscious mind], so is he.
17. When fear knocks at the door of your mind, let faith in God and all
things good open the door.

How to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Remove Fear

One of our students told me that he was invited to speak at a banquet.

He said he was panic-stricken at the thought of speaking before a thousand
people. He overcame his fear this way: For several nights he sat down in an
armchair for about five minutes and said to himself slowly, quietly, and
positively, “I am going to master this fear. I am overcoming it now. I speak
with poise and confidence. I am relaxed and at ease.” He operated a definite
law of mind and overcame his fear.
The subconscious mind is amenable to suggestion and is controlled by
suggestion. When you still your mind and relax, the thoughts of your
conscious mind sink down into the sub-conscious through a process similar
to osmosis, whereby fluids separated by a porous membrane intermingle. As

“Live The Power”

these positive seeds, or thoughts, sink into the subconscious area, they grow
after their kind, and you become poised, serene, and calm.
Man s greatest enemy
It is said that fear is man’s greatest enemy. Fear is behind failure,
sickness, and poor human relations. Millions of people are afraid of the past,
the future, old age, insanity, and death. Fear is a thought in your mind, and
you are afraid of your own thoughts.
A little boy can be paralyzed with fear when he is told there is a
boogieman under his bed that is going to take him away. When his father
turns on the light and shows him there is no boogieman, he is freed from
fear. The fear in the mind of the

202 Use Your Mind to Remove Fear

boy was as real as if there really was a boogie man there. He was healed of a
false thought in his mind. The thing he feared did not exist. Likewise, most
of your fears have no reality. They are merely a conglomeration of sinister
shadows and shadows have no reality.

• Do the thing you fear

Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher and poet, said, “Do the thing you
are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain.”
There was a time when the writer of this chapter was filled with
unutterable fear when standing before an audience. The way I overcame it
was to stand before the audience, do the thing I was afraid to do, and the
death of fear was certain.
When you affirm positively that you are going to master your fears, and
you come to a definite decision in your conscious mind, you release the
power of the subconscious, which flows in response to the nature of your

Banishing stage fright

A young lady was invited to an audition. She had been looking forward
to the interview. However, on three previous occasions, she had failed
miserably due to stage fright.

“Live The Power”

She possessed a very good voice, but she was certain that when the time
came for her to sing, she would be seized with stage fright. The
subconscious mind takes your fears as a re-quest, proceeds to manifest them,
and brings them into your experience. On three previous auditions she sang
wrong notes, and she finally broke down and cried. The cause, as previously
outlined, was an involuntary autosuggestion, i.e., a silent fear thought
emotionalized and subjectified.
She overcame it by the following technique: Three times a day she
isolated herself in a room. She sat down comfortably in an armchair, relaxed
her body, and closed her eyes. She stilled her mind and body to the best of
her ability. Physical inertia favors passivity and renders the mind more
receptive to sug-gestion. She counteracted the fear suggestion by its

Use Your Mind to Remove Fear 203

saying to herself, “I sing beautifully. I am poised, serene, con-fident, and
She repeated the words slowly, quietly, and with feeling from five to ten
times at each sitting. She had three such “sittings” every day and one
immediately prior to sleep at night. At the end of a week she was completely
poised and confident, and gave a definitely outstanding audition. Carry out
the above procedure, and the death of fear is certain.

• Fear of failure
Occasionally young men from the local university come to see me, as
well as schoolteachers, who often seem to suffer from suggestive amnesia at
examinations. The complaint is always the same: “I know the answers after
the examination is over, but I can’t remember the answers during the
The idea, which realizes itself, is the one to which we in-variably give
concentrated attention. I find that each one is obsessed with the idea of
failure. Fear is behind the temporary amnesia, and it is the cause of the
whole experience.
One young medical student was the most brilliant person in his class, yet
he found himself failing to answer simple ques-tions at the time of written or
oral examinations. I explained to him that the reason was he had been

“Live The Power”

worrying and was fear-ful for several days previous to the examination.
These negative thoughts became charged with fear.
Thoughts enveloped in the powerful emotion of fear are realized in the
subconscious mind. In other words, this young man was requesting his
subconscious mind to see to it that he failed, and that is exactly what it did.
On the day of the examina-tion he found himself stricken with what is
called, in psycho-logical circles, suggestive amnesia.
• How he overcame the fear
He learned that his subconscious mind was the storehouse of memory,
and that it had a perfect record of all he had heard and read during his
medical training. Moreover, he learned that the subconscious mind was
responsive and reciprocal. The

204 Use Your Mind to Remove Fear

way to be en rapport with it was to be relaxed, peaceful, and confident. Every
night and morning he began to imagine his mother congratulating
him on his wonderful record. He would hold an imaginary letter from her in
his hand. As he began to contem-plate the happy result, he called forth a
corresponding or re-ciprocal response or reaction in himself. The all-wise
and omnipotent power of the subconscious took over, dictated, and directed
his conscious mind accordingly. He imagined the end, thereby willing the
means to the realization of the end. Follow-ing this procedure, he had no
trouble passing subsequent exami-nations. In other words, the subjective
wisdom took over, compelling him to give an excellent account of himself.

• Fear of water, mountains, closed places, etc.

There are many people who are afraid to go into an ele-vator, climb
mountains, or even swim in the water. It may well be that the individual had
unpleasant experiences in the water in his youth, such as having been thrown
forcibly into the water without being able to swim. He might have been
forcibly detained in an elevator, which failed to function properly, causing
resultant fear of closed places.
I had an experience when I was about ten years of age. I accidentally fell
into a pool and went down three times. I can still remember the dark water
engulfing my head, and my gasping for air until another boy pulled me out at

“Live The Power”

the last moment. This experience sank into my subconscious mind, and for
years I feared the water.
An elderly psychologist said to me, “Go down to the swimming pool,
look at the water, and say out loud in strong tones, ‘I am going to master
you. I can dominate you.’ Then go into the water, take lessons, and
overcome it.” This I did, and I mastered the water. Do not permit water to
master you. Remember, you are the master of the water.
When I assumed a new attitude of mind, the omnipotent power of the
subconscious responded, giving me strength, faith, and confidence, and
enabling me to overcome my fear.

Use Your Mind to Remove Fear 205

Master technique for overcoming any particular fear

The following is a process and technique for overcoming fear, which I
teach from the platform. It works like a charm. Try it!
Suppose you are afraid of the water, a mountain, an inter-view, an
audition, or you fear closed places. If you are afraid of swimming, begin
now to sit still for five or ten minutes three or four times a day, and imagine
you are swimming. Actually, you are swimming in your mind. It is a
subjective experience. Mentally you have projected yourself into the water.
You feel the chill of the water and the movement of your arms and legs. It is
all real, vivid, and a joyous activity of the mind. It is not idle daydreaming,
for you know that what you are experiencing in your imagination will be
developed in your subconscious mind. Then you will be compelled to
express the image and likeness of the picture you impressed on your deeper
mind. This is the law of the subconscious.
You could apply the same technique if you are afraid of mountains or
high places. Imagine you are climbing the moun-tain, feel the reality of it all,
enjoy the scenery, knowing that as you continue to do this mentally, you will
do it physically with ease and comfort.

He blessed the elevator

I knew an executive of a large corporation who was terri-fied to ride in
an elevator. He would walk up five flights of stairs to his office every
morning. He said that he began to bless the elevator every night and several

“Live The Power”

times a day. He finally overcame his fear. This was how he blessed the
elevator: “The elevator in our building is a wonderful idea. It came out of the
universal mind. It is a boon and a blessing to all our employees. It gives
wonderful service. It operates in divine order. I ride in it in peace and joy. I
remain silent now while the currents of life, love, and understanding flow
through the patterns of my thought. In my imagination I am now in the
elevator, and I step out into my office. The elevator is full of our employees. I
talk to them,

206 Use Your Mind to Remove Fear

and they are friendly, joyous, and free. It is a wonderful ex-perience of
freedom, faith, and confidence. I give thanks.”
He continued this prayer for about ten days, and on the eleventh day, he
walked into the elevator with other members of the organization and felt
completely free.

• Normal and abnormal fear

Man is born only with two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of noise.
These are an alarm system given you by nature as a means of self-
preservation. Normal fear is good. You hear an automobile coming down the
road, and you step aside to survive. The momentary fear of being run over is
overcome by your action. All other fears were given to you by parents,
relatives, teachers, and all those who influenced your early years.

• Abnormal fear
Abnormal fear takes place when man lets his imagination run riot. I
knew a woman who was invited to go on a trip around the world by plane.
She began to cut out of the newspapers all reports of airplane catastrophes.
She pictured herself going down in the ocean, being drowned, etc. This is
abnormal fear. Had she persisted in this, she would undoubtedly have
attracted what she feared most.
Another example of abnormal fear is that of a business-man in New
York, who was very prosperous and successful. He had his own private
mental motion picture of which he was the director. He would run this
mental movie of failure, bank-ruptcy, empty shelves, and no bank balance
until he sank into a deep depression. He refused to stop this morbid imagery

“Live The Power”

and kept reminding his wife that “this can’t last,” “there will be a recession,”
“I feel sure we will go bankrupt,” etc.
His wife told me that he finally did go into bankruptcy, and all the things
he imagined and feared came to pass. The things he feared did not exist, but
he brought them to pass by constantly fearing, believing, and expecting
financial disaster. Job said, the thing I feared has come upon me.

Use Your Mind to Remove Fear 207

There are people who are afraid that something terrible will happen to
their children, and that some dread catastrophe will befall them. When they
read about an epidemic or rare disease, they live in fear that they will catch
it, and some imagine they have the disease already. All this is abnormal fear.

The answer to abnormal fear

Move mentally to the opposite. To stay at the extreme of fear is
stagnation plus mental and physical deterioration. When fear arises, there
immediately comes with it a desire for some-thing opposite to the thing
feared. Place your attention on the thing immediately desired. Get absorbed
and engrossed in your desire, knowing that the subjective always overturns
the ob-jective. This attitude will give you confidence and lift your spirits.
The infinite power of your subconscious mind is moving on your behalf, and
it cannot fail. Therefore, peace and assur-ance are yours.

Examine your fears

The president of a large organization told me that when he was a
salesman he used to walk around the block five or six times before he called
on a customer. The sales manager came along one day and said to him
“Don’t be afraid of the boogie man behind the door. There is no boogieman.
It is a false belief.”
The manager told him that whenever he looked at his own fears he
stared them in the face and stood up to them, looking them straight in the
eye. Then they faded and shrank into in-significance.

• He landed in the jungle

A chaplain told me of his experiences in the Second World War. He had
to parachute from a damaged plane and land in the jungle. He said he was

“Live The Power”

frightened, but he knew there were two kinds of fear, normal and abnormal,
which we have previously pointed out.
He decided to do something about the fear immediately.

208 Use Your Mind to Remove Fear

and began to talk to himself saying, “John, you can’t surrender to your fear.
Your fear is a desire for safety and security, and a way out.”
He began to claim; “Infinite intelligence which guides the planets in
their courses is now leading and guiding me out of this jungle.”
He kept saying this out loud to himself for ten minutes or more. “Then,”
he added, “Something began to stir inside me. A mood of confidence began
to seize me, and I began to walk. After a few days, I miraculously came out
of the jungle, and was picked up by a rescue plane.”
His changed mental attitude saved him. His confidence and trust hi the
subjective wisdom and power within him was the solution to his problem.
He said, “Had I begun to bemoan my fate and indulge my fears, I would
have succumbed to the monster fear, and probably would have died of fear
and starvation.”

He dismissed himself
The general manager of an organization told me that for three years he
feared he would lose his position. He was always imagining failure. The
thing he feared did not exist, save as a morbid anxious thought in his own
mind. His vivid imagination dramatized the loss of his job until he became
nervous and neu-rotic. Finally he was asked to resign.
Actually, he dismissed himself. His constant negative im-agery and fear
suggestions to his subconscious mind caused the latter to respond and react
accordingly. It caused him to make mistakes and foolish decisions, which
resulted in his failure as a general manager. His dismissal would never have
happened,. if he had immediately moved to the opposite in his mind.

They plotted against him

During a recent world lecture tour, I had a two-hour conversation with a
prominent government official. He had a deep sense of inner peace and
serenity. He said that all the abuse he receives politically from newspapers
and the opposi-

“Live The Power”

Use Your Mind to Remove Fear 209

tion party never disturb him. His practice is to sit still for fifteen minutes in
the morning and realize that in the center of him is a deep still ocean of
peace. Meditating in this way, he generates tremendous power, which
overcomes all manner of difficulties and fears.
Some time previously, a colleague called him at midnight and told him a
group of people was plotting against him. This is what he said to his
colleague, “I am going to sleep now in perfect peace. You can discuss it with
me at 10:00 A.M. to-morrow.”
He said to me, “I know that no negative thought can ever manifest
except I emotionalize the thought and accept it men-tally. I refuse to
entertain their suggestion of fear. Therefore, no harm can come to me.”
Notice how calm he was, how cool, how peaceful! He did not start
getting excited, tearing his hair, or wringing his hands. At his center he
found the still water, an inner peace, and there was a great calm.

Deliver yourself from all your fears

Use this perfect formula for casting out fear. I sought the Lord, and He
heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. PSALM 34:4. The Lord is an
ancient word meaning law—the power of your subconscious mind.
Learn the wonders of your subconscious, and how it works and
functions. Master the techniques given to you in this chapter. Put them into
practice now, today! Your subconscious will re-spond, and you will be free
of all fears. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all
my fears.

Step this way to freedom from fear

1. Do the thing you are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain. Say
to yourself and mean it, “I am going to master this fear,” and you will.
2. Fear is a negative thought in your mind. Supplant it with a
constructive thought. Fear has killed millions. Confidence

210 Use Your Mind to Remove Fear

“Live The Power”

is greater than fear. Nothing is more powerful than faith in God and the
3. Fear is man’s greatest enemy. It is behind failure, sickness, and bad
human relations. Love casts out fear. Love is an emotional attachment to
the good things of life. Fall in love with honesty, integrity, justice, good
will, and success. Live in the joyous expectancy of the best, and
invariably the best will come to you.
4. Counteract the fear suggestions with the opposite, such as “I sing
beautifully; I am poised, serene, and calm.” It will pay fabulous
5. Fear is behind amnesia at oral and written examination time. You can
overcome this by affirming frequently, “I have a perfect memory for
everything I need to know,” or you can imagine a friend congratulating
you on your bril-liant success on the examination. Persevere and you
will win.
6. If you are afraid to cross water, swim. In your imagina-tion swim
freely, joyously. Project yourself into the water mentally. Feel the chill
and thrill of swimming across the pool. Make it vivid. As you do this
subjectively, you will be compelled to go into the water and conquer it.
This is the law of your mind.
7. If you are afraid of closed places, such as elevators, lecture halls, etc.,
mentally ride in an elevator blessing all its parts and functions. You will
be amazed how quickly the fear will be dissipated.
8. You were born with only two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of
noise. All your other fears were acquired. Get rid of them.
9. Normal fear is good. Abnormal fear is very bad and de-structive. To
constantly indulge in fear thoughts results in abnormal fear, obsessions,
and complexes. To fear some-thing persistently causes a sense of panic
and terror.
10. You can overcome abnormal fear when you know the power of your
subconscious mind can change conditions and bring to pass the cherished
desires of your heart. Give

Use Your Mind to Remove Fear 211

your immediate attention and devotion to your desire which is the
opposite of your fear. This is the love that casts out fear.
11. If you are afraid of failure, give attention to success. If you are afraid
of sickness, dwell on your perfect health. If you are afraid of an accident,

“Live The Power”

dwell on the guidance and protection of God. If you are afraid of death,
dwell on Eternal Life. God is Life, and that is your life now.
12. The great law of substitution is the answer to fear. What-ever you
fear has its solution in the form of your desire. If you are sick, you desire
health. If you are in the prison of fear, you desire freedom. Expect the
good. Mentally con-centrate on the good, and know that your
subconscious mind answers you always. It never fails.
13. The things you fear do not really exist except as thoughts in your
mind. Thoughts are creative. This is why Job said; the thing I feared has
come upon me. Think good and good follows.
14. Look at your fears; hold them up to the light of reason. Learn to
laugh at your fears. That is the best medicine.
15. Nothing can disturb you but your own thought. The sug-gestions,
statements, or threats of other persons have no power. The power is
within you, and when your thoughts are focused on that which is good,
then God’s power is with your thoughts of good. There is only one
Creative Power, and It moves as harmony. There are no divisions of
quarrels in it. Its source is Love. This is why God’s power is with your
thoughts of good.

How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

Your subconscious mind never grows old. It is timeless, ageless, and

endless. It is a part of the universal mind of God, which was never born, and
it will never die.
Fatigue or old age cannot be predicated on any spiritual quality or
power. Patience, kindness, veracity, humility, good will, peace, harmony,
and brotherly love are attributes and qualities, which never grow old. If you
continue to generate these qualities here on this plane of life, you will
always remain young in spirit.

“Live The Power”

I remember reading an article in one of our magazines some years ago,

which stated that a group of eminent medical men at the De Courcy Clinic,
in Cincinnati, Ohio, reported that years alone are not responsible for
bringing about degenerative disorders. These same physicians stated that it is
the fear of time, not time itself, that has a harmful aging effect on our minds
and bodies, and that the neurotic fear of the effects of time may well be the
cause of premature aging.
During the many years of my public life, I have had oc-casion to study
the biographies of the famous men and women who have continued their
productive activities into the years well beyond the normal span of life.
Some of them achieve their greatness in old age. At the same time, it has
been my privilege to meet and to know countless individuals of no
prominence who, in their lesser sphere, belonged to those hardy mortals who
have proved that old age of itself does not destroy the creative powers of the
mind and body.

How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever 213

• He had grown old in his thought life

A few years ago I called on an old friend in London, Eng-land. He was
over 80 years of age, very ill, and obviously was yielding to his advancing
years. Our conversation revealed his physical weakness, his sense of
frustration, and a general deterioration almost approaching lifelessness. His
cry was that he was useless and that no one wanted him. With an expression
of hopelessness he betrayed his false philosophy, “We are born, grow up,
become old, good for nothing, and that’s the end.”
This mental attitude of futility and worthlessness was the chief reason
for his sickness. He was looking forward only to senescence, and after
that—nothing. Indeed, he had grown old in his thought life, and his
subconscious mind brought about all the evidence of his habitual thinking.

• Age is the dawn of wisdom

Unfortunately, many people have the same attitude as this unhappy man.
They are afraid of what they term “old age,” the end, and extinction, which

“Live The Power”

really means that they are afraid of life. Yet, life is endless. Age is not the
flight of years, but the dawn of wisdom.
Wisdom is an awareness of the tremendous spiritual powers in your
subconscious mind and the knowledge of how to apply these powers to lead
a full and happy life. Get it out of your head once and for all that 65, 75, or
85 years of age is synonymous with the end for you or anybody else. It can
be the beginning of a glorious, fruitful, active, and most productive life
pattern, better than you have ever experienced. Believe this, expect it, and
your subconscious will bring it to pass.

• Welcome the change

Old age is not a tragic occurrence. What we call the aging process is
really change. It is to be welcomed joyfully and gladly as each phase of
human life is a step forward on the path, which has no end. Man has powers,
which transcend his bodily powers. He has senses, which transcend his five
physical senses.

214 How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

Scientists today are finding positive indisputable evidence that
something conscious in man can leave his present body and travel thousands
of miles to see, hear, touch, and speak to peo-ple even though his physical
body never leaves the couch on which it reclines.
Man’s life is spiritual and eternal. He need never grow old for Life, or
God, cannot grow old. The Bible says that God is Life. Life is self-renewing,
eternal, indestructible, and is the reality of all men.

Evidence for survival

The evidence gathered by the psychical research societies both in Great
Britain and America is overwhelming. You may go into any large
metropolitan library and get volumes on The Proceedings of the Psychical
Research Society based on findings of distinguished scientists on survival
following so-called death. You will find a startling report on scientific
experiments es-tablishing the reality of life after death in The Case for
Psychic Survival by Hereward Carrington, Directorof the American
Psychical Institute.

“Live The Power”

• Life is
A woman asked Thomas Edison, the electrical wizard, “Mr. Edison,
what is electricity?”
He replied, “Madame, electricity is. Use it.”
Electricity is a name we give an invisible power which we do not fully
comprehend, but we learn all we can about the principle of electricity and its
uses. We use it in countless ways.
The scientist cannot see an electron with his eyes, yet he accepts it as a
scientific fact, because it is the only valid con-clusion, which coincides with
his other experimental evidence. We cannot see life. However, we know we
are alive. Life is, and we are here to express it in all its beauty and glory.

• Mind and spirit do not grow old

The Bible says, and this is life eternal, that they might know thee the
only true God. JOHN 17:3.

How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever 215

The man who thinks or believes that the earthly cycle of birth,
adolescence, youth, maturity, and old age is all there is to life, is indeed to be
pitied. Such a man has no anchor, no hope, no vision, and to him life has no
This type of belief brings frustration, stagnation, cynicism, and a sense
of hopelessness resulting in neurosis and mental aber-rations of all kinds. If
you cannot play a fast game of tennis, or swim as fast as your son, or if your
body has slowed down, or you walk with a slow step, remember life is
always clothing itself anew. What men call death is but a journey to a new
city in another dimension of Life.
I say to men and women in my lectures that they should accept what we
call old age gracefully. Age has its’ own glory, beauty, and wisdom, which
belong to it. Peace, love, joy, beauty, happiness, wisdom, good will, and
understanding are qualities, which never grow old or die.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and philosopher, said, “We do not count a
man’s years until he has nothing else to count.”
Your character, the quality of your mind, your faith, and your
convictions are not subject to decay.

“Live The Power”

• You are as young as you think you are

I give public lectures in Caxton Hall, London, England, every few years,
and following one of these lectures, a surgeon said to me, “I am 84 years of
age. I operate every morning, visit patients in the afternoons, and I write for
medical and other scientific journals in the evening.”
His attitude was that he was as useful as he believed him-self to be, and
that he was as young as his thoughts. He said to me, “It’s true what you said,
‘Man is as strong as he thinks he is, and as valuable as he thinks he is.’”
This surgeon has not surrendered to advancing years. He knows that he
is immortal. His final comment to me was, “If I should pass on tomorrow, I
would be operating on people in the next dimension, not with a surgeon’s
scalpel, but with mental and spiritual surgery.”

216 How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

Your gray hairs are an asset

Don’t ever quit a job and say, “I am retired; I am old; I am finished.”
That would be stagnation, death, and you would be finished. Some men are
old at 30, while others are young at 80. The mind is the master weaver, the
architect, the designer, and the sculptor. George Bernard Shaw was active at
90, and the artistic quality of his mind had not relaxed from active duty.
I meet men and women who tell me that some employers almost slam
the door in their faces when they say they are over 40. This attitude on the
part of the employers is to be considered cold, callous, evil, and completely
void of compas-sion and understanding. The total emphasis seems to be on
youth, i.e., you must be under 35 years of age to receive con-sideration. The
reasoning behind this is certainly very shallow. If the employer would stop
and think, he would realize that the man or woman was not selling his age or
gray hair, rather, he was willing to give of his talents, his experience, and his
wis-dom gathered through years of experience in the market place of life.
Age is an asset
Your age should be a distinct asset to any organization, because of your
practice and application through the years of the principles of the Golden
Rule and the law of love and good will. Your gray hair, if you have any,

“Live The Power”

should stand for greater wisdom, skill, and understanding. Your emotional
and spiritual maturity should be a tremendous blessing to any organization.
A man should not be asked to resign when he is 65 years of age. That is
the time of life when he could be most useful in handling personnel
problems, making plans for the future, making decisions, and guiding others
in the realm of creative ideas based on his experience and insight into the
nature of the business.
Be your age
A motion-picture writer in Hollywood told me that he had to write
scripts, which would cater to the twelve-year-old mind.

How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever 217

This is a tragic state of affairs if the great masses of people are expected to
become emotionally and spiritually mature. It means that the emphasis is
placed on youth in spite of the fact that youth stands for inexperience, lack
of discernment, and hasty judgment.

• I can keep up with the best of them

I am now thinking of a man 65 years of age who is trying frantically to
keep young. He swims with young men every Sun-day, goes on long hikes,
plays tennis, and boasts of his prowess and physical powers, saying, “Look, I
can keep up with the best of them!”
He should remember the great truth: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is
he. PROV. 23:7.
Diets, exercises, and games of all kinds will not keep this man young. It
is necessary for him to observe that he grows old or remains young in
accordance with his processes of think-ing. Your subconscious mind is
conditioned by your thoughts. If your thoughts are constantly on the
beautiful, the noble, and the good, you will remain young regardless of the
chronological years.

Fear of old age

Job said, The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me. There are
many people who fear old age and are uncertain about the future, because

“Live The Power”

they anticipate mental and physical deterioration as the years advance. What
they think and feel comes to pass.
You grow old when you lose interest in life, when you cease to dream,
to hunger after new truths, and to search for new worlds to conquer. When
your mind is open to new ideas, new interests, and when you raise the
curtain and let in the sunshine and inspiration of new truths of life and the
universe, you will be young and vital.

218 How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

You Lave much to give

If you are 65 or 95 years of age, realize you have much to give. You can
help stabilize, advise, and direct the younger generation. You can give the
benefit of your knowledge, your experience, and your wisdom. You can
always look ahead for at all times you are gazing into infinite life. You will
find that you can never cease to unveil the glories and wonders of life. Try to
learn something new every moment of the day, and you will find your mind
will always be young.
One hundred and ten years old
Some years ago while lecturing in Bombay, India, I was introduced to a
man who said he was 110 years old. He had the most beautiful face I have
ever seen. He seemed trans-figured by the radiance of an inner light. There
was a rare beauty in his eyes indicating he had grown old in years with
gladness and with no indication that his mind had dimmed its lights.
Retirement a new venture
Be sure that your mind never retires. It must be like a parachute, which
is no good unless it opens up. Be open and receptive to new ideas. I have
seen men of 65 and 70 retire. They seemed to rot away, and in a few months
passed on. They obviously felt that life was at an end.
Retirement can be a new venture, a new challenge, a new path, the
beginning of the fulfillment of a long dream. It is inexpressibly depressing to
hear a man say, “What shall I do now that I am retired?” He is saying in
effect, “I am mentally and physically dead. My mind is bankrupt of ideas.”

“Live The Power”

All this is a false picture. The real truth is that you can accomplish more
at 90 than you did at 60, because each day you are growing in wisdom and
understanding of life and the universe through your new studies and interest.
He graduated to a better job
An executive, who lives near me, was forced to retire a few months ago
because he had reached the age of 65. He said

How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever 219

to me, “I look upon my retirement as promotion from kinder-garten to the
first grade.” He philosophized in this manner: He said that when he left high
school, he went up the ladder by going to college. He realized this was a step
forward in his education and understanding of life in general. Likewise, he
added, now he could do the things he had always wanted to do, and
therefore, his retirement was still another step forward on the ladder of life
and wisdom.
He came to the wise conclusion that he was no longer going to
concentrate on making a living. Now he was going to give all his attention to
living life. He is an amateur photog-rapher, and he took additional courses
on the subject. He took a trip around the world and took movies of famous
places. He now lectures before various groups, lodges, and clubs, and is in
popular demand.
There are countless ways of taking an interest in some-thing worthwhile
outside yourself. Become enthusiastic over new creative ideas, make
spiritual progress, and continue to learn and to grow. In this manner you
remain young in heart, because you are hungering and thirsting after new
truths, and your body will reflect your thinking at all times.
You must be a producer and not a prisoner of society
The newspapers are taking cognizance of the fact that the voting
population of the elderly in California elections is increas-ing by leaps and
bounds. This means that their voices will be heard in the legislature of the
state and also in the halls of Con-gress. I believe there will be enacted a
federal law prohibiting employers from discrimination against men and
women because of age.

“Live The Power”

A man of 65 years may be younger mentally, physically, and

physiologically than many men at 30. It is stupid and ridicu-lous to tell a
man he cannot be hired because he is over 40. It is like saying to him that he
is ready for the scrap heap or the junk pile.
What is a man of 40 or over to do? Must he bury his talents and hide his
light under a bushel? Men, who are deprived and

220 How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

prevented from working because of age must be sustained by government
treasuries at county, state, and federal levels. The many organizations who
refuse to hire them and benefit from their wisdom and experience will be
taxed to support them. This is a form of financial suicide.
Man is here to enjoy the fruit of his labor, and he is here to be a
producer and not a prisoner of society, which compels him to idleness.
Man’s body slows down gradually as he advances through the years, but
his conscious mind can be made much more active, alert, alive, and
quickened by the inspiration from his subconscious mind. His mind, in
reality, never grows old. Job said, Oh that I were as in months past, as in the
days when God preserved me; When his candle shined upon my head, and
when by his light I walked through darkness; As I was in the days of my
youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle. JOB 29:2-4.

Secret of youth
To recapture the days of your youth, feel the miraculous, healing, self-
renewing power of your subconscious mind moving through your whole
being. Know and feel that you are inspired, lifted up, rejuvenated,
revitalized, and recharged spiritually. You can bubble over with enthusiasm
and joy, as in the days of your youth, for the simple reason that you can
always men-tally and emotionally recapture the joyous state.
The candle, which shines upon your head, is divine intelligence, and
reveals to you everything you need to know; it enables you to affirm the
presence of your good, regardless of appearances. You walk by the guidance
of your subconscious mind, because you know that the dawn appears and the
shadows flee away.

Get a vision

“Live The Power”

Instead of saying, “I am old,” say, “I am wise in the way of the Divine

Life.” Don’t let the corporation, newspapers, or statistics hold a picture
before you of old age, declining years,

How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever 221

decrepitude, senility, and uselessness. Reject it, for it is a lie. Refuse to be
hypnotized by such propaganda. Affirm life—not death. Get a vision of
yourself as happy, radiant, successful, serene, and powerful.

Your mind does not grow old

Former President Herbert Hoover, now 88 years old, is very active and
is performing monumental work. I interviewed him a few years ago in his
suite at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. I found him healthy, happy,
vigorous, and full of life and enthusiasm. He was keeping several secretaries
busy handling his correspondence and was himself writing books of a
political and historical nature. Like all great men, I found him affable,
genial, amiable, loving, and most understanding.
His mental acumen and sagacity gave me the thrill of a lifetime. He is a
deeply religious man, and is full of faith in God and in the triumph of the
eternal truth of life. He was subjected to a barrage of criticism and
condemnation in the years of the great depression, but he weathered the
storm and did not grow old in hatred, resentment, ill will, and bitterness. On
the con-trary, he went into the silence of his soul, and communing with the
Divine Presence within him, he found the peace, which is the power at the
heart of God.

His mind active at ninety-nine

My father learned the French language at 65 years of age, and became
an authority on it at 70. He made a study of Gaelic when he was over 60, and
became an acknowledged and famous teacher of the subject. He assisted my
sister in a school of higher learning and continued to do so until he passed
away at 99. His mind was as clear at 99 as it was when he was 20. More-
over, his handwriting and his reasoning powers had improved with age.
Truly, you are as old as you think and feel.

We need our senior citizens

“Live The Power”

Marcus Porcius Cato, the Roman patriot, learned Greek at 80. Madame
Ernestine Schumann-Heink, the great German-

222 How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

American contralto, reached the pinnacle of her musical suc-cess after she
became a grandmother. It is wonderful to behold the accomplishments of the
oldsters. General Douglas Mac-Arthur, Harry S. Truman, General Dwight
David Eisenhower, and American financier Bernard Baruch are interesting,
active, and contributing their talents and wisdom to the world.
The Greek philosopher Socrates, learned to play musical instruments
when he was 80 years old. Michelangelo was paint-ing his greatest canvases
at 80. At 80, Cios Simonides won the prize for poetry, Johann von Goethe
finished Faust, and Leopold von Ranke commenced his History of the
World, which he fin-ished at 92.
Alfred Tennyson wrote a magnificent poem, “Crossing the Bar,” at 83.
Isaac Newton was hard at work close to 85. At 88 John Wesley was
directing, preaching, and guiding Meth-odism. We have several men of 95
years who come to my lec-tures, and they tell me they are in better health
now than they were at 20.
Let us place our senior citizens in high places and give them every
opportunity to bring forth the flowers of Paradise.
If you are retired, get interested in the laws of life and the wonders of
your subconscious mind. Do something you have always wanted to do.
Study new subjects, and investigate new ideas.
Pray as follows: As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth
my soul after thee, O God. PSALM 42:1.

• The fruits of old age

His flesh shall be fresher than a child¶s: he shall return to the days of
his youth. JOB 33:25.
Old age really means the contemplation of the truths of God from the
highest standpoint. Realize that you are on an endless journey, a series of
important steps in the ceaseless, tire-less, endless ocean of life. Then, with
the Psalmist you will say, They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they
shall be fat and flourishing. PSALM 92:14.

“Live The Power”

How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever 223

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness,
goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
GALATIANS 5:22-23.
You are a son of Infinite Life, which knows no end, and you are a child
of Eternity.

• Profitable pointers
1. Patience, kindness, love, good will, joy, happiness, wisdom, and
understanding are qualities, which never grow old. Cul-tivate them and
express them, and remain young in mind and body.
2. Some research physicians say that the neurotic fear of the effects of
time may well be the cause of premature aging.
3. Age is not the flight of years; it is the dawn of wisdom in the mind of
4. The most productive years of your life can be from 65 to 95.
5. Welcome the advancing years. It means you are moving higher on the
path of life, which has no end.
6. God is Life, and that is your life now. Life is self-renewing, eternal,
and indestructible, and is the reality of all men. You live forever,
because your life is God’s life.
7. Evidence of survival after death is overwhelming. Study Proceedings
of Psychical Research Society of Great Britain and America in your
library. Outstanding scientists base the work on the scientific research
for over 75 years.
8. You cannot see your mind, but you know you have a mind. You
cannot see spirit, but you know that the spirit of the game, the spirit of
the artist, the spirit of the musician, and the spirit of the speaker is real.
Likewise, the spirit of good-ness, truth, and beauty moving in your mind
and heart are real. You cannot see life, but you know you are alive.
9. Old age may be called the contemplation of the truths of God from the
highest standpoint. The joys of old age are greater than those of youth.
Your mind is engaged in spirit-

224 How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

“Live The Power”

ual and mental athletics. Nature slows down your body so that you may
have the opportunity to meditate on things divine.
10. We do not count a man’s years until he has nothing else to count.
Your faith and convictions are not subject to decay.
11. You are as young as you think you are. You are as strong as you
think you are. You are as useful as you think you are. You are as young
as your thoughts.
12. Your gray hair is an asset. You are not selling your gray hairs. You
are selling your talent, abilities, and wisdom, which you have garnered
through the years.
13. Diets- and exercises won’t keep you young. As a man thinketh, so is
14. Fear of old age can bring about physical and mental de-terioration.
The thing I greatly feared has come upon me.
15. You grow old when you cease to dream, and when you lose interest
in life. You grow old if you are irritable, crotchety, petulant, and
cantankerous. Fill your mind with the truths of God and radiate the
sunshine of His love—this is youth.
16. Look ahead, for at all times you are gazing into infinite life.
17. Your retirement is a new venture. Take up new studies and new
interests. You can now do the things you always wanted to do when you
were so busy making a living. Give your attention to living life.
18. Become a producer and not a prisoner of society. Don’t hide your
light under a bushel.
19. The secret of youth is love, joy, inner peace, and laughter. In Him
there is fullness of joy. In Him there is no darkness at all.
20. You are needed. Some of the great philosophers, artists, scientists,
writers, and others accomplished their greatest work after they were 80
years old.
21. The fruits of old age are love, joy, peace, patience, gentle-ness,
goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.
22. You are a son of Infinite Life, which knows no end. You are a child
of Eternity. You are wonderful!

The end

I hope you have enjoyed this wonderful audio book. If you take the lessons
found in this book to heart and incorporate them into your life, You will be

“Live The Power”

able to create the life you have always dreamed of. For more of the world’s
greatest success tools please see our website at www.livethepower.com and
remember you have the power within you…. Live the Power!


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