Conclusion and Inference - Exp

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Explanatory Notes for CRHO1002103

Explanatory notes for questions 1 to 25: Option D: incorrect because the information given in the
argument is about 'polluting' industries, while this
1. The argument describes an ecological disaster and relates conclusion is about 'all' industries; thus, this
the survival of some animals to the weight. This sense is conclusion is beyond the scope of the argument.
given by Option D, which is the best option.
Thus, the best option is option A. Choice (A)
Option A: incorrect because the reason for the survival
cannot be inferred about from the info given in the 5. The argument presents a case in which the randomized
argument. studies show certain kind of results, but the reality is not the
Option B: incorrect because this sweeping generalization cannot same. The inference should be made basing on the info. For
be arrived at basing on one example given in the this kind of question, we need to verify each option
argument. individually and eliminate options that are incorrect to arrive
Option C: incorrect because the relative adaptive abilities of at the correct option.
land and aquatic animals is not hinted at; the
conclusion goes beyond the scope of the info given. Option A: incorrect because, though they are not reliable in this
Option D: correct as per the reasons given above. case of antidepressants, we cannot generalize about
the studies using the info given in the argument.
Thus, the best option is Option D. Choice (D) Option B: correct because this is a proper inference as per
the third sentence of the argument.
2. The argument presents different factors in relation to Option C: incorrect because the use of the word 'obvious'
education: ZPDs, streaming and similarity of needs for indicates that the bias is not subtle.
attainment of educational objectives. By combining all these, Option D: incorrect because this is a sweeping generalization.
we can infer that streaming students with same ZPDs is good
for education. This sense is given by Option C, which is the Thus, the best option is Option B. Choice (B)
best option.
6. The argument presents a common belief of archaeologists
Option A: incorrect because basing on the info that grouping (that Americas were first settled 14,000 years ago), and
students with same ZPDs is beneficial, we cannot presents new evidence that supports the view that humans
infer that not doing so is counterproductive. were present in Americas some 45,000 years ago. However,
Option B: incorrect because basing on the given relation it also cautions about the inadequacy of single piece of
between intellectual capabilities and attainment, evidence to support this view. Thus, Option B, which brings
we cannot infer the relation between intellectual this out, is the best opinion.
capabilities and ZPDs.
Option C: correct as per the reasons given above. Option A: incorrect because the reliability of evidence
Option D: incorrect because the last sentence of the supporting the current view is not mentioned
argument directly gives the relation between them. anywhere in the argument.
Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C) Option B: correct as per the reasons given above.
Option C: incorrect because the final sentence of the
3. The passage talks about a popular creative cultural product argument cautions against this kind of conclusion.
and emphasizes the components that result in that product. Option D: incorrect because the final sentence of the
The proper inference should be within these limits. argument cautions against this kind of conclusion.

Option A: incorrect because the relative importance cannot Thus, the best option is Option B. Choice (B)
be inferred about because the argument talks
about what should 'look at', not about what is 7. The argument states that different chimpanzee populations
important. show different behaviors, and these behavioral patterns are
Option B: correct because this statement is well within the not genetically, but socially, transmitted. The inference must
scope of the premises given in the argument. be in tune with this line of reasoning.
Option C: incorrect because 'inspiration' is not within the
scope of premises. Option A: incorrect because the information given is about
Option D: incorrect because among whom is the creative art 'subspecies', not 'species', and thus, this inference
is popular is outside the scope of the argument. goes beyond the scope of the premises.
Option B: incorrect because whether the behaviors socially
Thus, the best option is Option B. Choice (B) transmitted are beneficial or not cannot be inferred
from the info given in the argument.
4. The argument talks about Serbia's legislation to control Option C: correct because this can be inferred; if certain
pollution and also about the companies' ability to pass the behavior is not genetically transmitted and is
enhanced production cost to the consumer. Overall, this learned through observation, it is likely to be a
implies that the government may not be successful in cultural attribute.
containing the pollution through the imposition of penalty. Option D: incorrect because if this is true, the variation is due
This sense is given by Option A, which is the best option. to genetic differences, a fact the argument
explicitly rejects.
Option A: correct as per the reasons given above.
Option B: incorrect because basing on the information about Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C)
polluting industries, we cannot infer about
industries that do not pollute. 8. The argument presents the death of an ancient civilization
Option C: incorrect because the proportionality relationship and the birth of a similar one and also presents the effect of
between pollution and penalty cannot be inferred an earthquake which changed to direction of the river.
from the given information. Overall, the argument is that Sanxingdui civilization shifted

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from its original location to a new location because of a consuming carbohydrate-rich foods are more successful,
massive earthquake. This sense is given by Option D, which and this is not the case in marathon. This implies that
is the best option. carbohydrate-rich food might not have played a significant
role. This sense is given by Option D, which is the best
Option A: incorrect because of two reasons; first, the stated option.
example is not adequate to generalize this way;
second, the civilizations given are similar, not with Option A: incorrect because the info given in the argument is
major change. about physical attributes, while this conclusion is
Option B: incorrect because the physical nearness about 'skills'; thus, the conclusion goes beyond the
(proximity) cannot be taken as a reason basing on scope of the argument.
the information given. Option B: incorrect because further utility of the study cannot
Option C: incorrect because there is chronological match be inferred from the argument.
between the existence of civilizations and the Option C: incorrect because this conclusion is not supported
earthquake mentioned. by the premises.
Option D: correct as per the reasons given above. Option D: correct as per the reasons given above.

Thus, the best option is Option D. Choice (D) Thus, the best option is Option D. Choice (D)

9. Overall, the argument presents the view that Mithras' killing 13. The question introduces economic sanctions and casts
of a bull in taurobolium is not supported by any evidence. doubt on its efficacy, which is decided by the clout of the
This sense is given by Option A, which is the best option. sanctioning and sanctioned countries. It also posits that the
economic sanctions may act against the country using
Option A: correct as per the reasons given above. sanctions as a tool. The correct option should reflect this
Option B: incorrect because the Great Mother is a cult, and idea.
the passage does not imply that the taurobolium is
to appease the Great Mother. Option A: correct because this gives the required sense:
Option C: incorrect because the info does not support the both countries being prone to the adverse effects
view that Cybele was a parallel to Christianity. of economic sanctions.
Option D: incorrect because there is no disagreement about Option B: incorrect because, as per the last but one
the cult to which taurobolium is related. sentence, an economic sanction can be
successful if the imposing country is powerful.
Thus, the best option is Option A. Choice (A) Option C: incorrect because the argument is not about
'imposing' economic sanctions, but about the
10. The argument gives information about tax collection as well efficacy or success of the economic sanctions.
as the number of tax payers and projected tax collection as Option D: incorrect because the countries' landing in
well. There was a decrease in tax revenue after tax rate economic crises is not justified because of the
enhancement and the government plans to increase the option’s extreme nature.
number of tax payers and it expects that the amount of tax
paid by any tax payer will be the same. If all these points are Thus, the best option is Option A. Choice (A)
true, then the government's goal is likely to succeed. Thus,
Option B is the best option. 14. The author of the passage is unequivocally definite and
declares that Edward de Vere is likely to be the author of the
Option A: incorrect because basing on one time decrease in supposedly Shakespearean works. The correct option
tax payment, we cannot generalize on the tax should bring out this sense, and thus, Option C, which states
evasion as a persistent problem. this, is the best option.
Option B: correct as per the reasons given above.
Option C: incorrect because whether they pay more tax or Option A: incorrect because the author is definitive about the
less tax cannot be decided by the info given in the resolution.
argument. Option B: incorrect because the argument does not imply, in
Option D: incorrect because this statement is false as per the the argument, anything about the sensitive nature
discussion given above. of the authorship question.
Option C: correct because the overall tone of the author's
Thus, the best option is Option B. Choice (B) argument supports the idea that Shakespeare was
not the actual author of the plays.
11. Only a small number of theft cases are solved, but we cannot Option D: incorrect because the definitive tone of the
conclude that the actual number of cash-theft is significantly argument does not allow the use of 'some works'
more than the reported cases. Basing on this we can infer in this option.
that people tend to report cash-theft cases even though they
do not expect them to be solved by the police. Thus, option Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C)
C, which states this, is the best option.
15. The argument talks about Bandello's works and the
Option A: incorrect because if this is true, the actual number translation from 19th century. In the light of the given info (that
of cash-theft cases will be far higher than the the translation is respected and that Bandello refrained from
reported cases and so the conclusion mentioned using non-standard language), the only possibility is that
in the last sentence cannot be made. Bandello must have used non-standard expressions
Option B: incorrect because people's perception about the because the literary context demanded such use. This sense
value of the stolen goods cannot be inferred from is given by Option C, which is the best option.
the info given in the argument.
Option C: correct as per the reasons given above. Option A: incorrect because this ignores the central themes
Option D: incorrect because police's leniency towards these of the arguments: Bandello's works and Payne's
two cannot be inferred from the info given in the translation of those works and goes beyond the
argument. scope of the premises.
Option B: incorrect because it is not supported by one
Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C) premise (that Payne's translation is 'much
respected'); in such a case, the original vigor must
12. Though the physical attributes are the same for the sprint be reflected in the translation.
athletes and the marathon athletes, sprint athletes Option C: correct as per the reasons given above.

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Option D: incorrect because the comparison given in the Option A: incorrect because the skill requirement mentioned
option cannot be supported by any piece of info in cannot be inferred from the information given in the
the argument. argument.
Option B: incorrect because the nature of the offense is not
Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C) of significance as the age of the offenders is the
primary focus of the argument.
16. The given argument is actually a comment on available Option C: correct as per the reasons given above.
studies that documented role-model effectiveness in women Option D: incorrect because without additional fact that the
college students. All of them are related to short-term issues 'offenders' were mostly young, we cannot infer
rather than the long term effect of role-model. It also adds an this.
additional factor (stereotype threat). We need to find an
inference from this information. Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C)

Option A: incorrect because the comparison given in this 20. The economist criticized the exports and imports policy, and
option is not implied anywhere in the argument. the later part of the argument rejects the criticism. The proper
Option B: correct because the passage talks about studies conclusion needs to state this rejection.
on the efficacy of role-model in the short term and Option A: incorrect because the refutation of the criticism
the studies have not focused on the long term does not talk about any miscalculation.
impact. This sense can be inferred from the Option B: incorrect because the argument does not talk
argument. anything about economic crisis; in fact, economic
Option C: incorrect because, though the argument says that crisis is not relevant here because it is quite a
they perform at a lower level due to stereotype broader term going beyond the scope of the import
threat, we do not have info to say that their 'present export policy.
performance' is bad. Option C: correct because the economist's argument does
Option D: incorrect because, though both of them have an not consider the future possibility of exports that
effect in opposite directions, we cannot infer that make up the foreign exchange deficit, making his
these two act counter to each other. view 'myopic' or short-sighted.
Option D: incorrect because the notion of 'bias' is not invoked
Thus, the best option is Option B. Choice (B) in the argument.
17. The argument posits that most species 'seem' to be Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C)
responding directly to climate changes (the details are given
in either … or clause), in reality this does not account for the 21. The argument talks about the entry of MNCs into countries
majority of impacts. By extrapolating, we understand that the whose economies are open to them. They are likely to give
interactions of different species with each other is the major stiff competition to local manufacturers and will not invest
factor. This sense is given by Option A, which is the best their profits in those countries. Thus, overall, the conclusion
option. is that the globalization works to the disadvantage of some
countries. This sense is given by Option C, which is the best
Option A: correct as per the reasons given above. option.
Option B: incorrect because the comparison given in this
option cannot be inferred from the argument. Option A: incorrect because, though this is surely a possible
Option C: incorrect because the relative effect of lemming answer, it cannot be the overall conclusion because it
population decline on Arctic fox and red fox cannot does not include the 'economic drain' caused by
be inferred from the information given above. MNCs.
Option D: incorrect because the relative effects on prey and Option B: incorrect because the info given in the argument
predator populations cannot be inferred from the does not allow an inference about 'the long-term'
information given. advantage.
Option C: correct because of the reasons given above.
Thus, the best option is Option A. Choice (A) Option D: incorrect because the argument talks about
'technological' clout, not 'economic' clout.
18. As per the model, share prices are adjusted to the optimal
levels that reflect cash flow performance. But, this does not Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C)
happen both during a crash and during a boom. This implies
that the standard model is not followed during these two 22. The argument presents the inaccuracy of using tilt-meters in
phases of stock market. This sense is given by Option D, estimating the magma flow into the chamber beneath a
which is the best option. volcano. This sense is given by Option A, which is the best
Option A: incorrect because we cannot infer that if standard
model is not followed during a crash or boom, it will Option A: correct because it gives a proper conclusion to the
be followed during other periods. above argument as discussed above.
Option B: incorrect because basing on the info given in the Option B: incorrect because the argument is not about
first sentence, we cannot infer about the 'formation of craters'; thus, this option goes
profitability of trades; this conclusion goes beyond beyond the scope of the argument.
the scope of the premises. Option C: incorrect because though it is correct that magma flows
Option C: incorrect because the risky nature of stock do deform the rim of volcanic craters, the deformation's
investment goes beyond the scope of the 'inordinate (excessive) nature' cannot be inferred from
information given. the information.
Option D: correct as per the reasons given above. Option D: incorrect because the argument brings out the
inaccuracy of rim deformation, not the inaccuracy
Thus, the best option is Option D. Choice (D) of magmatic activity to infer the volcanic activity.

19. The subjects gave lenient punishment to young offenders Thus, the best option is Option A. Choice (A)
and stringent punishment to older offenders. The fact that in
either case, the punishments did not match with those given 23. The clusters of honeybees, formed after the splitting of an
by the impartial officer. This implies that their perception of old hive, form shapes that protect them from environmental
'youth' or 'elderly nature' made the subjects give unfair changes. In this process, they form shapes of clusters that
punishments. This sense is given by Option C, which is the help them adapt to environmental changes. This sense is
best option. given by Option C, which is the best option.
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Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : CRHO1002103.Exp/3
Option A: incorrect because the 'working together' described Option D: correct because it captures the essence of the
in the argument is not to identify a new location. argument.
Option B: incorrect because of the use of 'have to', as this
prerequisite for survival is not hinted at in the Thus, the best option is Option D Choice (D)
Option C: correct as per the reasons given above. 25. The argument talks about the stripping of the planet status
Option D: incorrect because of the use of 'only'. of Pluto and also talks about some minimal gravitation
required for a planet to have. This sense is given by Option
Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C) C, which is the best option.

24. The argument presents a controversy about the order of fight Option A: incorrect because the conclusion about 'celestial
and echolocation in evolution. It then presents a fossil bodies' goes beyond the scope of the premises
example with flight, but without echolocation. This implies that mention 'planets'.
that flight came before echolocation in bats. This sense is Option B: incorrect because of the use of 'any body', for only
given by Option D, which is the best option. certain bodies can be classified as planets.
Option C: correct as per the reasons given above.
Option A: incorrect because the significance of echolocation Option D: incorrect because this option does not include
in the evolution of bat is outside the scope of the 'gravitation', the central concept of the argument.
Option B: incorrect because addition of echolocation to flight Thus, the best option is Option C. Choice (C)
adding success to predation is not within the scope
of the argument.
Option C: the converse is correct as per the last sentence of
the argument.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : CRHO1002103.Exp/4

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