Part-B Unit-3 Neural Networks

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Neural Network Notes Class IX

1. What is neural network?

Neural Networks are series of networks of independent Neurons just like in our brain, but in computers, neurons
are not the living tissue it is just a algorithm which give output based on given data. A neural network is essentially
a system of organizing machine learning algorithms to perform certain tasks.
2. State the advantage of NN/ANN.
The key advantage of Neural Networks, are that they are able to extract data features automatically without
needing the input of the programmer. It is a fast and efficient way to solve problems for which the dataset is very
large, such as in images.
3. Features of Neural Networks
Neural Network systems are modelled on the human brain and nervous system.
They are able to automatically extract features without input from the programmer.
Every neural network node is essentially a machine learning algorithm.
It is useful when solving problems for which the data set is very large.
4. What are the different Layers of Neural Network?
A Neural Network is divided into multiple layers and each layer is further divided into several blocks called nodes.
Each node has its own task to accomplish which is then passed to the next layer.
1. In the first layer of Neural Networks , there is input data in which we inserts data.
2. In the second layer of Neural Networks , there is multiple hidden layers are there which are not visible
but all processing occurs in these layers.
3. In the third layer of Neural Networks , there is output data which gives the output of data which was
processed in the hidden layers.

5. Write down different real life applications of Neural Networks.

• Facial Recognition - Facial Recognition Systems are serving as robust systems of surveillance.
• Stock Market Prediction - Investments are subject to market risks. To make a successful stock prediction
in real time a Multilayer Perceptron MLP (class of feedforward artificial intelligence algorithm) is
• Social Media- Artificial Neural Networks are used to study the behaviours of social media users.
• Aerospace - Fault diagnosis, high performance auto piloting, securing the aircraft control systems, and
modeling key dynamic simulations are some of the key areas that neural networks have taken over.
• Defence - Neural Networks also shape the defence operations of technologically advanced countries.
• Healthcare - Convolutional Neural Networks are actively employed in the healthcare industry for X ray
detection, CT Scan and ultrasound.
• Signature Verification and Handwriting Analysis
• Weather Forecasting- The forecasts done by the meteorological department were never accurate before
artificial intelligence came into force.
6.Differentiate between Neural Networks vs Human Nervous System or Difference between ANN/HNN
ANN always mimic to be as HNN. The axon from a neuron sends an impulse to the synapse of another neuron.
The impulse received is then sent to the cell body (nucleus) through dendrites. The cell body performs an
activation function on the impulse received and then gives it to the output axon which passes the same to the
next neuron in the system. Now as we relate this process with an Artificial Neural Network, we can see that the
input layer gets data which is passes on to the nodes in the hidden layer.

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