Climate Change - Sandy Beaches
Climate Change - Sandy Beaches
Climate Change - Sandy Beaches
Sandy beaches are severely under-represented in the literature on climate-change ecology, yet
different lines of evidence suggest that the macrofauna inhabiting these narrow and dynamic
environments located at the land-sea interface is being reorganized under the influence of this
large scale and long-lasting stressor. This is reflected in macrofaunal sensitivity to increasing sea
surface temperature, sea-level rise, extreme events and erosion of the narrow physical habitat.
However, evidence of behavioral responses by sandy beach macrofauna that are consistent with
expectations under climate change is scarce and fragmentary. In this paper, specific hypotheses
are formulated for how behavioral adaptations in sandy beach macrofauna are predicted to
respond to climate change impacts. Firstly, a conceptual framework and an overview of
macrofauna behavioral adaptation features are provided. Secondly, the effects of main climate
change drivers on sandy beaches are summarized. Thirdly, a conceptual framework is developed
giving behavioral adaptations of sandy beach macrofauna under climate change pressure. The
degree to which observations on behavioral adaptations of beach animals conform to expectations
under specific climate change drivers (sea level rise, sea surface temperature, winds and
storminess, rainfall, acidification and eutrophication) is explored. Taking into account the empirical
evidence and the theoretical framework detailed in the paper, emergent hypotheses/predictions
are proposed. Climate change drivers are expected to impact habitat features and consequently
the behavioral expression of macrofauna as active responses to habitat changes. Behavioral
adaptations are expected to be impaired, more variable or disrupted, thus decreasing fitness,
causing local population extirpations and potentially triggering a range of cascading effects of
ecological change in the beach ecosystem. Biodiversity loss will be the outcome of the negative
pressures driven by climate change. The specificity of sandy beaches as narrow ecotones between
sea and land may be lost under climate change pressure, adversely affecting fine-tuned
macrofaunal adaptations and therefore ecosystem functioning. Strictly adapted endemic sandy
beach fauna will be especially subjected to local extirpations, while species with a large reaction
norm (i.e. phenotypic and behavioral plasticity) may face changes by dispersal and exploitation of
new niches. Under climate change impacts, biodiversity loss is predicted, which would hamper
beach ecosystem resilience. The limits to which sandy beach macrofauna responds and can
behaviorally adapt to environmental change are worthy of exploration, in view of the increasing
influence of the long-lasting climate driven stressors threatening these ecosystems at risk.
Despite their great socio-economic importance, sandy beaches have attracted little ecological
research. This is unfortunate since, contrary to popular belief, they support diverse ecological
assemblages whose species are mostly small and buried and which deserve protection as part of
ecologically sustainable development (ESD). Moreover, the management of beaches and linked
adjacent ecosystems is becoming increasingly important because of their vulnerability to
burgeoning human pressures including climate change. Although there are large uncertainties
involved, some of the climate-related environmental changes and their ecological consequences
for sandy beaches are explored in this paper, some management issues discussed and research
Temperature-related changes include the likelihood that the geographical ranges of some species
will change, some cool-adapted species will decline in abundance, possibly to extinction, and the
rate of processes such as decomposition and photosynthesis will increase. The increasing
acidification of the ocean may affect many beach species directly via reduced calcification and
indirectly via changes to the phytoplankton on which some beach species depend for food.
Changed hydrology may affect both nearshore primary productivity and the larval movements of
many species. Increased storminess may change the morphodynamic state of beaches with
consequent effects on the diversity, abundance and composition of beach assemblages. The
combination of storm surges and sea-level rise may enhance erosion rates, the most extreme
effect being the total loss of sandy beach habitat, especially if sea-walls are deployed to protect
coastal assets. Alternatively, in some areas there may be a slow retreat of the coastline with few
effects on beach ecosystems.
Concerning management, both mitigation and adaptation strategies are needed to meet public
ESD goals. The former would seek to constrain the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases by
addressing the underlying causes (i.e., population and economic growth) and by applying
appropriate technologies. Adaptation strategies would recognise the linkages between beaches,
dunes and surf zones and maintain sand movement and storage and allow for the landward
migration of beaches. Failing this, the active maintenance of beaches in their present location by
soft engineering (e.g., the transport of sand to the intertidal beach from elsewhere, a process
called beach nourishment) is far preferable to hard engineering (e.g., sea-walls) from the nature
conservation and socio-economic points of view. Since beach ecosystems are poorly understood
even at basic descriptive levels, future management, monitoring, and predictions of the possible
impacts of large-scale phenomena (such as global climate change) will be assisted by basic
research into documenting biodiversity, community dynamics, autecology, and eco-physiology of
beach fauna and the linkages with adjacent ecosystems. As well, the use of human interventions
(e.g., beach nourishment) as scientific experiments combined with optimised monitoring is
Ecological research questions to inform policy and the management of sandy beaches
Sandy beach ecosystems have various ecocentric and anthropocentric values. These values are
under multiple, increasing pressures from diverse human activities and, in particular, from the
consequences of climate-change. The conservation of these values requires evidence-based policy
formulation and management strategies that address societal goals such as those set by the
United Nations (2012). Here, we use these goals, pressures, knowledge gaps and our combined
judgement to nominate important policy- and management-orientated research questions. These
are grouped under five broad topics: natural condition; protecting ecosystem health; conservation
of biodiversity; sustaining ecosystem goods and services; and climate change. The last is
particularly important since it threatens both services to society and the ecological integrity of
beach ecosystems at great spatial and temporal scales. Further, humans are likely to respond to
climate change in the urban coastal zone with large-scale engineering projects (e.g., nourishment,
seawalls) which will have substantial ecological effects. The resolution of these questions should
inform evidence-based policies and strategies to manage the pressures faced by ocean beaches.
As the climate evolves over the next century, the interaction of accelerating sea level rise (SLR)
and storms, combined with confning development and infrastructure, will place greater stresses
on physical, ecological, and human systems along the ocean-land margin. Many of these valued
coastal systems could reach “tipping points,” at which hazard exposure substantially increases and
threatens the present-day form, function, and viability of communities, infrastructure, and
ecosystems. Determining the timing and nature of these tipping points is essential for efective
climate adaptation planning. Here we present a multidisciplinary case study from Santa Barbara,
California (USA), to identify potential climate change-related tipping points for various coastal
systems. This study integrates numerical and statistical models of the climate, ocean water levels,
beach and cliff evolution, and two soft sediment ecosystems, sandy beaches and tidal wetlands.
We fnd that tipping points for beaches and wetlands could be reached with just 0.25 m or less of
SLR (~ 2050), with> 50% subsequent habitat loss that would degrade overall biodiversity and
ecosystem function. In contrast, the largest projected changes in socioeconomic exposure to
fooding for fve communities in this region are not anticipated until SLR exceeds 0.75 m for daily
fooding and 1.5 m for storm-driven fooding (~ 2100 or later). These changes are less acute relative
to community totals and do not qualify as tipping points given the adaptive capacity of
communities. Nonetheless, the natural and human built systems are interconnected such that the
loss of natural system function could negatively impact the quality of life of residents and disrupt
the local economy, resulting in indirect socioeconomic impacts long before built infrastructure is
directly impacted by fooding.
Pregunta de investigación
¿Cómo puede el cambio climático afectar a los medios de vida de las comunidades costeras
dependientes de los ecosistemas costeros?
2. Objetivos específicos