Environmental Impacts of Dredging On Seagrasses - A Review

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Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572



Environmental impacts of dredging on seagrasses: A review

a,* b
Paul L.A. Erftemeijer , Roy R. Robin Lewis III
WL j Delft Hydraulics, P.O. Box 177, 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
Lewis Environmental Services, P.O. Box 5430, Salt Springs, FL 32134, USA


Main potential impacts on seagrasses from dredging and sand mining include physical removal and/or burial of vegetation and effects
of increased turbidity and sedimentation. For seagrasses, the critical threshold for turbidity and sedimentation, as well as the duration
that seagrasses can survive periods of high turbidity or excessive sedimentation vary greatly among species. Larger, slow-growing climax
species with substantial carbohydrate reserves show greater resilience to such events than smaller opportunistic species, but the latter
display much faster post-dredging recovery when water quality conditions return to their original state. A review of 45 case studies
worldwide, accounting for a total loss of 21,023 ha of seagrass vegetation due to dredging, is indicative of the scale of the impact of
dredging on seagrasses. In recent years, tighter control in the form of strict regulations, proper enforcement and monitoring, and mit-
igating measures together with proper impact assessment and development of new environmental dredging techniques help to prevent or
minimize adverse impacts on seagrasses. Costs of such measures are difficult to estimate, but seem negligible in comparison with costs of
seagrass restoration programmes, which are typically small-scale in approach and often have limited success. Copying of dredging cri-
teria used in one geographic area to a dredging operation in another may in some cases lead to exaggerated limitations resulting in unnec-
essary costs and delays in dredging operations, or in other cases could prove damaging to seagrass ecosystems. Meaningful criteria to
limit the extent and turbidity of dredging plumes and their effects will always require site-specific evaluations and should take into
account the natural variability of local background turbidity.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Critical thresholds; Dredging impacts; Mitigation; Review; Seagrasses; Turbidity

1. Introduction Seagrass beds, covering about 0.1–0.2% of the global

ocean floor, are highly productive ecosystems which fulfill
Dredging is required in many ports of the world, to dee- a key role in the coastal zone (Duarte, 2002). Important
pen and maintain navigation channels and harbour ecological and economic functions of seagrass beds have
entrances. Elsewhere, commercial sand mining and extrac- been widely acknowledged, notably their importance to
tion of sand and gravel from borrowing areas is meeting an fisheries (Bell and Pollard, 1989; Jackson et al., 2001) and
ever-increasing demand for sand for construction and land their role in preventing coastal erosion and siltation of
reclamation. Excavation, transportation and disposal of coral reefs (Scoffin, 1979; Fonseca and Fisher, 1986; Fons-
soft-bottom material may, however, lead to various eca, 1989). Conservative estimates of the value of ecosys-
adverse impacts on the marine environment (USACE, tem services provided by seagrass beds are in the order of
1983; ABP Research, 1999). Such impacts can be especially 19,000 US$ ha1 yr1 (Costanza et al., 1997).
significant when dredging or disposal is done in the vicinity Globally, the estimated loss of seagrass from direct and
of sensitive marine environments, such as coral reefs and indirect human impacts is updated to be 33,000 km2 over
seagrass beds. the last two decades, based on an extrapolation of known
losses (Short and Wyllie-Echeverria, 2000) and a new glo-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 15 2858924; fax: +31 15 2858718. bal seagrass area estimate of 177,000 km2 (Green and
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.L.A. Erftemeijer). Short, 2003). The primary cause of seagrass degradation

0025-326X/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1554 P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572

and loss globally is reduction in water clarity, both from conditions (Jensen and Mogensen, 2000) which affect the
increased turbidity and increased nutrient loading (Walker sedimentary regime and may cause erosion under seagrass
and McComb, 1992; Duarte, 2002; Short, 2003). In many beds (MacInnis-Ng, 2003).
cases, dredging operations have directly or indirectly con- Dredging and disposal of dredged material can lead to a
tributed to loss of seagrass vegetation. For example, com- temporary decrease in water transparency, increased con-
bined impacts of increased turbidity and physical removal centrations of suspended matter, and increased rates of
or burial during dredging, and eutrophication from nutri- sedimentation. In the case of contaminated sediment or
ents in domestic and industrial discharges caused the loss sediments with high contents of organic matter, dredging
of approximately 81% of the seagrasses in Tampa Bay, and resuspension may also lead to effects on water quality
Florida (Lewis, 1976; Lewis et al., 1985). by the release of contaminants (e.g. Filho et al., 2004), an
Some seagrass species appear more sensitive than others increase in nutrients concentrations and reduced dissolved
to increases in turbidity or sedimentation that are com- oxygen in the water column.
monly associated with dredging operations. Their response Physical removal of substratum and associated plants
to such increases may depend on typical local conditions and animals from the seabed, and burial due to subsequent
and vary between seasons. In general, the impact from deposition of material are the most likely direct effects of
dredging and sand mining on seagrass ecosystems is com- dredging and reclamation projects (Newell et al., 1998).
plex and far from fully understood, despite various New habitats may also be created as a result of the opera-
research efforts. Initial investigation by the authors has tion, either directly in the dredged area or by introduction
shown that there is an extensive body of experience to of new habitats on the slopes of a reclaimed area (e.g. hard
learn from. This experience lies with contractors, in Envi- substratum in the form of breakwaters and revetments).
ronmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, monitoring Other direct effects may be caused by enhanced turbidity
data and scientific literature derived from field-based and and sedimentation as a result of dredging and disposal
laboratory studies on potential direct and indirect effects operations. The effect of turbidity on seagrass ecosystems
of dredging. is two-fold. Light attenuation by suspended material affects
This paper presents a worldwide review of documented the amount of light available to the seagrass plants and
cases of dredging and sand mining operations in or near associated epiphytes, microphytobenthos and macroalgae.
seagrass meadows. The scale of such operations and envi- Depending on the depth at which these organisms occur,
ronmental impacts thereof, as well as restrictions and mit- high turbidity can cause a significant reduction in light
igating measures put into place to minimize these impacts availability leading to sub-lethal effects or death. High lev-
will be discussed. Where appropriate, these findings will els of suspended material can lead to reduced vitality or
be illustrated with case studies. The focus of this review death in benthic fauna associated with the seagrass beds
is limited to dredging for the purpose of deepening of ports through clogging of their feeding mechanisms (cilia and
and navigation channels as well as for extraction and min- siphons) and smothering, especially in filter-feeding organ-
ing of sediments for construction and land reclamation isms such as mussels, oysters and other bivalves. To cap-
schemes. Other forms of dredging, such as hydraulic clam ture both effects of turbidity, critical thresholds for
dredging and cockle fishing, or damage to seagrass beds turbidity should therefore ideally be determined in terms
by boat groundings, propellor scarring and anchoring, of light availability at the bottom (in % of surface irradi-
were not considered. Information sources for the review ance) as well as in concentration of total suspended solids
included peer-reviewed scientific literature, gray literature (in mg/l).
in the form of EIA-, consultancy and technical reports, Increases in turbidity can also be caused by algal
and additional information obtained from the internet blooms, sewage discharge, bio-fouling of turbidity sensors
and email responses to general requests placed on inter- etc. Turbidity should therefore not only be expressed in
net-based research discussion lists. terms of a reduction of light availability as the sole measure
of water quality affected by dredging works, but preferably
2. Environmental impacts of dredging be accompanied by investigations of the suspended solid
concentrations (Bogers and Gardner, 2004).
Potential effects of dredging on the marine environment Turbidity changes induced by dredging will only result
include effects of the dredging process (i.e. the removal of in adverse environmental effects when the turbidity gener-
substratum from the seafloor) as well as effects caused by ated is significantly larger than the natural variation of
the process of disposal. Dredged material may come into turbidity and sedimentation rates in the area (Stern and
suspension during dredging itself as a result of disturbance Stickle, 1978; Orpin et al., 2004). Such natural variability
of the substratum, but also during transport to the surface, can sometimes be substantial and may be caused by factors
overflow from barges or leakage of pipelines, during trans- such as storms, wind-induced wave actions, river dis-
port between dredging and disposal sites, and during dis- charges and other local perturbations. Dredging activities
posal of dredged material (Jensen and Mogensen, 2000). often generate no more increased suspended sediments
Dredging may affect the physical environment by chang- than commercial shipping operations, bottom fishing or
ing the bathymetry, altering current velocities and wave severe storms (Pennekamp et al., 1996).
P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572 1555

The degree of adverse environmental impacts caused by cies as well as within a single seagrass species (Table 1). The
dredging and disposal depends on the quantity, frequency order of magnitude of this variation is similar between spe-
and duration of dredging, methodology of dredging and cies and within species (Fig. 1). Minimum light require-
disposal, physical dimensions and water depth of the ments of most seagrass species seem to vary between 15%
dredging location, grain-size composition, density and and 25% of SI (means of reported values per species), but
degree of contamination of the dredged material, back- for some species (Cymodocea nodosa, most Halophila spp.
ground water quality (especially suspended matter and and some Posidonia spp.) minimum light requirements as
turbidity), seasonal variations in weather conditions low as 3–8% of SI have been reported (Table 1, Fig. 1).
(especially wind and waves), and proximity/distance of eco- The variation in minimum light requirements reported
logically sensitive or economically important areas or spe- in literature is in part caused by differences in the method-
cies relative to the location of the dredging or disposal site ologies used to derive these values. Methodologies range
(Pennekamp et al., 1996). Depending on these factors, from physiological studies of photosynthesis/irradiance
there can be considerable spatial and temporal variation relationships, field observations of maximum depth of sea-
in effects. In some cases, adverse impacts of dredging activ- grass colonization, and experimental manipulation of light
ities are limited to a relatively small area and of relatively levels during growth studies, to statistical models (Batiuk
short duration. Other (more large-scale) dredging or sand et al., 2000). Studies and methods further differ in the
mining operations, which stretch out over several years degree to which attenuation by epiphyte cover of seagrass
and cover many square kilometres, can have major adverse leaves, natural water colour, seasonal variation, above-/
environmental impacts (Lewis, 1976). below-ground biomass ratios, environmental factors other
In summary, main potential impacts from dredging on than light, and sublethal effects have been taken into
seagrasses include physical removal or burial of vegetation account. Mesocosm experiments have clearly shown effects
at the dredging/disposal site, and increased turbidity (light of shading on plant architecture, biomass partitioning, lat-
reduction) and increased sedimentation in adjacent sea- eral shoot development and flowering intensity in eelgrass
grass meadows. In addition, temporarily reduced dissolved (Ochieng et al., 2004).
oxygen concentration, release of nutrients and pollutants Whilst minimum light requirements are important, it is
from (contaminated) sediments, and hydrographic changes an oversimplification to assume that light attenuation
may also occur and have adverse (indirect) effects on the alone determines plant response to increased turbidity.
seagrass ecosystem. Also of importance is the length of time that different spe-
cies can survive at low light levels. Temporary fluctuations
3. Critical thresholds of seagrasses for turbidity in turbidity may be accommodated by the plant depending
on the nature of the species and the period of sub-optimal
Light is one of the key environmental resources impera- light (Westphalen et al., 2004). Laboratory experiments
tive for the growth and survival of seagrasses (Hemminga have shown that some seagrasses can survive in light inten-
and Duarte, 2000). Water transparency (which determines sities below their minimum requirements for periods rang-
depth-penetration of photosynthetically active radiation of ing from a few weeks to several months (Table 2)
sunlight) is the primary factor determining the maximum (Backman and Barilotti, 1976; Bulthuis, 1983; Gordon
depth at which seagrasses can occur. Reduction in light et al., 1994; Czerny and Dunton, 1995; Longstaff et al.,
due to turbidity has been identified as a major cause of loss 1999). Widespread seagrass mortality was observed in
of seagrasses worldwide (Shepherd et al., 1989; Green and Chesapeake Bay (USA) following a month-long (seasonal)
Short, 2003). The amount of light that reaches a seagrass pulse of increased turbidity (Moore et al., 1997).
leaf is determined by the natural water colour, concentra- The survival period of seagrass below its minimum light
tion of suspended solids, phytoplankton concentration requirement is shorter in smaller species with low carbohy-
and epiphyte cover of the leaf (Dennison, 1991; Batiuk drate storage capacity than in larger species (Longstaff
et al., 2000). et al., 1999; Peralta et al., 2002). Work by Chesire et al.
There are various reports of sublethal and lethal effects (2002) indicates that Posidonia sinuosa is able to survive
on seagrass meadows due to prolonged exposure to high longer at sub-compensation light levels than Zostera tas-
turbidity and siltation associated with dredging activities manica, which in turn survives slightly longer than Z. mar-
(Caldwell, 1985; Gaby et al., 1986; Onuf, 1994; Gordon ina, while Halophila ovalis copes with sub-minimal light for
et al., 1996; Chesire et al., 2002; Sabol et al., 2005). Indica- the shortest period. Whilst these results used different
tors of light stress in seagrasses may include decreases in methodologies and measurements to determine survival,
below-ground biomass and carbohydrate contents of rhi- it is clear that species with larger below-ground biomass
zomes, tissue nutrient contents, Chl-a contents of leaves are better adapted to longer periods of sub-minimal light.
and various photosynthetic growth parameters (Coles
and McKenzie, 2004). 4. Critical thresholds of seagrasses for sedimentation
There is a considerable range of values (2.5–37% of SI)
reported in the literature for the minimum light require- Several studies have documented deterioration of
ments of seagrasses, varying between different seagrass spe- seagrass meadows by smothering due to excessive
1556 P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572

Table 1
Critical threshold of seagrasses for light availability (‘minimum light requirements’ expressed as % of surface irradiance SI)
Species Location % SI Reference
Amphibolis antarctica Waterloo Bay, Australia 24,7 Duarte (1991)
Cymodocea nodosa Malta 7,3 Drew (1978)
Cymodocea nodosa Ebro Delta, Spain 10,2 Duarte (1991)
Halodule wrightii Laguna Madre, Texas, USA 5 Dunton and Tomasko (1991)
Halodule wrightii Alabama, USA 14 Shafer (1999)
Halodule wrightii Texas, USA 16 Czerny and Dunton (1995)
Halodule wrightii Texas, USA 16 Onuf (1996)
Halodule wrightii Florida, USA 17,2 Dennison et al. (1993)
Halodule wrightii Texas, USA 17,5 Onuf (1991)
Halodule wrightii Texas, USA 18 Dunton (1994)
Halodule wrightii Texas, USA 18 Dunton and Tomasko (1994)
Halodule wrightii Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA 29,5 Beal and Schmit (2000)
Halodule wrightii Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA 30,5 Kenworthy and Fonseca (1996)
Halophila decipiens Hobe Sound, Florida, USA 2,5 Dennison (1987)
Halophila decipiens St.Croix, Caribbean 4,4 Williams and Dennison, 1990
Halophila decipiens Northwest Cuba 8,8 Duarte (1991)
Halophila engelmanni Northwest Cuba 23,7 Duarte (1991)
Halophila ovalis Zanzibar, Tanzania 16 Schwarz et al. (2000)
Halophila spp. Sub tropical seas 5 Dennison et al. (1993)
Halophila stlpulacea GulfofEilat, Red Sea 3 Beer and Waisel (1982)
Heterozostera tasmanica Spencer Gulf, Australia 4,4 Duarte (1991)
Heterozostera tasmanica Victoria, Australia 5 Bulthuis (1983)
Heterozostera tasmanica Australia 9 Bulthuis and Woelkerling (1983)
Heterozostera tasmanica Chile 17,4 Duarte (1991)
Heterozostera tasmanica Waterloo Bay, Australia 20,2 Duarte (1991)
Posidonia angustifolia Waterloo Bay, Australia 24,7 Duarte (1991)
Posidonia australis Australia 10 Fitzpatrick and Kirkman (1995)
Posidonia coriacea Adelaide coast, Australia 8 Westphalen et al. (2004)
Posidonia oceanica Medas Island, Spain 7,8 Duarte (1991)
Posidonia oceanica Malta 9,2 Drew (1978)
Posidonia oceanica Corsica, France 10–16% Dalla Via et al. (1998), Ruiz and Romero (2003)
Posidonia ostenfeldii Waterloo Bay, Australia 24,7 Duarte (1991)
Posidonia sinuosa Australia 20 Gordon et al. (1994)
Posidonia sinuosa Waterloo Bay, Australia 24,7 Duarte (1991)
Ruppiamaritima Brazil 8,2 Duarte (1991)
Ruppia maritima Australian estuary 28 Congdon and McComb (1979)
Ruppia megacarpa Western Australia 24 Carruthers et al. (1999)
Syringodium filiforme Florida, USA 17,2 Dennison et al. (1993)
Syringodium filiforme Florida, USA 18,3 Duarte (1991)
Syringodium filiforme Northwest Cuba 19,2 Duarte (1991)
Syringodium filiforme Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA 30,5 Kenworthy and Fonseca (1996)
Thalassia testudinum Florida, USA 10 Fourqurean et al. (1999)
Thalassia testudinum Texas, USA 14 Czermy and Dunton (1995)
Thalassia testudinum Texas, USA 14 Lee and Dunton (1997)
Thalassia testudinum Florida, USA 15 Fourqurean and Zieman (1991)
Thalassia testudinum Florida, USA 15,3 Duarte (1991)
Thalassia testudinum Gulf of Mexico 20 Iverson and Bittaker (1986)
Thalassia testudinum Florida Bay, USA 20 Stumpf et al. (1999)
Thalassia testudinum Tampa Bay, Florida, USA 22,2 Dixon (2000)
Thalassia testudinum Northwest Cuba 23,5 Duarte (1991)
Thalassia testudinum Puerto Rico 24,4 Vicente and Rivera (1982)
Zostera capricomi Moreton Bay, Australia 30 Longstaff et al. (1999)
Zostera capricomi Moreton Bay, Australia 30 Abal and Dennison (1996)
Zostera marina New Hampshire, USA 11 Short et al. (1995)
Zostera marina Japan 18,2 Duarte (1991)
Zostera marina Woods Hole, USA 18,6 Dennison (1987)
Zostera marina Roskilde, Denmark 19,4 Borum (1983)
Zostera marina Chesapeake Bay, USA 20 Dennison et al. (1993)
Zostera marina Long Island Sound, USA 20 Burkholder and Doheny (1968)
Zostera marina Kattegat, Denmark 20,1 Ostenfeld (1908)
Zostera marina Denmark 20,6 Duarte (1991)
Zostera marina York River, VA (USA) 25 Moore (1991)
Zostera marina Netherlands 29,4 Duarte (1991)
Zostera marina Long Island Sound, USA 35,7 Koch and Beer (1996)
P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572 1557

Table 1 (continued)
Species Location % SI Reference
Zostera marina California, USA 37 Backman and Barilotti (1976)
Zostera noltii Spain 2 Peralta et al. (2002)

40 sedimentation, even at moderate burial (ca. 5 cm). Mills

and Fonseca (2003) observed >50% mortality of Zostera
marina in field burial treatments of 4 cm (corresponding
with 25% of plant height) for 24 days. Plants responded sim-
ilarly to burial in either sand or silt. Plants buried 75% or
25 more of their height (16 cm) experienced 100% mortality.

An overview of values reported in literature for maxi-

mum allowable sedimentation rates for seagrasses is pre-
15 sented in Table 3.
In general, it is difficult to separate the effects of turbid-
ity and sedimentation in field studies. Settlement of
5 suspended material on leaf blades of seagrasses may
interfere significantly with photosynthesis, and appears
0 especially significant in low wave energy environments
Heterozostera tasmanica

Zostera marina

Zostera capricorni
Zostera noltii

Ruppia maritima

Syringodium filiforme
Cymodocea nodosa

Ruppia megacarpa
Amphibolis antarctica
Thalassia testudinum
Posidonia coriacea

Posidonia australis

Posidonia ostenfeldii
Posidonia sinuosa
Halophila sp.

Posidonia oceanica

Halodule wrightii

Posidonia angustifolia
Halophila stipulacea

Halophila engelmanni
Halophila ovalis
Halophila decipiens

where fine sediments are present and can settle out (Shep-
herd et al., 1989). The impact of sedimentation is often
increased where epiphytes are abundant on seagrass leaves
(for instance under nutrient enriched conditions) because
epiphitized leaf blades collect a greater amount of sedi-
ment. In the case of eelgrass (Zostera marina) blades and
Fig. 1. Range of critical threshold values for light availability (as % surface epiphytes then appear dull brown coated with a fine layer
irradiance SI) reported in the literature for various seagrass species. of sediment, and they often sink to the bottom (Short
et al., 1989).
sedimentation. Consequences of enhanced sedimentation An indication of the duration that seagrasses can toler-
for seagrass plants depend on several factors such as depth ate high rates of sedimentation was revealed by field exper-
of burial and life history of the species involved (Duarte iments in Spain. Artificial burial of the seagrass Posidonia
et al., 1997). Seagrass species that develop vertical shoots oceanica with as much as 15 cm of sediment caused 100%
(e.g. Cymodocea, Thalassia, Thalassodendron) may respond mortality after 200–300 days (Manzanera et al., 1995). Sud-
to fluctuations in sediment depth by modifying their verti- den burial of Cymodocea nodosa with 5 cm of sediment
cal growth to relocate their leaf-producing meristems closer resulted in 90% mortality after 35 days, although some
to the new sediment level, but there are limits to the level of individual shoots of this species were able to survive burial
sedimentation seagrasses can tolerate (Marba and Duarte, as great as 6 cm (Marba and Duarte, 1994).
1994). Experimental burial of a mixed species seagrass meadow
Vermaat et al. (1997) reported sedimentation rates of 10– in the Philippines with varying amounts of sediment
13 cm yr1 as maximum threshold value of what seagrasses resulted in major differences in species response (Duarte
in the Philippines and Spain can survive. Manzanera et al. et al., 1997). Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea rotun-
(1995) reported significant mortality of shoots of the sea- data showed a sharp decline in shoot density even at mod-
grass Posidonia oceanica in response to experimental over- erate burial treatment with still no recovery 2 months after

Table 2
Duration of time that seagrass species can survive in light intensities below their minimum light requirements
Species Light availability Period survived (month) Reference
Halodule pinifolia 0 3–4 Longstaff and Dennison (1999)
Halodule wrightii 13–15% SI 9 Czerny and Dunton (1995)
Halophila ovalis 0 1 Longstaff et al. (1999)
Heterozostera tasmanica 9% SI 10 Bulthuis (1983)
Heterozostera tasmanica 2% SI 2–4 Bulthuis (1983)
Posidonia sinuosa 12% ambient 24 Gordon et al. (1994)
Thalassia testudinum 10% SI 11 Czerny and Dunton (1995)
Zostera capricomi 5% SI 1 Grice et al. (1996)
Zostera noltii <2% SI 0.5 Peralta et al. (2002)
1558 P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572

Table 3
Critical thresholds of seagrasses for sedimentation (cm/year)
Species Location Sedimentation (cm/yr) Reference
Cymodocea nodosa Mediterranean (Spain) 5 Marba and Duarte (1994)
Cymodocea rotundata Philippines 1.5 Vermaat et al. (1997)
Cymodocea serrulata Philippines 13 Vermaat et al. (1997)
Enhalus acoroides Philippines 10 Vermaat et al. (1997)
Halophila ovalis Philippines 2 Vermaat et al. (1997)
Posidonia oceanica Mediterranean (Spain) 5 Manzanera et al. (1995)
Zostera noltii Mediterranean (Spain) 2 Vermaat et al. (1997)

burial. Halodule uninervis, Syringodium isoetifolium and of seagrasses (Campbell and McKenzie, 2004). The paucity
Cymodocea serrulata showed an initial decline in shoot of data on rates and extent of recovery of seagrass mead-
density followed by recovery. Enhalus acoroides maintained ows is often due to the lack of data from long-term moni-
shoot density at all burial treatments and only showed toring programmes and because many seagrass meadows
some evidence of decline by the end of the experiment. have either failed to recover or taken many years to recover
Halophila ovalis showed an opportunistic growth in plots following stress from declining water quality (Short and
receiving 4–8 cm of sediment, reaching shoot densities well Wyllie-Echeverria, 1996). In areas disturbed by dugong
in excess to those of control plots (Duarte et al., 1997). grazing, propellor scars and other small-scale disturbance,
Sediment conditions (silt and clay content, organic mat- recovery can occur within weeks to months (Williams,
ter and sulfide concentration) can be an important factor 1988; Preen, 1995; Rasheed, 1999). Recovery of subtidal
limiting seagrass distribution (Koch, 2001), as supported seagrass meadows from large-scale disturbance has been
by observations in Southeast Asia where both species shown to take 2–4 years (Preen et al., 1995) or more than
diversity and leaf biomass of seagrass communities 5 years (Birch and Birch, 1984; Onuf, 2000; Blake and Ball,
declined sharply when the silt and clay content of the sed- 2001; Frederiksen et al., 2004; Sheridan, 2004). Often,
iment exceeded 15% (Terrados et al., 1998). Under condi- denuded areas may not recover for many decades because
tions of high light availability, however, major changes in of chronic turbidity due to continual resuspension of
sediment conditions associated with siltation may not neg- unconsolidated sediments (Thorhaug and Austin, 1976).
atively affect seagrass plants but instead enhance their When water quality conditions do not return to their origi-
growth by increasing the availability of nutrients, as nal state, recovery of subtidal seagrass may not occur at all
revealed by recent experiments with Cymodocea rotundata (Giesen et al., 1990).
in the Philippines (Halun et al., 2002). Campbell and McKenzie (2004) reported on the loss and
Clarke (1987) undertook a series of field-based burial subsequent recovery of approximately 2000 ha of intertidal
experiments on seagrasses along the Adelaide coast, which Zostera capricorni beds from Great Sandy Strait in Queens-
demonstrated that, as long as the sediments remained aer- land, Australia, following substantial flooding of the Mary
obic, Amphibolis plants were unaffected in terms of growth River in 1999. Whereas 95% of the seagrass meadows in
rate by burial up to 10 cm of sediment. This was contrasted this region were lost within 6 months following the flood
with Posidonia angustifolia, which demonstrated an inverse due to 2–3 fold increases in turbidity and nutrient concen-
relationship between growth and depth of burial, unless trations, full recovery (through recolonization from seed
conditions were anaerobic, causing mortality within 2 banks) occurred within 2 years of initial loss (Campbell
weeks (Clarke, 1987). Zostera tasmanica appears to be par- and McKenzie, 2004). Recovery of 2000 ha of primarily
ticularly vulnerable to high deposition environments (esp. Halodule wrightii due to improved water quality conditions
in the intertidal) as the leaves are quickly coated with sed- has been reported for Tampa Bay, Florida (Johansson and
iment (Clarke and Kirkman, 1989). Shepherd et al. (1989) Lewis, 1992; Lewis et al., 1998). Approximately 1000 km2
raised the possibility that the loss of 445 ha of Z. tasmanica of seagrasses in Hervey Bay, Australia, were lost in 1992
in northern Adelaide waters between 1965 and 1985 was after two major floods and a cyclone within a three-week
due to sediment accretion. period, which caused a persistent plume of turbid water.
Seagrasses are also likely to be affected by the nature of The deepwater seagrasses apparently died from lack of
the sediments that are deposited, which may bring with light from the floods. Heavy seas also uprooted seagrass
them pollutants or a high nutrient load. Furthermore, the in shallow waters. Subtidal seagrasses (below 5 m deep)
redox state of sediments may be altered if there is a high started to recover within two years. Intertidal seagrasses
organic load. only started to recover after four to five years and did
not fully recover until December 1998 (Coles et al.,
5. Seagrass recovery 2003). Deterioration of water quality in the Gulf of Ade-
laide (Australia) from sewage effluents, sewage sludge and
Despite the known causes of widespread seagrass loss, stormwater discharges, caused the loss of more than
few studies documented post-disturbance recovery rates 4000 ha of seagrass between 1969 and 1996 (EPA, 1998).
P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572 1559

No significant recovery has been observed to date and More recently, a series of some of the largest land recla-
losses are continuing, despite some improvements in sludge mations in recent history have been initiated in Dubai,
outfalls. United Arab Emirates (De Jong et al., 2005). The dredging
Variation between different seagrass species in their abil- and dumping operations that are necessary for these
ity to endure and recover from periods of reduced light is extreme reclamations in Dubai (covering well over
related to their differing morphological and physiological 20,000 ha), apparently permitted under governing national
characteristics (Chesire et al., 2002). These characteristics legislation, and several other recent reclamation and coast-
represent different strategies for survival in the face of line modification projects elsewhere in the Middle East, are
stress or disturbance. Smaller fast growing (short-lived) likely to affect large areas of sensitive marine habitats
species such as Halophila ovalis or Halodule wrightii do including seagrass beds (B. Riegl., pers. comm., May
not endure long once environmental conditions are beyond 2005; Purkis and Riegl, 2005).
that to which they can adapt, but they tend to recolonize Nevertheless, the selection of case studies presented here
more quickly following an impact. Larger seagrass species is considered representative of the scale and nature of dam-
such as Thalassia or Posidonia sp. tend to have greater age commonly occurring. Other factors such as land recla-
stored reserves that can be mobilised to sustain the plant mation, port construction, beach nourishment and poor
temporarily during periods of reduced light (below their catchment management also contributed to seagrass
minimum light requirements). These species tend to be slow decline. Yet in all of these cases, dredging reportedly played
growing, long-lived and therefore represent a resilience a key role.
strategy, being more resistant to short-term to medium- Two of the largest losses, i.e. 15,000 ha in Laguna
term disturbances. If, however, the impact persists to the Madre (Texas, USA) and ‘thousands of hectares’ in Mor-
point where these plants have depleted all their reserves, eton Bay (Australia), have occurred before 1990. Most of
they die. Once lost, recolonization of these species is unli- the more recent losses in Australia and USA are substan-
kely or at best slow (Chesire et al., 2002). tially smaller in scale and 6 of the 7 no-impact case studies
were recent (post-1990). Data from European countries
6. Scale of damage to seagrass beds from dredging and elsewhere are too few to detect similar trends.
As the various case studies reveal, the extent of damage
An overview of 45 documented cases of dredging oper- to seagrasses is not simply a function of the size and scale
ations in or near/around seagrass areas, including scale of the dredging operation alone, but also depends on the
of damage (ha) and mitigating measures applied (if any), proximity to the seagrass bed, type and composition of
is presented in Table 4. A total of 26 out of the 45 case the sediment, the way dredging equipment is used, mitigat-
studies presented, together account for a total loss of ing measures applied, and so forth.
21,023 ha of seagrass beds due to dredging and associated The scale of predicted damage to seagrass vegetation
activities during the past 50 years. A further 12 case studies and cumulative effects can be issues of concern in the per-
reported adverse (in some cases catastrophic) impacts from mit process for dredging and sand mining. According the
dredging operations on seagrasses, but did not quantify the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, for
total area lost. In the remaining seven case studies, no sig- example, over 200 permit requests are submitted each year
nificant impacts of dredging on nearby seagrass beds were for small-scale dredging and constructions in Florida that
reported. Most of the reported case studies were in Austra- may affect very small areas (often below 100 m2) of
lia (15) and USA (14), with the rest (16) scattered over Eur- seagrass vegetation (FFWCC, 2001; Kirsch et al., 2005).
ope, Asia, Caribbean and the Middle East. No amount of seagrass loss, no matter how small, is
There must be many more cases of seagrass loss associ- allowed to happen in Florida without formal permits being
ated with dredging operations worldwide which are mostly issued.
– if at all – reported in gray literature and EIA reports, In several cases in the USA, applicants have attempted
including confidential documents or reports in other lan- to seek dredging permits to fit channels into gaps in sea-
guages, access to which is limited. The actual scale of grass beds. Yet, opponents have argued (successfully in
dredging damage to seagrasses worldwide can therefore some cases) that seagrass meadows are known to migrate
safely be assumed to be much greater. For example, recent across the landscape and dredging below the compensation
large-scale dredging and land reclamation works in Singa- depth in a gap would eliminate potential seagrass habitat in
pore covering over 10,000 ha (De Jong et al., 2005) are the future (Jud Kenworthy, pers. comm., April 2005). Con-
likely to have caused damage to seagrass beds, but this cern over predicted impacts on areas that constitute poten-
has not been documented. Dredging to purposely remove tial seagrass habitat but are currently unvegetated is
‘‘unwanted’’ seagrass vegetation is commonly practised in sometimes considered legitimate in areas where major
the Maldives at resorts without restriction (Iain Benson, efforts are underway to restore seagrass vegetation, as
pers. comm., May 2005). Seismic explorations for oil in noted for Tampa Bay (FFWCC, 2001) and the Dutch
Belize on turtle grass flats (several decades ago) resulted Wadden Sea (Van Katwijk, pers. comm., December 2004).
in permanent dotted lines across several of the grass flats, Not all observed reductions in seagrass cover in the
each dot the size of a 2-car garage (Anonymous, in lit.). immediate vicinity of dredging sites are necessarily the
Table 4
Overview of case studies on dredging impacts on seagrasses
Country Location Year Activity/Purpose Scale of impact/damage Mitigation/Response Reference
Australia Botany Bay, New 1942–1984 Widespread dredging, along with Loss of 257 ha of seagrass beds None reported Walker and McComb
South Wales poor catchment management and (Posidonia australis, P.sinuosa) (1992), Larkum and West
uncontrolled effluent disposal (1990)
Australia Success Bank and 1950s–2002 Commercial dredging for mining of Loss of 232 ha of seagrass (Posidonia Transplanting seagrass sods using Gordon et al. (1996),
Parmelia Bank, calcium carbonate sands (shellsand) coriacea, Amphibolis griffithii and planting machines for rehabilitation Wyllie et al. (1997), Lord
Western Australia for production of lime (for mining Posidonia sinuosa) + additional loss et al. (1999), Paling et al.

P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572
industry) by Cockbum Cement of 168 ha predicted for period 2002– (2001), Walker et al.
2014 (2001)
Australia Southern Bay 1955–2000 Dredging of access channels and Loss of thousands of hectares of None reported Kirkman (1978), WBM,
Islands Region, marine infrastructure development seagrass (Zostera capricorni) due to 2001, Thorogood et al.
Moreton Bay, (canal estate development) dredging and associated turbidity (2001), Coles et al. (2003)
Australia Cleveland Bay and 1970s Capital and maintenance dredging Extensive burial and loss of nearly all None reported Pringle (1989)
Magnetic Island, at Ross River mouth and disposal at seagrass vegetation (possibly several
Queensland various dump sites in Cleveland Bay thousand ha according to habitat
(peak in the early – mid-1970s) maps) followed by gradual recovery
during 1978–1985
Australia Section Bank Late 1980s Channel dredging of Port River None reported (impact considered None reported (impact considered Chesire et al. (2002)
(Barker Inlet), acceptable) acceptable)
South Australia
Australia Section Bank Mid-1980s Dredging of a trench for the No significant (long-term) effects on None reported Chesire et al. (2002)
(Barker Inlet), Wasleys to Adelaide Pipeline seagrass
South Australia Looping Project (30–50,000 m3)
Australia Deception Bay, 1991–1992 Channel deepening and No significant impacts detected Monitoring (3yrs.) and mapping Long et al. (1996)
Queensland maintenance dredging of the access
channel into Newport Waters Canal
Australia McArthur River, 1994 Capital dredging of 1,250,000 m3 of Loss of 18.95 ha dense seagrass Confined land disposal with 2-stage Kenyon et al. (1999)
Northern Territory, sediment for development of trans- (direct removal) 3 years of sedimentation ponds; monitoring of
Western Gulf of shipment facility (incl. large monitoring indicated no further loss seagrass along channel edges
Carpentaria channel, swing basin for berthing) along canal edges or adjacent bed
Australia Botany Bay, New 1994–1995 Dredging and landfill for Loss of 18 ha of seagrass (Zostera 1.8 ha of seagrass transplanted Lord et al. (1999)
South Wales construction of Sydney airport 3rd capricorni) due to direct successfully for compensation (pilot
runway extension removal + additional loss of 5 ha trial project)
(Posidonia spp.) due to sand
relocation for bird habitat
reconstruction works
Australia Port of Karumba, 1994–2004 Maintenance dredging of port No observable impacts on approx. Long-term monitoring Rasheed et al. (2001)
Queensland entrance and river channel 1000 ha of seagrass within the Port
Australia Fisherman’s Island, 2000 Dredging and filling for the Direct loss of 90 ha of seagrass Environmental management plan POB (2000), BREC (2000)
Brisbane, proposed expansion of the Port of (patchy) predicted
Queensland Brisbane (dredging of 300,000 m3)
Australia Port of Weipa, 2000–2003 Capital and maintenance dredging Minimal or no impact predicted on If visual plume over seagrass persists GHD (2005)
Queensland of 3,750,000 m3 to widen and 4000 ha of seagrass within Port limits >6 h dredging to be relocated
deepen entrance channel and berth (+plume modelling)
Australia Owen Anchorage, 2002–2010 Planned Stage One-Dual Channel Estimated direct loss of 53 ha of Detailed environmental Lord & Associates (2000)
Cockburn Sound Dredging by Cockburn Cement seagrass (of which 38 ha Posidonia management plan and transplanting
Western Australia (commercial shellsand mining) sinuosa and Posidonia australis proposed
+15 ha Posidonia coriacea and
Amphibolis griffithii)
Australia Towra Beach, 2004–2005 Dredging and filling for the Towra Predicted loss of 3.85 ha of seagrass Minimize overall seagrass loss and SMEC (2003)
Botany Bay, beach nourishment project (Zostera capricorni) due to the avoiding all Posidonia seagrass beds
Sydney (60,000 m3 using cutter suction nourishment project + loss of
dredge) + dredging for the parallel 13.73 ha due to the parallel runway

P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572
runway project project
Australia Port Philip Bay, 2005 Dredging for channel deepening, No significant impacts on Seagrass productivity not to be Edmunds et al. (2004),
Melbourne Port of Melbourne seagrasses expected (20% reduction reduced by more than 20%; Pert of Melbourne Corp.,
(31.7 million m3 sediment plus of primary production acceptable) turbidity to be kept within 2004, Hart et al. (2004)
0.5 million m3 rock) thresholds; extensive monitoring
Bahrain Fasht Al-Adhm, 1985–1992 Dredging and filling associated Loss of 10.2 km2 (1002 ha) of None reported Zainal et al. (1993)
east coast of with various land reclamations seagrass beds detected from remote
Bahrain (Arabian along the north-east coast sensing imagery
Bermuda Castle Harbour, 1942–1943 Dredging and fill operation (12–15 Loss of 18.2 ha of seagrass None Smith (1999), Sterrer and
Bermuda million m3) for a 300 ha land-fill (Thalassia testudinum) due to Wingate, 1981
for army station and Bermuda dredging and associated turbidity
International Airport
Brazil Sepetiba Bay, Rio 1997 Dredging of 20.86 million m3 of Accumulation of heavy metals by None reported Filho et al. (2004)
de Janeiro State bottom sediment to increase the seagrasses from resuspended
capacity of the Port of Sepetiba contaminated sediments
Denmark Saltholm and 1995–2000 Dredging and reclamation for the No impacts on eelgrass beds Feedback monitoring (stopping the Thorkilsen and Dynesen
surrounding waters construction of the Øresund fixed (Zostera marina) (zero loss) dredging when turbidity thresholds (2001), Jensen and
(Øresund) link (bridge and tunnel) between exceeded); strict environmental Lyngby (1999), Krause-
Denmark and Sweden regulations and extensive Jensen et al. (2001)
Fiji Suva region, Fiji Early 1980s Commercial dredging of coral sand Total destruction of seagrass beds Management plan Penn (1981)
Islands for cement production (100,000 within the dredgepit areas (not
tonnes dry weight/yr in 1981) quantified) but gradual
recolonization of dredged areas
over time
France Gulf of Porto- 1970s Dredging and port construction Almost complete disappearance of None reported Pasqualini et al. (1999)
Vecchio, Corsica for Porto-Vecchio’s commercial Posidonia oceanica beds in far end
port of Gulf of Porto-Vecchio
Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok 1994–1998 Dredging, reclamation and Complete disappearance of seagrass None reported Lee (1997), Fong (2000),
(China) International construction works for new (Zostera japonica) but some local Fong (2001)
Airport, Hongkong international airport recovery of Halophila ovata
Indonesia Benoa Bay, Bali 1996–1998 Dredging (50 million m3) and Substantial loss of seagrass beds EIA; Project abandoned after Shaw (2000)
filling for land reclamation (Bali (approx. 500 ha-estimated from completion of reclamation in 1998
Turtle Island Development and habitats and development map) due to financial crisis
Bali Benoa Marina)
Italy Gulf of Oristano, 1970s Channel dredging and commercial Substantial loss of Posidonia None reported De Falco et al. (2000)
Sardinia port construction oceanica meadows (approx. 800 ha
estimated from distribution map)

(continued on next page)
Table 4 (continued)
Country Location Year Activity/Purpose Scale of impact/damage Mitigation/Response Reference
Italy Cape Feto, SW 1993 Dredging and fill operation for Direct loss of 150 ha of seagrass None reported Di Carlo et al. (2005),
Sicily construction of Italo-Algerian (Posidonia oceanica) plus indirect Di Carlo et al. (2004),
(Mediterranean) methane gas pipeline effects from pulsed siltation on Badalamenti et al. (2006)
nearby seagrass meadows
Italy Ischia Island, Gulf 2002 Sand extraction for refilling of a Loss of 4 ha of Posidonia oceanica None reported Gambi et al. (2005)
of Naples beach off Ischia Island (direct loss)
(Tyrrhenian Sea)
Kenya Mombasa coastal Mid-1990s Dredging and filling associated Loss of 2 ha of seagrass (5 spp.) plus None reported Wakibya (1995)

P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572
area with jetty construction by local additional (indirect) impacts from
fishing company associated turbidity
Netherlands Hond-Paap tidal 2002–2003 Dredging and excavation of No significant impacts on nearby Restrictions to timing, turbidity Erftemeijer (2002),
flat, Ems estuary 250,000 m3 of sediment for the eelgrass beds (Zostera marina) plume modelling, EIA monitoring Erftemeijer and Wijsman
deepening of an existing gas programme (2003)
Portugal Rio de Aveiro, 1984–2003 Channel dredging (deepening and Loss of 8 km2 (800 ha) of seagrass None reported Da Silva et al. (2004)
Atlantic Ocean widening) of the inlet connecting vegetation (Potamogeton pectinatus,
the Rio de Aveiro estuary/lagoon Ruppia cirrhosa and Zostera noltii)
with the Atlantic Ocean due to indirect effect of dredging on
turbidity, resuspension and tidal
wave penetration
Portugal Rio Formosa Mid-1990s Dredging of navigation channels Some seagrass affected (not Short-term monitoring Janelle Curtis (in litt)
(tidal/coastal and two tidal inlets to facilitate quantified) (Cymodocea nodosa and
lagoon) ocean passage and increase tidal Zostera marina)
USA Boca Ciega and 1876–1976 Channel deepening, maintenance Loss of 1400 acres (567 ha) of Complete halt of open water Lewis (1976), Taylor and
Tampa Bay, dredging, shell dredging and seagrass areas (5 spp.); extremely spoiling in Tampa Bay since 1973; Saloman (1968), Fonseca
Florida dredging for landfill and slow recovery (partly due to loss of use of upland disposal sites (at (2002), Lewis et al. (1998)
construction offshore sandbars) increased costs)
USA Indian River 1940–1992 Maintenance dredging and Burial of seagrasses by creation of None reported Fletcher and Fletcher
Lagoon, Florida creation of spoil islands spoil islands and further losses due (1995), Brown-Peterson
to turbidity from dredging (but et al. (1993)
some recolonization by Halodule
USA Laguna Madre, 1965–1988 Maintenance dredging (every 2– Loss of 15,000 ha of seagrass beds Various management actions and Onuf (1994), Quammen
Texas 5yrs) of navigation channels and (Halodule wrightii) from all waters research on seagrass recovery and Onuf (1993), Pulich
disposal of spoil (elsewhere in deeper than 1 m due to turbidity and White (1991)
lagoon) caused by dredging/disposal with
very little recovery
USA Port of Miami, Early 1980s Channel deepening, dredging of Loss of 33 ha of seagrass The permit required replanting of Gaby et al. (1986), Lewis
Florida turning basin and filling of an (+ additional loss of 69 ha of 102 ha of seagrass to mitigate for (1987)
artificial island as part of the potential seagrass habitat) losses; initial success very poor
expansion of the Port of Miami (2.4 ha survived)
USA Key Biscayne, 1985 Dredging and placement for beach Burial and loss of 10.5 ha of Salvage of seagrasses for use in Gaby et al. (1986)
Florida nourishment of 3.9 km of Atlantic seagrasses mitigation of another dredging
beaches project (Port of Miami)
USA Great Bay estuary, <1993 Dredging and construction for Loss of 2.5 ha of seagrass (Zostera Restoration of 2.5 ha of seagrass Short et al. (2000), Davis
New Hampshire expansion of the New Hampshire marina) from direct and indirect bed elsewhere in the estuary + long- and Short (1997)
Port impacts of dredging term monitoring
USA Laguna Madre, 1994–1995 Maintenance dredging and Burial of seagrass vegetation at Monitoring of recovery rate Sheridan (2004)
Texas disposal of dredged material (total disposal sites; significant recovery
715.500 m3) at six sites in the (Halodule wrightii) within 3 yrs
USA Indian River 1996–1997 Fort Pierce cargo port extension, Loss of 39.3 acres (16 ha) of None reported MacArthur Report
Lagoon, Florida incl. deepening of the harbour and seagrass (Halophila (1997), Virnstein and
deepening and widening of the johnsonii) + indirect secondary Morris (1996)
entrance channel impacts from turbidity on highly
productive seagrass beds (400 acres)

P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572
USA Delmarva 1996–1999 Hydraulic dredging and modified 1257 ha of seagrass affected/ Adoption of legislation for the Orth et al. (2002)
Peninsula, oyster dredging for clams (fishing) damaged with scars; slow recovery protection of most seagrass beds in
Maryland and taking >3 years Virginia (1997) and Maryland
Virginia (2002) not allowing clam dredging
in seagrass beds
USA Tampa Bay, 1999–2000 Dredging for navigation and berth Loss of 5.33 acres (2.2 ha) of Transplanting of 17.57 acres Environmental Affairs
Florida improvements as part of Port seagrass (Thalassia testudinum. (=7.1 ha) of seagrass (mainly Consultants (2005)
Manatee expansion project Halodule wrightii and Syringodium Halodule wrightii) achieved within 3
isoetifolium) years
USA Cape Ann 2001 Channel maintenance dredging to Initial loss of seagrass in dredged Minimizing duration; seasonal Peňa (2005)
peninsula, improve harbor access channel areas; good post-dredging restrictions; no-spud zone; limit
Massachusetts, recovery within 3–4 years over-dredge quantities; 5-year
Manchester-on- seagrass monitoring program
USA Emeryville Flats, 2001–2002 Dredging, filling and construction 58% decline in vegetation cover Not available Merkel (2003)
San Francisco Bay related to the San Francisco – representing a loss of 8.3 ha of
Oakland Bay Bridge project seagrass (Zostera marina)
USA Miami Harbor 2002–2003 Dredging for widening of entrance Loss of 6.3 acres (2.6 ha) of seagrass Replanting of 6.3 acres of seagrass Dial Cordy and Assoc.,
area, Biscayne Bay channel and turning basin at by direct removal and subsequent (Halodule wrightii + 3 other spp.) 2002
Miami Harbor sloughing on former borrow areas in Biscayne
USA Scituate Harbor, 2002–2003 Navigation maintenance dredging Loss of 1.8 ha of eelgrass (Zostera No dredging allowed near dense Sabol et al. (2005), Sabol
MA, New England of small boat harbor marina); some subsequent recovery eelgrass; use of silt curtains; and Shafer, 2005
within 2 years seagrass monitoring
US Virgin Water Bay, St. 1969 Dredging for navigation and Mass mortality/loss of seagrasses None reported Van Eepoel (1969)
Islands Thomas, Virgin boating (removal of 600,000 cubic (Thalassia testudinum) and corals
Islands yards of material from Water Bay) due to meachanical removal,
sedimentation and turbidity

1564 P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572

result of dredging-induced turbidity. Indeed, distinguishing munities. Dredging was stopped temporarily during peak
effects of anthropogenic disturbances from natural dynam- currents for approximately 20 times to keep within these
ics in estuarine and marine environments can be a chal- environmental restrictions (Thorkilsen and Dynesen,
lenge (Montagna et al., 1998). Recent field monitoring at 2001). These measures helped to ensure that there were
two sites in New England and Florida indicated that dredg- no significant impacts from dredging and construction
ing-induced turbidity did not extend to nearby seagrass activities on the eelgrass beds (Krause-Jensen et al., 2001).
beds, and that locally observed seagrass decline must have In at least one case, silt curtains have been used to
been due to some other (natural) disturbance (Sabol and reduce impacts on seagrasses (Sabol et al., 2005). Although
Shafer, 2005). the efficacy of silt curtains in reducing dredging-induced
turbidity and siltation impacts on the seagrass beds was
7. Mitigating measures not evaluated, the authors note that the design of the cur-
tains installed by the contractor may have been inadequate
A number of management techniques and mitigation for the hydrodynamic conditions prevalent in the study
measures have been developed, such as tidal dredging, area. High tidal flow resulted in breakage of anchor lines
physical barriers, environmental dredging techniques and and rupture of the seams of the curtains (Sabol et al.,
so forth, which may be used to mitigate effects of dredging 2005).
on sensitive organisms or ecosystems (Smits, 1998). In Installation of physical barriers such as silt screens is
hydraulic dredging techniques, the dredging rate can be often a difficult operation, demanding great skill and expe-
adapted by increasing the amount of water pumped up rel- rience on the part of the dredging contractor to avoid leak-
ative to the amount of sediment that is dredged, which can age through the curtain. Enclosure of dredging equipment
help to reduce the extent of turbidity plumes. Examples of with a silt screen is restricted mainly to the use with station-
other environmental dredging equipment include encapsu- ary dredgers using pipeline discharge methods, and is
lated bucket lines for bucket chain dredgers, closed clam- always accompanied by some degree of leakage under-
shells for grab dredgers, auger dredgers, disc cutters, neath. Protection of an environmentally very sensitive area
scoop dredgers and sweep dredgers (all modified cutter with silt screens may in some cases be viable, but only if the
dredgers). A more recent development is sub-suction physical conditions of the site (esp. waves and currents)
dredging (e.g. BeauDredge, Multilans), which allows for allow their effective use (USACE, 2005). Use of a silt
lowering of the seafloor by extracting sediment from deeper screen, however, clearly limits the output level of the
layers without disturbing the top layer. dredger, lengthens the execution period, and increases the
Mitigating measures applied in the various case studies costs of the project (Smits, 1998).
(Table 4) include confined land-disposal, EIA, turbidity Impact prediction (e.g. through plume modelling and/or
modelling (plume prediction), turbidity thresholds, limits habitat modelling) and turbidity monitoring have proven
to allowable reduction in seagrass productivity, minimizing to be successful tools in preventing or minimizing environ-
duration of dredging, seasonal restrictions (e.g. avoiding mental impacts on seagrasses from dredging operations
seagrass flowering periods), limiting over-dredge quanti- (Jensen and Lyngby, 1999; Thorkilsen and Dynesen,
ties, establishment of no-spud zones, use of silt screens, 2001; Krause-Jensen et al., 2001; Erftemeijer, 2002; Erfte-
prohibiting dredging near dense seagrass areas, stopping meijer and Wijsman, 2004). A new method for synoptic
dredging when turbidity thresholds are exceeded, seagrass real-time nowcasting, hindcasting and short-term forecast-
monitoring and mapping, research on seagrass recovery, ing of turbidity by combining information from remote
salvage of seagrasses for use in transplantation to mitigate sensing data, water quality modelling of sediment transport
losses (Lewis, 1987), post-dredging seagrass restoration and in situ data using data-model integration (DMI) tech-
(Lewis, 1987; Fonseca et al., 2002), and adoption of legis- niques, may prove to be an even more sophisticated, yet
lation banning the use of certain (clam) dredging methods. practical tool for use by the dredging industry in curbing
In the case of the Øresund Fixed Link (Denmark), a environmental impacts (Erftemeijer et al., 2002; Tatman
whole range of technical and environmental aspects of et al., 2005).
the dredging operation were integrated with the contrac-
tual commitments of the contractor to prevent impacts 8. Regulation of dredging in seagrass areas
on eelgrass beds in the area (Jensen and Lyngby, 1999).
Two major tools were introduced to ensure that spill was Specific regulations to protect seagrasses are few.
kept below the limits necessary to fulfill the environmental Although marine protected areas (MPAs) are rarely estab-
objectives and criteria of the project: (1) the contractor was lished specifically to conserve seagrasses, there are 247
held responsible through his contract for keeping the spill MPAs worldwide known to include seagrasses (Spalding
below specified limits varying in time and space, taking into et al., 2003). In addition to designation of MPAs, other
consideration environmentally sensitive periods and areas; legal measures have proved beneficial to seagrasses in some
(2) a feedback-monitoring programme was implemented to places, although seagrasses themselves are rarely singled
covering sediment spill, dispersal thereof, and biological out as the object of protection. In Queensland (Australia),
key variables representing the most sensitive benthic com- for example, all seagrasses and other marine plants are spe-
P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572 1565

cifically protected under the Fisheries Act of 1994, for pro- suspended particles and nutrients, discharged to waters of
tection of commercial and recreational fishing activities the USA.
(Spalding et al., 2003). In the Mediterranean, Posidonia In addition, all of the 51 states of the USA, have individ-
oceanica meadows are accorded priority protection under ually some type of environmental pollution prevention
Annex 1 to the EU Habitats Directive, while 3 of 5 Medi- laws, some stronger than others. In many states, like Flor-
terranean seagrass species are described as endangered in ida and California, the Corps will not issue a federal 404
the SPA/BD Protocol of the 1995 Barcelona Convention permit until the state issues a ‘‘water quality certification’’
(EEA, 2005). Since Posidonia oceanica meadows are partic- that a proposed project, including dredging in or around a
ularly vulnerable to bottom-disturbing activities, some seagrass meadow, will not violate certain specific water
countries like Spain have severely limited dredging opera- quality criteria. Further some subdivisions of state govern-
tions susceptible to alter Posidonia communities along the ment, such as counties or cities may have another set of
coast of Spain (Eurosion, 2004). regulations protecting wetlands in general and seagrasses
Both dredging and disposal operations are increasingly specifically in coastal areas. All of these regulations require
regulated more strictly with regards to their environmental that permits be reviewed and if issued, include stringent
impacts. In addition to national and regional legislation monitoring of survival of seagrasses around dredging sites,
and policies, some useful general guidelines have been and water quality monitoring during dredging. Turbidity,
drawn up within the framework of international and regio- suspended particulate load, light penetration, dissolved
nal conventions. The London Convention (1972) adopted nutrients and dissolved oxygen are common parameters
the dredged material assessment framework (DMAF), a that must be monitored and reported, and if exceedances
widely reviewed and accepted approach to the assessment occur, dredging must be stopped until monitoring confirms
of suitability of dredged material for disposal at sea. The a return to background conditions.
OSPAR Convention (1992) adopted the OSPAR Guide- In Australia, dredging and disposal of dredged spoil is
lines for the Management of Dredged Material (OSPAR, governed by the Environment Protection Act 1981. In
1998) and more recently produced a background document addition, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975
on ‘Environmental Impacts to Marine Species and Habi- includes further provisions to assess and manage environ-
tats of Dredging for Navigational Purposes (OSPAR, mental impact of coastal development activities such as
2004). Some other helpful documents include the ‘Good dredging. General dredging and sea dumping permits are
Practice Guidelines for Ports and Harbours operating subject to conditions which may typically include restric-
within or near UK European Marine Sites’ (ABP tions to the size of the impacted zone, limitations to a
Research, 1999), the ‘Guidelines for Dredging’ of EPA Vic- certain period of the year, turbidity limits and tidal
toria in Australia (EPA, 2001) and the series on ‘Environ- restrictions (EPA, 2001). Turbidity limits are generally
mental Aspects of Dredging’ issued by the Central expressed in terms of maximum allowable exceedance (in
Dredging Association (CEDA) and International Associa- %) above the best estimates of natural ambient turbidity.
tion of Dredging Companies (IADC) (Jensen and Mogen- If this target is exceeded there are limits to the duration
sen, 2000). of plumes (e.g. not allowed to exceed an aggregate of four
In the United States, there are multiple levels of regula- days in any five-day period, or 90% of any 10-day period).
tion of both direct and indirect effects of dredging and If such periods are exceeded, this will trigger a management
water quality degradation on seagrasses. At national level, response, such as temporary cessation or modification of
the US Army Corps of Engineers has primary jurisdiction dredging or disposal works or further restrictions on meth-
of dredging in ‘‘navigable waters’’, which includes essen- ods and location of future operations. Turbidity limits may
tially all marine and estuarine waters in the USA. Seagrass be modified during the course of the dredging operation
beds are regulated as ‘‘special aquatic sites’’ not as after consideration of monitoring results. Conditions also
wetlands, but the same laws that apply to wetlands under include the need for trial dredging, compliance- and effects
Section 404 of the so called Clean Water Act (Federal monitoring (esp. of turbidity plumes and background tur-
Water Pollution Control Act, Public Law 92–500), origi- bidity), and monitoring and mapping of species composi-
nally passed by the US House and Senate in 1972, and tion and abundance of seagrass beds in the affected area.
modified since, apply regarding application for permits to In most cases, a technical advisory and consulative com-
impact any site with seagrasses. Permit applications are mittee is established that sets up and agrees on monitoring
processed by the Corps, but are reviewed by other federal programmes, decides on the need and frequency of sam-
agencies, including the US Fish and Wildlife Service, pling and is allowed to make additional recommendations
National Marine Fisheries Service and US Environmental that will help to minimize environmental impacts of the
Protection Agency (EPA). EPA also has veto authority dredging operations (EPA, 2001). Regulations may also
on any attempt by the Corps to override its recommenda- include the need to rehabilitate affected seagrass areas.
tions for permit denial, although the power has been rarely Establishing a reasonable background turbidity level
used. EPA also regulates water quality directly under the can be challenging, particularly given the variable nature
same Clean Water Act with authority to issue permits to of the ambient state. With a highly time variable back-
dischargers and limit quantities of pollutants, including ground condition, some ports have adopted an approach
1566 P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572

of real-time comparison between plume measurements over incurred in efforts aimed at preventing or minimizing sea-
sensitive areas with ambient conditions, whilst others con- grass damage are probably negligible in comparison with
tinue to use an historic estimate based on regular monitor- costs of seagrass restoration programmes, which often
ing of ambient conditions. Whilst dredging may cause an appear to have limited success.
above average elevation of turbidity over seagrass, these Fonseca et al. (2002) discussed the ecological restoration
elevations may in many instances be within the long term of seagrasses including the success rate for seagrass mitiga-
background range for the area and short-lived when com- tion undertaken for permitted losses of seagrasses, or as
pared to a frequent and naturally occurring event such as a court ordered restoration after illegal damage. They noted
significant rain event during the wet season. It can there- that while seagrass restoration or mitigation can be suc-
fore not be assumed that transitory dredge plumes in excess cessful, many errors occur in site selection in particular,
of an area’s average turbidity would necessarily cause sig- and partial or complete failures in such attempts has been
nificant impacts on seagrasses. Therefore, authorities common. Citing a particular example of a court-ordered
increasingly take natural variability in background turbid- seagrass restoration project, they also note that successful
ity into consideration. efforts can be very expensive. The particular example they
Historically, the management approach in the USA used costed US$ 630,000 per hectare (1996 costs) including
(with strong ‘riparian’ property rights anchored in consti- site surveys, monitoring and reporting. Lewis et al. (2006)
tutional laws) focused primarily on remediation (compen- describe a US$ 6 million project that had only achieved
sating for damage to be incurred to seagrass) with approximately 1.5 ha of success at the time of reporting.
regulations applying to all dredging operations, even very A recent €900,000 eelgrass restoration programme in the
small ones. In Australia, the approach has been more or Dutch Wadden Sea has achieved little success after 4 years
less that of a zero-loss strategy, preventing or minimizing of re-introduction and transplantation trials (Bos and Van
impacts on seagrass, with planned dredging operations Katwijk, 2005). The costs of two successful seagrass resto-
being assessed following a case-by-case approach. Since ration projects in the USA ranged between 200,000 and
about 15 years ago, the situation in the USA has changed, 500,000 US$ per ha (Davis et al., 2002; Lewis et al.,
partly as a result of a growing awareness of economic 2006). In their review of techniques for restoration and sub-
losses associated with damage to seagrass beds. Now stitution of ecosystem services of tropical coastal ecosys-
dredging in or near seagrass beds is very strictly controlled, tems (including seagrass beds), Moberg and Rönnbäck
and permits are hard to get, even for minor impacts (2003) conclude that it is probably always cheaper to aim
(0.1 ha). Part of the issue is whether you can adequately at preserving ecosystem functioning than trying to restore
mitigate or compensate for seagrass impacts. Most such or substitute them when they have been degraded or lost.
projects have failed in the past (Lewis, 1987).
There is suspicion of potential bias and lack of objectiv- 10. Discussion and conclusions
ity in the licensing process for dredging permits. A recent
study into sustainability of UK offshore dredging for mar- Although there clearly are a large number of reports
ine aggregate mining (Olsen, 2005) noted that the vested that have documented adverse impacts on seagrass beds
economic interests of applicants, license granting bodies, from dredging and sand-mining operations, there are sev-
license owners and monitors of the dredging are likely to eral other (mostly recent) cases that reported no impacts
affect objectivity in impact assessments submitted in the on nearby seagrasses at all. There appears to be an increas-
licensing procedure. Environmental impact assessment ing awareness among dredging contractors and regulatory
studies of large-scale land reclamation schemes in parts bodies on the economic and ecological value of seagrass
of the Middle East are sometimes shrouded in secrecy or beds and the importance to make a concerted effort to min-
are in some cases conducted only after reclamation has imize impacts on these sensitive systems. The various case
already been implemented. studies from the USA and Australia suggests that the larg-
est impacts have mostly been in the past. As a result of
9. Estimated costs stricter regulations and enforcement by relevant authori-
ties, recent large-scale dredging operations take various
Stricter regulations, tighter control measures, proper precautions and mitigating measures to keep impacts at a
enforcement and detailed monitoring, together with proper minimum. Elsewhere, experiences seem to vary between
impact assessment, application of wide-ranging mitigating countries and from case to case.
measures and the development of new environmentally As some of the case studies have shown, even large-scale
friendlier dredging techniques appear to increasingly help dredging operations do not always cause significant
in efforts to prevent or minimize adverse environmental impacts to seagrass beds. This may not necessarily be the
impacts on seagrasses. Estimates of the extra costs of such result of strict environmental regulations and mitigating
mitigating measures (due to longer duration and special measures, but is sometimes a direct function of local envi-
equipment needs) and/or compensation payments for dam- ronmental conditions.
age incurred by dredging contractors are difficult to obtain. Development of criteria to protect seagrasses must
It appears reasonable, however, to assume that costs acknowledge that seagrasses tolerate periods of naturally
P.L.A. Erftemeijer, R.R. Robin Lewis III / Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (2006) 1553–1572 1567

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