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TO CHECK THE ,1filfl~
lotroducti9Jl 'TICITt0 £ HADITH •
Th ,,· -
rules v.::re made by
lma-n B11kt,ari and co
trdvellcd far off_ to fin ntemporaries iMu~lim . . "dh
, Nasa,, Tirm, .1' lbn Majah and Abu Daud). Th Y
d the :ra r -;mitters. Th
nu mb er of Had 1th wa ey faced difficulty ir
checking the au th en
d" h t tha t tim e a huge
s in cir cu hti on . Th~ ~c'.ty 0 ~ ~:d ;~h ~h
(the lines of the narra s".>lution they chose v•a eir rules of lsnad
tors) ,ind Ma tn (tt-e s to t'!st the authenti 0
actu;-il text :>f Hadithl. city
Rules of ls na d {Cha
in of Na ..ra to rs t
1. Each tra ns mi tte r
mu st bE- honest ar d
wh en Im am sa w th upright. e.g. once Im
at the person was de an Bt1khara we nt to
ceiving his animal by a Mu sli m wh o kn ew
ins ide its premises, showing it an em pty a Ha dit h bu t
he ret urn ed wi tho ut basket of foo d in ord
2. Each na rra tor mu collecting ha dit h as er to ge t it
st be a strong Mu sli he con5idered him dis
3. He mu st have a go n. honest.
od rrc mo ry.
4. He should rep ort
exactly wh ?t he last
5. There should no learnt from t-is teach
non Mu ;lir r in t'1e ch e·, and no t use his 0IN
ai'l because they ma n words.
6. Each tra ns mi tte r y be biased.
mu st have knovm the
7. The firs t tra ns mi tte transmitter before him
r in ':'"e ct-ain must be and also the tran~mi
a companion of th? Ho tter after him.
8. There mu st be no ly l'ro pr et (PBIJH).
gaps O' wcakn?sses
and the re should be in the chain. Therefor;!, the
a dir ec t ar,pro.ich to riuhadc!ithun ensured
tra ns mi tte rs we re qu the ho ly Prophet (PB tha t the chain was un
estionablP. 'JH). Tr us the'/ refu~ed broken
such Ahadith whose
9. A pu bli c ev en t mu chains of
st have: mo re t ,an on
close co mp an ion of e set of narrators e.g
Ho ly P".QP_l-,et (PB UH . Ha:~1t Abu Bakr {RA
} is said to have repo }, wh o was the firs t
Pr op he t's {PBUH} na ·ted tha t Muslims kis Caliph and a
me v,a_t.J!_entioned se d the ir thu mb s wh en
companion passed on ao in the call to prayer, the Ho ly
·,tbio?- ljk1>jtjt_v1as rejec Adhan. This rep ort wa
s rejected because no
have be en ve ry pu bli ted becausfl~ Muhadd oth er
c an d f?.Q.JltheUQIDP i.t.rum_reasoned that such
Through these rules ,1nions too wo uld br.
~.e_~t!:.!!m...1:ngrm.rm an action would
Hadith was mi filf i.ll .Jt.
it int o follow ng t·tpes
• 1. Sahih, the au thc riti
c/g er uine Hadith wi
• 2. Hassan, fair, tho ut an'! de ub t n Ihe
which ta d s".>me doub ir lsnad ar d Matn.
3. Oa'if, weak, wt it' ts abou ~ the ir au1 hen·:icity.
l raise many q!.lestio
4. Ma u'd o, fabricat, ns regarding the ir au
!d, incorrect or false thenticity.
Hadith : - /-
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