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Bachelor of Engineering - Semester III

Subject Code: 3130008
Subject Name: Design Engineering – 1 A

Module 1: Understanding Design Thinking

Type of Course: Project Work

Prerequisite: Optimistic mind-set, Enthusiasm of learning new things, Unlearn yourself

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credit Examinatio Total
s n Marks
L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks
(E) (M) Viva A
(V) (I)
0 0 2 1 0 0 80 20 100


This course is meant for beginners. The course is designed to imbibe Design Thinking understanding
and mind-set for the 3rd semester students.

Objective: Understanding Design Thinking

The course aims to expose students to the basic process and framework of Design Thinking and relevant
tools & techniques for Creativity & Innovation.

Course Contents

This Course is designed to give very basic understanding of the Design Thinking methodology. In DE-
1A, student will select very basic and small, individual or team project irrespective of their branch. This
project would be from very general topic/domain like designing something for
yourself/parents/Teacher/Friends (Whole class may select single project topic or similar topic in
different small groups to have healthy competition among the class). This kind of basic project in 3rd
semester would help in understanding of Design Thinking process easily when much technicality is not
involve. In this module, student will use whole Design Thinking process as shown in fig.1 of general
guideline document to complete their projects but here the learning objective or focus would be more
on Observation or Empathy process. So students need to give more time to these phases and then reach
up to the rough prototype phase. The content is divided into week-wise activities as shown below to
better understand the course and to give enough time to all the learning aspects and students need to
follow the same but depending upon the type and nature of projects, students and guide may allocate
more/less time to the activities.

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Bachelor of Engineering - Semester III
Subject Code: 3130008
Subject Name: Design Engineering – 1 A

Design Thinking Process – with Tools & Techniques

Module 1 (DE-1A): Understanding Design Thinking

Broad segment Week Description Operational need

1 o Overview, objective and goal of this o Brief lecture/exercise

course o Hands on exercise to
o What is Design Thinking? - Its understand attributes of
importance, socio-economical relevance Design Thinking
o Design thinking to foster innovation
o Relevance of design and design thinking
in engineering
o Systematic problem identification &
problem solving approaches

Design Thinking
Introduction 2 o Domain Selection (general topic/products o Brief lecture/exercise
in 3rd semester) o Hands-on sessions with
o Team Building Exercise cases/examples
o Log book, documentation strategy – o Individual logbook is
introduction, importance, preparation required

3 o Learning tools o Brief lecture/exercise

 Design in nature/Bio-mimicry o Next week Students need to
 Design as a System approach present on the learning from
 Design as listening tool for mapping these topics
users’ unmet needs

4,5,6 o Observation: Through AEIOU framework o Students will be introduced

 Orientation to Field Work – Need for to different
field visit? observation/scouting
 What/How/Where to Observe methods in the theory session
 Ethnographic tools and its usage in class for all four weeks in
 What difference it will make if the different sessions
Empathization problem solved - partially or fully? o Then during weeks, they
Phase  Could solution be worse than the need to visit their selected
problem? domain/place for getting
 Key pain and pleasure points insights and define problems.
 Understanding of User Contexts o Minimum 4-5 field trips will
 Log book exercise be required to get better
 Analysis of Data - Mind Mapping insights on users’ needs.
o Immerse via Role Playing

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Bachelor of Engineering - Semester III
Subject Code: 3130008
Subject Name: Design Engineering – 1 A
o Interview:
 Formal and Informal interview
 Students may use Stanford methods
given in below link -

o Summary of AEIOU activity/inputs o Class as well as

o Preparation of Mind Map, Empathy Map homework/field activity

Define Phase: 7 o Secondary research/Prior art search (prior o After rigorous and systematic
art search is continuous activity and can field exercises,
Problem be used in any phase to strengthen the empathization and Secondary
Definition by idea) Research activities -student
o Group wise presentation followed by teams need to define their
secondary Discussion problem here (it can be
research ,group o Define Problem statement (format is further validate through
work and given in reference PPT on DE portal Ideation phase)
presentation o Verification of problem identified by team
through users/stakeholders

8 o Preparation of Ideation canvas o 2 hour – explanation of

 Brainstorming (What, Why, How, Ideation canvas to class
When, For Whom) o Then students will work on
 Situation/Context/Location their Ideation canvas
 Props/non-living o Ideation activities shall be
things/tools/equipment performed in class with team
 Opportunity mapping members under guidance of

Ideation Phase 9 o Combination of Ideas from Ideation o Student teams need to

canvas discuss their Ideation canvas
o Sketching of mock concepts in log book with other teams, faculty
o Design Thinking is a Convergent- guides and users and take
Divergent process feedbacks

10 o Prioritizing and finalizing Idea (After o Students team need to

group discussion and consulting with validate the final Problem &
faculty guide, student teams need to idea/concept with
select their final problem & idea for Users/Stakeholders after this
further development) activity

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Bachelor of Engineering - Semester III
Subject Code: 3130008
Subject Name: Design Engineering – 1 A

11 o Preparation of Product Development o 2 hour – explanation of

Canvas (PDC) product development canvas
 Product Experience to class
 Product Functions o Then students will work on
 Product Features their PD canvas (min 3 hour
 Components continuous workshop)
o Discussion on Product Development o Till 12th week of the course,
Canvas (PDC) Students team will discuss on
Product their PDC with other groups
Development and guide
Phase o Refinement of PDC after
12 o Customer/User Revalidation o Till 13th week of the course,
(Reject/Redesign/Retain) student team will consult the
o Refinement Users/Stakeholders for their
inputs for concept finalization
after various stages and
incorporate necessary

13 o Rough Prototype o Very early & rough prototype

o Here strategy is “to fail fast to succeed o Made up of paper, cardboard,
Proof of Concept faster” thermocol etc. whichever
material is available

14 o Upload duly signed Continuous o As per the feedback received

Assessment Card from
o Feedback, Online certificate generation Users/Stakeholders/other
Feedback & Final through DE portal student groups/guide, student
Report o Final Report teams need to modify their
design and further action
o Report writing should be
continuous activity
throughout the semester

Submissions by the end of 3rd semester shall be:

A. Process Report comprising:
a. Introduction (Describe your project in detail including domain – type, place, why and how
team selected this domain and why this domain is important in relation to Design
Thinking/Human-Centered process etc.)
b. Preparation of canvases based on different phase of Design Thinking
c. Feedback analysis with the user shall be clearly included in the report
d. Summary of findings of Prior Art Search on purpose/project theme (2 summary papers per
e. Summary of the learning from Design Thinking
f. Summary on validation process and refinement in the rough prototype
g. Any other important aspects you feel should be included
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Bachelor of Engineering - Semester III
Subject Code: 3130008
Subject Name: Design Engineering – 1 A
B. AEIOU framework
C. Mind Map
D. Empathy Map
E. Ideation Canvas
F. Product Development Canvas (PDC)
G. Rough prototype model/Conceptual Plan-Layout for process related branches
H. Individual Log Book (duly signed by faculty guide)
I. Continuous Assessment Card for Internal Evaluation (Document separately available on GTU
Note: As per the guidelines and evaluation schemes given in this document, students need to prepare
report for their projects. Separate report format will not be provided by University, students and faculty
members may create their own creative formats. However, in general guidelines document uploaded
on GTU website, there are some report format links are given which may help for report format.


The Principals/Directors of Colleges/Institutes, the Heads of Departments and GTU/Design

Engineering coordinators:

Students deserve a proper practical/ viva/project examination of the work that they have done over the
semester (or over the year for a 2-semester project). It is the responsibility of the University and
Colleges that all its examinations are conducted fairly, sincerely and with due diligence. So please
look into the following:

1. Please make proper arrangements so that all the examinations start in-time. If due to any reason,
the exam should not start at the scheduled time, please inform the examiners that they should take
extra time. But in no case the viva/ practical exam be conducted in a hurry without giving sufficient
time for evaluation of every student. If an exam is scheduled to be held over two days, please
make the necessary arrangements.

2. The University expects the Deans (and or special teams headed by the Dean or his/ her nominee)
to visit the Colleges during the practical/ viva examinations. As it came to University’s notice
that some examiners and colleges are completing viva exam in 1 or 2 hours’ time of entire class
which is not acceptable in any case and it’s immoral practice for any education institute. So all
stakeholders need to take extra care of this issue.

3. Please see that all the necessary help and information is provided to examiner. Please receive
them so that they can do their job properly without wasting their time in searching for the place
and in contacting the concerned departments and students. If they wish to visit the
laboratories/workshops, please make the necessary arrangements.

4. Please inform the examiner that he/she must note down the best 3 projects of the department and
convey the details of such projects by uploading the details of the project or/and the complete
project report on the University’s server or send it to [email protected] .

5. In case Internet or the server should not work, please provide the technical help to the examiner
for preparing a CD of the reports of the best three projects of every department and please make
arrangements to deliver the CD to the examination/BE section of the University.

PROCESS OF EVALUATION: At the ensuing 3rd semester examinations, the work of the students
in Design Engineering – 1A is to be evaluated through Internal Viva exam and the evaluation is to be
out of 80 marks. Institute may organize inter-department viva or project show case so students would
get various expert opinions to motivate them.

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Bachelor of Engineering - Semester III
Subject Code: 3130008
Subject Name: Design Engineering – 1 A
For 3rd semester, internal Viva-Voce examination will be conducted at the end of the semester by a
team of three examiners - One internal guide, one inter/own departmental faculty, one industry expert
(industry expert may be optional but recommended). Internal examiners/teachers must be trained in
Design Thinking through the FDP conducted by University.


Sr. Sub-Head
No. r Weightage

Understanding of Design Thinking methodology/ need

1.  Importance and understanding of Design Thinking for innovation,
entrepreneurship, societal solutions with various learning tools
Observation towards Empathy
2.  Field Activity/observation and outcome
 Mind Mapping - Summarization and data analysis
 Observation Technique (AEIOU Framework)
Log book (Individual completed log book, duly signed by guide regularly)

Continuous Assessment Card for Internal Evaluation (Complete and duly signed 10
by guide regularly)

Understanding of Canvases/Framework

 AEIOU, Mind Mapping 15

 Empathy mapping
 Ideation Canvas
 Product development Canvas
Design Problem Definition
 Prior art search/Secondary research
 Diachronic and Synchronic analysis
Report: Compilation of work report (process report), Online Certificate
generated through DE Portal, Future action plan, Question and Answer, 10
Communication Skill, Attitude



 Total Marks for the subject: 100 (Internal end semester viva exam – 80 & Internal
continuous evaluation – 20)
 Minimum passing marks: 40/80
 Examiner essentially needs to evaluate the learning process of the student during the semester,
not only the final outcome. As outcome is important for any project but during the student stage,
projects are intended for practical learning and “Learning by doing” is the Mantra for Design
Engineering subject (One should celebrate the failure also and learn from it to get success). So

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Bachelor of Engineering - Semester III
Subject Code: 3130008
Subject Name: Design Engineering – 1 A
please evaluate the Design Thinking process and their learning properly with giving sufficient
time for each project.
 Students need to explain all canvases prepared in hard copy to the panel of examiners.
 Power point presentation is not mandatory.

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