Subject Course Unit Title Duration
Subject Course Unit Title Duration
Subject Course Unit Title Duration
Role, range, and influence of The students will be introduced to the role of engineers in society, along with the knowledge and skills they possess. The students will
engineers in society. be exposed to problem solving, economic and global awareness, together with mathematical, scientific, and technological skills. They
will discover that engineers communicate all of this experience and understanding through reports that must be understood by those
outside of their team, and without their skills and understanding.
Unit context within Scope and
Targeted Syllabus Outcomes
Week 1 OUTCOMES: Begin with activities to activate student’s prior knowledge of engineers and -Student BYOD
Engineering P4.1, P4.2, P4.3 engineering. Example activities could focus on engineering vocabulary through -Short YouTube video with
STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT: game format (everyone standing in a circle, each person must say a word related
Practice, and examples of engineering
-Nature and range of the work of engineers to engineering, and if they can’t think of one or repeat a word they sit, winner is
Historical and from different areas.
-Historical developments of engineering last remaining) or through brainstorming (groups get post-its and write words or
Societal -Effect of engineering innovation on people’s lives phrases on separate notes, the class then collates and sorts the information). -Nature and Range of
Influence STUDENTS LEARN TO: Engineering PowerPoint
-Identify areas of engineering Teacher directed introduction to the nature and range of engineering.
-Outline historical uses and appropriateness of
-YouTube video with
materials in the design and production of engineering
Introduce the PEEL paragraph scaffold before delivering the group task. This is examples of engineering
their practice task for paragraph development.
projects through history
-Demonstrate an understanding of the historical Miniature Research task: Case study of an engineer and their impacts on history
developments of engineering
-PEEL (paragraph scaffold)
and society. Students will work in groups and spend class time researching an -Miniature Research Task
Learning intentions engineer of their choosing who has made contributions to society. (Extension
overlaps with third learning intention.)
1. To understand the nature and range of -ALARM (understanding
engineering work. Introduce the ALARM model of understanding NESA verbs, as demonstrate is
2. To understand the historical developments and
NESA verbs)
higher-order thinking than just recalling knowledge by listing.
contributions of engineers. -Changing Technology
3. To understand the effect of engineers on Teacher directed overview of changing technology throughout history. Throughout History
Success criteria -Exit slips are used to
1. I can list the engineering areas assess success criteria at
2. I can list the historical contributions of an the end of each lesson.
3. I can explain the function of engineers and list
their impacts on history.
Week/Sequence Syllabus Content / Teaching and learning strategies including assessment for learning Resources
Learning intention &
Key Concepts Success criteria
Week 2 OUTCOMES: Teacher directed introduction to the physics of gravitational force and mass. -Student BYOD
Engineering P3.1
Students interact with PHET simulation (Forces and Motion: Basics) and -Physics of Gravitational
Mechanics complete worksheet problems. Force and Mass
-Mass and force
-Scalar and vector quantities Teacher directed introduction to scalar and vector quantities, and their PowerPoint
-Simple machines: levers, inclined plane, screws,
relationship to forces. -PHET simulation (Forces
wheel and axle, pulley systems and gears
and Motion: Basics)
STUDENTS LEARN TO: Students interact with PHET simulation (Vector Addition) and complete
-Use mathematical and graphical methods to solve worksheet problems. -Scalar and Vector
problems in engineering Quantities PowerPoint
-Examine the function of simple machines Teacher directed instruction on the function of simple machines, including how -PHET simulation (Vector
levers, inclined planes, screws, wheel and axles, pulley systems and gears are
Learning intention vital to mechanical devices. Addition)
1. To understand how engineers manipulate -Function of Simple
mass and forces Machines PowerPoint
2. To understand scalar and vector quantities -PEEL (paragraph scaffold)
3. To understand simple machines and their
-ALARM (understanding
NESA verbs)
Success criteria
-Exit slips are used to
1. I can solve mass and force engineering assess success criteria at
problems using mathematical and graphical
methods. the end of each lesson.
2. I can solve scalar and vector engineering
problems using mathematical and graphical
3. I can analyse the effect and impact of simple
machines and explain their function and purpose.
Week/Sequence Syllabus Content / Teaching and learning strategies including assessment for learning Resources
Learning intention &
Key Concepts Success criteria
Success criteria
1. I can describe features of a variety of material
2. I can list material properties and explain the
reason for their selection.
3. I can describe the structure and bonding of
Week/Sequence Syllabus Content / Teaching and learning strategies including assessment for learning Resources
Learning intention &
Key Concepts Success criteria
The aim of the engineering studies syllabus is to develop knowledge and understanding, as well as appreciation for, engineering processes and methodology,
and to prepare students for future study in engineering. The purpose of this unit is to provide students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of
engineering and the work various roles that engineers perform, in addition to developing basic engineering skills. Subsequent modules will take a more
focussed look at product design and specific engineering fields, and so the overall goal of this unit is to prepare students for future units.
As is the nature of stage 6 technical and applied studies (TAS) subjects, there are no prerequisite stage 5 subjects, which will result in a wide variety of skills
and understanding of TAS processes, with Mandatory Technology having been some students’ last experience with engineered systems. However, as this
unit covers the fundamentals of engineering, it makes no assumptions that students are familiar with any of the content, teaching to the reasonably lowest
expected student understanding. Engineering studies has a wide scope, with attractive aspects for mathematically minded, creative, and inquisitive students,
however it does have a literacy focus as communication is a significant aspect of engineering work. This unit introduces the engineering report, a document
which communicates an engineer’s work across disciplines and professions, and which students will be required to produce in future units. While the unit
does not require a report, it does expect students to complete research tasks, and effectively communicate their findings through literary means. As
mentioned previously, a considerable portion of most engineering fields require competency in numeracy, and this unit introduces this with calculation tasks
centred on basic kinematics (i.e., mass and force calculations), and mathematical concepts (scalar and vector quantities), and future units will develop
This unit aims to differentiate student learning in literacy, through the implementation of scaffolding strategies, and numeracy through experimentation and
investigation with digital simulations. The literacy scaffolding [ CITATION Bru66 \l 3081 ] strategies utilised in this unit are the PEEL paragraph structure, and
the ALARM framework for responding to NESA key verbs. These strategies are intended to be taught overtly to demonstrate to students their relevancy to
fulfilling stage 6 expectations. The PEEL paragraph structure will be introduced during the lesson of the research task, before the task is delivered to students,
as a way of cementing the newly presented information [ CITATION Cos20 \l 3081 ]. This transforms the task into a formative assessment of their literacy
competency, and aids teaching staff in diagnosing literacy levels in the class. The ALARM framework is to be introduced after this task, as this is the moment
where the syllabus content statements begin to use higher-order verbs [ CITATION Mat18 \l 3081 ], in this case demonstrate. Both of these resources should
be delivered to the students for constant future reference. While this unit contains limited numeracy focus, differentiation is delivered through digital means
with the inclusion of graphical simulations. The flexibility and accessibility of these simulations allows for use by students with widely varying numeracy skills.
As mentioned in the previous sections, the ALARM framework was introduced as a strategy for scaffolding literacy in this subject. It is an essential resource
for any stage 6 student in accurately responding to key NESA verbs and has also impacted the development of this unit. The syllabus content statements
have been separated into multiple lower-order statements to enable students to build upon previous understanding, in their zone of proximal development
Engineering is a key component of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and essentially integrates understanding from the other three
components. As both a TAS subject and a STEM subject, engineering studies should be taught with either a project-based learning focus, or a problem-based
learning focus (Espey et al., 2007; Menter, 2016; Struyf et al, 2019). However, this unit implements neither. The reasoning for avoiding these teaching
strategies is due to the broad focus of the engineering fundamentals module. If this module can be covered quickly and effectively, then there is a greater
opportunity to implement project-based learning with one of the engineering focus modules by combining the project with a deliverable engineering report.
The unit uses both individual and collaborative tasks which takes advantage of the individualistic reality of stage 6 and introduces an essential part of STEM
professions. Individual tasks are essential in stage 6; not only are they mandated by NESA, but they also demonstrate individual student understanding and
development, acting as formative assessment which drives the progression of the units. However, professional engineers are not experts in every field that
their projects intersect with, and so they must work collaboratively. To authentically teach students, which increases affective engagement [ CITATION Att14 \l
As engineering studies is a TAS subject, this unit includes demonstrations, hands-on activities and practical tasks [ CITATION Fle92 \l 3081 ]. Students are
introduced to samples of various materials throughout the materials portion of unit, and attempt creating a composite and ceramics, and forming metal sheet.
However, this unit is not designed with a deliverable project or summative assessment. The intention of the unit is for teaching staff to assess student
achievement of content statements and progress with course outcomes via formative assessment. Every single lesson should involve some type of formative
assessment, which is the purpose of the exit slips, however all tasks and class discussions can be useful for formative assessment. Exit slips are designed to
directly test the success criteria of each lesson, which were developed from the syllabus content statements. The information that the teaching staff receive
from all formative assessment should determine how quickly the unit progresses through the content, and which topics require revisiting.
In conclusion, this unit aims to introduce students to the course aims of effective communication, engineering processes and methodology, and the scope of
engineering, by developing student engineering skills and understanding through individual and collaborative tasks. Tasks are presented digital, literal and
physical modes, and scaffolding strategies are used to enable students to excel in stage 6.
Attard, C. (2014). "I don't like it, I don't love it, but I do it and I don't mind" : introducing a framework for engagement with mathematics. Australian Curriculum
Costello, C. (2020, October 1). PEEL Paragraph Writing. Retrieved from Virtual Library:
Espey, E., Ogburn, T., Kalishman, S., Zsemlye, M., & Cosgrove, E. (2007). Revitalizing problem based learning: student and tutor attitudes towards a
Fleming, N. D., & Mills, C. (1992). Not Another Inventory, Rather a Catalyst for Reflection. To Improve the Academy, 11, 137-155.
Matrix Education. (2018). How to Respond to NESA Key Words to Ace Your HSC. Retrieved from Matrix Education:
Menter, I. (2016, April 18). What is a Teacher in the 21st Century and What does a 21st Century Teacher Need to Know. Retrieved from Australian
Struyf, A., De Loof, H., Boeve-de Pauw, J., & Van Petegem, P. (2019). Students' engagement in different STEM learning environments: integrated STEM
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of high psychological processes. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.