It aims to ensure that ecosystem services are protected and maintained for future
human generation. It identifies factors affected by conflicts that rise between
meeting needs and protecting resources. It is thus linked to environmental
protection and sustainability.
It inculcates moral values towards nature and learn to respect various life forms.
Human activities have made global warming and climate change a global threat. The rising
levels of CO2 andother greenhouse gases have caused an increase in average global
temperatures, extreme weather events, rising
sea levels and other negative changes. These changes are directly and indirectly affecting all
life forms. Pollution
of air, land and water through excessive deforestation, industrialization and overfilling
landfills which emits CO2
and adds to greenhouse gas emissions are all topmost causes of these environmental issues.
Rapid urban development, improper sewage disposal by industries, oil spills, disposal of
chemical and radioactive
wastes, and plastic pollution are some of the major causes of water pollution. Today, water
scarcity and polluted
water are posing a big threat to the human existence across many nations of the world.
Biodiversity helps maintain the balance of the ecosystem and provides biological resources
which are crucial for
our existence. Habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, secondary extinction and
introduced species are a
few ways in which humans are wreaking havoc on the biodiversity of this planet.
As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the amount of waste that people
produce. Plastic waste and
e-waste is affecting the whole earth, including mankind, wildlife, and aquatic life. It is
spreading like a disease
which has no cure. We all must realize the harmful impact it has on our lives and
Improve waste compaction in landfills with smart technology like stationary compactors
which helps free up
space for other constructive uses. It comes in varying capacities and configurations for
handling different
volumes of trash.
Government should create and implement stricter policies and laws related to conservation
of biodiversity.
Expand the network which monitors the measuring of acidity levels to provide researchers
and shellfish
farmers with long-term and real-time pH data.
Awareness and adaption are two key steps towards conserving this boon called
environment. Each one of us can
and should do their bit to curb the effects of these environmental issues and ensure that our
generations have a healthy planet to live.
Implementing recycling habits into your daily life is one of the most effective ways to help
landfill waste, conserve natural resources, save habitats, reduce pollution, cut down on
energy consumption,
and slow down global warming.
Solid wastes: wastes in solid forms, domestic, commercial and
industrial wastes
plastics, styrofoam containers, bottles,
cans, papers, scrap iron, and other trash
Hazardous wastes
Municipal Solid wastes: Solid wastes that include household garbage, rubbish,
construction & demolition debris, sanitation residues, packaging materials, trade
refuges etc. are managed by any municipality.
Fishery wastes: Wastes generated due to fishery activities. These are extensively
found in coastal & estuarine areas.
wastes, which may spread on land and can cause changes in physico-
chemical and biological characteristics thereby affecting productivity
of paper will reduce cutting of trees for making fresh paper. Reuse of
metals will reduce mining and melting of ores for recovery of metals
from ores and prevent pollution.
For discarding wastes the following methods can be adopted:
(i) Sanitary landfill: In a sanitary landfill, garbage is spread out
in thin layers, compacted and covered with clay or plastic foam.
In the modern landfills the bottom is covered with an impermeable
liner, usually several layers of clay, thick plastic and sand. The liner
protects the ground water from being contaminated due to percolation
of leachate. Leachate from bottom is pumped and sent for treatment.
When landfill is full it is covered with clay, sand, gravel and top soil to
prevent seepage of water. Several wells are drilled near the landfill site
to monitor if any leakage is contaminating ground water. Methane
produced by anaerobic decomposition is collected and burnt to produce
electricity or heat.
(ii) Composting: Due to shortage of space for landfill in bigger
cities, the biodegradable yard waste (kept separate from the municipal
waste) is allowed to degrade or decompose in an oxygen rich medium.
A good quality nutrient rich and environmental friendly manure is
formed which improves the soil conditions and fertility.
(iii) Incineration: Incinerators are burning plants capable of
burning a large amount of materials at high temperature. The initial
cost is very high. During incineration high levels of dioxins, furans,
lead and cadmium may be emitted with the fly ash of incinerator. Dioxin
level may reach many times more than in the ambient environment.
For incineration of materials, it is better to remove batteries containing
heavy metals and plastic containing chlorine before burning the
material. Prior removal of plastics will reduce emissions of dioxins and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Industrial wastes: Liquid and solid wastes that are generated by manufacturing &
processing units of various industries like chemical, petroleum, coal, metal gas,
sanitary & paper etc.