Chapter One (1) 1.1 What Does by Mean Wastes?

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1.1 What does by mean wastes?
Waste (or wastes) is unwanted or unusable materials. Waste is any substance which is discarded
after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use.

A by-product by contrast is a joint product of relatively minor economic value. A waste product
may become a by-product, joint product or resource through an invention that raises a waste
product's value above zero.

Examples include municipal solid waste (household trash/refuse), hazardous

waste, wastewater (such as sewage, which contains bodily wastes (feces and urine) and surface
runoff), radioactive waste, and others.

We can say that waste is a substance or an object that the person who has produced it, wants to
get rid of.

In nature, the concept of waste does not exist. In fact, in biological cycles whatever is discarded
by one organism becomes a resource for other living beings so that nothing is wasted and
everything is transformed. Dead organisms, animal fasces, or plant remains are defined organic
waste and are used as food for particular organisms known as decomposers that transform the
waste products of other living beings

1.1.1 Types of wastes

Waste can be classified into five types of waste which is all commonly found around the house.
These include
 liquid waste
 solid rubbish
 organic waste
 recyclable rubbish
 Hazardous waste.

Generally looking the above mentioned types of wastes are inclusive to each other means one
type can included under another type.
1.1.2 Sources of wastes

 Municipal sources includes hotels house hold market offices etc

 Medical or clinical includes hospitals clinics and health centers
 Agricultural includes wastes from agricultural activities
 Industrial sources
 Constructional
 electronic

1.2 What is food waste disposal?

Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby
releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste is difficult to treat or recycle since it
contains high levels of sodium salt and moisture, and is mixed with other waste during
collection. Major generators of food wastes include hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, residential
blocks, cafeterias, airline caterers, food processing industries, etc.

Food waste is one of the single largest constituent of municipal solid waste stream. Diversion of
food waste from landfills can provide significant contribution towards climate change mitigation,
apart from generating revenues and creating employment opportunities. Rising energy prices and
increasing environmental pollution makes it more important to harness renewable energy from
food wastes. Anaerobic digestion technology is widely available worldwide and successful
projects are already in place in several European as well as Asian countries which makes it
imperative on waste generators and environmental agencies in USA to strive for a sustainable
food waste management system.

1.2.1 Properties of food wastes

The typical characteristics of household food waste are high moisture content, high content of
organic components, salt, UN pleasant smell and low calorific value.
1.3 environmental impacts of food wastes

Most uneaten food ends up in the dump. When food waste decomposes in a landfill without
oxygen, this creates an anaerobic sequence that produces the methane, which is approximately
20 times more harmful to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. This in turn contributes to the
destruction of the ozone layer, which can lead to higher temperatures around the globe.

Another dangerous outcome of so much food being dumped into landfills is the amount of
groundwater pollution it creates. When it rains on landfills, the water allows for toxic chemicals,
such as ammonia, to develop. These chemicals can leach into drinking water supplies and could
also reach bodies of water such as lakes or rivers, killing the living organisms that inhabit those
environments. Both groundwater and surface water are highly polluted when in close distance
from a landfill.

Just living near a landfill can cause harm to humans due to air pollution that has been linked to
respiratory diseases and even types of cancer. This is due to the fact that gases produced from a
landfill do not stay complacent, as they are able to find their way into homes and businesses in
the surrounding area. Due to the massive amounts of waste that is left there, landfills have also
been known to ignite large fires. This further allows for dangerous chemicals to fill the air and
pollute bodies of water. Wildlife such as birds and mammals that scavenge for food at the dump
are also at risk.

Additionally, 25% of all freshwater in the United States is used to cultivate food that is just going
to be thrown away. A pound of wheat flour, for example, contains 12% water, apples contain
81% water, while meat needs 8 to 10 times more water than wheat flour. A single burger takes
up 660 gallons of water to be produced. From the immense amounts of water being used in food
that we eat every day, correspondingly immense amounts of water are being wasted from the
food we throw out.

2 Review on food wastes and controlling actions

Managing waste can be challenging for industrial, commercial and institutional sectors.
Organizations must deal with a wide variety of materials, large volumes of waste, and behaviors
of many customers, visitors, and/or students from within and outside of the province. There is no
one action that will best fit the needs of all ICI sector organizations. However, a strategic solid
waste resource management planning approach will help to define solid solutions. Integrated
waste resource management planning enables organizations to create a comprehensive strategy
that can remain flexible in light of changing economic, social, material (products and packaging)
and environmental conditions.

The literature review focuses on surveying information pertaining to existing waste management
methodologies, policies, and research relevant to the ICI sector in Nova Scotia. Information was
sourced from peer-reviewed academic literature, grey literature, publicly available waste
management plans, and through consultation with waste management professionals. Literature
pertaining to C&D and municipal solid waste minimization, auditing and management were
searched for through online journal databases, particularly Web of Science, and Science Direct.
Legislation pertaining to waste management in Nova Scotia, and in Canada, was also researched
using the Canlii database. Additional information was obtained from grey literature and
textbooks pertaining to waste management topics.

Waste Streams

Municipal solid wastes (MSW) is often described as the waste that is produced from residential
and industrial (non-process wastes), commercial and institutional sources with the exception of
hazardous and universal wastes, construction and demolition wastes, and liquid wastes (water,
wastewater, industrial processes) (Tchobanoglous & Kreith, 2002).

In Nova Scotia, MSW is defined through the Solid Waste-Resource Management Regulations
(1996) which state that MSW “...includes garbage, refuse, sludge, rubbish, tailings, debris, litter
and other discarded materials resulting from residential, commercial, institutional and industrial
activities which are commonly accepted at a municipal solid waste management facility, but
excludes wastes from industrial activities regulated by an approval issued under the Nova Scotia
Environment Act” (SWRMR, 1996). Materials which are organic or recyclable are excluded
from this definition, and so MSW in Nova Scotia is significantly different from that in many
other jurisdictions. This definition of MSW works together with a legislated landfill ban which
prohibits certain materials from landfill (Appendix C) to ensure that only certain materials are
entering landfills. Banned materials cannot be disposed of and are processed through alternative
methods (SWRM, 1996); typically recycling, reuse, or composting. The designation of materials
into specific categories such as organics, recyclables, and garbage can differ by region, therefore
organizations must ensure that waste is separated according to local area by-laws. Construction
and demolition (C&D) waste consists of materials which are normally produced as a result of
construction, demolition, or renovation projects and can be a significant source of waste for all
organizations in the ICI sector. According to the Nova Scotia Solid Waste-Resource
Management Regulations (1996), C&D waste/debris “includes, but is not limited to, soil, asphalt,
brick, mortar, drywall, plaster, cellulose, fibreglass fibres, gyproc, lumber, wood, asphalt
shingles, and metals” . Hazardous wastes are substances which are potentially hazardous to
human health and/or the environment. As such, they typically require special disposal techniques
to eliminate or reduce the hazards they pose (Meakin, 1992). Hazardous wastes are handled
differently across different provinces; 4 however, many provinces, including Nova Scotia, have
adopted the federal Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations to manage hazardous
wastes. Hazardous wastes are typically classified by product type; however, it is important to
consider that material properties and concentrations can impact the dangers and risks posed by
certain materials (N. P. Cheremisinoff & P. N. Cheremisinoff, 1995). Knowledge of the
properties of certain materials and products is essential, but information on impurities, trace
materials, and intermediate by-products may also be needed since they can be potentially
hazardous in certain quantities or forms.

Integrated Waste Management

Waste management methods cannot be uniform across regions and sectors because individual
waste management methods cannot deal with all potential waste materials in a sustainable
manner (Staniškis, 2005). Conditions vary; therefore, procedures must also vary accordingly to
ensure that these conditions can be successfully met. Waste management systems must remain
flexible in light of changing economic, environmental and social conditions (McDougall et al.,
2001; Scharfe, 2010). In most cases, waste management is carried out by a number of processes,
many of which are closely interrelated; therefore it is logical to design holistic waste
management systems, rather than alternative and competing options (Staniškis, 2005). A variety
of approaches have been developed to tackle waste issues. A well designed framework can help
managers address waste management issues in a cost--effective and timely manner. It can spur
the improvements of existing plans or aid in the design of new ones (USEPA, 1995). A waste
management framework provides:

 Flexibility to frame and analyze quantitative and qualitative information across different
 Structure to clearly identify key goals and values
 Logic to consider the potential probability and consequences related to a particular
 Communicability to clearly communicate key ideas to key stakeholders (Owen, 2003).

Integrated waste management (IWM) has emerged as a holistic approach to managing waste by
combining and applying a range of suitable techniques, technologies and management programs
to achieve specific objectives and goals (McDougall et al., 2001; Tchobanoglous & Kreith,
2002). The concept of IWM arose out of recognition that waste management systems are
comprised of several interconnected systems and functions, and has come to be known as “a
framework of reference for designing and implementing new waste management systems and for
analyzing and optimizing existing systems” (UNEP, 1996). Just as there is no individual waste
management method which is suitable for processing all waste in a sustainable manner, there is
no perfect IWM system (McDougall et al., 2001). Individual IWM systems will vary across
regions and organizations, but there are some key features which characterize IWM

Waste Diversion & Waste Minimization

The three R’s are commonly used terms in waste management; they stand for “reduce, reuse,
and recycle”. As waste generation rates have risen, processing costs increased, and available
landfill space decreased, the three R`s have become a central tenet in sustainable waste
management efforts (ElHaggar, 2007; Seadon, 2006; Suttibak & Nitivattananon, 2008; Tudor et
al., 2011). The concept of waste reduction, or waste minimization, involves redesigning products
or changing societal patterns of consumption, use, and waste generation to prevent the creation
of waste and minimize the toxicity of waste that is produced (USEPA, 1995). Common examples
of waste reduction include using a reusable coffee mug instead of a disposable one, reducing
product packaging, and buying durable products which can be repaired rather than replaced.
Reduction can also be achieved in many cases through reducing consumption of products, goods,
and services. The most effective way to reduce waste is by not creating it in the first place, and
so reduction is placed at the top of waste hierarchies (USEPA, 2010). In many instances,
reduction can be achieved through the reuse of products. Efforts to take action to reduce waste
before waste is actually produced can also be termed pre-cycling (HRM, 2010). It is sometimes
possible to use a product more than once in its same form for the same purpose; this is known as
reuse (USEPA, 1995). Examples include using single-sided paper for notes, reusing disposable
shopping bags, or using boxes as storage containers (UC Davis, 2008). Reusing products
displaces the need to buy other products thus preventing the generation of waste. Minimizing
waste through reduction and reuse offers several advantages including: saving the use of natural
resources to form new products and the wastes produced in the manufacturing processes;
reducing waste generated from product disposal; and reducing costs associated with waste
disposal (USEPA, 2010). Not all waste products can be displaced and even reusable products
will eventually need to be replaced. It is inevitable that waste will be created as a by-product of
daily human living (Kim, 2002), but in many cases it is possible for this waste to be diverted and
recycled into valuable new materials. Glass, plastic and paper products are commonly collected
and reformed into new materials and products. Recycling products offer many of the benefits of
waste reduction efforts (displacing new material usage, reducing waste generated and the costs
associated with disposal) but recycling requires energy and the input of some new materials, thus
placing it lower on the waste hierarchy than reduction and reuse (UC Davis, 2008; USEPA,
2010). Many waste management frameworks seek to incorporate the three R’s in some capacity.
In the UK, North America, throughout Europe and in parts of Asia, waste hierarchies are being
incorporated which promote the adoption and use of “reduce, reuse and recycle” initiatives
(Allwood et al., 2010). Waste management hierarchies (Figure 1) place the highest priority on
waste prevention, reuse, and then waste recovery. Disposing materials in a landfill is the least
desirable of the options (ECOTEC, 2000)

In some instances, additional R`s can be added to the basic three. Some organizations have
chosen to add a fourth R (Concordia University, n.d.; FNQLSDI, 2008; UC Davis, 2008; U of T,
2008). The fourth R can represent different words including re buy (UC Davis, 2008), rethink
(Concordia University, n.d.; U of T, 2008), and recover (FNQLSDI, 2008). The concept of re
buy refers to consumer purchasing decisions. Consumers have the ability to take steps to
improve waste management by helping to close the loop in waste management systems by
purchasing products which have been recycled or used (UC Davis, 2008). Rethink is added to the
three R’s by some because changing our behavior and our actions can lead to improvements in
waste management. Changing consumption patterns and considering the impacts of our actions
can lead to decreased production of waste, and even a reduction in waste management and waste
minimization efforts (Concordia University, n.d.). Recover can refer to methods which use and
process waste so that it is used rather than disposed of (which would include reuse and
recycling); however, it can also include recovering energy form waste before it is disposed.
Waste can be processed into a fuel and used to produce a usable form of energy (FNQLSDI,
2008). Examples include incinerating waste to generate electricity, breaking waste down with
(high temperature) plasmolysis to produce usable sources of fuel, or breaking down organic
matter with anaerobic digestion to produce biogas. These additional concepts do not need to be
limited to 4 R’s. El-Haggar (2007) proposes that to achieve sustainable waste management, a 7R
methodology should be adopted: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, 10 Recover, Rethinking, Renovation,
and Regulation. Renovation refers to taking action to develop innovative ways to process waste,
while regulation is added in recognition that it is a driving force behind ensuring the
implementation of responsible waste management practices (El-Haggar, 2007)

There are many key concepts which may be used to help structure a waste management plan.
There are similarities and overlap between these different concepts, and each has their strengths
and weaknesses, but the suitability of any given option must be assessed and determined by the
responsible decisionmakers.

Zero Waste
Zero waste refers to waste management and planning approaches which emphasize waste
prevention as opposed to end of pipe waste management (Snow & Dickinson, 2001; Spiegelman,
2006). Zero waste encompasses more than eliminating waste through recycling and reuse; it
focuses on restructuring production and distribution systems to reduce waste (C.Y. Young et al.,
2010). An important consideration of the zero waste philosophy is that it is more of a goal, or
ideal rather than a hard target. Even if it is not possible to completely eliminate waste due to
physical constraints or prohibitive costs, zero waste provides guiding principles for continually
working towards eliminating wastes (Snow & Dickinson, 2001) and there are many successful
cases around the world which resulted from the implementation of the zero waste philosophy
(Townend, 2010). The zero waste philosophy has been adopted as a guiding principle by several
governmental organizations as well as industries (Snow & Dickinson, 2001; Townend, 2010).
Because the focus of zero waste is on eliminating waste from the outset, it requires heavy
involvement primarily from industry and government since they are presented with many
advantages over individual citizens. In fact, zero waste will not be possible without significant
efforts and actions from industry and government (Connett & Sheehan, 2001). Industry has
control over product and packaging design, manufacturing processes, and material selection
(Townend, 2010). Meanwhile, governments have the ability to form policy and provide subsidies
for better product manufacturing, design and sale; and the ability to develop and adopt
comprehensive waste management strategies which seek to eliminate waste rather than manage it
(Snow & Dickinson, 2001). Due to the heavy involvement of industry in eliminating waste,
extended producer responsibility is often an essential component of zero waste strategies
(Spiegelman, 2006).


An eco-efficiency framework focuses on integrating environmental and economic dimensions of

certain developments, activities or processes (Hellweg et al., 2005), encouraging the creation of
value with less impact (WBCSD, 2000). Eco-efficiency is not a specific framework or
management system that can be used to manage waste (WBCSD, 2000). It is a management
philosophy that can be used in conjunction with other frameworks to measure environmental and
economic performance (Hellweg et al., 2005), showing how economic activity deals with nature
(Schoer & Seibel, 2002). Eco-efficiency can be described mathematically as:
Eco-efficiency = value added / environmental impact….(Bohne et al., 2008)

The concept of eco-efficiency has 3 broad objectives: reducing the consumption of resources by
minimizing material inputs and ensuring closing materials loops; reducing environmental impact
by minimizing pollution and fostering the sustainable use of resources; and increasing the value
of products and services by offering products which meet consumer needs while requiring fewer
materials and resources (WBCSD, 2000a). There are indicators which can be used to help
measure eco-efficiency. Indicators will generally fall into one of two categories: economic
performance or environmental influence. Some of the more generally applicable indicators
pertaining to economic performance include product quantities, sales and net profits. Indicators
pertaining to environmental influence include energy consumption, material 14 consumption,
water consumption, ozone depleting substances emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions and
total waste produced, waste to landfill, waste to incineration, and packaging amounts (WBCSD,
2000b). Applying eco-efficiency to waste management systems requires special considerations
because the applicability of eco-efficiency indicators, traditionally described by the ratio of
economic value added to environmental impact added, is limited with regard to end-of-pipe
treatment technologies and processes. End-of-pipe technologies are designed to remove or
manage pollutants after they have been created, and typically occur at the last step of a process
with no financial benefit to be expected. To deal with the challenges presented by these types of
technologies, Hellweg et al. (2005) propose using a measurement of environmental cost
efficiency (ECE) to more accurately describe the environmental benefits gained per additional
costs involved. ECE indicators measure the environmental benefits of a given technology over
another per additional unit of cost. Ultimately, the specific indicators being used in an eco-
efficiency centered framework will be determined on a project-by-project basis and will vary
according to the data available and the nature of the materials and processes being examined
(Schoer & Seibel, 2002).

2.1 Mechanisms for food waste management

Redistribution for Human Consumption

Redistribution for human consumption is the optimal alternative, as food is used to feed people.
Agreements with charities and food banks help to distribute surplus food to those in need.
Products must be edible, eatable and processed, as defined in the previous section. It must be
noted that processed does not necessarily mean that the final product was fully processed as
initially planned by the food business, e.g. surplus potatoes for the preparation of chips for ready
meals can be redistributed if they are fit for human consumption and distribution (for example,
they have not been peeled yet) and comply with regulations. In this case the potatoes are defined
as processed because they are as sold to final consumers. The European legislation redistribution
for human consumption must meet is the General Food Law (The European Parliament and the
Council of the European Union: Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 28 January 2002 (2002)) the Food Hygiene Package [The European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union: Corrigendum to Regulation (EC) No
853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific
hygiene rules for food of animal origin. Off. J. Eur. Union. L 226/22–82 (2004)], the
Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 [The European Parliament and the Council of the European
Union: Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25
October 2011. Off. J. Eur. Union. L 304/18–63 (2011 [46], as explained by O’Connor et al.
[O’Connor, C., Gheoldus, M., Jan, O.: Comparative Study on EU Member States’ legislation
and practices on food donation, Final report (2014)]. An extensive study of the situation of food
banks and food donation in the UK was carried out by Downing et al. [Downing, E., Kennedy,
S., Fell, M.: Food Banks and Food Poverty. House of Commons Library. SN06657. Libr.
House Commons. (2014)].

Animal Feeding

This is the best alternative for foods which are not fit for human consumption but are suitable for
animal feeding. In this category only farmed animals are considered (e.g. cattle, swine, sheep,
poultry and fish). Pets, non-ruminant zoo animals, etc. are excluded, following guidelines
explained in [ Supplying and using animal by-products as farm animal feed. Accessed
November 2015] In order to be used for animal feeding, products must either be eatable or
uneatable for humans but eatable for animals, unpackaged or separable from packaging, and non-
catering waste. Inedible, plant based, single product, non-catering waste can be used for animal
feeding depending on the type of waste. This particular case must be assessed for each type of
waste independently. When the product is mixed, it must be either not in contact with or
containing meat, by-products from animal bodies or raw eggs if it is eatable, or not in contact
with or containing animal-based products if it is inedible or uneatable for humans but eatable for
animals. Mixed waste containing animal products from manufacturers is suitable for animal
feeding when the animal product is not the main ingredient. Meat (or plant-based products
containing meat) cannot be sent for animal feeding. Eggs and egg products (or plant-based
products containing them) must come from the agricultural or manufacturing stage when used
for animal feeding and must follow specific treatments. Milk and dairy products can be used for
animal feeding if they are processed (the processing needed is similar to that for human
consumption), or unprocessed under UK rules if the farm is a registered milk processing
establishment. Inedible, animal based, category 3 waste can also be used for animal feeding only
under the conditions listed in the FWMDT According to European regulations, all types of
category 3 animal by-products can be used in animal feed except hides, skins, hooves, feathers,
wool, horns, hair, fur, adipose tissue and catering waste. Nevertheless the UK regulation is
stricter than European regulations and this has been incorporated into the FWMDT. It must be
noted that technically some category 3 animal by-products are edible, but they are not intended
for human consumption. In any case, they must be not spoiled in order to be usable for animal
feeding, and in most cases they must be processed following specific requirements before being
used. If a waste contains different categories of animal by-products, it must be treated following
the requirements of the material with the highest risk (category 1: highest risk, category 3: lowest
risk). The following sources have been used to develop the FWMDT and must be consulted
when using animal by-products in animal feeds: European regulations [The European
Comission: Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 of 25 February 2011. Off. J. Eur.
Union. L 54, 1–254 (2011)] and UK legislation [The Secretary of State: The Animal By-
Products (Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2013. Statut. Instruments (2013)]. Useful
guidance information on this matter in the UK can be found Further information on additional
legislation that applies to work with animal by-products can be found for milk products. Eggs
must be treated in a processing facility under national rules [ How to operate an animal
by-product (ABP) processing facility. . Accessed November 2015]
Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion can be used with all types of food waste except animal by-products category
1 and packaged waste (i.e. non-separable from packaging) in a non-biodegradable packaging.
The animal by-products category 3 must be pasteurised; the particle size of animal by-products
category 2 must be 50 mm or smaller, and its core must have reached a temperature of 133 °C for
at least 20 min without interruption at an absolute pressure of at least 3 bar [ Using
animal by-products at compost and biogas sites. Accessed December 2015]. Anaerobic
digestion plants in the UK must comply with regulations with regard to environmental
protection, animal by-products, duty of care, health and safety and waste handling (more
information about the different legal requirements can be found in [ Regulation].


The types of material suitable for composting are the same as for anaerobic digestion: all food
waste except animal by-products category 1 and packaged waste (i.e. non-separable from
packaging) in non-biodegradable packaging. Animal by-products category 2 can be composted if
processed according to regulation [The Secretary of State: The Animal By-Products
(Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2013. Statut. Instruments (2013)]. Composting must be
carried out in closed vessels (in-vessel composting) if the waste contains or has been in contact
with any animal-based material [Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP): Applying the
waste hierarchy: a guide to business (2011)], as it can attract vermin. Further guidance for the
composting of waste can be found in [Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP): Quality
Protocol. Compost. End of waste criteria for the production and use of quality compost from
source-segregated biodegradable waste].

Thermal Treatment with Energy Recovery

This alternative can be applied to every type of food waste; nevertheless its use must be
minimized as it provides small benefit compared to the impacts generated. Additionally, a great
quantity of energy is needed to treat food waste due to its mainly high water content, and
therefore this alternative may be useful and give an energy return on investment when treating
dry food wastes (e.g. bread and pastries) or food waste mixed with other materials, such as in
municipal solid waste. Thermal treatments with energy recovery, which includes incineration,
pyrolysis and gasification, is the only alternative available to treat packaged food (non-separable
from packaging) in non-biodegradable packaging, except the cases when the product is also
edible, eatable and processed, and therefore can be redistributed for human consumption. As this
type of waste is the final packaged product it will usually be generated in the last stages of the
supply chain, particularly at retailing and consumer level (municipal solid waste). Thermal
treatments with energy recovery are also the most appropriate alternative to treat animal by-
products category 1, and in some cases, it is also necessary to process by pressure sterilization
Useful information on incineration of municipal solid waste can be found on technologies and
emissions from waste incineration in the Best Available Techniques for Waste Incineration
[European Commission: Reference document on the Best Available Techniques for Waste
Incineration. Integr. Pollut. Prev. Control. (2006)].

2.2 advantages of food wastes management

Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers our carbon footprint. Conserves energy
and resources, preventing pollution involved in the growing, manufacturing,
transporting,selling food (not to mention hauling the food waste and then putting it landfill).
In the future, U.S. EPA plans to release a Wasted Food and Other Organics Disposal (FOOD)
mapping tool which will support local actors in the United States with specific geospatial
information they can use to identify opportunities to decrease the amount of food going to
landfills. The Wasted FOOD mapping tool will be national in scope, making it easier to identify
sources of wasted food and facilities to manage it across state lines. In the meantime, U.S. EPA
offers tools for those charged with making decisions about managing waste streams at the local
level, to support them as they develop plans for less waste.
Preventing food from being wasted has benefits in boosting the availability of food locally and
resilience, reducing costs and land used to dispose of food waste, and avoiding greenhouse gas
emissions, particularly methane.

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